Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Hm, it’s good for us. I don’t think we’ll be getting alot of sleep later.”Tony said snickering a little looking amused. “we’re not that bad. And you make amazing pancakes. Are you really surprised we eat them all?”Tony teased looking amused as he helped the girls, trying to not be nervous and anxious as he watched the others settle in to eat. Smiling a little as aliyah ate he waved a hand at steve,”Sit. Eat,”He ordered, worried about steve.
Steve shook his head. "i will once i make the tea and Coffee." he promised as he bustled about, getting the air of nervous energy about him as he worked. soon he was making eggs to order and then was washing the dishes and then scrubbing the counters, by then they had all finished eating so he washed more dishes and then swept and mopped the kitchen and finally sat down and fidgeted, glancing at the clock as he tried to contain himself. Tony was talking to him again and his Brother was home but he didn't know how either of them where actually feeling. he didn't know when Tony might pull away again or if James was sane or even knew who himself was let alone Steve... it was... frustrating. "i'm gonna go beat something up." Steve decided after sitting and fidgeting for no more than a few minutes, heading down to the Gym to beat up a bag until he either exhausted himself, Tony talked to him or James woke up.
Tony looked up startled as the man stood, tilting his head. “Okay.”He said looking worried for the other, concerned at how he was handling things. Helping the girls eat and eating his own breakfast, he swallowed hard as he headed down to the med lab, to check in on james, and seeing that the man was still asleep, settled into his lab to work.

It was a few hours later that Jarvis informed steve that James was awake, the assassin pacing the room, anxious and caged, utterly pissed at being left alone, and having no idea what was going on. Looking up when steve walked in, the man stopped, shivering a little. Because he wasn’t well. Despite being on his feet and moving, it was obvious he was still not doing well. Still coming up from being frozen, he was recovering slowly. “Where am I?Who are you?”He demanded. “What happened to my handler?”
Steve watched James for a moment before turning his attention to Jarvis. "Jay? turn the heat up would you?" he asked, noticing James was shivering. "sit down, i'll explain everything." he promised to James, picking up a blanket and gently wrapping it around the others shoulders. "i'll start from the beginning i think. back during WWII." he stated. "we grew up together as children...." he explained how he and Bucky had been brothers in all but blood, explained how Bucky had gone of to war, how Steve had followed, he explained about Project Rebirth and how Bucky had been used in Hydra experimentation. told Bucky about the Commandos and the accident in the train and how Steve had been so suicidally depressed after that he just drove the plane into the freezing water. he explained how he had woken up in the future and how he had never realized Bucky was alive until Tony showed him that picture. he explained how they stormed the Hydra base and pulled James out of the Cryogenics tube. explained that they had James handler in custody so they could help take care of James better and try to reverse what Hydra had done. hoping James wouldn't get too enraged.
James frowned, looking around for whoever Steve was talking about, eyeing the bed and the blanket as the other wrapped him up but allowed him to wrap him up in it anyways. Biting his lip a little as he nodded. “Please.”he demanded, despite being the badass assassin, some habits were to deeply ingrained, and politeness was a lifetime habit for him. “....What do you want from me?”He asked at the end, his eyes bouncing around the room, knowing they wnated something. Everyone wanted something from him when he was awake. And despite the times the memory wipes had taken place, they were never as deep as hydra pretended they were, never as complete. The memories were still there, he just needed nudged into correct behavior, and to know what’s going on. He simply needed a handler who understood him.
Steve nodded at the please and started to talk. "want? well, to be honest i want you to remember who you are. once that happens then it will depend a lot on what you want." Steve admitted. "what do i want? i want to see you healthy, happy, i don't expect Sane, no one here is sane least of all me, but i'll be happy with you at least recognizing me when you look at me." he admitted with a sigh. "are you hungry? i made pancakes." he admitted. "i don't know how to take care of you yet, but we'll all learn how to take care of you until you can take care of yourself, okay?"
“...”James stared at the other man, looking utterly out of sorts and confused on what the other wanted from him. He didn’t understand. ‘happy’ wasn’t a normal request. Not killing, not dealing with anything, he had no idea how to handle a simple request. Deciding that the other man was insane, and that there had to be someone here that wanted something from him, he nodded, willing to play along until he figured out what was going on. “Food would be nice.”he agreed, before tilting his head. “...Okay.”he said not sure how this was going to go, but surely it wouldn’t be to horrible. Anything was better then the ice.

“Cap!”Aliyah squealed as she scampered up as the two walked in, “Ali!No.”Tony scolded as he grabbed her around her waist, keeping the toddler from rushing away from where they’d been playing with her toys. “Be careful. Cap’s friend isn’t feeling well, don’t go rushing towards him.”Tony said his voice soft and quiet when he realized he’d made her cry with his probably overreaction. “O-okay papa.”The girl sniffled.
Steve examined James and realized that what he'd said had gone right over James head. damn, this was worse than he'd thought. "come on then, Kitchen's this way. oh! you're free to come out of your room anytime you want." he told the other. "your allowed to eat whenever you want, workout, play games, read books, whatever you want. you used to love to read, or play the Viola." he admitted. "i wonder if i still have your Viola?" he mused. "might be in the museum, i'll have to check." he admitted before blinking as Ali went to scamper over to them. "it's okay Ali, you didn't know." Steve promised her, shooting a worried look at Tony as if uncertain how to handle this one. "Bucky? er, James. this is Aliyah, she's three. there's another little girl Jaimie running around too, she's Six. this is Tony, he's in charge of the building." he explained, patting Ali on the head and making a silly face at her before motioning for James to follow him. "this is the kitchen, we mostly keep the food here but i'll have your personal kitchenette decked out too. you'll have to make a list, i'm not sure if you can remember what your favorite foods are." he admitted, looking worried as he offered the massive platter of pancakes and bacon to the other. "Milk? Coffee? Tea? Juice?" Steve offered, feeling nervous now. James wasn't himself and he had no idea how to help him, or interact with him.
James nodded silently following the other, studying him, learning how steve reacted to things. Figuring even if his old handler was in custody, it seemed steve was in charge now, so he could deal. Looking anxious at the idea of having so many selectiosn on what he could do, he looked at the other anxiously, swallowing hard. “Okay.”he said simply retreating into near silence to deal with not knowing what he wanted to do. “...”Aliyah sniffled. “...James.”The man corrected automatically, not even really aware of saying it before looking down at the little girl, smiling a little. He’d always been good with kids, had never hurt a child even if he’d been ordered to, having gone out of his way to take care of the victims children if he had to leave them orphans. “Hello.”He smiled shyly at the girl. “hello.”Aliyah said as she hid against her papa’s legs. “Hey james. Welcome to the tower.”Tony said watching the two, the look on his face near sadness as he watched them disappear into the kitchen. “...I don’t know. I eat mush.”He said after a moment frowning, looking anxiosu at the options before swallowing hard. “Coffee?Coffee.”he said after a moment as he sat down.
Steve fidgeted a little as he realized he wasn't helping Jame at all but he didn't know what else to do. "right, James. because that's your name." Steve mumbled, wondering if it was okay to have a broken heart when he wasn't in love with Bucky. his own brother didn't know him, it hurt a lot. "...mush? they feed you mush!?" Steve demanded before sighing and shaking his head. "never mind, you'll get a more nutritional balance here. i do all the cooking so if there's anything specific you want just let me know." he suggested as he handed over what had once been Bucky's favorite. Chocolate Chip pancakes and a huge helping of Bacon as he set about making Bucky's coffee just the way he'd always liked it. he had a feeling Buck's taste-buds had changed since then though so he wasn't sure if the other would actually like it or not. he was hoping the other would. "morning Steve, good morning James." Loki chirped as he walked in. "here, hold Anthosy." Loki demanded, depositing a calm baby into James arms as he tried to sooth the other baby that was screaming at the top of it's lungs until Loki crammed a bottle into it's gob. "nine rivers of hell." Loki groaned, sagging into a chair. "he's been screaming all night. Thor's Bear indeed!" Loki grumbled, Steve chuckling because that was, apparently, what the Torbjorn meant was Thor's Bear. it fit. "i suppose Thor has been no help?" "f course not! he just sleeps through the screaming! i'll teach him to sleep through the screaming!" Loki growled as Steve chuckled and turned his attention to James. "this is Loki, Norse God of Chaos. and that's Anthosy in your arms and this is Torbjorn, who is apparently cranky this morning."
"...mush is a nutritional food..."James said looking utterly confused with the other's anger. This was weird. Way to weird to consider trying to figure out. He'd just have to sit back and observe he guessed."thank you."he said as he was given food looking at it unsure before starting to eat. It was...almost to much but it also tasted good so he kept eating until the child was put in his R
Arms holding him awkwardly as he watched the other two with wide eyes."hello..."the assassin said looking overwhelmed at all the introductions. "I did not sleep through it all. I was up with him to loki."thor said frowning at his lover as he walked in and took his son cuddling the cranky one, nuzzling torbjodn gently. "Cap! Up."Aliyah asked\demanded as she walked into the kitchen holding her hands up towards the man. After tony,steve was definitely her favorite person,ND nothing pleased her more then to see steve and tony once again talking.
Steve snorted. "it's lacking essential vitamins and minerals. your lucky you don't have scurvy." he pointed out with a shake of his head. "your welcome." he stated with a smile and pleased to see the other was eating. "sorry. i had planned on introducing you one person at a time." Steve admitted. "i know this must be a bit overwhelming for you." Steve admitted to James. "make him stop Thor!" Loki pleaded, setting the baby into Thor's arms where it continued to scream, Loki groaning. he hadn't had sleep in three days because of the whole 'we're rescuing James' thing so the Godling was at his wits end. Steve smiled as he swept Aliyah up into his arms before he struck upon an idea. "hey, let Aliyah try holding him." he suggested. "he loves laying in Aliyah's arms." Steve admitted, setting Aliyah down so she could race to the couch to hold the baby. where it indeed, fell happily silent. "here, i'll take this one so you can finish eating." Steve promised James, gently easing the baby out and cradling it like it was made out of glass. he was always overly careful when holding the twins.
"...I'm not sure what to think of all these people really."James said truthfully watching them all as he tried to figure this out. But this was so out of the realm of things he'd experienced in the last 70 years that he had no basis on how to respond besides just go with it."I'm trying loki. Why don't you go lay down?I can take care of the twins.&he said reassuring the smaller godling looking worried for him to."baby!"aliyah giggled happily to have the baby again smiling as hequieted. "Thanks."James muttered letting steve have the baby before returning to his food. Tony smiled softly as he leaned in the doorway, something sad and quiet in his face as he watched steve."you look good with a baby cap."he teased lightly
Steve nodded. "you'll get used to them. there's a lot of them." Steve admitted. "and it's perfectly okay to be overwhelmed. i am sometimes." he admitted. "i can't lay down my baby is unhappy!" Loki complained, even as he settled into the living room with Aliyah and ended up sleeping on the couch, Jarvis warning everyone that if they disturbed Loki Thor was going to turn them into a paste. "no problem." Steve promised James with a smile before looking up at Tony and offering him a timid tender smile that said so much. he wished Tony would let him love him. he wished Tony would allow him that, but Tony was still too stubborn. not that it mattered because Steve was even more so. "yeah? i guess i must if you say so. he admitted with a smile as he gently kissed Anthosy's forehead. "i'd love to have a baby of my own." he admitted, smiling at Tony. a direct statement. 'i want to have a family with you'.
"Yes...okay. I can handle this."James said calm even if this was so weird,they weren't hurting him or anything. He could handle that."I know you cant.but just go sit down with aliyah then."thor said reasonably knowing if loki sat down he was going to go to sleep. Tony offered him back a smile half panic and tenderness and every emotion between. Obviously the man wasn't done faking out,but at least the captain was stubborn enough to put up with him."...."tony's eyes widened at that direct statement looking utterly confused and panicked."well we have ali. Ali's good for now."toNY said with enough panic to make both thor and james stare at him.
Steve smiled at him. "you always did have a strong constitution." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched Loki being manipulated by Thor. which said just how tired Loki was. he had just set up his own little trick on Tony. "so you admit there's a we? excellent. i'll take you out to dinner to celebrate our new relationship." he promised, struggling to keep from laughing in Tony's poor face. "we can work on having a kid in a few years." he agreed as he tickled Anthosy's chin. "doesn't uncle Tony look so adorable when he's apoplectic with rage and terror? yes he is. yes he is."
Tiny startled eyes going wide as he realized exactly what steve had said."what?no. I meant 'we' as me and you, having, I mean as individuals who already...."tony stuttered to a stop when he realized his team was staring at him like he'd lost his mind. Deciding to call it quits before he dug himself into a hole he huffed."I'm going down to the lab. Find me if you need anything."he said before pretty much fleeing the room as the others stared after him.knowing g that steve would eventually be down with his lunch if he didn't venture up.
Steve had bowed his head and was snickering when Tony finally left. "...i'd tell you that was mean. but i'm laughing too hard to actually care." Clint admitted, looking delighted. "your honest to god trying to seduce Tony stark. i don't know whether to laugh at you or have you admitted. oh! hi, i'm Clint Barton." he introduced himself to James before raiding the fridge for his butter pecan syrup. "...who used my syrup!?" he demanded, mortified. "Johnny and Jaimie." Steve stated simply. "calm down there's a second bottle in the cupboard." appeased, Clint gathered his holy syrup, Natasha's Holy Syrup, a plate for both of them and left. "...just as a forewarning, which i should have warned you earlier, most of the people here are insane." Steve warned James.
"That was amazing. The first sign of the apocalypse. Tony stark running away from a date."Natasha snickered shaking her head a little."and we should probably have him admitted if he's being serious."she adied as she kissed steve's cheek looking at james."hello. I'm Natasha romanov." "James barnes."the assassin said watching them all with slightly wide eyes. Watching Clint gather the syrup and leave with Natasha he nodded slowly."so I can see."he said focusing on steve."this is a weird place...but I think it gome."he said slowly
Steve rolled his eyes. "please. as if loving Tony stark is all that bad." he scoffed a he let her kiss his cheek. "i have been pining after him for some time now after all." he admitted. Natasha knew better than anyone his infatuation with Tony. in fact it was only because of her that he'd admitted it at all, stupid super spy. "to be honest, i'm probably the least sane of them all, being that i'm trying, and momentarily failing, to seduce Tony." he admitted with a grin as he tickled Anthosy's little toes before he beamed at James. "i'm glad you like it here. it's a bit awkward at first, being who we are. but once you settle in i'm sure you'll never be happier." he admitted with a smile. "all done? here hold the baby while i wash the dishes... these people are monsters, leaving messes wherever they go." he huffed as he started cleaning up the breakfast mess.
"I never said it was bad.just 5hat you needed admitted for trying it."she teased in amusement knowing better then anyone just how much steve liked tony."..."James stared because there were no words to describe the warm feeling that nearly crushed his chest at so easily being included in on the lives, accepted. Startling as he was handed the baby he nodded a little."...this is gonna be interesting."he said smiling a little because indeed this was going to be a adventure.

"Steve. How's the Klondike doing?"Tony said glancing up at the blond super soldier as steve walked in holding aliyah,the girl having refused to go down for her nap without seeing her papa. Doing a double take when he saw aliyah he looked worried."what's wrong?"
Steve rolled his eyes. "actually, i think i might be succeeding." he admitted. "he did run away after all." he admitted with a grin. Steve had to stuff his hand in his mouth to keep from laughing brightly at James new nickname before shaking his head. "she won't go to sleep unless she makes sure your alright. she seams to think your upset or something." he admitted. "and the ... Klondike, is fine he's upstairs reading." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "i think he's determined to ignore us all for a while. i don't think he appreciated Hulk turning into a massive Green Rage Monster or Thor proceeding to thrash said green rage monster with a hammer that spits lightning." he admitted with a chuckle. "Aliyah and Jaimie thought it was hilarious."
"I'm fine tink."toNY said as he moved away from the workbench to take the sleepy girl settling her easily into his arms."are not papa. You're upset. I'm gonna make it better."Aliyah said with sleep determination."you always do."tony muttered into her hair as he pressed a kiss to her head as he moved over to the labs couch making them both comfortable before smirking at steve's use of the new nickname."...well can't really blame him. I didn't appreciate it the first few times they did it either...and of course the girls found it amusing. Their mine and johnny's. We like blowing sh-stuff up."
Steve chuckled a little as he let Tony have Aliyah, shaking his head. "you shouldn't lie to a kid who can read lies better than Natasha Tony." Steve pointed out, sulking. "there are days when i really don't like her." he admitted. "stupid super spies anyway." he grumbled before he snorted. "you at least had a half of an expectation considering what they did to Manhattan." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "they do like watching things explode." he admitted. "hey, Tony? what is a Harry Potter and why does she want one?" he asked, looking confused.
"She's not the good yet. I'm in serious trouble if ali's taking lessons from the super spy."tony said with wide eyes before nodding."so I did. But I still didn't expect them to go all 'thunder dome' in the middle of the tower. It took me days to clean up the mess then I had to build them their own rooms to fight in."tony huffed smiling a little as their talking was putting aliyah to sleep."upset papa...have to help..." "you are sweetheart. I'm okay."tony muttered soothingly before looking up."he's a boy wizard in a book. And it's a popular thing." "Papa I want Harry potter..."
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