The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Farian groaned, tilting her head to the side as the other nibbled on her neck, hands holding onto him, laughing softly at his compliant. “You poor man. I told you you weren’t as good as rumors said, if you’re losing control like a 12 year old.”She teased nuzzling her nose against his jaw, in the aftermath of sex utterly pliatn and happy, quiet as she snuggled him,”I am not. I’m the best influence.”She muttered teasing him a little, simply relaxing a little.

James flushed a little at the suggestion, biting his lip as he stroked the other’s hair, refusing to think about groping the other more. “You love me for my coffee.”he snickered a little smiling quietly as he shook his head.”No. You might have been groping me, but I was trying to ignore that and be polite and not grope.”he sputtered flushing a little, indeed steve had been groping him in his sleep, and james was trying so hard behaving and keeping his hands to himself
he snorted. "i lost my virginity at twelve." he scoffed. "your just cheating, using that coldness to give you the edge. god you have no idea how GOOD it feels when you do that." he admitted with a chuckle as he kissed her again. "you are the worst influence." he teased as he snuggled into her, luxuriating in un-rushed cuddling.

"mmmm C'fee." he mumbled happily, gulping it down. "oh. i'm sorry." he muttered. "i told you i was terrible at controlling myself..." he paused. "wasn't i in the kitchen?" he asked, looking a little baffled before shrugging it off. "i could give you a blowjob if you like, since i was groping you so terribly." he offered with a sly grin. "i mean, we can have sex together without ruining our friendship, and i certainly won't get in-between you and Tony." he promised, pausing. "actually that would be pretty hot..." he admitted, imagining a threesome with a Steve sandwich. "you know. i think i'm so horny right now it's screwing with my thinking process."
Farian laughed softly, focusing on her hands a little, she might not have perfect control, but she had some. Smilng as her cooler hands ran over his overly hot back she kissed him again. “I might be, but you’re a bad influence on me to.”She teased shifting, snuggling into him, content to just lay around for awhile.

“I know. It’s okay.And you were. You clung to me like a limpet when I handed over your coffee and went back to sleep. Figured I better lay you down again before you fell over.”James snickered a little before swallowed, hips thrusting up a little without thought at the idea of a blowjob, eyes blown as he looked at the other.”True...I mean...we could...”James said biting his lip, looking nervous at the idea, laughing quietly at his words.”That would be pretty hot really.”he said shifting, dropping his head back.”I wouldn’t say no to a blowjob if you wanted to...”He said looking nervous because he wanted the other, but at the same time he was nervous about actually starting this kind of relationship with him again to.
he gasped as she ran her hands down his back, so icy cool. he made a sort of strangled happy sound as he arched into his touch and whined when she stopped before pouting at her. "cheater." he grumbled with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he smirked. "i'm perfect remember? so i can only be a good influence." he teased as he gave her another kiss before settling in to snuggle her for a while. he just didn't feel like doing anything on his day off.

he shrugged. "i may have gotten clingier in my age." he admitted with a smile. which was a lie, he'd always been a limpet. it's just that he usually stuck to whoever had the most coffee and clung to them until they handed it over, instead of clinging to Bucky because he smelled like himself. "i wouldn't have fallen over. i can sleep standing up now." he smirked. "it wigs people out, it's awesome." he admitted. "i just need something to lean against." he admitted. "we totally could." he agreed. "it would be hot! we should ask Tony." he agreed before he smirked at the other. "James. i was more of a whore than you where once i could actually have sex, despite the pain it usually involved. do you really think i'm going to say 'no i won't give you a blowjob'? i don't think so." and with that he had James pants down and his thick cock buried in his throat. moaning eagerly. there was nothing Steve loved more than sucking James cock.
"I'm friends with natasha. Of course I'm a cheater."she snickered a little running her fingers through his hair with amusement. "No no I'm thinking a bad influence. You're such a narcissist."she teased sighing quietly as she yawned,closing her eyes as she rested her head against his. Simply content to sn UT gle.

"No I think you always were a limpet."he said a slight frown on his face saying that he wasnt exactly sure, could almost remember it but not quite. "...really?me to. And with my eyes open. It totally freaks grant out alot of the time"he snickered squirming a little as he looked up at the other."if you think tony would say no to a captain sandich your insane."he snickered before groaning."okay so youre still a slut. I hadnt been sure."he teased looking amused groaning as the other swallowed his cock,whimpering as he thrust up into the other's mouth
he snorted. "good point." he agreed with a grin and a shake of his head. "i am not!" he protested. "i, as a matter of fact, love Coffee more than i love myself. so there!" he grumbled as he cuddled with her,

"i was not! what in the world is a Limpet anyway?" he asked, looking amused because they both knew he had been a limpet. "maybe it's a serum thing? or a training thing?" he wondered, his head tilted. "besides, Grant is easily freaked out." he scoffed. "he came in at three in the morning and left as soon as he saw me up and beating the shit out of a bag." he admitted with a snicker. "he better not say no, but we should ask anyway, it's only polite." he admitted with a grin. "well, no. not really. i haven't had sex since you, er 'died'. couldn't bring myself to move on." he admitted before sucking the other with all the skill he'd had back in the war. a lack of a gag reflex came in handy SO much.
“...Coffee?Really?”She snickered amused as she sighed, yawning, simply relaxing as she snuggled into him, wrapping a arm around his waist, doing her own impression of a limpet as she snuggled. “So. I feel like we should be talking about ourselves or something, I hear that’s the normal thing lovers do, but I don’t know what to ask about.”She muttered.

“I wish I could tell you it was something cute and cuddly, but its actually a snail that clings to rocks to move around on.”Bucky snickered a little before smirking. “Maybe a bit of both. Closing my eyes usually meant I was going back on ice.”James muttered shivering a little at the idea, before grinning. “I think he’s feeling lost that he has his own choices now, instead of answering to two different masters.”He sighed before smirking. “But surprising him and seeing his face, would be epic.”james whined a little before his smile softened a little as he looked at the other. Groaning as he thrust up into the other’s mouth as the other sucked him, whining as he realized steve still had no gag reflex, groaning loudly, burying his hands in the other’s hair as he came.
"yes. Coffee." he stated with a grin. "eh. anything you wanna know about me, just ask Jarvis." he offered with a chuckle. "and anything i wanna know about you, i'll just get from your files." he promised with a grin.

Steve wrinkled his nose. "i'm a snail? i feel all insulted now. just for that, i'm going to stop just before you cum." he admitted with a snicker before sobering at the other, looking rather upset. "oh Buck. i'm so sorry..." he admitted softly before chuckling. "three masters. Hydra, Shield, and his brother." he corrected. "he does have options now. i'm not sure he knows what to do with them." he admitted. "...that's true. we should totally surprise him." he agreed before focusing on sucking the other off. he didn't bother stopping as he had threatened earlier, he just swallowed the others orgasm and sucked him until James was bone dry. "hmmm. god i missed you." Steve sighed, feeling much better now.
Farian laughed a little turning her head to look at him, rolling her eyes a little. “This is not the normal way of couples getting to know each other you know.”She said before her features shuttered a little, looking a little anxious. “Not that we’re a couple or anything, if you don’t want to I was amazing, totally doing it again, cause you’re warm but...”she bit her lip to stop the worried rambling smiling a little.

“Hey, I said I wish you coudl be something cute. The snial clings and moves though, its not my fault it’s a saying.”James pouted before wincing. “Yea, me to. Don’t worry about it. I don’t like ice, and I bet you don’t either. It wont be that horribly hard for us to not talk about.”he said shuddering away from the memories before nodding, “Three it is....and I was like that for awhile...I had no idea what to do with the freedom.”he smiled a little whimpering as he slumped back into the couch with a sigh as he sank into the afterglow, cracking a eye to look at the other, smirking a little. “liar. You just missed my cock.”He teased
he shrugged. "normal is like, totally last century." he scoffed. "of course we're a couple. you think i fuck just anyone more than once? besides you, it's James." he admitted. "stop freaking out, your ruining my siesta." he grumbled with a grin to show he was joking. "your mine, i told you so before." he admitted, snuggling her a little more.

he snorted. "don't be mean to me." he ordered with a smile. "i should be as clingy as... as... a monkey! those are adorable. or as Clingy as a kitty, see that even rhymes!" he admitted with a smile. "no, i hate the cold. and water too." he admitted. "can't hardly take a shower most days." he admitted. "i tend to sponge bathe most days." he admitted. "nah, i missed your ass too." he teased with a smile as he squirmed up the other and kissed him. "your going to need a nap now." he teased with a snigger.
“Totally. Normal is for the super soldiers, who aren’t all that normal actually.”Farian snickered sighing quietly, blushing a little as she relaxed, “Siesta?”she snickered a little nuzzling her face against his shoulder,”I know...I’ve just...never really done....this couple thing before. And you’re...well you. Totally not normal, or even someone I’m equal to...I mean, you make me look like one of those stupid hillbillie people who are inbred and hidden in attics because they’re a embarassment.”She muttered

“A monkey is adorable. And you do clean like one, all legs and arms tangled.”James snickered a little, smiling a little. “Hm, I’m okay with water. Its the cold that baths me.”he said before sulking, punching the other in the shoulder, pouting a little. “I see how it is. Just wanting me for my body.”he sulked groaning a little as he kissed him lightly, making a face.”i’m not a old man. I don’t have to rest.”He sulked
he grinned. "yes. exactly. you know, they're not going to last another ten hours without fucking each other right?" he asked with a grin. "yeah. a nap. or is that fiesta?" he asked, his head tilted. "i dunno. one means nap and one means party i know that much." he admitted before he smiled at her. "yeah, being a couple. it's kinda hard." he agreed. he'd only ever been with Pepper and James seriously, so this was kind of shaky ground for him too. "your no hillbilly." he promised. "your just as good as i am, i promise." he assured her with a smile. "in fact, your probably better than me." he admitted.

"exactly, i should be an adorable monkey." he agreed with a grin. "it was the water that hit me you know." he admitted. "it froze all around me, because i can last up to a half an hour without oxygen now." he admitted. "so i could feel all that water pressing around me and freezing as i sat there." he shuddered violently before he smirked. "as if i'd miss that crappy mouth of your." he scoffed with a grin. "you are an old man. look at you, old manning it up."
“I know. It’s fairly amusing how they’re both resisting it.”Farian snickered grinning at him, “Fiesta is party. Siesta is nap.”She smiled nuzzling him a little before sighing, “Never really dated anyone before....I mean, I have but it was always someone in the business...this is new ground.”She muttered before relaxing at his promise, leaning up for a kiss before making a face at him.”I doubt that, but I’ll let you think I’m better if you want.”She sighed.

“You should. I’ll be feeding you my banana all you want, if your going to be a monkey, you should eat monkey food.”He snickered before wincing, swallowing hard. “I could...always feel the cold setting in. Feel the ice starting to form....yes. Exactly like that...I think they suspected you survived. Because I could survive that.”he shuddered before making a face. “You miss my mouth. Admit it, you like the brooklyn twang, no one talks like me.”he smiled raising a eyebrow.”Old manning it up?Is that even a thing?”
he chuckled a little. "if you say so." he muttered as he snuggled into her. "i have. but it didn't end well." he admitted sleepily. "it sucked. she was a bitch. James was much better but he's in love with Steve." he admitted with a yawn. "and i doubt the good Captain is a very nice sharer." he admitted as he smiled. "you are better than me." he mumbled. "you don't hurt people unless they deserve it." he muttered. proving that he was at least aware that he did hurt people. even if he hadn't in some time, James stabilizing influence no doubt.

Steve grinned at the joke, his eyes dancing playfully. "i should eat monkey food. and i'm still pretty hungry." he admitted with a grin as he examined the others cock, wondering if he had the energy to go for a second round. "i'm sure they knew i survived." he admitted. "after all, that's why Howard, and then Tony kept looking right? it was Tony that found me you know. i was sort of aware when the teams came in and found me." he admitted. "Tony told them to let Shield have me... it was before he went insane though." he admitted. "i do like your Brooklyn twang." he agreed as he kissed the other again. "according to Clint, yes."
”I’m sure you right. Steve wouldn’t want to share.”Farian said smiling softly as she looked down at him, pressing a kiss to his forehead, bemused that the man was indeed aware of how he was. Well at least he knew that he wasn’t normal or completely oblivious. Shifting, snuggling into him as she fell asleep, content to be with him.

“Hm, you always were a hungry little brat of a monkey.”James said laughing a little even as he hardened again, responding to the idea of steve staring at him before nodding. “They did. For a long time. Even after it would have been logical to stop.”He said smiling a little before laughing, shaking his head a little as he kissed steve back.”Well, if I’;m old manning it up, so are you.”
he smirked. "what can i say? i'm a slut." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched the other harden, reaching down to lazily stroke the flesh. "i still hate Howard." Steve admitted. "he only wanted to find me so he could control me some more. at least Tony wanted to find me because he was creepy in love with my American image." he admitted with a grin before he smirked at James. "ah. but your older than me. so your more of an old man than i am." he teased as he nibbled on the others nipple though his shirt. "now are we going to talk all day or are you going to use that cock for more practical purposes? i want to see how good of a teacher Tony is." he admitted, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Hm, you are a slut.”he muttered, whining quietly as he was sroked, sighing quietly as he closed his head, resting his head back against the couch, closing his eyes as he rested. “Me to. Tony’s...he harmed tony. And no one is allowed to do that.”James growled, still angry over the actions of the man, even if he was long dead. “...Are not. I mean, bewteen how long you’ve been awake, and how long I was, you’re closer to my age then we were before.”he said before smirking, shuddering as he was nibbled on.”hm, I think I’m going to wait. Teasing you is good, and I like waiting.”James smirked a little stealing a kiss, having his own reasons for waiting. Still trying to settle into more james, figuring out how this was going to work for him.
he smirked a little as he watched the other enjoy his touch. "he did hurt Tony, and that is enough to forever and always hate him." he admitted before he smirked. "you've been awake longer than i have." he teased as he nibbled on the other, looking amused before he whined. "no. James. no teasing. i hate that. you know i do!" he was a bad liar too. he loved being teased, the orgasms where always so much more intense. "at least help me masturbate! i'm hard as a rock! i could cut diamonds on this thing!" he groaned, pouting as he stopped flirting and stroking the other, settling in to sulk. "your not nice." "and i'm blind." Clint commented. "you guys have to have those things hanging out in the middle of the commons?" Bruce complained as he walked in. Steve yelping as he scrambled for his feet to try and hide his hard on and cover Bucky at the same time. Bruce was used to far worse from Tony though so he didn't actually care, he just liked watching Steve freak out.
“Yes, yes it is.”James smiled a little before smirking a little, running his fingers through the other’s hair. “No, no I think I forgot that.”He smirked pressing a kiss to the other’s hair as he sat up, before laughing. “No.Though I’ll watch if you want.”James smiled amused and happy as he considered the other, before tilting his head back to look at the other two, before grinning. “Only mine’s hanging out in the middle of the commons, stop being dramatic. You know you like it.”James said snickering a little as he watched steve scramble to hide even as he pulled his sweatpants back up. “Steve, stop freaking out. You might have blinded Barton, but I’ve been caught doing worse on this couch. At least this time I’m mostly dressed.”James snickered as he stretched, raising a eyebrow.”Anyone seen tony yet this morning?”
he whined and sulked. "you did not!" he groaned as he gave up on getting his own orgasm. stupid Bucky, being mean. god he'd missed it. "no. i want you to touch me." he grumbled as he palmed himself through his pants. "put that away Barnes before i cut it off." Bruce stated with a roll of his eyes. "i'm asexual." "what's that?" "it means i'm not sexually attracted to anyone. now has anyone seen Mariah?" "er, Ms. McKenzie?" Steve asked nervously. "yes. her first name is Mariah. i wanted to apologize to her for Hydra crashing her party last night." Bruce admitted before getting derailed by the Tony question. "he's upstairs sleeping on top of Farian. i just peeked in on him." he admitted. "speaking of which, you should see what diluted Hulk Blood does to people with the Centipede Serum in their systems. it's pretty wicked."
"I did I truly did."James snickered looking amused before smiling."I'll touch you...sometime."he promised kissing the other's head even as he followed orders and did up his pants. Rolling his eyes a little at bruce."you wouldn't do that. Stop pretending to be threatening."James ordered looking amused though before wincing a little. "Really? Good. He'll be in a better mood then."James said wondering how to bring up Mariah before laughing."only you would find that expire mentioned this interesting."he teased before sighing."hey bruce. You need to go down to your hulk room cause I have stuff to tell you,and you're not going to like it."the formerassassin said looking nervous
Steve huffed a little and shook his head. "You ust like being mean ta me yeh jerk." He grumbled looking rather affectionate despite his annoyance. "Well I wouldn't cut them pff but I might consider tazing it if you keep it flopping out." Bruce warned looking quite amused at James. Because Bruce would taze the others cock. Just because he could. Tony would find it rather hilarious too. Bruce frowned at the order, but didn't protest as he headed for the room Tony had built for him. It was three floors tall and was reinforced with special materianls that Hulk couldn't smash. It was filled with cars and small playhouses for Hulk to smash as he pleased and was also filled with giant teddy bears, massive crayons, paints and other things to entertain Hulk. Hulk loved to rip apart the teddy bears and spread their stuffing all about, "is this going to be safe?" Steve asked softly. "Shouldn't we have tranques or something?"
“Well, maybe.”James said smirking a little before wincing. “Okay okay I’m dressed, stop threatening me.”James huffed making a face at the other because he was well aware of the other men would find it hilarious. Watching bruce go for a long moment he sighed softly, “It will be. Can’t get out of the room, and there’s a balcony seat I’ll be on so he can’t get to me. It’s safe. Though let it just be met, stay outside if your nervous...that way if something goes wrong, not that I think it will, you can go get tony and grant.”James said smiling as he kissed the other.”Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”he said heading for the room. Getting up into the balcony as he leaned a hip against the balcony railing he sighed looking at bruce. “...Mariah is the person who sold us out to hydra. She got the mercenaries in, and sold out our weaknesses on how to kill us.”He said knowing better then to beat around the bush
Bruce smiled ever so sweetly and innocently at James, which just looked so wrong in so many ways. "i adore threatening you." he admitted. "especially when it's not a threat if i'll actually do it." he admitted before turning on his heal and heading for his room. while Hulk could get up to the Balcony if he really wanted to, he never bothered because a single person was a lot less fun to smash than an entire troop of army men or better, a bus. "alright. i'll stay out, but if i have to, i think i could take him." Steve admitted, he didn't honestly believe that of course, he'd seen Hulk take down the Abomination on old security feed footage. he could keep Hulk distracted for a good bit though. "just be careful." he ordered softly as he kissed the other back and settled himself into the viewing gallery, which was a massive window with couches so Tony could take notes when they where doing Hulk tests. Bruce stared at James for a long moment after he said what had happened and took a long, few deep breaths as his watch stated to beep. Steve could only watch in horrified fascination as Bruce screamed and raged his way into the Hulk. who proceeded to fling around a school bus like it was a toy. Hulk never even glanced at James. he was too busy tearing the guts out of a teddy bear.
“I’m sure you can. It’d be impressive to watch you and the hulk go at it.”James snickered a little at the idea of the two fighting before smiling slightly. “I’m always careful.”He promised, smirking because they both knew that was a lie. He might be careful sometimes, but he was utterly reckless most of the time.Wincing as he watched bruce rage he sighed softly watching it, rubbing a hand over his face before asking jarvis to get tony. Hoping the genius would be able to at least offer some way to help calm bruce, not sure how to help with the problem of a broken heart. This was just horrible really, and he had no idea what to do.
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