Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“I am not a cat. I’m not wearing a bell. I’ll just sing ‘star spangled man with a plan’ and call it a day.”Tony teased back before laughing. “She does. Hear everything. Even if she’s not in the room.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, “Well, how about you give me that boxing lesson, and then we’ll both be exhausted enough to sleep?”He said smiling a little before nodding. “She’s fine and sleeping. Bathtime was definitely easier, being given toys to play with in the tub definitely made it eaiser. Though I still ended up soaked.”Tony snickered before nodding, “yea, bath time has definitely gotten better since metal basins and cold water.”
Steve shuddered. "igh... anything but THAT! i still have nightmares..." he admitted with another shudder. "even when she's asleep, she'll hear me cursing i guarantee it. and i would rather not be the person in trouble for teaching a two year old to cuss." he admitted with a shake of his head. "sure, i can give you some boxing lessons." he agreed, abandoning his punching bag. "that thing is great by the way." he admitted, indicating the bag. "it's bee a long time since i could take on one of those and not break it." he admitted before pausing. "....actually. before the serum i couldn't take one on at all so..." he shrugged before snapping up the aiming pads that Tony would be punching. "great. i noticed you looked tired when you mentioned bath-time, is it a troubling task all the time?" he asked, as he showed Tony how to hold his wrist so it would hurt more when he hit someone with it, without breaking or damaging himself. "admittedly, a lot of things are better. no polio, no tuberculosis. better water, better clothes, better medicine. i still think this country is lazier than hell and most of the stuff has gone to shit, but there's a lot more good things in thi day and age than bad now." he admitted as he ran Tony through a common boxing practice where he'd hold up the boxing pads and Tony would hit them no matter where Steve moved. not that Steve didn't smack back.
“Finnne, star spangled.”Tony snickered as the other shuddered before nodding. “Well, I’m still holding bets on me or clint being the one who teaches her the most, so I think you’re safe from teaching her obscenities.”tony snickered, nodding towards the bag. “It took awhile getting that thing made. Had to have Johnny and Ben over, let them beat on it for awhile to make sure it’d hold up to you doing it.”Tony snickered as he settled in to work out, smiling as he let steve help him, nodding a little. “Next time, you can bath her. She’s horrible, and dislikes getting water in her eyes, and just doesn’t want to clean up or let it interrupt her play time. It’s not so troubling as it’s simply tiring cause I end up changing clothes like, 5 times a day cause I keep getting messy more then I do simply on my own. Steve, I make enough of a mess on my own, I don’t need a 3 year old’s help doing it.”He whined a little, though it was obvious he was just bitching to bitch, he loved having aliyah around most of the time, even when it was putting a crimp into his sex life. “Yea, there’s alot of things better now.”He agreed, and grinned as they worked out. Extremis giving him a leg up in staminia, so he wasn’t nearly as quickly tired out as he would have once been, sweaty and panting by the time they finished he smiled tiredly as he collapsed back onto the floor. “Thanks cap. I needed that.”He smiled a little.
Steve huffed. "can't you just call my name like a normal person or make noise when you walk or knock!?" he demanded, sulking at Tony before rolling his eyes. "it's going to be Clint. he has a big mouth and you, at least, are aware of your potty mouth." he teased before grinning. "Ben? he's that big rock dude right?" he asked, his head tilted. "make sure to tell them thanks for me, yeah?" he asked with a smile. "sure i can give her a bath from time to time." he promised. "besides, you like messes." he teased. "maybe if you set up some specifically intentional messy activities she wouldn't get so filthy the rest of the time?" he wondered. "i'm sure as she gets older she'll stop being so messy." he admitted. "just in time for Loki's brats to get into the messy stage!" he stated with a grin. he didn't... mind, Loki so much. he knew he couldn't blame the kids for anything even if he did hate Loki. "no problem." Steve admitted with a chuckle as he watched Tony, his head tilted. "you off to bed?" he asked as he stretched and shed the pads, his head tilted as he watched Tony lay there and pant. "feel better now?" he asked with a smile. "i imagine you have a lot of pent up anger huh?" he asked, helping Tony to his feet. "come on, off to bed with you."
“No, I’m not normal.”Tony said smirking at him. “Yea, that’s ben, made him take one home with him, impressing Reed is always a good thing.”Tony snickered before nodding. “I’ll tell them.”He promised before smirking at steve, “Good. Other people should totally have to go through bath time.”he snickered a little before tilting his head thoughtfully. “Hm. I haven’t really planned things or anything...I’ve just been going day by day...”Tony said frowning a little before nodding. “Yea. Tink gets me up ungodly early, so going to bed earlier is a requirement these days.”He snickered a little before rubbing a hand over his face before getting to his feet, looking amazing half dressed and sweaty, but nodding. “Yea....I love her...but having this...suddenly dumped on hard. Not to mention pepper’s ‘well, its about time you paid for sticking your dick somewhere’ speech, its been a fairly maddening few weeks.”Tony said heading for the door.”Night Cap.”He said before snickering, “You want a night cap. Cap?”He teased snickering, so tired the joke was hilarious for him,oh yea, he definitely needed laid sometime.
he chuckled and nodded. "your such a show off." he teased with a grin. "i'll give her a bath tomorrow. we can do a cycle thing." he decided. "by the way, your laundering and folding skills are sub par and as such i am now doing the laundry in this house hold." he stated firmly. "you might consider setting up like a daily, or a weakly mess activity. my mom used to do that for me. she'd chuck me out in the backyard, turn on the hose and let me and Bucky wrestle in the mud all we pleased. it was pretty fun." he admitted with a grin. " i shouldn't be surprised if i see you at five in the morning?" he asked with a grin. "i know it's really hard for you. but your handling it really well and your taking care of her perfectly." Steve promised with a smile. "besides, Pepper's a bit of a bitch. she's like Bucky's older sister. bossy and overbearing and you hate her just as much as you love her." he admitted. "besides, if you where really that callous with the people you slept with, there's be more than just one little Tich running around." he pointed out. "you've always been very careful to have protection when you have sex, i know that much." he admitted. "and your puns are awful Tony, go to bed."
“Sounds good.Not having to be there for bath time would be nice.”Tony said smiling, because even if he complained, he knew he wasn’t going to be completely giving up care of his daughter, simply giving others a chance to see her, so he could have some time to himself to. “...Well, I find skills sub par and I think you need to correct this soon, as it’s making you grouchy.,”tony teased, bright laughter in his eyes showing that he was just teasing, and not truly aiming to upset the other.”I might do something like that. I’m sure we can think of something.”Tony said before making a face.”No, no really don’t be surprised. Between tink being up ungodly early, and my own sleeping habits, don’t really be surprised.”Tony snickered before sighing, his shoulders slumping, smiling pleased with the praise, relaxing in the knowledge that he was doing okay.”I’m trying to anyways.”Tony said smiling before nodding.”indeed she is.,...and you know, I feel better knowing you don’t think I’m that callous.”he grinned as he disappeared upstairs to bed. Laughter trailing after him.

In the morning though, it wasn’t tony the little toddler had gone to, eyes wide and frightened, jarvis barely having time to warn the good captain that he was about to have company, before aliyah pelted into the room and clamored up on the bed, smacking the big blond in the chest, “Cap!Cap!Papa didn’t wake up!Cap you have to help!”The toddler demanded shaking him as she cried.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "you'll have some alone time tomorrow." he promised with a chuckle. "all parents need alone time." he admitted with a nod before snorting. "Tony. as i told Clint, i am currently working up the courage to tell someone i like them. your pitiful attempts at setting me up on dates will NOT be appreciated." he warned. "besides, i'm ALWAYS Grouchy." he stated with a superior sniff before smiling a little as he shook his head. "Tony i know you far better than you think i aught." he admitted as he shooed the other off, rolling his eyes. Sleepy Tony was an annoying Tony.

Steve jerked awake, blinking sluggishly. "Aliyah?" he asked as he picked her up and settled her onto the bed. "wait here, don't get off the bed." he warned. "Jay! call Bruce and Clint, Clint is to come to my room to watch the Tich and Bruce it to join me in Tony's rooms." just in case. "calm down sweetling i'm sure your papa was just overly tired this morning." he assured her. "wait here for Clint, okay?" he demanded before heading off to Tony's rooms, glad that he wore clothes to bed. it wasn't anything more than a pair of boxers, but at least she hadn't gotten a flash of anything naughty. "Tony! Tony!" Steve called as he slipped into Tony's rooms. "TONY!" he yelled louder now, moving to the bedroom.
“Okay.”Aliyah cried calming a little at the man’s calm control as he went about to see to tony. Crying as she rubbed her tears away she nodded, “Okay.I’ll stay.”She promised watching him go.

At the sound of the scream there was shattering glass, and a thud as tony hit the floor, patning as he came up, the suit forming around him, twisting to look at steve. Definitely caught in a nightmare, before he froze. “....Cap?”he said sounding unsure. It was a good thing he’d set jarvis to not let aliyah into his bedroom if he was having a nightmare, but it’d also managed to freak the girl out, since in the time she’d been there, he hadn’t had to lock her out of his bedroom, letting aliyah in no matter what. So finding herself barred from the person she cared for the most, had sent her running to the good captain .”Where’s ali?What happened?”He said looking around himself, panting and quiet, scared.
Steve rushed into the bedroom and blinked at the man. "...God. Tony... Jesus." Steve sighed, relaxing. "Aliyah's fine, just terrified." he admitted. "she couldn't wake you up this morning and came running into my room in a panic, which sent me into a panic." he admitted as he carefully stepped over the broken glass. "you alright?" Steve asked as he helped Tony to his feet, watching the suit curiously. "that's the new suit?" he asked, surprised and a bit freaked out. "it's moving on it's own..." he muttered. "it's not going to do like the robots on the TV and rise up and kill us all right?" he asked nervously. he was going to kill Clint for showing him those damn movies.
Tony panted eyes wide and scared before relaxing. “Shit...I don’t...usually dream that deeply....Must have freaked her out...Dammit. Dammit.”Tony cursed as he lashed out, throwing the glass he’d been drinking out of the night before across the room liking the sound the glass shattering against the wall, hating himself for freaking out aliyah, of being so messed up he hadn’t been able to wake up when she got to him. “...Yea,,,I’m alright...”He said swallowing hard before glancing at the suit, a tired smirk before nodding. “Yea, it is. Must have called it in my sleep...thought I fixed that when Pepper left...”he muttered rubbing a hand over his shoulder, “No, its not. It’s connected to me. Must have panicked enough to set the sensors off on it...”He said swallowing thickly, trying to relax.
"hey. hey. hey!" Steve demanded, catching the others wrist before he could grab something else to throw. "it's okay Tony! calm down. it's going to be okay." he promised. "we all have nightmares." he promised. "i have them too, bad ones." he admitted as he shook his head. "your not alright. take a couple of breaths." he ordered, gently urging Tony to the bed. "i think my screaming your name in a panic probably had something to do with your summoning of the suit." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "just settle down for a bit, Clint's watching Aliyah." he promised gently rubbing Tony's arms. "do you wanna talk about it?" he asked, his head tilted. "it always makes me feel better when i talk about my nightmares... even if they're usually of me drowning and being frozen up." he admitted. "those nightmares i wake up choking." he admitted. "Clint woke me up during one and he just about pissed his pants." he admitted with a shake of his head.
Tony tensed, pulling at his wrist as the other caught him, looking up at the other man, looking utterly lost, and utterly broken. Hating himself for not having control, his father’s words, even years after the man had died, leaving him shattered as he struggled for control, to be the better man. “...kay...”He muttered letting steve make him sit down, slumping over his arms, the ring swinging on the chain, a hand clenching around it, letting the cool metal ground him as he panted, shuddering a little as the other rubbed his arms.”...Clint’s got ali?”He muttered glancing up at little, before nodding, going quiet as he considered what to say. “...You know....I hate being helpless. Hate not being able to stop things....I dreamt....I knew things. That extremis had allowed me to see a war coming, of me becoming the bad guy in it...but there was nothing I could do to change it now...that whatever started it, was already in motion....”he trembled a little shaking his head. “It was stupid, but I hate not being able to map out things. My life used to be so clean cut, I was a billionaire inventor. Weapons maker. Iron’m a father. And I have no idea what to do.”He muttered his head hanging low as he calmed.
Steve let the other go at the first tug, not about to hold the other against his will. he looked curiously at the chain in Tony's hands but didn't pry. now wasn't the time at all. "yes. Clint is with Ali and Bruce is headed down there too now that he knows your not hurt." he admitted. "they'll have her calm." he promised. and indeed Bruce was telling Ali that her daddy had a very bad nightmare and that was why he hadn't woken up. all little children could understand a nightmare. "damn... that's a hell of a nightmare." Steve agreed, sounding a bit shaken himself. "Tony. your life has had a very big upheaval. a child is a very big deal and instead of having time to get used to it and ready yourself, you just all of a sudden had one. you are doing an excellent job of taking care of her and never let anyone ever tell you otherwise. you haven't had time yet to really adjust. you haven't had the time to mentally and emotionally settle. nightmares like that, panic attacks, they're to be expected and even a man like me would be having a lot more issues than you are now." he admitted with a smile. "your doing perfectly, your just too hard on yourself." he admitted as he gently stroked Tony's hair out of his face. "your going to be okay. alright? we're here to help you, you don't have to do it all alone anymore. let us help, okay?" he asked with a smile. "now. come on. i'll make you some Coffee and some... hmmm, waffles?" he offered.
Tony nodded a little swallowing hard as he rested his head in his hands, swallowing thickly as he tried to relax.”Good. They’re good for her.Clint’s a big kid himself.”He muttered before nodding. “Yea, it was.”He muttered swallowing hard as he smiled slightly. “I might have to have you remind me I’m doing okay. Cause you know...I just don’t...I have issues with kids, cap.”He grumbled a little rubbing a hand over his face before smiling.”I’m going to remind you later, that you said I was being perfect, next time you complain about me doing something.”He muttered before nodding, “Okay. I do want you guys to help. That’s part of why I wanted you to move in....also cause...I was lonely. Pepper being gone and having the tower to myself was horrible...”He muttered before nodding. “Waffles sound amazing.”he said getting up, simply letting the ring fall to his chest even as he grabbed a shirt, heading for the kitchen. Having every intention of calming down a little more, before he went and found Ali, trusting his team to take care of her.
Steve smiled a little. "Bruce is good for her. Clint will corrupt her and be a really bad influence." he admitted with a grin. "i know Tony. you've had a lot of people tearing you down and calling you out." he admitted with a smile. "but you have honest friends now, real friends, true friends and we won't let you fail. not in anything." he promised. "you don't have issues with kids, you just think you should because your father was a dick." he admitted. "besides, if you do something wrong, we'll tell you." he promised with a smile. "besides, i complain about everything you do." he pointed out. "i was pretty lonely too." he admitted. "it sucks being in Shield Headquarters when most of the people hate you." he admitted before smiling at him. "we're here now." he admitted. "good. waffles it is." he agreed, glancing at the ring curiously. noting it's odd colors but not making the connection because he was an idiot and in denial. "uh... lemme go get dressed first." Steve ordered, going bright red as he realized he was mostly naked. he raced off to get some clothes, yet was still in the kitchen before Tony was. "Good Morning." Steve chirped, smiling at him. "Coffee's on the counter. what do you want for breakfast?" something was wrong, or was it? that impish grin on Captains lips belonged to someone, but it certainly wasn't Captain.
“Hm, he will be, but Natasha scares him enough that it’ll even out his influence.”Tony snickered a little before sighing softly. “Good. I like having friends, it’s a interesting feeling.”He smiled before making a face.”I totally have issues with kids, I didn’t want any you know?Then Steph showed up with Ali, and I couldn’t just turn her away...”he sighed softly, taking comfort in knowing that they would indeed tell him if he was doing something wrong. “Yea, I know. Which is why I don’t spend time there. I get stared at.”Tony snickered a little, before smirkign as he watched the mostly naked steve head for the door. “Hm, if you want to cook for me naked, I wouldn’t protest.”He teased as he headed for the kitchen he paused in the middle of grabbing the coffee, slanting a look towards his captain. “If you did something to my coffee, Loki, I wont hesitate to suit up and throw you off the balcony, and deal with the consquences of killing a prince-consort later.”Tony warned picking up his glass, waiting to see if he’d be told not to drink it or not. He might like the man, but trust him he was not.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "you know. i doubt that." he admitted before smiling. "i like having friends too. it's nice." he admitted. "and when i'm lonely, i can totally make Clint play Call of Duty with me." he admitted. "or Fable. i like Fable." he admitted. "you might not want any, but you have one and you're such a good father for her." he admitted with a smile. "most men in your situation wouldn't have even tried, let alone succeeded the way you have." he admitted. "i think they stare at you because you always play super loud music whenever you go there." he pointed out, looking amused before flushing harder as he raced off. "i am not cooking like this Tony!" he complained. Loki just laughed as he melted into his proper appearance. "i didn't do anything to your disgusting brew. eggs?" he offered, grinning entirly too innocently as he offered Tony what looked like normal eggs... only instead of yellow, they where green. "i read this amazing book called Green Eggs and Ham." Loki admitted. "i thought they might be a rare delicacy until i realized the little imp was merely using old eggs." he admitted with a nod. "it was difficult making them runny again though." "...okay. gross. Loki isn't allowed to cook either." Steve complained as he walked in, snatching the pan from Loki and heading to the sink to soak it before Loki infected them all with something gross. "ah! the good Captain, pleasant as always. anyway, i hope you don't mind Tony but we are moving in today. things are getting... unpleasant, in Asgard. they do not agree with Thor's mate, they like it even less that i have been freed. the babies aren't safe." Steve nearly froze. no wonder Tony had offered Loki a place here! the twins couldn't go to Jotun... Jotunhiemr? until they where older and if the Asgardians where pitching a fit, then Loki had nowhere else to go.
“...Good. I should be the best surprise father in the world. I mean, I’m the best at everything else.”Tony muttered before snickering,”Well, it serves fury right for telling me not to. He should have known better.”he huffed before laughing as he rushed off. Smirking at loki he picked up the coffee and sipped it with a happy little sigh, for the moment his worry and fear about the dream forgotten. “.....I don’t want eggs. Cap promised waffles.”Tony said snickering as steve walked in, before shrugging. “Fine. Though there is something you should know bef-” “Tony!You did not tell me you had a little one of your own. This is great news, cause for celebration!”Thor thundered as he walked in with a giggling aliyah over one huge arm, the girl giggling happily as she clung to the big god. “Well. That was the news I was going to tell you.”Tony said smiling slightly, slanting a glance towards loki, wondering if the sorcerer was going to figure out what was odd about her, because if any of them would, it was loki tony was worried about. He knew he couldn’t hide it forever, but maybe, if he could fool loki for awhile, this would be okay?
he chuckled. "i think you are totally the best surprise father in the universe." he admitted with a smile. "and your not the best at cooking. or the best at punching. or the best at piano. or the best at cleaning.." he paused and looked around the room. "...apparently you don't know how to clean at all..." not that he was surprised by that.

"oooh Waffles!" Loki chirped happily as he let Cap steal his rotten eggs from him. "a child?" Loki asked, looking startled before staring at the little girl, his head cocked to the side before his eyes narrowed. "Thor Odinson did you leave my babies alone!?" Loki demanded, racing out the door to find his newborns, sleeping in the nursery Tony had built for them. "i think your in trouble big guy." Steve teased with a grin. "so the Asgardians don't like who you picked as a mate and have been giving you trouble?" he asked curiously as he started whipping up a massive bowl of waffle batter even as he started frying up some bacon and hash browns.
“...Shut up.I’m totally the best at things that matter. Like tech. And talking. And being a surprise father.”Tony huffed before smirking. “I can to clean!It’s went you push it all into a pile, and let the maid get it all.”He said snickering.

“Yes, a girl.Now Aliyah, say hi to loki.”Tony said smiling as aliyah looked up at the jotun. “Hi loki!Daddy said you can make ice cream all the time, cause you’re cold. Can you?”Aliyah asked in utter fascination as thor huffed. “Yes, they’re fine. Sleeping, loki.”Thor said rolling his eyes a little before nodding. “Yea, I think I am. It’s okay though, I’m generally in trouble with loki.”Thor said smiling slightly before nodding, looking hesitant, glancing at tony. “They have been.” “Hey, I didn’t tell them. I’d rather watch this explosion from a safe distance and eat popcorn.”Tony snickered as he settled at the table as aliyah used the thunder god as a jungle gym, the big blond more then happy to oblige.
Steve huffed a little. "cleaning matters!" he protested. "and cooking matters! and you are the best surprise father, i'll give you that but i bet if i was smarter i could totally be better at you in Mario Cart!" he admitted with a sniff before giving the other the stink eye. "that is NOT how you clean." he grumbled, shaking his head.

"Hello Aliyah!" Loki chirped, smiling at her before giving Tony a look that said they WOULD be talking later. " darling i can't make Ice-cream... what exactly is Ice-cream?" Loki asked, looking baffled. "you left them alone!" Loki hissed at Thor before racing off. "you know, from the stories you've told us, haven't you ALWAYS been in trouble with Loki?" even as kids Thor was always on the wrong side of Loki really. "tell us what?" Steve asked as he expertly poured the batter into three waffle irons. "i'm not even going to ask why you need three Waffle irons." Steve admitted with a shake of his head before he narrowed his eyes. "i knew it! your up to mischief!" he grumbled. "well you keep ME out of it! or i'll dangle you off the tower by your toes!" Steve warned as he flipped the bacon and the hash browns.
“You will never beat me at mario cart, you tech neanderthal.”Tony teased snickering a little before nodding. “Yes, yes it is.”

Tony winced at the look he got, knowing he’d be having words with the sorcerer later but knowing he couldn’t duck out of it. “Ice cream is a frozen treat, that I’m sure you can make, and I’ll feed it to you sometime.”Tony snickered amused as loki ran off. “...Well. Yes. Mostly.”Thor said snickering a little as he watched his mate race off to check on the kids before laughing as he realized tony was leaving it up to the team to figure things out on their own. “Because I have two gods, a super soldier, clint, and the hulk moving in. Having this many waffle irons was the only way to make sure I got food.”Tony snickered a little before smirking at steve. “Fine, I wont tell you what mischief I’m up to. I’ll just sit back and watch.” “What what?Hello thor.”Natasha said smiling as she glided into the room, lookign bemused at the child using him as a jungle gym.
Loki narrowed his eyes at Tony. "you are no longer my favorite person." he informed the other, but Tony knew he was joking. Loki said such a thing at least once a day and always raised Tony back to favorite person position within the hour. today it would probably be when Tony gave him Ice-cream. "as long as you leave me out of it." Steve ordered. "Morning Natasha." Steve chirped as she walked in, watching Thor handle Aliyah perfectly. it occurred to Steve that if Loki had six previous kids, Thor must have helped raise them. meaning he was probably very, very good with children. " Loki's here then?" Clint asked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible and failing miserably. he felt like running away actually, or maybe passing out. "where is he?" "he ran off because Thor left Loki's kids alone. you want a waffle?" "...yes." Clint agreed, deciding he might as well sit down. "so why are you guys so early?" "Thor picked a mate and the Asgardians are unhappy about it." Steve supplied. "you guys want some eggs with this?" "yes please." Clint agreed. "so they don't like your Mate huh? Girl or boy? will they be joining us?" Clint asked, looking eager, mostly because it was a way he could stop thinking about Loki.
“I’m everyone’s favorite person.”Tony said smirking a little as he settled in to eat. “Morning.”She smiled at the captain, smiling as she watched thor with aliyah, and the little girl for once, not demanding to be with her papa, to fascinated wtih the thunder god to want to be down yet. “Yea.”Thor said looking nervous about his friend. “Clint?”Natasha muttered slipping her hand into his, looking worried for him as she listened to the others, before staring at tony as the man nearly stuffed a fist in his mouth to keep from laughing at clint’s question. Having a bad feeling about this. Thor squirmed a little as he sat down, settling Aliyah into tony’s lap, before swallowing thickly, looking towards the door then looking at clint, “...Loki is my consort.”He said simply wincing as tony lost it and dissolved into giggles and laughed a little himself as aliyah patted at tony's cheek looking worried, and trying to find out if he was okay.
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