Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony’s features were tight and pained, hurting to see the other like this. “Which is better then anyone else’s 100 percent sure.”Tony muttered because in all things, he trusted bruce to have double checked, and triple checked things. Wincing as steve tried to whimper he swallowed, gently brushing blond swewaty hair, “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t know how else to keep you from hurting yourself.”He said softly, soothingly, before nodding. “Hey. Yea. We’re going to make you feel better okay?Can I try?”he asked even as he prepared the syringe, stopping himself from cringing as he slid it into the super soldier’s arm. Swallowing hard as he waited for a answer he took a deep breath as steve answered and pressed the plunger down, hoping he wasn’t killing his best friend in doing this."You're okay. I'll take care of you."Tony promised raising a free hand to stroke his hair, feelign utterly lost and pained at doing this.
Bruce offered Tony a strained smile because honestly, this would either fix Steve, mutate him, or he'd... well, wouldn't survive. still, the chance of Steve dying was less than 30% and this was the only chance they had. Steve struggled against the restraints, but he didn't look panicked anymore. he didn't seam to have control of his limbs at all, so he knew they where telling the truth, which meant they could be trusted. he could trust them. "okay." Steve whispered, closing his eyes as Bruce held the arm down even more firmly, holding it still so Tony could slip the needle in. "i'm scared." Steve whispered, leaning into the others hand trembling wildly. Bruce was already taking a blood sample and examining it. every ten minutes he'd do it again before a victorious sound escaped him. "it's working!" he declared, discarding that tiny sample and drawing another one. "it is! it's working!" Steve's arms where indeed starting to relax and his legs had stopped jerking.
“I know. I am to.”Tony muttered as he stroked the other’s head, resting his foreahead against steve’s, closing his eyes. While he’d probably freak out, totally lose his mind over the emotional problems of this and everything else he’d been freaking out over, for the moment, he was simply glad that steve was alive. “Good. You hear that, Steve, you’re okay. You’ll be okay.”Tony muttered relaxing, tears misting with tears as he realized the other was calming, simply watching him as he relaxed, biting his lip. “You want to see aliyah?she’s been worried about you.”Tony muttered trying to offer the other what little comfort he could.
Steve nodded, comforted that Tony was scared too. he wasn't a coward and Tony was there. he wasn't so scared he was offering false platitudes so Steve knew everything would be okay. right? he murmured back, too glad that his muscles where calming down to actually speak. he was tired, so damn tired. his entire body ached now and Bruce was scanning him with the medical thing that Steve couldn't remember the name of. "his muscles are swollen from the rips and tears but he won't need any surgery. he's going to be in some pain for the next couple of days, but once the swelling eases down he'll be back to normal." Bruce admitted as he carefully unhooked the restraints. Steve's limbs stayed calm, jerking, but not thrashing. "no... not.. can't..." Steve grunted, frustrated. "shouldn't see me. upset." of course he would put Aliyah's comfort over his own.
Tony swallowed hard, sighing softly as the calmed, relaxing as he realized he was helping. This was good. Closing his eyes he rubbed a hand over his face before looking up at bruce, nodding a little. “Good. That’s not so bad. After so many years on the constant move, he could use a few days in bed.”Tony muttered absently stroking the other’s hair again, not even really aware of still doing it before sighing, huffing a little.”Fine. We’ll wait. And when you’re feeling better, she’ll come dress you up as a princess, cause apparently being a princess fixes everything, according to aliyah.”Tony said smiling a little as he settled into a chair next to steve simply to sit with him.
Steve sighed as he nuzzled the hand and Bruce nodded. "a good couple days of bed-rest will help, and we'll have to monitor him very carefully in case of unknown side effects." he admitted as he drew another blood sample and examined it. Steve was half asleep already, he felt so damn tired. "yes... okay." Steve agreed before grinning. "did you have to wear a dress Tony? you look so very cute in a dress." he mumbled before drifting to sleep while Bruce failed to cover his snickering.

two days later Steve was still bedridden but he could stay awake for longer than an hour at a time. he was reading a book on his Kindle, the Harry Potter series when Aliyah was finally let in, beaming at her. "hey! there's my bellissimo angioletto! hows the girl?" he asked with a smile.
“We’ll be okay though. Whatever comes...we can handle it.”Tony muttered looking relieved before laughing softly at the other’s words. “of course I wore a dress. Like you told clint, a girl requests a dress you have to wear one.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little.

“cap!You okay?papa said you were okay, and that I didn’t have to worry, but I did and I wanted to come see you sooner, but papa said no, and I’m fien and I want to see you and-” “Aliyah.Calm.”Tony ordereed quietly as she followed her in, smiling slightly as he helped her up on the bed, careful not to jar steve to much with the motion.
Steve smiled as he watched her. "well, i was pretty sick for a while." he agreed. "i know you must have been worried, i'm sorry." he wasn't sure what Tony had told her, so he didn't say anything about it, or tried not to. "aren't you seeing me now?" he asked with a smile as he let Tony help her onto the bed. his muscles where still too weak to manage something like that. "here. come cuddle with me and i'll read to you." he promised, clearing his throat and letting her tuck herself to him as he started over on chapter one. "Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four Privet Drive, where proud to say they where perfectly normal, Thank you very much."
“I was!Papa said you sick, and you didn’t want to get me sick, but I could have taken care of you. But it’s okay. I’ll take care of you now. Cause you’re right, I am seeing you.”Aliyah smiled happily, shifting around to get comfortable and snuggling in close head resting on his chest as he read. Tony smiled watching the two, biting his lip. While he felt the vague need to duck out and hide in his lab for awhile, the domestic sight of father and daughter was to much for him, and even if he’d never admit it, it was enough to convince him to skip working for awhile, if only to listen to steve discover Draco Malfoy for the first time. Smiling quietly to himself as he settled into a chair next to the bed with his tablet, he smiled as he designed, listening to aliyah laugh, gasp, and giggle at the apporiate times and pretty much act like her ever dramatic self to make sure steve was feeling okay and having fun.
Steve chuckled a little as he nodded. "you are seeing me now Hyper one." he teased with a smile as he continued to read. "My name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy...." Steve paused, glanced at Tony as if saying 'is this kid for real?' before returning to reading without hesitation. "You'll soon find some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. i can help you there." he lifted an eyebrow, looked at Tony again as if the man was insane. this snot nosed brat was the kid who Harry Potter was supposed to bang? ugh. slimy little... little... weasel! soon though he had fallen asleep again, halfway through the chapter he just dropped off to sleep again, snoring rather cutely.
“I know. I’m glad.”Aliyah giggled happily as she snuggled in not even realizing Tony was nearly stuffing his fist in his mouth to eep from laughing. Even if he wasn’t watching steve, he knew the other was looking at him. Grinning a little, he just couldn’t wait to see what would happen when he got further in.

A few days later, tony smiled a little as he walked into the room, bemused at the sight of aliyah snuggled up in bed with Steve again. “Has she even left bed since I brought her down here?”he teased a little as steve read, aliyah snuggled close and totally past out on the super soldier. “How’s the book going?”He said glancing over, trying to see how far the man had till the end, “I think she worried herself into being exhausted.”Tony muttered sighing softly as he moved over to the bed, gently stroking aliyah’s hair, looking worried for their girl.
Steve smiled as he stroked the little girls hair as she slept. "nope." he admitted with a chuckle. "only when the others make her." he admitted. "i think she was really scared..." he admitted, sobering. "Tony... i think she and Bruce need to start talking... you know. in a professional manner." he admitted. "i think she has abandonment issues because Stephanie died." he admitted. "i think that's why she gets so upset when she can't find you or when i'm hurt." he admitted softly. "the books going really well. it's hard not to read ahead when she falls asleep though." he admitted with a chuckle. "are you sure Draco Malfoy get's cuter? he just makes me thing of Alan Trueman. he was my elementary, middle school, and high school bully. one of them anyway." he admitted, looking a little bit amused as he watched her. "we never did talk, about if we would tell her or not." he admitted softly, looking at him. "and we never did talk about my feelings for you." he admitted, hoping Tony wouldn't run away this time.
“I think she was to. You scared us both, Cap.”Tony muttered slumping into the chair next to the bed, before nodding a little. “I know. I already talked to him about it. He’s going to talk to her. We’re going to ease her into talking to him, and to him being comfortable with her to.”Tony smiled before wincing a little, “...I...I hate it. I tried so hard to save Steph...and I hadn’t...and now this...”he sighed softly, hating that he hadn’t been able to save his ‘wife’, and that it was ‘his’ fault,but he hated seeing it affect aliyah. “...I hate knowing that I can make her so upset, when its not really me she’s missing...”Tony sighed softly, well, at least that explained why he was sad sometimes around aliyah. Cause no matter how much he loved the little girl, claimed her as his own, he was always afraid she missed the other tony, wanted that tony more. Not realizing that much like he was a absent husband, tony Stark-rogers, was even more a absent father. Smiling slightly at steve’s complaint he nodded. “I know. I usually end up reading outloud for awhile, until I realize she’s asleep.”he snickered softly before smirking, “I assure you, he’s a annoying bastard for the whole series, but definitely should be banging it out with Potter.”he snickered before staring down, refusing to squirm despite the other’s words, not running away, but obviously also wanting to avoid it to.”...Did you want to claim her?Or tell her?”He asked, avoiding the second half for the moment.
Steve nodded. "i'm sorry. i should have told you as soon as i noticed but i was so scared." he admitted. "i was worried you wouldn't be able to fix it and i'd have to go to the L...l...lab." Steve said Lab as if it was more terrifying than any monster he'd ever faced in his life. he smiled though when Tony admitted to already talking to Bruce. and Tony was worried about being a bad father, silly man. "Tony, i don't think Steph could have existed here anyway." Steve admitted softly. "Loki mentioned something about Matter and Antimatter and how one thing cannot exist in the same space as itself or something. she probably would have begun dying anyway because she was my exact copy, even if she was a woman." at least, that's ho he thought it worked. "besides, of course it's you she's missing. i have talked to her you know. the Other Tony had nothing to do with her. she saw him maybe once, or twice if that in total. she's seen him in video and on photo of course but He didn't have anything to do with her." he admitted, stroking her hair. "she clings to you, because YOU are her Papa. YOU are the one who loves her, cherishes her, protects her." he explained with a smile at him. "the only reason why Aliyah knew of the Other Tony was because her mama showed her pictures." he admitted. "and she saw him on TV." he admitted before scoffing. "your mad. there's no way they need to be banging they'd strangle each other first." he admitted. "Snape is an unholy terror too. if that was a muggle school he'd have been fired during the first year. Dumbledore too the senile old goat." he grumbled before smiling at Tony. "i want that more than anything. i want to Claim her, tell the world she's mine. i want to claim you too. to be yours just as much as your mine." he admitted. "i want you Tony. more than anything, but i want whats best for Aliyah more than anything. we have to do what's right for her." he admitted. "and if you look me in the eyes and tell me i can't have her. then i won't." he promised. because honestly, Aliyah was too important. he could give her up and give up Tony too if it made them happy.
“Yes you should have, but considering I nearly killed myself a few times for not wanting to tell people I was dying cause I was scared, I guess I can forgive you.”Tony offered a small smile, before wincing, swallowing thickly, even as his eyes flashed. “Never. Ever. Worry about that. Even if I have to work on things, or the serum, I’ll never send you back to the lab like howard did.”He promised before nodding a little, sighing softly. “I know... She was already dying...its just...I dislike not saving everyone you know?”he muttered making a face, before sighing a little. Before biting her lip, thinking that over as he watched steve stroke her hair, nodding tightly. “...Yes. I’m papa.”Tony said relaxing, taking comfort in steve’s words before snorting a little. “Hm, people thought you’d strangle me you know, and you want to screw me.”Tony pointed out, biting his lip as he studied the other. “...”dropping his eyes he looked so serious, so torn because he had no idea how to handle the emotions battering him apart. “...Well. Considering months ago, I’d set you up as her godfather if anything happened, because you are the best, I really... Can’t see how you claiming her, would be that different, when she already loves you.”He muttered biting his lip a little, because he so very much ,wanted to make the right decision, and even if it felt like it was, he was worried he was wrong. “...I just wants best for her to. Which...I..”He stopped staring down. “There’s something else you should know...why I’ve been...weird. More then anything else.”

Tony sighed quietly. “I...I’ve always liked you.even with the...howard and daddy issues...I did...but...then Steph came. And in any world we were, together or not, we tore everything apart between us. But in every world, we were drawn together...I don’t....I don’t want to destroy the world, cause I can’t help but think with my”he said spacing out the word a little, despite aliyah being asleep, he’d broken himself of cussing mostly. Biting his lip as he stared at the floor
he nodded. "you've gotten better about that at least... or maybe we've just gotten better at watching you." he mused before flushing at Tony. "okay." he whispered, tangling his fingers in Tony's, glad that he could trust Tony so much. "Thank you Tony." he whispered. "i know. i have the same problem." he admitted with a sigh. "sometimes you just can't save someone. especially if they don't want to be saved." he admitted. "you are Papa." he agreed with a smile. "your her best Papa." he promised before watching Tony intently. "Tony. there's only one problem with all of that. your judging our relationship on people who are not us. in other worlds, we are not the same as we are here. in other worlds, Howard did other things, or Maria chose different actions. in other worlds i let the death of Bucky affect me in other ways. in other worlds, Coulson's death did different things. our world is our world and we are not them. we know what will happen, and we can be better than that if you only give it a chance. because i love you for more reasons than just your smoking ot bod." he promised with a smile. "i love you, because your everything i ever wanted in a man. selfish, yet selfless. egotistical yet so very caring. a narcissist but the best friend a person could ever have. i love you, not just for your good qualities, but for the bad ones as well." he admitted softly, smiling at him. "you are not them and you shouldn't judge yourself on their behavior."
“...Hey I haven’t nearly killed myself in awhile. I should be given a prize or something.”Tony snickered a little smiling a little as she squeezed the other’s hand. “Welcome.”He muttered before looking down, swallowing hard. “...I know. She didn’t want saved, but it’s still hard, especially since I know how it effected Aliyah.”He muttered a little swallowing thickly. “...I am smoking hot aren’t I?”He muttered blushing ever so slightly before his shoulders slouched a little at hearing so many of his bad equalities listed, with their opposite good qualties. It was weird, hearing someone praise him really...”’ll have to forgive me really...I totally....suck at these things. but...I...I like you to. And aliyah and me...we need you...”He muttered staring at the floor, afraid the other would decide he was just kidding, that it wasn’t worth the effort.
Steve snorted. "i don't think you should be given a prize for that." he admitted, looking amused before he nodded. "at least you made her last days worth it Tony." he admitted. "she died knowing her daughter would be safe and loved, and that matters." he admitted. "it's okay Tony, you don't suck nearly as much as you think you do." he admitted. "you just have very little self confidence. we'll work on that." he promised with a chuckle. "i love you too Tony." he admitted softly. "and i need you too. you and me. together." he promised, taking Tony's pink in his. "till the end of the line, okay? just promise you'll at least try to stop running away every time you feel emotions?" he asked with a smile.
“Yea, she does know that.”Tony muttered something tight in his chest, the utter feeling of failing, lossing as he realized that yes, he’d done someting right for stephanie. He made sure her daughter was safe. “...I doubt that. I’m fairly certain I do. I mean, not everyone I’ve ever met could be that wrong.”Tony said making a face, blushing slightly at the other’s words, looking down at their joined hands he nodded nearly shyly. “Okay....and hey. I had this conversation with you didn’t I?I didn’t run away.”He grumbled, flushing before nodding a little.”But I’ll...try.”She agreed.
he smiled at Tony, it was funny really, how just a few words could calm Tony so much. how had no one ever done this for Tony? it was so easy to reassure him, Steve knew the other would need more reassuring, but that was okay, Steve would protect Tony, even from himself. "Tony. are you going to trust the word of a hundred strangers, or the few people who actually know you, instead of the mask you put up?" he asked, smiling a little. "you are a good man. my good man." he promised. "and yes, you did, but only because you feel bad that i can't hunt you down." he teased with a smile. while he had recovered a lot, he was still too exhausted to manage anything more than going to the bathroom on his own. "that's all i ask Tony. now. i wanna kiss." he ordered, pouting at the other and smiling.
Tony tilted his head seeing the smile on steve'steve's face wondering what had pleased him so much about tony taking his word." know I have the mask for a reason you know. Easier letting them hate a pretend me rather then me. I mean everyone wants to hate the weapons dealer, no one wants to like the genius he much easier pretending "tony muttered making a face but not protesting being a good man. Progress at least. "Well that. And it seems our daughter's becomerather fond of you. Can't get her to leave you alone. So I had to come visit."tony smiled squirming a little because it had been more then that. More then aliyah's need to see if he was okay,it'd been tony's."and whoever said you got one huh?"Tony said smiling a the order as he moved over,leaning down to kiss the other lightly.
he nodded. "i know, but i know the person beneath that mask. i know who you really are." he admitted with a smile. "i love you, for you." he admitted. "and i don't give a damn what anyone else thinks." he admitted before he grinned. "you know. i have an interview with Ellen, can i tell her that i'm dating you and have adopted Aliyah?" he asked. "then i can claim her as mine, without having to tell the truth." he admitted with a nod. "that's a good idea, right?" he asked with a smile. "then she can claim me, but we don't have to tell her the full truth until she's old enough to understand." he decided, his head tilted. "your a bad liar Tony." he teased with a smile as he grinned at the other. he knew he would get a kiss. he leaned up and eager accepted the light kiss and then sighed as he sagged into the pillows. "sorry. i'm tired again." he grumbled, frustrated with his astonishingly slow recovery. Bruce said it was because the two Serums in his system where mutating to match each other, and where too busy doing that to heal him. Bruce said by the end of the week they would see Steve fully recovering and exhibiting the side effects, if there where any.
Tony tilted his head at that, blushing a little at the words. Nibbling a little on his lip, because he knew, just how badly he was at saying it, saying things. “Really?”Tony looked startled at the other’s willingness to tell everyone so soon, and everything, before nodding a little. “Yes, if you want.It is a very good idea.”Tony agreed smiling slightly kissing him back before leaning back. “It’s okay. Just rest.I should go get some work done anyways.”He said smiling a little as he brushed a kiss to the other’s head as he left.

A week later Tony smiled a little as he straightened his tie, looking over at steve as the man got ready. Even if they hadn’t come out and said they were dating, or really moved into each other’s space, the two were generally found together if tony wasn’t in the lab, or with aliyah. Rolling his eyes as he watched steve fuss over his clothes he smirked a little. “You look good. Stop messing with it. Ellen’ll think you’re nervous or something.”he teased as he helped aliyah get ready.
he smiled a little and nodded. "it will be the best Prank ever." he admitted with a bright grin. "coming out as gay and dating Tony stark on national television? the others are going to wig out." he admitted with a snigger. "i'll have Natasha get the adoption paperwork, might as well make that legal. then no one can ever take her away from us." he admitted with a nod.

Steve was grinning as he flattened his tie. he was still a bit tired, but he had made a full and complete recovery. he just had to take it easy for a while yet. "i am nervous!" he gasped, shaking his head. "Ellen is practically my idol Tony! she was the first show i watched when i woke up you know. she was the only reason i stayed sane for those first months!" he admitted as he nervously tried to flatten his hair. he'd even gotten her a present. a full Avengers poster and everyone had signed it. he hoped she liked it, he knew others gave her signed posters. "Stark, rogers? your up." a Stage Hand informed them, looking amused at how shy Steve suddenly looked. he stepped out shyly as the crowd screamed and froze, looking rather baffled and timid. he was frozen. this was a little too close to his dancing monkey days. then Ellen was there, holding his hand and hugging him and chattering a million miles a minute and he went as red as a tomato and realized that just out of sight, Tony was probably laughing his ass off. Tony would wait until Steve announced it to the world before he stepped out with Aliyah. "it's.. it's great to be here!" Steve finally stuttered back to life. "sorry. i'm... the crowd." "no worries! no worries!" Ellen promised. from there they talked about life as a superhero and then came the question. "so, anyone special in your life?" "actually. yes." Steve admitted with a smile. "i've i've been in in love with someone for a long time and we started dating just a week or so ago." he admitted, impish grin on his lips as Ellen leaned in. "oh!? who?! do tell?" "well. Tony Stark, of course." Ellen paused, staring at him, the entire crowd silent. "...Captain. Sir... did you just... come out. on my show? with Tony Stark?" "i did. yes. he's here if you want to talk to him too?" Ellen's squealed YES! was answer enough.

back at the Tower, Clint sulked as he handed Natasha fifty dollars.
“You are so weird. I like ellen to, but tv is totally not my thing.”Tony said making a face at the idea, because despite his fame, he really didn’t enjoy seeing himself on tv. “Stop. You’re going to mess it up.”tony said smiling slightly as he batted steve’s hands away from his hair, amused a little as aliyah clung to him as he settled her on his hip, looking amused as he watched. Biting his lip, looking worried for the other as he frozen, waiting until he unfrozen to laugh his ass off. He was a ass, but at least he was kind enough to not laugh till steve was okay. Smirking as he listened to steve out himself, and tony of course, he knew that walking out there with aliyah will change everything. Smirking a little to himself as he shifted the small girl sitting on his hip, he pressed a kiss to her head. “You’re okay, sweetheart.”He muttered to the other as the girl hid her face against his shoulder. Gently stroking her back as he walked out onto the stage, moving to sit next to steve, tilting his head a little. “Hello, Ellen. Aliyah, say hello.” “No.”Came the shy answer from buried against tony’s chest.

Natasha smirked, looking over at the assassin. “I told you they were dating.”She said with a superior sniff, glancing at the others. James tilted his head looking utterly fascinated with the tv, and that the people he knew, were on it. This was amazing!
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