The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“I know. Watching you get flustered every time we saw one overseas was amusing.”James smirked a little before nodding, relaxing. Relieved that he still knew steve, at least at a basic level. Still understood that steve would keep him safe, no matter what was going on between them, or happened. He was safe with steve. “Probably not. He’s obsessed, I’d be jealous if he wasn’t so....odd about it. At first I thought it was sexual, but it’s not...not really. I mean, he’d totally do you if you offered, but its not...not what he’s really focused on with you. In truth, his thing over you, I really don’t understand.”James said making a face, because he and tony really never discussed howard, the subject to explosive for either to bring up, so while james knew things had happened, he wasn’t aware of just how...bad tony’s childhood had been. Looking up at steve, wide grey eyes studying him, trying so hard to be calm before nodding a little. “...Okay. We’ll just go from here.”He said slumping into his chair, utterly relaxed at the idea of not being the man he’d been before, of not having to try. This...he could just figure out how to be friends with him now. Laughing at steve’s words he smirked. “You were good at sex. For just how awkward it was then....but he probably would. If asked.”James snickered rubbing a hand over his face getting up from the table.”Come on. I’ll show you around since tony’s currently occupied.”

“Very wrong indeed. And you’re not the same as Howard either. You’ve done some...things that aren’t traditional, or exactly right, but you could never be howard.”She smiled a little at him, before laughing as she looked around the room, nodding a little. “Very true. The rest of us are so very human, compared to him.”She snickered before focusing on the billionaire again, biting her lip. She didn’t want to hurt him, but the few times she’d had sex had resulted in horrible results for her partner. But....maybe she could?She’d been young the last time she’d tried, in the last 5 years she had gained more control. Maybe she could do this. Stepping towards him, just close enough the edge of her skirt brushed against his legs, but carefully not touching him. “Hm, matters. Does making you get on your knees hurt you?”she smirked bright blue eyes meeting his.
Steve sulked at him. "It was terrible seeing those stupid posters all over the place! I couldn't go anywhere!" He grumbled, practically whining. Which was a new thing for him, feeling big enough, safe enough to actually whinge about something. "Honestly I wouldn't mind bedding him if he wasn't so focused n Farian." He admitted with a grin before he shook his head. "Howard Stark was extremly abusive to Tony and often spoke of me as his 'greatest creaction.' He constantly claimed Tony was second best and compared his accomplishments to mine. Tony was never good enough for Howard. Tony's obsessed with me because I wasthe only thing Howard made that he wanted. e probobly wants to take me apart and make me his, instead of Howard's. But I was never Howards'. If I ever 'belonged' to anyone it was you or Dr. Erskine." He admitted. "I was terrible at sex. I can't count the number of times I hurt you by not preparing you properly. I just didn't know how to." He admitted as he stood up and followed James around, chattering about anything he could think of. He did make sure to hide from Bruce when the man came into sight. That guy scared the willies out of him!

Tony smiled and shook his head. "I'm not Howard now, no. But I am very capable of being even worse than he was. I know it. The only reason why i.'m not is because of James." He admitted. "I have moments where I'm just as cruel, just as sadistic, just as sick. James keeps me under control though, and when he can't Bruce does." He admitted. At least he was aware of himself enough to know he could be very dangerous if he wasn't careful. He lifted an eyebrow at her before smirking as he studied her. "It might actually, this is hardwood floor. I have an authentic Captain America floor rug though, I could kneel on that for you if you like?" He offered with a smirk as he moved into the room a bit deeper. Letting her see an entire bedroom. Bed, bedding, dresser, lamp, ot was all captain america. And there was a rug there just as promised,
“It was adorable really, seeing you blush and stutter anytime we saw them.”James said sounding amused, something tight in his chest relaxing at hearing the other complain. Even if he wasn’t truly aware of it, at least he knew subconsciously that the other felt safe enough to whine about something. “Well, you might get your chance. He’s completely incapable of staying with one obsession for long. He switches.”James shrugged before frowning, features tightening as the metal arm whirled ever so slightly as he tightened his fists, responding to the anger and need to lash out at a memory, at howard who he could no longer hurt, leaving him feeling lost on what to do with his sudden anger. Swallowing thickly he closed his eyes momentarily, regaining control, repeating quietly the list of facts tony had made him memorize, useless science things that knocked him off his step enough that he stepped back from being the winter soldier. Once again in control he smiled a little, “Well, if you really want lessons, he’d probably help.”James said looking a little out of sorts, because he disliked the idea of sharing, but sharing with tony wouldn’t be so bad, especially since he knew tony wouldn’t have any desire to ‘own’, or keep steve for himself. Tony would sleep with him, and let steve go back to his and james’ romance if that’s what steve wanted. Tony might be demanding and selfish and greedy over things, but he wouldn’t stop james from being happy, and james knew that. So he wouldn’t mind sharing.

“....It takes a self aware man to know just how close he is to that.”Farian tilted her head a little, tilting her head. “Be careful, Anthony, when you stare into the abyss to long, the abyss stares back.”She said for a moment, looking genuinely worried for him. Even in the short time she had known him, he had wormed his way through her emotional shields, and she knew, if something happened to him, it would hurt her. Calling him by his real name simply out of reflex, a need to make him pay attention. “It’s good you have them then.Friends keep the darkness at bay.”She said looking away because when she’d nearly drowned in her lifestyle, only natasha and clint had pulled her back from the brink. Shaking her head to clear the heavy thoughts, she smiled. “Hmm, I think I do like that.”She said looking amused as she walked into the bedroom, laughing softly as she looked around her, “Such a geek”She snickered stepping closer to him, sliding her fingers through his hair, gently tugging on the curly strands, simply enjoying the feel of it between her fingers, gently pushing down against his shoulder. “Kneel.”She ordered softly, just to see if he’d listen.
Steve pouted at him. "Your being mean to me!" He whined, pouting that James was picking on him, though he wasn't as annoyed as he was pretending to be. He had missed James entirely too much to actually be annoyed with the other. "I highly doubt that James. He's been obsessed with me since childhood and you can't tell me he isn't jist as obsessive over you and Bruce. I have a feeling Farian is his to stay." Steve was probobly right. While Tony flitted from project to project, mission to mission, passion to interest, he never abandoned a person. He clung to them tightly u til they broke off from him, until they betrayed him. Which was why Jarvis, the person's, death had hurt so deeply. Why Obediah's betrayal had cracked him so much. Why Pepper leaving him had broken him. "Well I wouldn't mind lessons so long as I don't actually have to sleep with him." He admitted. "He's kind of adorable but he's yours. I know how loyal you are to people. Even now." Steve admitted with a smile. "Tony needs you more than I so." He admitted. "And you need Tony more than you need me." Stupid selfless Steve. "Hey, you guys have a gym right? I like to run in the mornings." He admitted.

Tony shrugged at her. "I'm no more self aware than anyone else. Jarvis let's me know ehn I'm acting too much like my father." He admitted. "James and Bruce keep close eyes on me too. Bruce even takes psychology. Not that it helps considering he's worse than I am." He admitted with an impish grin before he blinked a little at her using his full name. Normally he would have been all over someone for that but somehow... it didn't feel soul crushing when she did it. "James needs me. And bruce needs a way to stay in control. They're the closts thing I have to family." He admitted wit a smile. "I am not a geek! I'm a nerd! If your going to insult me, so it properly." He ordered. Eyes glittering playfully, leaning into the hands in his hair with a smile and a sigh. He loved being touched, which often led to people taking advantage of him. But he was sure he could trust her. He examined her face, wary of what she might be planning before he offered her a typical smarmy smirk, one that she had probobly already noticed he used when he was nervous or uncertain. A mask to hide his true self, his real feelings. Despite his worry, he knelt before her, licking his lips. "And what could you possibly want with me down here?" He wondered playfully.
“I’m always mean to you.At least...I think so.”James said frowning slightly, thinking over the snippets of memories, trying to remember ebfore letting it go. But laughing a little at the other’s words. “...Okay. So maybe he only flints from projects. The people he deems his, are his till they do something horribly wrong.”James said, well aware of how tony was with people, even if the man never talked about it. “....I’m not sure Tony would classify himself as mine.”James said looking confused and lost as they walked the tower. Maybe he’d misunderstood? Maybe steve didn’t want to try for more then friends?Ignoring the tight achy feeling in his chest at the idea, he swallowed thickly. Because while he needed tony, tony who understood him so much better right now, he still needed steve with a quiet desperation that he hadn’t been willing to think on, until he’d seen the man himself. He’d been able to ignore the longing as long as he hadn’t seen the other, now that he was seeing him in the flesh it was...hard. So hard to ignore.Swallowing thickly to shove aside the feelings he nodded, already heading for the stairs to show the man the gym. “I’m not sure if it’s right calling it a gym, but we have one. I mean...does a two story workout center, still get the term ‘gym’?”

“Good people then, to help.”Farian smiled at him, amused a little that he was self aware enough to know that he needed help, needed support to not become howard. “I have friends like that. Friends who are family.”She smiled softly thinking of the two assassins, knowing they had to be worried, before laughing at his words. “Well, nerd, I’ll keep that in mind when I’m insulting you.”She smiled looking startled as he leaned into the touch, not sure what to think about him pretty much nuzzling into her hands. Biting her lip as she watched the smirk, seeing through it, but not calling him out it, simply waiting to see what he’d do, real, utter startlement and surprise crossing his face as he did kneel. She hadn’t expected him to kneel, hadn’t thought he’d get on his knees. Giving him that soft bright smile, that was her own version of his smirk, hiding because she had no idea what to do now. While she’d had sex before, she’d been young, and it’d been years, having him kneeling at her feet was utterly reeling for her. “I’m sure you can think of something.”She said quietly stumbling back a step, to confused at her emotions and not sure what to do to stay close to him for a moment, sitting down on the edge of the bed, biting her lip before folding out a high heeled foot towards him as she leaned back on her arms on the bed, looking at him. “You could take my shoes off for me.”She sai, sounding equally uncertain as his smirk suggested he was.
Steve snorted. "of course you're always mean to me." he admitted with a chuckle. "except for when i need someone to be nice to me, then your usually very tender and affectionate. like a girl." he teased, grinning wickedly. "Tony is quite possessive." Tony was very possessive. of all people he thought was his. which was pretty much everyone in his territory to a lesser extent. the people in the building where even more so. he would protect them viciously. he would not let them go either without a fight. "of course he wouldn't." Steve scoffed with a grin. "everyone belongs to him, not the other way around." he admitted before staring, wide eyed at the massive... 'Gym'. "...okay. this is amazing." he admitted, staring wide eyed as he moved around the place, finally stopping at a treadmill. "how fast can this thing go?" he asked, his head tilted before looking up at Bucky and grinning. "okay. i'll admit it. Tony's pretty damn cool."

he nodded as he watched her. finally grinning. "you can invite them if you want. i'll even promise not to hold them hostage." he admitted. "good. you should." he stated with a superior sniff before smiling as he nuzzled her hands, eager for any kind of contact. even the kind that hurt, which was why he tended to get into so much trouble. he had to try hard not to start snickering at her when she looked surprised. clearly she hadn't planned this out very well. "well. i can." he admitted, eyes smoldering at her. "why don't you take off your shirt and bra and lay face down on the rug, make sure your comfortable. i'll give you a real reason to moan." he admitted, licking his lips even as he tugged her shoelaces off and removed her shoes, and then her socks just because she'd be more comfortable without them. he gave no hint as to why he might want her to lay down, he had trusted her to kneel when he had bowed to no one, ever. it was her turn to trust him.
"What?I'm never like a girl. I think you got me confused with yourself."james huffed a little."he is.very."james agreed thinking of everytime he'd ever seen tony with everyone. So very possessive"it is fairly amazing. Tony added more stuff when I got here. He didnt work out alot,and had nothing that would keep up with a super soldier. So he made stuff."he shrugged before tilting his head a little."not sure. But fast enough I can run flat out for a hour without busting it up."james shrugged before smirking."he is fairly damned cool."

"I'll ask them then.they might come."she said wondering if clint and natasha really would come."don'tlook so amused. I don't do this alot."she made a face looking amused though before swallowing hard looking interested,wondering what he planned before nodding a little moving to get up. Sliding out of her dress and moving to lay on the floor toes curling a little as he tugged off her socks trying to relax as she laid down naked and oh so vulnerable as she waited to see what he'd do
Steve smirked. "Just because I'm more vain than a peacock doesn't mean I'm girly." This was true. Even as a skinny little shit, he took great pains to make his appearance as perfect as possible, even if most of his clothes had come from Bucky. "So Tony basically made this entire place for you? That's... a little creepy." He admitted with a snicker ans a smile. "I'll make sure to put it thrrough it's paces tomarrow morning." It took a lot of effort to burn down his ever simmering energy enough to sleep for a few hours. It wasn't insomia really, more just a lack of need for more than an hour or two to sleep unless he totally wore himself down. Without his daily workouts, he ran so 'hot' it was like he'd swallowed down a pound and a half of coffee beans and another pound of sugar. "You still spar? Wanna go a few rounds?" He asked, already feeling thatz simmering edge of energy.

He smiled. "I can grant them a sort of diplomatic immunity." He admitted. "My people won't bother them so long as they behave." He admitted as he watched her. "They will be safe. If only because I know it will please you to have them come and go as they please." He admitted as he studied her. "Oh? Not even a little?" He asked playfully as he stradled her ass, his pants still on as he slicked up his hands with lube and proceded to... give her a very sensual backrub.
“You are more vain then a peacock. And yes it does.”James snickered a little before nodding a little. “It is a tad creepy, but not alot when you consider the man. He’d do it for most people, not just because it’s me. He might have gone through more personal effort because it was me using it, but he’d have made sure any of his people were happy with their stuff.”James shrugged before grinning. “Definitely. We should make Tony run with us, watching him trying to keep up on a treadmill is hysterical.”James snickered, because really, watching tony do any physical activity that didn’t require being naked, was amusing. “Yea, of course I do.”he said before tilting his head, looking unsure, not sure if it’d be a good idea to spar with the other, but figuring if anyone could take care of themselves, it’d be steve. “Let’s.Here, we better change clothes.”James said as he walked into the locker room, already undoing his dress shirt and tossing some workout clothes towards steve and changing clothes himself, only momentarily self conscious about his arm before pulling on a shirt as he headed for the sparring ring.

“That would be great. Thanks.”She said smiling happily, brightly, not that utterly fake bright smile, but the genuinely pleased smile that said he’d managed to make her extremely happy at the idea of seeing her friends. Shuddering a little as she felt him staring at her as she laid on the floor she shook her head a little. “I live a life that doesn’t really lend itself to trusting other people to getting naked and sweaty together. So no, not even a little...this is the closest I’ve gotten in...years.”Farian moaned as he pressed down into taunt overworked muscles, and within minutes she was a relaxed pile of goo under his hands, not even aware of really shifting under him, squirming as she drifted in the sexual hazy of pleasure and contentment he’d gotten her in. For once, warm and happy, her skin warmer to touch then normal, the changes he’d made to himself, canceling out the quirks that were in her. Utterly warm and happy under his hands, squirming in need and want. And while she hadn’t really made the connection, the more she sank into being cold, the less desire she’d felt for sex. Now...warm and happy under him, he had her whimpering nearly in wanting him.
He smirked a little. "Well you have to admit, I am beautiful?" He admitted with an impish grin. "Well that's certainly true." He agreed. "Tony's still nowhere as creepy as Bruce is. Answer me honestly, ther's something a bit, er, off about Bruce right?" He asked, his head tilted. "Does Tony exersize?" He did... sometimes... when James or Bruce made him. Usually boxing or small hand to hand sparring using oriental fighting styles that Bruce taught him. Or rather, that Bruce forced him to learn. "Sure." He agreed to the changing, a little weirded out to realize that he had clothes in his size until he realized that there where clothes in all sizes in there, so ghat anyone could borrow workout clothes. "Buck?" He asked, startled when he saw the metal arm. "Does it hurt?" He asked, biting his lip as he wxamined the metal. Not horrified ot disgusted by it, just worried be ause he had heard that most prosthesis hurt.

He smild. "I will have the badges made." He promised. He used specific lctronic 'badges' that allowed a peerson to come in and out of his territory as they pleased. He was the only one who could make them to actually work on the mechanised border pathrol. With the badges on, they wouldn't have to wait for Tony to give them permission to enter. Or, rather, Jarvis, since Tony never paid attention to the borders anyway. It was Bruce and james jobs to handle those problems. Tony grinned as he ran his overly hot hands all over her body. Due to an 'infection' with the Extremis serum he tended to run a good 106* degrees. He had stabalized the stuff and it was thanks to the Extremis that he was able to so many of the things he'd been able to do. He soon had her an eager pile of lust in his hands ans he added kisses, licks, sucks, nibbles and wandered more, letting his fingers brush her breasts now, what he could reach of them. He urged her to roll ove ans took his time savoring her breasts with his mouth, before giving her poor neglected cunt the same attention. Only then did he slip off his pants and slip on a condom, giving her the chance to tell him no if she wanted, or needed.
Jamaes snickered rolling his eyes a little. “Very.And so very modest to..”James snickered a little. “Yea. He’s....”He trailed off, trying to think of how to explain. “he has very few rules on his behavior, and the ones he has, are there because if he did whatever he wanted, it’d upset tony.”James said frowning as he looked for the word, not able to find it before snickering. “he does when I need a boxing partner instead of a punching bag.”James snickered a little. Pausing at the question he frowned, looking down at the arm. Thinking it over. Cause really, it was always a dull ache, but it was better then what the original had been, given that as soon as he got back to himself, tony had redone the metal arm, making it lighter and stronger. Nodding slightly at the other’s question he sighed quietly. “only when I overwork it, or lay on it wrong.It’s better then it used to be...tony replaced the one I used to have...this one’s made out of the same stuff your shield is, lighter to not put strain on the joint.”James shrugged sighing quietly.

Farian whined, squirming and needy as he touched her. It felt amazing, the utter heat of his hands. It was utterly amazing, usually cool skin warming at his touch. Whimpering and squirming as he bit, nibbled, and sucked,she whined as his hands brushed over her breasts, legs falling open as he urged her to her back, leaning her head back as he paid attention to her cunt, hands tangling in his hair, fingers gripping the strands tightly even though she was careful not to pull. Panting, whimpering when he pulled away to get a condom she looked up at him with lust blown eyes, blinking stupidly, whining, wondering why he was leaving before realizing belatedly he was just getting a condom. Realizing after a moment he was simply watching her, waiting for her to say something she growled softly throwing a leg around his hips, tugging him closer even as she leaned up tp kiss him slowly. Coming with a blissed out moan as he sank into her, body tightening painfully tight around him as she clung to the billionaire.
Steve smirked. "Of course I'm modest. Don't you know anything? America's Golden Boy, that's me in case you didn't know, is perfect in every way." He stated with an impish grin. "So I was right. Bruce has no moral's. He just doesn't like upsetting Tony, and you i'd suppose. I hate to think what Bruce would be doing now if Tony was,t exerting some sort of control over him." He admitted, womdering if Tony was even aware of the danger Bruce really posed? He decided not to think about it. If they had to take down Tony, then he'd just leave. There was no way he could hurt Tony when he had helped Jamed so mich. "Like artheritis?" He asked, examining the gleeming metal. He would never admit it, not to anyone, but he had a thing for metal and tech. "Can I touch it?" He asked before he was even aware of speaking, a blush spreading across his cheeks as he relized that yes. He'd just said that.

He couldn't believe how eager she was. As gorgious as she was, she couldn't poesibly have gone years without intamacy. It was just impossible! And yet she pressed against him just as eagerly as he had used to before Bruce and James. As if she was desperate for human contact, any human contact. Could she really be that starved for affection? He had to admit, his heart was bleeding a bit for her. He slid inside her at her insistance with a small chuckle. "So impatient! I'm not as young as I look you know." Which was as much a lie as it was a truth. Thanks to Extremis he had started reverting in age. He looked, and felt as if he was still in his early tentiws, instead of early forties. He moaned as he pulled her into a kiss, moving inside of her was exquisite. She felt so cool against his super heated flesh. As soon as he felt her orgasm, again, he paused. Oh, that wasn,t good. "Well that's a funny feling..." he admitted realizing the network array he had bur/ied in every inch of his body was short circuting. Causing his muscles to twitch and spasm as if he was having a dozen minor seizures all over his body. "Ex... executive override two two four Alpha bio. All stop." Tony gasped. The array of mechanics buried in his body all crawling to a complete stop save for the ones that where keeping him alive. Like the fake liver and his arc reactor.
“Uh-huh. Whatever you say. I’m fairly certain that’s a lie, but I’ll not ruin the image until I can get proof.”James snickered amused before smiling a little.”Exactly. And I find the fact that he wasn’t a serial killer or assassin before showing up in new york, utterly amazing. So yes, as long as tony’s okay, bruce will be.”James shrugged a little. “Sort of. Just a dull ache most of the time, nothing I’m really aware of-”He trailed off looking startled, eyes widened a little, before smirking.”And here I thought it was tony who had the tech fetish.”He teased a little before nodding, holding out the hand, the dulled metal gleaming in the light. “You can if you want.”

Farian moaned shuddering as he slid into her, blinking stupidly as she looked at him, swallowing hard as she forced herself to look at him, to figure out what he was saying. “I doubt that. You look amazing and..oh...feel amazing for being as old as I know you are...”She babbled a bit, sounding utterly adorably stupid, to undone with the pleasure to really figure out how to compliment him for being both good looking for his age, and not failing to keep up with her for being nearly 10 years older then her,despite looking as young as he was. Looking like he was her age at 24, instead of what she knew was his real age of 41. Startling a little as he paused, twitching as she started up at him, eyes wide as she looked at him.”T-tony?What?”She sat up quickly, eyes wide and panicked, starting to cry softly as she realized she’d hurt him, shoving him away, needing to get him away before she killed him. Not sure what was happening, but knowing it was her fault.
Steve smirked. "No matter what proof you find no one will believe you." He teased with a grin. "Are we sure that he wasn't? After all, Tony can only see public records right? If Bruce was never suspected, or accusd, we'd never know." He admitted. Although, he doubted Bruce would target anyone innocent. Bruce was pretty messed up in the head to be sure. But he wasn't evil. Steve knew that much for sure. He flushed hard as he was teased about his tech fetish. "It's only a little one..." he admitted sheepishly as he took the metal in his hands, eyes wide as he stroked the smooth metal. "Amazing... Tony made this? It's remarkable." He admitted, tracing the palm. "Does it have any touch sensation? Gentle or strength limits? f ourse not. This is Tony's work." He admitted before he flushed again, dropping the arm like it had burned him. "Sorry..." he mumbled. Mortified to realize he had a bit of a boner.

Tony grinned as she babbled at him. "Gee, thanks so much. Your fairly nice for someone your age too." He teased with a chuckle before groaning as his hardware staryed to malfunction. "Hey. Farian. Ow." He complained as she shoved him away. "I need you to get me to my lab." He ordered. "Help me up please. I shut down the problem tech that was malfunctioning inside of me. I just have to run some repairs that's all, okay? Come on, help me up. My muscles are too weak for me to get up on my own. It's fine. Iswear. Come on don't break down on me just yet okay?"
“I will. Farian will believe me.”James said wisely, before snickering. “If you think tony can only see public records, I think you’re more delusional then I thought.”He teased shrugging a little. Grinning widely at Steve’s words he looked amused at how sheepish the other looked, swallowing thickly as it was touched, closing his eyes as he just enjoyed it. It was a rarity that anyone but Tony touched him, so he was enjoying it. Nodding a little he shuddered as steve stroked his palm he smiled. “About as sensitive as someone suffering surface nerve damage. It’s not as sensitive as my real hand, but I can tell hot and cold, if your touching me, or if I’m gripping something to hard.”He said before frowning, tilting his head as he looked at the other. Well. Maybe steve did want him after all. Or maybe it was the tech. Stepping back he nodded towards the ring. “I thought we were sparring.”he said giving steve a graceful way to ignore his body’s reaction.

“Shut up.”She said making a face at his teasing,. Wincing at his complaint, she swallowed thickly, calming at his directions. He was okay. Still okay, she hadn’t killed him. Whatever problems he was having, it wasn’t life threatening. At least not yet. Looking at him before she nodded, “Kay. I can get you downstairs.”She said as she got dressed and helped him get dressed, calming slightly at the orders to help him. Because she did so much better when someone was telling her what to do. While she’d always bend the rules, and work around them, as long as she knew what to do, it was okay. Helping him up she wrapped a arm around his waist, hesitating, but hoping that the clothes between them would keep him from getting to cold again. As soon as he’d said the tech malfunctioned, she knew it was the cold that was in her veins that had messed him up. Worrying about him, but quiet as they got down to the lab, looking around. “What can I do?”She said biting her lip, looking around, before focusing on the billionaire, waiting to see what she could do to help.
Steve smirked a little. "Farian thinks I piss gold, fart jewels and speak the good book. She'll never believe you." Which was a lie of course. Farian knew better than anyone how disgusting and foul mouthed Steve could really be. Natasha and Clint too knew just how much of a brooklyn boy he really was. No matter how good he was at hiding it he didn't bother pretending for people he felt comfortable with. He already felt comfortalble there, as proven by his earlier whining. "Wow. That's kind of amazing." He admitted before blushing hard at the other. "Honestly? I don't think we should spar right now. I honestly don't know if I can keep myself from throwing you down and fucking you brainless." He admitted sheepishly.

He nodded. Good, she was keeping her head. He had thought she would, being a battle hardened woman. This wasn't exactly battle though. He grunted in pain as he was pulled to his feet but managed to keep to them once he was there. Once down in the lab he instructed her to lay him down on a table which was connected to so many different machines it was like it's own hosipital. "Go over to that silver cabinet and get down the blue snap case." He instructed. Inside the silver cabinet there was a rainbow of small cases, pouches, first aid kits and pill bottles that where carefully labeled with what they had in them. Not all of them where pills. "Inside that case is a syringe and four bottles. I want the one with the pink cap." He admitted, watching her. "You ever give a shot before? Or should I have Jarvis call Bruce? This part is delicate and you'll need to get it just right." He warned.
“...just where do you come up with these metaphors?I could have done without that mental image.”James said rolling his eyes a little because he knew that the woman was aware of just how much of a brooklyn boy steve was. “It is fairly amazing. Though I wouldn’t say it in tony’s hearing, otherwise you’ll be subjected to a hour long talk about it.”James snorted amused before looking up at the other startled, then flushing brightly. “Oh...yes. Maybe that wouldn’t be a good idea...”James muttered, not because he didn’t want to fuck the other, but because he was still finding his footing. It was hard for him to consider how to deal with the other.

Farian sighed softly glad to have directions as she helped him lay down before getting the snap case down, looking everything over before snickering a little.”You have your own little drug store going on down here, tony.”She teased a little before returning with the bottles and syringe, before tilting her head. “I can do it. It wouldn’t be the first time doing it...but do you want me to get bruce?”She said, after hurting him, not wanting to make it worse. Willing to do what made him comfortable.
He snickered. "Make them up mostly. Or mess up the ones I've heard." He admitted with a shrug. "Besides, we both know you love the mental image." He teased. "You always loved mentally imagining me." He teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head before flushing with a shrug. "While I wouldn't mind a few rounds with you, I fhink that would be a very big detriment to our budding new relashionship. Plus if we start, I don't know that I'll be able to stop." He admitted. "I don't want to pressure you into anything so I have to contol myself, and we both know I was never very good at that." He admitted. "By the way, while I'm on the topic... that disembodied voice, Jarvis? Where exactly is he and does he watch me while I'm sleeping, showering and doing... you know. Mastabatory exersizes...."

Tony nodded a little. "I live a dangerous life. Sometimes those things are the only reason why I stay alive. This isn't that bad. Just a bit of a glitch in the system... I think." He admitted, motioning her over. "Your going ro need a very steady hand. I'd so it myself but my hands are shaking too much after the electical jolts to my muscles and nervous systems." He admitted, pulling one of the X-Ray things over and sticking his arm under it. Letting her see. Alongside the various nerves, blood veins, muscles and other things, there was a massive array of copper wires, computer chips, and what looked like a net that was buried in his body under bthe layer of fat that all people had. No matter how skinny. "Cool huh? This is why you need steady hands and a good eye. You need to hit my vein, without touching any of the electrical componants. Because that will hurt. A lot and it can cause a lot of damage." He admitted. "That right there is a muscle relaxant that will steady my hands and let me work on myself... provided the problem is within my reaching distance." He admitted. "Can you so it?" He wasn't entirly being honest. There was also a limited 'booster' that would allow him to so full scale surgery without bleeding to death, feeling the pain, passing out, and healing as soon as he was done. He didn't think it would come to that though.
“Hm, but usually when I’m imagining you, you’re naked and begging.”James said teasing right back before looking at the other, looking relieved that while he wanted to, at least steve was clear headed enough to know what to do to get them back on track to being friends. Because after 60 years on ice, james’ emotional responses and ability to choose to do things that concerned himself and not the mission, was hard for him. “No, you weren’t. But you’re going to have to be...I’m not...steady these days. Never good at choosing what’s best for me now. Usuaully have to rely on tony to help me figure it out, actually.” Which was amusing, cause james babied and fussed over tony so much, but for himself, he was never good with control or choosing well.

“Maybe...hopefully just a glitch.”Farian said, though there was enough guilt in her careful trying for neutral tone that said seh suspected it wasn’t, that somehow she’d caused the glitch. Nodding a little she winced realizing he was really hurting, eyes widening as he stuck his hand under the x-ray machine, swallowing hard as she looked it over, “Well. That explains why you don’t like the cold. That much tech doesn’t do well with it”She muttered, saying it, and not really aware she’d said it outloud. Focusing on seeing where she’d need to inject him, she nodded a little before filling the syringe, fingers lingering lightly on his arm, using the x-ray and touch to find where she needed before slowly, carefully injecting him, glancing up at his face, pleased to see she hadn’t hit any of the wires or componants, tilting her head slightly as she drew the needle out. “Tony?”She muttered looking up at him, looking concerned, dropping her hands away. Not touching him more then she needed to, not wanting to cause more damage by making him cold.
Steve snorted. "I don't beg. I think you have your memories mixed up. Your the one that begs." He teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he smiled at the other. "Yeah. I kind of guessed when you sort of went ice warrior in the kitchen and Tony had to talk you down." He admitted. "He's a good man, risking so much to help you like that." He admitted. "You know... honestly, shield sent me in here to kill him. I don't think I ever could. Not npw, not when he gave me a chance to have my best friend back." He admitted. "If I ever have to make that call, make that choice? I'll pick tony, I'll pick you." He promised softly. "And I'll help you as much as I can. I promise. Just tell me how to help you, and I'll so it in a heartbeat... unless you want me to sleep with girls. Or touch a baby. Or pick up afte an animal. Anything gross really."

"It's probobly a system malfunction of some sort. I'll knpw for sure once Jarvis locates the Target problems." He admitted before he frowned. "Who said I didn't like the cold? Besides, it would have to get cold enough to sink below my skin and fat layers. I would have to have at least minor frostbite before the cold would affect my system interlays like that. Granted if there's a point of access the cold could travel through my system through the copper...." he paused, realizing she'd probobly not habe any idea what he was talking about anyway. He grunted as she injected him and smiled a little as she stepped back. "I,m good now. Waste disposal is over there. Make sure to put the needle in the toxic waste bin." He ordered as he dabbed at the dot of blood before focusing on the machine he was laying in. "Full scan systems check. Three dee imagery." He ordered. "Problem areas in red." The machines sprang to life and started scanning every inch of his body. A three dee holographic repica slowly bulding up. Once it was done, it was his chest that had 'systems damage'. "How interesting." Tony mised as he carefully sat up and examined the hologram of hi self. "Of course. I hadn't realized. Because I run so hot... yes.. hmm... I can fix that."
“Yea....going back to that is a rarity these least for the most part. Some of the worst random shit sends me back...if he’s not around. Just give me facts. As the soldier, I didn’t know who I was. Being given my life facts back, keeps me here.”James said before he nodded. “I thought that was why, they’ve been spending everyone to kill him.”James muttered before looking at the man startled, before smiling slightly. “Good....not to mention, I’m fairly certain your partner would choose him now to.”He pointed out, though he did look relieved that he wasn’t going to have to go coosing between who to choose, who to help, steve or tony. “...Well. The only girl living her currently is farian, and tony’s busy touching her, and we have no babies or animals, so I think you’re good.”he teased yawning, frowning slightly. He didn’t want to leave steve’s company yet, but he needed more sleep then steve did, years on ice having messed up his abilitiy to stay awake as long as steve, while he could go days without sleeping, it was harder on him then it was steve to go without sleep.

:”...Hm?Oh, no one. But this much tech can’t enjoy being cold. I mean, if a cell phone messes up when its to cold, I can’t imagine what tech heated to your body temprature does when it gets cold.”She said blushing slightly, biting her lip, wondering if she should tell him. After all, if he wanted her still, this would probably be a repeat problem since touching her would still render him cold enough to mess with the tech. Looking thoughtful she nodded as she threw the needle away before watching the hologram building, swallowing hard as she watched him work. “...What hadn’t you realized?”She asked tilting her head a little before frowning.”you run hotter then normal humans, don’t you?”She questioned, realizing she probably had a bigger problem then she’d thought if she could drop his temprature low enough to mess up. After all, if he was used to running super hot, then being with her was going to mess him up badly.”....We can’t do this anymore.”She blurted out, before wincing as she realized just how stupid she probably sounded as she stared at the floor.
Steve nodded a little as Bucky talked. "I can so that." He promised, smiling at James. "I know a lot of facts about you." He admitted. "I guess it's kind of like PTSD? Some of the wierdest things send me into panic mode too. I started a dryer the other day and the next thing I knew I was in the middle of battle. Damn near shot some poor agent." He admitted. "They think he's a serious threat. And he is. He's stable for now though, he's not getting worse. He's not activly hurting people, so I don't see any reason why I shpuld make him stop. Yah I don't particularily like what he's doing, but he's not hurting anyone really so that's okay." He hoped. "Oh, Farian wpuld kill him if there was no other choice. She always does what's right. She'll exaughst every other option before it comes to that though." He admitted before smiling as Bucky yawned. "You go lay down. I can imagine it's pretty exaughsting popping in and out of your own mind." He admitted. 'We'll talk more when your not tired, okay? You'll focus better." He teased.

Tony nodded. That was true enough. "Oh, I just hadn't realized that my Arc Reactor would work like a point of contact. See? Whatever happened, it spread from here." He explained, tapping his chest. He hadn't taken off his shirt in front of her, though it was pretty damn hard to miss the glowing circle. "It also cools twice as fast because of the extemely conductive metals I used to make it. Yes, I so run hotter. It'snpart of one of the things I was accidently exposed to." He admitted. "I typically run around a hundred and six to a hundred and ten, depending on various scenarios. If I'm hurt I run hotter as my system overworks to heal it." He admitted before lookingup at her. "Why? Because your an icy-col'd metahuman? Don't worry about it I suspected that when I first started seducing you." He admitted. "Like I said, I can fix this. I just have to work my Arc Reactor design a bit more. It's better that I know this now rather than battling it out in new york or russia or something."
"I'm sure you do."he said sounding pleased at the idea of having more facts to ground himself. Tilting his head a little before smiling."yea...I cant go down to tony's lab if he's working. To loud and war like."james smiled a little before nodding."exactly. I know its not...the best. But he's in control here and quite aware of how bad he could be."james smiled before making a face nodding."bed sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow morning."james smiled as he walked steve to his own room before heading for his own.

"That makes sense...the metals cold."she frowned a little thinking it over. Feeling a little better about it though she felt badly still. "Well at least you're body can heal itself...though I'm not sure how the cold works. I mean it'll try running hotter to compensate for being cold but..."she frowned looking worried about him before sighing hanging her head a little."I know its better-"she stoppsd before realizing what he'd said."I. ..I...yes. i am. I run cooler then most."she said looking anxious about his reaction,not sure. Having never told anyone before this was weird for her.
Steve grinned a little and nodded. "Oh yes. I have all kinds of embarasing stories on you." He admitted with a grin before grimacing and nodding. "I'll make sure to stay away from Tony's lab then." He agreed with a shake of his head. "The last thing we need is me having a panic attack around extremly deadly weapons." He admitted. "I'm hoping I can,or Farian can, talk him out of the world domination thing he's got going on." He admitted. After all, what was safety without freedom? There could be no joy without free will, and Tony was well on his way to taking that away. "Goodnight Bucky! Sleep well okay? And if you need me, for any reason, my dodor will always be open to you." He promised. Watching James leave before heading into his rooms to make a smoothie for dinner and then start his nightly exersizes. If he was lucky, he'd be able to sleep a few hours.

Tony nodded. "The metal is actually extremly conductive. Usually it's the same temperature as my body." He admitted. "When it touched your cold body, I think your meta human abilities latched onto it slightly. Even if you run cold, it wouldn't have been enough to cause this kind of damage." He admitted. "It,s all suzperficial damage anyway." He admitted. "I won't have to so much to fix it." He promised a s he stroked his Arc Reactor, thinking hard As he pulled up a blueprint of just the damaged 'net' in his chest. "Hmm. Spot fix here. Here. And here..." he muttered as he examined the places that where actually damaged. "Hmmm. I see what it is." He admitted. " see this?" He asked her, indicating the small section closest to the Arc reactor, "the Arc Reactor pretty much sucked your 'powers' into it. Looks liske the magnet works on more than just metal. That's interesting. I'll have to explore that a bit more, could be. A good way to contain certain villonous metahumans." He admitted. "So you can stop feeling all doom and gloom. It wasn't your fault." He promised with a grin. "Your going to want to leave now. I'm about tocut myself open to fix this.... and so me a favor? Don't tell anyone? James and bruce would get annoyed if they realized just how much tech I have inside of myself."
“I’m sure one of you will get through to him.”James smiled a little at the thought before nodding tiredly. “I’ll sleep fine. Goodnight.”he muttered as he went for his own rooms.

“...Maybe because you are so warm, and I am cold most of the time, my abilities saw a way to warm up. It’s a interesting thought anyways.”She muttered looking relieved that it was only superficial damage and nothing to bad. Looking at it as he showed her she frowned a little, before huffing. “That’s...interesting. I mean, I’m warm right now. I wonder if the arc reactor negated my abilities because its cold, or because it just has that power.”she said looking thoughtful, before smiling. “I’ll try not to feel to badly then.”She said before wincing, “Yea...I’m not staying for that...but be careful okay?And call me if you need anything.”She said worried about him before nodding. “I wont tell them. Goodnight Tony.”She said hesitating for a moment before kissing his cheek as she left.

The next day farian smiled as she walked into the kitchen, sipping her orange juice and nibbling on a muffin having gotten a food delivery since she was incapable of cooking, but she looked happy and pleased with the food, trying not to look worried about tony. Wondering if the genius was even out of bed yet. Smiling at steve she sat down at the table, watching him cook for a long moment. “So. How was your evening?”Seh smirked looking him over.

Elsewhere, Natasha looked in stunned disbelief at the pass she was holding, before looking over at Clint. “You’re seeing this right?I’m not imaging that we have passes to get in and out of new york as we want to right?”
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