Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve snickered. "we had a romantic setting. i have been wined, dined and danced and now i want some hot Lab sex." he ordered with a grin. "if it makes you feel better, i'll fuck you, and then we can let you fuck me in whatever manner you please, hows that sound." he offered, sliding Tony out of his pants and stroking that soft cock that Steve was getting better at swallowing every day. "hush, Tony. captives don't get to make demands." he teased before swallowing the other as eagerly as he always did, swallowing, sucking and yes, humming just like Tony taught him until Tony was spilling down Steve's throat. "mmmm perfect." Steve purred. "so. what's it gonna be Tony? you wanna fuck?" he offered with a grin, wiggling his eyebrows even as he carefully started to untangle Tony.
“That’s true.I’ve never had sex in the lab before.”Tony squirmed smiling at him a little before shuddering, groaning at the thought. “Ohhhh....okay.”He groaned moaning as the other stroked him, whining quietly as he was teased, groaning as he came. Shivering as he blinked stupidly at the other, looking like he was utterly undone at the sight of his boyfriend wanting sex. And he was. There was something utterly amazing at hearing steve be in charge. “Yea, yea I wanna.”He growled tugging at the wires eagerly, trying to help when in reality he was just making the knots tighter. Whining quietly at being caught he growled as he stilled, looking up at steve, pouncing on him as the last of the wires came off, kissing him hard.
Steve looked amused and pleased. "really? i'll be the first. i feel all warm and tingly inside." he admitted with a grin. he knew Tony would give in, the man couldn't say no to sex. "of course you wanna. how can you say no to me?" he asked with a smirk and a snicker. "stop yanking your making it worse." Steve ordered, chuckling as he got Tony unwound and kissed him again, groaning into Tony's eager passion, picking the other up, hands cupping Tony's ass, breaking the kiss to gasp a question. "where?" he demanded, sucking ont he others neck as he staggered for the nearest cleared space, carefully setting Tony on it before hesitating. "...i don't know what i'm doing." he admitted, blushing hard.
“Really.”He grinned back, blushing brightly at the other’s words, squirming. “I can’t. You know that. You’re absolutely impossible to say no to.”He whined a little, letting passion and lust make him forget his worries and fears for the moment, simply wanting to be with the other. “Am not.”He growled even as he stopped yanking, squirming against the other as he was picked up, “Workbench.”He ordered wrapping his legs around the other’s waist as he was set on the bench, smirking a little. “Well, do you want to fuck me, or me fuck you?”He asked even as he leaned back to find the lube he kept down here, smirking at the other as he started undressing them both.,
Steve smirked a little. "of course you can't say no to me, i'm. what is it Aliyah says? Adorkable?" he asked with a grin. "are too." he growled back with a laugh. "...i want to fuck you." he decided, pupils blown wide with excitement. "then you can do the romance thing you want to do so much." he admitted, panting as he kissed Tony again eagerly, obeying the others instructions to a tee until he had three fingers buried inside of Tony and his mouth wrapped around Tony's cock once more. "Fuck. god. i can't last." Steve moaned, pulling back and removing his fingers, sliding his hand down to coat his cock with lube before slowly, carefully, cautiously beginning to press into Tony. "fuck. fuck. it's tight, and hot. god, Tony! i don't know if i can take it!" he moaned, tossing his head back as he struggled not to cum right then and there. "your like heaven around my cock, fucking hell it feels so good!"
“You are adorkable, you dork.”Tony muttered smiling at him, moaning loudly at the other’s words, his own eyes blown so wide there was only a thin rim of brown. “I’m trying to make it special for you!Don’t tease me for trying.”He whined a little kissing the other, smiling quietly, squirming as he instructed the other one what to do, laying back on the bench, bucking up into the other’s mouth as his cock was sucked, whimpering as steve pulled his fingers out. “It’s..okay...either will I.”he panted groaning as he looked up at the other as steve coated his cock, shivering as the other pressed into him. Sitting up slowly he circled his fingers around the base of his cock to keep from coming just yet, wanting to outlast the other as he rolled his hips into steve’s. “You feel like heaven. I love you.”He whispered burying his face against the other’s neck, biting down gently as he lost control, not even his need to last could make him as he felt the other pushing into him, moaning helplessly as he spilled come across their stomachs.
he laughed. "i am aren't i?" he asked with a grin before mewling. "you try so damn hard, when your so romantic without even trying." he admitted with a chuckle. "honestly Tony. no matter where we are, it's always romantic if you're there." he promised with a smile. " for someone so teasing about romance, he was pretty darn good at it himself. "Fuck. Tony! Fuck!" Steve moaned as he felt the other cum, letting himself go, resting his head against the others shoulder, panting hard as he trembled, still thrusting a little. it felt so wonderful, emptying himself out deep inside of Tony. "fuck. i am so glad that my first time was with you." he admitted, smiling. "i can't believe how good that felt." he admitted. "i never thought. never realized. i mean, it never feels like that when it's just me." he admitted, slowly, gently pulling out of Tony.
“You are.”Tony grinned a little, whining quietly, “You’re not so bad at romance yourself, Captain.”Tony teased a little nuzzling the other, shivering in the other’s arms, wrapping shaking arms around the other’s waist, holding onto him, absently raising a hand to stroke his hand through sweat soaked hair, shivering. “I’m glad it was with me to.”he muttered shivering. “Alone never feels as good as with someone else.”he muttered, whining quietly as the other pulled out of him, shifting, wrapping his legs around the other, not letting him go far., simply wanting held before wincing. “Sir, Aliyah’s requesting your presence. She is most upset.”Jarvis said having waited till they were done to interrupt, but knowing that neither would want to take to much time when aliyah was upset.
Steve smiled. "i'm terrible at it." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "everyone says so." he admitted with a grin as he kissed Tony again, simply because he liked kissing Tony. "is bottoming just as good? i've tried it a bit, with my fingers but i have to be doing it wrong." he admitted, chuckling as Tony whined and tightened his grip. "i'm not going anywhere." he promised before grimacing, getting up and cleaning Tony up and himself before helping Tony get dressed, following suit and rushing up the stairs to find out what was wrong with Aliyah. hopefully, it was just a mild temper tantrum or an upset Tummy.
“Everyone says I’m bad at it to you know.”Tony pointed out smiling as he was kissed, nodding. “It is...and you’ve....tried...”Tony stared at him, eyes blown as he considered that. “....I’m going to have to watch next time, just to see if you’re doing it right...then give a hands on demostration of course.”He snickered a little, relaxing a little at the promise. Looking worried though as he got dressed, rushing upstairs, even if he was moving a little slower as extremis took care of any of the soreness from not bottoming in forever. “Aliyah?What’s wrong?”He said as he walked into the penthouse, pausing at the sight of the crying two year old. “Papa!Want mama. Want mama now.”She demanded grabbing onto tony as soon as the man got close to her, burying her face against his thighs. Tony frowned a little looking up at natasha, who looked as confused at the demand as he did. “Aliyah, what happened?”Tony said moving to sit down, drawing the toddler into his lap. “It’s my birthday!And mama’s always here for my birthday, but she’s not here!” Natasha winced at that, swallowing thickly. “We’d been watching the may day parade. Didn’t know it would upset her so much.....”Natasha said looking worried.
he snorted. "everyone is wrong." he stated simply. "i have tried, yes. in the shower mostly because i was curious." he admitted. "i wouldn't mind letting you watch." he admitted with a smirk before following Tony up to the main room. "oh dear." he murmured. "here. let me try." he offered Tony, gathering her up into his arms and sitting down. "Aliyah, sweetie. do you remember what Uncle Bruce told you? about your mama being in heaven?" he asked, rocking her gently. "Mama is up in heaven right now, but she's watching us all, she's sitting in fields of lilies and peonies and looking down at us and smiling. she's singing happy birthday to you right now. i know you miss her a lot, but she's never really left." he promised her with a smile. "your Mama stays with you always, right here in your heart, and in your memories too. you should remember times when you and your mommy where very happy, and then she can remember with you." Steve suggested, hoping the little girl would calm down instead of getting more upset. "i bet your mommy is talking with my mommy right now." Steve admitted with a smile. "my mommy is in heaven too, did you know?"
“Tony nodded a little, shifting to let steve take the girl, pain tightening his features as he tried to figure out how to help, reaching out, gently stroking aliyah’s hair. “No!Mama’s coming back. She promised. She’s always here for my birthday. We always watch the parade, and papa came home. WAnt mama.”Aliyah demanded, to upset, to cranky and tired from not taking her nap to be calm. “Sweetheart, she can’t. She’s always with you, even if you can’t see her.”Tony said tears misting his eyes, hating this. Hating he couldn’t fix this, “My mama’s in heaven to. All our mommy’s will watch over us, Ali, and smile when we’re happy.”Tony muttered stroking her hair, starting to hum the ‘star spangled man with a plan’ having discovered that it was the same stephanie’s world. Smiling quietly as the girl slumped into steve’s chest, crying herself to sleep. “....damn.”tony muttered, sounding emotionally exhausted.
he winced a little as she protested, stroking her hair, letting Tony comfort her, tears gathering in his own eyes. he ignored Loki's offered handkerchief and simply held the little girl tight, offering Tony a sulky little pout at the choice of tune. Steve cradled her as she cried and gently checked on her once she was asleep. "poor little Enfant." Remy murmured from where he was sitting in the corner. he didn't really like crowds so he hung out at the edges when everyone was gathered. "Tony? do you still have that picture of Stephanie?" Steve asked softly. "i think we should get Aliyah something nice, like a pendant with Stephanie's picture inside. it might help if she can see her mom, even if it's only in a picture. and maybe we could make a Grave for her? or a gravestone so that Aliyah can go talk to her? closure and all that." "it's a good idea." Bruce agreed. "if Aliyah can see for herself that her mother is dead, she might be able to move on a little bit. it will still take a long time for her to heal, but it might make the healing process a little less rocky."
Tiny smiled slightly at steve's pout."it's steph's song to."he muttered before looking up at the other's and nodding slightly. He hated not being able to make this better for aliyah. Hated having not been able to keep Stephanie alive even if it had been a foregone conclusion since steve was here. Hated that he hadn't even known it was aliyah's birthday. Feeling like a failure he sighed quietly before nodding."I will have it."he muttered wincing a little feeling even worse then he already had for not having thought to give her the picture earlier."we'll go out this afternoon to get a necklace. I know the perfect store to go to....and jarvis?" "Already working on getting a grave site in the city sir. I will let you know when it's done.b "thanks j."tony sighed softly running his fingers through aliyah's hair before startling a little at jarvis' voice."sir? There is a delivery here for ms. Aliyah." "From who? It does not say but I scanned it and there is nothing dangerous about it. Shall I have the delivery man bring it up?" "Steve?"tony muttered asking his opinion
he huffed. "and i bet she hated it just as much as i do." he grumbled playfully shaking his head. "you can't blame yourself for this Tony. it's not your fault." Steve ordered gently. "we probably shouldn't leave her alone." Steve muttered, worried. "you get the necklace and take James and Phil with you. just in case, i don't want anymore snap happy Doombots causing problems." he admitted. "...a delivery? i'll get it." Steve decided. "we'll open it before we give it to her. just in case." he muttered, heading down the stairs to sign for the package, taking it back upstairs and making sure it wasn't dangerous again before carefully opening it, checking inside using JArvis before slipping whatever was inside out onto the table and carefully peeling away the packing peanuts and bubble wrap.
“Maybe.”Tony snickered a little, before sighing softly, glancing at the other, absently stroking aliyah’s hair, making a face at the other. “Yes I can. I mean, I couldn’t save her. And I didn’t even know it was ali’s birthday!”He scowled, knowing the other’s didn’t know about the special circumstances surrounding aliyah’s birth, so he wasn’t about to get into fighting over it or anything, but he still blamed himself for not knowing about it.Nodding at steve’s words he sighed.”You’re right. We shouldn’t be leaving her alone.”he muttered before frowning, looking worried even as he let steve go down and get the package, shifting aliyah in his lap, holding her gently, carefully protecting her from whatever was in the box. Paling as steve uncovered the utterly amazingly, carefully built robotic dog
Steve smiled and shook his head. "we both know that Stephanie couldn't' be saved Tony. even if you had cured her, she would have died from everything else anyway and we all know it." he gently reassured. "and considering Jarvis never reminded you, i don't think anyone knew it was her birthday in the first place." he admitted. "pick up a cake while your out and we'll throw together a big party for her tonight and she'll never even know we didn't know it was her birthday." he pointed out. he scowled at the dog and glanced at Tony. "this isn't yours. but it's not low enough standard to be Dooms. clearly someone new is on the playing field. do you think it's dangerous? should we have Jarvis check the programming and stuff?"
“I know...she was already dying...”Tony sighed softly, because he knew it, even if he didn’t want to agree with it. “She probably wouldn’t have known, if the parade wasn’t on the same day every year...”Tony muttered before nodding. “I’ll do that.”He said frowning at the dog, staring at it. “Jarvis, check it. It has a AI doesn’t it?”Tony said his voice shaking ever so slightly, just enough to make Natasha look at him sharply. “....Yes. It does Sir. And the programming is only to act like a dog.”Jarvis said even as Tony shifted aliyah out of his lap and into steve’s, getting up as he picked up the dog. “Jarvis, I’m taking this down to the lab, look it over while I go out and get stuff for a birthday party.”He said. “Tony?”Natasha said watching the man disappearing down towards his lab. “It’s okay. I’ll look it over, then we’ll see at the party. Clint, Bruce, we'll be leaving in a few."
he nodded. "she was." he agreed softly before he smirked. "more like she thought the Parade was for her." he teased. "i can see you getting a parade for your daughters birthday." he admitted with a smile before frowning at the dog. it gave him all kinds of bad vibes. "there's not a lot of people that can program an A.I." Phil commented softly. "Fitz and Tony are the only two i know of capable of such a feat." Phil admitted. "alright Tony." Clint and Bruce agreed, Steve chuckling a little. "make sure he goes easy on the presents?" Steve ordered, looking amused. "we don't want to spoil her too much after all." he admitted, already taking Aliyah upstairs to tuck her in, hoping a party would cheer her up. he made sure she was comfortable and sleeping before he started digging into the decorations and snapping orders to make sure the entire place was organized exactly how he wanted it.
“Well, that’s true.I really wouldn’t be surprised if Steph told her that....and I totally would.”He grinned snickering a little. Natasha glanced at phil nodding a little, “You’re right. He’s hiding something.”She muttered watching tony, looking bemused before grinning as they settled in to help steve get ready for the party as the others went shopping.

When tony returned, he smirked as he llooked around the penthouse, tilting his head towards his lover, “You put together a amazing looking party in two hours, and managed to keep aliyah from seeing it?”He said looking amused as him, bruce and clint carried in the bags of toys and presents. While it was overboard, it wasn’t as much as everyone had feared he’d go, simply about 2-3 presents for each of the adults to give aliyah, making sure that no one was left out.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "i know you would." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. he knew trying to keep Aliyah from being spoiled was a fruitless endeavor. he could at least keep her from being a brat. "he's not. at least, he's not hiding it from me." Steve admitted with a sigh. "it's nothing too bad, it just makes Tony twitchy is all." he promised before settling everything to right. he smirked at Tony. "Loki asked her if she wanted to help watch the Twins." he admitted with a chuckle. "she's been down there since she woke up." he admitted, scowling at the streamers. "it's still missing something." he complained. "the Cake?" Clint asked with a grin. "just wait till you see what we got! it's perfect!" he admitted. "we have to get the cart though, it's too heavy to carry up." Clint admitted, getting the cart so he could bring the cake upstairs. "that's a lot of presents." Steve muttered, looking amused. "but not nearly as many as i was expecting." he admitted with a grin. "come help me sprinkle this glitter." he ordered Tony. "then we'll start wrapping the presents." he decided. "Loki has been finding out Aliyah's favorite foods. which seams to be changing every ten minutes." he admitted with a chuckle before staring at the cake they wheeled in. "well... at least we won't want more cake.... is it ALL edible?" Steve asked, looking stunned. "you betcha." "Aliyah could sleep on that thing! I could sleep on that thing!" Steve complained, laughing. "she's going to love it!"
“Bribery with the twins. I should have known.”Tony snickered a little smirking. “It is the perfect cake. Of course, I am the one who chose it, so it’s awesome.”Tony grinned, cause he knew the sight of the cake was going to make steve freak out and try to figure out how anyone made it. “....You told them to not let me buy everything I wanted. So I settled for thigns I thought she needed.”Tony sulked a little before wincing at the glitter. “If I get glitter in my suit or something, I’m going to sulk. This shit gets everywhere.”he said sulking even though he did indeed help get the glitter everywhere. “...How...that’s....a huge cake. You could feed a starving nation with that thing!”Natasha said laughing as she looked at it. “She is going to love it.”Tony said smiling, happy to have his choice confirmed as good before nudging steve and handing him the princess birthday wrapping paper. “Come on. Time to wrap presents.”he grinned as he settled down to wrap the presents that were from him and steve, hello kitty guitar, the 3D puzzle, along with the carefully chosen locket. The rest of the presents were games, dolls, princess dress up things, puzzles....just a little bit of everything.
Steve chuckled. "you really should have." he agreed with a chuckle before snickering as Clint glared. "Oi! you are not, i'm the one who found it! you where going to get her that gross pink thing with the crown on top!" he accused before snorting. "he tried to buy her one of everything in the store." "yeah but if you do that Tony, then you won't have anything to buy her for Christmas." he informed the other with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "it does get everywhere but it's her first birthday with us and it needs to be perfect." Steve ordered. "and that means Glitter." "he's been getting a bit OCD while you where out shopping." Phil informed him as he staggered in with a box full of wrapping paper. Clint had yet to stay in the same space as Phil and as expected Clint was gone in a flash. "Tony. a Guitar? do you know how to play? i don't." he admitted with a smile. "oh! don't forget this one. i ordered it two weeks ago on hat Amazon thing and it finally arrived! should we give it to her on her birthday or wait?" he asked, looking worried as he examined the thirty key children's Grand Piano he'd ordered just for her. so she could practice whenever she wanted without having to wait for Steve to let her on his. "the Locket it perfect." he admitted with a smile, examining the picture of Stephanie, already inside. "i think she'll absolutely love it."
“No you weren’t!I found it.”Tony huffed whining a little, though the wicked laughter showing in his eyes was definitely making it a lie. Clint had been the one to find the cake. “Well. That’s true. I have to have something for christmas.”Tony huffed before whining a little. “So I can see. He’s definitely being adorably OCD about this.”Tony said as if he hadn’t been just as bad with the shopping, and finding the perfect cake and getting exactly what he wanted. “Yea, I do. It’s been awhile since I’ve played, but I can definitely serenade you on the guitar.” “Tony, no lies. You learned to play cause you wanted to join AC/DC.”Natasha snickered. “Did not. Totally did it to pick up chicks. Chicks dig guitarists.”Tony said wisely, looking interested before grinning. “Let’s give it to her. She’ll love it.”he smiled grinning as he helped steve wrap up the piano, smiling quietly as he watched steve examine the picture before nodding. “It is. Took a few stores to find it, but I wanted this one. A shield, her mother’s protecting her.”He muttered low enough for no one but steve to hear, before smiling a little. “I’ll be right back.”He grinned, stealing a kiss before running out to go get the dog, returning in a few minutes, the dog playfully following at his heels, smirking a little though he looked a little sick at the dog’s perfect obedience, and if you didn’t know he was a robot, you would swear he was a real one. He totally knew this was going to be bad.
Clint wrinkled his nose at Tony. "i'm putting worms in your sock drawer again." Clint decided. "you'd better not! my socks are in there too Barton!" Steve warned. "that's right she's got another fifteen or more birthdays to go yet too." he admitted with a chuckle. "and that's only if you stop buying her presents after she turns eighteen." he teased with a grin. "i'm only being as OCD as you are." he pointed out with a grin before he smirked. "i would pay money to have you serenade me on a hello kitty Guitar." he admitted with a grin. "and, men dig Guitarists too." he agreed with a chuckle, beaming at Tony as he wrapped up the tiny piano. "she's going to be the most musically gifted child in the world at this rate." "she loves music and art. we should cultivate those gifts." Steve stated calmly, kissing Tony back and grinning before scowling at the dog. "are we sure it's safe? what if it's spying on us? what if it has hidden goals? what if it attacks her?" he asked, frantic and fretting because he had a bad feeling he knew who that Poochio was from. "Sit. Stay." Steve ordered the dog, looking a bit disgusted himself. "we should have gotten her a real puppy." Steve grumbled, glowering at the robotic thing. "that thing is unnatural."
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