Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“It’s definitely the best way ever invented.”he agreed smirking a little before nodding.”Definitely losing it now.And I will. Totally.”he said squirming a little flushing as he leaned away to find the handcuffs, gently settling them around the other’s wrists.”now those are cap proof handcuffs, so don’t even bother trying to break them.”He smirked as he poured some lube into his hand as he settled between the other’s legs, shivering a little as he realized what he was going to do, moving down as sliding his mouth back over the other even as he gently eased a finger into the other.
he nodded and grinned. "fucking finally." he breathed, squirming as he felt the cuffs snap in place. those damn things turned him on so freaking much! "ah... wait... what?!" he asked, startled before flexing with a grunt, testing them because he had to. he moaned, loud and unrestrained as he realized that Tony had done it! he'd made handcuffs he couldn't break! the lust that slammed into him made him leak all over the bed and shudder. "T..Tony! fuck!" he moaned, spreading his legs. Tony's finger felt so much different then his own. not that he could get much action on his own fingers. "ah. god... that feels... so weird!" he moaned, clenching around the finger. unable to help it. "m...more! please.. Tony..."
Tony laughed at the other’s reaction, smirking a little. “Definitely going to hold, made james help me. If they can hold up to that arm of his, you’re not going to break them.”He smirked grinning as he raised his head to watch the other, “It does for awhile, its just different.”he smiled a little, pressing a kiss to the other’s hip, easing another finger into him slowly, pressing up, smirking as he pressed against his prostate, shuddering, enjoying the sight of steve coming undone.
he groaned and nodded. "fuck. Tony. that's hot as hell." he admitted, panting as he tried to look up and see what Tony was doing. "it feels tickly kind of." he admitted, unable to think of a better word. "ah... haha... Fuck! oh fuck! what.. what the hell was THAT?!" he demanded, hips jerking wildly. "f..fuck. again! do that again!" he ordered, panting eagerly as he writhed on the bed. he'd never had his prostate touched before. it was... fuck it was... shit. "god... Tony your... gonna make me cum again!" he whined. "it feels so good!"
“Definitely hot seeing you like this.”Tony growled before nodding, smirking a little. “That would be your prostate.”he said looking up at the other with wide blown eyes, it was so hot seeing the other like this. “Good. You’re going to come, then I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk.”Tony growled shifting a little, finger pressing against the skin behind steve’s balls, careful to not overstimulate the other’s prostate as he pressed gently against it from both sides, smirking as the other went wide. “Love you. Love you like this.”he growled because in the middle of sex was about the only time he could say it without it nearly physically paining him to do so
Steve whimpered as he writhed. he felt as if he was burning up inside he was so hot and aroused. "p..prostate?!" he asked, panting. "f...fuck." he moaned, mewling at Tony's 'threat' arching at the press to his prostate again, cumming hard with a shout of pleasure, his head feeling slow and swimmy. he'd been put into Subspace before of course, even without penetration but this was deeper than he was used to, and it was the first time without being strapped or smacked in some way. "T...Tony..." Steve mewled. "Anthony!" he moaned, which was his 'key word'. he only ever called Tony his full name when he was under. he spread his legs wider, hips jerking, begging for more because talking was too hard when he was under, keening mewls and whining pleas falling from his mouth. Steve was such a vocal thing once you got him going. you couldn't shut him up when he was like this, not even with a cock down his throat.
“Hm, yea. Now you know why I go insane when you pound into me.”Tony smirked a little watching him, shuddering as he realized he’d dropped the other without really trying. It was amazing to see him like this, shivering at the sound of his full name he smirked as he pulled his fingers away. Despite his plan to make the other come again with just his fingers, he was desperate to be in him. Moving up he coated his cock in lube before sliding into with a moan, growling quietly as he slowly made love to the other, eyes wide and blown, because this was so amazing, so very amazing.
Steve moaned and mewled, nodding because he couldn't make his throat work. he wanted to beg for more. wanted to plead. wanted Tony to do MORE. and then Tony was pulling away and Steve cried out, dismayed that Tony was stopping, tears gathering in Steve's eyes because he was just, that, desperate. and then Tony was inside him. pressing deeper and deeper until Steve thought he was going to explode. it hurt a little, but it was a good hurt, like when Tony used the strap on him. he couldn't have stopped it even if he was in his right mind. he came, harder than before, splattering himself with seed, gasping as he keened for more, Hips trying to thrust into the cock buried inside of him. he wanted more, anything, everything!
Tony muttered quietly reassuring the other wasn’t leaving, that he wasn’t stopping. Groaning as he thrust into the other he leaned down to kiss him slowly, shuddering as he moaned. Eyes going wide as teh other tightened around him, moaning as he came. Shivering as he clung to the other for a few moments before moving away, pulling out and settling on the bed next to the other, gently undoing the cuffs and cleaning the other up,simply reassuring steve how good he was, how perfect. Cleaning up and going through the aftercare, simply enjoying the ability to take care of the other in a way he so rarely had gotten to take care of anyone before.
Steve tried to mumble something but all that came out was gibberish once Tony came and pulled out. he was trembling a little but that was common to his subspace. he felt too much so he trembled. sometimes he cried too, but he had to be way down for that. he wasn't down far enough for crying. he sighed, content with life as Tony took care of him. no wonder Tony loved it when Steve fucked him. "Love you... awesome..." Steve murmured. "feels nice." he admitted, leaning into the hand cleaning the sweat off his face. "Best.... ever." he murmured before slipping into a doze, a goofy smile on his face. yeah, Steve had definitely enjoyed himself. he only dozed for a half an hour before his stomach demanded him up for food. unlike some, Steve could mostly function during a sub-space. you just had to be careful of what you told him to do because Steve, in this state, would do it. he actually went and jumped off a bridge one morning when some asshole on the street got annoyed with him. thank god he was a super soldier. still, it meant that Tony didn't let Steve leave the tower until his subspace had deteriorated.
Tony smiled a little as he took care of the other, gently wiping his face off. “Hm, love you. Always, cap. And I know, I am the best ever.”he said snickering quietly as he settled himself into a doze. Waking up when steve did, he smiled softly. “Come on, Captain my Captain. We’ll go get some food, and see if Aliyah’s moving. I want to check her arm.”Tony said fussing over the other as they headed to the kitchen to get some food. “Papa!Uncle johnny’s making your favorite.” “He’s making omletes?”tony looked startled smirking a little that the other was cooking for him, smirking a little when he saw that the girls already had their own omletes. “Feeling nice this morning are we?”Tony teased smiling at johnny.
Steve smiled. "yeah. bestest." he mumbled, agreeing with Tony. he'd always agree with Tony though. anything to make Tony happy. when he was like this anyway. he nodded and slipped his clothes on and smiled at Aliyah happily, Johnny smirking. "of course. it's a momentous day. after all it's not every day that someone get's their V-Card punched." he pointed out, Steve smiling and nodding, agreeing with Johnny. "wow. he's pretty far under huh? he's not even blushing." Johnny mused. "does he really do anything people tell him to like this?" he asked, giving Steve a weird look. as if he couldn't believe it. Steve wouldn't do anything, no. he wouldn't hurt himself. or hurt others. but he'd do it if he thought it sounded fun. I.E. jumping off a bridge. "i should do that again. it was fun." Steve decided suddenly. not that anyone else knew what he was thinking about, though Tony could probably guess. mind reading bastard.
Tony flushed at that, smirking a little. “You know, I don’t even want to know how you know we were doing that.”he smirked a little before nodding a little. “He is.It’s fairly adorable like this.”Tony smiled running his fingers through the other’s hair as he sat down, settling in to eat before shaking his head.”Some.He wont hurt himself or anyone else, but if it sounds like fun he will.”Tony said before startling at steve’s words, smirking a little. “We will, later.”he said guessing the other meant sex."eat first though, Cap."He said fussing over the other, fussing over steve like a mother hen with a chick.
he rolled his eyes. "nearly the whole tower heard Steve cry out when he... completed." he teased with a grin. "i told the little ones that you and he where playing a game and that Steve had won." he admitted with a snigger, watching Steve happily lean into the hand. "you wanna jump off a bridge too Tony?" Steve asked curiously. "you should use a parachute." he warned. "it might hurt yuo otherwise. or a rope. the kind that stretches. Bungee?" Steve wondered. "yes. Bungee.." " he jumped off the bridge three weeks ago because he thought it would be FUN!?" Johnny demanded, making the connection. "oh dear lord..." "shhh! he'll hear you!" Steve chastised.
“Oh.”Tony flushed brightly at that, ducking his head a little. “Daddy’s always good at games. He usually beats papa.”Aliyah said wisely as she ate, studying her parents in curiousity as tony stared at her. “So he does.”Tony said biting his lip to keep from laughing. “...We’ll use the suit if you want to jump again. It’ll be fun.”Tony said hoping he’d be able to convince steve to not do that,at least until he was more himself. “Yea, he did.And yea johnny, shhh!”Tony teased a little.
Steve grinned. "i am good at games. we should play a game Tony." Steve decided, mind derailed from the bridge idea just like that, before he was distracted yet again by food. Johnny chuckling. "it's kind of neat seeing the super focused Captain so unfocused he can't even keep a thought in hi head." "oh... am i leaking?" Steve asked, sticking his fingers in his ears in the attempt to stop his thoughts from leaking out. Johnny snorted, and then started to laugh. how could you not? Steve really was adorable when he was like this. too bad it never really lasted all that long. two hours, three at the most.
“I’ll play monopoly after you finish eating okay?Eat.”Tony ordered smirking a little at seeing his captain so unfocused, “Daddy okay?”Aliyah said looking up worriedly as steve put his fingers in his ears. “Yea, he’s fine Tink. How about you go get the game ready, and we’ll play okay?”Tony smiled amused as both girls went to find the board game as him and steve finished eating. “You want to play to?He’s super adorable for as long as this lasts.”Tony smirked at johnny, even if he wanted to lock steve in the room and simply be alone with him for the duration that he was being adorable, but he knew steve wouldn’t like that.
"i like monopoly." Steve agreed, nodding happily. "well at least he won't do anything stupid playing monopoly." Johnny agreed. "Steve's fine sweetie. you know how sometimes people take pills and they go all funny? well Steve had a headache and had t take some pills that makes his brain funny." Johnny lied. "he'll be okay." he promised, wondering if it was wrong to lie to the kids? then again it was probably wrong to tell them about sex so? "yeah i'll play." he promised. "how long does this usually last anyway?" he asked, handing Steve a couple more omelets. for the next two hours or so Steve was highly entertained by the various board games. Life, Monopoly, Clue, which he proved to be very good at, checkers, which he surprisingly failed at. even connect four. he proved to be a filthy cheater during battleship though, as he kept moving his ships around. his protests that he thought they where supposed to do that didn't convince anyone. not even the kids.
“Hm I wouldn’t be so sure. He cheats.”Tony snickered a little. “Oh. Okay.”Aliyah said calmed at the idea knowing that some things happened like that. “Two-three hours.”Tony smiled a little as they settled in to play.

“You okay?”Tony muttered from where he was being used as steve’s pillow as the man played battleship, snickering quietly as steve kept beating clint. Pressing a kiss to the other’s hair he smiled as he realized the other was starting to come back up, trying not to worry or fuss over him to much. Being his first time all tony wanted to do was fuss over him something fierce, but he was trying hard to remember steve didn’t always like him fussing.
"...Steve Rogers... Captain America... cheats? i think your trying to pass the blame off early Tony." oh how Johnny would eat those words when he realized that Steve WAS Cheating! no matter the game!

"i'm good." Steve promised with a smile as he placed a peg into the hole and then moved his battleship. he knew Clint was doing the same. it was harder, and more fun like this. Clint still kept losing because he didn't move his battleship after it was hit, when Steve did. little punk. "i've never dropped without being hit first. that was... different." he admitted. "i win." he informed Clint who started to curse. thank goodness the girls had left for their naps.
“He does.And I am not.”Tony made a face at the other.

“Good.”Tony muttered gently tugging on steve’s hair, snickering a little as he watched the other two cheat, amused that cap was. “I know. It was different. A good different though.”he muttered snickering as clint started to curse. “To bad birdboy, you’ll just have to cheat better next time.”He snickered a little before sighing, knowing he had to talk to steve, but not wanting to bring it up just yet. Simply because he knew steve wouldn’t like it. “...Steve...we need to talk....”He muttered squirming and nervous, and hating that he’d totally forgotten about it until jarvis reminded him.
Steve smiled a little. "i did enjoy it." he agreed before huffing. "i wish you wouldn't let me do such silly things though. i was walking around with my fingers in my ears Tony." he complained, pouting at him. "still, at least you stopped me from jumping off the bridge again. dumbest idea ever." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "talk? about what?" he asked, blinking at the other, still low enough that he couldn't find the energy to be truly worried or upset. Clint quickly fled, wary of emotional talks. "your not regretting the way i lost my virginity are you? because that was totally awesome, and perfect." he promised Tony, smiling at him. "your perfect."
“I know. It was adorable. And its not my fault you thought all your thoughts were coming out your ears.And it was less harmful then say, jumping off a bridge or something. Figured it was better just to let you do goofy things.”he looked amused pressing a kiss to the other’s hair, sighing softly.”No, not regreting that. That was amazing.”he muttered blushing a little. “I’m not perfect, but whatever.”he muttered nuzzling him a little. “I have to go to LA. Since I forced pepper to step down as CEO, and since despite the tower being here, most of the board is out west, I have to go get things settled...”he muttered sighing quietly, working around to what steve would hate. “I need you and Ali to stay here.”
he snorted. "no it's Johnny's Fault." Steve complained with a chuckle. "he's such a jerk." Johnny had great fun teasing Steve when he was like that. "i suppose your right." Steve agreed with a smile as he leaned into the other. "good. i would have hated to be mad at you." he teased with a smile. "your perfect for me." Steve promised Tony. "and that's all that matters." he blinked a little. "L.A?" he asked before pondering that. "okay." he agreed. "but you have to take Phil and James with you." he ordered. "you can't be trusted on your own. James can be your bodyguard and Phil can help you with S.I." he decided. "me and Ali would be too big of targets." he agreed. "it's safer here where people can protect her." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i don't like it. but i understand." no he didn't like it at all, but what else could he do?
“he is a jerk. Just play a trick on him or something, he deserves it.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, blushing a little. “Yes, that’s all that matters I guess.”he muttered stealing a kiss before sighing quietly. “Yea, LA....okay. I can do that.”Tony said relaxing as he realized the other wasn’t going to be angry, and was simply accepting it. And that steve had gotten his reasoning for not wanting to take them. “Yea...I know it’s going to be hard to leave you two, espcially with ali’s fear of being left, but I don’t like the idea of you guys being away from the safety of the tower, even if the house in malibu is protected, its not the tower....”Tony said rambling a little in her nervous anxiety, because he so hated leaving them behind, but he couldn’t also convince himself that it would be okay for them to come with him. Torn between the two desires.
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