Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

"i think she might be, unfortunately. you might be her favorite, and i might come a close second, but she adores Natasha to new extremes." he admitted. "and worse, i think she's started calling Natasha 'Aunti Nattie." he admitted with a shudder. "yes well. Bruce hulked out because Thor accidentally hit him in the head with his hammer. they did go into their super rooms to duke it out though.... you have a hole in the side of your tower through from where Thor summoned his hammer back." he admitted. "i already have a repair crew on it's way." he admitted with a smile as he watched Aliyah. "a what now?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow. "might have to look into that one." he admitted as he chuckled at her. "she gets kind of silly when she's sleepy huh?"
"...that's a disturbing thought reallg."tony said shuddering at the idea of Na Tasha and aliyah bonding."aunt nattie?"he asked sounding vaguely she'll shocked. Before smiling."thas the regular way of lest it's only one hole this time..."tony said sighing quietly nodding his thanks to steve for getting the repair crew on it."it's a novel. About a kid who happens to be a wizard...jarvis?show him Harry potter please."tony requested grinning as a hologram search for Harry potter showed steve anything he could ever want to know about the books."hmmm she adorable."
"very disturbing." he agreed. "and yes. Aunt Nattie. i might have nightmares after hearing that. particularly when Natasha smiled as if she was the proudest person on earth... dear lord what have we done? what if she wants one of her own!?" Steve asked, looking horrified even if his eyes glittered with laughter. "can you imagine it!? a two year old Natasha with all the skills. now i'm really going to have nightmares." he admitted. "interesting... do i have Harry Potter on my Kindle?" Jarvis responded with a no and Steve nodded. "buy it for me?" he beamed happily when Jarvis promised him it had been done. "very adorable. you look pretty tired, you should go cuddle with ehr in bed and take a nap yourself." he suggested. "i'm going to go pound on the bags before i twitch myself out a window." he admitted. lately, his energy levels had been increasing. he wasn't worried about it, not really but he knew if his energy didn't stop climbing he was going to have some issues. "oh! i almost forgot... did you know that Reed has a super massive crush on Bruce?"
“...Nightmares. Nightmares all the time, now that I’ve heard that.”Tony muttered shuddering a little before laughing.”Her and barton breeding. Scary thoughts that.”he snickered a little before smiling at steve’s delight at finding a new book to read. “You’ll get a lot more culture references with that. Though, if you tell anyone to ‘stroke your wand’ or anything like that, they’ll still have you arrested for being preverted.”Tony hesitatingly teased, flirted, for once utterly unsure about his flirting. Which was weird for him, because he so generally thought he was amazing and refused to consider that no one would want him. Pressing a kiss to aliyah’s hair as she snuffled at his chest, she sighed softly. “I’m okay. If you hand me my tablet though, I can cuddle her as I work.”He smiled a little before tilting his head, grinning. “Really?Good. For both of them.”he said sounding pleased at the idea.
he chuckled a little. "yes, she's breeding with Barton, so not only will her child be freakishly flexible and capable of killing you with a hankey, she'll be a master archer too." he admitted with a chuckle before lifting an eyebrow at the other. "aaw. Tony, if you wanted to stroke my want, you only had to say so." he promised with a grin. "you look adorable when you blush, did you know?" he asked before handing the other his Tablet. "they're working together to find a way for Bruce to have safe sex and to reverse Ben's condition. i caught them kissing, french style, in the lab not twenty minutes ago." he admitted with a grin.
“...Nooo. We’re going to have to put a stop to that. I mean, that’s a disturbing child. No.”Tony huffed with a smile though before rolling his eyes, blushing ever so slightly at steve’s words. “I wasn’t talking about me. I refuse to be harry potter to your draco malfoy. Just go read, and tell me if you think those two should totally be banging.”Tony snickered a little before smirking as he took the tablet. “....Do you even know how to french kiss?I mean, I know you were stationed there for awhile...and oh, hey I wonder what its like to have sex with a guy who can make himself any shape and size he wants...I mean...really..”Tony rambled a little, definitely needed some sleep.
he smirked and nodded. "right. i'll sedate Natasha and take her to the doctor to have her tubes tied and you sterilize Clint." he ordered before pausing. "i don't know who Draco Malfoy is, but i'm certain i've just been insulted." he admitted. "but i'm sure they aught to be 'banging'." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yes i do actually. and..." he paused and got a gleam in his eyes. "you know... Bruce was muttering about how to temporarily replicate meta human abilities." he admitted with a smirk. "i'm just glad he's stopped sulking about Sue." he admitted. "you need to sleep." Steve decided, taking Tony's tablet away. "lay down and get some rest tony." Steve ordered, kissing Tony's forehead.
“Awesome. At least we have the roles of who’s handling natasha down. Better you then me. Brave man, Cap.”Tony snickered a little before smirking at steve. “Hm, not to insulted. He gets cuter the older he gets, though he’s still a annoying bastard.”Tony snickered looking amused though flushing a little at the idea that even without the reading, he thought they should be banging. “Really?That would be epic. I totally want Reed’s powers for the day.”he rambled nodding a little.”And definitely good to see him not sulking over sue.”he agreed, whining as his tablet was taken away, but not moving to get it, so he’d already given in despite his protests.”Gotta finish the design for the Klondike.”he whined quietly as he shifted, snuggling into aliyah as he fell asleep
Steve snickered. "she'd have a harder time killing me." he admitted. "well, so long as he's cute." Steve decided with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yeah i know right? you could totally do super naughty things to me if you had reeds powers." he teased with a smirk. "you know, they actually found she had severe mental problems?" he asked. "apparently she's sterile too, can't have kids, ever." he admitted. "apparently when Johnny's wife turned up pregnant, Sue chased her away, making the poor woman think Johnny would never love her if she had his baby. it's why she hates you for having a daughter." he admitted. "she's getting a lot of help now." he admitted with a smile as he took away the tablet. "no. sleep. James isn't going anywhere and i don't know if he'll appreciate you trying to fix that arm of his right now anyway." he admitted watching them fall asleep before heading up to pound on a bag, feeling more and more frustrated when his energy kept up.
“...I know. Really. Having reed’s powers to be perverse would be amazing.”Tony snickered a little before wincing, making a face. “I heard. Johnny told me. Thank god she’s finally getting the help she needs.”He smiled slightly before whining, not wanting to sleep but starting to. “Fine. Fix it later.”he muttered as he fell asleep, looking utterly tired and sleepy as he crashed.

Later James frowned a little as he stepped into the gym, tilting his head as he watched teh man beating on the bag. “How long have you been at it?”The super soldier asked, watchign steve beat the bag, wondering if there was a reason he was going after it like it’d killed his favorite person or not.
Steve laughed and nodded. "it would be amazing! like those creepy Japanese porno's that Clint and Natasha watch with the creepy tentacles!" he admitted with a laugh. "she's recovered enough to know what she did to Johnny's wife was terrible." he admitted. "that's right,, fix it later." he agreed.

Steve slammed his fist into the bag and sighed, turning to look at James. "Two hours. two...!" each word was punctuated by another strike against the bag before he sighed and slumped to the floor, giving up. "somethings wrong with me..." he muttered, setting his hands to his face. "i can't even sleep anymore and if i don't workout every couple of hours i get so freaking hyper that i bounce off the walls..." he admitted. "which means i'm going to have to tell someone and they're going to fuss and fidget. i had hoped it was just... i dunno, a cold or something but it just keeps getting worse..."
James frowned tilting his head as he studied the other man, and the force he was putting behind the punches. Two hours would gave started to wear on even him. Slumping to the floor next to him, he studied the other for a long moment before frowning. “Who should I get?”He asked, even if he didn’t exactly remember the other man, there was a quiet need threaded in his veins that told him he needed to take care of the man in front of him. “Do you need me to get....Tony?”He said hesitantly, making a face, trying to remember the connections and bonds he’d sensed between the people he was currently living with, remembering how the super soldier and genius had acted with each other, he figured that was the person who should know something was wrong with steve.
Steve sighed as he let the other sit next to him. he wasn't sure he actually wanted anyone else to know. he'd told Bucky, wasn't that enough? maybe it would go away? he didn't want to be an experiment again. "yes... please. get Tony." he trusted Tony. it would be okay. he would be okay, right? he sounded rather exhausted, even as his muscles twitched, wanting, needing him to keep going. "I have alerted Sir to your position Captain." Jarvis promised, not wanting Steve to be left alone. something was happening and Jarvis knew it would be a bad idea to leave Steve by himself. when Tony got there, Steve was already pounding on the bag again, his movements jerky with frustration that he was so hyper he couldn't stop.
Tony rushed in, looking flushed and panicked, the hair sticking every which way saying that jarvis had woken him up, the creases on his cheek saying he’d been trying to work again. “Steve?What’s wrong?”He said panting as he paused, staring at the two super soldiers before wincing, “Jarvis, have Bruce meet us in the lab.”He said before walking around to get a look at the man’s face, fear darkening his features, “Cap, we’re going up to the lab okay?Can you do that for me?”He asked, sounding so scared for the man he couldn’t admit he was in love with
Steve looked up at Tony, looking upset and confused and the one emotion Steve had never shown before. fear. "i don't know." Steve whispered, exhaustion coloring his voice now. he was so tired, but his muscles screamed for more. he followed Tony, twitching a little as he struggled to keep from flying apart. "it's gotten so much worse all of a sudden. yesterday i just needed to work out every few hours for a few minutes, or a half an hour at full speed and it would stop but now all of a sudden it won't stop at all!" he gasped. "i can't sleep. i haven't slept in a week but i had hoped it would just go away! i don't want to be an experiment again Tony! please don't make me an experiment." he was too upset to notice what he was saying. what he was admitting to. no wonder he hated Howard so much, the man had made Steve into an experiment.
Tony’s eyes widened as he met the other’s eyes, “We’ll get you there. We’ll take care of you. You trust me right?You trust your team?We wont let anything happen.”Tony promised barely twitching at the knowledge that the russian trained assassin was trailing after them in silence, trusting, for once, that it would be okay, and that james could keep it together long enough to let him take care of steve. “I wont let you be a experiment. I promise. No more.”He said as he got the other into the lab, glancing at bruce as he focused on the super soldier, the man looking pale and shaken, having figured out exactly what steve had meant. Realized what his own father had done to steve. And the self hate and anger battered at him, even as he struggled to focus, so he could at least be some help to steve. “He’s hyper. He can’t get calmed down.”He said repeating to bruce everything steve had told him, looking worried.
Steve nodded. "i trust you." he agreed, twitching still as he followed Tony. frightened as he followed the other, feeling comfort in the fact that James was following, James and Tony would protect him. they wouldn't let anything bad happen. he was okay, he was. "...lay him down." Bruce ordered, examining Steve's pulse and then pupils. "i'm going to have to draw some blood." Bruce warned, carefully slipping in a needle and taking the blood before Steve could even respond or even realize what was happening. "...fuck." Bruce whispered as he examined a drop under the microscope. "we're going to have to sedate him Tony." he warned. "i'm using the godly narcotics." he warned as he filled up a new syringe and slipped it into Steve who stared at Bruce. "what's wrong with me?" "....your Serum is replicating. it's overtaxing your system. don't worry, i can fix it." he hoped. "just sleep." he ordered, watching as Steve relaxed and dropped off to sleep. "Tony i don't know if i can fix this..." Bruce admitted, attention turned back tot he microscope. "his Super Serum is replicating at such an advanced rate that he might drive himself insane before i can find a way to stabilize it." Bruce admitted, looking frightened. "i'm going to need help... you and Reed, we're going to have to combine our efforts on this one."
“Good. I got you.”Tony promised helping steve lay down and trying to be calm. Twitching a little as the other drew blood, even if he knew it was needed, and that bruce wouldn’t expriment on the super soldier, it still made him twitchy. “Kay. He could use some sleep.”Tony said gently stroking blond hair, watching him, looking worried before glancing up. “What?You just said you could.”he sputtered eyes widening before swallowing hard. “We’ll do whatever you need. We’ll figure it out. Go. Start working with Reed in the lab, I’ll stay here with him, I have enough medical training to keep him sedated and easy, while working.”Tony said already gesturing towards the computer set up on the side of the room. While it wasn’t as powerful as the one in the lab, it was more then enough to help figure this out. Staring down at the blond, he looked pale and shaken, definitely on the verge of losing it all.
Bruce shook his head. "Tony. i have to be honest here. this could kill him." Bruce admitted, looking shaken. "i don't understand why all of a sudden his Serum is exploding. was he like this before he went to the hospital?" he asked as he set up an IV drip to help keep Steve unconscious. "be careful Tony, i don't know what this kind of sedation, let alone the explosion of Serum in his system might do to his mind. he might not recognize you if he wakes up." he warned before leaving to find Reed, who was already in Bruce's lab, waiting for Bruce to get there with the blood samples. Loki however had joined Tony in the medical room with Tony and was running his own scans on Steve, trying to see if Magic could help. "Tony. have you or Aliyah been damaged in the last week?" Loki asked suddenly. "cut at all? with blood to be more specific." Loki asked suddenly, glancing at Tony.
“What?I-What?”Tony stared looking utterly shaken at the idea of losing steve, not even realizing he’d done it, shifting the ring from his necklace and slipping it on, vaguely amused that stephanie’s wedding ring, was perfect fit for his slender hands, taking comfort in the touch. “No, he wasn’t. I mean, he worked out, but that was his normal work out stuff.”Tony said frowning worriedly before nodding. “I’ll be careful.”He promised, starting to work before glancing up at loki as he came in, frowning slightly before nodding vaguely as looked over the scans. “Yea. I mean, Aliyah scratched up her knees when Cap was watching her a few days ago, and I cut up my hand on a blow torch-and don’t make that face, I didn’t say anything cause Extremis healed it nearly instantly, it was just sore for awhile but I”he stopped, before realizing that loki had asked the question for a reason, frowning a little. “Why?Why do you ask?”He said focusing on the other.
Bruce's lips thinned. "we'll do everything we can Tony, and he'll stay alive for a lot longer the more we can keep him asleep. we have at minimum, a month or more to work this out." he promised. "we won't stop until we've figured it out." he promised before smiling at him, trying to be reassuring. "...well... i think that Steve has a bit of Extremis in his system. i think when he helped Aliyah patch up her knee, or if he touched your blood while in the lab Extremis got into his blood system. at least, it's the same energy signature as Extremis." he admitted. "i think the Extremis has kick started Steve's Serum. we just have to find a way to turn off the Extremis. i think." Loki didn't know much about stuff like this, he knew more than the average person, but not nearly as much as Bruce and Tony and Reed.
“We wont stop.”he muttered swallowing hard as he considered that, shuddering a little. This was so bad, he couldn’t think this well. He couldn’t focus. Frowning as he listened to Loki he frowned, looking startled. “...Fucking hell. That actually makes sense.”Tony grinned widely as he bounced to his feet, planting a kiss on loki’s lips before scampering away. “I’ll be back. Gotta go talk to bruce.”He said with the manic excitedness that said he was definitely going to find a answer, now that he knew what to look for, he could figure out how to separate the two things, figuring aliyah’s very existance said that the two, serum and extermis, could survive together, they just had to figure out how to balance it out for the super soldier.
Loki blinked at him, looking relieved that they might have made a breakthrough already. "well i'm glad it makes sense." Loki admitted, sitting down to watch over Steve. he could use magic to put the man back to sleep if he had to. Bruce and Reed where both working desperately on tiny blood samples, trying different things to gain control over the Super Serum.
Days later tony sighed tiredly as he looked at the serum he was holding, biting his lip as he considered it. Having used comparisons between aliyah’s blood and steve’s to find what allowed the two things to exist in their daughter, he was still nervous about giving it to steve. Glancing at bruce he swallowed thickly as he readied the needle. “You sure this is going to work?”He said nervous and anxious, biting his lip before smiling as steve woke a little. While he knew this was their best chance, he still needed to ask steve if it was okay. And the strain was starting to show on the billionaire who’d still refused to say that he was in love, but anyone looking at him, knew he was. “Hey, soldier boy. How you feeling?”He muttered gently petting the blond’s hair.
Bruce looked up from where he was carefully strapping Steve down using the admantium cuffs he had borrowed from the X-Men. the cuffs where lined with rabbit fur, to keep Steve from hurting himself if he yanked and struggled the way Bruce thought he would. "As sure as i am of anything else." Bruce admitted as he checked the restraints as Steve started waking up, flexing and stretching, pulling because he needed to move, his muscles where screaming, he needed to move! he let out a low, panicked whimper when he realized he was chained down, eyes fluttering as he tried not to completely freak out. "T...Tony... why.. please." Steve pleaded, gasping as he tensed against the bonds. "easy Steve, it's okay, it's just to keep us safe, and you as well, you can't control your muscles right now. try to relax. Tony wants your permission to try a Serum." Bruce explained, the soothing tones calming Steve. Howard had never done that, he just yelled at Steve to shut up. "T...Tony? Steve pleaded, looking up at the other. wanting reassurances.
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