Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve chuckled. "i love TV." he admitted. "i'm not sure i like being on it, but i love watching it." he admitted. "well you'll just have to fix it then, won't you?" he asked with a smile as he kissed Tony before heading out to the crowds. "oh! and who is this?" Ellen asked, looking startled at the little girl. "Tony's daughter, Aliyah." Steve explained. "she's never been in front of a big crowd before so she's pretty shy at the moment." he admitted. "she's also my daughter now. to protect her and Tony from certain people..." he said that like it was a foul word. "i've actually adopted her as my own as well." Steve admitted. "that's so sweet! how long have you been in love with Tony?" Ellen asked, "oh. for a while actually... since just before the Chitauri invasion." Steve admitted. "when we worked together to save the plane... jet..." here he wrinkled his nose. "thing. it's a thing, i don't know what it is." he admitted making Ellen laugh. "of course i didn't know it was love until he went up in that hole and..." he shuddered and shook his head. "he's a stubborn one though." Steve admitted with a grin. "it took me a good long while to convince him we should be together. i actually had to trick him into admitting it once. he's adorable when he blushes." Steve admitted, grinning impishly.

"shut up." Clint grumbled, looking amused before turning to look at James. the archer was still rather nervous around the man, but that had faded a lot. he had even taken to talking to Loki from time to time. Loki never apologized, but somehow Clint felt better for it. besides it was impossible to avoid those adorableness babies. so long as Torbjor wasn't screaming anyway.
“I will. But if I do, you’re going to have sex hair on tv.”Tony said smirking a little, “papa, what’s sex hair?” “...Nevermind Ali.”Tony muttered kissing steve back before rolling his eyes a little. “She didn’t want to be alone, so we had to bring her.”Tony explained her presence, tilting his head a little at steve’s words, nodding a little. “He did adopt her, it was fairly sweet really.”Tony said smiling a little before flushing a little as the other spoke, dipping his head a little, hiding his blush as he rested his cheek against aliyah’s hair.
Ellen beamed. assuring them that it was no problem and that she was an adorable little girl. they talked about how Steve was settling into the twenty first century, where they'd gone on their first date(they hadn't because they didn't want to leave Aliyah alone when she was so young and didn't want to take her in public when people would swarm them.) "aaw he IS adorable when he blushes!" Ellen chirped, beaming at Tony playfully. "unfortunately i think we're out of time, since my director is waving at me frantically." Ellen admitted with a sigh, shaking all their hands and Steve chuckled. "good press." Steve admitted with a smile as he pulled Tony in for a deep kiss, uncaring that camera's where still trained on him. "i do love you, you know. even if your going to make me sleep on the couch for embarrassing you in front of the whole world." he admitted with a grin.
Tony smiled a little, making a face at Ellen. “I am not adorable! I don’t know what you’re talking about.”The man said looking flustered. “Papa!Adorkable!” “...Rogers!what did I tell you about teaching our daughter new words!?”Tony sputtered looking utterly off balance and embarassed for the first time in years in front of the world. Kissing the other back before pulling away he made a face. For despite having spent most of his life in front of the camera, and living life in public, this was a new experience for him, being in love this openly and freely, pepper having kept them mostly private and out of the spotlight. Settling Aliyah on his hip as he got up, he startled a little as he heard ‘star spangled man with a plan’, cursing to himself before looking at steve, raising aliyah up a little. “Phone’s in my backpocket. That’s the avengers assemble call, you answer, I’ll get our ride.”he said heading for the door.
Steve and Ellen both smirked at him and Steve outright laughed as Aliyah piped up. "Tony, unlike a certain reprobate that hides in the vents, i speak proper English. Adorkable isn't a word sweetie. it's A-Dor-A-Ble." he sounded out for her. "just like you." he promised, poking her nose with a smile before chuckling as he kissed the other. "you really are adorable you know." he promised with a smile as he gave Tony a shorter kiss. he paused at the song and his eye twitched as he took the phone. "This is Rogers... Dr. Doom? alright i'll be right there." he sighed and opened his suitcase and pulled out the suit. "you take Aliya home, Doom has most of the Avengers pinned." he admitted, stripping down to his boxers once he was hidden in a little corner so no one could see him and pulled on his suit and shield. "i'll run, it's just down the block." he paused as an explosion roared up where Steve had indicated and he sighed. "this is going to be another complaint about city tax dollars, i just know it." he grumbled as he started running towards the explosion.
“....I still blame you. There’s no reason Clint’d be calling me adorable.”Tony grumbled a little looking amused thought. “Adorable.”Aliyah smiled resting her head against tony’s shoulder, giggling as her nose was poked. Sighing quietly as Steve answered he twitched a little before nodding. “We’ll get home. Go.”Tony said even as he watched the other take off, settling into the car. Despite the agonizing time it took him to get to the tower, it was even longer for him to join in the fight. Having both to find johnny so the man could watch her, and to suit up himself. It was horrible, and by the time he was swooping into the fight, teh man was obviously a little distracted, by both his worry of exactly why these doom bots seemed to be doing better then normal, and what he was going to tell aliyah if steve got hurt. “Where you need me?”Tony said over the comms as he landed blasting a bot off cap’s back before turning to face the rest, realizing there was more then normal, and that they were better built.
Steve smirked. "you can't prove anything." he teased with a chuckle. "be careful Tony." Steve ordered gently, kissing Tony once more before taking off on a dead sprint for the activity. Steve was already hurt by the time Tony got there. his entire right arm was burnt and blistered, but already healing. he had a gash across his forehead that was still bleeding. he still looked better than the others. Clint looked to be cradling a broken arm, huddled in a corner and trying to pretend he wasn't a liability at the moment and Loki was half naked, clothes hanging in tatters from where he'd apparently been scraped across the road. his entire body was covered in road burn that was healing, slowly. he was also hurling blue flames at Doom personally, ignoring the robots and focusing on the rat bastard who was controlling them. Steve shook his head as he felt the Robot on his back get blasted away. "take the perimeter! the Robots are trying to spread out, we have to keep them here!" Steve gasped, feeling so tired. so very tired. he reached out, shoving a Robot out of the way. oddly though, there was a glowing red hand print where he had shoved and Steve paused to stare at it. "what in the..." then it exploded, the robot just exploded completely, metal parts slamming into Steve, shredding skin and sinking into muscle. he couldn't do anything but slam into the wall behind him hard enough that he blacked out. by the time he woke up, Doom had been chased off and the robots had been dismantled and Bruce was picking stuff out of him. "ow."
Tony frowned looking freaked out as he saw the injuries on his team, swallowing hard as he nodded. “I got that.”Tony said already lifting off even as steve blew the robot, the explosion sending him ass over teakettle into a building, and by the time he got himself sorted out, doom had been taken care of, and the billionaire was looking worse for the wear as he pulled out the helmet to the suit and knelt at steve’s side, looking him over. “You know, I don’t think you get to complain about me doing insane things now, if you’re going to blow things up.”He said looking worried, trying to figure out exactly what to do. “Think its okay to move him back to the tower?”
Steve blinked stupidly. "what happened?" he asked, looking confused. "it blew up, why did it blow up? Doom's bots never blow up. was it a trap?" he wondered. he felt dizzy and confused and he hurt, a lot. what had happened? "he can be moved once i get most of the big pieces out." Bruce admitted as he carefully pulled another two inch long metal shard out of Steve, who just blinked. "looks like he's got a concussion." Bruce admitted. "keep him awake and talking, and find his Glove, whatever happened, it only happened when he touched his skin to the robot. could be a genetically advanced trigger of some sort." "huh?" "could be it was keyed to his DNA." "ah." Clint muttered, yelping as Loki yanked hard on his arm, setting the bone.
“You blew it up, blondie. Don’t go blowing things up. That’s my job.”Tony said watching him, wincing a little as he realized that the other had a concussion. Nodding slightly at bruce’s words to acknowledge that he heard he moved away for a moment, “Hold on captain. I gotta get something.”He said wincing as he dug through the rubble to find the gloves, gingerly, carefully helping steve into them, looking pleased though that it wasn’t setting off on them .”Especially since it’s a mix of Extremis and the serum, its going to be coded to his DNA instead of a outside trigger, though the fight probably acted as a trigger to.”Tony said talking at bruce and at steve simply to keep the man away, “Hey, blondie. You do realize you didn’t have to go this far to get out of bathtime right?You could have just said you can’t handle a toddler.I would have understood.”Tony teased trying not to look as worried as he was.
Steve frowned, looking confused. "i can't blow things up, i just pushed it..." he muttered, sounding sluggish and completely confused. "okay Tony. are you mad at me? you only call me Captain when we're in a battle or when your mad at me. is the battle over? we should check on the civilians." he admitted, even if he made no move to get up. "that hurts." Steve protested as Tony tugged on the gloves, his hand still blistered and burnt but healing well. "bath time? no, i think i'll take a bath when we get to the Tower. it's rude to be naked in public." Clint, Bruce and Loki all snickered at that, poor Steve just looked confused. "okay, he can be moved now, onto the stretcher if you please" Bruce ordered, indicating the hovering 'plank' that Tony had developed for emergencies just like this. "Tony... hey, Tony." Steve gasped, sounding amazed. "Tony i can see Sound! it's gorgeous! say words! look at the amazing patterns they make!" Clint snorted and Bruce chuckled. "pain meds are kicking in."
“Well, you pushing it blew it up, Captain.”Tony said smiling a little, “And no, I’m not mad. We’re still in public, Steve. I figured you wouldn’t want me calling you cute names in public.”Tony smiled a little wincing. “I know it does, its okay. We’re just making sure you’re okay. There, all done.”Tony promised as he finished pulling on the gloves, before laughing softly. “hm, but I could deal with you naked in public. Everyone should see just what a fine male I’m sleeping with.”Well, dating. They hadn’t had sex yet. “Good.”Tony looked relieved, glad to get moving as he helped get the other onto it, swallowing before laughing outloud.”Well, just keep seeing things okay cap?Stay away, stevie.”He ordered as he walked with the hovering stretcher, knowing that it was going to be slow going, but they’d get back to the tower soon enough.
he frowned. "did i break it?" he asked, still confused, unable to make the connection between touching it and himself making it blow up. "i like cute names." he admitted. "i like it when you call me Steve. so you have to call me Steve." he ordered before blinking at him. "i like it when you sleep with me." he admitted before grinning "i like the way your words look. they're so pretty Tony." he admitted. "...hey. am i bleeding?" he asked, suddenly realizing there was blood on him. "i am! i'm bleeding Tony! Bruce has to come see this!" Steve, amusingly enough, sounded utterly delighted to be bleeding. as if it was the most amazing thing in the world. it took a lot less time to get to the Tower than expected, since the others where all forcing the civilians out of the way. soon Steve was humming in the hospital room and Clint was suffering under Loki's bone healing attentions as Bruce resumed pulling metal out of Steve. only when Steve's pupils dilated properly did they let Steve go to sleep.
“Hm, yea.”Tony said smiling a little, before nodding. “Hm, I’ll have to remember that. Cute names it is.And Steve.”Tony smiled before tilting his head, looking thoughtful before laughing. “Hm, I’m pretty amazingly pretty myself you know, of course my words are....and yes, you are.”Tony said looking startled before shaking his head, bemused at the other’s delight he was bleeding. Definitely not finding the same delight in it as his captain did. Settling in to wait. This was hard. He definitely didn’t like seeing his boyfriend hurt.

When he woke, tony smiled tiredly, aliyah curled up on his chest looking over at steve from the couch, “Hey, Stevie-pie. You okay?”He muttered quietly, stroking aliyah’s back, being quiet and careful as to not wake her up.
Steve groaned as he woke, eyes fluttering as he blinked. "Stevie... huh?" he asked, giving Tony a baffled look. "i feel like i was run over." he admitted with another groan. "what happened? last thing i remember is a red hand-print and an explosion." he admitted startled to realize that while he was naked, his hands where covered in his leather gloves. "...Tony? why am i wearing gloves?" they had discovered it was only his hands that made things explode when the gloves he had originally been wearing caught fire. the leather gloves worked better for some reason and none of the rest of him made things blow up. "Tony?... what happened?" he asked, looking worried.
“Hm, yes. Apparently you like cute names.Though that might have just been the concussion.”Tony teased looking over at him before wincing as he tried to figure out how to tell the other.”Extremis finally manifested. Seems your going to be making things explode if you touch them. But only inorganic things. People, the gloves, natural things like that, haven’t seemed to catch fire, all that does is odd things. You’re safe, we’re just being careful.”Tony reassured looking at the other, scared of how he’d react.
Steve blinked at Tony, looking baffled. "you didn't call me that in public did you?" he asked, looking amused. " i'm a bomb?" he asked, looking worried as he sat up, carefully. he still hadn't recovered from his last bout of bed rest, he had a feeling he was going to be in bed again for another couple of days. he felt so weak he doubted he'd bake it to the bathroom on his own, again. dammit. he slid his right glove off and hesitated before gripping the pencil on the bedside table. he let it go and winced as he left two glowing prints behind where he'd gripped it with fore finger and thumb. it didn't explode, it just turned slowly into ash. "yeah... keeping the gloves on." he agreed as he pulled his leather gloves back on before ripping them off when they too started to smolder. "fuck!" Bruce had hoped, being from an animal they wouldn't be affected, but apparently dead animals didn't count as 'organic material'. "fuck... that didn't hurt at all." Steve admitted, startled as he reached down and picked up the glove. this time he held it for a few seconds, watching it curl and smoke before it disintegrated. "i wonder..." Steve muttered, flexing his hand. "is it surface contact? time? intent?" he muttered, looking a lot freaked out, but at least he was staying calm. "Tony?.... will i hurt... people?" he asked, looking suddenly very worried. "i'll not be able to hug Aliyah!" he gasped, looking mortified. here was the panic. "i won't be able to suck your dick the way i've wanted to since you fucking hacked Fury's systems that time on the plane thing! i won't be able to spar with James!"
"I I stuck with cap in public. You might not have known better,but I wasn't about to embarrass you when you eventually remembered."toNY smiled a little before wincing."something like that. We're not sure what it's doing but it did blow up stuff..."tony sighed softly for the first time in a long time, feeling utterly helpless to explain science. Wincing as both the pencil and gloves soldered tony looked pained,hating this. He hated not being able to help or to control this."we'll at least it didn't hurt...and we're not sure. I think it's contact with it and time that's triggering it but it'll take time to figure it out...and..."tony stuttered to a stop at steve’s rant before getting up and gripping the others arms."it's not effecting organic real things. Just inorganic. So people and animals are safe. You can still hug aliyah."he promised blushing ever so slightly at the mention of steve suckling his dick."...seriously? On the helicarrier?you wanted to?"
he chuckled and nodded. "i'm glad one of us had self control last night." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i'm not sure i will remember, being that i had a concussion and all. from what i understand, my brain heals at such a rate that i often don't remember what happened during the time of concussion." he admitted, grimacing. "just don't ask how it was discovered." he didn't want to talk about Howard and his sadism. "okay. so, i just have to not touch anything, ever, and i'll be okay!" he muttered before startling as Tony gripped him. " so i don't have to worry about people... uh. tony i caught your shirt on fire..." and indeed Tony's shirt was disintegrating. but it didn't hurt at all. it tickled a little bit as his shirt unraveled against his skin, but other than that Steve's power didn't do a thing to him. "well... no, really what i wanted to do was make you kneel and suck my dick so you'd shut up for a little while." he admitted, looking amused. "your such a mouthy little shit." he admitted before grimacing as he set his blankets aflame, watching them dissolve as well. "son of a bitch."
“Hm, I’m amazed for once, that it was me with self control.”he snickered a little, smiling quietly, before tilting his head a little as he studied the other, grimacing himself as he considered if steve didn’t want to talk about it, it was probably howard. Nodding slightly he simply agreed he didn’t want to kno wbefore wincing, “No, well, for the moment yes, but we’ll get control. I mean, it’s out of control now, but it steadies .I mean, it has to. We’ll figure it out.”Tony said looking upset at not being able to teach him how to do this before shivering as the shirt unraveled, making a face. “That feels odd.”He muttered looking down at himself, before looking up at the other, raising a eyebrow. “I am a mouthy little shit.”he agreed before sighing quietly,”Well. It looks like I know what my next project is. Creating steve-proof stuff.”he muttered before raising his eyebrows. “You feel up to a distraction though?I mean, it’s not guaranteed to shut me up, but you’d probably feel better after?”Tony teased leaning over to kiss him lightly.
he nodded. "i know. i think i should mail the Devil a winter coat." he admitted with a smile before ignoring Tony's grimace. "well. are you sure it can be controlled?" he asked, looking a bit worried as he flexed his fingers. "if i could get control this would be kind of cool you know?" he asked with a small smile. "...sorry..." he mumbled, flushed as he watched Tony become naked. "...okay, if i can get control, this would be the coolest power ever. imagine, naked at a touch." he teased with a smile. "i think if you can just make Steve proof gloves i'll be okay... and maybe a Steve proof shower and toilet handle. and soap and shampoo... and washcloths, razor blades.... damn i'm screwed." he groaned before smiling at Tony. "i could go for a distraction." he admitted, kissing the other back, moaning eagerly. "you have no idea how long i've wanted to touch you." he admitted happily. normally he wouldn't have believed someone if they told him it was safe to touch, but this was Tony and Steve trusted Tony more than anyone in his entire life. if Tony said he wouldn't hurt people, then he believed them.
“Haha, very funny.”Tony rolled his eyes looking amused though. “Yes, I’m sure. I already put in a call to Xavier’s school to see if anyone has a power like this. I mean, it’s a mutation of a gene....would work if he had someone to offer help...but he hasn’t gotten back to me yet.”Tony said looking worried before flushing brightly, “Hm, true, but I like my clothes, steve. Really.”He said smirking a little before laughing at the other’s words, “Hm, no you’re not, but you could be.Screwed I mean.”He said waggling his eyebrows, his intent clear, simply wanting to make the other laugh simply because he needed time to figure out how to make stuff for him. “Hm, probably not as long as I wanted you. I used to wet dreams about you as a kid, you know.”Tony said snickering a little kissing him softly before sitting on the edge of the bed, taking his time touching the other softly, gently, stroking his hands over the other’s chest.
Steve chuckled a little. "i know. i'm hilarious." he admitted with a grin before he blinked a little, his head tilted "you think this could be a typical mutation? it would be nice if i could get a teacher, someone who can honestly teach me." he admitted. "i hope he gets back to you soon." he admitted, smiling before he flushed brightly. "yeah? you wanna fuck me Tony? you think you can?" he teased, smirk on his lips before he wrinkled his nose. "okay. creepy Tony. seriously Creepy." he complained, shaking his head. "if i had known you as a kid i'd probably not be fucking you now anyway. i'm no pedo." he teased with a grin, moaning as Tony stroked him, naked save for the pair of boxers. "shit... sorry Tony." Steve muttered when he cupped Tony's ass, squeezing flesh because his pants had started to dissolve.
“I’m hoping it’s going to act like a typical mutation.”Tony said smiling softly, before swallowing hard, looking the other over.”Hm, I do. And I know I can. Though not in here. And not now. Despite everything, I have plans for your seduction, and you in a hospital bed isn’t one of them.”he smiled a little, kissing the other softly before flushing, ducking his head, looking upset. Biting his lip for a moment, because the man was utterly out of sorts what was normal or not, so he didn’t know if the other was just teasing him or not. “Sorry. Didn’t mean it to be creepy.”He muttered biting his lip a little before shivering as the other dissolved his pants, snickering quietly as he shifted down, smirking at the other as he tugged his boxers down, “hmmm, I’m going to enjoy this.”he smirked as he lowered his mouth over the other, enjoying it as he set his mind to giving the world’s best blowjob to make steve forget everything.
he groaned at the others denial. "Tony that's not fair." he protested. "i'm horny and i want sex." he complained, sulking. "it kinda sucks that you choose now of all times to be romantic." he complained, even if he was smiling. "hey. i was teasing." Steve promised. "as if i could ever deny you." he promised with a smile, pulling the other down for another kiss, looking confused when his boxers where pulled down. "i thought you said... oh my, mother of baby Jesus." he moaned, arching into the sudden heat around his mouth, fingers tangling in Tony's hair. luckily, Hair was just alive enough tht Steve didn't set Tony's head on fire. "fuck! Tony! fuck! 's Good! don't stop! oh god!"
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