Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve nodded. "yeah. if it was me, i'd want to make sure my daughter was well protected if i couldn't do it myself." he agreed. "never mind that Aliyah IS my daughter." he admitted with a smile, a tight one that said he was very unhappy with the topic of conversation. he didn't want to tin about Tony, any Tony being suicidal. "mimes are evil." Steve informed Tony. "ad they don't speak. if you meant a pantomime, then that would be more accurate. even a mimic, but Mimes are horrid creatures that have no place in this world." he stated with a sniff, making both Loki's chuckle again. "of course he didn't protest. he is blaming himself for her death after all. Stephanie suspected that when she died, Crossbones would fully control my Tony, and sought out alternate means of protection for Aliyah, thus, you two. she wasn't wrong. it was Crossbones idea that Tony come here and lay claim to this world and all of this Tony's things, further expanding his power, money, and influence." Loki admitted. "i have no doubt that plan changed when he found Pepper, his first love, alive and well here. not to mention saw for himself how delighted and happy Aliyah is." Loki admitted before focusing on Tony. "you know him better than anyone Tony. do you think he is a danger to himself or others?" "others? no... himself? yes." Steve spoke suddenly, looking worried. "christ. hearing all this, i can't help but feel really, really bad for him." he admitted. "he's lost pretty much everything in one fell swoop..." he looked at Tony. "i can't help but imagine how you might be feeling right now if i was killed by your best friend." he admitted softly. "you'd have totally lost your head too. can't we find a way to save him?" "i'm sure there are ways. the only problem is that he needs to want to be saved." Loki II admitted. "and unfortunately, i'm not sure he wants to be."
“Exactly. And aliyah is ours. So he knows we’d go to any length to protect her.”Tony muttered leaning into the other, trying to comfort him because he didn’t like the idea of tony being suicidal either.” are so weird, you know that right?”Tony teased a little at steve’s explanation on the weird nature of mimes before sighing looking at loki. Biting his lip a little, because pepper might have been his first love, but he knew stephanie had been the love that had touched his soul. Knew beyond a doubt, that losing stephanie would have finished the emotional gutting pepper’s death had started. Crossbones had done well, destroying the last hold tony had to anyone in killing her....only he’d made a mistake sending him here. Where Tony could see how things were. Staring down he shook his head. “....Not yet. He’ll be a danger to himself. But he’ll want to make sure Aliyah’s truly safe before he does something. Which means taking care of our world’s crossbones....and maybe his crossbones to.”Tony frowned a little before looking at steve, wrapping his arms around himself, feeling emotionally gutted, even if it wasn’t him it had happened to, knowing what he knew about tony, was leaving him shaken and hurting. Tilting his head at loki he shook his head. “he wont want to be. You said it yourself. He blames himself. The only way to pay the debt is to die after he takes care of things....we just have to figure out what he’s doing first.”
Steve nodded. "Aliyah is ours." he agreed. "and he knows that so it's like we took way another part of his life..." now he really felt guilty, he had taken away the other Tony's very reason to live. now what was he supposed to do? "i am not. everyone hates mimes. just ask anyone! "Steve complained, shaking his head. "i agree." Loki II admitted, nodding at Tony. "Crossbones real name is Brock Rumlow..." "WHAT?!" Steve demanded, leaping to his feet. "no way! nuh uh! that's not possible! Bingo is my Shield Partner!" "he's also a Hydra insurgent." Loki II admitted. "in our world, we didn't learn that until it was far too late." the godling admitted. "My Tony will certainly be targeting him, as well as a few others who pose direct threats to Steve and Aliyah." Loki II admitted. "including a man named Quicksilver who once kidnapped Stephanie and nearly killed her. there are a few others who i'm sure my Tony will target but most of them haven't even come into existence yet in this universe so i doubt Tony will actually do anything to them." he admitted. "i have no doubt my Tony will intend on returning to our own world and cleaning house before doing anything stupid. i have no doubt he intends to fix every last thing he's done wrong before ending it all." Loki II said, shaking his hed. sounding tired and rather defeated. Tony was the only person he had left in his life. everyone else had abandoned him. when Tony died, Loki II would be alone. "so. how do we find him?" Steve asked, Loki shrugging as Loki II shook his head. "there isn't finding him. being a Dimensional 'hopper', tracking spells to find him will only result in us finding this Tony here."
“She is ours. And she’s happy.”Tony said swallowing hard, feeling ever so guilty, “He’s her father. He might need her to give himself a reason to live, but I think he wants her happy. You saw him, he could have walked out with her, when I was gone. He didn’t. He simply wanted to visit with her.”Tony sighed softly feeling so guilty before looking startled, eyes wide as he realized who crossbones was. “Well, we’re going to take care of that. Though I’m half tempted to let Tony deal with him.”Toyn said sighing softly, shaking his head. He had no idea how to handle this, because it was the coldly ruthless part of him that simpyl wanted to let tony clean house, and deal with any threat to his family, even if he knew it was wrong. “We’ll help him.We wont leave you alone loki.”Tony said, dark brown eyes so wide and expressive as he watched loki II, proving that no matter which loki it was, he understood the other man. And he understood Tony. He knew a way to make him care. “He has a child on the way. And a child he can get to know for the first time....if he doesn’t want to live for himself, we can make him want to live for them.”Toyn said sounding determined before smirking. “We don’t have to try and find him. We just have to find pepper. She’s pregnant, he wont stray to far from her for long.”
"well. it's not like we can't arrange for him to stay here." Steve admitted after a moment. "or have joint custody. i'm not about to just give her up, no matter what. but, we can share right?" he asked. "we'll find a good compromise. somehow." Steve decided. "no. we can't let the Other Tony do it. he's not evil, murdering people in cold blood for things they haven't done yet? we can't let him marr himself like that." Steve protested. "i'll just call Fury." he promised. "Fury will handle him. and since we know the danger now, he won't be able to cause problems later even if we dont deal with him right away." Steve explained. "thank you." Loki II murmured softly. "but like i said. if he doesn't want to be helped, there's nothing that we can do." he admitted. "...a child on the way? Pepper?" Loki II asked, looking stunned. "well that is a good option. see, in our world, Tony's Father was... worse in a way. better in others. Howard was kind and caring... so long as he wasn't drunk. and since he was drunk almost all the time he was violent most of the time. he liked to smack Tony around and Crossbones convinced Tony that he would end up exactly the same way. drunk and violent. convinced Tony it was just something that was inevitable. that's why Tony won't hang around Aliyah all that much. he's terrified he's going to hurt her." Loki II admitted. "didn't matter what Stephanie said on that point because Crossbones knew every button to push. if there's a new baby on the way, Tony is either realizing he's not going to be like Howard after all, or he's going to be twice as terrified of becoming a monster." "god your brilliant." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony. "Jarvis? track Pepper!" "Yes Sir. also Sir. there is an emergency situation. Dr. Doom has unleashed a hoard of robots in the Senate and is holding everyone captive. the Avengers are needed immediately." "fuck... i can't fight in my condition..." Steve muttered unhappily. "okay. you and the others go deal with that shit head and i'll go find Pepper and the other Tony Steve decided. "hows that sound?"
“True.We’ll figure something out. I wont give her up, she’s to happy here, to attatched and I love her, but we’ll figure out something for us all.”Tony said sounding pleased with that before frowning, nodding a little. “True. We’ll not let him do that. Call fury.”Tony agreed before looking at loki, tilting his head before nodding. “Yea. He’s been dating her. She’s due any day now I think.”Tony said smiling a little before frowning, looking startled. “...well, that explains why he stayed away when he obviously loves her.”Tony said wincing as he realized that what he’d taken for negligence and simply not giving a shit about his daughter, was a terror so severe that it was even worse then his own. “...we’ll not let him be a monster. We’ll help him.And pepper.”Tony sighed softly, because while him and pepper couldn’t be together or get along, he would help the other tony find some sort of peace in life. “I’m always brilliant.”he smirked a little before wincing, nodding. “No you can’t. Stay here, and I’ll tap you into our comms, at least you can still offer advice if you think of something while you track pepper.”Tony said stealing a kiss before getting up.”It sounds good. Be careful okay?”He said before rushing off to get suited up and head for washington with the others.
he nodded. "yes. we'll just have to find a balance that makes us all happy." he agreed with a smile. "we can do it, we're the Avengers after all." he admitted. "i'll call Fury now." Steve decided. "he's been dating Pepper?" Loki II asked, looking baffled. "weird." he admitted. "i don't think i can picture those two together romantically. then again i never actually got to meet her." Loki II admitted. "so maybe that's why." he nodded. "Crossbones doesn't like Tony having emotional connections with people so he did his best to make Tony so terrified of hurting Aliyah that he just point blank avoided her." "god. that man is sick!" Steve complained. " we have to help Pepper? i hate her." Steve complained, pouting. if she made Tony II happy though, who was he to complain? at least she'd leave HIS Tony alone now. "you are brilliant." he agreed, kissing Tony. "you go save the day, i'll stay here with Aliyah." he promised, smiling as the left.

when Tony and the others got back though, Steve was gone. the Tower was dark, completely blacked out because someone had gone into the power control thing and ripped out all the wires. everyone inside was unconscious, simply sleeping where they had been working, indicating some sort of sleeping gas. one that had worked even on Bruce, who was laying across a hallway with a tray of food when he'd gotten hungry enough to abandon his experiments. Loki and Thor too where out like a light, as was the twins, Jaimie and Johnny. all out cold and showing no signs of waking. the only people who where gone was Steve and Aliyah. they had been kidnapped.

halfway across the City, Pepper was feeling oh so very smug as she walked into her house. "Tony! i'm home! i have a surprise!" she called, gently settling the sleeping two year old onto the couch. she knew it was safe, the effects of the drug would only last another few minutes. it was a time delayed waking system that Bruce had been working on. she'd gotten her hands on it easily, and had learned through various sources that Steve was as good as a human. shed even gone so far as to further weaken the faggot bastard with a lock of Stephanie's hair, dug up from her grave and snipped very carefully. Pepper knew if she ever did anything to damage Stephanie's body, both Tony's would kill her. so the grave robbing would be her little secrete. you couldn't even tell that the grave had even been disturbed. it was for the best. now she and Tony could kill Tony and rule both worlds together and Steve was getting his due. man steeling slut that he was, well, he was certainly paying for it now.
"So we are. We beat a insane godling, I'm sure figuring out something for sharing aliyah will be just as easy."tony smiled a little before nodding."yea he is. And it is weird but that's mostly cause I have no idea how to feel about it."tony snorted amused before qincing. That was sick really."that's horrible."he muttered shaking his head before sighing."I know you do but we have to. Cause it'll make tony happy and that's worth dealing with her."he sighed before nodding."I'll see you later."

When he got home tony took one look around and started searching looking utterly panicked as he shook bruce awake for once not being careful around the hulk."bruce!I need you to wake up.what happened?"he asked even as he set about to get lights and jarvis back working.

"Surprise? You always get...the best surprises."tony said as he walked in from the kitchen,a smudge of chocolate icing on his cheek showing that even if real tony couldn't cook,this one could. Looking between the two me moved over looking aliyah and steve over making sure they weren't hurt before looking up at pepper."what's happened?you brought them here?"he said looking confused as aliyah started waking up. "Papa?"aliyah said looking scared as she stumbled into the man's arms. Tony swallowed thickly refusing to let those words hurt as badly as they did. Not sure how to tell her he wasn't the papa she wanted."not quite ali. You okay?" "Yep papa."Aliyah muttered clinging to him.
He laughed and both Loki's sulked at Tony. "well. it is really weird." Steve agreed. "i mean, Pepper was such a bitch to you and now she's with a copy of you.... it's... creepy." Steve decided.

Bruce groaned and blinked stupidly. "T... Tony?" he asked, confused and sluggish. "what's? what happened?" he asked, slowly sitting up and rubbing his head. "oh... ugh. i feel like that time i accidentally inhaled that can of aerosol chloroform." he admitted, shaking his head, trying to clear it. all around the tower the others where doing the same. "Tony. calm down. what's happened?"

Pepper beamed at him. "have you been baking?" she asked, swiping the frosting off his cheek. "mm you make the best cakes." she admitted before smiling at him. "it's okay, she's just sleeping. she'll be drowsy for a few minutes when she wakes up but then she'll be as fine as ever." she promised. "i brought her here because she's your daughter." Pepper informed him. "Steve had no right to take her from you. she deserves to be with someone who loves her, you love her." Pepper informed him. "i know it was tearing you up, not being able to be with her." she admitted. "i didn't hurt anyone getting her if that's what your worried about." she admitted. and it was true. the fact that she'd turned Steve over to Doom before coming home was completely beyond the point.
“Yea, it’s me. And I’m sure something like that happened.”tony said swallowing hard as he worked hard to calm down, to be in control. Fidgeting and working on getting jarvis back on he swallowed.”Aliyah and steve are gone. Can’t find them anywhere.”

“Yea, there’s chocolate cake in the oven.”Tony smiled a little frowning a little as he watched the drowsy child nuzzling against his chest as he picked her up. Looking utterly terrified to be holding her,despite the fierce desire to have her right where she was. “No, but did you tell anyone you were taking her?Pepper, it might have been hurting me, but you know I also chose to leave her where she was.”Tony said looking upset and confused himself on how to respond, feeling both touched that she’d done it, and upset that she had.
he blinked and then tensed as he realized what was happening. "fuck." he hissed, leaping to his feet and helping Tony get the electronics back online. something that was taking a lot longer than he wanted it to. "come on. it's okay. calm down." he muttered, more to himself than anything else.

"ooh my favorite." she chirped happily before smiling at him. "of course i did!" she scoffed, uncaring tht it was a complete lie. in a few days it wouldn't matter. Tony would be dead, leaving her Tony in complete control, and Steve would be raped and tortured to death by Doom. leaving only Tony and Pepper to care for the little girl and rule both realms. just as was right and proper. "we have her for three days and then we'll take her back to Steve and the other Tony." she lied effortlessly. "it was Steve's idea. sort of like a co-parenting or a joint custody sort of thing. he and Tony felt bad they where taking Aliyah from you." she admitted. proving that she had, in fact, been listening on on ther conversations somehow. granted that had been obvious what with her using a lock of Stephanie's hair like Kryptonite. "besides, aren't you convinced yet that Crossbones was a filthy liar? you won't hurt Aliyah Love. never ever." she promised, kissing him with a smile.
Tony shuddered looking frustrated and out of sorts, so out of sorts indeed that he couldn’t get the electronics back on nearly as quickly as he would normally. “OKay, I’m calm. We need loki.”Tony muttered looking anxious as he winced, seeing the lights flip on, looking pleased as the lab lit up again.

“I know.”Tony smiled at her before nodding, “Good. And...really?”He blinked looking stupid and confused before grinning happily at the idea that the men were willing to let him try and get to know his daughter despite how he’d been acting towards them all. “Awesome.”He smiled looking pleased at the idea before sighing, still looking nervous before kissing her back.”Well, you’re here....I guess we’ll be okay.”He muttered.”You want to watch a movie, sweetheart?”He asked smiling at aliyah. “Lion king papa.”She muttered drowsily snuggling against him as they both settled down onto the couch to watch the musical.
Bruce sighed, relieved when the lights went back on and looked even more relieved when both Loki's appeared, looking highly disgruntled. "remind me to have words with you abut dangerous toxins Bruce Banner." Loki growled, Loki II nodding. "what happened?" Loki demanded. "all i remember is feeding the twins and then falling asleep just as the lights went out." he admitted. "the twins where scared spit-less, it took me a good few minutes to get them calmed down." he admitted. "where's Steve? and did you get Doom?" Doom had never shown up. just his better than usual robots.

"Yes, really." Pepper promised him with a smile. "isn't that proof enough? that strangers are willing to trust you with a child?" she asked with a smile, kissing the top of his forehead. "now.... i need pickles." she admitted, rubbing her belly. "yur little one is going to town on my bladder today." she admitted with a smile. "it will be fine. she loves you and you're so very careful with her. trust me if you can't trust yourself, okay?" Pepper asked with a smile, gathering up some pickles and cheezwhiz to snack on while she watched the movie with them. well aware that no one would be able to find them. well. she didn't think so, Doom had laid sorcery on both her and Aliyah to prevent Loki from finding them, and any attempts at finding Tony would just lead to the wrong Tony. by the time they tracked her down it would be far too late. Steve and Tony would be dead. she could only smile, content with herself and her new life that she was carefully building.
Tony sighed softly, glancing at bruce.”I don’t think this was his fault, seeing as everyone’s missing.”Tony muttered sounding upset, wincing as he realized loki had no idea what was going on either. “Steve and Aliyah are missing. And boombots showed up, but no doom. Really annoyed me, even worse cause they weren’t even Tony’s bots, didn’t even make it worthwhile to go deal with it.”

“That’s true.”Tony said sounding pleased at the idea, because they trusted him. “Hm, probably practicing for their iron man fighting suit.”Tony snickered a little settling in close, relaxing with aliyah laying on his chest as he laid out across the couch, both absently dozing content as they watched the movie.
both Loki's tensed violently and Loki closed his eyes and spread his fingers out, trying to Scan for Steve and Aliyah, failing that, tried to scan for Pepper. he snarled and shook his head. "i can't find them. they've been covered up by Dooms crappy ass sorcery." Loki II sighed, and did something that Loki would never do. he pulled out a cellphone and texted Tony II. " are no longer deemed fit to be me." Loki declared. "Shut up. m Tony is even worse than yours is about this shit. he went a full two months not responding to anything unless i texted it to him." Loki II complained. "i hate being ignored!" "...yes. yes i do."

"oh, he is SO not wearing that death trap. not until he's at least twenty one!" she informed him, looking amused. "i might be convinced to go eighteen with a compelling enough argument." she admitted, smiling when Tony II's cellphone dinged. "must be Loki." she teased. "checking to make sure your still alive... i'm out of pickles." she groaned, hauling herself to her feet. unaware that Loki II was with the Avengers. 'Tony, here in the alternate universe with the other Tony and the other Loki. Steve and Aliyah missing, presumed kidnapped. need your help. all scanning spells failing.'. Pepper was certainly busted.
Tony whimpered, sounding pained as he settled onto the barstool, looking utterly upset as he realized doom had done something, and that loki couldn’t track them. A quiet amused look tilting his head, “...he’s worse then me?”He said looking interested snickering a little, though it was strained.”I did that to steve once. Only answered texts.It was amusing, he was so pissed.”he said waiting for a response.

“16. Most are allowed driving at 16, he’s going to get to.”Tony snickered a little stirring at the sound of his phone, groping for it as he stroked aliyah’s back.”Go get some then, I picked soem up when I went to the store.”Tony said reading his text, before responding casually, not showing just how scared, upset and worried he was, needing to hold onto aliyah, and keep control otherwise he had a idea just how bad peppe rwas going to react. I have aliyah....Pepper said they were letting us keep her for a few days?Don’t know where steve is.
Loki II nodded. "my Tony is a lot worse. he lives to piss me off the little shit." but Loki II sounded twice as affectionate of Tony than this Loki did. without Thor, Loki II had transferred almost all of his emotional connections to Tony II. "ah. Tony answered. lets see... he says that Pepper claimed we gave her Aliyah so he could bond." Loki II admitted. "so this was Peppers' doing." he growled, tapping quickly before looking up. "i've told Tony that Pepper didn't have permission to take Aliyah and that she drugged us and warned him to be careful." Loki II admitted. "i have a bad feling..." Loki admitted, Loki II nodding. "me too. she wouldn't just take Aliyah. not without having a backup plan for keeping the child. i think we're in danger." "....hey..." Bruce commented suddenly, looking out the window here a man was aiming at them with a very large gun. a white mask on his head and black Kevlar with two white crossed bones on the chest. Brock Rumlow A.K.A Crossbones had arrived, and he was ready to pick up where his other self had failed. a pul of the trigger, and Bruce was on the floor bleeding out from the chest.

"...that's debatable." she huffed. "if he's responsible, then he can have it at sixteen." she decided, smiling as she watched Aliyah fussing. "oh good. i will." she decided, waddling off for the pickles. 'Pepper lied. while they where discussing ways to keep you in Aliyah's life, she did not ask or tell anyone before she took off with Aliyah. she drugged the entire tower, Bruce and both Loki's included. this world's Tony is about having a panic attack. is Pepper with you? be very careful, she is clearly unstable. we need help finding Steve, i have a bad feeling about all this.'
“I’m sure he does.”Tony smirked looking amused as he realized that no matter the world. Loki found him amusing. “Dammit.I knew she was going to cause problems.”Tony growled before tensing, looking startled as he glanced towards the window, he stopped for a moment torn between going to bruce and suiting up, responding even as jarvis suited him up to protect him. Snarling as he ran towards crossbones, trusting loki to take care of bruce as he dived through the window and wincing as he hit the other man full on.

“16 then.”Tony smiled a little frowning a little as he read the text, I’ll be careful. Tell tony I’ll make sure he gets Ali back as soon as we both can safely leave here. Pepper’s still here.Tony texted before standing up holding aliyah, poking his head into the kitchen.”I’m going ot put her down for bed, and take a nap with her okay?I’ll see you in teh morning.”
both Loki's just grimaced and then gasped as Bruce fell to the ground. both of them leaped onto the twitching man, who was hurt too badly to transform into Hulk. Crossbones was already lining up for a new shot, the bullets slamming into Iron Man's face plate. normal weapons where no match for the titanium alloy though, ad Crossbones hit the roof hard, blood splattering out of his mouth from immediate broken ribs and ruptured lungs and bitten tongue. "...Pepper, and Hydra, send their" Crossbones hissed, trying to shoot Tony in the joints of the Iron Man suit. not that he could. Tony didn't even have a scratch once Crossbones had emptied his clip. Brock on the other hand, was slowly suffocating to death from his punctured lungs.

she huffed. "he's probably going to use it to impress girls anyway." she admitted with a chuckle. "fine. the suit at sixteen but he isn't allowed to fight crime until twenty one, hows that sound?" she offered before heading to get the pickles. 'Crossbones is here Bruce is shot. too dangerous. stay where you are, we'll come to you.' was the Text Tony got back. "Okay Tony." she chirped, kissing him gently. "i have some work to do so i'll go to bed later." she promised with a smile. "get some sleep okay?" she ordered with a smile. "i'm going to have to go out tomorrow." she warned. "we don't have anything for Aliyah here, i'll have to get her some clothes, toy, some games maybe?" she asked, her head tilted. "toothbrush and hair brush and kid friendly shampoo and soap and stuff. i'll probably be gone most of the morning." she admitted. which was all the time in the world for Tony and Tony to get together and figure out what to do.
“Tony snarled as the other man emptied his clip, wrapping metal hands in the others shirt, shaking him a little. “Tell me where the captain is. Where is he!?”He demanded, and it was a good thing his mask hid what he was feeling, because he really was panicking.

“Probably.And that’s perfect.”Tony snickered a little. “Okay. I got her. Let me know what’s going on. “kay. Make sure to get some rest yourself to.”he said looking worried, it really was a good thing he was a amazing actor, before nodding. “That would be good. You’d be better at choosing things then I would. Just buy everything you want. Even if she’s not here all the time, I want her to be comfortable.”he said kissing her again before heading to the guest bedroom, settling in holding aliyah as they both slept, protective and worried as he held the small girl, texting loki to tell him that pepper was going out in the morning, and he’d text as soon as she left.
he just laughed. "he's dead by now. just a poor little human." Crossbones laughed before shuddering and going still. dead. not from the injuries, but from a suicide pill he'd swallowed, already foaming at the mouth. "Tony!" Loki II called. "Tony it's going to be okay. Tony is bringing Aliyah back tomorrow. Pepper's ging to be gone in the morning Tony will bring her to us and he can help us find Steve. you need to stay calm. whoever has Steve won't just kill him. he'll be okay." Loki promised, gently guiding Tony away from Crossbones while Loki II worked on saving Bruce's life.

Pepper grinned. "i think so." she admitted happily. 'Crossbones is dead. Suicide pill.' was the Text. from Jarvis this time. since everyone else was busy. "well, i am a woman." she teased with a chuckle. "you'll be better for picking things out for our little boy." she assured him. "speaking of. did you think of any Names for him?" she asked, smiling at Tony as she rubbed her belly. her little boy. the future of the world. she had no doubt Aliyah would someday become the next Captain. of sorts. it would be her little boy who would follow in Tony's footsteps and become the leader of universes. she gave Tony one more kiss before letting him off to get some sleep, humming as she worked on how she would make SI hers once this worlds Tony was dead. nothing would get in her way this time. SI, and then the entire world would soon be hers.
“No!No he’s not. Tell me where he is.”Tony snarled shaking the man again even though the man was dead, growling as loki pulled him away, looking startled as he looked up at him.”Tony has her/She’s safe?What about steve?”he said sounding both relieved and angry with the other even as he let loki pull him away.

“I think I did notice you were,yes.”Tony teased a little before nodding.”I’ll be amazing at picking out things....and James.James Stark.”He said smiling a little as he watched her.

In the morning Tony smiled quietly as he bundled up the upset and confused aliyah, who was having a problem understanding why he wouldn’t let her call him papa, looking upset as he got her dressed and after checking quickly to make sure pepper was really gone, he headed for the tower. The small girl settled in close to his chest as he stepped into the tower, looking anxious and worried about what to expect, bracing for violence at having aliyah, sure he was going to be killed or at least hurt for taking aliyah, even if it hadn’t been him who did so.
"Yes. Aliyah is completely safe, but he doesn't know where Steve is." Loki admitted softly. "we have to be calm." he admitted. "or we won't ever find him. take deep breaths or i'll drug you." he warned.

"Oh that's a perfect name! James Anthony Stark, it's perfect!" she gushed happily.

once Tony entered the room there was a rush of activity. Loki II rushed over in his wheelchair and started looking his Tony over making sure he wasn't hurt, while Loki the original scooped Aliyah up and started checking her over. then to everyone's amusement, the two Loki's switched targets, Loki the original started examining Tony II while Loki II started checking on Aliyah. "all clear!" Loki sighed. "thank god. i was worried you guys had gotten hurt." he admitted. "come on in. Tony's not doing so well." he warned Tony II. "Bruce barely made it. we're not sure if..." he shook his head. "Phil and James are looking everywhere for Steve but we can't find anything. it's very worrying. the only thing we can figure is that Doom Has to be involved. Doom is the only other person in this world capable of shielding people from my magic." Loki II admitted. "since i can't track Pepper, Aliyah or Steve Doom has to be involved. you knew him best. any ideas?"
“okay. Okay I’m calm.And drug me anyways.”Tony muttered trying to be calm and together.

Tony startled tensing a little as Loki II looked him over, biting his lip to keep from demanding aliyah back. While he knew that he was going to be giving aliyah back, he still wanted to hold onto her. “Stop Loki....loki’s. I’m fine.”He muttered relaxing a little before frowning, eyes widening, guilt hitting him like a fist, hating that his desire to know his daughter, had lead to this. Hanging his head a little as aliyah clung to her uncle loki, he folllowed them upstairs. “I know a few hideouts here....this Doom isn’t nearly as intelligent as ours is. He enjoys working out of his home in Latveria.”
once they decided that Aliyah and Tony where fine they set Aliyah in Tony II's arms again. it was easier to keep both girl and father calm. "don't you dare blame yourself for this Tony." Loki II ordered sternly. "you did not ask Pepper to tak her, nor did you tell pepper to take Steve and possibly hand him over to Doom. this is her fault, not yours." he promised. "you didn't... WE didn't know she was a mad bitch." he admitted, shaking his head. "your staying here with us for a while." Phil informed Tony II. "we don't want to separate you from Aliyah, and we certainly don't want Pepper hurting you in revenge for this plot of hers failing." "plus maybe you can teach my Tony how to look." Loki mused, Loki II laughing at that. "Latveria? where is that?" Loki asked, frowning at his map. "it's a country. Doom owns it. it's here." Loki II explained, circling the area on the map. "We'll look there first." Phil decided. "Tony! hows Bruce?" Loki asked when Tony, the original walked in. Bruce was alive. barely. he was awake but not coherent, in too much pain. the bullet had passed just right to cause the most agony. if it wasn't for Hulk, Bruce would be hit him dead center, shattering his Sternum and puncturing both lungs. the Thymus had also been badly damaged, and worse, the bullet had exited through the spine. they where unsure if Bruce would recover, and if he did, how much mobility he would have. he could very well become a quadruped, or even fully paralyzed, unable to even move his own head. it was a frightening prospect. it was only thanks to Loki II, who had a lot more medical training than Loki did, that Bruce was even still alive.
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