Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Yea well, hospital beds aren’t comfortable. I refuse to have my first time with human perfection, be in a hospital bed, no matter how amazing and good the bed is, it’s still a medical bed.”Tony huffed making a face even as he blushed at the teasing. Knowing he was being ridiculous with the romantic thing. Biting his lip a little as he looked up, studying the other for a moment, before nodding a little. “Oh.okay.”he muttered kissing the other back, realizing that yes, steve had just been teasing before grinning at the other’s confusion. Heh. Well. This was going to be good if he’d never had a blowjob before. Grinning around the other’s cock as steve cursed, he smirked as he started humming the star spangled banner, wondering just how long steve would be able to hold out.
he chuckled and shook his head. "okay, your right on that one." he agreed with a smile. "very correct." he agreed. "especially since i might melt said bed while we're fucking." he admitted. "we should probably find a way to fix that before we fuck." he agreed. "fuck! Tony you fucking asshole don't hum that! son of a bitch!" he moaned, arching against the other, unable to help it. the other was a menace but fuck if those vibrations didn't feel like heaven. "Sing something from ACDC!" he ordered, gasping as he struggled to contain himself. but it had been so, so long since he'd even touched himself, and he was blushing hard as he realized it was too late, he was undone and cumming hard. "...god damn i've never come that early before. you and your goddamn mouth, always getting under my skin." he groaned, shaking his head. "get up here and lay down it's my turn!" he growled. never mind that he'd never sucked cock before he fully intended to try!
“I’m always right.”Tony snickered a little before laughing. “Hmmm, yea. Probably should fix that first.”He smirked a little before laughing around the other as he was cussed at, even if he refused to change songs, groaning as he swallowed down the cum, raising his head as he wiped his mouth, smirking at the other a little. “You like my mouth, and I enjoy touching your skin.”He smirked a little before raising a eyebrow as he shifted, laying down next to the other, “Are you sure?I mean, you are still recovering. I had intended on just making you feel better.”Tony said smiling a little, despite being a man who loved sex, he wasn’t totally selfish or self absorbed, he could look after other people even if it meant a case of blue balls.
Steve snorted. "your rarely right." he corrected. "i'm sure you'll think of something, your a genius after all." he admitted with a smile before writhing under Tony, fighting not to squeeze too hard with his hands. "i do like your mouth." he admitted with a sigh. "and i like it when you touch me." he admitted. "and yes i'm sure. god i've wanted your dick in my mouth for ever!" he admitted before hesitating once he had Tony on his back. "just. don't thrust okay? and warn me before you cum. i've never done this before." he admitted. he was going for it before Tony could even reply, sucking Tony's cock into his mouth and promptly choking on it. he pulled back, took a breath and tried again. and again, and again, and then he had it. relaxing his throat and sucking and swallowing in tandem. it took him a few more times to get the rocking motion down, but Steve had always been a quick, very quick study.
“Good. Cause I like touching you.”Tony blushed a little before laughing at the other, “I’m making that sentence, my new ringtone for when you call me. That was awesome.”Tony grinned, looking utterly amused at the other’s words before swallowing hard, nodding. “Okay. And I will.”He promised, smiling quietly as he gently petted the other’s hair, sighing quietly as he watched the other, “You’re okay.It’s okay.”he muttered shuddering a little, fingers flexing in the other’s hair, careful not to thrust or move, not wanting to hurt him, tugging on blond strands he growled. “G-gonna come, Stevie.”he muttered whimpering quietly as he squirmed.
Steve smiled. "i like touching you too." he admitted before snorting. "don't you DARE Tony Stark!" he warned. "or i'll spread the rumor that you wear ladies panties under your iron man suit." no matter that HE was the one who wore ladies panties under his captain America suit. or his jeans. anywhere really except to bed. he was just glad he had worn boxers to the Ellen gig, just in case. when Tony growled that he was cumming Steve hesitated, not sure what to do before he went for it, taking Tony as deep as he could go and swallowing as best as he could. he sputtered anyway and pulled back and flushed as cum painted his face, but he'd tried at least. "i was right. that was just as awesome as i'd always imagined it." he admitted as he flopped onto the bed and cursed when it collapsed, leaving them laying on scraps of rust and fabric on top of the wood frame. "son of a bitch!"
“...I could totally wear ladies underwear if you want.”Tony grinned, utterly unembarassed and amused as he watched the other, moaning as he watched the other swallowed, flushed and panting as he leaned in, gently licking him clean. “Hmmm, that was amazing.”he muttered stealing a kiss before yelping as it collapsed, whimpering as he hit the floor. Whining a little as he laid back on the floor.”Damn.Come on soldier boy, we better get you in another bed, and get some rest.”he said with a lazy smile as he got up, grinning as bruce walked in.”Hey, brucie-bear. The patient is feeling good.”he grinned at the doctor, utterly shameless in being naked as he got up.
Steve blushed hard and ducked his head, mumbling something before looking startled as Tony licked him. "Tony. you shouldn't. that came from your own body isn't that gross?" Steve asked, looking startled but not actually trying to push the other away. "shit! Tony are you okay?" Steve asked, blinking and yelping as the bed frame dissolved too. "fuck... that one hurt..." he groaned before yelping as Bruce came in, yanking his boxers up, only to start cursing as those started to dissolve too. Bruce just couldn't help it, he bent in two he was laughing so hard. "you guys... are NOT... supposed to... be... doing stuff like that!" Bruce tried to chastise, despite laughing. "on the plus side, i think i have a way to fix your problem." Bruce admitted once he was calm. "they are only a prototype, but they're made from a bio-molecular living organic." "huh?" "they're made of a material that's not unlike yeast or mold pressed into the shape of a glove and held in place using certain techniques." Bruce explained. "...they look like spandex." Steve admitted as he pulled on the ink black gloves that did indeed glitter like spandex. they did not dissolve. "now, you may or may not get a rash, they may or may not turn your hands purple, they may shrink and they might die and for all i know they might mutate so if you feel anything odd, at all get me immediately." "uh. yeah. sure... why purple?" "well it's the color of their... feces, for lack of a better word." "...the gloves are pooping on me?" "it's mostly a gas." "...yay."
“So?I swallowed what came out of your body. This isn’t any worse.”He looked amused as he tilted his head a little before nodding, gingerly making sure he was okay. “Yea. I’m fine. A little sore though.”He said smiling a little smirking at bruce, “Well, tell that to Steamy McHotpants, he undressed me!”Tony protested like he was so so innocent, before looking interesting. “Really?”He said looking at the gloves before smiling at steve a little, “Hm, but it’ll come off your hands, and you wont have to worry about destroying everything until I find a better solution. And you wont be ruining Aliyah’s clothes when she comes in here for hugs. That’s worth a little farting isn’t it?”Tony teased a little, smiling softly as he leaned over for a kiss. “Come on. Bed then see to Aliyah.”
he blinked a little and then wrinkled his nose. "yeah that was kind of gross too." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yeah hitting the ground kind of hurt. at least i didn't melt the floor. there seams to be a limit to how much i can at one time." he admitted, examining the bed frame, which had only melted a big hole that Steve had fallen through. "it's a temporary solution." Bruce admitted. "this is originally my idea for a replacement skin graft." Bruce admitted. "as you can see it didn't work as planned but it works rather well for this situation. i'm going to keep fine tuning it, one of the X-men, Rouge, can't have physical contact with anyone because of her mutant powers. if i make it just right, she'll be able to touch, feel it, but have the physical barrier to protect the person touching her." Bruce admitted, looking pleased. Steve just smiled. "yeah, it is kind of worth it." he admitted. "and i barely notice the gloves anyway." he admitted. "let's see Aliyah first." Steve ordered. "once i get dressed i mean."
“Which is a good thing. Cause falling all the way through to the lab, would have sucked.”Tony said snickering a little before sighing softly. “It’d still be a fairly good skin graft, for the people without johnny’s unique ablilities.”Tony pointed out before nodding. “She’d be a good one to try these out.”He said smiling a little before grinning. “Dressed then aliyah.”he agreed before walking out, returning in a few minutes with the clothes from his lab, tossing the jeans and t-shirt to the other before pulling on his own clothes. “Come on.”he said smiling a little as they headed upstairs. “Papa!Daddy!Papa said you were okay?”Aliyah ran up to steve, looking at him anxiously, definitely time to see Bruce, her abandonment issues leaving her off center with the two men in her life in such a upset state of trying to figure out things.
Steve smiled and nodded. "that would have sucked." he agreed. "and once i get control that should stop happening right?" he asked, looking hopeful at the half dissolved bed. "it's black, Tony. while it would work wonderfully for a temporary skin draft, it's not about to win prizes." Bruce admitted. "it might save lives though once i get it completely fine tuned." he admitted. "and these little puppy's could help people when handling chemicals, poisons or acids too if i can make it work right. hell, might even make the best new condoms ever." Bruce admitted with a smirk. "wanna try it?" "no!" Steve stated firmly. "absolutely not!" he ordered firmly, Bruce pouting before leaving, muttering about 'old fashioned capsicles getting in the way of science'. "hey, i'm fine. i'm fine sweetheart." Steve promised her with a smile, stroking her hair. "Daddy just had a bit of an accident that's all." he promised her. "not hurt at all anymore, though i am a bit sore so no jumping on me okay?"
“It should. If it doesn’t, I’ll figure out a way to make it stop.”Tony smiled a little before shrugging. “Temporary skin graft works better then nothing. You’ll figure it out.”Tony said smiling a little because he had no doubt that bruce would be grinning. “I would to-wait, what?Why not?”Tony frowned sulking at being denied the chance to try out new condoms.

Aliyah frowned looking up at him, leaning her head into his hand, frowning a little. “Okay. No jumping.”She promised leaning into him. “Papa, he’s okay?” “I promise, Tink, he’s perfect. Now you want to come take a nap with us?” “yes!” “You heard the girl, cap, time for a nap.”Tony grinned as he hustled both his boyfriend and daughter towards his bedroom, having every intent of taking a nap himself.
Steve nodded. "i'm sure that we'll manage somehow." he agreed. "a temporary will certainly save lives." Bruce agreed. "no, Tony! i am not about to have a purple pecker or a rash on my balls because we played guinea pig!"

Steve smiled as he picked her up, kissing her forehead. "that's right. nap-time it is." Steve agreed, happy to settle into the bed with his favorite people in the world. in the morning Steve was making food, black gloves still on as he hummed and cooked. pausing to smile at Tony and Aliyah. "i talked to Bruce, he promised to start sessions with Aliyah this morning." he admitted, patting her hair and pulling a comb out of his pocket to start brushing her hair while the pancakes cooked. "has Xavier called back?" Steve asked curiously. "the gloves are working really well. they don't get in the way at all." Steve admitted. "they don't itch either, though i'm scared to see if they're purple."
Tony tilted his head a little at the sound of that, smiling quietly. “Good. She needs that.”Tony said smiling, glad because he was worried about their daughter. “No, not yet.”Tony said frowning as he glanced at his cell phoen, and checked with jarvis to make sure before sighing. Well, he had hoped it’d be soon. “Good. Even if they are purple, at least it’s easily washed off though/”Tony pointed out before frowning when Jarvis announced that there was a remy kebeau waiting downstairs. Frowning thoughtfully he told him to let him up, glancing at steve.
Steve nodded and smiled at Tony. "yes." he agreed before sighing a little and shook his head. "damn... and i'm not sure that the purple will wash off. it's supposed to be more like a stain." Steve admitted. "but i suppose it's better than blowing things up." he admitted with a smile before frowning a little. "Remy Lebeau?" he asked, looking a bit startled. "why does that name sound familiar?.... hey, isn't he the guy who stole the...." "Bonjour chérie."a man called as he walked out of the Elevator. "I have heard you have a bit o a... bang?" Remy Lebeau asked, grinning and Steve's eye twitched. "your the rat bastard who stole my Original Suit from the Museum!" "Ah? Moi? Non, you must have me confused. i would never. i am a fine upstanding citizen. Charles himself asked me to come and assist you." "....Tony call Xavier so i can bitch him out. and no, Aliyah you may not say that word." "Tsk, such language in front of un Enfant." Remy chastised playfully.
“If it doesn’t, we’ll figure out how to get it off. Don’t worry.”Tony said biting his lip a little, worried that steve would be freaking out about it before nodding. “So it is.”he said before tilting his head, “It does sound familiar, it’s why I’m letting him up.”Tony said tense and waiting before wincing as he glanced at the other man, realizing where he had heard it before. “Well, considering he lets Logan in the school, I wouldn’t consider Xavier any judge of ‘upstanding’ citizens.”Tony twitched a little even as he dialed the number and handed the cell phone to steve. “Papa, what does that mean?” “It’s just means he’s angry Ali.”Tony said picking up the girl, cuddling her a little as he held her gently, wanting to get her out of there, but equally not wanting to leave steve alone.
Steve chuckled a little. "i can live with purple hands." he promised. "it's not like i'm going to be taking them off anyway." he admitted with a smile before nodding at Tony. "...oh yeah... him." Steve muttered, scowling. "Logan is simply misunderstood Cheri." Remy assured him with a grin, leaning against the counter as Steve spoke in very stern tones to Charles, who assured him that he had not meant for Remy to just show up. after a few terse exchanges, Steve handed the phone over to Remy who winced and pouted. "Oui. Oui. i understand. i am sorry. i will behave." Remy grumbled, sighing. "i am in trouble now." he complained to Steve and Tony, pouting because he knew he would get no sympathy. "so, you can teach me how to control what's wrong with me?" Steve finally demanded and Remy huffed. "Non! None! there is nothing Wrong with you Cheri! thinking it is a disease you can get rid of? will not work! it is not a disease or a disfigurement, it is a part of you, you have to accept it." Remy explained. "you have an advantage. the power is in the power of your body." Remy explained. "you are strong, you have good control over yourself, in body and in mind." Remy poked himself in the chest and then tapped his own temple. "Control now comes with finding the source of the power, accepting it, and learning how to guide it. you cannot control it, just as you cannot control your strength or your thoughts, but you can make it come to heal, make it want to behave for you." Remy admitted. "it takes time, practice." he admitted and Steve looked at Tony. "well. at least he knows what he's talking about i guess."
“True.”Tony said smiling a little before sighing, rolling his eyes. “No he;s not.”He said before watching Steve talk to charles, then staring at Remy. “Good. You’re lucky I need you, otherwise I would have tossed you bodily off the tower by now.”Tony said definitely a litle possessive and annoyed with the flirty man, even if he wasn’t actively flirting. He’d been looking forward to a nap and time with his boyfriend, this was just a bad surprise. “There isn’t you know. You simply don’t have control yet.”Tony added to remy’s words, smiling a little. “Sorta like how when you first became cap, you kept running and getting going to fast and tumble over.”he pointed out before nodding, running his hands through his hair as aliyah tugged at his hand. “He does. I’m going to go take a nap with Ali while you work. Yell if you need anything, kay?”Tony muttered leaning over to kiss the other, wanting remy to be aware that steve was definitely dating someone.
Remy shrugged, he was one of the few people who could have a lengthy conversation with Logan that didn't involve death threats or excessive cursing. "monsieur, you hurt my heart! surely you would not throw me off the top? i would splatter! frighten Un Enfant in the streets below. you wouldn't want to frighten the Children would you?" "... if you don't start shutting up LeBeau, i'm going to see how many punches to the face you can take." Steve warned, making Remy wince. "i know." Steve promised Tony with a smile. "it's a bit weird still, you have to admit." he admitted before sighing a little. "you had to bring that up...." he grumbled, shaking his head and chuckling. "i have to tell you, i got road rash in some very interesting places." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head, leaning in to kiss Tony back. "i'm going to take a nap with you." he ordered. "i'm tired still." he admitted. "Bruce won't let me work on my powers right now anyway, something about recovering." "That's right." Bruce stated as he walked in, shooting an annoyed glare at Remy. "Steve isn't physically ready for such intense training. he was still recovering from what happened to him in the first place when he had to go fight. you have three days at minimum before you can start teaching him." "ah, Oui. even the meditation?" Remy asked, flipping a card through his fingers, almost like a nervous tick. "the first step to control is meditation." "he can meditate. after his nap. follow me i'll take you to your room while your here." Bruce ordered, Steve chuckling a little. "Bruce to the rescue. remind me to thank him later..."
"I'd be willing to frighten other people's children rather then listen to you scar mine."tony said watching him and smirking at steve at the other's words. He could definitely get behind punching lebeau."it is a bit weird. And I did. It was like the only story that made me feel better then I was a awkward kid. Knowing you were just as clumsy as me sometimes."tony smiled a little glossing over the fact that his clumsiness had been howard-alcohol induced instead of simple biology."I'm sure you did."he snickered at the idea of road rash shaking his head a little but looking relieved at the other's words,glad he wasn't going to have to leave steve with Remy just yet."good. We all need naps."he agreed watching them all before nodding."definitely getting him some new toy for the lab for that rescue."he agreed smiling. "Daddy!let's go."Aliyah demanded as she grabbed steve's hand,trying to drag them both towards the door.
Remy huffed. "i would never frighten Un Enfant." Remy protested. "Enfant are precious, not toys." he stated with a huff. "no punching. angry makes the explosions bigger." Remy stated. "...actually. how are you getting around that? you have not melted anything?" "i did. at first. Bruce made these gloves for me. they keep me from effecting things." Steve admitted, might as well try to get along with Remy. he was there to help even if he was annoying as fuck. "Tony, i highly doubt you where clumsy." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. he knew better than to think that it was Tony's genetics or growth spurts. it had probably been Howard. good thing the man was already dead or Steve would have killed him. "i need a nap." Steve agreed. "i'm tired as all blazes." he admitted, smiling as he followed Aliyah, happily settling in for a good long nap.

after the nap and a good lunch Steve was startled to see Remy in the Gym with Clint, the two of them fighting with long sticks of some sort. they where taller than their owners, both Remy and Clint seamed to be very good at what they where doing. Steve was impressed despite himself and sat down on a bench with Aliyah to watch the sticks flash through the air, the thwak, thwak thwaking of the sticks was actually rather hypnotizing. Remy yelped suddenly and found himself flat on his back with the tip of the stick on his face, Clint looking smug. "Very good, Ami! very good! you are better than you made me think you where!" Remy chirped with a laugh as he got to his feet. "Ah! Enfant! are you going to learn how to be big and strong like your père?" Remy asked, smiling at Aliyah. Steve chuckled. "i think she'd look a little odd with muscles like mine." Steve admitted with a grin. "what are those things?" "Bo Staffs!" Clint chirped happily. "who is this guy anyway?" Steve snorted. only clint would spar with a stranger.
Tony twitched a little as he realized that steve was simply going to try and get along with the man, even if he was annoying. This was horrible. He didn’t want the other here, even if he knew it was to help steve. “Hm, I was.”Tony muttered smiling a little at the other before grinning.”Good. Nap it is.”he said smiling as they got them settled into bed.

Tony looked amused as he walked into the gym, smiling as he helped aliyah put on the small boxing gloves, before glancing at the two sparring men. “Yes!Though I look more like papa. Daddy says so.”Aliyah said smiling happily as she watched the two before looking at tony. “Papa!Fight!”She demanded. “Come on then. Let’s see what you can do.”Tony said smiling as he settled into the other sparring ring from the others, starting to show aliyah basics of punching and fighting, and while it wasn’t horribly strong, it was stronger then most toddlers, her unique gentics offering more then normal. “That’s Remy LeBeau. He’s here to help with Steve’s problem.”Tony added smiling, rolling his eyes at the idea of clint sparring with a stranger.
Steve smiled at Tony. "might as well get along with him until i get control. then i can kick him out and never ever have to see him ever again..." he grumbled.

"You do look very much like him." Remy agreed, nodding even if he had no idea which man she was talking about. "very pretty." Remy agreed with a smile. "you are teaching her to fight?" "no. we're teaching her to defend herself. were superheros. a lot of people would target her thinking her a weak link." Steve admitted. "they will be in for a big surprise. she is strong." Remy admitted, watching them as he flipped a card through his fingers. "well. you mentioned meditation?" Steve demanded. the sooner he could gain control the sooner he could make Lebeau leave. "yes. but it is too noisy here." Remy admitted. "...Tony. you stay and teach okay?" Steve asked, pulling Tony down for a kiss. "the sooner i get control, the sooner we can have that romantic date you promised me." he teased with a grin before kissing him again/ then he sighed, offered Remy a sulky sort of scowl and led the way out of the room. "...hmm. Feisty." Remy muttered as he followed.
“Besides, she’s stronger then most kids. Needs training, otherwise she’ll hurt herself or someone else.”Tony smiled a little as he showed aliyah how to punch, half listening to the talk going on behind him, before groaning as he was pulled into a kiss. ‘Okay. I’ll plan the date, and you go get control.”He said grinning a little, before sulking as he watched the two go. Ignoring the pissy feeling of jealousy that tightened his stomach.

Which was why, two days later, the man was having a utterly bad mood, foul day. Having both yelled at steve, clint....even aliyah had gotten the sharper side of his tongue before the genius had retreated down to the lab to sulk and be in a pissy mood without having to deal with the others. Which was why, there was AC/DC blaring at ear shattering levels, and he was redoing the engine to a bike, but despite how amazing the bike had looked before he started it, the thing was in a million pieces currently, and definitely suffering under the genius’ bad mood.
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