Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve was in a pretty bad mood as well, mostly because Tony was in a bad mood. Remy had made the mistake of going to far with the flirting only once and Steve had beaten the shit out of him. touching Steve had not been a good idea, no matter that he had only stroked the others shoulder. Remy was still a mouthy little shit, one that Clint got on very well with and one that Phil hated, Johnny hated, Reed and Bruce tolerated.... at least Remy didn't actively seek anyone out to annoy them, he mostly stayed in his coat closet of a room, the first one they had given him had been 'too big' apparently. Remy didn't like sleeping in wide open spaces. "Mute!" Steve called suddenly, stepping into the workshop with a plate full of food and a steaming mug of Coffee.
Tony growled from the far side of the bike, looking up and glaring at the blond as the man walked in, a angry swipe of motor oil across his cheek, his dark hair sticking up every which way in a way that said his hands had been through it countless times, motor oil and hair gel making the strands stick up every which way. “What?”He growled resting his arms across the back of the bike, sighing softly as he made grabby hands for the coffee.
Steve smiled a little at the other and sat down next to Tony, handing him the food first, as he always did. Tony would get the coffee after he ate food. "Tony?... are you okay?" Steve asked hesitantly. "i'm only asking because you yelled at Aliyah, you never do that." he admitted. "she told me you where just haing a temper tantrum... those are her words, not mine, she wasn't upset at all but i'm starting to get worried." he admitted. "i thought maybe you where mad at me, but i can't think of what i might have done wrong." he admitted.
Tony huffed a little as he sat down, even though he took the plate, leaning against the dismantled bike as he nibbled on the food, deflating as he stared down at the food. Still in a utterly bad mood, but feeling guilty now that he was hearing the other. “...I didn’t yell at Aliyah....just yelled near her...”he muttered sighing quietly, twitching a little. “..I’m fine. Really.”he promised because he had no idea how to tell the other without coming off as a horrible, utterly possessive bastard, and he couldn’t bring himself to voice those thoughts yet.
Steve shook his head. "your not fine and you did yell at Aliyah." he grumbled. "...and you never came to bed last night." he whispered. "you wouldn't lay down and take a nap with us..." he muttered, looking at Tony. "is it because i beat Remy up? or because i didn't make the right breakfast?" it was times like these when you saw how fragile Steve really was inside. he didn't say it, but it wasn't hard to tell. Steve was still hurt inside from when he was a tiny little shit, the war, and whatever hell Howard had put him through. Steve loved Tony more than anything, but he was very hesitant because he knew how sensitive Tony was. he could have said something and Tony could have taken offense to that. "...would you forgive me if i gave you as much of the science babble about my powers that Lebeau and Bruce managed to work out?"
Tony bit his lip as he swallowed hard, his shoulders hunched up and nearly to his ears, looking so much like a kid that you knew whatever it was, he’d definitely been punished for it before. The automatic defensive position showoing that what was wrong, was something he’d regret saying, but knew was wrong and horrible, but couldn’t help but feeling. Stupid people who came before, who had hurt him by simply not understanding things. “No, its not breakfast beat up remy?”He said looking up interested, and you knew whatever was wrong it was with remy before nodding. “It’s not you. I’m not mad at you...but I would enjoy the babble...”he muttered biting his lip, squirming a little staring down at the floor. “....Don’t like remy. Don’t like remy flirting and being close...and I can’t help it!I know it’d never happen, but it still bothers me!”He said so defensive and angry, that you knew pepper had punished him for being jealous.
Steve looked really worried now. he recognized that hunched up position. "i did. red eyed bastard put yhis hand on my shoulder. i didn't like it." he admitted, narrowing his eyes. "Clint said i was over reacting but Natasha said i should hit him harder. i think i like Natasha more than Clint now." he admitted. "well, there was a lot of words i didn't get so if i mangle this, you'll have to ask Bruce." he warned before he blinked, sat up and turned to stare at Tony, blushing. "you... your.. jealous?" he asked, sounding confused. he also sounded delighted. "your jealous because someone's paying attention to me. i've never. no ones ever. fuck Tony that's hot." he admitted. "i think i wanna go shag all that jealous anger right out of you." he admitted with a nod. "and find an Iron Man nipple ring. or maybe a cock ring? i wouldn't mind being claimed by you somehow." he admitted.
Tony looked up at the other, studying the other man for a long moment before smiling quietly. “I like natasha more to. She’s scarier. We should make her hit him.”He said looking pleased with the decision before smiling quietly.”I’ll ask bruce anyways, but I still want to hear it.”he muttered before squirming as he realized he was being stared at, whining quietly at the other’s confusion.”Yes!I’m sorry!I know you wouldn’t do-”He started, sounding so very defensive and upset before stuttering to a stop, realizing he wasn’t being yelled at for being jealous. In fact, steve sounded delighted. Looking at a loss for words as he stared at the other, he looked confused and utterly so lost, that it made you want to both hug him, cuddle him, and murder pepper for hurting him by simply not accepting that he was possessive by nature. “...I could go for a nipple ring....and...I uh...”He stuttered biting his lip, not sure how to ask, or even if steve would want to, but he wanted something of steve’s,but not sure how to ask for it.
he chuckled a little. "at least Remy stays a bit further away from me now. little prick." he grumbled. "well, it has something to do with the speed of Atoms. my touch makes them speed up, at the right speed they either shake apart, dissolving whatever i'm touching, or they shake so hard that they shatter, causing an explosion... at least, that's what i understood of the explanation." Steve admitted. "or maybe it was particles? it was something." he admitted before grinning at Tony, pulling the man into a cuddle. "remind me to go smack Pepper." he ordered. "of course, if your going to claim me, i get to claim you, so you have to get a nipple ring too." he ordered. "hmmm. or a tongue ring." he mused. "of course. you could just take my virginity." Steve admitted, blushing hard. he had avoided admitting it for a while, but it was unfair to Tony. especially if Tony started fucking him and accidentally hurt him, thinking he wasn't a virgin.
"Good. He should stay as far as possible away from you."tony grumbled before looking interested, giving a happy little hum as he bit down on his lip to keep from jumping right on the science and doing the genius thing and overexplain and be demanding even more answers. Knowing he could just go talk to bruce later."that was a good explanation."he smiled at the other nuzzling his face against the others shoulder, simply enjoying being with him." can't smack pepper."he muttered sighing quietly."I was thinking a tongue ring...I can do that..."tony muttered thinking about that as he shuddered before startling, his head jerking up as he looked at the other man, staring. Not sure what he was hearing. "...really?you're a...what?"he stared looking at a loss for words.
Steve nodded. "i agree, he sets me on edge." he admitted with a scowl. "i don't know why." he admitted before chuckling at Tony. "it was a terrible explanation." he admitted. "but it's enough for me at least, to understand." he admitted with a nod. "of course i can smack Pepper. it's not abuse if she deserves it." he admitted with a nod before blushing hard and looking away, wondering if maybe Tony didn't like virgins? "yeah. i'm. i've never... had sex. before. ever." he admitted softly, fidgeting a little.
"I do. He's a flirty annoying bastard...who's not me. Of course you don't like him."Tony huffed making a face at the other before smiling."it was but it was enough for me to understand what you meant."tony agreed smiling before sighing realizing he wasn't going to win the argument about not smacking pepper. Staring at the man in utter amazement he growled possessive leaning in to kiss him hard before leaning back."how in the world...did you never?> mean..."he stuttered to a stop trying to get his thoughts together enough to make sense
Steve nodded. "true. true." he agreed before smiling a little. "much as i hate to admit it, Lebeau is smart." he admitted. he never called Remy by his first name or his moniker of Gambit. it was always Lebeau. "there was talk about resonance and energy waves and stuff but i didn't understand any of that either." he admitted. "well... see. me and James tried once but we couldn't get aroused, you know? we did a lot of kissing and some groping but we couldn't get stiff enough for actual intercourse. then of course i couldn't find a man i liked, you know? the few i was physically attracted to didn't share my inclinations and where homophobic as everyone else was back then so i never...." he shrugged. "and when i woke up i didn't understand it was okay at first and then the invasion happened and i fell head over heals for you and i didn't want anyone else."
" it okay I still want to punch barnes for seeing you like that?"Tony asked biting his lip ablittle. As if testing out this whole jealous thing, and it wasn't like he was extremely jealous of james,not like it'd been with remy, but he w as still annoyed that James had seen him naked."...even knowing how I wanted to wait for me?how did you know it'd be okay?"he frowned looking annoyed at the idea because he really was worried about messing up with the other and screwing this up. Cause this relationship,and aliyah were the best things he had. He so didn't want to Fuck up. And that fear he would showed in hisface,not anger cause steve was a virgin but a fear.
he grinned a little. "as long as you don't actually do it. i don't think he could stop himself from hitting you back. he's still fairly brainwashed." he sighed. "he doesn't look at me really. i mean, he sees me, but he still doesn't recognize me." he admitted. "besides, well over fifty hundred people have seen me naked." he admitted. "i was sick a lot after all and i was in the army. most of the Commandos actually walked around naked when we had the chance to get out of our filthy clothes for a while." he admitted before shrugging. "i didn't know it would be okay." he admitted. "i just wanted to try. i knew that you would either let me in or tell me no and when that happened i would love you with all my being, or i would move on and let you find your own happiness." he admitted. "i knew you would never lead me on once i admitted my feelings to you. so i knew i wouldn't have to worry about being played with. i knew eventually i would have you, or i would move on and find another." he admitted, smiling at him, stroking the others cheek. "i trust you Tony. i know you'll be gentle with me. i want you to have my virginity. when your ready." he promised with a grin.
“I wasn’t going to. Just want to.”Tony muttered nuzzling the other. “It’s okay. He will. I’m sure he will.”he muttered trying to make the other feel better about his still out of sorts best friend before twitching at the knowledge of how many people saw him naked. “I don’t care. No more. You’re going to the tattoo parlor today. You’re getting marked somehow.”he growled possessively, now that he’d admitted to what was wrong, and he hadn’t been yelled at for how he’d been feeling, he wanted to make sure the world knew that steve was his. And that he belonged to the captain. “...No I wouldn’t have led you on.”he muttered biting his lip, looking anxious still, but calming a little, biting his lip. “I’m always ready for sex....have you been cleared yet?Cause...I think we both could use a break from LeBeau, we could go out for a bit...take a break from everything...”he muttered.
he chuckled a little. "i think it's nice that you want to protect my virtue." he admitted with a smile. "and i'm sure that Bucky will recover." he admitted before chuckling at Tony's twitching. "Tattoo?" he asked, looking amused. "Tony. i hate to tell you this, but Tattoo's don't work on me. my body recognizes it as a foreign substance and pushes it out. it might last a day, two at tops but that's all the longer it lasts." he admitted. "earrings and other piercings only work so long as i keep them in at all times. or they heal over." he admitted. "if you can find a way around that though, i'd be glad to have you mark me." he admitted. "i have been cleared, yes. though not for heavy exercise." he admitted, sulking. "i'm fully healed but i still get tired so damn easily." he admitted. "because my Serum and Extremis are still adapting to each other i guess." he admitted. "oh! did you see?" he showed Tony the black gloves, which where different. they where still black, but they where so thin that you could see his skin through it. thy glittered and shimmered and Steve grinned. "i have almost full touch sensation with these and he's figured out how to keep the purple off." he admitted. Steve's hands had turned a vibrant shade of Violet when he'd stripped the gloves off just yesterday morning. Clint and Remy had thought it hilarious and made 'caught 'red' handed' jokes most of the day.
“....Damn. I’m totally going ot find a way around that. But for now. We’re going to get a piercing. And I’m going to get something to. We’ll go together.”Tony decided enjoying the idea of getting something pierced, not only because he thought the idea of a tongue ring would be cool, no matter that everyone would think he was to old to get it or something. “good. We’ll go on our date then, and maybe a little playing later, if you’re not exhausted.”he smiled a little before nodding.”They are. You’re doing amazing for how much you’ve had to adjust to really.”Tony smiled at him before looking at the gloves, startled before grinning. “that’s awesome. Pretty to.”he muttered stroking his fingers over the other’s hand before grinning. “Good. No more jokes for the idiots then.”he said making a face getting up as he poked the other a little. “Come on.”
he nodded. "i hope you do." he admitted with a smile. "i'd love having you on me at all times." he admitted happily. "we could go and look for a good nipple ring today if you wanted?" he offered, smiling at Tony. "i have no idea why i love the idea of a date as much as i do." he admitted with a chuckle. "maybe stop somewhere nice to eat? a small walk, look for nipple rings?" he teased with a grin. "look in the sex store." he offered with an impish grin. "and the best part is, these work well for Skin Grafts too, temporary ones anyway." he admitted. a person could only have so many at a time, and since they couldn't have huge gaping wounds either, these 'fake' skins could close the wounds and be later replaced with real skin. "Bruce is almost vibrating with excitement." he admitted with a chuckle, shivering as he felt the fingers on his palm. he grinned and hopped to his feet and followed Tony. "we should ask Loki to babysit." Steve admitted. "or Johnny." Aliyah got less upset when Jaimie or the twins where close at hand.
“Hmmm, I’d love that to.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly before nodding. “Let’s. Though I’m thinking of getting a tongue ring. I mean, giving a blow job with one in, would be awesome.”Tony hummed a little looking amused before grinning. “I love the idea of a date with you. I’ve never really...dated before. I mean. Me and pep did, but it wasn’t...”he shrugged a little, before nodding. “We’ll definitely look in a sex shop.”he said before grinning. “I’m sure he was. Definitely going to have to spend some time in the lab with bruce when we get back. It seems I’ve been missing alot of stuff while I was sulking.”he said smiling a little before wincing, pausing as he considered that. Upset at the idea of leaving aliyah even if he trusted the others. Nodding he smiled. “We’ll ask both. I’m sure they could all use some time together.”he smiled a little as they headed for the penthouse to see if aliyah was up from her nap, before pausing, looking at his boyfriend worriedly. “Are you sure she’s not mad at me for yelling earlier?”He said sounding anxious, twitching and hurting, bleeding silently from the wound of acting like his father for once. For lashing out. Hating himself for it.
Steve flushed brightly. "should i get a tongue ring then?" he asked, eying up the other man's crotch. he had absolutely loved his few attempts at giving Tony a well deserved Blow Job and was always happy to increase his skills and make it better for Tony. "Pep is a bitch Tony and your far better without her." he stated simply. "you know she had the audacity to tell me i shouldn't date you because i had an image to uphold?" he asked, scowling. "makes me wonder if she got the idea from Sue, or if Sue got it from her." Sue had been in a mental care facility for some time now, and she had called them the other day to apologize for what she had done. "you have been sulking, but it's common behavior from you and we know better than to take you seriously." he promised with a grin. "i think Jaimie loves the twins just as much as Aliyah does." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Tony. "Tones. even Stephanie got grumpy and yelled at Aliyah." he promised him. "she won't be mad. all parents have bad days, all parents snap at their kids. it just happens and even if she is mad, your her papa. she'll always love you and always forgive you. just tell her your sorry you yelled. apologizing is always the right thing to do." he admitted, shoving Tony into the room before he could hit on his own self image anymore.
“Oh.Yes. That would be amazing.”Tony said eyes wide, shuddering as he watched the other eyeing his groin. Oh yea, he was hardening at the thought of the other swallowing him down. He really, really wanted that now. Tilting his head a little he frowned at the other before nodding a little, “She is....and probably started with Pep. No idea though.”he sighed a little before frowning at the other tilting his head a little before nodding, yelping as he was shoved. “Papa!Papa come play.”Aliyah demanded when she saw who it was, rushing over towards them. “Hey Ali.”Tony smiled as he scooped her up as she ran towards him, kissing her cheek,”Not right now sweetheart. I just wanted to say sorry for yelling. Papa was having a problem.” “its okay papa. Play with me.” “No, not yet. Me and steve are going out for a bit. You want to go see the twins and jamie?” “Yes!”
Steve smirked a little and nodded. "a Tongue ring too then." he agreed. "and maybe a little gold earring that says 'Stark' eh?" he asked with a smile before snickering. "your hard aren't you?" he asked with a snicker. he smiled as Aliyah chattered at her father same as always, glad that the little girl wasn't upset. "Your papa and i are going to go on a Date." he explained to her with a grin, well aware that Jarvis had already asked if Loki and Johnny would watch Aliyah. as expected Johnny was with Loki, helping the Jotun prince change nappies since Thor had to go back up and break up an attempt to overthrow the throne. again. Thor had stopped over a dozen 'uprisings' already and he was starting to get annoyed. particularly since Odin approved of his mating with Loki. it was why he had taken Loki in, in the first place. well, not precisely for the purpose of having them marry, but to ensure the future leaders wouldn't hate each other. "thanks for watching her." "no problem." Loki and Johnny chorused as Jaimie expressed her distaste at smelly diapers.
“hmmm, I would definitely like that. Maybe. Remy might get the point then.”Tony huffed before swallowing hard, shivering at the other’s question. “Of course I am!You start inspecting my dick, of course it’s going to be interested.”He whined a little. “Date?” “Yep. Grown up playing. We’ll just be a few hours, promise.”Tony said smiling a little as they walked up to loki’s apartment, snickering a little as both jamie and aliyah complained about the diapers. “Okay, well. Call if you need anything, and we’ll be back soon.”Tony promised kissing Aliyah’s head, smiling at the two other men before heading out with steve, grinning a little. “So, sex shop or piercings first?”
he chuckled a little and nodded. "let's hope so, that guy gives me the creeps." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head before smirking. "well. tell it to settle down, it's probably not going to get more than a blowjob today." he warned with a chuckle, grinning as he watched the 'poop duty' going on. "play nicely Farian and be good. we'll be back in a few hours." he promised with a grin, kissing her on the forehead and kissing Jaimie too 'just because' and left with Tony, well aware she would be enthralled with Jaimie and the Twins. "what kind of silly question is that? piercing, dinner, then Sex shop. then we can get horny and go right home and suck each other off."
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