The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve snorted. "you got lucky Yah Jerk!" he complained, Brooklyn twang and all. "no i didn't let you... i mean. yes. i let you win. look at me, being all nice and shit." he was such a liar. "can you play Monopoly or Yahtzee on this thing?" he asked curiously. "or Chess?" no one could beat Steve at Chess. ever. though, Tony could probably give him a run for his money.

Tony grinned as he listened to them bicker and turned to blink at her. "Coffee?" he asked, looking confused before he remembered. "oh hell, i forgot about our date!" he gasped, knowing enough from hie brief relationship with Pepper that forgetting a date was a big deal. "we'll go now! Jarvis finish this would you?" Tony asked, indicating the suit. Jarvis promising to have it done soon. Tony looked down at himself, covered in grease. "lemme take a shower first?" he asked, blinking at her. "we can make it a dinner date." he offered.
“Uh-huh. IF you say so.”James said smirking as he realized he had indeed won fair and square before grinning, “Of course. We can play any game you want, Jarvis?Chess please.”James said smirking at the other super soldier as he settled in to play.

Farian laughed quietly listening to them,”You know if we leave them alone, they might have sex in the lab.”She muttered sounding amused before nodding.”yea, coffee. That drink you’re addicted to.”She teased before tilting her head, watching him freak out a little. To new at relationships herself to understand really why he was freaking out, having only said something because she was starting to feel hungry herself. “Yea. Go shower, I’ll go change for dinner, and find somewhere to go.I’ll meet you in the living room when you’re done.”She said grinning at him as she left to get ready, having every intention of blowing his mind again with a outfit, still wanting to impress him even if he said she didn’t have to.
he snorted. "i totally let you win." he scoffed as he settled in to totally punish James at Chess. "you've gotten better." he mused as he directed a Pawn to a square as a sacrifice, yelping as James Knight actually speared the pawn and then tossed it off the board. "what the hell!?" "wizards chess!" Tony informed him with a grin. "regular Chess is boring as hell. i thought about making them do deviant sexual acts on each other, but Bruce and Jarvis promised pain if i did." he admitted before grinning at Farian. "you know, they would totally have sex down here. but i'm not really inclined to care so long as they clean it up." he admitted as he followed her out of the lab. "sounds good." he agreed before pausing. "did i ever assign Grant and Skye a room?" he asked, frowning before shrugging. "i'm sure that Jarvis did." he decided as he went to take a shower and dress in one of his favored suits. it was fancy but not overly so, perfect for going to a fancy family restaurant or a five star restaurant. he messed with his hair a moment and then joined her in the living room.
“Hm, playing with tony would improve anyone’s game.”James snickered before laughing at steve’s startlement. “I apologize for tony. I let him watch Harry Potter, and he just had to have his own moving chess pieces.And the deviant acts wouldn’t work, I mean, you capture a piece, and it would never leave the board.”James pointed out rolling his eyes a little. “They’ll clean. Cap’s to nice to leave a mess for you. And yes, Jarvis made sure they had rooms, and grant’s watching over skye as she works.”She said amused that the woman had been so engrossed with working and searching with jarvis she’d totally ignored them leaving. Cleaning up herself she smiled as she walked into the living room, swallowing hard at the sight of him, twirling a little in her red dress, iron man red, the bracelet and heels she was wearing iron man gold, well at least no one would question who she was out to dinner with, or who she belonged to.”So, where are we going?"

"I'm totally going to win."James smirked as he watched the chess pieces battle, the pieces always greatly amused him, even if he usually lost.
he blinked a little and then. "what's a Harry Potter?" he asked, looking confused. he was still catching up on the books he'd missed in the fifties. not to mention the TV. he had only just watched the Wizard of Oz. granted he watched the news everyday too so he knew that TV had come a long way, still. he was amazed by the special effects he had seen in that movie. "Queen to D8. checkmate." Steve declared as soon as James said he was going to win, chuckling a little. "sorry James, but while your better, you still have a long way to go." he admitted with a grin.

Tony was fiddling with his hair hen she came down, glaring because that one little lock of hair wouldn't stay put. he had to stare at the woman when he noticed, his mouth open as he stared at her. "holy crap." he muttered, swallowing thickly. "so how about we skip dinner and just go straight to the fornication?"
“Harry potter is a novel about a boy wizard as he grows up and goes to school. And has movies made about them. Tony watches tv when he can’t sleep. So we’ve gotten alot of games from that. We also have 3D chess, from star trek.”James snickered before sulking, making a face as he sulked. “Damn you. Fine. I’ll just settle for having beat you at battleship.”He said ebfore raising a eyebrow. “Well, since you won. You could claim a prize you know.”

Farian smiled a little, amused as she watched him fuss over his hair, flushing a little as he looked at her, pouting. “After I went through so much trouble to get both red and gold into a outfit?I think not. Besides, you need to show people that last night’s gala didn’t hurt you or mess up anything. Going out to dinner, with a date, definitely proves that all is well in the world of tony stark.”She said moving closer to kiss him lightly as she slid on her jacket. “Come on then.”
Steve blinked a little. "like Merlin?" he asked, his head tilted. "weird." he admitted. "is the series any good?" he asked, head tilted as he studied the other. "Star Trek?" he asked before brightening. "that's on my list! i haven't gotten around to watching it yet though." he admitted. "a prize?" he asked, looking amused. "i don't think that's how Chess works." he admitted with a grin. "whatever will i ask for? oh, i know. you naked, that's what i'll wish for." he decided. "you where really mean to me earlier, leaving me all hard like that." he pouted at James. "not nice at all."

he chuckled a little. "i'm not sure i want the public to see you looking so amazing." he admitted. "someone better than me might try to steal you away." he admitted as he stared at her. how could someone so gorgeous, like him? it was baffling. "i suppose." he agreed as he offered her his arm. "shall we, my lady? where would you like to go to eat? somewhere nice, somewhere fancy, or somewhere expensive?"
“Yes, like that. It’s interesting and amusing.”She said smiling a little before laughing. “You have a list?And yes, star trek. It’s a tv show, a fairly good one actually. Tony’s been trying to catch me up on tv.”He said snickering a little before smirking. “...Chess works however you want it to.”He said before raising a eyebrow, smirking a little. “You like it when I’m mean to you.”He said shifting back and slowly pulling off the long sleeved t-shirt he was wearing, looking a little self conscious as he stripped out of his clothes all the way, shivering a little in the cool air of the lab, even if steve already knew about the arm, liked it even, the man was still feeling self conscious about it.

“There’s no one better.”She reassured smiling softly as she kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his waist as she leaned into him, before slipping her arms through his.”We shall. And hmmm...Somewhere nice. I’d rather good food then something simply just fancy and expensive. Good food tony. And good company.”She said absently tapping her fingers along his arm as she held his arm, nervous despite knowing he didn’t care what the world thought about them, she was still nervous about being seen with him, not because she cared what others thought of her, but she didn’t want to make others realize he cared about her, not wanting to be a weakness for the man.
he grinned a little. "yes, i have a list." he admitted, pulling the little book out of his pocket. "people kept suggesting things." he admitted. "i couldn't remember all of it so i just write it down." he admitted, letting the other read through the list of popular books he'd missed, movies he needed to see, world events he needed to look into. "did we REALLY land on the moon? go into space?" he asked, looking rather amazed. "i suppose that's true. Chess does work however you want it too." he agreed with a chuckle before swallowing as he watched the other undress. "that's far enough." he admitted, sliding off his stool and moving over to the other, running his hands along the others body, stroking every bit of flesh he could find, as if remapping the others body. memorizing it. "your bigger than i remember." Steve whispered as he reached the arms, tracing both with equal intensity. "can you feel?" he asked curiously, tracing the metal palm. "it's really kind of beautiful. though i probably shouldn't say that in front of Tony?" he asked with a smile.

he snorted. "there's dozens of people better than me. you, Grant, James, Bruce, Steve, Skye... even if i don't like her. the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, Phil, Fury, Maria Hill, Natasha, Clint, that Norse god who fell from the heavens in new Mexico." he counted, ticking off on his fingers, eyes dancing with merriment to show he was teasing. "i know the perfect place." he admitted with a smile as he led her to the car and opened the door for her. Pepper had trained him well it seamed. James hated it when Tony opened doors for him so Tony was thrilling in having a woman to cater to. he drove through the city, humming as they passed the Oscorp building. which was only in business because Norman Oscorp had signed a contract with Tony. "here." he smiled as he let her see the small but very nice looking home cooked meal restaurant. "this place has the best food." he admitted with a smile. "they have a five course meal option too." he admitted. "salad, soup, appetizer, main course and then dessert. they don't speak English though, do you know Italian?" he asked. he knew Italian but if she didn't he'd help her choose what she wanted and then order for her.
"Ah. That makes sense...I mean I was always awake so it's been less of a culture shock to wake up."James said looking thoughtful."yes we did. It was awesome. I think that was the only week I ever had to myself. When the Russians were marveling that they had gotten to the moon."James smiled a little before pausing hands on his belt before stopping,letting his hands fall to his sides as he waited to see what the other was going to do. Tense and quiet under the other's hands he twitched at each touch, nervous despite trusting the other."yea...the serum let go a little, slowly instead of like you. I just grew slower,let it settle, and since it didn't have any major reworking to do, it's fairly subtle.. and I work out more these days."he snickered a little nervously swallowing hard."yes I'd not as touch sensitive as my real hand but I can feel some...and no you shouldnt. His ego will get even bigger."James snickered.

"Fine. I'll just stop trying to be nice and make you feel good about yourself."Farina said rolling her eyes a little. Smiling softly."thanks."she said as he opened her door,smiling as they moved through the city. It'd been a long time since she'd been in the city,so she was enjoying it."wow. I'm amazed that you have a home style restaurant instead of five stars we've if they have that option."she teased kissing his cheek before nodding a little."I can.not well but I can read a litttle...though you could teach me?"she said tilting her head as they sat down.
he nodded a little. "i suppose that makes sense." he admitted before he blinked. "uh. no. the American's made it to the moon. not the Russians. the United States are the only people who have ever been on the moon. it says so." he stated, indicating his Tablet before focusing on James. "remarkable." Steve admitted with a smile. "i was always so jealous of your muscles." he admitted as he ran a thumb down his six pack. "i had to cheat to get mine." he admitted as he kissed the edge where metal and skin joined before smiling as he was told it was touch sensitive. "so if i told you i wanted you to work me open with this thing, you'd be game?" he asked with a sly smile as he pulled the other down for a soft kiss. "you can put your shirt back on if you want." he wasn't about to pressure James into anything.

Tony smirked. "good. you do that. inflate my ego instead, that's more fun." he ordered playfully, looking a bit startled as she thanked him before beaming at her. Pepper never thanked him. "oh, you misunderstand. this IS a Five Star restaurant." he admitted with a grin. "it's just that the owner and chef hates 'hoitey toitey bastards', in her own words, and refuses to upscale her restaurant." he admitted. "only people who actually appreciate the food she makes is allowed inside." he admitted with a smile. "this is my favorite restaurant in the whole city because she doesn't care to have cellphones or tech in there. so that means no one takes pictures of me while i'm trying to eat." he admitted with a smile. "you get all kinds of people in here too. from rich movie stars to the homeless. she runs a soup kitchen every night with what she doesn't sell." he admitted. "i even volunteer sometimes." he admitted as he smiled at her. "i would be delighted to teach you." he admitted with a smile as he walked into the restaurant with her. "Buongiorno Signora Abriana!" Tony called. "Hai spazio per due?" he asked, beaming when the woman nodded. "Eccellente! Avremo bisogno di un menu di oggi." he chirped, beaming at the woman. "we seat ourselves." he explained to her with a smile. "i said, good morning Madam Abriana, do you have room for two? excellent, we'll need a menu today." he explained with a grin. "she doesn't speak any English, which is why the place is empty today, it's her translators day off."
“...Ah. Well, I never was good at history.”he said frowning ever so slightly, because he had always been bad at remembering facts, but his time on ice had messed even more so with his memory. James shuddered swallowing hard as his stomach quivered a little under the other’s fingers before laughing softly.”hm, but what a cheat it was. You look amazing without having to work for it.”James muttered remembering the long hours at the dockyard that had put muscle on his lean frame. Whimpering low in his throat as steve pressed a kiss to hsi skin, shuddering at the feel, eyes falling closed before opening to look at steve, eyes blown wide. “...yea. I could do that.”he said flushing as he kissed the other back before biting his lip. Twitching and anxious about being undressed and vulnerable, despite having showered just hours before with the man, this felt different, he was more aware of being naked this time, of not simply waiting and checked out. “...No. I’m okay.”he muttered before moving away, looking through tony’s drawers, looking for lube or at least something non-toxic that he could use.

“Hm, I’m sure I can come up with something ego stroking enough for you.”she rolled her eyes laughing softly before laughing at tony’s explanation.”Ah. I see. That’s really cool actually.”She said looking pleased before tilting her head, before smiling. “Simply peace and quiet, without having to worry about our privacy being invaded. Truly perfect.”She smiled a little looking amused. “Really?I can’t see you serving others.”She teased a little smiling as she listened to the other’s talk. “Ah. That’s still really cool still. At least this will give me a chance to listen and learn some.”She smiled looking pleased as she settled in at the table, settling into the booth next to him.
he chuckled a little. "or the Russians tried to claim victory for it." he agreed with a smile and a shake of his head. "it was a hell of a cheat. honestly i'm just glad to be able to run for more than five minutes without dying from an asthma attack." he admitted as he stroked the other. "and i do have to work for it. or at least, i have to work myself into exhaustion every day or i don't sleep." he admitted before grinning brightly at the other as he kissed him. "are you sure? if your not ready, Buck, then we don't have to." he promised. "i want you to be sure this is what you want." he admitted, stroking the others hair. "i don't want to pressure or push you into anything." he admitted as he watched the other looking for something. of course, this was Tony, he had Lube everywhere.

he smirked. "you could just tell me i'm amazing." he admitted with a grin before nodding. "very cool." he agreed happily as he lead her into the restaurant. "oh i serve others all the time. the homeless population has actually been reduced by fifteen percent since i took over." he admitted. "i've greatly increased the job demand, destroyed all Drug trade so those that are spending all their money on drugs can't anymore." he admitted with a smile. "it's kind of funny. i did this, taking over, to prove something to myself. to make myself the bad guy, but i ended up doing more good than anything else. i guess i just don't have it in me to be as Evil as Pepper wanted me to be." he admitted as he accepted the menu and translated it for her. everything was authentically Italian. from the Soup, Tony got Tortelli In Brodo, the Salad was a simple Ceaser. he ordered them a sampler platter of the Appetizers, one of each appetizer for both of them. he talked her through the various main courses, which had fish, grilled meats, pasta dishes, anything she could dream of. he greeted the chef again in perfect Italian and ordered their meal once she had decided what sounded the best, with wine to match each course, a half a glass so they wouldn't get too drunk. "enjoying yourself?" he asked her with a smile.
“Hm, me to. It makes letting you give me blow jobs easier, what with holding your breath and no gag reflex.”James teased shivering a little before smiling. “True. I do to, not nearly as bad, but I still have to work out to be able to sleep.”James sighed before biting his lip, turning his head into the other’s hand, butting his head against the other’s touch, enjoying it, glad his hair was down to simply enjoy the touch. “...I know you don’t. I don’t...I want to work you open, I need to, but I don’t know if it’ll be more then that. I just want to make you come.”He said quietly as his fingers closed around the lube, grinning a little as he nodded towards the cot tony kept down here. “Go lay down and strip.”he ordered quietly.

”Oh no, you have alot of people telling you your amazing. I have to outdo them if I’m going to stand out.”Farian snickered a little before smiling. “You know, I hadn’t thought about it that way. You’re right, you do serve others alot.Even if no one else totally approves of how you do it.”She mused before tilting her head, frowning. “Why would you make yourself the bad guy?Just to prove her point?”She frowned pain in her eyes, hurting for him. Grinning as they ate and talked, sipping her wine as she she ate the alfredo she’d gotten, nodding, eyes bright and happy. “Definitely. We should go for a walk through the park after this. Central park’s close, it’s a nice night still.”
he snorted at the other and rolled his eyes. "i'm not sure if the lack of a gag reflex is the serum or not you know." he admitted, looking amused. "i was too puny before to risk giving a Blowjob." he admitted. "well. at least we can suffer sleepless nights together then." he mused with a grin before smiling as James leaned into the touch, biting his lip as he watched the other. very much turned on and willing to do anything James wanted him to. "okay." he agreed, rather breathless as he went to the cot and laid down on his stomach so it would be easier for James, after stripping completely nude of course.

he snickered a little. "true." he agreed with a grin. "honestly the whole serving others thing comes as an accident more often then not. i only started volunteering here because she tricked me into it." he admitted with a grin before he shrugged. "i did it because i figured if she wanted me dead so much, she must have been right." he admitted. "i figured if i was the bad guy, then it wouldn't hurt anymore, because i wouldn't care. too bad it doesn't work that way." he admitted with a smile as he watched her. "i do like to take walks." he agreed. "we could get an ice-cream on the boardwalk." he offered with a smile as he wiped his lips free of the sauce he had on his Veal dish.
“true.”James snickered a little before smiling at the idea of spending sleepless nights with him, flushing a little as he watched steve smile as he leaned into him. Smirking as he watched steve settle on the bed he swallowed hard as he watche,d biting his lip as he sat down next to him, gently stroking his metal fingers over his back, “You are so beautiful, sweetling.”he muttered swallowing thickly as he poured some lube into his metal hand, carefully spreading it over the metal before starting to stretch the other, shifting to watch his face, needing to know if he hurt him.”You’re going to have to tell me if I hurt you okay?”He said sounding anxious. While he’d done this before with the metal hand, it still made him nervous having all that metal flexing in such a sensitive spot just in case he messed up and pinched him or something.

“No, it doesn’t work that way. I started out that way to. Sort of. wasn’t a happy place. Doing what I do, gave me a way out. There are those out there who think I’m one of the bad guys, but if I can use the skills they taught me, against them...well, its worth being thought about badly.”She sighed quietly before smiling, pleased that he liked the idea of a walk, before nodding. “Ice cream sounds amzing.”She said leaning across to gently kiss a spot of sauce from his nose that he’d missed, smiling slightly as she leaned back, finishing her food. “Oh man, that was amazing tony.”she muttered.
Steve flushed bright red as he was called beautiful and sweetling, shivering as he felt the metal on his skin, moaning before he could stop himself and spreading his legs, inviting the other inside. "yes. i mean, i will." he promised before moaning again as he felt those cold, hard fingers pressing inside of him. "oh. oh it feels. mmmm." it felt amazing, already he was rocking into the fingers, begging for more with whispered moans and mewls. trying to be quiet in case someone else looked in on them.

he nodded. "i know." he admitted. "Born Hydra, raised Hydra. i can't imagine you where in a very living environment. reminiscent of my own childhood no doubt, only more blood." he admitted before smiling at her. "you did help, a lot of people where protected by the things you where willing to do." he admitted. "being a villain is better than being a victim. how does the saying go? better to Rule in Hell than Serve in Heaven?" he asked, his head tilted before he smiled as he was kissed. "why thank you." he mused with a chuckle as he accepted the Bill and wrote a check with an impressive tip for the Madam, offering her his arm as they headed for the sidewalk, close enough to the boardwalk to walk there. "that's my favorite restaurant, so i'm glad you liked it." he admitted with a smile.
James smiled a little, “I forgot your whole body flushed when you get embarassed.”James mused smirking a little as the other spread his legs, ever so careful as he fingered him, smirking as he watched him, gently working him open, using his other hand to spread his cheeks so he could watch his fingers sinking into steve, “Jarvis?Set the privacy settings would you?I want to listen to him moan.”James smirked as he pressed his fingers carefully against his prostate, the touch gentler then he normally was, careful to not hurt him, shifting to lay down next to him, laying down face to face wtih the other as he fingered him, simply watching steve’s face as he did.

“No, it wasn’t that great. Met James when I was young. I didn’t know who he was, but my parents were well placed, made sure I was scared to death. Most people get the boogie man to scare them into behaving, I had a winter soldier.”Farian shuddered a little before relaxing, realizing that he understood why she’d made the choices she’d done, before laughing. “Hm, and you have made it a very comfortable hell here.”She snickered a little.”very welcome.”she smiled a little as he paid, slipping a arm through his as they walked, “We’ll have to eat there alot. Maybe show it to steve and james when james is ready to go out. I mean, it’s private enough he’d probably feel comfortable there.”She said smiling as they walked, frowning at the sound of fighting as they neared the broadwalk. “Crime common around here?”She asked looking around, hand inching towards her gun, not realizing it was hydra caused event, in a effort to catch both her and tony in the crossfire.
Steve only blushed harder at that comment, squirming as if trying to hide his blush, not that it worked. he had his eyes shut and mouth open, panting as he was worked open, face full of pleasure as he struggled to contain himself. "B..Bu... nn." he moaned, loud as his prostate was pressed, arching back into the fingers again, begging for more as he started to get more and more vocal, unable to stop now that he realized it was okay. they wouldn't get in trouble if they where caught. "go...gonna... Bucky. gonna!" Steve moaned, hips thrusting more, his cock drooling and messy as he neared an orgasm. "please. oh... more... Bucky!" he gasped through his moans, desperate for more.

he nodded. "i imagine he must have been pretty terrifying for you, especially when you honestly met him. did you ever get to work with him? he doesn't like talking about it much, not that i can blame him." he admitted. "i have made it a comfortable Hell." he admitted with a smile before he nodded. "i agree, and James has been there before, when he was still... broken." Tony admitted after struggling to find the right words. "i don't know if he ever actually ate anything there though. we could make it a double date." he agreed before frowning. "no it's not. i have a full private army that monitor the streets so that there isn't any crime." he admitted. "wait here." he ordered as he headed for the sounds, forgetting that she was even more trained than he was. his suit landing a few feet in front of him, opening in the back so that Tony could just walk inside and then let it Zip itself shut.
James smiled quietly as he watched steve starting to come undone, laughing quietly as the other begged once he realized it was okay to be loud, smirking as he leaned in, kissing the other hard and needily, even as his flesh hand snaked under the other’s body, closing around his cock, hurriedly jerking him off even as he stretched him, still careful but finger fucking him harder as he enjoyed the kiss, having every intention of making his captain come completely undone.

“He was. He still sets my teeth on edge for moments now, until I remember he’s James again ,and not simply the soldier.”She said before going quiet, thoughtful before nodding. “A few times. Missions ran smoother with him, easier....60 years worth of experience made my life a little easier. And no, you can’t really blame him for not wanting to discuss it.”She smiled a little before wincing, as she considered just how bad off James had to have been, if he was doing better now. “We will. They’d both probably be more comfortable if they had company instead of being by themselves.”She smiled a little before frowning. “What?No. I’m not staying. Wait up.”She said even as she followed him, gun nestled into her hand, forgetting that she wasn’t dressed in her usual tactical gear, the body armor that would make her fairly hard to kill. Dressed as a woman simply out for a date, and despite the heels, the woman silently followed him, starting to wade into the crowd that had indeed started a fight with the private army, before her stomach felt like it was on fire, for a moment not realizing what had happened, before she felt the blood starting to soak her clothes as she stumbled. The two bullets having gotten her in the stomach and chest, the hollow tip glazer rounds completely doing what they were made to do, fracture on impact and spread the posion that had filled the hollow tips through her body. If the wounds weren’t going to kill her, the posion would.
Steve moaned loudly into the kiss, trying to kiss back, which was difficult to do when he was moaning the way he was. he cried out in pleasure at the hand around his cock, the member surging in his hand even as his ass tightened, clamping around those fingers, shooting across the bed as he mewled and moaned and cried in orgasmic bliss.

he nodded. "i'd imagine so." he admitted. "he sets my teeth on edge. back when he was still what they wanted him to be, he'd attack me." he admitted with a chuckle. "he didn't like that i was 'de-programming' him." he admitted. "this is true. i think he's a bit afraid of loving Steve." he admitted with a chuckle before scowling. "no. Stay. Put. There." he ordered, pointing at her before taking off into flight. the private Army was already well on it's way to repressing the strugglers. all of them recognized Farian so she was left alone to offer backup for Tony. "FARIAN!" Tony roared as he realized she'd been shot, landing next to her. "Dammit! that's why i told you to stay put! just... hold on!" he pleaded as he gently picked her up, ignoring the fact that the person who'd shot her was already dead themselves. "just hold on and Stay awake!" he ordered. "BRUCE!" he roared through the Coms. "Get the Surgery ready! Farian's been Shot! YOU! i want all of these people detained and questioned! if Farian dies, they die too!" he snarled as he gathered her up into his arms and took off into the sky to get her to help. Bruce was all ready for her when they appeared and started cutting the bullets out. "Tony, she's been poisoned! i don't think i can fix this!" he warned, looking worried as Tony got that manic gleam in his eyes. "she won't die." he whispered. "i won't let her." he hissed as he headed for his lab, coming back up with a vial, shoving it into Bruce;s hands. "Tony... we can't! we don't know what this will do..." "she's dying! there isn't any other option! if she dies i'll take the world with her!" Tony snarled, so furious that he was actually spraying spittle.
James laughed into the kiss, amused and happy as he felt steve trying to kiss him back, groaning as the other came, shuddering as he slumped back, carefully pulling his fingers out, absently stroking steve’s back even as jarvis spoke. “James?You and the Captain are needed in the surgery. Lady Farian has been badly hurt.”Jarvis said, even before he finished talking james was pulling away and rushing for the door, for once totally forgetting that he was shirtless and anyone could see the scars that littered his skin, or that it was usually a hated thing for others to see his arm. To worried about what was going on to care.

“You need backup. And I’m just as vulnerable standing back there to.”Farian argued even as her knees buckled, already sinking towards the ground as tony caught her, blinking up at him slowly. “ bossy...”She slurred a little, head pillowed against his shoulder, “...don’t wanna...I’m tired Tony./...”She muttered. Already past out as they landed, unconscious as bruce started working. “Tony!What happened!?Tony. Calm down.”James ordered as he walked into the room, not backsliding into the winter soldier, but at that shining edge where he was at his best, a perfect blend of James Barnes, the second of the howling commandos, and the Soldier, completely himself but with that icy control that allowed him to deal. Staring at the vial, he frowned. “Tony, what is that?”He demanded, wanting to know what the other planned before he argued with bruce over it
Steve groaned as he came, laying on the bed and panting as he luxuriated in the after orgasm bliss. "god that was awesome." he whispered before jerking as Jarvis spoke. the... guy? freaked him out a little. "fuck!" he gasped, leaping to his feet and getting dressed as quickly as he could, snatching James shirt as he raced after the other, urging James to put it on as they raced to the 'hospital' part of the Tower.

"Stay awake!" he ordered before snarling as he realized she was out cold. "They Shot Her!" Tony snarled, fully sunk into his madness now as he paced back and forth, snapping and snarling at nobody. if she died, the world would burn. "it's the same thing that's in me!" Tony admitted. "the Extremis. it can save her, it WILL save her!" Bruce just sighed, it really was the only way. there was no way to make an antidote in time to save her life. Extremis was they're only hope now that Tony had stabilized it. he slipped a needle in and then carefully slipped it into her arm. letting it slide into her veins, Steve watching, looking sick as he realized Farian was probably going to be dead in an hour.
James was pulling on his shirt even as he walked into the surgery, paling as he realized just how far gone tony was. Swallowing thickly as he looked at bruce. “Do it. She’s going to die. Even if it kills her, it’s giving her a better chance then now.”James said watching bruce before turning towards Tony, reaching out a fisting a hand in the man’s hair, pulling his head back, “You, are going to behave, and act like a normal doting boyfriend. You;re going to upset Farian acting like this. Now sit down with her, and keep her warm. Can you do that, Tony?Can you keep your girl warm?”He demanded once he was sure he had the other’s attention before getting him to settle into the bed next to farian, watching her body starting to react to extermis, wincing, paling as he realized she was freezing. Even pressed close to tony, and covered up, the woman was cold.

As the hours past, each a little brighter then the last as she didn’t die, bouncing between freezing and burning hot, and even though she wasn’t waking up just yet, she was healing. Quickly. Unnaturally quickly, extremis had taken hold, but it was also showing every sign of destroying her to, with her own abilties fighting to keep her cool even as extremis tried to warm her up. “Bruce?”The assassin glanced at the astrophysist as he looked up from where he was sitting, “I think she’s waking up.”He said seeing the woman starting to stir, turning a little towards tony, whimpering quietly.
Tony gasped as he felt the hand in his hair, Steve tensing, waiting for Tony to explode. he didn't, he sighed and sagged, submitting to James, blinking at the man. "kay." he agreed, calmed by James orders as he slipped onto the bed and held her tight, doing his best to keep her warm and comfortable. as Steve wrapped her in warm blankets and anything else they could find to try and keep her warm, taking them off when she got too hot and putting them back on when she got cold again. Tony did his best to hold on to her when she got too hot but his own Extremis reacted to her and they kept setting the bed on fire, so he settled for holding her hand during those times. Bruce had taken blood samples periodically and muttered from time to time that the poison was being disarmed or that her blood was acting oddly or that he thought that her blood was settling down. "hey. hey. Farian. it's okay. shhh, shh i know. i know it must hurt terribly. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. you'll be okay. it's okay." Tony whispered, stroking her face and smoothing her hair, trying to comfort her as much as he could.
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