Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve nodded. "i'll trim it tonight." he promised. "Aliyah's been complaining that you look shabby." he snorted. "i have no idea who she learned that one from but at least she's stopped saying 'god dammit that was my Toe!' every couple of minutes." he scoffed. "i think she realized what would happen if she continued on when i washed out Clint's mouth with a good pile of dawn dish soap and a toothbrush." he admitted before scowling as he realized he wasn't being paid any attention to. "Tony? did you do something?" he asked, puzzled. it was the only explanation he could think of for why Tony would tell him not to get mad. "know what Tony?" he asked, feeling a bit scared now. "....oh my god..." he muttered as he accepted the Tablet, eyes wide as he stared at the face of his once best friend. he wasn't even aware that he'd dropped the Tablet. mostly because he was now on the ground, passed out. Steve Rogers had freaking fainted! it would have been hilarious in any other situation, but this was a little pressing!
“...Who’s been complaining about me?that’s just mean.”Tony huffed making a face, before snickering a little. “Probably clint.”he muttered fidgeting a little. “No!Well, yes, but not anything bad!”Tony whined a little squirming, “This.”He muttered watching steve before yelping as the other went down, to slow to catch him but fast enough to keep his head from hitting the floor or the cabinets. Settling down on the floor with the other’s head in his lap, knowing better then to try and pick up the muscle bound captain. Gently stroking the blond’s hair he simply enjoyed the touch while he could, stopping as soon as steve’s eyes fluttered.”hey. You up to hear the rest now?”He said sounding anxious about telling him, now that steve had heard that the other was alive and fainted, he almost didn’t want to tell the man the rest of what he found.
Steve snorted. "i believe Bruce was complaining that you where getting 'scruffy and shabby' and that he was going to have to intervene in your 'habits' again." Steve admitted, looking amused. "well as long as you didn't blow something up, melt through the ceiling or accidentally loose a limb or something." Steve mused, watching Tony intently before, abruptly passing out. he blinked at the ceiling a moment, looking very confused. "what happened?" he asked, startled. "the rest?" he asked, sounding anxious and upset. "Tony i just found out my Brother is alive and now you tell me there's more?!" he asked, weakly. "i'm not sure i can handle the emotional input so i'm going to stay on the floor while you tell me, i don't want another concussion, those things are the worst..." he was trying to gather himself together and was failing.
Tony winced, “You passed out.”he said looking down at the other, sighing softly as he considered it. “YEa...sorry. There is. I wouldn’t tell you, but if I don’t, you’ll accuse me of wanting to take care of it myself, and deal with things all alone.”Tony muttered before nodding.”yes. Concussions are fairly bad.”He muttered biting his lip, trying to decide if he should tell him, but knowing steve would demand to know if he tried to squirm his way out of this. “Shield’s compromised.....Hydra survived Red Skull’s demise. By hiding in shield. I don’t know how deep it goes, but I know it’s not fury, or hill...but beyond that...”he sighed softly, “Hydra has had James for the last 70 years, working as a brainwashed assassin....they suspected you survived the ice, when he did. It’s why he hasn’t aged, hasn’t changed. They used cryogenics to do it.”Tony said his voice gentle and worried, wishing he could spare the other man that. "While the circumstances of how it happened were different, that part didn't change from stephanie's world....make me look into things I'd otherwise overlook."
Steve grimaced a little. "been a long time since i've done that." he admitted. "don't you dare do whatever your doing alone!" Steve warned firmly before staring at him, his eyes wide, startled, mortified. James was Hydra. James was Hydra... his Brother was being used as a mass murdering machine! "well..." he muttered as he slowly sat up and then stood up, swaying for a moment before steadying. he pulled out his phone tapped in a secure line to Maria Hill with Jarvis doing most of the work and told her he was taking another sabbatical due to personal reasons and that if things started blowing up, he was sorry. "where was that picture taken and when?" Steve demanded, watching Tony. "i won't let Bucky be used like that. not ever. i have to rescue him."
“I know better then to do anything alone. Not now.”Tony muttered before wincing, cringing away from the man who was staring at him so horrified. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I wish it wasn’t. I didn’t want stephanie’s james and our james to have the same thing, but I couldn’t not tell you.”Tony babbled for a moment, utterly scared of the other’s reaction before startling when steve stood, getting up himself, bracing, ready to catch steve if he went over again. “This morning, Moscow. And I know you wont. But you’re not going alone. Clint and Natasha are going to go, with loki and thor standing as backup, and johnny me and bruce to watch the girls and be ready to come after if you need us.”Tony said looking sick at the admittance he wasn’t going with the other, he hated it, hated hated not offering his own services, but for this, he knew he’d be more use here, in the lab, hacking through computers to find more information and running them around the city. Besides, he knew his suit and him were to flashy to be good for the undercover work that would be needed to get into a hydra facility without getting james killed."You're not alone, cap. We'll get him back. And I'll start working with bruce to see what kind of medical stuff we can dig up out of hydra's things."
Steve nodded. "good. good." he muttered, glad that Tony wasn't going to go haring off. "it's okay." he murmured. "it's alright. it's not your fault." Steve promised Tony. "i'm glad you told me, i'd have gotten mad if you hadn't." he admitted. "this morning. Moscow. he won't have had a chance to move on yet." he mumbled before turning to blink at Tony. "you can track him?" he asked hopefully. "you can help me find him?" Steve pleaded before wrapping the other in a tight hug, pulled Tony into a searing kiss and left to get ready, too broken up to worry about the hows or whats. he'd leave that to Tony. he was going to get packed, trembling as he realized he might actually get to have his best friend back. his brother in all but blood. James would be fucked up, he knew, but they could help him. Steve was even sure he could set James up on a few dates, revenge on Jame's always dragging him on double dates before the war of course. he would have to woo Tony as well so that he and James could go on double dates. that would actually be fun, especially if he set James up with a different date each time. he dressed in a pair of jeans and a T and headed for the Jet to wait. he would let Tony take the lead. he was too torn up to do anything but take orders and he trusted Tony.
“I know, which is why I told you.But I had hoped she’d almost be wrong about him surviving, if to spare you what’s coming next.”Tony said watching the other, before nodding.”Yep, about...”he glanced at his watch, “5 hours ago.”Tony said before nodding tightly.”Yea, I can track him. Moscow’s not great for tech, but I can-”He said yelping as he was pulled into a kiss, to stunned to kiss back before watching the other leave. “papa?” “hey sweetheart. Let’s go. We’re going to go play in the lab.”Tony smiled as he picked up the girl, heading to let the others know before heading down to the lab, settling aliyah into her play area before settling in himself to track.

“Here. This is yours. Tony said short of you using the shield on it, that thing is indestructible, and totally connected to each other, and him. He’s going to be our eyes and ears.”Natasha said smiling a little as she handed over the comm, wincing a little as tony’s hyper voice sounded in her ear as they settled into the pilot’s seat. “You have about a 10 hour flight. Sorry Cap, not even I can make the quinjet go faster then that. But I have him right now, he wont be going far.”Tony said as natasha started the trip for moscow, glancing at clint, wondering what was going on. “Tony, time to fill us in.”She ordered, having obeyed the man’s request to go with steve, without asking questions. “Well...”Tony started before explaining exactly what was going on.
he nodded. "i don't think this is something that can be spared." he admitted before heading off and accepting the Comm from Natasha, slipping it into his ear. Clint looking worried as he examined Steve who was acting very oddly. "i's fine. just don't lose him." Steve whispered, sounding just a touch frantic at the thought of being trapped inside a jet for ten hours while Bucky was being used to murder people. he tuned Tony out while he explained about James and ignored the pity filled looks that Clint kept shooting him, as if the Assassin wasn't so sure that James was as unwilling as Tony and Steve thought. he had heard many stories about the Winter Soldier. how could someone so evil and cruel be brainwashed? it just wasn't possible, right?
When tony directed them towards the part of moscow that overlooked the kremlin, which actually disturbed Natasha, knowing that there was only one reason for a soviet trained assassin, to be returning to moscow. Either he was going back, or he was there to clean up someone’s mess. “He’s inside. Far side, looks to be basement. I lost actual eyes on him, but he went in there, and jarvis is still working on getting in. Gotta say, for a country that hasn’t left the stone age, there tech is amazingly hard to break into.”Tony said, having kept up the talking for most of the trip, because he was utterly horrible at not chattering when he was nervous. “I can direct you through the levels, can’t tell what you’ll meet up with, but kremlin’s floor plans haven’t changed in a 1000 years, I can get you through.”Tony babbled .”Hey hey-no, this is papa’s-stop-hey-oh!You know, aliyah’s fairly smart. She just found a video feed I wanted.”Tony said sounding proud and amused, having settled in to play on teh floor with aliyah as he directed them, and the little girl having patted a hand through the ‘screen’, which was just a hologram and brought up the missing feed he’d been looking for. “He’s down in the basement....Cap...You’re going to want to hurry.”tony said sounding shaken, because the sick feeling of seeing someone going on ice alive, was to painful.
Steev was stiff and silent through most of the flight and only moved to start stretching out once they where a half an hour to getting there so he wouldn't stiffen or cramp during any fights. he said not a word and Clint bit his lip, worrying about what might happen. "it's alright Tony. we'll go room by room if we have to." Clint promised pausing when Aliyah interfered, a grin on his lips. "of course Aliyah's smart. she's yours." he pointed out to Tony. "They're putting him back on ice." Steve finally spoke, voice filled with rage as they landed, heading for the door and straight for the Kremlin, uncaring if someone saw him or not. he'd kill anyone who got in his way. thankfully, Clint was a bit smarter than him at the moment and pulled Steve off track before the super soldier caused an international incident and pulled them down to the service tunnels and vents that would allow them to head straight into the basement without having to worry about guards.
“Might find something interesting, if you go room by room actually.”The man said sounding amused before smirking. “She is.” “Papa helping?” “Yea, papa’s helping Cap. Don’t worry sweetheart.”Tony said smiling as he got the girl settled in for her nap, moving back into the lab to work. “Yea. They are.”He confirmed at Steve’s words. “Shit.”Natasha paled slightly, swallowing thickly as she followed clint and steve, watching their back as she let the two clear the way. Which by the time they got through the vents, it was obvious that they were getting close, the choked screams echoing in the dim basement, of a man who was both trying not to scream ,and was probably gagged. “Shit.”natasha cursed quietly as they dropped into the hall outside the cryogenics lab, silently starting to take care of the hydra agents guarding the room, not stopping until they were inside, and when tehy got there, she stared in quiet disbelief at the man still finding the ice cold as it started to freeze him. “Fucking hell.”She breathed, for once, losing her ice cold quiet, the depth of her horror breaking it as she rushed off and started to work on getting the man out, ignoring his own startled, snarled protests over her help, only focusing on getting him out, knowing the man was more animal then human at the moment.
"We'll do that after we rescue Bucky. we want as much information on Hydra as we can get." Steve stated softly. "god dammit." Steve whispered as he followed Clint into the venting, feeling more and more enraged as he heard the screaming. he started kicking ass right along side Natasha, slamming into Hydra bastards and splintering the door that stood in his way and started taking care of the people in there too. he refrained from killing any of the scientists, so that Tony could work on them and learn every sordid detail they knew about Hydra science. "Stand Down Soldier!" Steve ordered James, setting a hand on the other's half frozen face, eyes wide and filled with tears. "Bucky it's okay." he tried again. "it's me. Steve. i'm here. we're going to take you home." he promised. "don't fight. we're going to get you home."
James tensed, eyes wide as he was touched, fighting harder against the bonds before going utterly still, trembling a little as he turned his head into the other’s hand, looking utterly confused and lost, because this was definitely something that was out of the normal. “....”James stared at the man as natasha and clint set about undoing the buckles and tube that was keeping him in place, “...I were smaller....”He said, eyes widening at the memory, that wasn’t quite a memory, not sure what made him say it, but he needed to. Blinking wide grey eyes, eyelashes lined with frost, shivering. “Cap!”Tony said before wincing, changing tatics when he realized steve wasn’t listening to him, “Clint, get them out of there. Now. You’re about to have company.”
Steve winced as he struggled harder, looking even more worried before smiling softly as the other calmed. "there. it's okay. it's okay Buck. we got you. i got you." he promised before his face morphed into delight. "i thought you where Dead." he agreed, sniffing as he carefully helped the other sit up before scooping him, carefully into his arms. it wasn't that Steve wasn't listening to Tony, it was more that he just couldn't hear Tony. he was lost to the fact that his brother was alive. and hurting badly. "How much Company!?" Clint demanded as he nudged Cap. "Move! Now!... Soldier Move Your Scrawny Ass Before I Put My Boot Up It!" Clint barked, and that, finally, got Steve's attention, gathering James close to him like the man was a large baby and headed off, following Natasha.
James frowned a little, nodding, letting his head lull to the side, because the memories weren’t really there, he couldn’t follow it all the way back to what came next. “Enough that I’m sending Loki to help get you out. He should be there momentarily.”Tony said as they followed Natasha, knowing both loki and thor were on standby, but considering they were trying not to cause a international incident, and loki,despite his show of trying to take over the world, could be more subtle and get them out. “Careful cap.”Natasha muttered as they moved silently through the place, nodding slightly when Loki appeared escorting them to the plane. “Can you hide us while we take off?”She said already starting to plane, looking worried.
Steve smiled as he tucked Jame's head against his shoulder so he wouldn't bounce when they where running. Loki appeared between one blink and another. simply appearing as if he'd always been there, guiding them away from the massive hoards of Hydra pouring in to handle whoever was stupid enough to go after them. "Yes." Loki admitted. "in fact i can render you invisible to all eyes, ears and technology for a full ten minutes, use it well." he ordered, facing the plane and focusing, setting his hands on the wing before grunting, invisibility spreading along it like paint being spilled until it covered everything. by the time it finished Natasha and the boys where inside already, strapped in and setting up for Takeoff. Loki simply vanished, he didn't like those 'big metal deathtraps'. of course, Loki was simply invisible as he headed back inside to sneak off with anything he could while the Hydra was running around in chaos.
Natasha nodded, “We will.”she said waiting just long enough for the man to finish before flying them home.

By the time they got home it was early, and james was drifting somewhere close to a coma, but not totally out, vaguely responding if someone touched him or moved, and while he was well trained to respond violently if someone touched him, the interrupted process of trying to put him on ice, and warming up again, was taking alot out of the super soldier, sending him nearly into a coma. When they got him into the med lab, tony was waiting for them, looking nearly asleep on his feet, “Put him down. Bruce is on his way down.”Tony said waving a hand towards the bed as steve walked in carrying james, looking utterly dead on his feet. REady to crash out, but the man refused to crash until he was sure everyone was okay....and he got a chance to see what loki brought back....and saw aliyah in the morning...and coffee!He needed coffee.
Steve was anxiously fretting over James, but didn't dare touch or move him too much in case it hurt the other. he carried James out of the jet and into the tower, cradling him carefully as he headed for the lab. hopeful that Tony could fix his brother, Tony could fix anything! he gently settled the man onto the bed and then took a good look at Tony, his heart clenching. "have Jarvis come get me if he wakes up." he ordered Clint who nodded, glad that Steve was finally acting a bit more normal as the Super Soldier moved over to Tony, picking the genius up and cradling him a lot more gently than he had James. he moved Tony into the bedroom, ignoring the man's protests and crawled into bed, hugging Tony close so he couldn't escape. "don't leave." Steve whispered, sounding broken. "please don't leave me alone." it was emotional blackmail, sort of, but Tony needed to sleep and Steve wasn't above making Tony sleep.
Tony fussed, looking james over, focusing on the arm right away, definitely something he wanted to work on. Wanted to take it apart and...”Hey!put me down!”He protested, sputtering a little. “Coffee. I need coffee.”He muttered even as he was dumped into bed, tensing as he was hugged, but...hearing the other sounding so very broken, he simply shoved away his worry and anxiety over things, shoved them away and focused on taking care of steve. Yea, it was sorta emotional blackmail, but steve was right, tony needed the sleep. “Not going anywhere.”He promised nosing the other’s hair as he snuggled in to sleep, within moments past out.

In the morning Tony groaned as jarvis gave them a moment’s warning Aliyah was on her way, having learned better then to let her surprise him awake, otherwise he reacted badly, but he was still in that dazed, quiet sleepy way that he was before coffee. “Papa!Papa, cap home?”Aliyah said climbing up onto the bed, moments away from pouncing on her father before squealing, when she realized who was laying half on top of the sleepy genius. “Cap!”She squealed pouncing on the super soldier. " get up with her. 'mma still sleepin'"Tony slurred
Steve shook his head, Tony needed more coffee like he needed a tazer to the nuts. he snuggled into Tony, letting the others touch comfort him. it wasn't like he didn't need Tony to stay anyway. he knew he was going to have nightmares. he groaned in the morning when Jarvis spoke and blinked stupidly. "shhh." Steve ordered, wrapping an arm around the bouncy toddler. "'s too early Ali. go back to sleep." Steve mumbled as he closed his eyes again, simply holding her. she'd lay there quietly, he had found, for another ten minutes sometimes. so long as it wasn't too late in the day. if she was hungry all bets where off and he was already mentally preparing himself to get up and make something for breakfast. some croissants and a hash maybe.
Aliyah whined a little as she was held, shifting to squirm between the two men, snuggling against her papa and her favoritest person who wasn’t her papa. Definitely being with her two favorite people are amazing. “...She doesn’t do that for me...”Tony grumbled quietly, sleepily amused as aliyah clung to him simply resting for the moment. “...You sleep okay?”He muttered to the other, realizing jarvis hadn’t gotten them cause james was awake, so hopefully that would last until they had breakfast. Looking worried about his captain as he peered at the other.
Steve mumbled as she squirmed and smiled when she laid still and Tony complained. "you ever tried?" he asked Tony sluggishly. "it won't last long anyway." he admitted, not opening his eyes. "slept fine... what time is it?" he asked. "i don't think i've slept that long in years." he admitted. "aright." he groaned as the little monster started fussing. "i'm up... i am." he mumbled as he slowly sat up and shuffled for the kitchen to make breakfast. soon the whole house smelled like delicious breakfast. he forwent his earlier plans and just made pancakes. a variety of them. some with banana's, some with nuts, some with strawberries or blueberries. some with a combination and some just plain. he was more running on autopilot than anything else.
“...well. No. She just walks in and pounces on me. I thought I had to get up....and it’s nearly 8.”Tony muttered smiling a little.”Good. I’m glad you slept okay.”he muttered laughing quietly as aliyah squirmed, fussing. “Papppaaa. I’m hungry.” “Get Cap. Remember, I’m not allowed cooking.”Tony said smiling a little as steve shuffled off to the kitchen with aliyah following after him. Looking peacefully amused at the sight, before getting up. Grabbing a quick shower since steve had aliyah before heading for the kitchen, watching the two. “...Thats alot of pancakes Cap.”He teased lightly liking this sleepy steve, at least he wasn’t being ignored anymore despite having not talked about anything else. Yea, definitely not ready to talk about anything, but he was glad to have his best friend....he mentally skidded on ice, staring down with a sad smile for a moment before aliyah pounced on him, pulling him into the room and pushed into teh chair.”Sit papa. Cap’s making food. Yours are almost done.”Aliyah said wisely before moving over to stand with steve as he cooked, waiting for the food to be done.
Steve chuckled a little. "god. eight. i really slept in." he muttered, shaking his head. "jeez." he mumbled as he sat up, obediently moving to fetch her food. "i'm feeding a hoard of ravenous hell beasts of course it's a lot of pancakes." Steve complained as he cooked, chewing on whatever he wanted as he did so. once the bacon was done he handed her a plate of bacon and pancakes in her favorite way and sent her to get the Syrups out of the fridge for him. Jaimie and Johnny where the next people up, the six year old chattering happily. she'd really come out of her shell since moving into the tower. Jaimie happily helped Aliyah put the seven different kinds of Syrup on the table while Johnny helped the girls cut up their pancakes before they drowned the things in syrup.
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