The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“....”James stared at the other, tilting his head. Sensing, knowing he wasn’t helping, and knowing he probably was making the other feel badly, but there was nothing he could do. Clearing his throat a little he stood, “Come on grant.I’ll show you around.”he said leaning with the other as tony argued abotu his party, ignoring the fight, knowing tony would just get even more annoyed if he told him to calm down.“Hey. It’s okay. The art’s supposed to be seen by lots of people, rememeber?”farian muttered frowning slightly at how angry he was sounding, before watching him go. Biting her lip a little as she looked at bruce.”he’s just grouchy cause he didn’t have sex. Let him work for awhile, he’ll be happy.”Farian said wisely smiling as she got up and headed for the door, having her own shopping to do. Maybe she could make him happier about the party.

Later Farian blushed slightly as she knocked on the glass to the lab, not even trying to get in knowing from jarvis tony had privacy locked himself into the lab, she could only see a hazy outline of the man in fact, smiling slightly as she waited for him to let her in. Shifting a little in her high heels, she hoped her dress would at least cheer him up a little about having to go to the party.
Grant nodded, eager to get away from the Shield agents, the freeky genetisist, and the insane bilionair. "Hey James? I'm glad you have yourself back." Grant admitted, offering him a small grin before he frowned. "I was wondering though. What happens when Hydra finds out?" He was wondering if Tony could really keep them safe from retribution. Hydra did not have deserters. They just had dead traitors.

"No! It's mine!" Tony snarled before stomping away and Bruce shook his head. "It's not a lack of sex. He just gets like this sometimes. He doesn't like unlnown people in his space, while he likes you and Steve, your still relitive strangers and it's upsetting him a little is all. He'll be fine by tonight."

And indeed he was, dressed in a gorgious suit as he played with some sort of tiny electrical thing. "Hey, give me a sec." Tony ordered, focused entirly on his thing through a magnefying glass. Then he looked up and paused to stare at her. "I, am a genius. This party was the best idea ever." He admitted, staring at her. Clearly, he liked the dress.
James smiled a little glancing at the other, “Hm?”He muttered looking at the other as they walked, looking serious before sighing softly.”I’ll die. But I’d rather die as me, then live as their weapon.”he said, because he knew tony would try to protect him, but he wouldn’t let it come to that if things went badly, if he had the choice, between himself and saving the people he cared for...well, it wasn’t that much of a choice. He’d died once protecting steve, he’d do it again in a heartbeat.

Farian winced at that, swallowing hard.”Okay...”She sighed quietly, hating that their presence was upsetting tony.

Farian snickered a little, amused that even dressed and ready for the gala, he was tinkering with electroical things. “Kay. We have a bit until we have to be at the gala.”She said smirking, blushing a little as he stared, resting one hand on her bared him, and cocking her hip a little, the short side of the dress nearly cut high enough to show if she was wearing underwear or not. Though unlike the night before, she was indeed wearing undies under her dress, but it was still a stop dead gorgeous dress for the woman, a good bet since she’d wanted to show she was capable of cleaning up and dressing well, instead of simply a mercenary, wanting to show she could clean up and be his date for the evening...”So it’s your idea now?”she teased, “It’s time to get downstairs. James sent me down to get you, since he’s busy getting ready himself.”She said knowing it was more security checks then actually getting dressed.
Grant froze and stared at James, mortified. "Tony can't protect us then?" he asked, looking worried before he sighed. "your right though. better to die free, then live as a slave." he agreed, shaking his head. "kinda wish i could have lived for myself at least once though." he admitted before he paused. "well... i guess i did, now that i think about it. Savannah wasn't exactly a sanctioned relationship." he admitted with a smile. "remind me to kill my brother before i die." he decided. "i don't have to go to that party thing tonight right? because this is like, literally everything i own." he admitted, indicating his Hydra leathers.

he nodded and smirked when the thing in his hand let off a series of sparks. "that's amazing." he breathed as he stared at her. "are you naked under there? because i totally fixed the whole cold issue." he admitted. well, he thought so anyway. he had always loved living dangerously. "it was always my idea." he admitted. "McKidney just offered the suggestion." he admitted as he stood up and straightened his tie and then ran a brush through his hair before offering her his arm. "shall we then?" he asked with a smile. "Jarvis? make sure to run comprehensive background checks on all of the guests."
“he can. Most likely. But I wont let them kill him...or steve.. To get to me. My life’s not worth theirs. I wont let the collateral damage of me fighting to live, to cost them, tony everything he’s built.”James sighed a little studying the other for a long moment. “You had someone. You weren’, but she gave you freedom for a little while.”James said smiling softly before laughing. “I’ll help out. And we have a merc living here to, a beautiful woman to. If anyone can get close to Christian, farian might...if tony lets her out of his sight.”he smiled before smirking.”You do. You’ve got bodyguard duty....and you are staying in Stark Tower, Ward. We have more then enough time to get you cleaned up for tonight.”He snickered already asking jarvis to get the tailor and heading to get them both ready for the night.

“Hm, nearly. Wearing a pair of teeny tiny underwear.”Farian snickered, tilting her head a little. “You fixed it?”She said looking interested and worried. “How?”She said sounding curious before smiling, “Uh-huh, whatever you say.”She teased a little amused he was claiming the party as his own before slipping a arm through his. “of course, sir. Already working on it. James and Agent ward will be meeting you at the elevator, and the Captain, and Agents barton and rommoff are already downstairs waiting for your arrival.” “Well, it seems we better be going. No time to investigate if I’m really wearing anything under this.”Farian teased as they left.
Grant shook his head. "i think your underestimating Captain America and Iron Man a little there." he admitted. "if you think they're just going to let you die, your mistaken." he reminded the other. "they'll fight you tooth and nail and die themselves before they let you walk to your death." he pointed out. "i did have someone." he admitted with a smile. "a wonderful someone. you have some pretty amazing people yourself." he admitted. "Tony stark scares the piss out of me though, and Bruce Banner ..." he just shuddered before groaning as he realized he did, in fact, have to go. he hated parties.

"can i see?" he asked with a grin as he bounced over to her. "yeah i fixed it... theoretically anyway. i haven't had the chance to actually test it using your meta human powers, though it didn't seam to be affected by all the snuggling i was doing this morning." he admitted. "not that it's a high indicator. i think it needs to be skin on skin contact." he admitted. "i used a low conductive metal to line the casing so that it would no longer connect." he stated calmly. "what i actually did is so complicated Bruce even glazed out on me at the end so i won't hurt your brain." he promised. "you tease." he complained to Farian, sulking as he headed down, Ward sulking as well as he fidgeted in his suit and tie. he hated freaking parties and he hated ties and suits. never mind that he was more comfortable in this thing than he was in the clothes he usually wore. Bruce was accepting invitations and checking their backgrounds as they walked in before announcing them to the room as a whole. there was a dozen or more men stationed at all the doors and windows, preventing anyone from moving into rooms or areas they weren't supposed to be in. even the ventilation was covered. all of them where wearing black leathers with the Stark Industries logo on it. they where Tony's most loyal personal guard. and they would move swiftly and with finality against anyone who tried anything.
“Maybe a little.”James smiled a little, but not having any faith, because he’d been broken for so long, he just couldn’t have faith. “And they are fairly scary, but you get used to it.”James snickered a little.

“No.”She said smirking a little before tilting her head, looking relieved at the idea. “Good. And if it doesn’t work, at least we know what’s the problem and how to fix it next time.”She said looking worried still, but relaxing the calmer he was about it, smiling softly before laughing. “Thanks. I don’t want to glze out on you.”She smiled before smirking a little. “Hm, but you like me teasing you.”She said smiling as they walked. “Stop fidgeting. You’ll mess up the suit.”James said rolling his eyes a little as he straightened his own tie as he smirked at tony and farian,”I see you’ve decided that the party’s okay, Tony.”He teased amused as they walked in tense and ready just in case something hpapened, but relaxing a little as they moved into the crowd, smiling at steve. “You look nice.”He muttered.

“You want something to drink?”Farian smiled looking at tony, smiling at him a little
he nodded. "very true." he agreed with a grin. "besides, i knew right away what the problem and solution was. it's not like i haven't had this kind of problem before." he admitted with a chuckle. "i mean, not this problem exactly, but similar ones." he admitted. "i'm just too smart." he admitted with a grin. "but, you're smarter than most people i interact with." he admitted. "you certainly have more common sense than most people i have to interact with." he admitted with a huff. "i do like it when you tease me." he admitted happily. "good. the suit needs messing up." Grant grumbled. "it's horrible. if i where to spring a boner in this thing, everyone would know." he pointed out. "and worse, you can't fight in one of these things!" "of course the party is okay, it was my idea after all." he scoffed. "besides, the view is brilliant from here." he admitted, trying to use a pinky finger to slide Farian's dress out f the way to sneak a peek at her panties. he failed of course but he was still trying. Steve offered James a smile. "of course i do. have you seen my ass recently?" he asked playfully. "the tailor said it was scrumptious. i don't know what that means, but i'm pretty sure it was a compliment. too bad she was a girl."
"Its a crime really.just how smart you are."she teased before blushing at his compliment."thanks. In my line of work,common sense is important."she said laughing softly at grant's complaining."dont be so dramatic. If i can fight in it and get a boner your suits fine. Quit complaing ..though if you emss it up some more,you'll probably get hit on more."james teased."stop it. You'll find out later tony."farian teased though she didnt smack his hand away as he tried. Finding his fixation amusing. "Hm it is a scrumptious ass. Nicely rounded and perfect to bite."james smirked at the man tilting his head as he watched farian moving into the party and pulling tony with her as she looked at the art.
he smirked. "of course it's not. i am gods gift to humanity." he stated with a smirk. "without me, the world would have burned to death already." he stated smugly. "common sense is important in all lines of work except political, law, and cheer-leading." he pointed out. "i hate suits and i hate parties and i hate you all." Grant grumbled as he checked to make sure he had his guns close at hand. who knew when one of those guests might turn out to be Hydra, or Shield, or an assassin. "but i want to find out now." Tony grumbled as he tried to catch another peek without flashing the crowd and failing again. "holy hell James." Steve complained, adjusting himself. "this thing isn't designed to hide erections you know." he pointed out, looking amused as he sipped at a flute of champagne, watching Tony get dragged around as he told her all about the artwork, what it was, why it was better than anything else anyone else had and why people wanted it. "i didn't know Tony was a fine arts kind of person." he wasn't, he just liked owning things no one else could.
"I'll remind you that you hate me next time you get in trouble or something."james smirked amused a grant's annoyance at the suits.""no tony."farian ordered amused."I know."james said smirking as he looked down,enjoying the sight of cap hard and wanting before looking up at him again."dont tell that to grant. Hes already complaining about getting erections in the suit."james snickered keeping his eyes moving around the room,watching. "He's not. He just likes having stuff other people dont."

"Farian. May we talk?"the dark haired man said as he approached."sitwell. No I've not answered all your calls today,there was a reason. I'm no5 doing it."farian said features shuttering as she stepped away from tony looking angry and annoyed at this ruining the good time she'd been having.
Grant huffed. "your an asshole." he complained before giving Tony an odd look as the Billionaire actually whined at her like he was some sort of toddler. he frowned a little as the bald headed bastard approached. Sitwell had hated him ever since he had refused to build weapons for Shield. "Not doing what?" Tony asked, his head tilted. "he wants you to kill me right? tear out my heart and give it to him, yeah?" he demanded, tapping his chest, that mad glint in his eyes. "well you can't have her now. she's mine. she belongs to me now." he hissed, baring his teeth at Sitwell as if he was some kind of mad dog.

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "i wont say a word." he promised with a grin. unlike Grant, Steve wore suits very well. even as a scrawny little shit, he had worn them well with a dignity most people couldn't have imagined. "what the hell is Sitwell doing here?" Steve asked, frowning. "he's level Seven, Shield. he shouldn't even have been allowed in. it was his decision to call in Farian for the assassination of Stark." he admitted. "best get your gun ready, just in case."
Farian smiled looking amused that he was actually whining before nodding slightly."yes. It is. I was hired so. But since arriving,I've discovered things werent as you told them to be sitwell. I wont make the decison when its not necessary." "Youve accepted the money, merc. You have no choice." "Then you can have it back. I wont do it."farian said her voice raising a little a hand rubbing slightly at her bared thigh, and across the room james knew she was armed was fighting the desire to go for the weapon even as sitwell grabbed her am as if to shake some sense into her. The world tilting dangerously fast as inded the man did that...only to have the air around the two drop dangerously cold as farian instinctively responded instead of going for a gun.

"What?he's hydra also. Probably here to chec-"james starting cursing as he headed across the room catching sitwell as the man fell,ice cold and nearly dead as farian kept dropping the temperature responding without really seeing the people around her,not seeing anything really as she fought for control.
Tony nodded. "i thought as much." Tony admitted, grinning still. "he's a double agent, did you know? he wants me to make him weapons so he can given them to Hydra." he admitted. "you thought i didn't know Sitwell? thought i didn't know who you really are? what you really are? i let you live because you where useful to me, leaving all those fancy files and folders on your computer for me to read and copy as i wanted." he stated before snarling as Sitwell grabbed her. "You Don't Touch What Is Mine!" he snarled as he went to defend her, only pausing as he realized it was really fucking cold, his own body temperature dropping with the cool air totally derailing him from his rage at how GOOD it felt to be cool. "Farian. that's enough. stop now." Clint ordered, gently stroking her hair. hoping he could snap her out of it before the screaming, panicking guests got hurt. Bruce had already locked the room down completely, no one in, no one out.

"i don't think he's here to check on you." Steve admitted as he pulled his own gun out and headed for Tony who was poking at the ice cold body rather curiously. "Tony, stop that." Bruce ordered as he checked Sitwell's pulse. "still alive. i'll take him from here." Bruce decided. "Rogers. get these people calmed down would you?" "sure thing." Steve agreed, getting to his feet and standing up on a table, yelling in his most authoritative voice for everyone to shut up and sit down! soon he had the entire room silent and the people lined up against the walls, out of the way as he checked everyone there for any background discrepancies. well, no, Jarvis checked, he just grabbed the people who weren't wh they said they where. there where three. backup Mercs. there to kill Tony, and any Shield agent and any traitor they came across, including James and Grant.
"What?he is?"farian said glaring at the man as he started to stutter explanations of a mission, but it was obvious he was lying. That he really was hydra. Farian bared her teeth in a snarl as clint grabbed her,fighing to get free as natasha took her arm ignoring the way her hands went cold as they tried to get through to her.trusting steve and james and grant and bruce to see that the guests and tony were safe. They had to snap farian out of it.

By the time they got through everyone james was a walking explosion,moments away from blowing up as he dealt with the mercs and turned them over to bruce pausing to look at farian. Even if the room was still chilled and she wasnt responding to anyone it wasnt getting colder yet. Looking at tony,having made the man walk with him as he dealt with the othersn the bodyguard and need to keep tony safe, even at the expense of farian, kicking in. Looking at the billionaire he nodded towards farian."see if you can get through to her since theyre not."
Tony nodded. "he is. i've been using him as a weak link to get all the dirty details on Hydra and Shield i wanted. he keeps some very interesting things on his home computers." Tony admitted. "lie all you want Sitwell." Tony chirped, smirking. "your a dead man walking, and we're going to make an example out of you." he admitted, gently patting the bald man on the head before leaving him to Bruce. Clint winced, well aware that he was going to have Frostbite by the time this was over, well worth it as far as he was concerned.

Tony was twitchy and unhappy once they where done, and was more than a little bit worried how Bruce was going to handle what they'd found on McKenzie's computer files. she had smoothed her way into this party specifically to get Hydra and the Mercs in to kill Tony. she had even made certain to tell the mercs not to hit Bruce with any bullets, but to use a highly concentrate form of venom mixed with poison. the poison of a Blowfish mixed with the venom of a Taipan and a Sea Krait, concentrated to where a single drop could kill a mortal man in seconds. Bruce might very well have died if that dart had hit him. Bruce's shaky hold on humanity was at risk if he found out the one friend he still had, the woman who had saved his life twice had just tried to have him murdered. but how was he going to tell Bruce such a thing!? he couldn't keep it a secrete. he was terrible at keeping secretes. he moved over to Farian, examined her a second before gripped the back of her head in a gentle Hold and proceeded to kiss the daylights out of her, even while his free hand slid up her inner thigh, brushing the line of her panties.
James looked slightly pale bu5 he was jn his element, holding onto himself but by bare threads, staying close to steventrusti g them to keep him james and not backslide into the soldier."keep the woman under watch.and dont tell bruce.not yet."he said glad bruce had taken sitwell and the others down to the lab,like tony worried how the man was going to react to his friends betrayal. Trusting steve to look after her for a moment while he dealt with the problem of farian. Twitchingwith the need to kill her because she was a threat,but for the moment able to stop himself.

Farian fought to step back as she was kissed before slumping into him bonelessly nearly falling as she came back to herself,clining to the slightl6 cooler then normal billionaire shivering. Because while she cold make it cold,the side effect od using so much of her talent was near hypothermia for herslef. She'd be fine,she just needed warmed up."tony?"she shuttered.
Steve gently gripped the inside of Jame's upper arm and then slid his hand down so they where holding hands, trying to offer him some physical support. "Clint! Natasha! take her. my room. she doesn't leave and no one goes in to see her. watch her every move." Steve ordered, Clint offering Cap a salute before yanking her to her feet and forcing her to the stairs, the two SI Guards moving out of the way. "Farian's fine. she won't hurt anyone else." Steve promised. "she hasn't got full control of her powers yet." he admitted. "most people don't even realize she has them." he admitted. "come on, you need to sit down, okay?" he asked, gently easing Bucky to a bench.

Tony hummed with a smile as he held her. "you feel amazing." he admitted with a sigh. "so cold." he murmured, snuggling her. the heat of his body sinking into her. like she was sucking out his body temperature. "come on. let's go get you warmed up." he ordered, gently helping her keep to her feet as he urged her to the stairs, two SI Guards following him but saying nothing. they where there only to protect Tony. just in case. Tony drew her a hot bath and shooed the Guards out while she got naked. "Coco butter and Shea, or Vanilla Lavender?" Tony asked, holding up two packets of herbal bath salts.
James swallowed thickly as he watched natasha and clint leave with the woman watching tony and farian. Swallowing hard as he nodded tightly."I know she isnt"he said sounding like the winter soldier but the words were james',looking up at steve as his hand was held he let the other pull him along,knowing tony was safe for the moment in the newly iemptied room as SI agents escorted the guests out."she's fine....and so am I. I can do this."he growled even though he didn't move to get up despite his protests.

Farian smiled shivering as she pressed her face against his chest,nosing him a little like a starving kitten as she sought to warm up."kay. Warm is good."she said for once being utterly compliant and letting him do what he wanted as long as she got to be warm. Looking up startled as she realized that they gotten to the bathroom, wincing asshe realized she was so cold she was losing time. Smiling as she slid out of the dress moaning in pleasure at the warm water before looking up at him at thequestion."vanilla lavender."she said offering him a small sad smile."...I'm sorry tony.."
Steve smiled at James. "so you can't shoot her. no matter how much you want to." he ordered. "it's like shooting a kitten. just not right." he teased with a smile. "your not fine, your skating the edge. what's your name?" he demanded, remembering how Tony had done it. hoping he could keep James from sinking too far down, or whatever. he didn't know what happened but he assumed it would be bad.

Tony hummed happily as he was nuzzled. she felt so deliciously cold. it was wonderful. simply wonderful. "yes. warm is good." he agreed with a chuckle as he helped her up the stairs. "nothing to be sorry for." he promised her as he dumped in the salts and swirled the water, letting it sooth her muscles. "a good chunk of my most loyal are actually people who where sent to kill me." he admitted. "and you told him no. so that's a pretty big deal." he admitted as he stroked her hair, smiling at her. "you won't leave me, right?" he asked. "you won't ever leave me. or betray me?" he muttered, stroking her cheek with his thumb. that odd little tone coloring his voice, though he hadn't lost it yet. not yet.
“...I know. Farian Frost is safe. She’s tony. Tony will kill me if I shoot her.”James muttered before laughing. “A kitten?I’d like to see you tell her that.”He muttered again swallowing thickly, looking up at the other’s words, blinking slowly, it taking a few long moment to remember his name. “James Buchanan Barnes...” James said slowly swallowing hard.

Farian sighed softly as she relaxed even more as the water warmed her slowly, swallowing hard. “...I did tell him no...and I’m not going anywhere. I’m not planning on it tony.”She said sighing quietly as she leaned into his hand, swallowing hard. “But I meant for ruining your party....I just....I’m not good...whatever...material for you. I mean...I don’t know about party or things like that. I’m not good for you.”She said looking so worried about how the world would take advantage of him if she was with him, or that she might be a weakness for the man, and she was trying so hard to not be one.
Steve smiled at James. "well, i don't know if he'd kill you... probably just experiment on you a little bit." he admitted with a smile. "oh, i tell her that all the time." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "she just growls at me, a lot like a kitten actually." he admitted with a smile before swallowing back. "good. that's right. you are James Buchanan Barnes. also known as Bucky. Sergent of the 107'th and second in command to the Howling Commandos. you loved to drink, loved to smoke, loved to get laid and loved to sit under the stars with me at night and tell stories about the shapes we found in the stars. we used to go camping as kids, in you backyard and we'd roast marshmallows over tiny fires and your mother would yell at us for burning the grass."

Tony smiled at her. i don't need someone whose good at party crap. you think i'm good at it because i like that shit? i'm good at it because i was Howard's little toy and he loved to show me off." he admitted. "i learned from the knee how to handle a party and i hated every second of it, but i smiled nicely and shook hands because if i didn't then Howard would whip me with a belt for embarrassing him." he admitted. "i don't need someone whose good at all the things i'm good at. god, i'd shoot myself if you actually liked those damn parties. i need someone who understands me, even though i'm broken. i need someone who will smile when i make shitty puns, and someone who will let me fuss over them even as they remind me i need to eat. i need someone who can just be with me, someone who can make me happy, even as i make them happy. i need you... please don't leave me..."
“’re right. I would be a expriement.”James huffed a little before staring at steve for a long moment, trying to decide if he was being serious about him calling farian kitten. “I’m going to call her kitten and see if she growls. It’ll be amusing.”He decided before swallowing hard, shuddering slightly, closing his eyes as he listened to the other talk, taking a slow deep breath as steve drew him away from the emotional coldness that was the winter soldier. Frowning as he listened. “...Stories about clouds?”he muttered eyes widening a little.

“I thought...yes. You do. I mean, you need someone who wont make you look like a idiot.”Farian frowned as she stared down before sighing quietly, shifting, wrapping her arms around him as he knelt next to the tub, nuzzling him a little.”Get in.”She ordered softly swallowing thickly, tears filling her eyes as she considered what his father had done to him. “...I’m not going anywhere tony. I’m not.”She muttered taking a shuddering breath, trying to not worry, and working to believe him about this.
Steve smiled a little. "i think she'd actually attack you if you did it." he admitted. "i'll do it for you, hows that?" he offered with a grin. "yes. stories about the shapes in the clouds too." he agreed. "we'd lay out during lunch at school and see who could find the silliest thing in the clouds." he agreed with a grin. "our favorite used to be about riding a cloud up to the stars, and coming back home with an armful of stars for our ma's." he admitted.

he snorted. "i make myself look like an idiot. you think James makes me look good?" he scoffed. "i don't need someone who looks good, or worse, makes me look good. i need someone who lo... lik..." hefell silent. "i need someone who will be loyal to me." because who in their right mind would love him anyway? Tony shucked off most of his suit, staying in his boxers as he slid in with her. trembling a little about being submerged in water, he, like Steve, didn't care much for water. sometimes even showers where more than either of them could handle. Steve was a lot worse than Tony was, he typically just took sponge baths. Tony would actually take showers if he had to. "thank you." he whispered as he held her tightly. "and it looks like i solved the Arc reactor problem." he admitted. "are you feeling better?" he asked. "warm enough? i can add more water." he offered her.
“Sounds good.”James smiled a little swallowing hard as he settled more firmly onto the bench, the stance of a patient and waiting soldier relaxing, slowly coming back more to himself, “...I remember that. That was fun.”He muttered sighing softly as he stood, “Come on. I want to go check and make sure tony’s okay.”He said already heading for the door.

“...I guess not.”Farian sighed softly, tilting her head a little looking up at him as he spoke, biting her lip as she studied the man. Knowing what he had wanted to say, but willing to just say loyal for now, because while she liked him, she didn’t know about love yet. “..I like you. And I’m loyal. Hell, it would have been easier to go wtih sitwell, then to force this...cause you know this isn’t going to be the end of it.”She sighed quietly shifting, snuggling into him, starting to warm, glad to just be held and warmed up, not even aware he didn’t want to be in the water. Pressing her face against his shoulder when she felt him trembling.”It’s okay.”She muttered realizing after a moment it wasn’t cold that was making him shake. “Welcome.”She muttered before nodding.”Yea, it does. Good.”She muttered before nodding, looking sleepily tired, glad to be warm.”No, it’s warm. You’re warm enough and the water’s fine.”She muttered
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