The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“You are such a boyscout. Always good to be prepared.”Farian teased tilting her head a little before frowning at him, tense and annoyed despite the promise, still feeling like he was making fun before nodding slightly, “I’ll be fine. Weird shit always happens to me.”She sighed softly before grinning. “Coffee sounds amazing.”She said already getting up.

“Probably alot if they’re all hydra scientists. I’ll see what we can find.”James frowned a little before snickering. “Tony’s obsessed. Has been for years. Having the good captain here is good for him.”James said. Mariah’s eyes went wide as she realized just how much she’d been set up to fail before nodding, starting to talk about the safe houses, before wincing. “Farian’s here?”She looked startled at the idea, before shaking her head. “No. She’s not. She’s ours. Always has been.”Mariah insisted looking annoyed with his words that hydra had misjudged so badly. “She is here. And she’s always been loyal to herself, more then hydra. She knows what hydra is, she wont trust them. And she’s currently very attatched to tony’s dick, so I doubt she’ll be willing to sell him out.”
he smirked. "i thought Steve was the boyscout?" he asked, his head tilted even as a smirk twitched at his lips. "hey. seriously. if you need to scream at me, i won't mind." he promised. "i know it's weird. i just forget that people aren't used to me being... you know..." he admitted with a shrug. "i'm too used to only having to answer to myself." he admitted. "i'll try to be nicer to you." he promised. "but i'm first and foremost, an asshole so... try is the keyword here." he admitted with a smile. "there's a Starbucks nearby." he admitted. "it's where James get's his coffee in the mornings, want to go there or go to the little ma and pop coffee shop a block down?"

Steve nodded. "Tony has been obsessed with me." he admitted. "it's kind of creepy actually." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched her. "so. on to something a little more personal, why kill Bruce?" he demanded. "and where did you get the drug to take him down?" he demanded. "and yes, Farian is here. she's currently working for me actually." he admitted. "because i have a lot more benefits than Hydra does. freedom for one thing." he admitted. "free will and choice for others." he admitted with a smirk. "besides, you always thought James was yours." here he paused, a smirk flitting his lips. "and Grant Ward too for that matter, yet here he is, working for Tony and abandoning Hydra. lets face it. we have all your best players." he admitted simply.
“He is a boyscout. You’re just following his fine example...and what a very fine example it is.”She said that small leer saying she was literally thinking about the sight of following steve. She’d be a fool to not admit that staring at the good captain’s ass was a amazing sight. “No...I wont yell. At least not yet. I might yell later.”Farian sighed softly before grinning, “Okay, I’ll settle for try.”She smiled at the idea, before tilting her head. “Mom and pop store. Its quieter. And we can sit down and have lunch to, instead of just getting coffee.”She smiled a little as they headed for the elevator.

“It is actually creepy.”James snickered. “...He’s a obstacle. Between james and bruce, we knew they had to be dealt with. Knew if the posion worked on Bruce, it would definitely put a super soldier out of commission.”Mariah said before frowning wondering just how she could get the information out to hydra. “...What are yo ugoing to do to me?”She demanded settling back into her seat, waiting to see what would happen. She just knew whatever it was, it was going to be unpleasant.
he snorted. "he is a fine example." he agreed. "you could bounce tanks off that ass of his." he admitted with a grin. showing that he didn't really care if she looked at other men. hell, he looked at other men and he was a lot of things, but a hypocrite wasn't one of them. "sounds good to me. off we go!" "Sir." Jarvis called, making Tony curse. "Someone is hacking into my systems." "WHAT?!" "they are succeeding quite impressively." Jarvis informed him. "it would appear as if the Hacker is using my server output as a slingshot into Shields databases." Tony could only stand there and gape, more than a little stunned. "who the fuck has the skill to hack Jarvis!?" he demanded, mortified. "Jarvis remind me to update your servers!" he ordered. "and get Grant! track the Hacker! i want a location." "yes Sir."

he stared at her. "you where never friends with Bruce, where you? he was just a way to get in here, to get close to him and Tony so you could kill them both." he growled, standing up. "i think i've learned enough." he admitted as he examined the numbers. "James. your turn. lets make sure this information is all she knows. torture the rest out of her if you have to. we'll shoot her in the head once we've pulled every bit of information out of her."
“You really could.”Farian snickered a little, leaning over to kiss her cheek, looking amused that he was willing to let her look at other men, and even join her in looking. “What?”She startled looking up at jarvis’ words before cursing. “Jarvis, ask Grant to join us, but I think I know who it is.”Farian said, biting her lip. Not willing to out Skye if it wasn’t her, but knowing that she would have reasons for doing this. She might not know the woman well, but she did indeed know her through the same merc contacts that tony had found so hot before. “She’ll be in the city, if it’s who I think it is.”Farian said frowning as Jarvis searched.

“...”Mariah stared at the other, watching him, before looking at james frightened. “I will. Now go.”James ordered looking at the other, looking so carefully blank that you knew what he was hiding what he was feeling. “Go Steve.”He said waiting until the other was gone before settling into work. Within the hour he emerged, so coldly blank you knew he was hovering on that edge of slipping back into the winter soldier, his hands bloodied and soaked up to his elbows in the woman’s blood, before looking up at bruce and steve as the two waited for him.”Can you tell the guards to clean up?”
he smirked. "good thing we have the same taste in men huh?" he asked with a grin. "you know who it is? if you do i'll send you and Grant to pick... her?" he asked, blinking a little. "well i'll have you go with Grant and pick her up. if she can hack Jarvis, then i want her." he admitted, looking delighted. "i don't have a hacker in my collection yet." he admitted eagerly. "does she live here? or would she have come in through the border?" he asked, his head tilted. "what's she looking for Jarvis?" "redacted files Sir. she's down on Fifth Avenue." "You asked for me? uh.. Sir?" Grant asked as he appeared. "oh. oh UGH! no!" he demanded, pointing at Grant. "it's Tony, not Sir. i feel old now and it's all your fault." he complained, making Grant blink. "you asked for me?" " really are that boring all the time, aren't you?" "pretty much."

Steve nodded and gently gave James a kiss before he left. Bruce was up by the time James came back out and was on his fourth cup of soup that he was drinking instead of eating. "i got it." Bruce promised as he took another drink of his soup before heading to find a nearby guard as Steve examined James. "come on. let's get you into a shower." he ordered as he gently guided James to the nearest shower, striped him naked, made the water hot and cringed as he got in after the other and started to scrub James clean, able to ignore the water for now. James was more important.
“Definitely. Might be able to convince him into a threesome...or a foursome. I mean, Barnes’ ass....”she hummed in pleasure a little, smirking at him. Before nodding. “I do. At least, I’m assuming it’s her as there’s few that could hack jarvis AND go looking for shield files instead of stark tech.”She pointed out before shooting him a look, annoyance in that look, utter annoyance but not saying anything about the instant nasty anger that took her before shaking her head. “Not sure. I’ve never met her face to face, she’s my contact in getting stuff. I mean, I can hack, but she’s so much better. It makes finding things easier, and she’s never fucked me over. So I trust her at least.”Farian said before grinning a little at tony’s freakout. “You ARE old, sir.”She pointed out heading for the door. “Come along ward, we have things to do, and tony’s to busy going gaga over his newest acquisition .”She said as she left the lab.

James nodded a little.”Thanks.”He said watching bruce go, before frowning at steve, for once in his headspace of being the soldier totally, but for the moment the violence and anger of the soldier spent, falling back into the headspace of letting others boss him around like he did when a mission had been successfully completed, waiting to be put on ice, to be frozen again. Shivering again as the water slicced over her skin, he blinked slowly looking up at steve, patiently waiting for orders.
he smirked. "i don't think James does women, but you can offer." he admitted with a snicker. "i have old video footage of me and James fucking though if you're really that interested." he teased with a grin and a chuckle before giving her a funny look at the annoyance he'd spotted. was she jealous? "oh? so it might be a he?" he asked curiously. "nah, it's probably a girl." he admitted. "girls are smarter than men are... usually anyway." he admitted with a snicker. "i'm not old! and i'm not going gaga!" he protested, pouting at her. "don't be mad just because i want her before Shield has her! that's the last thing i need. some super hacker working for my enemies. ugh." he grumbled as Grant chuckled. "you do know that when he said 'collection' he meant his team of smart people, not his sexual conquests right?" he asked her. "i highly doubt he's fucked anyone else since meeting you." he admitted. "so what do you know about the girl we're picking up? anything?"

Steve carefully took care of James, not sure how to help the other as he finished washing the other, dried him off, dressed him and then examined him. "what's your name?" he asked James, trying the only thing he knew. Tony's method. he'd never seen James like this before. "you are James Buchanan Barnes. Sergeant of the 107th. second in command of the Howling Commandos. nicknamed Bucky, i gave you that nickname when we where five because you thought James was a terrible name and i couldn't pronounce Buchanan." he admitted. "i gave you a stuffed deer for Christmas once when we where fifteen just to piss you off. you retaliated by painting me pink. i don't even know where you got the pink paint, nor how you snuck into my house without my mother finding out or waking me up." he admitted. "when you where six, you decided that i was a fire hydrant and you where a dog and you peed all over me. and once, you convinced me that mud pies where edible and my mother panicked and took me to the hospital after i ate three of them. i was constipated for weeks."
“I think I will. It’d be amusing.”Farian said looking amused before shrugging. “It might. But they sound like a girl. Guys are different when they text or write messages. Girls tend to overtalk, even when we’re being professional.”Farian smiled a little before rolling her eyes as tony protested. “You are old, and you are going gaga.”Farian said huffing a little before looking over at Grant as they walked. “You, you can just shut up. Stop this conversation now.”Farian said unwilling to discus her relationship or the anger she’d felt over tony’s words, before sighing softly. “Not alot. She’s good at what she does. Probably fairly young. She sounds...younger.”She shrugged a little as they headed for 5th avenue, looking around as they walked towards the coffee shop jarvis had traced her to, stepping inside, looking startled as she found the girl, who did indeed look young. Younger then she’d thought really.

James frowned a littel as he was washed off. This wasn’t normal. Why was he being washed off?This...something was wrong. Tensing a little as he dressed him, he stirred a little, tilting his head. “James.”He said quietly at the question, before retreating again as he sat on the edge of the bed, struggling to understand the words.”Why would I pee on you? Or make you eat pies? No. I don’t think so. I was born the Asset. That’s all.”James said sounding agiated at the lies, but not attacking, which was more then tony had gotten the first few times he’d backslid. Tony’d been lucky to survive those first few encounters with the winter soldier honesty.
Tony smirked a little. "if he has a panic attack it's your fault and i had nothing to do with it." he teased before blinking. "what... really? i nver noticed that." he admitted as he pulled his phone out and looked at it, his head tilted as if wondering if it had betrayed him before sulking at her as she and Grant left. Grant just smirked. "i don't shut up. ever." he admitted. "and you know he didn't mean it. he's not exactly been socialized properly. the only thing he knows about people is what his overly possessive abusive father taught him. Tony sees people as things. he doesn't know any better. the fact that he doesn't treat you like a toy, says a lot. fuck he treats me like i'm some rare collectable you know?" he asked with a wrinkle of his nose. "it's... kind of creepy actually." he admitted. "...that's our Hacker?" he asked, staring at Skye. "she can't be any older than a teenager." he scoffed as he moved over to her, shutting the laptop. "Ms.? i'm going to have to ask you to come with me."

Steve examined James intently, looking upset. "that's right. your name is James." he agreed. "you pissed on me because we where kids. and because your a jerk." he admitted with a smile. "i always call you Jerk, and you always call me a Punk. we've always been there for each other, always, 'till the end of the Line'. that's what you'd always tell me. and when i was younger, i used to get beat up all the time because i was a mouthy little shit, and i'd always tell you 'i had em on the ropes'.... even though i didn't." he admitted, staring at James. "please come back to me." he whispered, setting a hand on Jame's cheek. "i never should have let you finish that woman off. i should have left her to Bruce. i'm so sorry."
“Cap’ll never believe that. He’ll think it was your idea.”She pointed out teasing. “ look so very betrayed by it.”She teased looking amused though. Slanting a glance at grant she frowned at his words, “...I know he’s not socialized properly. I know that,. I even know he didn’t mean it like that. It;s just...I don’t know! It hurt to hear him say it...I don’t know. I’ll talk to him when we get back...”She sighed softly sounding confused and pissy at the idea of tony liking someone else, even if she knew he hadn’t meant it like that. “I know. It’s creepy, and it’s even creepy for me a bit, cause i’m not sure how to deal with it, but its fine.”She sighed softly relaxing a little before nodding. “She is. And I’ll guess early 20s.” “...24 actually.”Skye said looking u pas they approached, having been chatting with jarvis as she waited, the AI having told her that they were on his way. “My, why must I come with you?”she said looking up at grant, raising a eyebrow.

“...Oh. Kids are weird.”James frowned trying so hard to remember, wanting to remember the smiling blond sitting next to him. Swallowing hard he nodded slowly.”Till the end.”He muttered taking a slow breath, almost remembering, before swallowing thickly turning his cheek into the other’s hand.”I’m here....I am...”he muttered shuddering a little. “ job. Taking care of things. We got all the information we needed.”He muttered sounding a little more like himself, starting to come back, but having given in, become the soldier again to deal with mariah, he was having a harder time stepping fully back into 'james' having backslid enough and often enough since steve's reemergence in his life, the stress of having steve around again, and his inability to handle things well, making him revert back to the soldier more, enough to keep him from finding it easy to hold onto himself.
he smirked. "i know. that's half the fun." he admitted with a snigger. "i am very betrayed! look at me be all dismayed and betrayed!" he complained as he stalked away, not sounding betrayed or dismayed at all. in fact he sounded more like he was confused. "being around Tony is going to hurt." Grant admitted. "he can't help it, he's not an asshole on purpose he just doesn't know any better." he admitted. "besides, wouldn't you rather have this hacker on our team rather than Hydra or Shields?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "he'll get better the more you work on him. he's like a puppy, he needs to be trained." he admitted before staring at Skye. "you must, because if you don't i'll break your arms." he stated simply. "i won't touch your hands though, Tony would kill me. and they are rather pretty arms. could be your so small i'll just go all caveman on you and throw you over my shoulder and make you come with me." he admitted.

he nodded. "we where weirder than most." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before beaming at the other. "that's right. till the end of the line, you and me, together forever." he agreed softly. "oh Buck. you scared me a bit there." he admitted, sighing in relief. "i thought i was going to have to get Tony and watch him be all weird again." he admitted as he stroked the others cheek with his thumb, not daring to remove his hand. "this isn't your job. not anymore and Tony's probably going to be pissed that i let you do it. we should have left it to Grant, or Bruce." he admitted softly, as he pulled the other into a tight hug. "what can i do to help you? tell me what to do." he whispered, stroking the others hair, wishing he already knew so he didn't have to make James work so hard.
“I’s’s been so long since I cared about anyone. Or let myself care. I hadn’t expected to care really...”She sighed softly staring down at the floor. Because while she’d been willign to have sex, and have a good time, she hadn’t been prepared for just how much she cared for the man, having really not thought she’d care so much in the course of just a few days. “No,that’s true. I’d rather have the hacker with tony then the others.”She agreed before snickering quietly at the idea of tony as a puppy. She was goign to tell him that sometime. “....”Skye stared at grant, not sure what to think about the somewhat creepy compliment, before looking at Farian. “Farian. We’ve been talking.” “Oh.”Skye frowned not looking sure about it, “How do I know its you?” “Even in winter, the cold isn’t always bitter, and every day is not cruel.”Farian said simply tilting her head. “...You always did have a thing for finding cold qoutes. What does tony want?”Skye said knowing better then to think it was just them who wanted her, when she’d been hacking tony’s stuff.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to.”James muttered huffing a little, frustrated with himself as he leaned his cheek into the other’s hand, sighing quietly before wincing. “.....We could just forget to tell him. He’s busy with Farian, he might not notice.”he muttered knowing better then to think tony would overlook this, when he’d fairly forbidden james from doing stuff like this. The fact that james had taken advantage of steve not knowing about the rule to get his fix, the low level need under his skin that drove him to torture and maim, had just been a desperate grab, and he knew it wouldn’t work twice. “....”He looked around him, frowning a little, biting his lip. Not about to say what he thought, not about to wonder where the ice chamber was, back enough that he was aware that the question wouldn’t go over well. “...Play battleship with me. Tony has this epic hologram version down in the lab, we could play.”he said, because it was a game that had been around since he was a kid, it’d given him a way to reconnect to himself...not to mention he liked trying to outthink tony.
he nodded. "yeah. i can understand that." he admitted with a smile. "people like us? we don't do emotions too well. it's only to be expected that your uncertain how to handle yours." he admitted before focusing on Skye. "...even in winter... what?" he asked, giving her a baffled look. "you do realize most code phrases are supposed to make sense right?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "as far as i'm aware, he wants to give you a job." Grant admitted with a shrug. "he was fairly impressed that you managed to Hack Jarvis. i don't think you could have really hacked Jarvis for long, that thing is creepy smart, but he's damn impressed you got in at all." hell, so was Jarvis.

"it's alright." Steve promised with a smile. "i have days like this too." he admitted. "i won't tell him if you don't want me too. but i think he probably already knows. Jarvis would certainly have told him." he admitted with a sigh. "we're not letting you do it again anyway. it does bad things to you." he admitted, looking a bit upset before brightening eagerly. "Battleship! i love that game!... what's a hologram?"
“Cause I enjoy cold. We kept finding weird things about winter and such.”Farian explained looking amused before snickering at the startled look on skye’s face. “A...job.”She said slowly, as if not believing this was what she was hearing, before nodding. “It took awhile to get in, and Jarvis was already starting to work around and turn me out. It was impressive.”Skye said before putting her laptop in the bag and standing. “shall we then?”She said wondering just what the billionaire wanted.

“Don’t.”James muttered not liking the idea of tony knowing, and knowing that as soon as tony got his bearings, he’d probably be yelling at james for it. But willing to be yelled at, the violent and untamed part, the one that was both him and the soldier, all that darkness that he’d had even when he was younger, bottled and caged, shaped into a weapon to be used, because for this moment that part of him was calmed and relaxed. Not driving him to kill, to hurt those around him. Even when he wasn’t the soldier, he’d honed that edge into a weapon, and it was hard not being as violent as he’d been all the time for the last 60 years. Wincing a little at how upset steve looked before nodding, “I love it to. And a hologram is...come on. I’ll just show you.”he grinned heading down to the lab and walking in, “hey Tony.”he called towards the genius even as he had jarvis pull up the hologram game.

Not exact, but something close to this.
he looked at her again, wondering if oddness was just something that happened when you where around Tony too much or if Tony had the talent to find them when they where already odd. "yes we shall. we have a car waiting." he promised, letting her keep her bag. he highly doubted she had any kind of weapons. Tony was busy when they appeared, surrounded by wires, keyboards and computer monitors as he muttered and grumbled, updating Jarvis. "you! you're in trouble! look at this mess!" he complained to Skye. "how dare you make me work when i don't want to! and poor Jarvis! he's been traumatized!" "i have. horridly traumatized." Jarvis agreed, voice quite dry, clearly only agreeing because Tony had his hands in his brain. "as punishment, you work for me now." Tony decided as he unplugged a wire and replaced it with another. "for a start, you can start updating Jarvis. i did the hardware, now you do the Software, and don't try anything funny! Jarvis will know and then i'll let Grant punish you!" "it will be my pleasure Sir." "Don't Call Me Sir!!! where's my Coffee!?" he demanded, scowling as he realized he couldn't move because he was all tangled up in the wires.

he sighed a little. "i take it that you weren't supposed to do that then?" he asked looking amused because James never could follow the rules. "naughty boy." he teased with a chuckle as he leaned into the other and kissed his cheek before following the other. "oh! i've seen tings like this before. Fury uses it all the time." Steve admitted as he blinked at the stranger in the tower and Tony all tangled up in cords. "uh, are we interrupting Kinky stuff or something?" "No! shut up and bring me my coffee! and don't TOUCH anything!"
Skye looked around her with wide eyes, growing even wider as she watched tony completely scold her for hacking in, but was willing to let her, was demanding quite that she take a job. “I-I’m sorry?”She said sounding utterly confused. “Don’t worry. He’s usually this easily excitable. He’ll calm down soon enough.”Farian said smirking a little in amusement watching her lover as he created a god awful mess.”I am sorry. I did not mean to traumatize you.”Skye said sounding for a moment cowed, to overwhelmed to know what to think, before nodding. “I can undate it...”She said agreeing because she had no idea what else to say. “On your desk. And you’re just all prettily tied up aren’t you?”

“No...not really.But she hurt Bruce.”James muttered blushing a little at the name calling, smiling a little as he led the way. “Ah. Yes. Well this is tony’s preffered method of working and playing games. Such a tech nerd.”James smirked before looking up from what he’d been setting up the game, before starting at tony. “....I think we are interrupting kinky sexy times...maybe we should go...”
he glared at her. "you best be sorry! look at this mess!" he complained. "i am not Excitable!" he protested, pouting at her. "i am not traumatized by being hacked. i am traumatized because Tony is elbow deep inside of my brain and is irate." Jarvis admitted. "traitor!" Tony complained. "someone hand me my goddamn Coffee!" he ordered, Grant chuckling as he did as ordered and brought the Coffee over. "Sir. please do not drink Coffee while my brain is exposed." Jarvis pleaded.

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "so in other words, you deserve to be in trouble?" he asked with a smile. "tech nerd huh? i dare you to call him that to his face." Steve teased before blinking at the mess. "you don't have to leave." Tony promised, gulping down his Coffee. "you can stay and watch if you like. you! work!" he ordered, snapping his fingers at Skye. "you!... i want a kiss." he ordered, pouting at Farian.
"I am indeed. This is quite the mess...that you seem to simply be making worse."Skye said looking amused. "You are to. this, this is excitable."Farian said waving a hand at the mess he'd made in the half hour she'd been gone. "I would be traumatized to."Skye said before moving over to the desk tony indicated, settling in to work. "I promise to be gentle jarvis and help." "Don't worry jarvis, I'll make sure he's careful."

"...yea...something like that."James muttered twitching, squirming a little, cause he was so horrible at being caught in doing something he shouldn't,even if he'd always been getting into trouble, he was still bad at it. "I will. I'll totally call him that."James snickered before looking at the mess, smirking a little. "You and your exhibitionist streak. You tech nerd, I knew tech totally got you hot."James snickered a little before gesturing towards the game. "Come on cap." "oh, you do do you?"Farian smirked as she walked towards her tied up boyfriend, looking him over in amusement that he was still all tangled up.
he glared at Skye again. "i don't like you." he decided. "you know i could have just let Shield have you. they would have put you in a cell. instead, nice guy that i am, offer you a job here. and now your sitting there mocking me." he grumbled before pouting at Farian. "so i'm a little upset! it's to be expected!" he complained as he resumed the plugging and moving of things around. Jarvis didn't speak up at any of it so Tony must have been doing it right.

he grinned a little and chuckled. "you've always been terrible about that. breaking the rules whenever you wanted and then got upset for doing it." he admitted with a chuckle and he smirked at the other, shaking his head as James called Tony Tech Nerd right then and there, laughing as Tony turned to stare at him, a little startled. "did you just?..." he narrowed his eyes at the other. "you don't get cartoons tonight." he decided as Steve snickered and settled into figuring out how to play Battleship without a pen and paper. "yes. i do. please?" Tony asked, pouting at her again. "i'm fixing other peoples messes i should get a reward."
“No you wouldn’t. It would upset your girlfriend. She sorta likes me. And you’d much rather have me for your collection, then let me work for anyone else.”Skye said logically smiling a little as she started working, amused as she worked.

James snickered, amused as he smirked at steve. He’d indeed done as promised, he usually did. “I did. I’ve never seduced you down in the lab. If I’d known it was this easy to get you tied up and at my mercy as to tie you up in your tech, I would have done it earlier.”James teased before his eyes went wide. “What?I didn’t do anything!You have to let me watch cartoons.”James whined a little as he started showing steve how to work the board. “Hmmm, very true. Though in this case, you’re just causing a mess.”Farian said leaning down, barely ghosting her lips over his, knowing he couldn’t move really to get a better one. Just enjoying teasing him.
Tony huffed. "she'd forgive me eventually." he mused, though he wasn't sure on that in all honesty. "....that is true." he admitted with a huff, giving her the stink eye. "i still don't like you." he grumbled as he resumed his task of refitting Jarvis with new wires and stronger mainframes. Jarvis was getting an upgrade so powerful it would probably black out Manhattan for a few hours. "hey. hey! you didn't seduce me! i seduced you!" he complained, pouting. "and i'm at no ones mercy!" he complained as he resumed his work. "i'm not making a mes!" he complained, sulking as he was barely kissed. "Farian! your being mean! i won't let you watch cartoons either! Jarvis make a note of that!" he ordered, sulking because people where picking on him. "hand me that screwdriver would you?" he asked, indicating a screwdriver that was out of reach. well, his reach anyway.
“So you did. But I would have seduced you if all I knew I had to do was use tech. And I got such a pretty tech arm to go with it.”James snickered amused as he played with steve, and relaxed into teasing tony, utterly settling more, finding his way back to himself. “I don’t watch cartoons.”Farian said looking amused before settling on a stool to watch him work, before handing over the screwdriver, before moving over, gently untangling the man from his wires, knowing he'd work better if he wasn't utterly tangled up
he snorted. "your arm was all the seduction i needed." he teased with a snigger as he tried to work. he wasn't about to admit that he couldn't get loose on his own. "oh! oh be careful! don't unplug anything!" Tony warned, watching her as she untangled him. "thanks." he muttered with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her neck and yanked her down for a better kiss than the one she'd graced him with earlier. "want to help?" he offered with a grin as he unplugged another wire and then plugged in a new one, humming happily. content now that he was working again. every once and a while he handed her a wire that he no longer needed, muttering that it needed to be thrown away or recycled or something. soon, everything was neat and orderly again and kicking online, making it even easier for Skye to start updating the programming because it started keeping up with her and took over on it's own once Jarvis understood what she was doing. a self updating computer, now that was amazing.
“I’m being careful, stop being a drama queen.”Farian said rolling her eyes a little as she gently undid the wires and being careful, before nodding as she settled next to him. “yea, I want to help.”She grinned content to help.

Hours later James crowed, grinning, “Ha!I win!I totally beat you for once. YES!!”James grinned because it had been a rarity that he’d ever beaten the world’s best tactician, before frowning. Turning to look at Steve. “Did you let me win?That’s not nice.”He frowned sounding annoyed at the idea.

Farian laughed quietly as she rested her head on tony’s shoulder as she laid next to him, content to read as he worked, careful not to crowd the genius as he worked on his suit, sighing quietly as she closed her eyes for a moment. “Hey. You want to go get that coffee we were going for earlier?”She muttered nuzzling his cheek against his shoulder for a moment before straightening, running her hands through his hair, carefully straightening out the messy strands. Trying hard to remember he wasn't like normal guys, like grant said, trying to remember that she just had to be aware that being with him, was just asking to be hurt. not because he meant to hurt her, but because he didn't understand normality.
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