The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

He shook his head. "It's hard to be sure, but it's probobly your mental state, more than your physical state seeking warmth. Being cold all the time is annoying i's imagine, even when it is your natural state." He admitted. "Feeling warm all the time kind of stinks, that's why my lab is so cool. Well that and it's better for the electronics." He admitted. "It's likely that both our systems latched onto each other and fed off each other. Would have been fine I thi k, of not for the delicate webbing of conductive metals running throguh my body." He admitted before he smiled at her. "No worries. I can fix it." He promised. "Rain check on the sex? He offered with a grin.

"Morning." Steve stated with a smile as he cooked. As much as he needed to eat, it was easier to just cook for himself, specially since he could pack away two large pizza's on his own. So he was making a twelve egg omelet for breakfast. "It went pretty well actually. How did yours go? Get laid? I didn't." He admitted, well aware that was what she really wanted to know. "You want an omelet?" "I'd lobe one! Thanks! Four eggs please." Bruce chirped. "You mind making one for Tony?" He seamed oblivious to steve's tense frame. Bruce was scary as fuck, particularily since Steve hadn't heard Bruce come in. "Sure. How many eggs for Tony and Bu- ugh. James?" "Two eggs for Tony, twelve for James. Good morning." Bruce shirped to Farian, giving her a rather sharp grin as he pulled over a paper ans started to read. He was freaky as hell.

"I so see it. Yes. Farian, or Steve must have talked him into it." He muttered, examining the pass card. That was to be clipped onto the front of his shirt. "Think it's a trap? He did hold us hostage." "It's a trap. Ypur not going." Phil declaired as he walked past, making Clint scowl. Oh, he was going now! Phil wasn't going to stop him from doing as he pleased.
“That actually makes sense. Being cold sucks sometimes. Especially when it’s actually cold outside, but seeing as I get a leg up in a fight if it’s cold, well its worth the discomfort.”He said before grinning a little. “so our bodies took what it needed, you to cool off some, and mine to warm up. Interesting. And probably....if only not for the webbing.”She said looking concerned a little about touching him because of it, but figuring he knew what he was doing. Laughing as she headed for the door. “Rain check it is.”She grinned as she left.

“It was pleasant. Saw all the looted captain america stuff, nearly had sex on the shield carpet. Fairly interesting actually.”Farian said snickering, before smiling. “Well, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.”She said before startling as bruce walked in, looking over at the man, forcing herself to relax. It was hard, but she could be relaxed with him in the room. “Morning.”She said smiling at him, tilting her head. Trying not to be as disturbed as she really was. “Have you seen tony today?”She asked, curious and trying not to look to worried about it. “Still in bed. Told him Stevie was making breakfast, he’ll be down sometime.”James said as he walked into the room, looking unbearably sexy and amazing as he did so. Wearing the sweat pants and tank top, he was sweating a little, straight from his morning run and starving.

“He might. But it’d be worth seeing how Farian and Steve are doing, since they did talk him into giving them.”Natasha said before raising a eyebrow at phil.”You’re just sulking you didn’t get one to, to go see your missing stuff.”Natasha said with a superior sniff as she headed for her room to get her to go bag that was always packed just in case she needed to leave at a moment’s notice.
Steve flushed brightly as he realized she,d been naked on a rug with his insignia on it. He was svarred for life now. "It's going to be longer than either of us want. He doesn't have the state of mind to be able to tell me no, so I have to wait. I won't take advantage of him." He admitted before examining Bruce, wary and a little afraid of the other. Which was ridiculus, he could snap that skinny man like a twig! So why was everything in his body screaming at him to not fuck with that s rawny little batsard. "Morning James." He chirped, holding his hand out for the iced chai latte with soy, extra vanilla James already braught back for him. "He'll be down around noon. He abhores mornings. Of course, if he ever went to bed before three in the morning he'd like them better." Bruce admitted. "Huh. Todai smith went missing last night," he mised. "Wonder how that happened." Steve had to fight back the urge to shudder. Somehow, he had the feeling that something very bad had happened to the person Bruce had just commented on.

Phil scowled. "Tony is an evil man. He's dangerous and he's already kidnapped you both once already. Passes or not he's probobly going to take exception to you being there." He admitted, trying to use common sense to make them stay. Realizing that just ordering them had made rhem bull up. They where worse than teenagers! He sighed as Clint just gathered up his own always packed bags and followed natasha out. There was no stopping them now.
Farian laughed at the look on steve’s face, amused. “Yes, yes I was on that rug. It was amusing.”She teased amused he was reacting like that, before tilting her head a little, wincing. “I’m sorry Cap. That sucks. But you two will figure it out.”She smiled a little, before looking over at james, looking amused. “Morning.”James said passing over the latte even as he sipped his own caramel macchiato, yes he liked the girly girl drinks, but it was definitely better tehn anything they had in the forties. “No he wouldn’t. He’d still sleep to noon, as going to bed for him, usually involves having sex.”James said looking at farian in curiousity. “Shut up.”Farian said blushing brightly as she ate, before looking at bruce, swallowing hard. Resisting the urge to ask. “...Bruce, it’s unkind freaking them out.”James rolled his eyes looking amused as he ate. “Sir, there is a Grant Ward in reception waiting for you.” “Let him up, J. I’ll meet him in the meeting room after I eat. Cap?Want to come with?”He said, having every intention of putting grant off balance, and willing to play underhanded in springing captain america on him.

“And whichever one of him pleased him enough to get us passes, will take exception at us being harmed. We’ll be fine, Phil.Promise to send you pictures of your stuff.”She said even though she knew he was worried, and being reasonable ,she did need to see how the other two were doing.
"It's not amusing! It's just gross." He whined. "It's creepy how much crap they made that looks like me, or has my image on it, or know? How would you feel if I made wild passionate love to james on top of a poster of you?" He asked, clearly sulking. "I'm sure we will. I just hate having to control myself." He admitted with a sigh before smirking as James picked on her. "They didn't have sex. Tony's not so secrete tech twigged out on him" Bruce admitted as he sipped his coffee. "Jarvis alerts me anytime Tony does any kimd of damage to himself." Bruce admitted when Farian and Steve stared at him. "He thinks all the crap he does to himself is a secrete, but it's not." He admitted. "Besides, it's not my fault they're squeemish. Tony gave me permission." He stated as if that made kidnapping and resulting experimentation alright. "Sure, I'll come... why am I coming?" "Whose Grant Ward?" Bruce asked, curious himself.

"There are days when I hate you Agent Romanoff." Phil admitted as he watched them leave, monitori g them from the cameras they had trai ed on the border. Which was a long line of machine gun loaded identification recognizing robots. Most of the people that had to go through the 'line' where buisnessmen. The robots learned to identify each person through who actually lived in Tony's territory. Anyone else who wanted to come in had to wait for permission or they where shot full of holes. So it was to be expected that Clint approached slowly, waiting for the nearest robot to focus on him and state "you may enter, Clint Barton, Natalia Romanoff." And with that, they where in. "For a second there, I thought I was going to get shot again." Clint admitted.
“It is creepy.”Farian agreed smiling a little before shrugging. “Well, since it’s never going to happen,I’m going to say I’d be fine with it.”She snickered a little, frowning as he tilted his head. “Really?” “...Yea. To much tech, it didn’t do well when it got really cold.”She muttered blushing ever so slightly before staring at bruce, eyes wide as she realized he had always known. “,...Does Tony know you know?” She asked looking curious. “Cause he’s here as a agent of both hydra and shielld, making him face off with the Captian in first hours here will leave him off balance...”James said shrugging himself as he looked at bruce, swallowing thickly because he just knew the next few days were going to be miserable as he was stuck being simply the winter soldier around with grant wandering the building.

Natasha swallowed thickly as she watched the robot, twitching for a moment as the robots stared before looking at clint. “me to. But we weren’t, so it’s going to be interesting now.”Natasha said as she drove for the tower, following jarvis instructions to wait in the meeting room when they did arrive. Trying hard not to feel as weird and out of sorts, nervous as she really was as tehy waited for whoever was going to show them around.
Steve smirked. "I'm going to make a life sizsed picture of you jist so I can hwve sex on top of it." He admitted. "That'll teach you." He stated, huffy. "Of course he doesn't know I know. It's not as if I care what he does to himself." That was a lie of course. "A lot of the stuff he does is mostly not life threatening and those that are I monitor very closely. Like the surgery he did to replace his own liver." Steve choked, shocked. "He replaced his own organs? Where did he get a compatible liver!?" "He didn't. He made one." Bruce admitted. "If he's here as an agent of shield and of hydra then does that mean you have to pretend to be Hydra again?" " o it doesn't." Tony slurred as he staggered in. Heavy with sleep. "You don't have to leave the mask on. Your intimidating enough without it to put this punk in his place... where's my coffee?" "Food first Tony." Bruce ordered, making tony whine like he was a child. "Come now Tony. Steve went to a lot of effort to make you breakfast." Tony perked up a little. 'Captain America cooks?" He asked, delighted as he scowled at his omelet. He sighed after a long while and started nibbling on it. Ignoring Jarvis when the AI informed him that a Agent barton and Agent Romanoff was there.

As the two Agents walked in Grant Ward glanced at them and tensed. He knew them both, not well. They'd done a few missions together and they'd shared gym space a time or two. For a moment ne was terrified that they had come to take him in or take him out. "Did Fury send in backup?" Clint asked curiously. "Or is phil just over reacting again?" Grant hessitated and then shook his head. "Unrelated." He muttered, turning his attention to the Captain america War Bonds poster framed on the wall. This one not signed. "Well he's as warm as ever." Clint grumbled.
Farian made a face at that. “It wasn’t your picture. It was just the shield, the picture would just be creepy.”He whined a little making a face before snickering a little as she looked at bruce. Shocked a little that he was being so calm about the idea of tony replacing his organs, wondering if the man even suspected that bruce knew. Swallowing thickly at the idea of tony replacing his own liver, even if he seemed fine, it was still weird and worrying. “Yes.At least, mostly.”James answered before pausing, looking at tony as he staggered in, tilting his head a little.”Are you sure?”He said slightly worried because he didn’t trust Grant to not rat him out to hydra with how much tony had deprogrammed him. “Of course captain america cooks, he eats like a horse, and nearly out eats me.”James pointed out as he finished his food, smiling slightly at Jarvis’ announcement. “You invited guests?”He questioned looking at farian and tony, raising a eyebrow. “...I hadn’t thought you meant that they’d be here this soon.”Farian said looking at tony startled.

Natasha tilted her head looking at the man curiously, trying to figure out what he was doing here, after all she wouldn’t put it past phil to send them backup. “You’re just annoyed be beat you on the range last week.”She muttered looking amused because it had greatly amused her to watch the two get in a shooting contest before frowning glancing at grant. “Did they say how long it’d be till someone saw us up?”She asked the other agent, figuring he might know something since he’d been there longer.
He snorted. "It's the same thing!" He complained. "Stop having sex on stuff that has my name or icon on it!" He ordered, sulking. "I should sue." He grumbled before staring at Bruce. "Don't look at me like that. His liver was dying and he didn't want to take that liver away from the seventeen year old girl who needed it more than he did. I closely monitored the entire procedure. It actually went better than he would have if he'd done it in a hospital. Not to mention that techno,ogy will be saving lives once we can make it work in more than three percent of test subjects." He admitted. "Very sure. You've been here a year now. I think it's time I let Hydra know I'm keeping you. Besides, no matter which team Ward is batting for, he won't be able to leave, access any technology, send any letters or get any word out at all. He's on co plete lockdown. Just put up a cool facade and we'll keep him in line or kill him." He paused. "Or i,'ll let Bruce have him." "I could use him." Bruce agreed. "I'll even be nice and use the non painful procedures first." He admitted with a smirk before shrugging. "I like these guys. Besides I promised farian they could come. Wasn't expecting them so soon myself. Would have thought they'd be annoyed after holding them hostage." He admitted. "Granted, I did give them some really cool toys." He admitted with a chuckle as he glanced at Farian. "Go ahead and go with them if you like." He offered. "If they so anything to annoy me, I'll put them in the celler again."

"You where cheating." Grant huffed. "We all know that I'm the best Agent... aside from Natasha." Both Hydra and Shield agreed on that. Natasha was the best. "No. Stark is doing the typical intimidation ploy. Make us wait. Make us stew. Make us sweat." He smirked a little. "Of course, you two where invited so I imagine somone will be along to Get you within the next few minutes.... don't read the magazines. They're filthy."
“Fine, no more sex in the captain america room.”Farian snickered a little looking amused before studying bruce. Because it really did sound like tony was a good guy, no matter what kind of things shield was worried about him doing. At least, aware enough to not want to take a liver from a teenager who needed it. “So posessive. I’m not something you get to own tony.”James said though he looked a little releived at the idea of tony keeping him around. “Let’s see what he’s going to do, before we give him away to Bruce. I do like the kid most of the time.”James said as he finished eating, looking at steve. “;et’s go then.”he said looking a little nervous about seeing the others again. “Well, they probably are annoyed with you. But interested enough to see what’s going on.”Farian pointed ut amused a little as she tilted her head towards Tony. “Thanks.I’ll warn them..”She said pleased with the permission to go see clint and natasha as she followed cap and james down to the meeting room.

Natasha smiled amused at the idea, amused that both hydra and shield had the same rule, before smirking a little.”Have you ever met Stark?of couse they’re filthy.”She said amused before tilting her head at the three walking in.”Farian.” “hello. It’s good to see you two.”Farian said looking relieved indeed to see that it was them, glad that they’d taken her up on the invite. “Grant, I was wondering how long it would take for you to get yourself sent here.”James said looking amused at the three, being cooly in control, alot like the winter soldier, but with the normal blankness that went with it, simply relaying on the idea of how to be in control. Utterly nervous and weirded out, having no idea how to handle this, still off balance enough at meeting steve again that he wasn’t handling things well at all.
"He has an entire ROOM!?" Steve demanded, mortified. "You are something I get to keep. Just .ike I get to keep Bruce, and keep captain America, and keep Farian. Your all mine now." Tony stated, an odd little tone to his voice. It was that tone that had so many people worried. Because Tony had already proven he would rather kill someone, rather than let them leave him. He had, after all, killed Pepper when she tried to return. And Happy too. Colonol Rhodes had very nearly lost his life as well trying to stop Tony. The man was stil very dangerous. "Tony. We're not toys." Bruce commented, unbothered by tony's possesive tone. "...right. I know that." To y scoffed,roling his eyes. The weird freaky moment over. "You just don't want me to have any fun." Bruce complained, looking amused as Tony made demands for coffee again.

"I haven't actually. The only things I know about Stark is what my supiriors have told me." He admitted. Which was obviously not much. Clint beamed as he skipped over to Farian, scooping her up and then laying her into a famcy dip, as if they where dancing. "Ah! Farian my sweet! When are you going to realize I am the perfect man for you and run away with me?" It was an old game. Clint was way too gay for her. "...I, uh. I didn't know you where here Sir." It was pretty clear that Grant was instantly terrified. He was in a no win situation. Hydra and Shield in the same room. Both wanting is loyalty. He was so fucked. "I'm here to get a job with Stark." He admitted. Which was the truth. He just didn't say who asked him to so it, if they had at all.
“...Nearly a whole floor actually. It’s pretty awesome.”Farian snickered at steve’s reaction. “Well, as long as you’re aware you’re equally ours. Which means having more then coffee for breakfast.”James said totally ignoring the tone even if farian looked vaguely weirded out hearing it. After all, james was well used to being treated like a possession, that they’d rather kill him and lose their best asset, rather then lose him to someone else.”I don’t. Their friends. Just don’t use them.”Farian smiled a little amused as she left though. Trying not to be to weirded ut with bruce.

“...that’s a little disturbing actually. That you sent you in just knowing that.”Natasha frowned a little before shaking her head as clint scooped up farian. Farian laughed hands resting on clint’s shoulders as she was dipped, before straightening, “I would run away with you, darling, if your lover wouldn’t freak out.”She pointed out, flushing brightly as she realized that this whole conversation was going to get clint injured, at least until tony realized that she was definitely not sleeping with him. Worried for a moment about the billionaire’s reaction before glancing at Grant. “You were badly informed then. I would have hoped Shield gave their operatives better information. I’m here as a bodyguard to the playboy.”He explained, tilting his head, privately in the space of his head, laughing his ass off at grant’s reaction before smirking at the terrified agent. “I know. And he’s approved of it, we’re all on our way to meet him. Though I must say, you might have to outwait his obsession with his newest toys to actually get to talk to him.”James warned smirking as he led them towards the elevator. "How you doing, cap?"Natasha muttered as she neared the blond
Steve shook his head a little. "That's just creepy." He complained. "Well of course I belong to you." Tony scoffed. "You thi k I let just anyone so what I let you so to me? I don't think so." He admitted as he played with his phone and nibbled on his omelet. "I want my Coffee James!" To y demanded, scowling. Bruce recognized the tone immidiatly and quickly passed the coffee over before the billionair started cussing them out. He'd eaten about a half an egg. Which was better than the half a piece of toast they usually got into him. "Oh. No Cli t Barton isn't a viable test subkect. His father was a metahuman. And Natasha Romanoff is not viable either. She was tested on during her days as a hydra insurgent. She's probobly too young to remember that though. Ward on the other hand would make a perfect subject for testing. Perfectly healthy. A good age. Well trained." Bruce admitted with a smirk.

Ward shrugged. He'd been sent in with less. Not that he'd actually been sent in.Clint grinned as Farian responded normally. Good, no brainwashing then."ah, but I'm mad at Phil right now. So I'm free to so as I please. Of course, your missing a few key peices. How would you feel about a sex change?" He asked with a grin. Grant on the other hand was having a mild panic attack ans while he was hiding it well, you could still see the panic on his face."toys? Grant asked, a bit worried. "Me and Farian." Steve explained with shrug. "Aside from various worries about being cut open and experimented on, and chained into a room and added to a collection, I'm doing rather well. Tony's insane, but I don't think he's going to hurt me." He admitted. "Kinda stinks that he's not obsessed with me as planned."
“Hm, no, but it’s always good to make sure you’re aware of things, since you seem to brush off everything non-tech as not important.”James said looking amused before sighing, realizing that they’d gotten tony to eat more then normal, even if he was mainlining coffee like normal. “...I don’t know if I’m worried or amused that you have put that much thought into it.”Farian said tilting her head a little.

“You’re always annoyed with him when he tells you not to do anything. And I think...people...would have problems if I changed sexes. Sorry to disappoint.”She snickered, blushing ever so slightly, and while it was her usual response, it was still embarassing considering there was actually someone who would be indeed very upset if she switched sexes. “Yea.”James said smirking a little, enjoying grant’s panic to much to put him out of his misery to quickly.”It seems we’ve become interesting to him.”Farian said shrugging a little as they headed upstairs. “...He’s not as obsessed?”Natasha said tilting her head, before glancing at farian, “You mean....seriously?I thought he’d be all over you considering his collection.”She muttered
Tony shrugged. "Anything that isn't tech, you, or bruce isn't important." He paused. "Well, Farian is pretty important too." He admitted. "Everything else is boring and thus not worthy of my attention." Tony stated with a shrug. Bruce just snorted at Farian. "I'm a scientist, everything I so is well thought out." He pointed oiut. "Now then, I have a new test subject to break in. See you all later." Bruce chirped as he left.

Clint paused, his head tilted. "Oh? People you say? Why, my beautiful buttercup, hwveyou forsaken me for another?" He asked, looking highly amused as he studied Grant. "So, he's Hydra then?" He asked, a little disgusted by the idea of having been freinds with that traitor. "Not exactly. We don't know whose side he's really on. That's why he's about to be held against his will." Steve admitted, looking amused before turning his attention to Natasha. "No. I was surprised too. He had an entire room filled with crap that has my face pn it. It's beyond creepy. I think he lost a lot of interest in me when I showed up and was just as human as everyone else." He admitted. "Apprently he never really saw me as a person until he actually met me. He focused on Farian pretty damn fast... honestly though, aside from breif mpments of... well, insanity I guess, Tony's actually really nice." He admitted. "And he's been helping a lot of people despite the totalitarian thing he has going on."
“”I have. He’s more interesting and he has a collection to die for. I’m thinking of stealing his stuff really.”Farian said snickering, the look on her face utterly relaxed and not serious, because she was just kidding, she really had no intention of taking any of tony’s stuff, it just amused her. “Grant ward is on his own side.”James said studying the other man shrugging a little as they stepped back into the kitchen, smiling slightly at the sight of tony still sitting there and devouring his coffee. He really was addicted. “Well, that tends to happen. People realize you’re human when they actually get to meet you.”Natasha said looking relieved that he wasn’t being to used or freaked out before frowning. “...nice?” “He can be. Can’t you tony?’Farian snickered looking at the billionaire tilting her head a little. “So, what job are we giving Grant?He’s to valuable to just lock up, despite not knowing what team he’s really playing for.”James said, dropping the winter soldier act now that they were out of the meeting room, relaxing back into his own mind and self, content to stop freaking grant out as much as he had been. Glancing at the billionaire, trusting that he was right about grant not being able to get information out even if he tried, so willing to give him a actual job, cause really, he did like the kid.
"Tony will hurt you if he hears you saying that." Steve teased with a shake of his head. "Grant Ward never chose a side." Grant admitted finally, sighing as he realized he'd rather be killed for defecting than trying to continue on like this. "Yeah. Thank god. Apparently some of the stuff he wanted to so to me would have hurt like hell." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "Nope. I'm never nice... who the hell drank all my coffee!?" He demanded, grouchy about being up so early as Bruce snorted and refilled Tony's coffee. "What job he is to be given will depend on if he can pass my questionair." Bruce admitted, studying Grant intently. Grant sighed and sat down studying James, surprised when the other turned all human. Grant seamed to relax a little more as he spoke.

"I'm on no one's side really. I'm sick of having three masters. I'm sick of having to go back and forth and to and fro. I'm tired of working for people I hate and killing the people I like." "Three masters?" Bruce asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Yes. My brother, christian Ward basically sold me to Hydra. To further his own career. Filthy bastard. Occasionally he uses blackmail me to take down his political compitition or enemies." He admitted. "Hydra in turn sold me to some asshole named Talbot who inserted me into Shield where the whole cycle starts over. Kill who they tell me to. Even if I was going to marrry her." He admitted, swallowing thickly. "I would rather die then keep dancing to three masters. If I'm going to have a master, I want it to be one master. And whose the scariest mother fucker in the world right now? Stark is. No one, not Hydra, not Shield, certainly not my brother is going to risk pissing Tony Starkto reclaim me." He never noticed how tense Bruce had gotten at the name 'Talbot'.
"Yea i know. But I like living on the dangerous side."farian snickered a little."...neither did I."james said tilting his head.because he'd refused to join shield when it first started in the 40s,having only stayed to be steve's second with the howling commandos. With hydra, he'd been forced. Never had he choosen. "You drank your coffee tony. Stop being a grouch."farian teased as she sat down next to him, tensing a little not sure if he'd appreciate the teasing in front of the others.

Natasha winced a little having heard about his girlfriend but hadnt realized He'd been the one to kill her. Swallowing thickly she tilted her head smiling slightly."freedom. Its a good reason to come here." "Bruce?"james muttered to the other seeing his reaction.
Grant nodded. "You at last, had the mercy of not knowing better. Of not remembering. Granted, I'm sure that's just as traumatic." He admitted. "I refuse." Tony growled as he startd drinking what was probobly his fourth massive cup of coffee. He did lean Into her though, when she sat next to him, snuggling her. Most people wouldn't realize it, but Tony loved nothing more than a good cuddle.

"General Talbot." Bruce stated, staring intently at Grant who hessistated. "You saw it. Didn't you? You saw the monster." Grant hessitantly nodded. "They've been calling it the Abomination.hey've been trying to. I'm not sure. Revert it back into human form I think." "Oh? He doesn't want to weaponize it?" Bruce demanded, making Grant shrug. "I was only there a day. I don't know." He admitted. "I think Ward is safe enough." Bruce decided. "Have him on bodyguard Duty. Me and James just aren't enough when we're doing your dirty work as well." Bruce admitted, pretending that he wasn't as disturbed as he was at the mention of Talbot. He was just going to go on and have some lab time and pretend that he wasn't enraged by the idea of Talbot still doing experimentation in the serum he had tried to use.
“I’ll agree we have our own traumas to deal with, in our own way.”James smiled a little cringing away from the idea of what had happened to make sure he forget everything. “Fine. See if I’m nice to you, if you’re going to keep being mean.”Farian smiled relaxing as he leaned into her, closing her eyes for a moment, content to snuggle cause well...he was really really warm.

“I’m sure he does want to weapponize it. But why have a weapon if you can’t spring it on someone like you can the hulk.”Farian said logically, seeing if from a warrior’s way, a mercenaries’ thought process of dealing with having things out in the open. “Good, he’s good backup tony, I wouldn’t mind having him around.”James said pleased with bruce’s call. "Sir?There is a reminder email from Lady McKinize of the Museum of Art, to remind you of your committment this evening."
Grant grimaced as he realized he'd touched on something very sensitive. "Sorry. I didn't realize you would remember what they did." He admitted. "I was unfortunate enough to have been enlisted to assist in that once." He admitted, a wry grin on his lips. "I find it fitting that you broke my arm in three places for it too." He admitted. "You have to be nice to me, I own you." Tony grumbled as he nizzled her shpulder. "You smell nice." He admitted. "Remind me to keep getting you that brand of bodywash." He looked at Farian as Bruce growled. "You can't 'control' Hulk. He just happens to like Tony so he'll so what Tony asks him to." Bruce admitted. "The general is insane if he thinks that he can contol anything created from that monster." "I'll have him dealt with." Tony promised. "I highly doubt he's sanctioned. "Jarvis? Hack the General's computer systems. I want every dirty detail. And piss off would you? I'm not going. McKitty can go take a leap." He scoffed, Bruce sighing. "Tony. Come on. You promised. She's an old friend of mine. Be nice to her? Please?" Bruce asked. "She saved my life you know. Twice." "Piss off Bruce!" Tony grumbled. "I'll let you have anpther half cup tomarrow morning. And I'll even let you have three shots tonight." "Six shots. And a full cup." "Three shots and a full cup.""deal!"
“I didn’t. Not until Tony did his own brand of cruelty to be kind, and gave me”James smiled a little, now that they were in private, away from everyone and somewhere he knew that no one could witness the change, he was more james, not the winter soldier. “I remember that. Though you did watch, you were the only one who did it only once.”he said shrugging a little. “I don’t have to be nice to you at all. And you can’t own me,Tony. It doesn’t work like that.”She said shuddering a little as he nuzzled her before laughing. “Well, since it was what was in my shower, I assume it’s what you buy for the tower.”she pointed out. “This is seriously weird, right?”Natasha muttered to clint watching the two wincing as bruce growled. “He is. Obsessed really, with recreating the serum, even if he got a fractured one, he’d still have what he wanted.”Natasha sighed softly. “McKinze,Sir.”Jarvis corrected with a patient sigh, as if he was real and not just a AI. “Alcohol and Coffee, what makes the world go round.”Farian snickered.”What’s going on?” “A museum gala tonight, that he’s hosting.”Natasha answered smirking a little.
Grant blinked. "I didn't know the..." he paused, thinking hard. "They called it programming?" "Brainwashing." Bruce supplied. "Yeah, that sounds right. I didn't know that could be reversed. I had nightmares for months after watching you, strong and impenatrable becoming so... blank and pbediant. It was my worst fear u til they made me..." kill Savannah, his fiance. A beautiful woman who owned a bookstore and coffee shop. He had tried so hard to keep her a secrete. That had failed when his fucking brother tattled on him, the sadistic fucker. "Probobly why they made me watch." He muttered. "I can own you, I so own you. Your mine now. Everyone in this tower is mine, but you and James are my favprite." Tony promised. Cli t just nodded, examining Tony. "I tni k I see what Steve meant when he said Tony was 'mostly' stable." He admitted. "McKarthy." Tony agreed. "Still not going... wait, I'm the one hosting it!? When the hell did I agree to that!? I do n't recall agreeing tonhaving a bunch of stinky strangers in my precious tower!"
“It can be, if you know the original personality....and Tony had a unique advantage of not only having some of my stuff from the 40s, but his dad knew me. The original me....he could give me my memories back, along with being a tech genius himself, it was....wasn’t easy, or painfree, but it is what it is.”James said his features shuttering a little, closing off the topic, for both their sakes. He didn’t want to talk about his time on ice or programming, and he knew grant didn’t want to talk about savannah. “.....As long as I’m the favorite.”Farian said, looking at a utter loss on how to handle this, or having a billionaire lay claim to her. Weirded out and unsure, but trying to deal. “I think I do to.”natasha muttered looking bemused and thoughtful, wondering just how deep this possessive need went before laughing.”You are. It’s for the museum, but the invitations state that the tower’s art gallery on level 30 is being open to the public and gala attendees for the evening.”Natasha said looking amused that he hadn’t known what he agreed to. “I’m sure she interrupted you during a project, and you just said yes to get her out of your hair. There’s nothing to do about it now, We’ll deal with it.”James said looking annoyed though at having strangers in the tower, even if it was in the public gallery, and not in the 20 top levels that were tony’s private suites, labs, and other assort of floors that were his to do whatever he wanted.
He blinked a little. Well, that was all fine and dandy for James, but Grant wasn't entirly sure he had an 'original' personality to begin with. He pretty mich jist did whatever christian told him to so he wouldn't get hurt anymore. Then just did whatever the person in charge of him told him to so. Running away to New Yprk and joining Stark was the first decision he'd ever made on his own, and it was only because they had made him murder his own fiance'. He hadn't even realized it had been her until he checked to make sure his target was dead. How they had gotten her to go to that apartment he didn't know. She hadn't even lived in Main. She'd lived in missouri. He had a feeling they'd blackmailed her, using him, to make her go to Main. Only for him to shoot her through the head, cleen kill at 350yards. He had been so pleased with himself until he entered the apartmemt and saw her face. That had been only a month ago. It had taken him that long to get what he needed to make it to new york on his own.

"You are my favorite." He agreed, smiling as he resumed snuggling her. "What!? No! That's MY art gallery! They can't look at it! Who the FUCK aggreed to that!?" Tony demanded, Bruce coughing into his hand, looking a bit wary of Tony who sneered at him. "You signed ithe okay Tony. It's been filed and everything. How did you really not realize?" Bruce asked, looking a bit worried about how angry Tony was getting. Tony just glared and then pointed at bruce. "If theymess up my art gallery, I'm making you suffer." He growled, stalking off with his last allowed cup of coffee until lunch. "Well. He's in a mood today." Bruce huffed. "He doesn't even like the gallery level." He grumbled.
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