Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

he nodded. "we'll talk to Loki." he agreed with a smile. "i'm sure he'll be able to find something out." he admitted. "you know. your right." he admitted. "those robots, when you fell in the water because the tower went down. they where of a much higher quality than usual." he admitted. "and that was more of a prank than anything else, i doubt he intended for you to fall into the water." he admitted, contemplating that for a moment before shaking his head. "he actually hasn't been causing problems recently. maybe he's sulking." he wondered, hoping maybe Doom had just given up. he wasn't much for being a bad guy that was for sure. "well, i did have Jarvis record it." he admitted. "it was one of the ways i was testing, you know? to see if you where you." he admitted, kissing Tony's neck. "...will you fuck me?" he asked. "i feel kind of dirty." he admitted. not about to actually admit that the other Tony had been aroused around Steve. not about to admit Steve had turned the sicko on. he felt rather disgusted with himself.
“I know. They were more like mine, then Doom’s. And you’re right, it was a prank, more then anything else. I mean, if I hadn’t fallen in the water, it wouldn’t have been more then a annoyance.”Tony shruged a little before smiling.”we could only hope he’s sulking.”he snickered a little. “I’ll watch it later then.”he muttered before looking at the other, leaning over to kiss him slowly as he started undressing him. “Why?What happened?”Tony said looking the other over, seeing what the other was hiding, at least seeing it wasn’t simply steve wanting him. “We should have shower sex. That would clean us both up.”He mused nudging steve to his feet and heading for the bathroom.
he nodded. "yeah i don't wonder if He dumbed down his own robots and sent them. we never DID see Doom during that last robot swarm. he might not have been involved at all." he admitted. "actually i don't think i've seen Doom for months... maybe he fell into a volcano?" he mused hopefully. "'s nothing really. i just... when i hd him in my arms, my hand on his neck... he... he was aroused and i feel... dirty." he admitted, shaking his head. "i was threatening him, actually thinking of killing him and he was getting turned on." he grumbled. "people aren't supposed to get turned on when your threatening to snap their necks!" he complained, shaking his head as he followed the other into the bathroom.
“He might have. And we couldn’t be that lucky.”Tony snickered a little looking down at the other, tilting his head a little. Thinking it over and biting his lip to keep from saying what might have gotten him kicked out of bed for the night. Cause he could definitely see the other tony enjoying himself, even if he was being threteaned, but knew better then to say it out loud. Not when he wanted to sex up the other. “Hm, I can distract you from the idea of that.”He looked amused as he turned on the shower, smiling as he undressed, stepping into the warm water.
he snorted. "course we could. especially if it was Loki avenging the name of villainy everywhere and dropping him in." he pointed out. honestly the only reason why he felt grossed out, was because he felt like he'd betrayed Tony somehow. "good." Steve mumbled, kissing Tony deeply. "i love you." he admitted with a smile, stripping out of his own clothes and stepping into the water with a sigh, running his eyes eagerly over Tony's body, taking note of every scar, as if double checking to make sure this was really his Tony and not the fake.
“...You know, I wish I could say that would be a surprising thought, but it would be something loki would do.”he snickered a little studying the other man, biting his lip a little. Wondering if he should say something before sighing. Realizing he was going to, even if it ruined his chance for sex. “...He loved Stephanie. I think...even with everything, and you well being...male, you still were stephanie. Might not have been seeing you threatening him, but Stephanie.And nothing hotter then being threatened by a beautiful person.”Tony snickered a little flushing brightly, ducking his head.”love you to.”He muttered, definitely a sign it was the real tony. The fake one didn’t have nearly as many issues admitting to being in love as the real one did. The slight differences in their past, leaving them with different emotional scars. “Shall I start naming off scars?”He said as he saw the other looking him over, pointing to his side.”Blowtorch. Replusor blast. Here’s where you hit me with the shield. The scratch where loki threw me out the window...”Tony said starting to list scars as he pointed to them.,
he chuckled and nodded. "he would totally do that." he admitted happily before blinking at Steve, startled and wide eyed before he blushed furiously. "i... well... oh." well that certainly made him feel a little bit better at least. Tony wasn't mad, he could handle that. and he had to admit, even without breasts, feminine face and long hair, he did look a lot like Stephanie. Steve was still Steve and he was well aware that Tony was a man who liked both genders. Steve chuckled a little when Tony started naming off the scars and pulled him into a deeper kiss. "i know. sorry. i'm being paranoid. you can fuck me now.... i scarred you?" he asked, looking instantly upset. he hadn't realized he'd actually hurt Tony. he gently kissed that scar and suckled on it a little, as if trying to erase the pain of that memory.
“Yea, oh.No matter the world or gender, it seems we’re stuck with each other.”Tony teased a little pleased that he’d managed to make the other feel better. Pressing close as the water started slicking down his hair he smiled a little. “I’d be a little paranoid to if your double hadn’t been female. Sorta hard to mistake you for her.”Tony teased a little before smirking,”Good. I want to fuck you.”He said stroking a hand over the other’s cock before sighing as the other sucked on the scar across his bicep, it was small and slender, just a few inches long, exactly the edge of the shield. “Well, it was my own fault. You were helping me test out a new suit. You hit the suit, and it dented the metal. Not your fault.”He shuddered at the suck, groaning as he slid a hand down the other’s back, sliding his fingers into the other. “Now, are you going to be sulking and annoyed at scarring me, or are we goign to fuck?”He whined a little.
he smirked. "i rather prefer the term 'fated to be together'. sounds much more romantic that way." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "well, that's true. though Loki did threaten to turn me into a woman a few days ago. said if i was goig to whine like one then i should be one." he admitted with a grin. "i left before he actually did it though." he admitted. "and i want you to fuck me." he admitted with a grin before smiling as he kissed the other's scar again. now that Tony mentioned it, he did remember that. he'd been worried it had been that time he'd smacked Tony and Thor with the Shield in a fit of annoyance. "mmmm fuck. Tony." he moaned, arching into the fingers buried inside of him. "i think you should fuck the sulk right out of me." he admitted, moving up to suck on Tony's neck now instead. "make me feel it for days." he breathed, smirking a little.. "i don't want to be able to sit for a good day and a half." that was about all the longer he could hurt for anyway.
“You are such a sap.”Tony teased smiling a little, blushing slightly before laughing.”Did he really?That’s amusing.”Tony snickered at the idea of the other being a woman, shuddering as he leaned into him. Shivering as the other kissed his scar he shuddered, growling as the other arched into him.”Hm, I’m going to make it take forever to sit right.Gonna feel it for days.”Tony growled manhandling the other around, because he knew he couldn’t hold the other up long enough to fuck him, so he was going to do this the easier way. Smirking as he made the other lean against the wall, he growled as he slid into him, setting his teeth into his shoulder and sucking, intending to leave a hickey as he fucked the other as hard as he could, though careful not to hurt him to badly, treading that careful line between to much and enough
"A Sap?" he asked, looking amused. "i prefer 'Romantically inclined." he admitted with a giggle before nodding. "he did. i bet i could get him to do it too. i bet it would be interesting to be a woman." he mused. "yes. fuck, Tony. give it to me. hard." he moaned, shivering as he was manipulated into a new position. "fuck..." he groaned, resting his hands on the wall and spreading his legs as wide as they could go without affecting his ability to Balance. "fuck... fuck! god do that again! with the teeth. bite me." he moaned, surprised by how much he'd liked that. Steve culd hardly stay standing under the force of pleasure/pain/pleasure, crying out as he Came, hard, legs trembling while he struggled to stay standing. "god... Tony... awesome. don't stop."
“Hm, you are a romantically inclined sap.”Tony teased amused before snickering. “Hmmm, it would be interesting having sex with oyu as a woman.”He snickered at the idea. Smirking as the other braced himself, bracing himself on the other’s hips, pounding into him, growling as he bit him again.”Like that did you?”He muttered his teeth snapping down, leaving a mark on tan skin as he shuddered, holding steve still, keeping the other from falling as he moaned, coming as he leaned into the other.”Damn.”He panted easing back, easing them both to the bottom of the shower, shivering with with force of emotions and pleasure.
he sniggered and decided to ignore that. Tony always had the last word no matter what and he wasn't in the mood for a fight. "it would be interesting having sex with me as a woman." he agreed. "Fuck! Yes!" he moaned, arching into the teeth. he knew they where bruising but he didn't give a damn. they'd be gone by morning anyway. "....i think i'm broken." Steve admitted after a long silence once they where done with a grin. "that was awesome. we have to have angry domination claiming sex more often." he admitted, poking his neck and shoulders that Tony had peppered with bites. "you know... i didn't think about it. but whatever happened to your tongue ring?" he asked, amused. "i should have just made the other Tony stick his tongue out." he admitted, giggling at the idea. "could you imagine the look on his face if i told him to show me his tongue?" yeah, Steve was high on pleasure and love.
Tony laughed breathlessly, as he snuggled against the other, snuggling close to keep the water from getting in his face before snorting amused. “I’d rather not have angry sex with you, I mean, angry sex usually means I’ve done something wrong.”He muttered smiling slightly as the other poked at his bites, nuzzling him a little. “I still have it.”Tony said clicking the bar against the back of his teeth. “He would have probably died of laughter if you’d asked him to do it.”Tony snorted amused before nudging the other, feeling better, so much better now that he was floating in the afterglow, the worry about what the other tony wanted, forgotten for the moment. “we should get some sleep.”he muttered turning off the water.
he grinned. "i like angry possessive sex." he admitted. "makes me feel like you'll fight to keep me." he admitted with a grin. "not that i'm going anywhere but it's nice to know if i'm ever kidnapped." he admitted before snorting at Tony's clacking. "he probably would have. if he shows up again. i'll tell him to. or.. or maybe we'll do that thing like they do on the TV where you face each other and i hold a gun and you both try to convince me which one is the real Tony." he admitted, nodding. "that would be epic. we could be our own spy movie." he admitted happily, grinning as he got to his feet and refrained from wincing. he ached deliciously, he knew Tony would only feel bad if he knew Steve was actually aching. "we should sleep." he agreed, yawning. "thanks for that, it was exactly what i needed." he admitted, smiling as he pulled Tony in for a deep kiss. "i have to ask though.... if you and the other Tony where to fuck, would it be masturbation?"
“I’ll always fight for you cap. Be it with angry sex, or suiting up to come rescue your ass.”Tony muttered snuggling him before snickering. “Is it not enough we live in our own superhero movie?You want to be a spy one to?”he teased watching the other, before nodding. “you’re welcome. It was fun.”He grinned before snuggling into the other as he was kissed, “Hm, it would be utterly amazing sex-god masturbation, though I’m amused that it was you who thought of that before I did.”Tony snickered as he settled into bed.

In the morning Tony winced a little as he looked at the bruises across the span of steve’s shoulders, for once the man looking bruised and battered from tony’s teeth, instead of the marks fading quickly. Studying the man he ran a hand down his back, wondering if he had actually hurt the other.”Cap?”He muttered stroking his hand through the other’s hair.
he grinned a little. "good." he purred. "i'll always fight for you too." he promised. "besides, what's so great about superhero movies?" he scoffed. "bunch of men with their underwear on the outside of their pants. Batman, Superman, running around with young boys. come on. that's boring." he scoffed. "and concerning. Spy movies are clearly the best." he admitted with a grin. "especially the 007 series." he admitted with a nod. "it was fun." he agreed, grinning happily. "of course i thought about it, your a bad influence." he teased with a grin.

Steve mumbled as he was stroked and blinked sluggishly before smiling at Tony. "are we having morning sex?" he asked hopefully, snuggling intot he other and giving him a kiss. "hmmm i ache a bit. that's amazing." he admitted, grinning happily. "now i'll think of you owning my ass every tie i move... Tony are you alright? you look like that time you thought i accidentally cut my hand off when i touched something i wasn't supposed to in the lab." he admitted. he hadn't hurt himself at all but it had been a close call.
“...I don’t know if I should laugh or be concerned that you thought of that for batman and superman.”he snickered a little before smiling.”Don’t tell that to clint. We’ll never again watch anything but 007.”He snickered smiling.”I am a bad influence.”he agreed.

“Hm, if you want.”He smiled kissing the other back, still looking concerned as he stroked his back, simply touching him because he needed to. “That was a insane time.”He muttered looking upset as he remembered that, sighing softly as he considered the other.”You okay?”He muttered, definitely a good reason to hide how he was feeling if he wasn’t really hurt. Because tony’s guilt and self confidence would take a beaten if he thought the other was really hurt.
he snorted. "where do you think i got my appreciation for the movies?" he asked with a grin. "Clint made me sit down and watch every single one with him about a month after the Chitauri attack." he admitted. "you know... Loki never did apologize for that did he?" nope. he probobly never would.

he grinned as he watched Tony. "your adorable when you fuss." he admitted. "i'm amazing." he promised. "trust me, if you had gotten too rough last night, i would have told you." he promised. "i'm not hurt i'm jsut a bit stiff. you know. like normal human beings who had awesome rough sex that made me cum so hard i thought i was going to pass out." he admitted. "Tony i think you could have fucked me twice as hard and i still wouldn't be actually hurt." he admitted. "you fucked me exactly the way i needed last night." he promised with a smile. "you where amazing last night." he assured the other. "and i'm not actually hurt. not in the least. i'll probably not even be stiff after lunch. damn healing speed."
”Ah.That explains why he hasn’t made the rest of us watch them yet.”Tony snickered a little before shaking his head.”Nope, and he probably wont.”

“I am not.”Tony huffed at the other, looking him over before relaxing a little. “Good. I trust you to do that, but I still worry.”He muttered looking him over, glad to know that he hadn’t gone to far. His utter fear of crossing that line, like pepper had accused him on a few memorable occassions, had left him utterly afraid of making sex rough enough that it’d be rape. Which was what pepper had accused him of, and the fear that he could never voice out loud. Nuzzling the other a little he laughed.”I might have broken myself if I tried twice as hard.”he snickered a little relaxing, smilnig a little. “Good. We both needed that.”He muttered before snickering. “Be glad for healing. Means we wont have to wait to have sex.”
he smiled a little. "i'd worry about our relationship if you didn't." he admitted before pausing. "well hell. no wonder your freaking out." he muttered, examining one of the bite marks on his shoulder. "i'd expected those to be gone by now... i hope i'm not catching a cold again, that freaking sucked." when Steve got sick, rare as that was, he got Sick his powers stopped healing because they where too busy trying to fight off the virus. once it got in him the Virus usually mutated into something very extreme. last time he had a cold, he had to be put on oxygen because he wasn't getting enough air because of the mucus in his lungs and bronchial tubes. while it was never anything too life threatening, Steve was miserable for weeks when he did catch sick. luckily, he wasn't sick, at least nothing that his body wasn't already fighting off. "oh! that's a good point." he agreed. "it would totally suck if i had to wait three days like a normal person." he admitted, pulling the other into another kiss. "i love you." he admitted with a smile. "we should get up though. the monkey will be here soon demanding attention and breakfast. what do you feel like today?"
“Never worry about that.”he said with a small smile before laughing. “Yea, well, they’re kinda hot really.”he muttered stroking his fingers over the bite marks before making a face.”Maybe you should go see Bruce, he can maybe figure out if your sick, before it gets to bad.”Tony made a face before smirking, stealing a kiss. “It really would suck.”He muttered blushing ducking his head, nuzzling in close to the other. Despite everything, he was still at a loss to admit how he felt most of the time.”pancakes.”He smiled, grinning at the sound of pounding footsteps, tossing steve his sweatpants before getting up himself, “I’m coming, sweetheart. We’ll watch cartoons okay?” “Lion king!”Aliyah demanded giggling happily as her father picked her up, the worry and upset from the night before forgotten as tony held her, smiling as the AI dogs crowded around their legs as they headed for the living room.
Steve smiled at Tony. "i don't. but i know you do." he admitted. "you and me? we're made for each other." he promised the other before shivering when Tony stroked those bite marks. that felt really... really good. not physically, there wasn't much of a physical sensation but it made his belly twist up, the same way it had when Tony had tied him up or spanked him. like Tony was claiming him, owning him. "i don't wanna see Bruce." he grumbled. "he pokes me with stuff and makes me swallow stuff that tastes like day old sewage." he grumbled before smiling at Tony. "pancakes it is." he agreed, pulling on the sweatpants and chuckling as Aliyah ran in, getting up and stretching luxuriously before heading into the kitchen. really he felt no worse than when he pushed himself too hard during training. "you know. those things really are cute." Steve admitted when he joined them with the plates of breakfast. chocolate chip for the kids, A.K.A Tony and Aliyah, and blueberry, strawberry banana for him. he even deigned to pat both mechanical dogs before settling in to watch cartoons with his favorite people.
Tony flushed a little, offering a small smile. “I do.”He muttered leaning into him, closing his eyes. Simply enjoying it. “We are. No matter what.”He muttered smiling a little as he watched the other relax under his fingers. “You like that don’t you?Me stroking them.”He muttered looking interested before laughing softly. “I know, but I’d rather you not get sick, cause if you do, Aliyah might catch it, and I doubt she’ll handle being sick as well as you do.”Tony pointed out smiling as they settled in the living room to eat. “I thought you found them creepy.”Tony said smilign as the dogs laid down next to aliyah as she watched dora the explorer, nearly stuffing his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing as aliyah saw her uncle jamie, demanding him watch the cartoon with her. Smiling as the assassin simply gathered his breakfast and settled on the floor next to her to watch instead of protesting.
he smiled at the other. "no matter what. you and me." he promised before he blushed. "yeah i do.. it's... it's like when you tie me up. like your making me yours." he admitted. "i guess i just like being owned or something." he admitted with a smile before huffing. "fiiiine." he grumbled, sulking as he made a mental note to go see Bruce. he wouldn't risk giving anything to Aliyah. "they are creepy. but then so are snakes and i think those are cute." he admitted with a smile, grinning as James walked in, handing the other a plate of food. "good morning James." Steve chirped. "here for Boots, Diego, or Dora?" he asked with a grin. well aware that if he answered wrong Aliyah would be all over his ass, informing him why HER favorite was better.
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