The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve chcuckled. "I prefer the americanized cartoons. Disney is a personal favorite. Anything by Hayao Miyazaki is really good too. Though, you just can't miss a good episode of Looney Tunes or Tom And Jerry." Steve admitted to make James feel better. Steve liked cartoons too. My reputation is always vlowing. I pay people to make sure of that." Tony admitted with a smirk. He really did pay the people at the newspapers to write him as if he was God Almighty. If they printed something he didn't like, he had them beaten up and forced to print a retraction. He hadn't had to so that in over a year. Even reporters and paperazzi could be taught. Steve blinked, startled by the nickname before he brightened. "He can make Gingersnaps?" Steve asked eagerly. He had a few Gingersnaps from various places, but they never tasted right. The triple ginger cookies his mother had used to make had been made from fresh, real gignger that Sarah had carfully cultivated herself. heShe had sold the cookies for a good sum every time she made a batch, but Steve and James had always had first dibs on the addictive treat.
“Miyazaki’s movies are amazing. I once watched one with a target in japan....went in after him in the movie threater...and ended up watching the show.”Farian snickered a little, smiling at james did indeed relax and simply settle in to eat. While she really, really wanted to know how he was still alive, or what had happened, she was unwilling to upset him. “Hm, it might be glowing, but the papers will never convince Farian you’re worth sleeping with. You’ll have to do that on your own.”James teased smiling at tony a little. “yea, he can. And they your mom’s.”James hesitated, searching for the memories, but he’d made the request for the cookies before he’d remembered exactly why he wanted them. “You make these cookies sound really good.”Farian said tilting her head, wondering just how this was going to go, with steve finding james here. She knew this was going to be a mess, between james and steve’s relationship, and her own attraction to the man in charge.
Steve snorted. "I bet that went over well with your employer." He teased, shaking his head. He wasn't too bothered with her line of work. She had a deep sense of moral to be sure. He knew she'd never kill anyone who didn't honestly deserve killing. At least. He didn't think she would. Tony was seriously pouting at James continied desicration of his good name. It was jist mean to ruin his chances of getting laid with a woman as facinating at her. "Would he make them?" Steve asked hopefully. "Real gigersnaps are so hard to come by these days. Americans seam to have lost their taste for real gigner." Steve admitted with a small huff before he grinned at her. "Triple ginger cookies are the best! They have real ground ginger in them, and candied ginger too amd usually has ginger sugar on top. They're so good, my mother used to stop riots with them!" He admitted with a grin. "I'll ask Dandy to make some." To y agreed, already bounding I to the kitchen, his plate only half finished. That was entirly too common though. Tony never finished everything on his plate, even if there was only two bites on it. So bruce and James just piled on more than Tony even could eat and let him eat what he wanted before he was distracted by something else.
“It didn’t, but since I did eventually drag him in, it didn’t matter. No one ever told me I had to do it in a certain time.”She snickered a littel smiling at him slightly. “You look seriously adorable pouting.”She teased looking over at Tony. Well, maybe james wasn’t having as much luck as he thought. Farian was finding tony just as fascinating. “americans have lost their taste for alot of things. Like real cupcakes. Or cake.”Farian smiled a little remembering their conversation about alcohol before laughing as tony bounded off into the kitchen. James rolled his eyes as he looked at his plate, before filling his plate with food, knowing tony would be back. Maybe if he was concentrating on seducing farian, he would eat more then normal since she was still eating herself.
Steve snickered a little and shook his head. He should have known she was a rule bender. He was going to have to be careful how he worded things around her if he ever had to give her an order. "I am never adorable! You sppeak lies and travesty and... and just plain blasphemy!" Tony complained even if he was smiling. "Americans are lazy loafers. They don't want real anything. They want it all in a box so it's easy. Who cares if it sastes like sawdust and chemical sweetner?" Steve complained, sulking at the loss of the american way. Used to be americans where known for their hard work and dillegence. Now they seamed to be k own for their na,ed women and waistlines. Tony was back after a minute, loking puzzled at his suddenly full plate. He was sure he'd eaten some of that, perhapse he hadn't? Had it been yesterday when he'd eaten half a plate of dinner? Oh well, a few more bites wouldn't hurt if he hadn't, or was it had? "So! Your a mercinary? Jarvis tells me that you prefer cold climate jobs? You have a thing for ice?" Tony asked with a sly grin in her direction. "You know, if you ask nicely, I might be tempted to build a winter wonderland here for you."
“Your protests of being adorable, is very adorable.”Farian snickered a little. “They are. It’s wrong, it’s...very weird living here these days. Growing up the way we did...and now....”James shrugged helplessly, because some days he felt lost even more normal, the changes in his city leaving him for a loss. Snickering at tony’s look he smiled a little, amused because he knew tony would eat more if he’d just appeared. “Yea.I am.”Farian said raising his eyebrows at the billionaire, before nodding.”I do. And not a thing for ice. I just enjoy the cold.”She said knowing there was a lie within the truthful words, before smirking. “It’s almost winter. Soon enough simply being in new york will mean its a winter wonderland.” she mused just to see how much he wanted her.unwilling to be a way lay
Tony sulked at being told he was adorable. He totally wasn't! They where just being mean to him. So cruel. He ignored Steve's grumbles about americans being lazy, greedy, self entitled assholes who just plain didn't give a damn in the modern world. "Just for cold hmm? Interesting." Tony mused, smirk in place. There was a lie there, he could tell. What was the lie though? He wanted to know more, he was going to have to dig a little deeper into her past that was for sure. "Winter in new york is one thing. But what will you so when it gets all hot and muggy?" Tony asked, looking amused. He knew they wouldn't leave now. Not with Steve continousky making puppy eyes at James. Steve would stay for James and Farian would stay for Steve. "Besides, it would be totally kickass to have my own indoor scating ring, don't you think? It would be pretty awesome to have a fuck fest in a snowbank wouldn't it?" Tony asked with a grin as he slid his half empty, again, plate away. Too full for another bite.
"Yea rhe cold. Why else would I spent so much time there?"she said with wide eyed innocence smiling at him. Wincing a little at the idea how very hot and muggy it would get in the city. It would be horrible,really."a skating ring would be pretty cool...can you even skate?"farian smirked at him. "He'll probably make skates that'll make sure he can't fall on his ass."james smirked amused as he pulled tony's plate over and finished off the food. While he'd get tony to eat more he wouldn't force him after he was full. And as a super soldier he was always hungry. "..."farian stared at him trying to decide if he was being serious before rolling her eyes st tony."what is your obsession with havjng sex in cold places?"
Steve smirked. "Masochism?" He suggested, making Tony laugh and shake his head. "Of course I can skate! I am insulted that you think me incapable of something! I am amazing at everything I do! He stated with a sniff before he blinked at James. "Skates that work themselves? That's not a half bad idea." He admitted, going a bit glassy eyed as he mentally prepped a blueprint for that. "Hey, you started it." Tony said with a grin. "Your the one who keeps getting arozused when I suggest it." He pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "In any case, your interest in the cold facinates me. You in particular facinate me." He ad,itted honestly. "If I want to keep you, and I so, I have to make sure you want to stay. If that means making an alaskan tundra In my tower then so be it."
Farian laughed nodding a little.”Maybe.”She snickered before studying tony, shaking her head.”I don’t think you can.” “He is amazing at everything....except cooking. If he ever tries to cook for either of you, run. Run far.”James smirked shaking his head in amusement as tony went glassy eyed in a familiar look as he thought about his blueprint before rolling his eyes at the flirting. “I do not. It’s not the cold that’s arousing.” “...So you admit to tony being attracive?” “I’d be a idiot to not be able to see he’s interesting and very attractive.”Farian said refusing to let james disturb her, even if the super soldier was trying to embarass her. “...Seriously?You could just ask for sex and see if that works.”Farian said looking thoughtful and wondering exactly what he wanted.
"I so totally can!" Tony complained. "And I can so cook! I'm a great cook! Just ask People Magezine! They'll set it straight!" Tony complained, pouting. "Of course she admits to me being attractive. Everyone thinks so. And if everyone thinks so, then it must be so." Tony stated, lookimg entirly too smug before he blinked at her. "What's the fun in just asking for sex? Besides, I don't know if I want to have sex with you yet." He admitted simply. "Your certainly gorgious to be sure. And your very interesting. I don't sleep with just anyone though. I have standards.""not very high ones. We've seen the list of 'conquests' after all." Steve pointed out, looking vaugly amused as Tony shrugged. He hadn't slept with all the people he said he did, he hadn't had sex with anyone but James since Pepper's betrayel.
“No he can’t. Even People will lie for you, Tones.I’m sorry to inform you of this.”James said smirking a little. “And everyone also thinks your a man whore-wait, that IS true. Nevermind, you’re right.”he teased looking amused. “...You don’t?”Farian smirked as she finished her food, smirking. James bit his lip, even if he didn’t know her, that smirk was a scary echo of his own, of steve’s...a echo of trouble making in the process. Oh, this was going to be good. “So, it wouldn’t mean anything at all, if I told you I’m not wearing anything under this, in hopes of sex?”Farian said innocently, eyes wide as she looked at the other. Teasing him mostly, trusting the boundaries of just what he'd let her get away with.
Tony pouted at James, quite annoyed that they where totally ruining his image in front of the lady. This was the first woman he'd been sexually interested in since Pepper the traitor. That was saying a lot, considering it had been years since she'd abandoned him. He paused, looking at her with a wary, yet curious expression. She was going to so something that would make him regret saying that. He just knew it. Well, maybe not, now he was just more curious. "Well that all depends on if you let me look and see for myself or not. After all you are. Mercenary. You guys are known for lhing. Maybe I don't believe your really nude under that dress, what then?" Tony asked, smirking as he called her bluff. Mostly because she didn't know the golden rule. Tony had no bounderies. Granted, hes'd kill you in a heartbeat if you mentioned certain things. But other than that, he had no li it aboit what he would say or so other than his own loose morals.
James snickered shaking his head in amusement, knowing he was upsetting= tony but finding the man to amusing to not tell the others he couldn’t cook, with his luck, they’d get sick from eating what tony tried to give them if he did. “Well, I don’t lie. At least not alot.”Farian said tilting her head as she stood, finished with her food before moving closer to him,reaching for his hand,”Then I guess I’d just have to show you.”She said smirking as she gripped his hand, setting it on her thigh and sliding up, high enough to show that despite wearing a garter belt and stockings, she was definitely not wearing underwear under that dress, stopping his hand before it got to close to wear she knew he’d want to be.”Well?Good enough?”She said dropping his hand. “Oh, oh Stevie. She’s amusing. You need to keep her around.”James said laughing as he looked at his former lover and always best friend, finding steve’s partner to amusing to not laugh at.
Tony sulked at James even more. "You will suffee for this, mark my words! Jarvis! Hide all the jello and make sure that Adult Swim is blocked on all the tv's!" Tony commanded, looking very smug indeed. "Yes I guess you wi... wait, what?" Tony asked before he was struck silent, staring with eyes wide and mouth hanging open as his fingers stroked the bare skin, silky smooth and frusteratingly hidden from view. He let his hand fall, still staring as he realized she was more than his match. God she was going to kill him, je wanted her mlre than he'd wanted anything. "She is fu/n isn't she?" Steve agreed with a small chuckle as he watched Tony. "Odd though, he's acting more like a virgin than he is a man slut. Is there something you need to confess Stark?" Steve asked with a smirk, startled when Tony nodded. Even if he didn't say a word. "I think I just had the greatest idea ever for protecting my balls from frostbige." Tony admitted hoarsly.
“What?No. You can’t do that. Jarvis, don’t hide the jello.”He sputtered still not about to admit he enjoyed watching cartoons. Snickering as he watched tony actually be struck dumb he smirked, it was amusing to watch. Farian smirked as she looked down at the billionaire, raising her eyebrows as if asking what next?, before smirking wider. “I’m going to go explore the tower. Bye.”she grinned, walking out of the room ,just to see if he’d follow, or sit and talk. Definitely enjoying screwing with him. “Hm, no I know he’s a slut. Even if he is acting like a virgin. And what is this great idea to protect your balls? Just not to have sex in the cold?”He teased smirking.
Tony smirked, pleased with himself for wigging out James even when Steve sulked. "what if I want to watch Adult Swim?" he complained, frowning at Tony who shrugged, uncaring. he could watch Adult swim, he didn't care about anyone else. well, he forgot all about all of that when he suddenly had his hand on Farian. he sat there, struck dumb for a moment before he leaped to his feet and walked as fast as he dared after her. Steve snorted and shook his head as he witnessed that. "she already has him wrapped around her finger." he admitted, looking amused. "i wonder what his idea for the frostbite was?" he wondered before focusing on James, swallowing thickly. "it's good to see you again James. it really is." he whispered. "i thought i'd never see you again." he admitted, eyes worried as they looked him over. "would you... mind if i asked Tony for the story? it seams to make you hurt if you try to tell it." he admitted, hesitating before reaching for James hand, holding it gently so he could pull away if he wanted to. "To the end of the line Buck." he promised, letting the other know he'd be there for him anytime he needed.
James snickered a little as he watched tony leave rolling his eyes a little. This was going to be amusing."she does. It'll be amusing when he figures out he has no power in that relationship."he smirked a little before laughing."probably something overly complicated and insane to prevent frostbite but let him have sex."he snorted amused teasing tony because it was better then wondering just how him and steve were." is good to see you. I...I'm sorry I didnt tell you before now....i couldnt handle it..."james said swallowing thickly before shrugging,fingers curling around the other's as steve held his hand."if you want. You can ask him."he muttered slumping in relief."till the end."he muttered.

Farian glanced over her shoulder as the billionaire as he followed her into the art gallery floor of the towerraising her eyebrows as she looked back at him turning to look at the paintings."I thought you were busy explaining a cure for frostbite."
Steve chuckled a little. "did he ever have power in a relationship?" Steve asked, looking amused. "he does well when there's someone around to tell him what to do." like Bruce and James making Tony eat, sleep, shower etc. "i dunno. it would probably work best if he just sewed up a fur lined pouch and used it like a earmuff for his balls." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's okay." Steve promised. "you've been through a lot. i thought i had died for a moment though. seeing you." he admitted with a smile. "you look real good." he admitted, glad that he hadn't pulled away. even if they could only be friends, he would always be there for Bucky. "i'll do that then." he promised before hesitating. "uh. just to be sure though, Bruce won't really murder me in my sleep right?"

Tony smirked. "it's easy enough, take me two seconds to make." he admitted. "i'll have to find test subjects though, i don't want chemical burns on my balls." he admitted. "besides your a lot more fascinating." he admitted, eyes glittering. "wanna see my Captain America room? Ladies go mad for the Captain America room." he admitted.
“...Probably not.”James smirked a little before nodding. “he does that. Makes it easier taking care of him, really.”James said before his eyes widened at the idea, “A ear...muff...I’m going to tell him he needs to do that. He’ll make it a fashion statement or something.”He snickered before stumbling, relieved the other understood before wincing. “No, not dead. Simply with the the rest of us oddly aged people. It’s a select club, which includes me and you.”james smirked, well at least it was obvious his sense of humor had survived this. “Thanks...I mostly...look this good cause tony made sure I could function...take care of myself.”James smiled softly at the idea of his friend before laughing. “No, probably not. At when it would upset tony.”

“Hm, you do have two super soldiers in residence. You could use them.”She smirked a little smiling a little as she looked over the paintings, turning away from him before snickering at the idea of being more fascinating then a new invention. “Yes, I want to see this famed room, with all of coulson’s stuff in it”She snickered.
he chuckled and nodded. "i imagine so. even not knowing him all that well i know he's horribly stubborn." he admitted with a smile before he sniggered. "just a cute little pouch with a string so that your balls stay toasty warm when having sex in sub arctic temperatures." he declared, sounding like one of those TV salesmen. "never get cold balls again!" he sniggered before he sobered and examined James. " where frozen too huh?" he asked softly. he still had nightmares of being locked in ice, the water rushing in, being unable to breath, of being so cold it BURNED. "...Tony's a good guy." he admitted. "he's misguided to be sure, doing what he's doing, but he has helped a lot of people despite that." he admitted before he looked just a touch relieved that Bruce wouldn't do anything too terrible to him.

"James is not a guinea pig." Tony stated simply, shrugging a shoulder. "he's been experimented on too many times for me to feel comfortable using undeveloped technology on him." he admitted. "Steve was Howard's 'project' for so long... some of the things that sick bastard did..." he shook his head. "i couldn't bring myself to use experiments on Steve either." he admitted. "Howard kept very detailed records on the things he did to Steve, had done to Steve and made Steve do so... i think i know more about the experiments than Steve does." he admitted. "only about fifty of the things in there are Coulson's. most of the bastards they sent to kill me i just killed." he admitted. "they weren't worth the life they lived." he admitted as he led the way. the 'Cap Room' was massive. it was as big as a house and stuffed full of, well, everything. there was a nineteen fifty's style fridge with the Captain America logo on it, over there was a Captain America Couch from the hippie era. Tony had the first shield Cap had ever used, as well as the original outfit, complete with grass stains from his 'dancing monkey' days. the walls where lined with posters the shelves filled with howling commando and Captain America toys. there was toy tanks and kids costumes, story books and original black and white reel films. he had over 3.5 billion dollars worth of original and old Captain America collectors items in one room. there was a lot of Howling Commando and Bucky Barnes stuff too. it was even better than being in a museum.
“He is. You have to handle him slowly and easy, better that way.”James smiled a little before laughing, eyes wide at the idea, “You should sell that to tony like that. You always were good at getting people to buy things.”He teased a litlte before nodding, “I was...woken up a few times to do...things.”He shuddered shying away from the memories before snickering. “He is.”He agreed rubbing a hand over his face, feeling awkward and out of step, not sure what to do now, or how to talk to his friend.

“...You know. I’m glad to hear you say that. I mean...I know you’re not howard, but...I’d been worried having Cap here would be to much temptation for your work.”She said smiling slightly, relief in that look, because she had indeed been worried before smirking .”Hm, you know Mercs have a new name for New York right? ‘Dead man’s stop.’ Cause you only work in New York city, at your own risk these days.”Farian smiled a little as they walked into the room, looking around her with wide amused eyes, the skirt of her dress swirling around her legs as she turned and looked around the room, before looking at him. “Definitely think you have a obsession, Stark. I think you’re trying to seduce the wrong half of this partnership.”she snickered.
he nodded. "i'll keep that in mind." he promised. "i doubt i'll ever have to 'handle' him the way you and Bruce do, but it could be useful in an emergency or if i need him for something." he admitted. "i know he's not going to let me leave for a good long time." he admitted with a chuckle before he smirked at James. "are you on about those stupid war bond theaters?" he complained. "i hated those freaking tights you know." he admitted. "i always got wedgies." he admitted before he looked worried at James. "well it's a good thing they sent you here then, isn't it?" he asked with a soft smile before looking worried about the other. "you okay?" he asked softly. "i know i'm not the same as i was. i doubt you are either." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "we won't be the best of friends in just an hour, but i'd like to try to get to know you again. to make a new kind of friendship of that's okay?... also, i was wondering..." he glanced at the door and flushed hard and leaned forewarn so he could whisper. "is Tony really as good at Sex as everyone says he is?"

he smiled at her. "i know." he admitted. "and there are things i used to want to try out on Captain America." he admitted. "that was before he was. i dunno. real i guess." he admitted. "when i was younger, i used to fantasize all the things i would do to make Captain America 'Mine' instead of 'his'. and then i found him, and he was unfrozen and i realized he was a person too. his own person. Howard developed the technology, but Steve was the one who made it really work, not Howard." he admitted before his grin turned sharp. "you know what i did to the last one don't you?" he'd skinned the man alive, using some unknown medicine or technology to keep him alive and not bleeding to death. the man had been the sickest bastard imaginable. he'd enjoyed torturing women and even kept parts of them frozen in his freezer, usually samples of their soft, soft skin. "nah, i think James would be upset if i seduced Captain America." Tony admitted with a smirk. "besides, i doubt Cap would like me flirting with him and i'm fragile." that was a lie of course, but she didn't need to know about all the experiments he'd done on himself.
“probably not, but it’s better to be prepared with tony, otherwise things can go wrong, quickly.”James snickered a little before laughing, grinning widely. “I am. You sold so, so many of them.”He snickered, “Yea, it is. Though we have to be careful, no one else besides us five, me you tony farian and bruce, know that tony’s undid all hydra’s hard work and made again.”He said before sighing, looking down at the table. “..I don’t know how to do this...anymore. Tony...tony was easy. Tony’s obsessed and made it easy to take care of him...but you’ And we used to know.”James fidgeted, because out of the two of them, he was the one that was always the awkward one with emotions. “..but yes...I’d like that.”He s aid blushing a little before his eyes went wide at steve’s question, before grinning. “He really, really is. Your partner is in for a hell of a ride. Hopefully she knows that.”He snickered.

“Yea, when they’re just idols, its easier to imagine doing things, rather then a real person. Things get real when you meet them.”Farian smiled a little before nodding. “steve really is who makes it work.All apple pie and wholesome goodness.”She said snickering a little before nodding, her smile equally sharp. “He’d gotten himself sent here, for that express reason. We have our own ways of dealing with things, in the business. Knew if as a whole, we gave him a job that brought him NYC, you’d provide a better torture then we could think of.”Farian’s smile was a little evil before snickering. “I’m fairly certain James would indeed.”She agreed before raising a eyebrow, “Fragile, are you?Maybe I shouldn’t play with you. I tend to break things.”She smirked at him.
Steve nodded. Tony was a stubborn sort and he was quite certain that the only reason why Tony wasn't a psycho right now was because of James and Bruce. They stabalized him, kept him human, kept him strong enough to resist his more horrible desires. He was sure that the only reason why Tony wasn't just killing anyone and everyone was because of James. "I hated those freeking posters." Steve grumbled, sulking before he smiled. "Well I won't tell anyone." He promised. "Tony probobly isn't going to let me leave for some time anyway." He admitted. "I might not hold his attention the way Farian does but he's still going to keep me for as long as he can." He admitted befor examining James. "Hey, calm down a little okay? You and me? We're not the same as we where. We're strangers to each other now. Yes we knew eachother before, but we have to learn how to be friends just like you and tony had to learn. We'll learn how to get along again together. I won't leave you again. Never." He promised. He had to grin at James admittence and he could't stop himself from snickering. "Does Tony give lessons? I was never very good at the whole sex thing." He admitted with a grin. And it was true. He and James had a lot of sex. But it was usually rushed and rather repressed. So people wouldn't catch them.

"Yes, exactly. I suppose too, I always imagioned him to be a lot mor like Howard. The way he always talked about Captain America I always thought he was a lot like Howard. I'm very glad to find myself wrong." He admitted."I think Howard just talked about Captain america like he was a little clone, He used to so the same thing to me now that I thi k about it." He admitted before he blinked at her, smirking as he realized they had sent that sicko into his territory knowing he would die. Good. He had to snicker at her. "Everyone is fragile compared to Captain America's fists." He pointed out. Then again, he could probobly take The Good Captain if he really needed to. He'd just upgraded himself with a new bio-mechanical shield that was supposed to be able to take a cannon blast. Again, she didn't really need to know that either. "Besides. You don't want to hurt me right?" He asked with a smirk.
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