Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“And here I thought you moved in cause the others were.”Tony teased before nodding, though like johnny, looked a little stunned. “Well, I’m glad to see you’ve figured out how to work google.”He teased amused looking pleased at the promise, because if he trusted anyone to be able to keep that promise, it was steve. “Yea, we need them around. Aliyah’s great.”He muttered swallowing hard as he twitched, turning his head to look up at the other, startled at the other’s words, flushing brightly as he ducked his head. “...I don’t want to be my dad.”He muttered looking incredibly put on the spot and embarassed as steve smiled at him, letting the other shoo him into bed.

But later that night found Tony back at the bar, staring at the glass he was sitting in front of, turning his head slightly at the sound of steve padding into the room, swallowing thickly as he returned to staring at the glass of scotch that he wanted so badly, but having allowed himself two already, he couldn’t make himself want a third. He wanted so, so badly. “...Did I ever tell you about the time I was around aliyah’s age, and was helping my dad down in his lab?”he muttered sounding utterly gutted and laid out, nightmares having consumed him to the point of actually having sought out....however indirectly.... The restless captain’s company.
Steve shook his head. "you think i of all people would 'give in to peer pressure'? please. it's not like the Tower is 'where the cool kids hang out'... even if it is pretty amazing." Steve admitted with a chuckle, shaking his head. "no. they moved in, because i agreed." he admitted. "amusingly, Clint and Natasha actually find you rather intimidating." he admitted. "Bruce would have moved in with you anyway though, he adores you." Steve admitted. "Clint's halfway to adopting you, you know. honorary big brother or some weird thing like that..." he paused. "i'm not actually sure Natasha has feelings or emotions." he admitted before watching the other. "Tony. you could never, ever be anything less like Howard Stark, ever." Steve admitted. "you are a hundred times the man he was." Steve promised.

Steve hated being unable to sleep. it had been five days since he'd managed even an hour. he was starting to go all apart and he wished desperately for the punching bag back at the tower so he could exert himself enough to be able to sleep, even if only for an hour. "Tony?" he sounded startled, he was startled. "you should be sleeping." Steve scolded gently, slipping into the chair in front of Tony, his head tilted as he studied the glass of scotch. "no." Steve admitted. "you don't talk about him much and i don't want to pry and bring up the gaping wounds." he admitted. "did you know that every time Fury tries to tell me Howard 'wasn't that bad' i want to punch him in the eye? the good one." Steve admitted, watching Tony.
“Hm, that’s true...wait!Hold on. I’m there. The cool kid is definitely hanging out there.”Tony huffed making a face before frowning. “...They’re the super spies. They’re more intimidating then me.”Tony said before grinning.”Science bros have to stick together...and of course its something weird like that. Clint is weird....and me either ,but she is dating Clint, so there has to be some sort of emotions or something.”He said before smilign softly.”That’s good to hear.”he mtutered.

“Yea.”He muttered responding to the other’s call of his nap, flinching a little. “Was. Can’t now. Besides Aliyah climbed in bed with me, didn’t want to accidentally wake her up if I dreamed again.”Tony muttered before laughing softly.”me to. He tried to once convince me I didn’t know Howard as well as I thought.”Tony muttered staring at the glass, “...I was about 3...already working on cars and all. It was least...most of the time. It was like...the only time he seemed to actually like having me around.”Tony muttered cupping the glass in his hands even if he didn’t drink it, just staring at the amber liquid. “On my birthday....we was....horribly drunk. Like...falling down drunk. I forget what I did, but he was pissed, and to make up for it, he let me help him build the first arc reactor...”He shuddered a little, because he couldn’t bring himself to say it just yet, even if steve could guess those first attempts, had been why it took tony so long to do something more with the arc reactor, because he couldn’t work on it again, so he’d simply left it big in the SI headquarters, instead of trying to make a smaller version until he absolutely needed it. “...He let me use power tools Cap.”He muttered shuddering. “I...I want Ali to enjoy things. Show her everything I do, and can do...but...what if I do that to her?”He said sounding anxious, so worried of both being other tony, and howard.
Steve snorted. "i'm sorry Tony, but your a geek." he pointed out, looking amused. "unfortunately, being a 'jock' i am the cool one now." he admitted, wrinkling his nose in the horror of the idea. "ugh." "uh, no. i'm the cool one because i'm rich." Johnny protested, Steve giving him an amused look. "your just the kid out back of the school smoking a joint." he teased the other, making Johnny sputter in denial. "i suppose. she does a very good job of hiding what she's really feeling." Steve admitted with a nod. "she kinda freaks me out a little." he admitted.

"ah..." Steve hummed, watching Tony. a bit worried about the other. "working on cars?" he had helped Jame's father with cars sometimes, holding things and passing over tools, but he had a feeling that wasn't the same experience Tony had. "Fuck... Tony..." Steve breathed, horrified, reaching over and taking the others hands, holding them. "you could never do that to Ali. for one thing your worried about it and that means you hold yourself to a higher standard." he pointed out. "for another you know how much it hurt so you'll be watching Ali closely even if you do let her watch. for another thing, you and i both know you won't let her in the lab anyway not alone." he pointed out. "it's fine Tony. when are you going to realize that you are nothing like that sick bastard?" he wondered. "you are a good man and a good father and i want you do stop second guessing every little thing you do. Ali loves you, and you love her and you will keep her safe from everything. even safe from yourself and we both know that."
Tony sputtered, “I am, but I’m the cool geek.”Tony protested, snickering amused that they were indeed arguing over this before nodding. “Don’t worry, she freaks out everyone a little bit.”

“Yea. We rebuilt that stupid bike you had in the war.”Tony grumbled, in a way that said he loved the bike, hated that it had been the only thing him and howard had worked on. Startling as the other took his hands, looking up at him. “...No. Jarvis has been instructed to lock the door if she’s down there with anyone but me.”He muttered relaxing a little, flinching a little at the other’s question, swallowing thickly. “I can’t...Cap...There’s...something I need to tell you.”he said flinching because he just knew that this was going to be ugly. But hearing him, hearing steve praise him, he realized he was going to have to tell Cap what happened, because he couldn’t explain otherwise just how scared he was of becoming that sociopathic utterly stripped down tony stark that he suspected stephanie’s tony had been. Staring down at the glass, he took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to say it.
Steve wrinkled his nose. "that thing?" he demanded. "ugh. of all the things he could have picked why did it have to be that shitty damn bike?" he wondered, scowling darkly. "i hated that fucking bike." he grumbled. "every-time i got on that fucking bike bad shit happened. i got on that bike the first time when i was three you know. and then my father was deployed and he never came back. i was on that bike when i was seven and i caught the Scarlet Fever. then i was on it again at seventeen and my mother died... why the fuck did he keep that piece of trash!?" Steve wondered. he didn't bother mentioning that he was on it when Bucky got drafted, when Bucky was kidnapped, when Bucky died, the day he was frozen. "i hope you melted the little crap heap." he grumbled before he smiled at Tony. "there, see? and of course you told Jarvis to alert us if you ever did anything dumb. i know how you are." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "...Tony? what is it? what's wrong?" Steve asked, looking worried. "Tony... your my best friend." Steve admitted softly. "whatever it is. i'm wit you always." he promised. "i'll tell you the same crappy thing Bucky once told me. together till the end of the Line." he promised. "i know you expect me to abandon you, like so many people have, but i won't ever leave you behind."
“...I don’t know. I was little when he brought it home.”Tony said looking startled at the other’s venom over the bike, before nodding tightly, “I blew it to kingdom come after his funeral. Then melted it down and used the components to build the first circuit board I used for Jarvis. My worst nightmare, became one of my best accomplishments.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “I did. Though I think Jarvis alerts you without telling me most of the time.”He sulked a little before looking down, swallowing hard before laughing quietly.”You are such a dork.”He muttered fidgeting before nodding tightly. “It’s about Aliyah. You asked who her mother was...well...I..uh...”he stuttered looking utterly flustered, adn it was probably a good thing he was a touch tipsy, otherwise this would be even worse. Tugging out his phone he flicked through the pictures to Stephanie, and aliyah, though she looked pale and sick, there was still a resemblance between mother and child, and both the captains. “This is Captain Stephanie Rogers...Stark.”He added fidgeting, trying to think of how to explain
he shook his head. "good! at least the blasted thing was used for something special." Steve muttered. "...god how i wish i could get drunk." he admitted with a sigh. "this is not a conversation one should face while sober." he grumbled even as he slid the bottle and glass away from Tony. a man could only take so much temptation after all. "no, Jarvis has never notified me... well he notified me when Aliyah scraped her knee while i was babysitting her, but i don't think that counts." he admitted. "i am a dork." he agreed before blinking as he stared at the phone, simply looking confused. "...Stephanie.... Rogers... i have a sister?" he asked, mind latching onto the only thing he could think of. "or a daughter?" suddenly he looked grossed out. "you banged the daughter i didn't know i had and now i have a granddaughter at the age of twenty three oh god! i'm like those terrible soap opera's Clint insists on watching!"
“Hm, I’ll drink for both of us then.”Tony muttered whining quietly as the alcohol was taken away, but not fighting to get it back. Sighing quietly before wincing, looking startled, having not even considered that the other would think of that. Wincing, looking utterly startled and at a loss for the words for the moment before his teeth clinked as he snapped his mouth shut.”No!No it’s not. I promise. It’s know how Reed’s always babbling about the alternate dimensions and all, and you kinda told him if he didn’t stop talking you were throwing him off the tower?Well, yea...she’s not a daughter. She’s you. In a different world. She’s still teh captain, still a avenger, except well....She married...Me. Well...her me.”Tony babbled now that he was telling the other, it seemed he couldn’t stop talking and making sense. “And her me is insane, like seriously. So she brought Aliyah here for me to protect. Since out of the world’s she searched, this was the only safe one.”
Steve snorted. "i'd rather you didn't, something tells me your too distracted when drunk to follow an actual conversation." he admitted, looking faintly amused before wigging out over the picture. fuck, Tony, the man he loved had banged his sister, or his daughter, or something! it was weird, it was creepy! it was wrong for him to be thinking things like this! god what was wrong with him!? "no?" he had no idea why that was such a relief. " god... just a second." Steve demanded, hopping off his chair and turning around, glancing down. okay. nope. still a man. thank god. "so... so Stephanie is... was... me?" he asked, looking startled as he suddenly realized. "oh..." he breathed. "oh so.. Aliyah is...." his... she was his. he could love her all he wanted. all he desired. he was moving over to the other and pressed his mouth tight to Tony's. kissing the other because Tony was babbling and being so fucking Cute and if the other him had loved Tony than it was okay for HIM to love Tony! plus he had wanted to taste the other for forever, and it would calm the other down a little. maybe... or get him excited all over again.
“no.”Tony reassured before watching the other, snickering as he watched the other get up. “No, not you-you, she was her world-you. Like her world had a me, that she married.”Tony sputtered before nodding. “yea, she’s yours. Weirdly enough, I did check and she’s a genetic match for both of us, despite you being a guy here a-”Tony stuttered to a stop, mumbling into the kiss for a moment,because he was to upset to realize what was happening for a moment really. Moaning quietly as he was kissed, he tasted of both alcohol and cigarettes, having, when he denied himself alcohol, having needed something to take teh edge of his emotions, and extremis made sure the cigarettes didnt actually damage him, but he tasted of vice and tony, startling after a momoent as he realized what was happening, pulling his head back as he looked up at the other in utter confusion and panic. “N-no, you can’t. We can’t. No!”Tony stumbled back a step, utterly at a loss, and looking utterly panicked.
Steve nodded. "i just had to make sure... just in case." he admitted before brightening. he had a daughter. he'd always wanted a daughter. a beautiful daughter... god. Tony tasted wonderful, like booze and ash and something that just screamed Tony. the kiss was sweet and passionate and full. and then Tony was pulling back. "...Tony?" Steve asked, looking hurt. "why? why can't we?" he asked, looking hurt. was Tony straight after all? or had Tony loved Stephanie? was Tony even Gay? he had kissed back, but did that mean anything? "tell me why." Steve finally demanded, stubborn etched into his face. "you tell me why and i'll tell you why they're crappy excuses."
“Yea, well.She looks like you.”He muttered flushing a little, moaning into the kiss. The other tasted amazing, really. He’d say something snide and sarcastic and say apple pie and freedom, but ti wasn’t. It was something that was just steve. Tony flinched watching the hurt look on steve’s face, looking utterly lost as he stared at the floor. “They’re not crappy excuses!”He sputtered looking angry, before shaking his head. “No. I wont become...other me. I wont. And her Tony married his Steve. I-I can’t.”Tony stuttered looking utterly freaked out, and despite steve’s reassurance he was good, the man was still utterly drowning in the fear he’d become evil and twisted. Startling a little at the sound of soft feet padding into the room, he flinched looking down at aliyah as she walked in. “Papa?What’s wrong?You were yelling.” Tony flinched at that before bending down, gently picking up the girl, pressing a kiss to her hair, “Sorry Tinkerbell. I didn’t mean to wake you up. Papa was having a bad night.”Tony muttered looking utterly lost and confused as he held the girl, looking up at steve. “...We...we should...probably get to bed...we have a early flight back to New york tomorrow.”he said, yea he wasn’t totally proud of himself, but he was definitely taking the coward’s way in dealing with this for the moment and hiding from having the talk.
Steve nodded. "she does look like me." he agreed, wondering if Tony was walking about Aliyah or Stephanie? he didn't care, he was kissing Tony! "They are crappy excuses." Steve stated firmly. "they always are." he admitted simply. "Tony... you idiot, you can't...." he paused as he watched Aliyah walk in and he narrowed his eyes at Tony. "this isn't over Tony." he warned. Steve was as stubborn as a mule and had a head harder than a diamond. he would have Tony eventually provided Tony was actually Gay and liked him back. he watched Tony leave and in the morning he dumped cold water on the man to wake him up. revenge was sweet. Steve wasted no time urging everyone up, got breakfast into them and then urged them to the Jet that was waiting. once there he fussed over everyone, making sure they where all strapped in and ready for takeoff. "...Tony? did something happen? Steve's acting... weird." Johnny murmured to Tony when Steve went up to talk to the Pilot.
“Are not!I’m always brilliant. I have brilliant reasons.”Tony huffed whining a little before frowning at the other as he spoke, pressing a kiss to Aliyah’s hair. “Yes it is.”Tony muttered squirming a little as he held Aliyah, more then willing to be hard headed himself, even if he wanted nothing more then to be with steve. He wouldn’t. Couldn’t. Howling when the water splashed over him, the wordless frustrated snarling said he wanted to be cussing steve out, but was resisting the urge as he got ready to go. By the time they got to the plane, tony was a nervous, angry mess, annoyed with steve even if the man hadn’t said anything yet, tony hated him for making him want to. Growling quietly as he watched jamie and aliyah talking as the two girls were settled into the comfortable bed/couch of the private jet, he slanted a glance at johnny. “....No....And steve’s always weird. Seriously. He doesn’t know how to work his cell phone. Its weird.”Tony said utterly a nervous wreck inside, even if there was no signs on his face of the inner fight he was having, he had no idea how steve was reacting to both the kissing, and the knowledge that aliyah was his ,and this odd acting steve, was just to much for him to figure out.
Steve shook his head when Tony howled and resisted the urge to smirk to himself. Tony was a lot like Bucky. they couldn't stand silence. they couldn't stand being ignored. so, Steve was all but ignoring Tony. he would make Tony make the first move. would wait patiently, he wasn't a master strategist for nothing and Tony was... well, rather easy to read really. "Tony? remind me to tell you that your a terrible liar." Johnny ordered with a grin before turning to watch the Tarmac whiz by as the Jet started up and took off. "Daddy!" Jaimie called, making Johnny's heart clench with delight. "we're flying!" "that we are." Johnny agreed, beaming at her. she'd never called him Daddy before and he was mortified to realize he had tears growing in his eyes. "We should be home soon." Steve admitted. "Reed has, surprisingly enough, started sleeping on the Avengers Couch." he admitted, turning to look at Johnny. "how is it that your sister kicked him out of his own house?" he asked, looking confused. Reed was a strong man, he almost always stood up to Sue when he needed to. why on earth had he caved? mostly it was because Reed was hoping to be closer to Bruce. Sue had all but turned him gay. plus he didn't like living alone so it was best to let Sue have the Fantastic Fours place so he could be with Ben and Johnny.
Tony frowned, twitching a little. Sulking at being ignored but for the moment okay with it as he watched aliyah and jamie watching the plane move. “I am not!I’m a perfectly good liar when I need to be. I just wasn’t lying.”Tony huffed before grinning at johnny’s reaction, smiling at jamie. “Papa!We’re going high!”Aliyah said fairly pouncing in her seat, making tony laugh a little before looking up at steve, frowning lightly as he realized the other was talking to johnny, but not him. No. No. No. This just wouldn’t do. “He doesn’t like being alone. Better to be with us, then with the Sue by himself.”Tony rolled his eyes a little looking pleased at the idea of being home soon. Home meant his lab. Home meant he could lock the door with him and aliyah in the lab and ignore everything and work, and play with his daughter and not talk to the idiot who was trying to make him talk by ignoring him, which he knew steve was doing and it totally wouldn’t work. Nope. Nada. Never. Sulking as he slumped back into his seat he sighed quietly as he stared out the window, smiling slightly as he watched aliyah climb up into steve’s lap as soon as tehy were allowed taking off their seatbelts, fairly bouncing in place as her and jamie pointed out things to them all.
Johnny snorted. "you can't lie at all." he scoffed before smiling at Aliyah. "huh...well at least we know where she is." Steve mused before going back to ignoring Tony. "he looks adorable like that." Johnny muttered to Tony as he watched Steve's face going from curiously amused to outright adoration as he smiled at Aliyah. not like that was a change, he had adored Aliyah from minute he first met her, he could just show it a bit more now. amusingly enough, Johnny actually took a nap on the ride home. as promised they where soon home and Steve took great delight in dousing Johnny in cold water to wake him up, Johnny sputtering and trying hard no to curse as he took off after the laughing very wickedly Steve. they all trooped straight into the Tower, since the Jet had landed on top of the landing pad, and once they where all off it headed for the Tarmac once more. "We're Ho..ooooome!" Steve sang before pausing as he stared at what looked like a destroyed kitchen. Thor was being severely scolded by Loki for daring to touch the human cooking appliances and Clint was cowering sheepishly under Natasha's rage for the same thing. Bruce was just standing in the middle of the kitchen, clutching his waist and bent in half from laughing so hard. what a way to return home.
Tony sulked, eyebrow twitching at being ignored, before nodding. “he does.Though he’s the Captain, he usually has that adorable puppy thing going on.”Tony said smiling a little watching them. Amused as he watched aliyah and steve, a soft delighted smile crossing his face as he watched them. Laughing as johnny took off after steve, he smiled as he took care of getting the kids inside, pausing as he stepped into his kitchen. “What...happened here?”Tony said jamie in his arms, and aliyah clinging to his leg, after nearly two weeks gone, feeling shy around the others again. “These two, tried cooking.”Natasha scowled before smiling as she looked at the returned people, his eyebrows inching up as she looked at steve and tony and the ever closer hovering tony was doing, even if he wasn’t acknowledging steve. “Johnny, Reed’s down in the lab if you want to see him. Working some.”She added. “Nah, I got it. I should go get some work done anyways. I’ll send him up.”Tony said as he gently past jamie over to her father before doing the cowardly thing and fleeing before he could give in and demand steve talk to him. “....What happened to you guys?”Natasha asked raising a eyebrow.
"we wanted to bake you a cake. to welcome you home and welcome Johnny and Jaimie into the Tower..." Clint admitted. "i didn't know it was going to explode!" he protested, pouting a little. "it wasn't supposed to explode!" he whined, Loki sighing as he rubbed at his temples. "kay." Johnny chirped, not to fussed about his brother in law. the man was boring as blazes when he was working. "a lot of things happened." Steve admitted before sighing at the mess. "out! all of you!" he ordered. "scat! out! i have cleaning to do! shoo!" he ordered before spending a good chunk of his energy on making the kitchen spotless. then turned the rest of his pet u energy and emotions into cleaning the rest of the tower, including everyone rooms. Clint received an hour long lecture about leaving food laying around that attracted pests. Natasha was told to stop leaving weapons where curious toddler hands could get to them. Thor had his own Hammer shoved into his chest and told to stop leaving it about. which happened six more times in the next two days. Steve would just scoop up the weapon which wasn't supposed to move for anyone, and used it to bludgeon Thor with a bit. Loki nearly laughed himself sick when Thor finally broke and demanded to know how Steve was DOING that!
By the time two days had past, Tony Stark was a utterly insane mess as he realized that he was indeed being ignored, and despite his happiness at not having to discuss what was wrong, and that he was getting some problems solved, he was also really bothered knowing he was being ignored. Huffing as he leaned back n his stool a small sigh escaping as he started at the tablet he’d been hunched over. His back was killing him, but this was definitely something he needed to be seeing to. Running his hand through his hair he sighed softly, the dark strands obviously a few days unwashed, really curly and definitely styled with more motor oil then hair gel. Picking up the hologram tablet, he closed it down before heading for the door.

Pausing in the doorway when he saw steve and aliyah both napping on the couch he smiled a little, biting his lip, not wanting to wake him up, but needing to talk to him. “Cap?”Tony called softly not getting closer, knowing steve woke swinging, protective of everyone if he was jolted awake.
Steve had not realized Tony would hold out this long. he was beginning to get worried and Aliyah was too, even if she hid it well she kept giving frantic looks between her two parents, even if Steve hadn't told her that he was her daddy. he wanted to talk to Tony about that first, he didn't want to claim Aliyah publicly without a full storm plan. even if he had to wait a few years he could, and would abide by Tony's wishes if Tony didn't want him to claim her right away. Steve was sleeping peacefully on his back with Aliyah on his chest, looking incredibly peaceful. his eyes snapped open the instant Tony spoke and he blinked a little and then looked up at Tony, sluggish and slightly confused from sleep. "Tony? what is it? you look like shit. go shower before Aliyah yells at you." Steve ordered, voice slurred. too tired to really comprehend what was going on yet.
Tony fidgeted, for a moment not following directions, simply taking in the sight of the two in front of him. This was definitely a sight he could get used to, but he couldn’t let himself get used to it. At least, not if it meant he had to have that talk with steve. Sighing quietly he nodded, “Kay. Then I need to talk with you after you get up.”He ordered back, walking back to his bedroom and grabbing a quick shower, and really, it was quick, simply long enough to wash out his hair, and get the motor oil off his skin before dressing. The messy brown hair hanging slightly to long in his face, looking incredibly comfortable very well worn jeans and band t-shirt. “Hey.”He muttered slanting a glance towards the kitchen.”let’s talk in there...I could use some coffee...”he muttered knowing he was cheating, in getting steve to talk when he knew he wasn’t going to be talking about what steve wanted to.
Steve nodded and very, very carefully began to extract himself from the clutches of the little girl. "sure." Steve agreed, knowing Jarvis had already started up the Coffee maker. "you need a haircut." Steve admitted as he reached out and ran a hand through Tony's hair, a shockingly affectionate touch. "i'll give you a haircut later." he promised before turning and getting the Coffee. "here." he knew Tony wasn't going to talk about the Kiss, it was much too soon for that, but Steve wasn't going to stop seducing tony just because the other was a bit reticent. "i wanted to talk to you too actually, about whether or not i should publicly claim Aliyah. i want to of course, but that could cause all kinds of trouble and i was hoping for your input on if we tell Aliyah herself of not, or the others in the Tower. i think we should tell them at least, just in case something happens... and let's face it, we're us, something always happens. Tony are you even listening?"
“I do. It’s getting curly.”Tony muttered tensing as the other touched him, but not jerking away from the touch, simply going quiet under the other’s hands, as still as a deer caught in the headlights, before pretty much pouncing on his coffee, having not realized just how much he was missing coffee. Startling at the other’s question as he started up the tablet he frowned, “Huh?”He said his mouth falling open a little before realizing the other had been talking to him already. “Oh. No...sorry. Was thinking about how to ask you about something.”Tony said fidgeting, for the moment not even wondering what steve had been talking about, because he needed to tell the other this, and he figured if it was truly worrying or important, steve would interrupt him. Fidgeting a little, he bit his lip.”Uh.You’re not allowed getting mad at me for not saying anything...but I uh...needed to know before I told you...”Tony bit his lip as he pulled up the picture he was looking for. “Stephanie had some interesting stories to tell me about her world, and she answered them cause I was curious, and well...she missed her tony.”Tony muttered hating that even as messed up as he was, stephanie had still loved her husband, and it had destroyed something in her to know her tony had killed her. “...James Barnes survived the 40s in her world. Got me thinking...maybe he did here to. So I...for the last two months, have been looking. And jarvis foudn this this morning...”Tony said holding out the tablet to show him the picture, and while you couldn’t see any of the background but the blue sky, you could see the hint of smoke, and almost hear the gunfire he’d probably left in his wake. James Buchanan Barnes.
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