Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve rolled his eyes. "and if you end up in a bar brawl and can't use the suit?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "or if someone finds a way to disable it?" he asked, looking amused. "Cap speaks Spanish?" "Si Senior." Steve chirped simply. "as well as a half a dozen other languages." "well, he is Captain America." Bruce pointed out, looking amused. "want an apple Bruce?" "oh, yes thank you." Bruce agreed, watching Steve expertly cut up an apple. "i didn't know you could cook." he admitted, Steve chuckling. "you're not the only person to say that." he admitted with a chuckle. "actually, i haven't hulked out in one hundred and sixty three days." Bruce admitted with a grin as he leaned over a bit so he could watch what Tony was working on, looking rather impressed. "i didn't know you could do that with that kind of material." he admitted, smiling. "so then Tinkerbell. what do you think of Papa's new friends?" Bruce asked curiously, wondering if the little girl liked the group she had suddenly found herself the middle of.
“...Stop making so much sense. I can always get to the suit.”Tony grumbled. “It seems my daughter’s going to be well taught. We’re all going to be teaching her languages.”Tony snickered quietly. “none of us did. It’s good to know that some of us can actually cook. Like Clint. And steve. And I bet you can to.”Natasha said smiling at bruce before looking pleased.”That’s good.”She said so proud of him for not hulking out. “Normally you can’t. When Loki and Thor visited awhile ago, he showed me a better way to rework the metal, said it could be used for the suit, but it also works for the bow to.”Tony said showing the better folding bow, easier to conceal. While they weren’t on the easiest terms, or totally comfortable, the avengers had made peace with the jotun sorcerer after he’d helped thor stop the dark elves. While it could be awkward at times, tony’s total fascination with magic and need to understand things, meant that he was more tolerating of the sorcerer then most. While the two usually stayed in asgard, they did visit often. “They’re nice.”Aliyah said after a long moment looking around, snuggling against her papa.”And they’re good for papa. He wont be lonely now.” “I wasn’t lonely before, Tink.” “You were. You need someone papa.”ALiyah said wisely, as tony had avoided sex and one night stands since she'd arrived, she thought he was very alone.
Steve snorted. "so that time you where kidnapped by Doom and you couldn't call your suit was just a fluke?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "besides, Aliyah is too smart not to have lessons." he admitted. "she'll be entirely too bored without something to stimulate her." he admitted before pausing. "do you think she'd like to learn he piano?" he asked, studying the little girl. he could teach both her and Tony how to play. it would be totally fun, like a family activity. even if he wasn't actually their family. they all tensed at the mention of Loki. the Jotun had thought the prince-ling dead. with the death of their previous King, Loki was now needed to rule their people. so Odin had released Loki to the Jotun and he and Thor had rekindled their brotherly love and where basically having peace talks. only with a lot more drinking and nudity. Loki was basically following Thor around everywhere, so when Thor visited, Loki came with. thankfully, Loki didn't do anything to instigate or aggravate the Avengers. he just followed Thor around and did pretty much anything Thor told him to. Bruce was the only person in the group who had lengthy conversations with Loki, aside from Tony. Loki seamed to hold Tony in something akin to hero worship. "some people like to be alone." Steve informed Aliyah. "Tony was alone because he only needs a few friends." he explained with a smile. "but we're here now and that's all that matters, right?" he asked her with a grin. "speaking of Freinds, is it true that Thor-" and thus, Loki. "-Is moving in as well?" Bruce asked curiously.
“...It was. I get kidnapped a lot, you know. It’s like, the one thing I do best. And I will point out that I still managed to get away before you found me-”if only cause he’d talked doom in circles and got him so confused he’d let him go-”and she really is. We’ll find something.”Tony smiled a little. “...A piano would be fun. Papa showed me your piano and played, but said I had to wait for you to get here if I wanted to play. So can we play?”Aliyah said bouncing a little on tony’s thighs, looking up at steve in delight. “...Papa needs more friends.”she decided before nodding happily.”But you ARE here, so it’s okay.”She said before frowning looking utterly confused as they all stared at tony. “...Thanks Bruce. I was hoping to avoid mentioning it until the thunder-bolt showed up, at least it would have spared me the awkward conversation of telling them that I invited reindeer games to move in to, since he has his own kids.”Tony sulked making a face at bruce.
Steve snorted. "mouthy Bas...ket..." Steve grumbled. glancing at the little girl. "the only reason why you got out was because Doom got tired of you." Steve pointed out. "you can annoy anyone to homicide or just into releasing you." he teased with a grin and a shake of his head. "well, who am i to tell such a clever girl no? of course i'll teach you how to play the piano." he promised. "but there are rules and you'll have to follow them, okay?" he asked, tweaking the little girl's nose. "Papa has lots of friends!" Steve stated with a grin. "Papa has Me, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Jane Foster, Darcy Mathews, Thor, Loki, Pepper, Rhodey, Happy..." Steve paused, frowning. "that Dr. whose name i can never remember. Dr. Reed, Johnny Storm and Director Fury." Steve admitted. "that's an awful lot of friends you know. and i'm sure i forgot some people." he admitted. "Loki has kids?" Steve asked, stunned. god there was more of them!? "Loki has Six elder children, but they are all adults and probably won't bother with visiting too much since they're busy. he has a new set of twins only a few months old now." Bruce stated calmly. "newborns?" Steve asked, looking startled. "wouldn't he want them raised in Jotun?" "Jotunhiemr." Bruce corrected. "whatever."
Tony grinned.”I’m m glad I can get even the good captain cursing.”Tony smirked before nodding. “Well, that either makes you a masochist for moving in with me, or insane.”Tony teased back, he really was trying to get along with his teammates more. And not just for aliyah’s sake. “Okay. Papa has alot of rules, and I follow them, right papa?Tell him I can follow rules.”She demanded tilting her head back to look at him. “She does indeed. She’s very good at it.”Tony said seriously smiling as aliyah considered his list of friends. “Well. Okay. Papa has plenty of people, but it’s good you are here now.”She decided. “He does.”Tony said snickering at the looks he was getting. “What?Really?”Natasha stared her mouth open a little. “Newborns?” “Hm, can’t. They’re half asgardian, they don’t deal well with cold until they’re older. Besides, thor’s going to be here, so he’s moving in.”Tony said shrugging a little, not about to ruin the surprise of them figuring out the ‘brothers’ were screwing six ways to Sunday. He was totally looking forward to them figuring it out, it’d be hysterical. "They should be here in the next few days, I asked thor to let me have a few days to get you guys settled before they came."Tony smiled a little looking nervous, afraid of how they'd react.
Steve huffed at him. "i grew up in Brooklyn and i was a soldier. i cuss worse than a biker." Steve stated simply. "and i'm obviously a masochist. i wouldn't have been beat up every day of my life otherwise." he pointed out. "very good. the first rule is, you must always knock, and wait for an answer before you enter my room. i have dangerous things in there sometimes and it would be bad if you got into them. you might get hurt." Steve explained. he had found, in his own childhood, he was a lot more willing to obey rules if he knew why they where in place. "you must always wash and dry your hands very well before you play on a piano. if a piano get's sticky or stained, it won't play right." he explained with a smile. "and as for the last rule, you have to have fun! the Piano is a great way to express yourself, but it should be fun for you to play too, okay?" Steve asked with a grin. "newborns... wow that's... wow. i mean... he's not the nicest fellow. i mean, what woman wanted him? after all that he's done really i think were the only ones really willing to... you know... not murder him." Clint admitted, Bruce rolling his eyes. "a lot of people like Loki i'll have you know." Bruce pointed out, looking amused. "and i don't think it was a woman who gave birth to the twins." ".....asgardian men can get pregnant?!" Steve and Clint both yelped, looking rather horrified. "no. but male Jotun can. there are no female Jotun." they stared at Bruce, even more horrified. "oh... my... god... i'll never look at the smurf the same way again..." Steve whispered. "there are some things you can't mentally un-see and that was one of them."
Aliyah looked up at steve for a long moment considering the rules before nodding seriously.”I can follow those. Papa, you have to come play piano to okay?” “I will, Tink. Don’t worry.”Tony said smiling quietly relaxing as he watched them. This was utterly great for him, to see the family he wanted, getting along with his daughter. While he knew that eventually this would implode on him, for the moment, he was going to enjoy it. “Loki’s not that bad.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little and nearly stuffing his fist in his mouth to keep from spoiling the surprise of who the twins father was. “Hm, he was a adorable little smurf. I called him that, then had to explain what a smurf was....he didn’t talk to me for months.”Tony huffed sounding truly upset but amused at the idea before smiling a little. “Cap, you better get the food on the stove, if you want to eat soon. We have a night routine to get to, and ali here would be greatly disappointed if we couldn’t have bathtime.” “Noooo!No baths.” “Yes, ali. You need one.”Tony said shaking his head at the toddler, even if he looked defensive and cagey. Cause while he knew there was nothing inappropriate about him giving his daughter a bath, he’d been to scarred by his past, and people’s reaction to him to rest easily with what they thought of him with a child. even with them being okay with aliyah being with him, he was still feeling defensive, waiting for them all to freak out
"of course Papa will come play the piano. he's getting more advanced lessons." he promised Aliyah with a grin before blinking at Tony. "oh! i forgot. toddlers go to bed early." he muttered. "have to remember that..." he mused before huffing. "he is that bad! the great blue Smurf." Steve grumbled as he started boiling the ravioli and making the cheesy sauce that would go over it. "you know, i'd wondered why there was a dwindling in crime for a few months." Clint teased, not about to admit he was still utterly terrified of Loki. sometimes he was sure he could still feel Loki in his brain, whispering new thoughts into his head. "all little girls need baths! after all, if you want to be a beautiful princess you have to be clean." Bruce pointed out. "you want to be pretty don't you? and i brought a surprise for you. if your a very good girl and take your bath, i'll let you play with it after your cleaned up and in the water, okay?" Bruce offered with a grin. "...isn't bribery against the law?" Steve asked, chuckling a little. "only in certain circumstances. oh, by the way Tony, i got you some bubble bath. you said you'd been having trouble getting her into the bathtub, i thought it might help."
“Yep. Bedtime’s 8.”Tony smiled a little, looking amused. “I dare you to call him that when he gets here.”Tony snickered before laughing. “Doubtful that was loki. He behaves when here. Apparently hero worshiping me, and simply getting along with thor has curbed his need to cause problems.”Tony smirked a little. “Clint?”Natasha muttered turning her head to look at him worriedly, ducking her head to press a kiss to his neck, truly worried about him having loki here. Wondering if she could convince the godling to not move in. “I’m always pretty!Papa says so.” “Yes, but you still need to be clean to be the beautiful princess.”Tony sighed quietly, because this wasn’t anything new, the fight for bathtime and bedtime. Wondering if it was simply because she wasn’t used to having him here, or because she was acting out because her mother was gone. “...You got me something?”Aliyah looked up at bruce excitedly. “I’ll get a bath.”Aliyah agreed relaxing back into tony’s lap. “Thanks. That should be helpful.Bubbles are always fun.”Tony smiled at bruce, tilting his head a little. Relieved that his friends were accepting this so easily, with him having a daughter.
Steve nodded. "i will call him that!" he grumbled, because Steve could never resist a dare unless it was actually bad. calling Loki a smurf could be potentially insulting and hurt Loki's feelings but Steve didn't exactly care about Loki so he would do it. "...hero worship?" Clint asked, looking stunned. "he worships you!? gross." he stated before he offered Natasha a smile and leaned against her. "i'm alright. i don't like it but i won't have panic attacks or anything." he promised softly. at least, he didn't think so. god he hoped not. "all little girls need to take baths. no one is going to want to hug you if your stinky or sticky now will they?" Bruce asked, looking amused. "yes i did. and you can have it during bath time." he promised with a smile before chuckling at Tony. "don't worry about it Tony. all toddlers hate baths and going to bed. soon enough you'll be having trouble getting her out of the bath." he admitted. "i always heard that Bath time was horrible." Steve admitted. "bathing a toddler is supposed to be messy, exhausting, and apparently the parent get's even more wet than the kid does." he admitted as he stated setting the table, Bruce getting up to help. "at least you don't have to change her diapers." Clint chirped helpfully. "i heard that's the worst." "Loki has to change diapers." "good. serves him right." Bruce snorted, amused by that.
“Yep. He worships me like I deserve. I’ll forgive you guys for not doing so, because Loki follows me around like a devoted puppy. It’s quite amusing. And he does it worse thor, its amusing.”Tony said snickering a little because he knew exactly how loki ‘worshiped’ thor, and it was going to be so amusing when the other’s figured it out. “Good.And the tower’s huge, you don’t have to spend time with him.”She muttered resting her head against clint’s shoulder smiling a little as she listened to bruce and tony bribing aliyah into the bath. “Besides, you helped Cap make a mess. You need to clean up Ali.”Tony said smiling as he looked at his sticky daughter. “Okay. Papa, can we take a bath now?”Aliyah demanded looking up at him. “No, after dinner.”Tony said smiling a little before smirking at bruce a little. “I probably will...and it is. I have to strip down to my pants and not care that I’m going to get wetter then her, or smell like kids shampoo. It’s a good thing I have a huge tub,otherwise my bathroom would be a utter disaster.”Tony snickered before nodding. “Yea, at least I got to skip out on that.”He said amused as he watched the others set the table.
Clint stared at him and then. "are we thinking of different Loki's here?" he asked, baffled. Loki HATED Thor! "Loki Hate's Thor!" Steve protested, giving Tony the Stink Eye. "are you helping that mischief maker with a prank!?" he demanded, eyes narrowed. "that's true." Clint agreed with a smile as he rested his head on his lovers shoulder. "this is amusing." he admitted as he watched the two manliest men in the tower handle a two year old. "she did help me make a mess." Steve agreed with a chuckle as he let Tony dish out smaller portions of meat stuffed ravioli, soup and grilled chicken for his daughter while he set everything else out on the table, out of reach of tiny curious hands that might get burnt. "well, some kids Shampoo smells okay right? why not just buy that?" Clint asked. "what's the difference between Shampoo and kids shampoo anyway?" "Kids shampoo is specially formulated to not burn or sting if it gets in their eyes. it's also non toxic so while they might get the runs if they swallow some, they don't have to be rushed to the hospital. it also has fun cartoons on it." Clint blinked, surprised that there was actually a difference. "dig in." Steve offered everyone, Clint chirping happily as he dug into the real Italian soup, declaring that he loved Steve and he was going to move in with him and Natasha so they could always have his food. Steve just laughed and shook his head. "sorry Clint but i'm waiting on the sidelines for someone really special. i just have to get up the guts to tell them." Clint whined but started eating again and Steve chuckled.
“Nope. Same loki. Seems love and hate are two sides of the same coin.”Tony said snickering to himself, because he was totally going to enjoy watching them figure out just how true those words were, before nodding. “I’m always willing to help loki cause mischief. He worships me like I deserve. It lends to liking him.”Tony smirking a little. “It is quite amusing.”Natasha muttered smirking a little as she watched tony and steve handle aliyah expertly, grinning as the girl stared to eat as she sat on tony’s lap, the billionaire having quickly figured out how to eat while holding a toddler, since aliyah mostly refused to be removed from his lap if she was in the room with him. “It’s girly most of the time.”Tony said snickering as bruce explained kid’s shampoo before shrugging. “And I let aliyah choose what shampoo she wanted, so it smells instead of being simple.” “It smells like watermelon.”Aliyah offered smiling happily as they started to eat. “Hm, sorry clint. You’ll just have to settle for my cooking.”Natasha teased smirking a little as she kissed his cheek as they finished eating. “Papa!Can we take a bath now?”Aliyah demanded as she finished eating. “I thought you didn’t like baths, tink?” “But uncle bruce brought me something!He said I can have it in the bath.”She said already starting to climb out of tony’s lap to run for the bathroom, making the billionaire laugh. “Its so good to know bribery can still work.”He snorted amused as he followed her, starting to strip out of his clothes, totally uncaring that he was undressing in front of his team, by the time he got to the bathroom, down to just his boxers as he set about filling the tub and getting everything ready.
Steve stared at Tony and then shook his head. Tony was up to something mischievous and he had no doubt it was Loki's fault. ugh. "i'm sure he worships you the way a worm worships the frog." he scoffed, shaking his head. "sorry Tony." Steve teased. "but at least you look pretty enough to smell like a girl." he teased, making Clint and Bruce both sputter and waited for Tony to throw a fit. "Watermelon i a nice smell." Steve agreed. "much better than bubblegum." he admitted with a grin as he watched Cling give her the stink eye. "you can't cook. i'm the one that does all the cooking." while Clint could make food, it was typically boxed or frozen, so having hand made soup was a delight. "you need help Tony?" Bruce offered as he finished off his own Minestrone and ravioli. "this was delicious Steve, thank you." Bruce stated with a smile as Steve nodded. "your welcome. just put the dishes in the sink i'll wash them." he promised. "you go get her presents before she has kittens." Bruce laughed and nodded, heading for his rooms to gather the prezzies. Steve was going dry mouthed at the sight of Tony half naked and swallowed before setting up to do the dishes. he liked doing housework, it was familiar and comforting. once Tony had her undressed Bruce appeared with the bubbles and her gift, which was hidden from sight in a plastic tub in bright ugly pink. "get clean and then you can have your present." Bruce promised with a chuckle.
“...I am not a frog.”Tony huffed making a face. “I am not a girl!Or pretty!I’m devilishly handsome and sexy and amazing.”Tony huffed sulking. “No. You’re a pretty princess. Remember?You played princesses with me yesterday papa.”Aliyah said helpfully smiling as she ate, totally oblivious to making her father blush fifty shades of red. “Definitely better then bubblegum.”Tony agreed smiling a little. “I can to. I make canned soup.”Natasha said with a sniff, smirking a little amused. “If you want. Just be prepared to get wet.”Tony said snickering a little. “You could just talk to him you know.”Natasha said watching the captain, smirking a little as she watched tony and bruce disappear into the bathroom. “Into the tub, tink.”Tony ordered smirking a little as she did as she was told for once concerning the bath, climbing into the tub as she stared at the plastic tub. “What is it?”She asked even as she let tony put the bubble bath in, giggling happily as the bubbles formed and let tony wash her up, though soon enough the billionaire was nearly as wet as she was. “Papa!I want your ring!”Aliyah demanded holding out a hand when she realized she wasn’t getting her present until after her bath. “No ali.Not in the tub.”Tony said as he washed her hair, and it would only take a moment for bruce to realize what she was talking about, the silver ring strung on a chain around tony’s neck, silvered with a slight red,white, and blue tinge to the metal.
"no, Tony. your the worm." Steve stated with a smirk. "and you are pretty." he admitted, well aware that Tony was way more of a man than he was. for gods sake Steve was currently wearing a pair of ladies underwear. "aaaw, i bet Tony makes an adorable princess." Clint teased with a grin. "did you make him wear a dress?" he asked, Steve snorting. "Clint? if a two year old asks you to have a princess Tea party and insists you wear a Dress, would YOU say no? knowing you risk tears if you do!?" Steve asked, making Clint pale. "....well.... no, i don't think i could." "precisely." apparently the only person allowed to pick on Tony was Steve. "even Tony can make canned soup." Clint pointed out, looking amused. "i can't." Steve stated simply, not bothering to ask her how she knew. "Pepper only just left him and he has a daughter, he'll agree just to have help and i can't lt him do that." he muttered, shaking his head as he cleaned. "maybe when things settle down and i'm not so much of a coward."

Bruce smirked. "you'll have to wait and see." he teased with a smile before blinking as he realized that Tony did indeed have a ring around his neck, his eyes widening a little though he didn't say anything. "okay! all clean, here you go!" Bruce chirped, setting the large plastic tub into the water. inside was a large pink tea set, a selection of water child friendly plastic floating toys, a large floating turtle with three baby turtles in it's back and a set of Dora the Explorer water floating toys. hopefully that would make bath-time more fun for her. "Tony?... have you, you know... talked to him?" Bruce asked softly, well aware of what that Ring meant. the only question was how in the hell did he get it. he'd never seen a ring like it before.
“I’m not a worm either!And I am not!”Tony whined making a face before smirking. “I make a amazing princess.” “Yes. He looks good in pink.You could dress up to?We’ll have a tea party.”Aliyah said smiling happily, making both tony and natasha smirk as they looked at the archer, realized he’d just got himself invited to the next tea party. “...also, he enjoys sex. I bet he hasn’t had any since Aliyah got here....maybe you’re right in not talking to him yet.”Natasha frowned, because while she thought they needed to talk, she didn’t know how tony would take it either.

“I don’t want to wait!”Aliyah whined a little even though she did help tony get her cleaned up. “Oh!Thank you bruce!”Aliyah said bouncing up to give the man a very wet hug before settling back to play with the toys, utterly delighted at having them to play with. Tony meanwhile slanted a look at Bruce, raising a eyebrow. “Talked to who? And why?”He said, being deliberately dense, knowing that no one but him....and maybe loki... Would have enough puzzle pieces to piece this story together yet. Raising a hand he touched the ring.”It was a gift, from Aliyah’s mother. Said she wanted her to have it when she got bigger.”Tony said shrugging a little.
Steve snickered a little as he watched Clint grimace and nod. he wasn't about to tell a little girl no. nuh uh. "stop smirking at me." Clint grumbled as Steve snickered before sighing and nodding. "yes he does." he admitted softly. "honestly i want him to want ME... not my body. and right now he doesn't like me." he admitted. "maybe he never will. that's okay, i can't make him love me after all." he admitted. "i won't let that effect how much i'm willing to help him." he admitted. "here. if your going to bug me, you can dry." Clint wisely fled before he was pulled into the washing. "we need time to settle first. then i'll talk to him." he decided.

Bruce grinned. "and little girls who whine might not get presents at all." Bruce warned before he smiled at her thanks. "Talked to Steve about how much your in love with him." Bruce stated simply. "your not nearly as good at hiding it as you think you are. i think the only person here who doesn't know is Steve." he admitted simply before lifting an eyebrow at Tony's story. he wasn't sure how much he believed that but didn't say anything. calling Tony a liar would not go over well, whether he was lying or not.
“You’d look good in pink.”Natasha snickered a little before sighing, looking at steve. “Well. Considering he went through alot of trouble to give you a perfect room, he at least likes you some. Just be there for him, and you can have a nice little family thing without ever telling tony he’s involved in a family.”Natasha teased a little smiling as she settled in to help him do the dishes.

Tony froze at bruce’s words, hands resting on the edge of the tub before slanting a look at him. “I am not in love with the good captain.”he said slowly, something very close to utter, bon chilling panic showing in his face before focusing on bruce again. “It’s true. It’s a gift. I didn’t have it made.”Tony growled sounding defensive and upset. “Papa?”Aliyah stopped, toys in her hands as she looked up at the two. “It’s okay Tink. Bruce is going to help you finish your bath okay?I’m not feeling well.”He said bending to kiss her forehead as she looked at him worriedly, before pretty much fleeing the room in face of the questions and emotions. He totally had no idea why he’d thought having all of them here would be a good idea. Heading for his own room to get clothes and dried off. “Papa okay?”Aliyah frowned looking up at bruce worriedly, her toys no longer interesting to her.
he nodded. "yes, but he did the same for all of us." he pointed out. "so does he like me? or does he simply tolerate me the way he does everyone?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her. "as if i wasn't already doing that." he scoffed. "you'll recall i made a Family Dinner and am teaching them both how to play the piano." he pointed out. "at least if i make myself useful he won't get tired of me." he admitted with a grin.

" are such a bad liar." Bruce stated calmly before watching Tony panic. "Tony." Bruce murmured, taking the others arm gently in his. "i'm not going to say anything." he promised. "but it's not a bad thing, letting yourself live someone... don't fight it. you deserve it." he admitted. "you deserve to be happy." Bruce admitted before letting the other leave, grinning at the girl. "i think Papa had to go upchuck." he admitted. "must have been the Minestrone." he admitted as he smiled at her. "he'll be fine in the morning, he just has a tummy ache. i'm a doctor, i know these things." he admitted with a smile. "now you go ahead and play for a little while." he suggested. "but don't drink the water." he warned, simply sitting on the toilet to watch her play before letting her drain the tub all on her own and dried her up and got her ready for bed.
“ know, considering you two were red in the face screaming at each other just a week ago, I’m going to go it’s like, since his ego wouldn’t let him put up with that if he simply tolerated you.”Natasha said smiling a little before snickering.”So you did. And I doubt he’ll get tired of you. Family freaks him out, if he gets someone to tell him he’s doing okay, he’s not going to let you out of sight.”

“Good.Cause it’s not true.”Tony said still panicking as he left. “Oh.”She frowned, thinking about that before nodding, reassured that bruce was right, and that tony was okay. “Okay.”she said giggling happily as she played and drained the tub, smiling tiredly as she was put in her pj’s. “You ready for bed tink?”Tony said as he walked in,smiling a little tiredly and strained as he walked into her bedroom, tucking the blanket in around her as he at on the ladder. Despite his own emotional upset, he’d never missed story time, and wasn’t about to start. Settling in to read, he grinned as she was asleep within a few pages. Smiling quietly as he kissed her forehead, before heading back to check on the rest of his team. Wanting to make sure everything was okay before heading to bed himself, though he’d forgone the t-shirt, and was simply wandering around in sweat pants, knowing he’d go to bed soon enough.
he blinked a little at her and then grinned. "he is cute when he's furious isn't he?" he asked with a snicker before he sobered and frowned at the plate in his hands. "i suppose... still. i'd rather him wanting me around for more reasons than just his own self confidence issues." he admitted as he handed her the last dish to be dried. "you go on. i'll take care f the rest. i'm going to head down to the Gym after this. Jarvis says it's impressive."

Bruce chuckled as he watched her play, pleased that she had stayed in the bath for a good long time. too busy with playing with the toys to get out. that might make Bath-time a lot easier for poor Tony. hopefully. "all ready! she even brushed her teeth." Bruce admitted with a grin before gently taking Tony's hands. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you." he admitted softly, kissing Tony's forehead before leaving him alone with his daughter. when Tony made his rounds Bruce was in his lab working on something with a microscope and Steve was in the Gym, also shirtless and pounding wildly on a punching bag, sweating like a caveman. "Tony! Jesus! make noise or something when you come in!" Steve ordered, setting a hand to his heart. "you scared the shi...p... out of me."
“He is.”Natasha agreed before sighing softly. “Well, then you’ll just have to see how things go.”She said patting his shoulder, worried for him before nodding, heading out. “Have fun then cap.”

“Wow. Good job, Ali.” “Thanks papa.”The girl smiled tireldy at her as she settled into bed. “I know. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”Tony muttered smiling a little at bruce, grinning as he made the rounds. Amused to find everyone pretty much settled in where he’d thought they’d be. Pausing in the doorway of the gym he swallowed hard, watching steve work out, sighing softly. That was a amazing sight, really. Glad that he’d remembered to take off the ring, tony smirked as he walked further into the room, half dressed and looking lazy, the man looked in better shape then he had in years, extremis had upping up his ability to work out and stay in shape even if he didn’t work out often. “Sorry. I’ll sing star spangled banner or something next time.”Tony snickered a little before smirking. “You do realize you can cuss right?”He teased tilting his head. “I was just making the rounds, making sure everyone was okay,.”He said studying the captain.
Bruce smiled at Tony, a man he considered a brother in all but blood before leaving. he never noticed Tony checking up on him, too absorbed in his work. "....or you could wear a bell." Steve offered. "i'd be less inclined to punch you in the face that way." he teased as he shook his head. "i cuss too much and little ears hear everything apparently." he admitted before shaking his head. "i'm fine." he admitted. "i don't sleep much after the Serum. a few hours a night, unless i manage to work myself to exhaustion." he admitted. "which is a lot harder than i expected it to be." he admitted with a sigh. "hows the little Tich?" he asked with a grin. "did Bath-time go okay this time around? i remember i used to throw a huge, horrible fuss anytime someone tried to make me take a bath as a kid." he admitted. "granted, it was with cold water in a metal basin, but that's besides the point."
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