The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“...We have plenty of spar tubs around here. I would wish to try this booze.”James said, glad for both his acting skills and the mask to hide the slightly minuscule twitch at the memory that had just sucker punched him. While it remembered most of his life, sometimes he was reminded of things, small quiet moments that sucker punched him like a punch.

“...So. So modest.”Farian agreed smirking a little, rolling her eyes. “Well, that’s probably why he gave in so quickly. Because it would have pleased you more if he resisted.”Farian laughed a little before turning her head to look at the poster, laughing as steve blushed. “It does indeed look good.”She smirked a little. “He’ll either faint, or try and kill us both for not telling him right away. Or angry sex. It’ll be interesting.”James said even as he pulled off his mask, before pausing, tilting his head a little. “Yea. One of Hydra’s higher up undercovers with Shield. Why?”

“...He does. He makes you want to like him.”Farian smiled at the idea before her eyes widened as she stared at the other, before starting to laugh. “I can’t believe you just said that. I’m totally taking back the idea that your as wholesome as apple pie. You are definitely a world class liar Cap, if you have the world thinking your so good.”She teased a little before nodding. “He’s definitely listening in.”She smirked wondering who long it’d take tony to realize his hero wanted him on his knees. “And how’s that huh?Doing both us some good?”She teased before frowning at the floor, before shaking her head. “No. He’s...not. I saw moments of cruelty, of a potential, but he’s not lost....himself yet.”She said frowning thoughtfully, because she suspected tony had figured out she really, really liked the cold, and wanted to know why. So a slightly cruel offer of fucking her in a freezer, just to see what she’d do. “Manipulative, and knowledge seeking, but not evil.”
Steve grinned. "sure. i can make some." he agreed. "though, we don't have to use a tub." he admitted. "might be a bit more hygienic to use something else." he admitted with a grin before sighing. "you know. your probably right, Phil wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction." he muttered, amused. "it looks terrible. i hated those freaking posters." he grumbled as he followed Bruce out.

Tony chuckled a little. "five fifty says that h punches you in the face." he bet. five hundred and fifty dollars was nothing to him anyway, plus, if James lost and couldn't pay Tony back, he could get the payment in sexual favors. a win win! especially when James was just as kinky as he was. "hmm, Grant Ward is asking for sanctuary here." he admitted. "i can't decide if he wants out, or wants in." he admitted. "and if he wants in, is he doing it on his own volition or is it because Shield or Hydra wants a spy." he admitted. "opinions?"

he shrugged. "he is a likable fellow. annoying as hell but he'd funny and kind of.. harmless really. you know? it's hard to compare him to the person you see on the TV, threatening to blow you up." he admitted before he flushed harder at her laughter. "i grew up in the gayest part of Brooklyn and made a living selling illegal alcohol. then went to war and killed young boys before getting frozen. what in the hell makes you think i am in any way good?" he asked, looking amused. "yes. it'll do you good because you'll stop being so bitchy, and it'll do me good because i won't have to listen to you bitch." he admitted with a snicker. "the cruelty is there. it's definitely there. you heard what he did to the guy before Clint right? Killian? he skinned the man's... you know... genitalia and left him on the border to bleed to death." he shuddered. "i just can't imagine why..." he was on his feet in a second when a calm, cool voice came from nowhere. "Agent Killian has been exonerated of no less than three Child molestation charges." Jarvis informed Tony. "Sir likes the punishment to fit the crime." "Exonerated? doesn't that make him innocent?" "no. Agent Killian was simply high enough in Shield and Hydra hierarchy to have it covered up. there was un-tampered video evidence that was conveniently 'lost' before each trial. that evidence was, however, still backed up on SI databases and that is how we where alerted to the problem." Jarvis admitted. Steve felt sick. "so the people Tony kills, instead of letting them go..." "are guilty of rather heinous crimes." well. it was nice to know that at least. "...does Phil Coulson know?" "no. nor does the Director." "...would you tell them?" "no. i would need Sirs override command." well, at least Steve could tell Fury, if they ever got out of SI again.
“I’ll wager on him blowing me over punching me. He loves me. Angry sex will definitely be happening.”James said, knowing it was useless to pretend that he hadn’t been screwing the captain six ways to Sunday, not when the man himself had admitted to pretty much that. “....If he knows I’m here, or even suspects that you’ve deprogrammed me, he wants out. If he doesn’t, he wants in.”He frowned a little, “I’d put even money on him being asked to do it, but having his own reasons for doing it. Grant always has his own reasons for doing this. Sorta like you. He might say he’s doing it because of orders, but he refuses to obey ones he doesn’t want to.”

“...Yea. Harmless in a odd sort of way.”Farian agreed before giggling a little. “I know, I know, but it’s still amusing that the world thinks your so very innocent somehow. It amuses me to listen to you speak and disprove just how wrong they are.”She grinned before her mouth fell open. “I’m not bitchy!”She sputtered looking at him. “Yea I heard. It’s well known among the merc’s, that new york’s mostly become a ‘hands off’ section, you work there at your own risk.”She said because she hadn’t known what tony was using as his judgement to let people go, but the world’s mercs talked to each other, had figured out those with certain crimes, certain sins in their past, never made it out of new york. “Well, he might be violent, but it’s in the name of justice. I could go for that.”he said looking thoughtful, nodding at steve’s words. “So we do.But it might have to be after sex, since you seem to think it’ll be good for me.”She teased a littel
Tony snickered. "oh, he'll punch you. and then drag you off caveman style for angry sex... does he share, by any chance or will i need to fear for my balls once he's realize i've seduced and then corrupted you?" he asked with a grin before he frowned. "he might, no... he probably knows your here. he might very well be sent in to check and make sure i haven't unlocked any of your 'secretes'." he tapped the metal arm. his own, much enhanced design. lighter, stronger, safer for James to use and twice as powerful. at least, that's what James said, Tony hadn't even bothered to look at 'that Hydra piece of shit' he'd just dumped it. "well i'll let him in. you can deal with him one he's here. yes?" he asked with a viscous smile. James had no problem at all beating the snot out of Hydra bastards who came in trying to cause problems.

he nodded. "Bruce is the one who really sends chills down my spine. he could do some really nasty stuff to us given the chance. would do some really nasty stuff to us." he admitted. "and that man in the room. the one they call Soldier..." he bit his lip. "he feels familiar somehow... and very dark. i think i've met him before." he admitted before he smirked at her. "shall i start cussing like a sailor for you?" he offered, amused. "you are bitchy." he stated with a grin. "but that's part of your charm so i guess it's okay." he teased with a snigger. "so everyone knows that Tony's territory isn't a place to cause problems. but at what price?" he wondered, frowning. "i don't know if i approve of them skinning his cock and then leaving him to bleed to death." he admitted. "that's not justice. it's... torture." he muttered, shaking his head. "it would be good for you. i dunno if Tony's the guy to do it, maybe you'd be safer with Bruce." he teased with a grin.
“....You know. I’ve never had to consider it. I mean. When we were together, it was just us, in that obsessive end of the world sort of romance. Really, we were doomed from the start, cause only bad things can happen to that kind of love. Sorta romeo and juliet....and yes, the blond’s juliet.”James huffed before rubbing a hand over his face, nodding slightly. “He might have been asked to. But we’ve worked together before, he’s probably guessed I’m staying on my own free will. More then the handlers, the people I worked closely with, Natasha...Grant...know I was more in control then Hydra would have liked.”James twitched a little, because while it had taken alot for tony to completely exploit the chinks in the hydra programming of the soldier, the cracklines had already existed, even if no one would ever admit it within hydra, james barnes had still existed within the soldier. “Of course I’ll deal with him if he’s a problem.”He said rolling his eyes a little with a equally vicious smile.

“...I was trying not to think about that.”She whined a little because bruce had indeed freaked her out a little before frowning. “He’s a ghost story among the mercs. At least, the name is. Since it’s 60 years in the making, it can’t be the same man, but he’s a world class assassin. No wonder Stark’s got him as a personal bodyguard.”Farian sighed softly before grinning. “It would be quite the treat to watch you cuss like a sailor. But can we wait for stark to be in the room?It’d amuse me to watch him react to that.”he grinned a little before smiling. “Well, as long as you think I’m charming, it’s okay then.”He smiled a little before sighing. “The price of completely being under his control, completely privacy.”She sighed a little, “It’s not a answer, but he’s working. At least for now. It’s not going to work long term though.”She sighed a little before tilting her head. “For tony, it’s justice. Torture yes, but it’s his definition of justice I think.”Farian said before wincing. “You really think I’d be safer with a man who wanted to use me as a geniuna pig, over a man who wants to fuck me in a freezer?”She paused thinking on that. “When said like that, both options are really weird.”
he chuckled. "if you two had the chance to actually settle down i'm sure you would have been fine. there would have been a lot of fights, being that your both trying to out alpha each other, but all couples fight." he admitted. except for Tony, he never fought with the people he fucked. probably because James was the longest he'd ever kept a 'bed-warmer' around. by a good couple of months. Tony had never kept a 'bed-warmer' more than a week until James, who was holding steady ever since he had appeared, a 'gift' from Hydra. "i dunno. you whine a lot more, i think your Juliet." Tony admitted with a grin as he offered James a beer. unlike whiskey and the like, Steve had fallen in love with some of the beer often available. he nodded. when James had told him that he knew Natasha, Tony knew she was a trustworthy person. he wouldn't trust her not to kill him of course, but she would always do the right thing. that's why she and Clint got new toys, while Agent Hill got tons of sexual innuendo and flirting. "tell you one thing, he's going to be shocked as hell to see your back to being yourself no matter whose side he's working on." he admitted. "it was well worth the effort." he admitted as he gave James another lip to lip kiss. "come on, i'm bored. let's go watch something with explosions while i suck you off."

he chuckled a little. "a ghost story?" he asked, looking surprised. "you mean this is the Winter Soldier that Natasha was trying to scare me with a while back?" he asked, stunned. "he's real?" he asked, frowning. " do realize that the Winter Soldier is credited with killing Maria and Howard Stark, right? why would Tony have a man like that in his employ when The Winter Soldier is supposed to be Hydra's most intently guarded, and most powerful Asset in their arsenal?" there was a look of panic on his face now. "could Stark be Hydra?" the world Stark had created certainly felt like Hydra. people could not be trusted with their own freedom. was that not what he had created here? "it is working. that's the problem. eventually people aren't going to like being controlled." he whispered softly. "and why should Stark get to decide what Justice is?" then again, why did anyone? he started laughing outright when she spoke again about the sex, just laying there laughing his super soldier head off.
“...As if you know what normal couples are like. You have to talk to your bed warmers to actually argue with them, Tony.”James teased lightly, amused. Because while they might disagree over things, him and tony were usually found being in agreement on things. “What?I am not!He’s definitely juliet in the romance.”James whined a little rubbing a hand over his face as he took the beer. Sipping it he laughed. “No matter what side, you’re right. He’s going to be surprised. Can’t wait to see who’s shocked more. Stevie or Grant.”James snorted a little before moaning as he was kissed, shuddering. “Hm, I want to watch Die hard with a vengence.”He proclaimed even as he let the other drag him off.

“Yea, it is. At least, that’s the rumor.”Farian said before laughing, “I know. And if he’s responsible for it, are you really surprised Tony rewarded him for wiping them off the map?”She pointed out viciously. While she might not be sure about the son, she was aware of what events had shaped him, a childhood had shaped him into this. Knew if the soldier had kileld them, of anyone in the world, tony would be the one to reward him for it. “...could. But I doubt it. Hydra...Hydra’s particular brand of control is close to what he has, but it’d mean giving up control to someone else. I doubt he’d go for that. But...Hydra wouldn’t be above trying to woo him over. Giving him a bodyguard like the Soldier would be a hell of a bargaining chip.”Farian said sighing softly. Rolling her eyes as he started to laugh, she huffed. “Well. If you’re just going to laugh at me, I’m going to go shower then consider going down for dinner.”Farian said, glancing at the clock, knowing they had a about a hour till dinner that bruce had said they could go to.
Tony smirked. "that's what your for. dual purpose. you make my bed warm and you argue with me." he admitted. in fact, it was only thanks to James that Tony wasn't a raving psychotic murderer or worse, a tyrant. James kept Tony calm, under control, kept Tony from doing anything too dangerous, too bad, stopped Tony from taking that one half a hop to being lost forever to insanity or cruelty. "i'll be fun! Jay? tell Ward to be here tomorrow. eight on the dot." he ordered, Jarvis responding on the affirmative. "we can watch that." Tony agreed. so with the movie playing he set about doing one of his most favorite things. sucking cock. once James was sated, he just snuggled in and watched the movie with him. he rarely wanted the favor returned unless they where actually in a bed and having sex. he was weird that way.

"good point. if he is, i might just make him a gift basket." Steve agreed, scowling because he had always hated Howard Stark, ever since the man had started running tests on him. not to mention that the filthy bastard had raped Peggy. not that Steve had the chance to do anything about it. he'd been defrosted before he'd ever found out about it. by then he'd been dead. "this is true, Tony would never bow his head to anyone." Steve admitted. "and i wouldn't doubt that Hydra wants Tony on their side. i bet you the first thing he did was contain any Hydra operatives in his territory." he admitted. "so they have no eyes and no ears on him, they must have sent in the Winter Soldier because he was their best chance at containing and controlling Tony in Turn. looks like that failed huh?" he asked with a smirk. "i am going to laugh at you." he admitted with a smirk. "you go take a shower. i'm going to sketch for a while." he admitted as he settled into the large window with the window seat and started to draw Bucky Barnes. he missed his oldest and dearest freind. talking about Bucky had hurt quite a bit, though not as bad as it had used to.
“Hm, you just like the angry makeup sex that follows. Not the arguements.”James smirked a little, because they both had steadied each other. James would have reemerged from the total soldier persona a raging lunatic if he hadn’t had tony there. Snickering at tony’s order he smiled, knowing whatever happened, it was going to be a interesting time with these three in the tower. By the time they finished he was content and resting, amused as he was snuggled, absently playing with the other’s hair as he watched the movie. “...Dinner’s done.”James muttered as he glanced towards the clock, “Bruce said he expected you to actually go to dinner tonight, since you had company.”he reminded stretching slowly.

“You might have to.”Farian said smiling slightly. “Probably. He’s a control freak. He would have made sure he was the only controlling force in the area, not hydra, definitely not shield.”Farian smieled a little before smirking. “it’s working for both of them. I don’t doubt the soldier has his own reasons for staying even if the control isn’t working, and tony has gained a bodyguard with almost no equal. Hydra is no dbout still hopeful tony’s under control.”Farian shrugged before nodding as she went to get ready. Reemerging in a while dressed for dinner, instead of the simple workout jeans and sweater she’d been wearing, she’d replaced it with one of the few dresses she’d brought with her, having not thought she’d need to seduce on the trip, but after tony had made his interest clear, she figured she might as well work the softly curvy body she had, even if she wasn’t as curvy as most, to many workouts, to many years as a mercenary keeping her from being overly feminine, but the dress made her look softer then normal. Smirking at steve as she twirled in the high heels, “Well? Good enough for dinner?”
he chuckled a little. "true." he admitted with a grin, mostly because he and James had never actually had a bad argument or a fight. they butted heads on occasion but both where willing to compromise where the other was concerned so it usually ended well when it did happen. Tony was dozing by the time James jostled him and he whined unhappily at being woken. "no." he muttered, not wanting to go to dinner with boring people. then he remembered who was actually there and sat up. "oh. 's not boring people. it's captain America and the woman with far too much interest in cold stuff." he muttered as he got to his feet. "do i need to take a shower?" he asked, sniffing at his own armpit, unsure when the last one he took was. just that morning actually but time ran differently for Tony's brain and he was never sure how much time had actually passed. "are you ready to face him?" Tony asked James. "i won't make you wear the mask in front of them now. we did the intimidation thing, it would be wasted on them and i think you'd starve to death if you kept it on." he admitted. "what time is it anyway?"

he nodded in agreement and frowned a little. "so, Hydra thinks they have control when Tony is basically undermining them by stealing their best and brightest. that's really kind of brilliant." he admitted. "you can say many things about Tony Stark, him being stupid isn't one of them." he admitted with a chuckle. "though, i'm pretty sure when he smart person babbles half of it is made up." he admitted. he looked up at her and blinked, his head tilted. "your feminine whiles are wasted on me." he admitted. "but you do look very nice." he admitted before looking down at himself and huffing. "now i have to wear something nice." he groaned as he headed into his own bedroom for clothes, emerging in black slacks, a blue silk button up and a black jacket. looking very nice indeed. "hows this look?" he asked, frowning at himself. "i look kind of silly."
“Yes. You promised to eat when we told you to.”Tony muttered before laughing. “So it is. And do you think her interest is a sexual thing?I mean, that’s a new kink, even to me. And I’ve had alot of sex over the last 60 years.”James said sounding thoughtful before snickering. “No. You took one this morning, Tony.”he muttered kissing his head as he moved to get up, pausing. Swallowing thickly. “.....Are you sure?Cause once we ring that bell, and let them see, we can’t intimidate them as easily with not knowing who I am.”James said the question the only sign that inwardly he was panicking at the idea of facing steve. Because he so rarely actually questioned tony when given orders, even if it was orders phased as questions, he rarely questioned them. But this...”It’s nearly 8.”He said before heading for his closet, tony having given him space to keep clothes in his room, getting dressed. For once, forgoing the usual body armour and outfit, instead dressing in the slim fitting suit, the black on black colors making him look dangerous even without being armed....the suit also hiding the metal arm. Self conscious enough about it not to want it to show. Pausing long enough to wet down his hair and pull it back into a small ponytail, at a glance both looking like James Barnes, and looking like a punk younger version of himself. “Ready?”He said glancing at the billionaire.

“Something like that. And we’d be well to remember that he is brilliant.”She said smiling slightly before snickering. “I dare you to tell him that. That his smart person babble is made up. He’d probably freak.”Farian snickered at the idea before laughing at steve’s words. “I know they are, but even a gay man can appreciate if I look nice or not.”She smiled before smirking as he changed, raising a eyebrow. “Looks good enough that if you weren’t gay, I’d totally jump you.”She teased kissing his cheek, slipping a arm through his. “You look fine Steve. Let’s go to dinner.”She said tugging him towards the elevator.
Tony huffed a little and shook his head."you could be nive and bring the food to me you know." Tony whined, sulking even if he was already getting ady for dinner with Captain America. It was a rather thrilli g idea, dinner with the worlds first ever superhero. "You know, I'm not sure it's entirly sexual. She clinds to cold locations on her missions right? It seams more like a lifestyle of sorts than a kink." He admitted as he straightwned his tie before turning to look at James. "This is your choice James. I won't make it for you. Are you ready for him to know you?" He asked, studying one of his closest friends, one of his only friends really. James and Bruce where his only friends. That was really kind of sad. '"In any case, we don't need to intimidate them now. Not anymore at any rate. They are here and they know our reputation." He admitted as he gentky helped James get his shirt straight. "I'm always ready. Are you ready?" Tony asked, examining James intently, a bit worried the assassin was pushing himself too much.

Steve sniggered a little and shook his head. "I will tell him that. It would be very amusing to watch him wig out." Steve admitted with a grin as he carefully gotready. "You know, being gay hasn't saved me from the hoards of women before. I'll make sure not to go outside dressed like this." He decided as he offered her his arm and headed for the kitchen. He had to smirk at Tony's dark possesive look when he saw her, the billionare carefully pulling her chsir out. Prooving he could indeed be a gentleman when he wanted to be. Steve hadn't noticed James yet because he was watching Tony tey to seduce Farian. Which wasn't failing. Probobly wasn't succeeding, but it wasn't failing either.
“Yea, I’m not that nice. You make a mess when you eat in bed, I end up with crumbs in my hair and stuff.”James teased rolling his eyes a little, amused that despite his complaining, tony was getting ready to dinner. “Yea. Almost all northern hemisphere, cold spots. It’s a kink when you’re willing to live in cold year around and expose your bare ass to it. Sex in cold just sucks.”James shuddered, because while new york got cold sometimes for months on end, it also warmed up to. He despised the cold, hated it with a passion. Frowning a little as he straightened his tie, he bit his lip. “...No. I’m not, but I’ll have to.”James said sighing softly as tony straightened his clothes for him, looking around before nodding. “As ready as I’ll ever be...don’t worry. I’m pushing it, but it’ll be worse if I keep panicking over it.”James said as they headed for the dining room.

“It would be.”Farian agreed smiling a little, before snickering. “Definitely can’t let you outside like that. Though, in all fairness, the women probably didn’t know you were gay.”She said snickering a little, raising a eyebrow as Tony pulled out her chair, settling into it. So focused on the billionaire that she wasn’t paying attention to the soldier watching them."Thank you tony."Farian smiled a little. "If you erally want to thank him, you could just sleep with him, and put him out of his misery. The seducing thing, tends not to work for him."James snickered lightly amused as he moved away from the doorway where he’d been watching, his bangs falling out of the ponytail, gently curling around his face, making him look softer and more approachable then the soldier normally did.
"I so not! You take that back!" Tony demanded, sulking at james unhappily at being told he made messes. It just wasn't true! Not at all! Even if it was. Tony tended to cause chaos werever he went. "It's a bit odd really. Her facination with cold. There's a story there I'm sure of it." He admitted with a smirk. Clearly he intended on finding out just what that story was. He didn't bother commenting on James aversion to the cold. Just li,e he didn't comment on Tony's utter avoidance of water. Sometimes he didn't even take a shower, most times actually. He stuck to sponge bathes because the showers tended to wig him out. "You don't have to so anything James. Not a thing, got it?" He demanded before he smiled and set a hand on James cheek, comforting him. Because Tony would always be there for James, no matter what.

Steve just snickered a little. "I'm pretty sure some of those women did know. It's weird, a lot of girls seam to think that I just haven't met the right dame yet. Like that Agent Sixty. She's utterly convinced that I'll love her if I just gave her a chance. She's super creepy. And not in a cute way like Tony is." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a. Shake of his head. He looked up when James spoke and froze, staring at him. The guy looked exactly like Bucky. "Oh. My god. I knew Bucky was going to regret sleeping with all those dames... he had a freeking kid!" Steve breathed, amazed at seeing someone who looked so much ike his dead lover and best friend.
“No, I wont.”James smirked a little amused that even if tony denied causing chaos, he totally did. “I’m sure there is. Just make her scream in pleasure, and she might be nice and tell you it....even if you fuck her in a freezer.”James snickered, because he totally was looking forward to see if Tony would actually get her to do that. “Got it.”He muttered, even if he knew he was going to do this, not only because it hurt him to hide from steve, and the mask, no matter how well tony made it, it’d still be a pain in the ass wearing it all the time. Nuzzling the other’s hand for a moment before sighing quietly.

“Hm, maybe. Though I’m sure Natasha found it amusing when she figured out you were gay. Probably sulked cause she didn’t notice sooner.”Farian snickered a little, smiling a little before laughing. “I don’t know which is worse, you having a really creepy stalker, or that tony is indeed creepy in a hot way.”she snickered amused before looking up, staring at james, staring because that was just to weird. “It wasn’t that many. And no kids. At least, I don’t think so.”James said frowning a little, his lip caught between his teeth in a holdover from a nervous childhood habit, looking thoughtful as he considered if he might have kids or not. Slanting a glance at Tony.”Kids?Yes or no?”
Tony sulked at him, highly unamuzed that James thought he could be imperfect in anyway. Oh well, he'd stuff something slimy in the others pants later. That would teach him! "I am totally fucking her in the freezer. It will be amazing and I will record it for later so I can treasure such a once in a lifetime event forever." Tony decided with a grin.

"She was more pissed than amused. All that hard work for nothing. She raged for days and then started finding me guys instead of girls that I aught to be dating. Creepily enough, she actually suggested a threesome with Phil and clint. She did it right in front of them too and they where very much not saying no. Thank god a mission call came. I have no idea how I was going to get out of that one." He admitted' shaking his head. "Not hot, just cute. That's all." He admitted with a chuckle before staring at James, wide eyed and amazed. "James?" He asked, voice weak with emotion. "God. Bucky? Is that really you?" He asked, moving closer, to see and touch. He couldn't bring himself to hit the other. It never crossed his mind. He was just too surprised, too delighted to see that the other was actually alive. "No kids. At least, none that I'm aware of. I could have Jarvis check for you if you like?" Tony asked, watching Steve carefully. Bit worried that Steve was now just standing there, staring at James.
“Well, Phil did have that Cap collection. Of course he’d totally want to jump you.”Farian snickered amused at the idea, and totally going to bring it up to them later if they made it out of here. It was going to be amusing. “Just cute?”she smirked looking up at the billionaire before nodding. “You’re right. Just cute.”She teased looking at the man. “Yea. It’s me.”James said hands twitching at his sides for a moment, before sliding his hands into his slacks pockets, the slight twitching of his hands the only sign he was upset and anxious about seeing the other. Tensing as the other moved closer, grey eyes flicking over the other’s face, even if he talked to tony. “Yea. Do so. Please. I’d like to know.”James said before looking over at tony, needing a break from staring at steve, sounding upset
Steve could only groan and shake his head. That had been terrible, meeting Phil and watching him go all fan-boy. Thank god it hadn't lasted long. Clint on the other hand kept simmering at him. Clearly he had a fan-boy thing of his own going on. Ugh. "He might make it to adorable. You know, like how a two year old who hasn't learned right from wrong or scocial niceties yet." Steve teased with a smirk at Tony, well aware the billionair had no idea what they where talking about. Steve forgot about all of that In the face of seeing his best friend again. "Fuck Bucky. I thought you where dead." He accused, sounding hurt and confused. "How can you be alive? How can you be Hydra? Why the fuck didn't you call me!?" "Easy there Captain. James didn't even remember himself, let alone you. Don't go yelling at him. He's suffered more than enough..." Tony warned, making Steve pause. "They hurt you... Hydra hurt you." Steve muttured, horrrified by what he imagioned that Bucky must have gone through.
“Hm, he might. With enough training, he might just get to adorable someday.”Farian snickered a little watching tony, amused. The teasing keeping her from considering his offer in any seriousness. She definitely had no intention of letting him think she was easy. James flinched as his shoulders rounded a little at the hurt and confusion in the other’s voice, looking like a kid who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, instead of the hydra trained assassin. Looking up at steve, features tightening a little, blanking out, James Barnes stepping back, becoming more the soldier, the two persona’s definitely having a separate mindset in him, James suffering under his best friend, lover’s, questions that he was slipping backwards, he’d been doing so well in not being so...much Winter....for weeks now, but this was to much for him. “Steve.Careful.”Farian muttered scooting her chair back tensing as she watched the soldier, willing to fight james instead of letting steve do it if it came to that. “....I should go.”James said swallowing thickly, taking a step back towards the door.”Tony?You okay here? I can ask Bruce to come down..."He said swallowing thickly.
Steve didn't notice the posture of his once lover right away, once he did he took a step back, giving James some space, letting him breathe. "It's okay Farian." Steve assured her, watching James curiously now. "Don't go. Please. I promise not to yell." Steve promised, desperate to find out what had happened. "It's alright James." Tony promised, sliding into James line of sight and set his hands on the others face, holding his gaze steady. "Remember where you are. Remember who you are. You are James Buchanan Barnes of the one oh seventh. Repeat it." He ordered, a familiar process. Tony did it fairly often when James needed help staying out of the Soldier persona. Somedays it worked, somedays it didn't. The days where it did work where getting more and more frequent though. "What did they so to him?" Steve asked softly, sounding more worried than he did anything else. "Is there anything that I can so to help?" This was directed to James, desperate to connect with his lover again, support him ans love him once more.
Farian was tense, even if she didn’t move, letting steve handle it, watching the two, and tony curiously. Finding it interesting that tony was the one who reached out first, knew how to calm james even if the man was still staring at them with chilling coldness. James swallowed hard turning his face into tony’s hand a little, eyes closing a little as he took a deep breath. “I am James Buchanan Barnes, second in command of the one of seventh, formerly stationed in Vienna, currently residing in the tower. I am James Bucky Barnes.”James said his voice holding that soft desperate edge to it as he added more facts, trying to hold onto himself. Startling at steve’s question he jerked from tony’s hand, looking up at the other man, grey eyes wide as he tried to think, struggling to answer”...” “Food. Let’s eat dinner.”Farian said offering them a way to step back from the emotions, wanting them to have something familiar and easy, a way to move away from the lover’s reconnection.
Steve hated that he couldn't help Bucky. Hated that he couldn't be the one to soothe the other back into himself. Hated that it was Tony who seamed to hold Bucky's affections now. Not that Steve could ever be upset that Bucky had found a place in this world. Something he hadn't yet managed. Still, he would have ,iked a chance. "That's right. You are James Barnes. You hate bananas but love pinapple. You hate loud rock and roll but you like classic and pop rock as well as Jazz andd swing. You can't stand it when people wear socks with sandles and you pretend to hate the TV even xif you love watching morning cartoons." Tony stated, tone gentle and certain. "You are James Barnes. You are going to eat because if I have to, you so too." Tony stated, examining the man as the tower cook, a young man rescued from a slave trade started wheeling in dinner, pausing when he realized James was having an 'episode'. Most of the permanant staff and residents knew to avoid James and bruce and Tony when they where in certain 'moods'. "Everything okay boss?" The chef asked warily, wanting to knoe if he needed to leave.
James swallowed hard as he blinked slowly, twitching a little. “People look stupid with socks and sandles...and I do not. Morning cartoons are stupid.”James huffed before twitching. “I eat on my own. You don’t.”He grumbled, tensing as the cook came in, eyes sliding towards him, watching the young man but not moving towards him. “...It’s fine.I’m fine.”James said edging around to his chair, settling in the seat between steve and tony, twitching a little, even if he was calmer, it still upset him, because he suspected steve was still upset. “Thanks. It looks really good.”Farian said looking at the man nervously before getting up and passing out the food, simply so the boy could stay away from james if he wanted, careful not to move to quickly, not wanting to startle james, not really relaxing until james started to eat. As if that was a single everything was okay.
Tony smirked. "You watch cartoons every saterday morning. You even attacked Bruce that one day when he tried to change the channel. And I know you stay up late and watch the late night anime on Cartoon Network. You have good taste by the way. Inu-yasha, Naruto, Cowboy Beebop and Fullmetal Alchemist are kickass." Tony adkitted with a grin. "Lies! I eat just fine! Your just trying toruin my glowing reputation in front of the gorgious woman necause you don't want me to get laid! Your a cruel man!" Tony whined. Being over the top because it was a good distraction for James. "Thank you." Steve stated to the cook. A boy of fifteen who wnt by Dandy. He was a permanant resident at the tower because his own family so,d him into slavery. He was completly devoted to Tony, which was why he was trusted with most of the cooking. "Enjoy your meal." Dandy chirped once he realized the danger had passed. "Shouldn't a kid like him be in school?" Steve asked curiously. "Dandy's a bit too scared of the world to leave. He has tutors here." Tony explained. "He makes the best cookies."
”I do not. Don’t lie in front of the Captain. It’s unkind, he’s naive enough to believe your horrible, horrible lies.”James huffed, though the soft flush to his cheeks saying that he did indeed park his ass in front of the tv in tony’s room at least once a night to watch his cartoons. “What glowing reputation?” “Don’t worry. You’re reputation was already ruined before I even stepped foot in here.”Farian smirked amused as she watched the man be over the top, amused and relaxing as James did. “He does. I’ll get him to make your favorite, Stevie. He’s amazing at cooking.”James said as he ate, not even realizing he’d used the nickname, totally focusing on his food.
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