The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

he smiled a little. "it was fun." he agreed with a chuckle. "we where very imaginative." he admitted with a smile as he stood up with James. "i'm pretty sure he's naked." he admitted. "i mean. this is Tony after all." he admitted wih a smile as he gently took James hand again, holding James hand because he wanted to, and because he thought it might help.

he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. "you don't have to lie. no one likes me." he admitted. "i'm entirely too annoying and mad." he admitted with a smile. "but loyalty is easy... most of the people in this Tower are loyal to me." he admitted as he nuzzled her. "i would never have let you go with Sitwell." he admitted, stroking her neck with the tips of his fingers, as if warning what might happen if she tried to leave. "and of course not, but Hydra was going to cotton on sooner or later that i wasn't going to help them." he admitted with a smirk. "i only accepted James because i wanted to take him from them. he was their best asset you know." he admitted, letting her snuggle him, letting her sooth his nerves. "alright." Tony agreed, stroking her hair, simply holding her because she seemed to need it.
James smiled a little. “Probably. But interrupting Tony’s sex life amuses me, cause he gets so very flustered.”The man snickered, simply letting the other hold his hand, enjoying the touch, the feel so familiar and deeply ingrained that it was calming.

“I do.”She huffed a little butting her head a little a gainst his chin, smiling simply as she relaxed into him. Just enjoying being held, with him, shivering a little as he stroked her neck, feeling the warning in the touch, but simply relaxing into him, to relaxed to really be worried about it. “True. Even if you managed to hide james, they’re not stupid enough to not realize you wouldn’t help...”She sighed softly frowning a little at teh knock on the door. “Tony?You two okay?”James said as he pushed open the door enough to look in, totally repentant in interrupting, his need to make sure she hadn’t hurt tony to strong.
Steve had to laugh. "i thought You WHERE Tony's Sex Life?" he teased with a grin. "if he shoots me, i'm going to be very unhappy." he complained as the Guards assigned to Tony let them in the room without even a twitch. James was always trusted with Tony's well being.

Tony didn't bother correcting her again, it would just cause a fight and he didn't want to do that when he was already a bit wigged out about being in the water. "i have no intention of hiding James." he admitted. "he's not a prisoner after all. if Hydra raises a fuss, i'll just kill them." he admitted simply. "Sitwell was a feast of information, particularly information on Hydra and Shield bases, safe-houses, and other such things." he admitted. "they don't know who they're messing with if they poke MY nest." he admitted with a smirk as he looked up at James. "we're fine. i think." he admitted. "she's still really cold, would you get the electric blankets out of the cupboard?"
“I am. I interrupt myself on occasion. Watching him freak out cause I suddenly remember I have to do something, is amusing.”James snickered.

“No he’s not, but he’s not really out and about in the world either. Though I think that’s personal choice, rather then you forcing him to do things...he’s well as he pretends.”She said knowing the man was unstable enough to know his own limits, smirking a little. “I’m sure I can do more to help. Mercs always know more then people think we do.”She muttered flushing a little as james looked in. “I’ll get the blankets out. And get her out of the water, and put her in some of your pj’s. They’re warm and the water’s probably starting to cool down simply with her so cold in it.”James said even as he moved back into the bedroom to make a warm nest for both of them
Steve couldn't help it, he started laughing. that was hysterically amazing. James fucking with Tony like that.

"he doesn't like people, crowds, strangers. they make him twitchy and nervous and it tends to set off the Soldier." Tony admitted. "he likes to stay where he knows it's safe so i did my best to make it as hospitable as possible in here for him, until he's ready to expand a little bit." Tony as honestly dreading that day, because once James started to expand, he would start to leave. because everyone left in the end. "thanks James!" he chirped as he gently urged her out of the water and into a fluffy towel so big it was more of a blanket. Steve helped James lay out the electric blankets and turned them on to let them warm up as Tony bounced out, his body steaming as his overheated body turned the water into steam on his skin, gathering up his favorite, warmest pair of pajamas and helping Farian into them.
“Ah. That makes sense. I dislike crowds, and I’m not nearly as bad off as he is....being able to stay inside, where he;s safe, has to be perfect for him. You did well.”Farian said, because she knew what the other was afraid of, but she was certain that no matter what, james would never completely leave tony, he was to attached. “Welcome.”James smiled a little as he helped steve get things ready, smirking slightly at the sight of tony bouncing around. “Thanks Tony.”Farian said smiling softly as she was wrapped up and put in the warmest pj’s she’d ever worn, smiling softly as she stepped closer to tony, nuzzling him a little. “These are amazing. I feel weird you’re going through so much trouble to make sure I’m warm...”She muttered as she snuggled into the electric blankets as she crawled into bed. not used to people caring if she was okay or not
he nodded. "the only time James leaves is before dawn for a run, the city is typically quiet then." he admitted. "he always brings back Bruce's girly ass coffee... i'd call Jame's Coffee Girly but he'd hit me for it." he admitted with a chuckle. "i did d well huh?" he asked with a smile. "anything i can add to the tower for you?" he offered. "anything at all." he promised with a smile. "your very welcome. Je ferais tout pour vous." he chirped with a sappy sort of grin. Steve gave Tony a rather amused grin at that but said nothing. "well. when i get too hot, James has to do the same thing. or i feel miserable." he admitted. "besides, i'm always over the top when someone i like is feeling bad." he admitted. "just ask James." he ordered with a grin as he tucked her into bed before stripping off his boxers and bouncing over to his closet, buck ass naked and ignoring the way Steve went very red. not that the man could keep his eyes off Tony's ass anyway. it was a very nice ass.
“...I dare you to tell him his coffee mocha is girly.”She snickered a little amused before nodding. “You did. Very.”She said frowning a little, before shrugging a little. “A art room for cap, maybe. Or something for clint and natasha, a good gym.”She shrugged. “I don’t know.”She shrugged before blushing at his french, frowning a little. Knowing he’d said something, but her french rusty enough she didn’t know what. “ah. Well I guess I’m glad you care enough to be upset.”She said blushing a little at the knowledge he cared smiling a little as she looked at james. “He is fairly insane. I think I got more gadgets in gizmos the one week I was sick, then I’ve ever gotten in my life.”James smiled smirking as steve went red, nudging him a little. Smirking, “Hey Tony.”he said in that tone that said you just knew whatever came out of his mouth next was going to be trouble. “Steve wanted to ask you for sex advice.”
he snorted. "it is girly." he stated with a smile. "art room? Cap does art?" he asked, looking astonished. "how do people think he's straight? seriously." he muttered before he grinned. "i built the coolest Gym ever for James, and there's a massive shooting range. it's more of a laser tag but it's the same principle." he admitted. "surely you must want something?" he asked, his head tilted. "of course i care enough." he promised with a smile. "hey! Gadgets! that's a great idea! would you like some Gadgets? i have some great ones!" he admitted to Farian before blinking at James, his head tilted. "James! Buck! Don't you DARE!" Steve hissed before hiding his face in his hands as James indeed, dared. "really? Sex advice? what kind?" Tony asked curiously. "...well..." Steve fidgeted. "the.. technical kind..." "oh... you want to know how to do the dirty deeds!... wait. i thought you and James...?" "we did. but we... well it usually hurt more than it was worth it because i didn't know how to... you know?" Steve demanded, flushing hard. "and there's a lot of, you know. new stuff that i didn't know existed and...." "yeah sure i can give you a few lessons. or books at least. i have lots of books." "Books! Books would be GREAT!" Steve agreed, looking quite relieved.
“Yea, he draws. It’s how he relaxes most of the time.”Farian shrugged a little looking pleased with the idea of a shooting range, before laughing quietly.”I like laser tag.”She muttered before sighing softly, “I’ll think about it. Maybe I’ll find something.”She said, so used to not having anything, that she had no idea what to ask for. “We’ll go look at gadgets in the morning.”Farian muttered as she snuggled into the bed. “But you asked.”James smirked looking amused and happy as tony stared at steve curiously. “Not to mention we couldn’t really ask for help, since it was against the law...and we were in a war. It was rushed. Definitely needs advice.”James said wisely smirking a little, “Books would be fine then.”James said smirking a little
Tony nodded. "i know just the place for him." he agreed with a smile. me too! we would totally dominate at Lazer Tag!" he grinned at her. "well. i'll find some way of making you feel better i'm sure. even if i can't load you up with prezzies." he admitted as he smiled at her, watching her snuggle in. "it was a mils suggestion not an actual decision!" he complained, shaking his head. "was it really? how... restrictive." Tony mused before grinning a little. "i have videos too!" "NO! the Books are FINE!" "well your no fun." Tony complained as he yanked on his second favorite pair of jammies and settled onto the bed with her. he didn't get under the blankets, it was too hot under there when he was already warm to begin with. "go away now." Tony ordered, Steve snorting but stepping forward to kiss the top of Farian's head. "sleep well. feel better soon." he ordered with a smile as he left with James, shaking his head. "Tony is a bossy little bastard isn't he?"
“We would.He’ll have to tell the others we want to play laser tag tomorrow.”she decided smiling a little.”I’m sure you will.”She agreed, feeling actually better with simply the knowledge he did want to take care of her. “He’s very restrictive.Such fun.”James said mildly, smirking a little as he laughed.”We’ll start with books. Porn later.”james decided snickering as they left. “I’ll be fine. Go get some rest yourself.”Farian said smiling up at steve as they left. Snuggling into tony from under the blankets, sighing quietly, “Night tony.”she muttered falling asleep.

“He is. And he does it alot when he’s worried about someone, or trying to take care of the people he likes.”James shrugged a little sighing softly. “I think I’m going to try and get some sleep. Want a late night snack before though?”
he nodded. "that would be fun!" he agreed. "...actually, no. two assassins, a mercenary and a sniper... seams a bit one sided..." he admitted, pouting. "okay! it's a deal... and if you get curious Cappie, me and James record some of our more fun fuck fests." he admitted with a grin as Steve just went even more red and fled. Tony just snickered and snuggled in with her, sighing happily as he went to sleep. without protest for once.

"well, he has a good excuse that way." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i do want a late night snack. yes." he admitted. "and then while your sleeping, i'm going to hit the gym." he admitted with a smile as he headed for the kitchen. "i think something sweet yeah? how about fried dough balls?" he offered, glancing at the other. "we have everything we need."
“well, we’ll team up against them. I mean, me you and cap against them, would even the odds.”She said snickering a little before snickering as she watched steve flee. In the morning Farian yawned, whining as she pressed her face against tony’s shoulder, nuzzling him a little. “ warm...”she muttered pressing closer to him, because this was utterly amazing, she was so rarely warm, and he was. Hot enough that she was actually turned on by it, not that she was moving closer to the man with the intent of seducing him, though she did have the thought of it. But she wasn’t awake enough to really consider it yet.

“ You always did think balls tasted sweet.”He teased smirking a little amused as he settled onto one of the barstools, having every intention of letting steve cook. While he could cook, steve had always been better at it. “Dough balls sound amazing really.make enough I can have some in the morning, they’ll go good with my coffee in the morning.”
"That does sound fun." He agreed with a small smirk. "We have to have Grant on our team. Then we'll have a more fsir chance against Barton and Romanoff. Remind me to tell you abput the time she posed as my paralegal." He ordered sluggishly. In the morning he was just as horny as she was, though that was retty common xfor him. Je hummed as he snuggld into her, nuzzling her as he rolled his hips against hers. Seeking friction for the aching need between his legs. "Hmm. You feel good." He mumbled as he nibbled on her neck, quite happy with theway she tasted too.

"Steve smirked a little. "Nah, I was more of a corndog guy, you where the one who loved balls." He admitted with a snigger. "Sure I can make plenty. Grab me a coffee in the morning too would you?" He asked. "I like that vanilla caramel iced coffee. With two shots of espresso. I'll pay you back in blowjobs." He offered with a grin as he continued deep frying rolls of dough and then rolled them in sugar. They where like the best doughnuts ever. Steve cooked about fifty thousand of them after James went to bed. He did get an hour ofr two of sleep, which was more than he usually got. So today those up early enough bore witness to the 'sleepy cap shuffle'. Being as his own fridge was barren he had to go look at the fridge in the commens. "Hey. This is awesome. Watch this." Clint whispered to grant and James. "Cap's brain doesn't engage until he get's a good sugar boost. It's kind of hilarious." He admittd as Cap scowled at the contmts of the fridge. Milk, juice? What did he want? Or maybe that jello? Jello wasn't a good breakfast food though right? So maybe? "Coffee..." he decided, voice sluggish as he started looking for the coffee machine, Grant and Bruce both carefully hiding their cups from Cap's veiw as he triwd to work a broken coffee machine. Broken because Tony had been in the middle of fixing it and never got around to putting it back together again.
Farian whined softly as she was grinded against, blinking slowly, actually starting to wake up more.”Tonyyy...”She whined pressing her cheek against his chest, nuzzling him, even if she wasn’t cold, she was seeking warmth, blinking slowly, looking up at the other.”That tickles.”She whined a little as he nibbled on her neck, squirming a little.

“I will. Coffee it is.”James smirked, well used to the captain disengage until he got his morning fix. “Blowjobs is it?”He snickered a little at the offer as he snagged a doughnut as he left to get some sleep. Smirking as he watched the captain shuffle in, sipping his own glass of mocha chocolate coffee as he watched, holding steve’s requested coffee, fresh in from his run and looking utterly amazing, which was saying something, since he usually looked amazing. But this early in the morning, fresh from his run, and not battered from the memories was the best time. Smirking slightly as he held up the cup of steve’s coffee.”Cap.Coffee.”he smirked a little
He grinned a little as he woke up a little more and snuggled tighter to her, stroking her body as he nibbled on her neck a little more firmly, intending on leaving a nice mark there so that the world would see that she belonged to him, sucking on her neck now as he stroked her nipples with a grin. "You feel so amazing." He whispered.

"Coffee." He agreed with a chuckle. "Yes blowjobs." He admitted with a chuckle. Steve hummed softly as he shuffled over to James. Back iin the old days, it wasn't uncommon for Steve to blindly shuffle after anyone who held the coffee. Like a zombie trailing after the last living human. It had been a source of grat amusement to the Howling Commandoes. He did notice this time, just how wonderful James looked, so instead of going for the coffee he leaned into the other, well, sagged into him really and buried his nose in the others neck. "Hmmm smell. Nice. Hmmm." He mumbled, making Grant and Clint snicker.
Farian moaned softly closing his eyes as she pressed against him, swallowing hard as she tilted her head back as he nibbled on her neck, shuddering a little. “you’re fairly amazing at this to.”She whimpered as her hips rocked up into his, eyes wide as she smiled at him.”Morning.”She muttered fingers stroking through his hair.

James grinned, amused that some things hadn’t changed. It was nice. In a world that had held so many changes for him, to see him shuffling after whoever had coffee made him feel better about maybe not so much was different. Startling a little as the other nosed his neck, he let out a slow breath trying not to react to it. “Morning.”He muttered pressing teh coffee into the other’s hand as he tilted his head to the side. “You sure its not just the coffee you smell, cap?”he teased
he smirked as he pressed closer to her, moaning eagerly as he sucked and nibbled on her neck, expanding th bruise. "of course i'm amazing." he scoffed. i'm amazing at everything i do. seriously, where have you been that you don't know this?" he asked, amused as he slid a hand down and into her borrowed pajamas, stroking her tender flesh there. "we where interrupted last time." he breathed. "i think we should try again, hmm?" he asked with a grin as he pulled her in for a deep kiss.

Clint was grinning as he watched them. screwing with Cap was awesome when he was like this. well, until he woke up, realized you had been pissing with him and turned you into a paste anyway. "mmm no. you smell like Bucky." he mumbled as he snuggled up even more. "you smell like open air and green grass and coffee." he mumbled before he sighed and closed his eyes, Clint snickering. "he fell back to sleep." he informed James, eyes dancing with wild laughter.
Farian moaned, squirming as she clung to him, laughing softly. “Hm, I’m sure there’s something you aren’t amazing at. It might be sex. I mean, you are rich and handsome, it’d make up for a lot of faults.”She teased moaning softly as he stroked her, kissing him slowly before tugging at his clothes, smirking a little as he spoke. “If you’re sure you fixed the problem, yes.”She moaned kissing him harder squirming and happy as she tugged off his shirt, hands roaming.

James rolled his eyes a little, because he knew clint was enjoying screwing with steve when he was like this. Hell, tehy’d all enjoyed screwing with steve when he was like this. “Hm, so glad I smell so good then, Cap.”He muttered looking amused as he was leaned against more, closing his eyes for a moment, glancing at clint. “Are you serious?”He muttered leaning his head back enough to look at steve, shaking his head.”I would have thought he’d at least out grow this.”He grumbled handing the other assassin his and steve’s coffee before picking steve up. “Bring those in the living room, I’m laying him down.”The man smirked a little as he settled them both onto the utterly soft and ultra plush couch, snuggling steve as the other steve, settling in to simply watch tv and drink his coffee, knowing steve would eventually wake up, and that tony had no plans that he meeded to do for the day, so james had the day to himself.
he smirked. "cooking. apparently. though i don't see it." he admitted before spluttering in horror. "how dare you question my manly skills! i will teach you whose got faults!" he complained, though he sounded like he was laughing so it was all good. "i'm sure. very sure." he hissed as he tore off his shirt and then worked on getting hers off so he could get his mouth on her wonderful, delicious breasts. sucking each one as he worked on getting her pants down, leaving his alone for now because he wanted to stroke every inch of her.

Clint just smirked as he watched them, sipping at his own breakfast smoothie. if you could call it that. considering it had spinach and raw eggs in it. "mmm very good." Steve mumbled. "yes, i am." Clint admitted, laughing. "i thought he was sick the first time i saw him acting like that. turns out that it's from low blood sugar from fasting all night." he admitted. "or something like that. it makes his brain all wonky until he gets his morning kick of coffee or sugar loaded juice." Clint admitted with a grin. "so he's ALWAYS been like this? even before the Serum?" yep. though before the serum he was just grouchy and refused to interact. now he just couldn't interact. Clint picked up the coffees and followed them into the living room, chuckling a little. "he's going to be hearing damsel jokes now." he admitted with a grin as he set the Coffee within James reach and left them to snuggling. Steve woke up ten minutes later, mumbling under his breath about how he had to go hunt down the rabbit that stole his coffee.
“I think I’m going to trust James’ judgement on your cooking skills.”Farian snickered before laughing, “I dare cause I’m sure you have faults. You can’t be as good as rumor says.”She said growling serious for a moment before realizing he was laughing to, grinning, happy to just be able to joke around and be happy with him, glad she could give him that. “Good.”she smiled moaning as he sucked at her breasts and stroked every inch of skin, a whimpering pool of lust and need as he touched her, wide blue eyes needy and utterly blown as she whimpered. “Tony!please, tony!”She whined.

“Yea, he got worse after the serum needed more calories to burn to really wake him up, but he was always a grouchy little bitch before breakfast”James snickered a little smiling a little as he nodded. “He’s been hearing them for years, now wont be any different.”He snickered, though he was glad tony wasn’t around, otherwise he’d already be hearing jokes about prince charming. Smiling as he tilted his head back as steve’s breath brushed over his skin, tensing a litte as he refused to roll his hips, enjoying the feel of the other pressed against him. “Rabbit didn’t steal your drink. It’s sitting on the coffee table, Stevie.”he muttered.
he huffed. "James is a liar." he grumbled as he snorted. "i have no faults. none. i'm beautiful. humble. practically perfect in every way." he stated in a posh tone. "anything imperfect said about me is lies and slander handed out by those jealous of me." he stated with a grin. "now shut up, i'm proving myself right." he purred as he teased and tormented her before finally shucking off his pants, snapping up a condom, slid it on and sank inside of her with an eager moan as he kissed her, rolling his hips slowly, letting her adjust before going 'pedal to the medal'.

Clint nodded. "i'd imagine so." he admitted. "he doesn't seam to really get grouchy much anymore though, thank god. a grouchy captain America, it just makes me shudder." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head. "well i could make some prince charming and sleeping beauty jokes... or was that Snow white? either way they where asleep when they where swept off they're feet and sexually assaulted." he admitted with a snigger. "rabbit st'l me c'fee." he whined, struggling to reach the goodness that was just out of reach, well his reach anyway. Clint was an ass. "B'cyyyyy'." he whined, arm going limp C'feeeeee."
Farian laughed quietly at his protests of being perfect, smirking a little. “Yes I’m sure that’s it. James is just jealous.”She giggled a little groaning as he sank into her, clinging to him as she shuddered and moaned, needy, kissing him hard as the world shattered and she came, the temperature dropping some as her control slipped, chilling them both even as his own body heat made sure she didn’t get cold. It seemed they were both well suited, balancing their unique temperature problems well. Shuddering as she came, whining softly as she slumped back into the bed with a pleased sigh.

“No, he doesn’t get that grouchy, unless you don’t give him coffee. And a grouchy captain america makes angels cry. Its a proven fact the world cries with him.”James snickered a little before twitching, rolling his eyes.”Please don’t. And it’s sleeping beauty. And I’m not sexually assaulting him.”He pouted a little at the teasing, snickering a little at steve’s whining, shifting.”Okay okay, I’ll get it.”James said looking amused as he shifted, leaning over to get it, smiling softly as he handed it to the other.”here.”
"he IS jealous!" he agreed with a grin as he kissed her again, humming happily as he thrust into her, moaning eagerly as hye felt her cumming around him, holding back his own orgasm only by skill and luck as he gently chewed on her neck as he elt the coolness sliding along him, making him arch and moan, flushing as he realized he'd lost that control. "damn... that's the earliest i've cum since i was twelve." he admitted with a shake of his head. "your a bad influence on me." he complained with a pout.

"i'm more worried about the fact that he tends to hit the things he's annoyed with." Clint admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "no. not yet. but you totally should. somnophilia is a thing you know." he admitted with a grin before leaving them to their kinky sleeping foreplay. "mmmm love you." he mumbled as he started gulping down his Coffee, brain slowly coming back online as he blinked at James. "where you fondling me?" he asked, looking a bit puzzled as he realized he was rather hard.
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