Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“That’s saddening truly. So glad you grew out of being in bed all the time....though. Really, staying in bed would be nice, if you had the right company.”Tony smirked, because say what you will about his new responsibility, he had still reverted back to the utter playboy he’d been, his sex life having reverted to the utter orgies it had once been. “...Good. At least we can agree on that.”Tony said making a face, twitching a little and refusing to go in more about howard before smiling softly, looking down. “She was. Better then father deserved. She was so good.”Tony smiled at the memory of maria stark, while she hadn’t been larger then life or extravagant like howard had been, maria had been his, the one person he’d always been able to rely on. “Really?”Tony looked startled at that before laughing. “They are assholes. Remind me to tell you about the time I had to go to a senate hearing.”He snickered as he stood.

“Me to. And I think they do some still, this is just...weird. And he didn’t want to.”Natasha muttered frowning, looking vaguely confused at this before nodding. “It is sorta like watching the beginning of porn isn’t it?”She snickered quietly before raising a eyebrow. “Wonder couple?” “Hey, dating superheros, you should be glad it took this long to start calling you the wonder couple.”Tony teased before leading them upstairs to the nicely decorated rooms, a blend of both russian and middle america style, a flawless overlay of both assassin’s lives, and plenty of places to hide weapons safely throughout the apartment.
he chuckled. "i didn't grow out of it actually. Dr. Erskine used that serum of his." he admitted. "besides, it's a little impossible for me to ever have had the right company. being gay in the 1930's was a death sentence." he admitted. "and it's impossible to find a date in this day and age who doesn't... ugh, gush." he grumbled before he smiled at Tony, shaking his head. "i met her once." he admitted. "she was... amazing." he admitted. "she wasn't excitable, or jyful or... i don't know. exuberant.. she was calm and sweet. always smiling, content with everything." he admitted with a smile. "and she was an artist. she could do things with a piano i'd never dreamed of." he admitted with a chuckle.

"it's like watching two kids on a playground. you know, when the boy yanks on the little girl's piggy tails?" he asked with a grin before he snickered. "it is! well, no it's too sappy for that." he admitted before grimacing at the new nickname. "i will get you back for this Steve Rogers." he grumbled. "....damn... he is good." Clint muttered, staring at the apartment. "we'll have to make sure the door is always locked, we don't want Aliyah getting into your poisons or my arrows." he admitted as he looked up, delighted to see a large platform where he could 'nest'.
“Yea, that would make it a little hard. You are barnes...together?I thought so, but dad grew really pissy when I asked him, and now I’m just curious and...”Tony bit his lip to stop the babbling. Oh man, this was going to be worse then he thought. The usual anger and resentment he felt with the other being near him, lessened, less potent in the face that he knew they were doing him a favor, in helping him with Aliyah. So he was trying to be nicer, less confrontational about the emotional wounds that had caused him to lash out at the captain. “You just need to have sex, no dating. One night stands don’t gush nearly as much.”Tony snickered a little before smiling quiety. “She was amazing.”He agreed.

“Yes, exactly.”Natasha said really, it was a little amusing.”Steve would look good with pig tails.”She snickered quietly before laughing. “It’s a bad porn, but porn still.”She muttered before wincing a little at the name, knowing tony wasn’t going to let it go now that he’d found it. It was bad enough he thought of nicknames all on his own, he didn’t need steve’s help doing it. “I’d appriciate it. And its a floor large suite, so across the hall, there is a living room, and two bedrooms, a little less dangerous playground, just in case Aliyah decides she wants to spend the night with you two.”Tony said smiling a little, because he knew it was weird, but he’d set bedrooms up in each of the avengers suites- except bruce’s- for his daughter, so she always had a small home away from home, like visiting aunts and uncles, without ever really leaving home. "There you go bird boy, a nest of your own."Tony teased watching him look at the platform.
Steve chuckled and shook his head. "no. me and Bucky never... we tried.. once. it was... gross. like kissing a brother id imagine." he admitted. "we where both Gay but we where never really each others type i guess." h admitted with a shrug. "anyway we where laying in bed naked as the day we where born and i grabbed his dick and it was limp as a sock and he started freaking apologizing!" he admitted with a laugh. "it was hilarious and i've never let him live it down." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "besides, i can't have sex with people." he grumbled. "they go running off to the damn papers." he grumbled before he smiled. "i'm glad she was there for you. she was an amazing woman." he admitted.

"really bad porn." Clint muttered wrinkling his nose. "without any of the fun stuff." he grumbled. "they didn't even kiss." he grumbled before sighing. "hey. i'm not the one who came up with the name." Steve admitted with a smirk. "Maria Hill was." Clint just groaned. knowing Maria, it would be spread all over the damn Shield database by now. "sweet." Clint chirped as he realized they really had the whole floor to themselves. he wondered, for a moment why Steve's room was so small when he realized that Steve would feel very uncomfortable in a room like this. Steve liked tighter places. smaller, 'cheaper'. extravagance made him rather uncomfortable so Tony had set up Steve in a room that wouldn't chase Steve right back out. "stay the night or just stop by and play she's welcome anytime we're not having sex... or fighting." Clint promised with a grin as he scrambled up to the platform as elegantly as a gymnast and examined the space. "it's perfect!"
Tony’s eyes widened at that, starting to laugh.”I have a friend like that. Sadly, we’d be good together, but kissing her was like kissing a sister.”he made a face, cause while him and pepper had some explosive sex, not to mention some really bad relationship decisions, in the end, they’d known each other to long, spent to much time simply acting like siblings to really least, that’s how it’d been on tony’s end. On pepper’s, it had been utter anger and pain at the idea of being iron man’s girlfriend. “That’s awesome. Poor James.”Tony said gigglign a little at the idea of that, imaging that scene before smiling. Because he was a utter whore, the words out of his mouth before he thought it through.”You could have sex with me. I don’t go running to papers, we get along long enough to be in a room together, and you totally know I have enough practice to make it good.”Tony grinned, because he knew his sex life bothered the other, even if james had had nearly as much sex as he did. And well, he’d reverted to having sex with anything that moved, so this wasn’t actually that surprising that he’d offered. Only that he’d waited this long.

“Well...maybe we spoke to soon.”Natasha muttered as she heard tony’s offer, rolling her eyes. Even if steve was attracted to him, she knew he’d say no, simply because he didn’t approve of tony’s utter lack of self respect and discretion, knowing tony had sex simply because he liked sex. “....damn.”She cursed quietly realizing that indeed, all of shield would have heard it by now. Smiling a little as she looked aroudn the place, she nodded. “Always tony. Don’t look so nervous about it. We’ll let you know if there’s ever a time Ali can’t be with us.”She said studying the billionaire, trying to figure him out, snickering as clint scampered up to his nest. “Good. The one in the lab, is almost exactly like this one to.”Tony said looking up at clint, rubbing a hand over his face. “You guys need anything else?”He said looking between the three.
he smiled at Tony. he knew about Pepper Potts of course, she had contacted im off and on when Tony was doing something truly stupid and needed someone to go save him. he knew her minimally though. he didn't know how they had ended up together or about wy they had broken up but it seamed as if it was mutual understanding at least. he stared at Tony, wide eyed as he offered sex and then swallowed thickly. "while that would be... fun." he admitted shyly. "i think i'd rather try to get to know you first. we are going to be living together after all and i don't want to upset the balance we've barely managed to find." he admitted blushing hard. it did bother Steve that Tony was having so much sex, but not for the reason's why Tony was thinking.

"Steve will say no." Clint grumbled. "it would be better for us all if he just admitted he wanted Tony." he admitted before sighing. "some days... i really hate Maria." Clint admitted with a small sulk. "yeah. we'll hang a sock on the door or something." Clint teased with a grin. "or just ask Jay. if we get into it, we can just tell him to inform you if you want us for something." Clint decided before shaking his head. "i don't need anything." "i'm fine." Steve promised. "do you have communal dinners though? i could cook for us if you want to have a family dinner or something." Steve offered.
Tony tilted his head, shrugging a little. “True. Sleeping with people I work with has never turned out well.”Tony said studying the other man, shrugging it off. Because he had offered simply because he enjoyed sex, and enjoyed steve’s company, he wasn’t upset that steve had refused, having figured he would.

“It would,but he wont. At least not yet.Living here will be good for them.”Natasha muttered thinking about it/Snickering at clint’s words she nodded.”Me to.”he muttered. “We’ll figure it out.”Tony shrugged fairly unworried about things at the moment. Even if it made him uncomfortable to have people in his private space, he also was aware aliyah and him both needed social things, needed to not be holed up all the time, so inviting them here was as much about him, as it was about aliyah. “The kitchen/dining area up in the penthouse is more then big enough to fit us all. It’d be fun having dinner together, never really had family dinners.”Tony said looking thoughtful as he considered that before grinning. “Besides, you cooking for me and Aliyah means we’d probably have something more healthy then mac and cheese or takeout.”Tony snickered because while he’d done okay for the last few weeks, he was aware that he wasn’t the best cook, and was probably not a good idea to let him try and cook aliyah’s food all the time.
Steve nodded. "people have a bad habit of forming emotional bonds with the people they sleep with." he admitted. "particularly people like me." he admitted with a grimace. "it takes time and more than a bit of practice to be able to have sex without emotions involved and i just don't have that kind of skill." Steve admitted, not about to admit that he was a virgin. nope, not gonna happen. nuh uh.

"For us too i think, the team as a whole i mean." he admitted. "we'll be able to get closer this way. we're a great team, but we could be an even greater family." he admitted. "great! i'll make Minestrone, Ravioli and some chicken." he decided, Clint perking up. "you cook Italian?" "i cook a little bit of everything. one of the Commandos was Italian, another french, one was German funnily enough, and the other was from Africa. and no, it wasn't the black guy." he rolled his eyes. "so i cook from a bit of everywhere," he admitted before giving Tony the stink eye. "if your daughter is addicted to McDonalds i am going to be very upset." he warned. Steve absolutely hated Burger King, McDonalds, Wendy's and other such places. as far as he was concerned, they had completely ruined the idea of a restaurant.
"Takes lots of practice and starting at ayoung age."Tony said almost sadly before nudging the other."but it's okay I'll bethe wore of the team. It's fun."Tony snickered a little.

"Family. Exactly what I need. People who can help."Tony said looking utterly relieved at the idea of having help with aliyah.grinning even wider at steve's offer of food he made a face."as if I'd ever be as tasteless as 5o get McDonald's." "Tony if you fed her shawarma that's nearly as bad." "Hey!she liked it. It aasnt that horrible."Tony made a face before smiling."well. Since she's down for her nap and you guys can find whatever you need to make dinner in the kitchen I'm going to get so work done. Yell if you need anything."Tony called over his shoulder. Natasha stared after him."I know we agreed not to pry but this is to weird not to..."she said sighing before settling in to exploring the apartment before dinner just to see everything tony put in
Steve smiled a little as he shook his head. "not really. i think most people who are capable of one night stands start in collage." he admitted. "it's a social norm now for a lot of people, back when i was going through school you had one dame and that was that until she broke it off. Bucky had a lot of sex, but even he only had one dame at a time. that was just the social norm back then." he admitted with a shrug. "although, i suppose for one night stands it's still the same principle." he admitted. "

"i could go with a family." Steve admitted with a smile. "i'm not adjusting very well to modern life." he admitted with a wrinkle of his nose. "at least i can work my Email now." he mused before smirking at Tony. "good... and Shwarma is actually better for a kid than that crap they serve as 'fast food'. Swarma at least has vegetables in it." Steve pointed out. "and a lot less chemicals and as long as she liked it." he pointed out with a grin. "we'll have Jarvis get you if we need anything." Steve promised as he headed for the kitchen, following Jarvis's directions. he was delighted to see that Tony's fridge was perfectly stocked and he only had to run out to get a few spices and some rutabaga. by the time the little tyke woke up Steve was working on the soup and making home made noodles, because he didn't like the taste of the store stuff. he was even making hand made Ravioli. he offered the little girl the chance to help him and he showed her how to put the filling in the Ravioli, grinning as they made messy, ugly, but still delicious ravioli together.
"I know I did. And it is the she principle...simply a different version of it."Tony snickered not even mentioning how young he'd been when he started college that first time around otherwise him and cap would probably have words.

"We'll considering it took to years to figure out your email,I'd say not."Tony teased a little before snickering."I think she was making fun of how it tasted rather then the nutritional value."Tony snickered as he left. By the time he walked the kitchen it was obvious he'd made a mess of his own,if the freshly changed and soaking wet hair was any sign to go by he'd just had a shower himself."you having fun with cap,bug-a-boo?"tony smiled as he walked in,making Natasha flinch as aliyah rushed towards her father gripping pants that cost a small fortune in messy and sauce covered hands. Expecting a temper tantrum she stared in shock as he simply picked her up and gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek as the girl giggled."we're making dinner. You can't look papadits a surprise!"aliyah said with a the seriousness of a child sharing a secret. "Is it?well then I'll just have to go away then." "Bo!you cant. You stay."aliyah said having grown attached to tony very quickly and didn't like having him gone if she could get him to stay.
Steve huffed. "i didn't even know about Email until three months ago!" he complained. "apparently the person showing me how to work my computer forgot about that part." he grumbled. "Fury called me in and started yelling at me for ignoring all the shit he'd been sending me, i didn't have a clue what he was talking about!" he admitted. "by the way, what does Spam have to do with anything? i mean, it's nice to eat but what does it have to do with computers?" "eeeew you eat Spam?" "everyone who was in the war ate Spam." "....gross." "you get used to the taste, besides i grew up with very limited meals. great depression and all that. can't be picky about food when your stomach is eating itself." he pointed out. "good points." Clint agreed, shaking his head. "besides, i liked Shwarma. it was pretty delicious." "you like Spam. your taste-buds are clearly dead."

"well. if he can't leave." Steve mused, looking wickedly amused. "he'll just have to close his eye won't he Bellissimo angioletto?" he asked her with a grin, Clint perking up. "you speak Italian too!?" "naturalmente." Steve chirped with a chuckle. "i speak French, German, Italian, Spanish and i'm currently learning Chinese." Steve admitted. "keeps my mind busy." he admitted. "i'm teaching Aliyah a little bit." he admitted with a smile. "i've started with Spanish, since it's sort of like a gateway language. it'll be easier for her to learn other languages after Spanish." he admitted. "would you like a snack?" Steve asked Tony. "it's only three after all. Dinner won't be ready for another two hours or so. i gave Aliyah some sliced apples with Peanut butter for a snack, i hope you don't mind."
"....I'm glad I didn't know that. I might have like totally freaked out about that."Tony said making a face at the idea of someone forgetting email. " like spam?"5ony cringed as he considered that, shuddering a little as he considered that smirking as he listened to them complain.""it's trash,it's not actually spam. It is just a title for garbage."Tony explained.

"Yes!papa sit. And close your eyes."aliyah demanded as she fussed over and made him sit down at the table, the child smiling happily to be it him."they were based in Vienna during the war. Kinda hard not to learn Italian."Tony pointed out before smirking."well considering the serum also gives you a leg up in remembering things I'm actually amazed that you don't know more."Natasha said looking thoughtful. "I know. Dad started me with spanish and went from there."Tony said smiling a little before tilting his head."it's fine. Don't look so worried. The apples are for her."Tony shrugged before nodding."but yea a snack would be nice."
he shrugged. "hey at least i have the internet worked out. kind of." he admitted. "i can work Google at the very least." he admitted with a grin. "i tolerate it." he admitted simply. "trust me. when you go three weeks without meat, Spam is like a godsend." he admitted. "short rations suck." he admitted as he shook his head before blinking at Tony. "'s... well then why don't they just call it trash?" he demanded, a little annoyed ith all the lingo he didn't get. he'd google it later.

Steve chuckled as Tony sat down and worked on cutting up a chink of meat for the Minestrone. "Mia Madre era Italiana." he stated, making Clint grin. "Sono cresciuto in Italia." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "well. i do. i know Russian and Gaelic too." he admitted with a grin. "Gaelic?" "the language of Ireland." "Ireland has it's own language?" "yep." Steve admitted as he examined the tomato stock he was staring to simmer. "good. i just wanted to make sure." Steve admitted with a smile as he handed Tony an apple with peanut butter on it. "Bellissimo angioletto! Do you want to help me chop Potatoes?" he asked, handing her a plastic knife, sharp enough to let her mangle the potatoes as she pleased, but not sharp enough to cut little fingers. he wielded the sharp knife for carrots and celery. "your mother taught you how to cook?" Clint asked with a smile when Steve nodded. "yep. and she taught me to do it proper too." he admitted with a chuckle. "Aliyah? tell Daddy how many new words you know." he suggested.
"Everyone can use Google cap.I'm taking over your tech training,since the morons arent doing it right and your doing me a favor by moving in."tony grinned because it was a very...tony idea. Repaying a favor,making sure he didn't owe anyone even if the other's didn't see them moving in as the same thing he did."cause they just dont."tony shrugged not about to go in it when he had a time waiting for him.

Tony smiled a little as he listened to the other's talked. While he understood what they were saying he enjoyed no one knowing how many languages he could speak. People were more liable to talk more and treat him like he was stupid if they didn't know he could understand."Im letting you babysito I mean,I trust you guys with a kid more then's going to be a generally very hard probably to find something I won't agree with."tony pointed with a smile as he nibbled on the apple."yes El captain! Please"aliyah said grinning happily as she took the knife and indeed did start mangling the potatoes before starting to babble excitedly off all the new words she new,interpersed with all the science words she'd picked up from tony. Yep definitely was tony's seemed excited talking was genetic.
Steve just groaned. "i hate technology..." he whined, shaking his head. "fine. i might as well let you teach me. at least you won't call me a 'stupid stubborn jackass, who's either too stupid or too stubborn to learn anyway.' i really hate my last teacher, can you tell?" Steve asked, looking amused before huffing. "American slang sucks too."

Steve grinned. "it's Si, Capitan Por Favor." he corrected with a smile. "your doing very well. such a smart girl." he chirped happily before grinning at Tony. "well that's good to know. i threw out all the candy." he admitted simply. "it's full of gross stuf. i'm making new candy. or at least, it'll taste like candy." he admitted as he watched her carefully just in case she did manage to hurt herself. "Gracias Bellissimo angioletto." he chirped with a grin as she offered him the mangled potatoes. "Very good! Muy buena." Steve praised as he dumped the potatoes into the soup, chuckling as she babbled at Tony. "she really is exceptionally clever." Steve admitted. "she's too young for school?" he asked as he examined her. "maybe we could tutor her? i bet she'd love to learn some math and reading." he admitted. "and this way we can teach her for a few hours while your working, so she won't be bored or bothered by it as much." he didn't think so anyway.
"....who was your teacher?I'll show him stupid."tony groped angrily. Even if he was the man calling steve names and yelling at him the most by far,it didn't mean he took kindly to anyone else doing it either."I hate him to. And just think,other cultures slang sucks.but just as much."tony snickered.

Aliyah smiled happily."Graçis,captain." "...hey. that was my candy. I didn't give it to her that was mine."tony sulked before realizing steve was going to replace it. "Don't look so put out. The handmade candies better then the store bought stuff. He'll you might even convince him to make some of your whiskey drops since I know they quit selling them in the states."Natasha teased snickering a little."yes definitely to young for school. My parents made the mistake of sending me this young,and I promised if I ever had kids I'd never make the mistake of sending them young."tony sighed shuddering at the memories of his school years before nodding."tutoring would be good. Though you can't teach her nat. You'll teach her to be scary." "I don't scare everyone.just you tony."Natasha said smirking a little.
he shrugged. "never bothered to learn her name." Steve admitted. "i hated her guts so i didn't see the point." he admitted with a chuckle. "her?" "yeah it was a woman." Steve admitted. "i think she just didn't like me." he admitted with a shrug. "i get that more often than you'd think."

"Denada." Steve chirped at her with a grin before scoffing at Tony. "your candy was full of nasty stuff and it tasted like Cra...b apples." he pointed out. "i can make candy thrice as good and healthy enough that Aliyah can even have some." he admitted with a grin before blinking. "whiskey drops? i'll find a recipe." he promised. "well, honestly Tony i don't think they where really looking out for your best interests." he pointed out. "you, on the other hand are doing what's best for your daughter." he admitted. "she's not ready for school i don't think." he agreed. "but we should certainly encourage those delightful brains of hers." Steve agreed with a grin. "and if she can't get along with the kids in her school, there are specialty schools these days that are more individualized for the genius branch of kids." he admitted. "no. you scare me too." Steve admitted as he shook his wooden spoon at her, as if scolding her. "but, it would be a good idea to teach Aliya some martial arts and basic safety." Steve admitted. "a young lady should always be able to defend herself."
"I like crab apples."tony smirked at the captain amused because more then once he'd caught himself in the middle of a curse. It was glad to see that he wasn't the only one who did it."good. I'll look forward to this candy then...and awesome. They're mostly chocolate mistake with Jack daniels. There's a few recipes online I've looked,but as Ali can testify, I fail at cooking."tony snickered before making a face."that and they probably didn't think it'd be as brutal as it was for a child genius. I on the other hand, have no delusions about how it'd be."tony said blushing ever so slightly at the praise he was doing okay.Natasha smirked at steve's words amused before nodding."I'll see what would be best for a child to learn."Natasha said glancing at tony as if expecting him to protest and looking amused as he shrugged."what?I agree.besides it'll be good for her."
Steve snorted. "Crab Apples are not edible Tony. at least, not for people. horses love them but people who eat them get sick." he pointed out. "you're probably thinking of field apples. they look a lot like crab apples." he admitted as he set the lid on the soup and set the ravioli to chill in the fridge before he pulled out the chicken breasts to warm up a little before he gave them a good grilling on Tony's indoor grill... thing. he had to admit, the cooking appliances where amazing these days. "well i'll see what i can find." Steve promised as he sat down at the table with a grin. "well we'll do the common 'don't talk to strangers, don't take candy from strangers, find a policeman' schtick and teach her what to do is someone grabs her." "what is that?" Clint asked curiously. he'd never had this lesson. "you scream, kick, struggle, scream some more. aim for the knee's and shins and... yes, the groin." Steve admitted with a grin when Clint winced. "who are we hitting in the groin?" a new voice asked at the doorway. it was Bruce, looking younger, fitter and tanner than ever. he looked so good that for a moment, Steve didn't recognize him. "am i early? why are you staring at me?" Bruce asked, looking a bit worried about them.
“...Well. That explains why I got sick when I ate them as a kid.’Tony frowned as he thought about those school days, making a face. “Sounds good. I’ll defer to you guys on the whole keeping herself safe thing, I never leanred hand to hand or anything.”Tony said smiling looking at aliyah as the girl looked up at them all in curiousity as she ate her own apple. “Whoever tries to take Ali.”Tony said snickering as everyone stared, and only aliyah seemed oblivious to the moment. “Brucie-bear!You’re here!Papa said you were coming, but it was soooo long!And you’re here!”Aliyah said totally unaware of kneeing tony in the groin as she scrambled out of his lap to go to the other genius. “They’re staring at just how good you look, and that you’re not shocked at finding me with a child.”Tony said between clenched teeth, breathing slowly as to not yell at how much his groin hurt. “And why aren’t you?”Natasha said looking curious. “Who do you think I had a panic attack with when I found myself with a kid?I yelled at the good doctor.”Tony said swallowing hard.
Steve scowled. "....yeah that would explain it. didn't you have teachers watching you? jeez." he muttered before scowling at Tony. "you and i are hitting the gym, every day, until i'm sure you can protect yourself. i know you do boxing. we'll work on that." Steve decided before gaping at Bruce who chuckled. "yes. good." he agreed. "anyone trying to take her should suffer. hello Bug Bear!" Bruce chirped as he scooped her up into his arms and cradled her, almost expertly on a hip. being a doctor, he handled children a lot. "you have to be more careful Bug Bear. you hurt your papa flinging yourself about like that." he warned, tapping her gently on the nose. "something smells good. what is that?" "Minestrone." "...soup?" Bruce asked, looking a bit confused. Steve just chuckled and nodded. "i don't look that good." Bruce stated, rolling his eyes. "Tony did you brush her hair after her nap?" Bruce asked, pulling a comb out of his pocket and working the tangles loose. " have to brush her hair after a nap?" Steve asked, looking startled. "yes. it get's tangled otherwise." Bruce stated with a shake of his head. "and you didn't yell at me, you just ranted in my general direction." Bruce admitted as he pulled a hair tie out of his pocket and pulled the girls hair into a pair of pigtails. they where lopsided, but at least her hair was mostly under control now.
“uh....yes?”Tony said tilting his head, knowing that if he said know, his teachers, no matter how many years had past, would probably end up with a ‘disappointed captain’ talk if he said no. “Fine. And I can box, I work out when I can.”Tony shrugged, because while he did, it had only been something he did once in awhile, when he needed a break. “hola!”Aliyah said giggling happily as she was picked up, cuddling against him before frowning, twisting to look at tony. “Papa?Papa hurt?” “For a moment, sweetheart.I’ll be okay.”Tony promised smiling strained snickering a little at bruce’s confusion. Before nodding.”You do look that good. And I didn’t get her up after a nap. These three were in charge while I had some lab time.”Tony smiled a little tilting his head. “well, okay, in your general direction then.”Tony said smiling grinning a little as aliyah giggled at having her hair done.
Steve scowled more. "....Jarvis i want a list of Tony's teachers." he ordered, the AI assuring Steve that they had already been appropriately dealt with. "your working out every day from now on." Steve ordered. "especially since unlike most of us, you can be disarmed." he admitted, looking worried about Tony. "Hola señorita." Bruce greeted her with a grin. "whose been teaching the little clever one Spanish?" he asked, Steve lifting a hand. "it hurts very much when people hit men there." Bruce explained her. "don't worry, it's just like a skinned knee. it hurts a lot for a little while and then it doesn't hurt anymore." Bruce promised. "but we have to be careful not to use papa as a springboard, Kay?" Bruce asked with a grin as he set her in his lap and handed her the plate of apples. "it's kind of weird realizing that Bruce is better with kids than we are..." Steve muttered as he watched the man. "you really do look good Bruce. i'm glad to see you looking so healthy for once. you even put on some weight?" "yeah i did." Bruce admitted, looking delighted. "and some muscle too."
”...Fine. Though these days the suit’s harder to take from me then you’d think. Every time I rebuild it, I find some new way to keep it around.”Tony said though he wasn’t protesting actually working out, just complaining because he could. “Cap.”Tony said snickering amused because he knew bruce and the others knew spanish to. Soon enough they’d have aliyah talking nothing but spanish. Frowning as she studied her father making sure he really was okay before nodding. “I wont. No more.”She promised, shifting to snuggle into tony’s lap as she ate her apples. “Well, he is a doctor. It sort of makes sense.”Natasha mused looking amused. “And for once, it wasn’t cause he was going big and green.”Tony teased smirking at bruce, looking quite content to be holding a 2 year old in his lap, even if he was playing on the tablet built into the table top, making aliyah watch in fascination as he he worked to design a new bow for clint, having promised weeks ago to do it, but with aliyah arriving and getting things squared away, he just hadn’t done it yet.
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