Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“I have.”Tony muttered blushing at the idea, smiling a little. “Hmmm.Well, it seems we’ve settled on being friends here. And I’m going to avoid the whole enemies thing, so there we go.”Tony said smiling a little, having long resigned himself to teh fact steve wouldn’t want him like that. Why he’d settled for simply wearing stephanie’s wedding ring, having simply settled. “Hm, if you do, I’ll tell him you changed into a woman and tricked me. He’d believe it.’Tony snickered.

Tony smirked a little looking amused as he settled aliyah down in the big bed, smiling softly as he settled her between them, laying down with her, absently playing with her hair as she drifted off to sleep. Smiling quietly, sleepily himself as he glanced up at steve. “You mind keeping her tonight?I was thinking about going out for the evening, but I feel badly asking since I left her with you now...and yesterday...and...”Tony trailed off, sighing softly as he looked down at his daughter. Their daughter. This was so weird.
Loki chuckled a little. "Tony, your an idiot." he admitted affectionately. "remind me to show you the figured for that subdermal Shielding implant i was thinking about." he ordered. "or i'll just send you an email on it." he offered. "he would believe it, but he'd still turn you into paste." he teased with a grin. "he's adorably possessive." he admitted. "he nearly tore Volstagg apart when the foul bastard attempted to force me into his bed." he admitted. "as far as i know Volstagg isn't set to leave the healers for another three moons." he admitted with a grin.

Steve smiled as he settled down and continued sketching her and Tony. "sure, i can take her tonight, no problem." he promised with a smile. "you need to go out and have some fun." Steve admitted, ignoring the way his heart hurt at the idea of letting Tony go off and have sex with people. "we all need a break from time to time and you've more than earned one." he admitted as he yawned and rested his head on the pillow, tired now that he was laying down. he was soon asleep.
“Awesome. Show me later. We’ll do lab time.”Tony grinned amused before smirking. “Well, fine. I wont set him off. I have no desire to be hurt. At least not when not having sex.”Tony snickered a little.

“Cool.”Tony smiled relaxing a little, looking relieved that the other was okay with it, smiling as steve yawned.”Sleep.”He ordered looking amused.

That evening Aliyah pouted as she hugged her iron man doll and clung to tony’s leg as he slipped on his jacket. “Papa, no.You can’t go, you’ll miss bedtime story.” “Ali, you said you wanted Steve to read it tonight, remember?” “No!You can’t go.”The two year old scowled, working herself up into a two year old tantrum, clinging to tony’s jeans even as he crouched down, gently ruffling her hair. “Ali, I’ll only be gone for a few hours. And when you get up tomorrow, I’ll be here. I promise.”Tony said pressing a kiss to her forehead, wincing as she started crying clinging to his leather jacket, holding her close, ever so gently cradling her. “No papa. Don’t go.” “Ali, sometimes adults need some time alone.” “You had alone time already today. No more.”Aliyah demanded. Tony sighed softly rubbing her back, glancing up at steve as the man walked in, looking for help. Even without telling the other he was aliyah’s ‘mother’, he still relied on him.
Steve almost fainted when he walked in and saw Tony, super sexy Tony. "Ali. C'mere." Steve ordered gently. "there is a difference, between alone time, and adult time." he explained, settling the little girl on his lap. "you see, Alone time is when Tony works and does business stuff. things that are very boring and sometimes very exhausting." Steve explained. "but Adult Time is when Tony goes and has fun. like when you play with your toys or learn how to play the piano. see if Adults don't have enough Adult Time, they get tired and cranky and irritable." Steve stated calmly. "Tony needs to go have Adult Time with his friends so that he won't feel so grumpy and stuck. do you understand? if your a very good girl, he'll come in when he comes home and he'll tell you he made him home safe and sound, okay?" Steve asked with smile. "i know your worried, but your Daddy made a promise to come back before breakfast, right? and your Daddy never breaks a promise." he admitted, smiling at her. "okay?"
Aliyah frowned looking up at steve, looking sulky even as she walked over to him, sulking as she settled into his lap. “But papa played the piano, and all his friends are here.”Aliyah sulked. “No they aren’t, Tink. I’m meeting a friend for dinner, Tink.”Tony smiled a little, his heart hurting as he watched the two of them together, even as aliyah stared up at him. “Okay. But you have to come back, and wake me up papa.”She demanded. “I promise. And you know I wont break a promise.”Tony smiled as he got up, leaning down to kiss her forehead, “Just a few hours Tink.”He muttered looking at steve. “I’ll have my cell, and I’m going to Zora’s for dinner and dancing, and I wont be to late. Call if you need anything.”he muttered sounding fretful, pressing another kiss to aliyah’s head, muttering a quiet thank you to steve as he left.

“-I promise just a few minutes, and no, I don’t want to talk about it tonight. What I want is a drink and fun times, and breakfast in the morning. Not discussing what I’m about to do.”Tony warned Johnny as he stopped the elevator at steve’s floor, smiling as he stepped in, “Hey Steve. Was she good?”He asked as he walked in, looking sexily mussed, dark curly hair definitely finger combed, and smelling of both liquor and cigarette smoke, and johnny’s cologne. "No words, Storm."Tony warned as he waved a hand over at the other man, not even seriously noticing the look-a-like thing going on, nervous about how johnny would react to the idea of him having stopped sex, simply to check on his daughter, or even having a daughter. he just wanted to relax, and have sex, but he desperately needed to check on aliyah first.
Steve smiled at her. "yes. but while the Piano is very fun for you and me, he doesn't play the Piano because it's fun for him." he explained. "and Tony has many friends who live outside the Tower. you don't like to stay trapped inside all day every day do you?" he asked her. "adults get the same way." he admitted. "it's okay Tony. i have my cell too and i'll keep it on me at all times. i'll call you if anything at all happens, even something as simple as a skinned knee or a bad dream." he promised as he smiled at Aliyah. "so. shall we go make some Hot Cocoa?" he offered. "i'll even let you put marshmallows in it." he promised.

"hey, dude chill." Johnny storm ordered with a chuckle. "i understand, you made a promise and you gotta stand by that." he admitted. "we'll talk about it tomorrow at lunch hows that?" he offered. "i'm too horny to talk about it now." he admitted as he followed Tony, not really aware of what was going on, only knowing that his best man whore friend was being skittish about something. he half expected that Tony was in a semi serious relationship with someone. "she was fine." Steve admitted as he looked up from a sketching book. "we had a bit of a fuss about bath-time but she settled once i promised she could have her toys while in the bath... i, uh... made Bruce do the washing." he admitted sheepishly. he'd tried to do the washing and had chickened out when he realized he had no idea how to wash a little girl. Johnny was gaping at the little girl with wide, astonished eyes. Steve was staring at Johnny in almost the same manner as Johnny was staring at Aliyah. at lest Johnny recovered easily and had his grin back in place by the time Tony turned around. "that's adorable Tony. really." Johnny admitted with an impish grin. "and where where you hiding this little Gem?"
Aliyah frowned as she considered that before shaking her head. “No I don’t.”Aliyah said relaxing, as she realized that it was okay. “”Awesome. Be good.”Tony smiled relaxing at steve’s promise, knowing he could trust the other, smiling as he left. “Oh!Yes. I want hot cocoa.”Aliyah grinned, her father leaving, forgotten for the moment.

Tony tilted his head at that before nodding. “Lunch it is then.”He said relaxing as he realized that he wasn’t going to have to explain right now. “You’re always horny.”He pointed out smiling a little, smiling wider at steve. “Good. And we always have problems at bathtime.”He said before snickering as he realized steve hadn’t washed up aliyah himself, smirking. “That’s okay. I had no idea what to do the first few times either. We made a glorious mess of my bathroom those first few times.”He grinned, and it was even mostly true, though that first two days, stephanie had been around, and while she’d been dying, the woman had been able to help him and aliyah adjust to being together. Tony smiled as he crouched down next to the sleepy aliyah curled up with steve, gently kissing her forehead. “Hey sweetpie.”He muttered. “papa...your home...”She muttered smiling at him. “I am. But your going to sleep here with Cap, okay?”He muttered glad she was sleepy enough that she simply accepted that, snuggling into steve and going back to sleep as he straightened. “Yea well, she’s my daughter. Of course she’s adorable.”Tony said sounding only a little defensive, before wincing. “Her mother didn’t tell me about her. Only found out recently.”Tony said still skittish over the idea, before smirking, “Night Steve. Yell if you need anything, we’ll be up in the penthouse.”He said quietly, before raising a eyebrow at johnny. “Besides. I thought you didn’t want to talk about this tonight?”
Johnny grinned a little. "i am. yes." he admitted before falling silent at the sight of a kid. "she was a bit better today about it than she was yesterday i think." Steve admitted. "she made me read the same book three times before she'd go to sleep though." he admitted. "i don't know what a Ponyville is or why there are talking Pony's on TV but she seams fairly obsessed with them and some kid named Dora." he admitted, looking baffled. "go have fun Tony." Steve ordered. "just make sure you don't stink when you come to breakfast or Aliyah will throw a fit." he warned with a grin, refusing to be hurt by the fact that Tony was fucking a look alike. "wait... what!?" Johnny demanded, stunned. "like.. actually yours!? shit i thought you adopted or something." he admitted as he followed Tony. "oh come on! this is prime teasing material! how can i not tease you about this!? you, the ultimate child, the guy no one ever thought would grow up, is all responsible and shit now! it's epic!" Johnny teased, careful not to make fun of Tony's actual parenting ability. he did want sex after all. "your right. i don't wanna talk about this. i wanna suck your cock instead." he admitted as he pounced on Tony and kissed him eagerly as he backed the other into the Elevator so they could be taken up to Tony's rooms.
“Good. Hopefully bribing with toys will make it even easier.”Tony smiled looking amused before laughing, “She is obsessed. Apparently this is the new children’s show and it’s okay for them to be obsessed with Dora the explorer show and ponyville. At least according to Bruce.”He recited, having called bruce in a panic when he realized that he had no idea what to put on tv for the girl, or what to do about her new obsession with the shows, and having been reassured it was normal. “I wont. Morning after showers, I have that down pat.”Tony snickered a little before snickering at johnny’s stunned look, not realizing he’d upset steve, for once, totally so focused on his need to relax, that he missed messing up with his friend. “Yea, she’s actually mine. Genetically tested and everything.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before slanting a look at him. “I am not the ultimate child. That’s you.”he said rolling his eyes before grinning as he was pounced on, letting johnny walk him back into the elevator, kissing him back. And spent the rest of the night forgetting everything but what it felt like to be both fucked and be doing the fucking.

In the morning Natasha smiled as he walked into the kitchen, smiling.” Morning tony, St-”She stopped, actually looking up from the book she had been reading, raising a eyebrow. “Johnny. Welcome to the tower.”She said raising her eyebrows. “Morning, Tasha.”Tony muttered blushing a little from where he was huddling over his coffee cup, looking more relaxed then he’d been in weeks, sipping his drink. Because the man was utterly addicted to his coffee. “Papa!Papa up?”Aliyah yelled as she ran into the kitchen in front of steve, pulling on the older man’s hand in her eagerness to get to her papa, but having been forced to wait on steve to go upstairs to find her father.
Steve nodded. "lets hope so." he muttered. "i'm not sure how many of those temper tantrums i can manage." he admitted with a shake of his head. "well. i was pretty obsessed with my own YO-Yo and Marble sets when i was a kid." Steve admitted. "i guess that's kind of the same thing?" he asked, his head tilted. "good, because she gave me a stern talking to after my workout for stinking." he admitted with a chuckle. "it was kind of super adorable." he admitted.

"Good Morning Natasha." Johnny chirped as he walked in, looking around the kitchen. "you mind if i?" he asked, indicating the Stove, knowing better than to let Tony try to cook. once he had the permission he started making breakfast using the three dozen eggs, two pounds of bacon and sausage. "Slow Down Bellissimo Angioletto." Steve ordered with a chuckle as he did his best to hold her back, examining Johnny storm, a little annoyed that the man was cooking. that was HIS job! "how much do you guys EAT?" Johnny muttered, blinking as Loki and Thor swept into the room, Loki addressing Johnny. "Good morning Steve... did you cut your hair?" Loki asked, looking a bit puzzled before he addressed the others and paused, eyes narrowing as he looked from Steve to Johnny and back again. "...i was unaware that the good Captain had a twin brother." "that's okay, neither was i." Steve admitted, looking a bit wigged out.
“I know. Neither can I. I don’t like seeing her so upset....and yes. Something like that.”Tony snickered a little amused as he realized that his daughter was indeed obsessed with making sure they were clean. “I’m sure it was. Don’t worry, I’ll clean up.”Tony snickered a little,

“No, I don’t mind. As long as you don’t let Tony cook.”Natasha snickered a little studying the relaxed looking tony, raising a eyebrow at the hickey she could see at the collar. Definitely curious now. “But papa’s awake.”Aliyah said rushing in, clamouring up into tony’s lap as the man sipped his drink, “morning papa.” “Morning, Tink. Morning Loki.”Tony said looking up when loki walked in before looking at johnny, gently tickling her, smiling as the girl giggled. “Tink, this is my friend Johnny.” “Hi johnny.”Aliyah said, the words muffled a little as she snuggled against tony’s chest. “...He doesn’t look that much liek you.”Tony frowned a litle looking at steve as he realized they were commenting on johnny’s looks, studying teh two.
Johnny snorted. "i know better than that." he assured Natasha. "i let him cook once at my place. it took three months to fix the kitchen. Sue wouldn't shut up for over a year. 's why Tony's not allowed at my place anymore either." he admitted rolling his eyes. "she's more my mother than my sister, never mind that she doesn't have any friends to be banned in the first place." he admitted, grinning as he watched Tony interact with Aliyah. it really was adorable. "aaaw look, she's adorable." Johnny cooed. "why hello to you too little darling." Johnny said seriously as he shook her hand. "you just have your papa all wrapped up 'round your fingers don't you?" Johnny asked with an impish grin. "i bet he lets you get away with everything huh?" he asked with a chuckle before blinking at Steve, his head tilted. "i don't see it. we don't look anything alike. i am WAY more handsome." Johnny scoffed as Steve rolled his eyes. "maybe if you didn't dress like a teenage school boy trying to look cool, you might recognize the similarities." Steve stated, sounding rather annoyed. "...okay. ouch." Johnny muttered, feeling rather stung.
Natasha snickered at that, looking amused. “I’m not allowed at your place cause Sue doesn’t like me, not because I can’t cok.”Tony pointed out pouting a little at the teasing, smiling softlty as aliyah settled into his lap, looking up at johnny. “”of course she’s adorable.”Tony rolled his eyes a little. Aliyah smiled shyly as she shook his hand , smiling softly. “No. Papa has rules, that he makes me follow. He’s a good papa.”Aliyah frowned seriously thinking it over, making tony chuckle a little. “....We could go out to breakfast you know.”Tony said looking over at johnny, nudging him a little, looking fairly annoyed himself at steve’s words. "maybe if you didn't dress like you just left the 40s, we'd see it to."He said sounding annoyed, and stress edging back into a voice that had been utterly relaxed. Not understanding why his team were making fun of johnny, but not apperciating it, not when johnny was a good friend.Natasha winced hearing the defensive anger in the words knowing tony had already felt bad about needing a break and going out he didn't need them making him feel bad when he'd done the responsible thing and chosen a friend instead of bringing a stranger home. But she wasn't sure how to express that sensitiment when she was just as freaked out by the look alike as steve was.
he snorted. "Sue doesn't like the fact that i have a life and she doesn't." Johnny corrected. "she'd love you if she'd get her head out of her cu... uh..." he glanced at the little girl and flushed brightly. "well she's being a bi.... uh..." he sighed. "never mind." he muttered, making Loki snicker. "i bet he is! did you get him in a dress yet?" Johnny asked, looking delightfully mischievous. "i'm fine. lots of people don't like me." Johnny admitted, making Steve wince, and wince again at Tony's barb. "i'm sorry. i had nightmares last night. i'm titchy." Steve muttered. "i'm sorry Johnny that was.... mean." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "i'm going to go pound on a punching bag for a while." Steve admitted, bending over to kiss Aliyah's forehead. "you be good for Papa okay? play nice with Johnny." "Dont you want any breakfast?" Johnny asked, Steve grimacing. "i'll just sick it back up right now. thanks though." he had emergency rations in his room, he'd hide until Johnny left. Johnny looked a bit worried about the captain now. "is he okay?" "he's fine. i checked already." Loki admitted. "Aliyah came and got me because Captain was crying around three in the morning last night." Loki admitted. "i think he was dreaming about the Ice because he was trembling all over." Loki admitted. "just give him some space, between that and seeing his face on another man's body, anyone would be... off." Loki admitted before grinning at Aliyah. "would you like to help feed the babies again?" he asked, just when Johnny's phone started to ring. "Hey this is Johnny." the Fireball stated as he cradled the phone expertly against his ear with his shoulder as he cooked before he jerked wildly. "i'm sorry, say that again!?" he demanded, voice laced with panic. "what do you mean she's dead?!.... i have a WHAT!? and she needs a WHAT!?... okay.. i'll be right there. okay... okay... i understand. no, no i don't care about the cost i'll take care of that. no i don't care that i could have scars... look i don't care. just tell me where the hell i have to go you lack witted sycophant!" Loki raised his eyebrows. that was a pretty decent insult. he'd have to remember that one.
Tony smirked as he watched johnny stumble over his words."makes finding good insults hard doesn't it?"he smirked."uh huh. Papa wanted to be a princess at the tea party. And uncle Clint has said he would to. You have to have princesses in the tower."Aliyah said wisely making Natasha smile at tonys resigned look at he realized he'd be dressing as a princess again.tony frowned watching steve worried, wanting to say something but not sure how to ask,or wonder if steve was upset he'd left aliyah with him. Nodding a little he watched steve get up."I think we're going to go to the park...but call if you want a sparring partner okay?"Tony said worried watching him."I'm always good for papa."Aliyah reassured looking worried to as she watched the.captain."...yea he'll be okay."tony said as johnny asked smiling as aliyah nodded excitedly."yes!I want to!"aliyah giggled happily as she got up to want to help loki tony pausing setting her on the floor."loki?take her in the living would you?"Tony muttered before turning his whole attention to johnny, reassured that loki would distract aliyah. Waiting till he hung up to grab her shoulders."jonny. Where do you need to go and what do you need me to do?"he demanded the CEO mask settling easily onto his feautres as he sought to take care of johnny and know what he needed to do.
Johnny huffed. "it does. it really does. no wonder you didn't curse last night." he grumbled before he stuffed his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing wildly at the little girls answer. Clint Barton wearing a Dress! oh god! "yeah, i'll give you a call... or beat on Natasha." he agreed. "have fun in the park okay? and be careful." he ordered before smiling at Aliyah and shaking his head. "well, unless it's bath-time." he teased with a chuckle before he left to beat on a helpless bag. Loki just smiled at her eager agreement to help and looked up, worried about Johnny's sudden reaction to the phone call. "sure. come on Aliyah you can feed Torbjor today." he promised with a smile as he took her hand and led her into the living room. Johnny blinked, startled at the shake as he stared at Tony blankly for a moment before. "Minnesota. i have to go to Minnesota. Charlene's dead..." he whispered. not many people knew this, but Johnny was actually married and had been for a good many years. Charlene and he had gotten married around six, or was it seven years ago and she had left him because he was 'not what she wanted'. whatever the fuck that meant. he had one his best to be the perfect husband for her, bringing her flowers and doting on her. he'd even had a full time, well paying job to let her have the life she wanted and all o a sudden he hadn't been good enough. his marriage had barely lasted a full year whens he suddenly decided she didn't want him anymore and left. no real reason other than that 'he wasn't what she wanted'. that was when he had settled into a playboy persona, unable to give his heart to anyone again, fearing that it would just be broken again. "...i have a daughter..." he whispered. "they need surgery but they need a genetic donor..." Johnny mumbled, glassy eyed and sluggish. in shock. "she's six years old and her name is Jaimie."
“Yea. I’ve been told if she starts cussing, people will be very unhappy.”Tony snickered a little. “We will. And I’m always careful.”Tony smiled a little at the man. “But bathtime was fun now.”Aliyah said smiling happily as she watched the man go. “Really?okay.”Aliyah said distracted from her father’s upset as she followed after Loki. “...What?When?how?”Tony sputtered looking like he’d been sucker punched, having not expected anything like that. “...You have...a daughter. Seriously?”Tony stared looking utterly shocked and at a loss for a moment before gaining control, getting johnny to sit down. “Well. We’re going to go see Jamie okay?Give me ten minutes, and we’ll go.”Tony promised, “Jarvis, can you ask steve to come up here?”He asked as he crouched in front of johnny, holding his hands, “And ask clint to go to my rooms and pack a few days worth of clothes for me and aliyah?”He said relaxing when jarvis said that he would.
Johnny blinked stupidly as he was sat down. "Charlene was pregnant when she left me. i dunno if she knew it or not." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "she had Jaimie and never told me." he mumbled. "i have a six year old daughter..." he mumbled again. "i have a kid..." he muttered before blinking at Tony. "okay." he agreed with a nod. "Tony? what's wrong? Jarvis said it was an emergency. did you try to cook?" Steve demanded, a bit annoyed because he hadn't even managed to tape up his wrists yet. "...shit. what's wrong with Johnny?" he asked, gently patting the man's face. Johnny just mumbled the same answer he'd given Tony. "i need to call Reed." Johnny muttered, grabbing his phone. "Hey Reed. no, i just found out i have a daughter and my wife died. ahuh. heading to Minnesota. yes. no don't tell Sue. i dunno when i'll be back. Doctor said that the little girl was pretty bad off. yes. no Tony is going with me i think. yes, here's Tony..." Tony handed the phone to Reed who asked Tony to go with Johnny and to make sure Johnny ate something other than cheeseburgers and pizza and to make sure the doctors didn't take advantage of the new father and that he would pack for Johnny and have it ready for whoever picked it up. Reed was a nerd, ut he was very supportive of Johnny, unlike Sue, Johnny's sister.
“...Fucking hell. Dammit.”Tony cursed, hating that the made up story he’d made for aliyah, had really happened to johnny. This was worse then he thought. “You do. And we’re going to take care of her.”He promised looking up at steve, swallowing hard.” No I didn’t. And johnny just found out he has a daughter, and she’s in the hospital.”He said as johnny called reed, looking up at steve again. “I’m going to fly out with him, he can fly and I’ll supervise as iron man, but I was wondering, if you’d go with me?I don’t want to leave aliyah here, I don’t like the idea of being gone that long without her. Will you come to minnesota with me, help babysit, and offer backup if johnny needs help?”He said looking anxious that steve wouldn’t go, and he’d have to figure out how to help with aliyah and johnny before taking the phone. “Yea, Reed. I got it. Don’t worry, I was planning on going with him anyways. And I’ll send Cap over for his bag.He’ll be there within the hour.”Tony promised before hanging up, looking at johnny. “you ready to go, flameboy?I have to go say goodbye to aliyah, we both do, but then we can go.”He promised urging teh shocky man towards his feet.
Johnny nodded and Steve looked worried. "he has a daughter too? in the hospital even? oh that's bad. good, go with him he shouldn't fly alone in this condition." Steve agreed before looking startled. "of course i'll go with. i don't think Aliyah has the emotional stability to let you leave for more than a few hours." he admitted. "and you'll be taking care of Johnny so she'll need someone to watch her." he admitted with a nod. "i'll stop by the Fantastic Four's place and pick up Johnny's stuff." he promised. "we'll be taking the jet right?" he asked looking up as Clint came in with the suitcases. "thanks Clint. will you let the others know me Tony and Johnny are leaving for a while? i don't know how long we'll be." Steve admitted. "if any big emergencies happen get the Fantastic Four or the X-Men to lend you a hand." he ordered. "Shield should be picking up a bit of the slack too." he admitted. "Tony best get going." Steve ordered, shooing both Tony and Johnny to the balcony before going to pack his own things and fetch Aliyah and told her that her daddy was flying to Minnesota and that they where going to take a plane there too. it wouldn't take too long to get there really. not with a private Jet and the two superheros not having to even board a plane. so while Steve Steve and Aliyah would take an extra two or three hours between boarding and flight checks and such, Johnny and Tony would be there within the hour.
“Yes and Yes. Explanations later, its a long story.”Tony muttered looking upset that he couldn’t help more then simply being there, before nodding.”My thoughts exactly. She’ll pitch a fit and I’ll feel bad for it. So I’m taking you both with me.”Tony said relieved that steve had understood why he was asking, before nodding. “Yea, I’ll call the pilot and let him know you’ll be there soon. SI’s jet is on standby, so it wont be that far behind us.”Tony smiled a little relieved as he nodded to clint, “Thanks clint.”he muttered watching the archer nod and leave again, letting the others know what was going on as he headed out to the balcony and suited up, flying even as he talked to the other, simply chattering to make sure johnny was at least focusing somewhat.

By the time steve was there, tony had gotten johnny at least calm enough, and out of shock enough to talk to the doctors, even if tony was hovering and being with him as he talked to the doctors, “Go on. I can’t go in with you, to many germs if to many people go in. But I’ll be right out here okay?”Tony muttered as he stepped back as the doctors set about getting johnny ready to go in and meet his daughter in ICU. “Just relax, and go see your girl.”He ordered kissing the other gently before walking out to the waiting room, looking utterly emotionally spent as he smiled slightly at the sight of aliyah and steve, “You find the hotel okay?”He muttered looking up at steve, having gotten them all the penthouse suite at the hotel a few blocks away, grinning as aliyah leapt on him. “Papa! Papa, we flew!”Aliyah giggled happily as she clung to him, happy to be back with him as she was picked up, settled onto tony’s hip with a small tired smile from the genius.
Steve nodded. "it's Johnny's story to tell." he stated simply. "he'll tell us if he thinks we have a right to know." he promised Tony. "we'll be right behind you." Steve promised. "Fly safe." Steve ordered.

Johnny had been in a state of almost perpetual shock. Jaimie had been very badly burned by both fire and road in the catastrophic car crash that had taken Charlene's life. the little six year old couldn't be drugged too much because she was too young for serious drugs, and Johnny would be giving up most of the skin on his back for her. he didn't care. granted he would be spending close to a few months in the hospital, because they could only graft so many pieces of skin, and Jaimie would forever hold the terrible scars, but she would survive at least, and the scarring would be minimized as well. she would even manage to retain a good portion of her sense of touch this way. normally Johnny wouldn't be a viable donor, but his own meta human powers meant his skin could adapt to hers. it was going to be a very expensive procedure, but he had a few billion to spare and even if he didn't, this was his daughter. he knew Tony would help him out even if he didn't have the money. even if not, this was his daughter, Johnny could get a job and pay the bills off month by month. he stood and let the doctors scrub him nearly raw and dress him in hospital scrubs and made him wear a face mask so he wouldn't spread his germs.

"hey Tony." Steve murmured, ignoring the pain at watching the two kiss. Johnny needed Tony more than ever and he was NOT going to be a jealous bastard. he was NOT. "yeah, we found it just fine... it's a bit big..." Steve admitted, sounding more baffled than anything else. "i didn't even know Hotels came with rooms like that." he admitted. "of course, Aliyah already bounced on all the beds." he admitted, trying to make Tony smile. "how is he?" Steve asked, unable to help comparing himself to Johnny. he was bigger all around, but maybe Tony didn't like bigger men? he watched Johnny move into the critical care, Isolation unit to introduce himself to little Jaimie who was covered in horrific burns. luckily for her, they didn't cover her pretty face and weren't so bad she'd loose motor control, but it would be a long road to recovery.
Tony smiled softly, having already discussed it with the doctors of making sure things were paid for and the specialists were coming in, taking care of the stupid legal and money things so johnny could simply try and be there for his daughter. Already discussing getting her moved back to new york, either to the Avengers tower or Fantasitc fours, while it’d be a little while before they could move her, he was already making sure that there would be no problems. Looking vaguely bemused as he watched johnny get scrubbed raw he smiled softly. Looking worried for him as he smiled at aliyah as the girl clung to him. “Is it?”he said sounding bemused, because well, tony had never stayed in anything less then the penthouse suite. “Considering you’re idea of hotels comes from the forties, when a small shoebox of a room was normal. I’ll assume it’s a normal sized room.And you did, did you?"”Tony teased little. "Yep. They're all bouncy!Soft to."Aliyah said quietly, sensing her father's sadness, and trying to make him smile. "Good. Gotta have the perfect bed."Tony smiled a little, kissing her head before glancing towards the ICU, sighing softly.

“A mess. He’s still in shock, and no dealing well. I think I’ve dealt with more doctors and medical things today then I ever wanted to.”Tony sighed shifting, cuddling his daughter, dark eyes a little teary at the idea of his daughter....their daughter hurt, so hurt like johnny’s. And knew it was only the grace of god that stephanie had managed to get her away before something had happened. “We’re moving them back to the city after the first surgery. There’s no reason to stay here, and she can be safely moved, as johnny’s meta abilities will protect her some, keep the grafts from getting infected.”Tony said pleased to have called bruce to ask about that, and talked to reed, glad that while it was dangerous at the moment, once the grafts were in place, it would be a good deal safer with johnny’s abilities still lingering in his skin as they grafted to hers.
Reed was on the phone off and on with Tony as he researched everything he could to make sure that Jaimie got the best care possible, working in Tandem with Bruce. so far neither Sue nor Ben knew about the little girl. all they knew was that Johnny went to the Hospital to handle something from his past. Sue of course immediately knew it had to do with Charlene, but she wasn't about to dig when she'd get caught. "...Tony i have stayed in Hotels." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. "and yes, recently. Hotel rooms just don't come like that." he admitted before he suddenly looked mischievous. "i rather like them actually." he admitted with a chuckle. "i helped." he admitted with an impish grin. "we jumped on yours the most." he teased before sobering as he watched Johnny gently hold his little daughters hand. she was a beautiful little girl, with a head of auburn red hair and Johnny's beautiful gray/blue eyes.

"at least he has you here to help him. i can't imagine that frigid twit sister of his would be able to help him." he admitted, lifting his lips into a snarl. "she actually had the audacity to tell me that it was my 'duty to make you see sense'. i have never in my life come so close to hitting a helpless woman as i did when she said that to me." he admitted before reaching over and gently taking Tony's hand. "it's going to be okay." he promised with a smile before looking impressed. "really? that's amazing." he admitted. "will it really be safe to move her? she looks so... fragile." he admitted, staring at the little girl who was giggling at something Johnny was saying.

(this is what Jaimie looks like
“You have stayed in low rent motels. I know you have. They don’t count. This is a luxury hotel.”Tony teased smiling a little before laughing quietly, “well, as long as it’s bouncy enough.”He said, eyes glazing slightly as he considered steve and bed, and bouncing in the same sentence before shaking his head clear.

“No, she really wouldn’t have been. Thank god Reed’s keeping her away for now.”Tony muttered pressing a kiss to aliyah’s hair as the girl clung to him, before staring. “....What? You’re...duty?”Something fragile and hurt crossing his features before shutting it away shaking his head a little. “Sue needs smacked, really. I avoid her, she drives me insane.”He muttered before startling a little as he held steve’s hand, offering him a small smile before nodding. “Yea it is. Thank god johnny’s actually meta, or this would be worse then it is. And it really will be okay. Both doctors, and bruce agree.”Tony smiled watching father and daughter, a soft goofy smile crossing his features. While he wasn’t in love with his friend, he loved him, and wanted him to be happy.
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