The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony snickered. "it is your fault! you're supposed to tell me no!"

Steve laughed as he flipped back to the one of him working himself open. "like it? i drew it for a present for you." he admitted with a grin. "i had Jarvis record me fingering myself so i could get it just right." he admitted, eyes glittering playfully before he blinked. "did you really?" he asked, looking a bit sad. "i'll draw you some more." he promised. "or maybe see if i can't find someone who knows where they might be. Tony might know." he admitted softly. "i know the museum has a lot, i'll contact them for all pictures of me." he promised. "they have to hand them over if i ask for them." he admitted with a smile. "i'll see what they have." he promised before smiling as he started flipping through the book. most of it was of Bucky interacting with Tony, surprisingly enough. Steve wasn't sure why, but the two of them together fascinated him. there where a few of the people he'd known too, Peggy and the Howling Commandos. mostly it was Bucky in various ways and a few of Farian one of Natasha and Clint and two of Bruce. Steve's drawing abilities had only grown because he spent most of his free time working on pictures of people he could remember so he wouldn't forget them.

he grinned. "you can reward me by having a better date next time." he promised her with a smile. "when your feeling better." he offered before grinning at Bruce. "good! how often are the hot cold flashes?" he asked her as he checked the pulse on her wrist and then took her pulse. "i do believe that Extremis is adapting very well to your system. I'm only working theoretically here but as far as i can tell your powers will be receiving a massive power boost. either that or you'll have new ones." he admitted. "but, again that's just the theory, might be nothing will happen at all, we can't be sure but your body is adjusting very well."
“I took this for me?Definitely something you;re going to have to let me watch next time.”He growled, his voice dropping to that husky whisper it always did when he was turned on before nodding a little, staring at the floor. “I did. No one really kept my stuff after they cleaned out our apartment after....”James shuddered, not about to admit that whoever of the commandos had cleaned out their apartment had either not thought the stuff important enough, or simply hidden them to make sure no one else got to see james and steve at their most vulnerable, the moments that had just been theirs. “...That would be nice. And tony’s already looking, at least...when he remembers to do so.”James said shrugging a little smiling slightly as he considered the museums reaction to steve demanding his stuff back. It’d be amusing. Shifting to lay down on his stomach like he’d often did as a kid as he looked over steve’s shoulder he smiled a little, pressing a kiss to the other’s shoulder. “You’ve gotten better, pipsqueak.”He muttered closing his eyes, for the moment simply letting the fragmented memories of the people in the drawings batter at him.

“Hm, I think I can do that.”She said smiling shyly, before looking up at bruce. “Every few hours, about? More if tony’s near, like not as bad as it is when he’s actually touching me, but it seems I stay warmer if he’s here.”She shrugged a little before frowning, thinking it over. “We’ll just have to wait and simply see what happens.”She said nervous at the idea, but for the moment not angry about it, simply scared of what it’d be,
he grinned a little. "well. i dunno." he teased with a smirk. "i'm not sure you could handle seeing me like that in reality. wouldn't want to melt your brain." he teased with a grin before frowning as he shook his head. "the Commandos cleaned out our apartment. they wouldn't have just given your stuff away. i wonder if someone's grand-kids has it?" he mused. "we'll look into it." he promised. "the Commandos know how important those pictures where to us, they wouldn't have left it behind, not when people hated gays so much at the time." he admitted. "we'll ask the grand-kids." he promised. "i know one in DC, Hunter? i think that's his name. we'll start with him." he promised with a smile. "Tony is easily distracted, it's more like Jarvis is looking into it." he admitted with a chuckle. "thanks." he murmured with a smile as he was laid on. he'd always loved having the other on top of him, even when he was too small to actually handle the weight. "and don't call me pipsqueak." he ordered as he always did.

he smiled at her. "great. when we're all better we'll go on another date." he promised. "maybe we'll take the Super Duo with us next time." he offered, jerking a thumb at the adorable Steve and James. "i'm sorry. do you need me to leave?" Tony demanded, looking rather frantic. "it's fine." Bruce promised Tony. "the Extremis is just reacting to you because you have the same branch of Serum... i think. it'll settle. i think." Bruce admitted with a shrug. "either way between me and Tony we can make the Extremis settle." he admitted. "we stabilized it when Pepper was exploding into flames every two minutes and dying, making the much more stable version behave inside of you is going to be a cakewalk." "i do like cake." Tony agreed.
“Hm, I can definitely handle it. Can’t be any worse then what I’m imagining.”James snickered a little before sighing softly. “Maybe. I don’t know. I’ve only been back a few months...didn’t really go looking for stuff.”James muttered, because it would have shattered him to know for sure that all his stuff was gone. At least this way, he could pretend that someday he might get it back. “Kay. We should make a trip down. Tony has to go to DC sometimes. Stupid senators and shit.”James muttered thinking about it before snickering. “He is. He’s sort of like a kitten that way, roll a ball of yarn in front of him and he’s off on a new project.”James muttered before snickering quietly, turning his head to bit the lobe of his ear lightly, smirking a little. “You’re always going to be my pipsqueak.”He muttered nuzzling him a little before moving away. “Come on. I want to be your model for your next picture.”he said smiling a little.

“Awesome.”Farian said grinning at the idea as she considered going on a date before laughing, glancing at the two super soldiers. Nodding slightly. “We should. They need a date.”She said before shaking her head. “No, no. Tony, calm down. It’s not dangerous, I’m just warmer then I was if it was just steve or james in here.”She said looking anxious herself the more frantic he looked, responding to his mood before looking at bruce, laughing softly. “I like frosting.”She snickered in response to tony’s idea of liking cake, relaxing a little as she realized they’d be okay. They just had to figure out how to do things. “So, when can I get out of bed?”
he smirked and nodded. "i'm sure." he teased with a snigger before he nodded. "i'll look into it." he promised. "...doesn't Tony literally own this land? he's the King right? what does he care about politicians?" they hadn't gotten the clue that Manhattan and most of New York was now an unaffiliated. wasn't part of the U.S anymore even if the President had signed off on it. sort of. he'd been blackmailed into it really. "he is kind of like a Kitten huh?" he asked with a smirk as he shook his head. "i'm not a pipsqueak!" he protested again, sulking. "your just jealous because my dick's bigger than yours." he grumbled, shaking his head before he grinned. "i'd like that. come on." he ordered. "i want to make you look pretty before i draw you." he admitted with a grin.

"there's probably going to be a fight in the near future." Tony admitted as he watched the two. "James is building up to it, even if he doesn't want to admit that something's bothering him." he admitted before smiling at her. "they do need a date. how about you Bruce? you want a date?" "no." "not even a little one." "no Tony." "but i have the perfect person..." "i am NOT going out with someone YOU pick Tony." Bruce stated with a roll of his eyes as Tony wigged out. "are you sure? i really can leave..." he promised, biting his lip even as he sat back down. "i like frosting too! especially when it's spread all over a woman's..." "Tony! shut up." Bruce ordered, turning a little pink. "you can get out of bed later." Bruce stated simply. "the hot cold flashes take too much out of you, the last thing we need is everyone panicking because you collapsed." he scoffed.
“He does. And he is. But it’s amusing to watch the politicans trying to demand his suit or his help doing things. And while we’re our own little kingdom here, we still share land with the rest of the US. Playing nicely with the politicans is better then outright war.”James said shrugging a little before nodding. “He really is.”he said before laughing, shaking his head. “You’re always my pipsqueak. And it is not!”James huffed flushing a little at the order and idea of being pretty, smiling slightly as he got up. “Tony, I’m going to go think about having sex. No interruptions unless its lifethreatening.”He ordered as him and steve left, smiling to himself as they headed for his rooms.

“...Steve knows. He’s preparing for whenever James wants to talk about it.”Farian muttered watching the two leave in amusement, before smirking at bruce as he protested dating. “What if I pick them?”she asked looking curious before nodding as she looked at tony. “I promise, it’s fine.”She said before raising a eyebrow at tony’s idea of frosting, blushing a little before sighing. “If I agree to stay in bed, can I hear about where tony wants frosting?”She said sounding interested.
Steve snorted a little and shook his head. "they want his suit? that's ridiculous. they can't just demand his suit. he trademarked that and they agreed. trying to take it now is just thieving." he scoffed, shaking his head. "besides if it came to a war i'm pretty sure Tony would win." he admitted. "it is too!" Steve sniffed. "i was bigger than you when i was six!" he stated simply before grinning at James bossing Tony about. "i think i want you sitting in a chair." he decided. "looking all aristocratic and noble and stuff." Steve decided with a smirk. "you'll have to be naked of course." he teased.

"oh. well that's... good?" Tony asked, looking a bit worried now as he looked over at the snuggling couple. "i don't date." Bruce scoffed. "my semen can kill a bull sperm whale." he pointed out. "so can my spit if i where to kiss someone. so no. dating is a no." he paused. "of course, i'd actually have to be physically attracted to someone." he admitted before scoffing. "i can't imagine your idea of a good date for me is any different than Tony's." Bruce scoffed with a shake of his head. "i'm sure you can guess where he wants the frosting." Bruce stated rather dryly, though his eyes where glittering with laughter. "pretty much everywhere." was Tony's contribution, smirking a little.
“I know, and you know that.Even tony, hairbrained politician that he is, knows that. But it amuses him somewhat to play with them, and he learns stuff when he goes. Secrets and such that aren’t on any computers...though now with skye around, we might be able to hack our way into even more things then normal.”James said sounding thoughtful before smiling a little. “You were not. It’s not nice to lie, Captain.”James grumbled before smirking, “I have the perfect chair if you want me to play the part of a Lord of the Manor.”He snickered. “Of course.”he said resisting the urge to be nervous as he disappeared into the hallway, returning in a few minutes with the chair tony had gotten simply because james had liked it when tony had given him the option of decorating his apartment. Nothing in the space really matched each other, or the space, it was extremely eclectic, showing just how broken he’d been as he tried to piece his mind and world back together. Setting the chair near the window he paused looking at james as he started to strip down. “How you want me sitting?”

“It is. I mean, if he simply surprised Steve, it’d be worse. At least this way he’s expecting there’s something james isn’t talking about.”he muttered trying to reassure tony who was looking worried. Before making a face at bruce, wincing. “Oh. Well. That could be a problem. But you know, you don’t have to have sex or kissing on dates. Sometimes it’s just about company.”She said tilting her head a little before staring at tony, smirking a little. “I can, but I want to hear about it.”he said before smirking. “...Hmmm, I wonder if frosting would melt into a sugary mess now. I mean, you heat frosting, it gets melty....wonder what would happen...”Farian said trailing off, eyes unfocused and skin warming as she considered that. Like tony, extremis was going to totally jack up her sex drive.
he snickered a little and shook his head. "i'm sure that Skye can get you almost anything. that girl freaks me out." he admitted. "i was! i'm Captain America, i can't lie!" he lied with a smirk. because he lied all the time. "do you?" he asked, his head tilted before gasping as he stared at it. "it's PERFECT!" he whispered before grinning as he raced off to get a large pillow so that James ass wouldn't go numb. "sit down, one leg over the arm of the chair, let the other just go where it wants, don't try to hold a pose that will cramp, this arm on your thigh, yes, perfect, now lean and hold your head up with your fist, elbow on the other arm... perfect! now smirk! you're the king, the world is in your power and you can have any blond haired blue eyed whore you want." he teased as he examined it and then grabbed a blanket and draped it over the back of the chair so it trailed just right and hid Jame's cock from view. "perfect! comfortable?"

he nodded. "good point." he agreed with a smile. "i have all the company i want here." Bruce admitted with a smile. "and when i feel like going out, it's because Betty is in town." he admitted with a grin. "oh! Tony, i'm meant to remind you that she wants a full dinner ware set for her wedding." he admitted with a grin. "besides, most people are too stupid to keep up with me anyway, the only people who can are already in the tower." he admitted. "you know. i bet it would. i bet it would be awesome." Tony breathed, Bruce rolling his eyes. "i will taze you both." he warned. "Farian isn't well enough for sex, particularly since you both tend to burst into flames when you touch. no." he ordered, smacking Tony on the head with a clipboard. "ow! Bruce! dammit don't abuse your boss!" "your not my Boss your my patient, out! Farian needs to sleep and her temperature is spiking because you've gone and turned her on!" "spoilsport! Cockblock!" Tony wailed as he fled Bruce's clipboard.
James rolled his eyes at that, knowing perfectly well just how much of the time steve lied about things. “I do.”James called over his shoulder before laughing at steve’s reaction. “I thought so.”He said looking amused before following the other’s instructions, a leg falling over the arm and shifting to lay almost cross ways in the chair, leaning against his arm, one leg absently resting on the floor, looking like a lounging prince, utterly decadent and hedonistic, smirking a little as he raised a eyebrow. “A blond haired blue eyed whore, is it?Just the blonds?”He smirked laughing as steve covered his cock, simply settling in to relax, before nodding. “Very.”He said as steve asked if he was comfortable.

“...Hadn’t thought of that. Well, I might not be able to keep up, but I’ll listen. I mean, if I can listen to tony’s talk, and james and steve discussing 1940s war stories, I can put up with astrophysics.”Farian teased a little before laughing at his demand for dinnerware for betty.”I’ll make sure he remembers to get it.”He said before smirking at tony, “It would be.”she muttered before wincing at bruce’s words. “No!Don’t taze us. Go taze the super soldiers. We’re not having sex yet.”Farian said sounding sulky about the idea before grinning as tony was chased out, smiling tiredly, “Bye tony.”She said closing her eyes as she settled back to sleep.
Steve smirked a little when James rolled his eyes. "perfect... you have no idea how sexy you look." he admitted as he smirked. "yes. aren't i your whore Jamie?" he asked with a grin. "i suppose we can include brunet genius's in the list if you really insist." he teased with a snicker as he started to sketch. "thought you'd be more comfortable if i wasn't staring at your cock the whole time." he teased. "besides if i'm going to frame this, i figure it'd be best if it wasn't a full nude." he admitted with a chuckle, now Smirk." he ordered with a grin.

"it's okay, i won't bore you with such inanities. i'll go talk to someone who can actually keep up." he promised with a chuckle as he carefully took another blood sample. "besides, Astrophysics is so last year, i'm a geneticist now." he had a Doctoral degree in both of those and a masters in psychology and languages. he basically just kept learning new stuff because he got bored otherwise. "good. because Betty can, and probably will come down here, steal his credit card and buy it herself if she gets the mind to." Bruce admitted with an affectionate little chuckle. "i don't want to Taze the super soldiers, they'll taze me back." he pointed out. "and you where thinking about it! no sex!" he ordered, Tony smiling at her. "night!" he called, skipping out, feeling so much better.
“I’m fairly certain I do, considering the boner your sporting.”James smirked a little before laughing. “You are. And so is he. Though we’re not allowed calling him that, he gets upset.”James said before laughing. “Hm, that’s true. It would be really hard staying right here if you were just staring at my cock.”James said smiling, “Okay okay. So bossy.”he grumbled good naturedly shifting to get truly comfortable as he smirked, resting his head back against the chair, simply spacing out and letting his thoughts chase after each other as steve worked. The heavy thoughts giving him that smoldering, raw, and brooding sexuality that really did make him look like a debauched prince, on the verge of another conquest.

“Hm, you change subjects to quickly for me to keep up. Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me you’re joining tony in engineering.”She teased before nodding. “Well, I’ll make sure she doesn’t have to.”She promised before laughing.”They totally would.”She grinned before sulking, “Fine. No sex.”She sulked as she settled in to sleep, glad tony was feeling better now.
he grinned. "i'm always hard though." he lied with a snicker. "i like it when you call me a whore, but i can understand Tony not liking it." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "it's going to be hard enough for you to stay where you are as it is." he teased with a grin. "you never could sit still. jerk." he teased as he worked, licking his lips as he watched the other really settle into his mind and relax. it was just so freaking perfect. "god you look sexy." Steve admitted as he set the pad down, staring at James with smoldering eyes. "mind if i suck your dick?" he asked with a grin. "or did you want to see the drawing first?"

" know. i might." Bruce admitted with a smirk. "but i wouldn't want Tony to feel threatened my my mechanical superiority." he admitted with a smile. "i'm actually still working on my Doctorates in Languages and in Psychology and then i'm going to be working on my Masters in actual doctoring." he admitted with a grin. "i know enough to keep everyone alive thanks to my genetics, but it would be ice to be able to say i'm a fully trained doctor." he admitted. "sleep well." he ordered with a smile.
“It really is. You alawys did look sexy working.”James muttered before startling a little as the other set the pad down, looking up with surprise having been thinking to hard. “Hm?”He stuttered before looking up, gesturing towards his dick as he shifted to get the blanket off. “Suck my dick, then I’ll look at the drawing.”he ordered sounding utterly like himself and into that edge that totally made him want to dominate the other, smirking as the other neared him, resting a hand on his hip,gently urging him down. “Suck, Rogers.”he ordered.

When tony next came down, farian was arguing with Natasha, both women going quiet when tony stepped inside. Natasha giving them both a disgusted look before walking out. Farian sighed softly, closing her eyes, “Hey Tony.”She muttered sounding so sad, and more then anything, wanting held. And upset she hadn’t seen clint yet, missing her friend in the wake of natasha being such a bitch, and afraid she’d lost another person she cared for. Hating that this had happened, and was going to cost her what little family she had.
Steve grinned a little at the other. "did i?" he asked with a grin. "it's been two hours James." Steve teased. "honestly." he chastised playfully before licking his lips as he moved over to the other, shivering as he was urged to his knees. "Yes Sir." Steve whispered before lowering his mouth, not sucking, but kissing instead, laying playful little kisses all over the cock, licking and kissing but not sucking. being the tease he was just to make James annoyed.

Tony lifted an eyebrow at Natasha. "...she doesn't like me?" he guessed, looking more amused than anything else. "need me to get James to have a talk with her?" he asked as he sat down next to her. "...if you want to Leave... i won't stop you." he promised. "i won't even go insane." he promised. "i'd rather you be happy than trapped here." he admitted as he handed her something. a pass just like Clint and Natasha had. letting her come and go as she pleased. "by the way. i thought... well since i like you and i sort of fucked you up this is a present for you..." he offered her a small jewelry box with a silver Necklace inside.
“You did.”James said before making a face at the teasing, sighing softly as he tangled his finger’s in the other’s hair, absently stroking the blond strands as he closed his eyes, “You know, I could get used to this. The captain on his knees for me.”James smirked, fingers tightening a little as he was teased, tugging a little, trying to urge him on, but for once being utterly undemanding. Because for him, blow jobs had never been something he demanded for the other. Even if after the serum, steve had been able do to do it, and not worry about gagging, before, steve hadn’t been able to, his lungs and body in no shape to give blow jobs. So to feel the other’s mouth on him, had always been to much of a luxury for james to be demanding about. “Annoying brat.”he muttered as he was teased, but sounding more amused then angry, simply letting him do what he wanted.

“No she doesn’t.”Farian sighed softly, shaking her head.”No. Steve’s already said he’d talk to her, I’m just...upset about it.”She sighed staring down, “...I’m losing my family tony.”She said quietly, so sadly. Tilting her head a little at his words she frowned, “...I don’t want to leave. want me to. I want...I don’t know what this means...but I want to be here.”She muttered looking even more startled at the pass, at a loss for words before taking the box. “You didn’t have to Tony...”She muttered eyes widening when she saw the necklace, a small smile quirking her lips, that said she was about to tease him.”The keys to your heart tony?I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”
he smirked. "anytime you want." he promised. "i'll live my life on my knees, just for you." he breathed, smiling a little, moaning as he felt the hands in his hair. he loved having James hands in his hair. he took his time, teasing the others cock and tasting the other, savoring every lick and every kiss because it had been so long since he'd had the other like this. he smirked as he was called an annoying Brat. "you love it. love it when i tease you." he mumbled as he nuzzled his nose into the others balls, simply luxuriating in it before leaning back and sliding the cock into his mouth, slowly sinking down., taking his time because he wasn't frantic like he had been the night before, swallowing around the others cock once he had ever inch he was going to get, humming around the length with a shiver. this was his most favorite part of being with James, sucking his cock. well, that and actually getting fucked. second favorite then, well, other than snuggling on the couch while he sketched... okay it was one of his favorite things.

he nodded. "lots of people don't like me." he admitted. "i take it she wants you to leave, even if you don't want to?" he asked, looking a bit worried. "i don't think your loosing anything. Natasha will come around, and Clint..." he paused. "actually i haven't seen him in a while... i hope he didn't die in one of the vents or something, that would suck." he admitted. "besides, you have Steve still and he'll support you no matter what, and i think James has adopted you." he admitted with a grin. "i don't want you to ever leave." he admitted. "but i don't want you to feel trapped either. a golden cage is still a cage." he admitted before he blushed quite red and ducked his head, embarrassed that she had gotten the idea so damn fast.
“Hm, I could get used to that.”James snickered a little as he closed his eyes, simply enjoying playing with the other’s hair, sighing softy. “hm, I do.”he muttered sighing softly, closing his eyes as he let steve do what he wanted, groaning as the other hummed, whimpering softly as he rocked his hips a little, slowly fucking the other’s mouth. “You look so amazing like this, sweetling.”James muttered shuddering as he watched, fucking the other’s mouth, slowly picking up speed as the his control started to fall apart, his need to not hurt steve shredding the more the other tormented him, groaning as he came, going utterly limp into the chair.”gods, stevie.”he muttered panting quietly.

“She does.”Farian sighed softly before biting her lip, before laughing a little. “he’s probably spending time with grant-which is scary in itself, them bonding- or he’s hiding in the vents. Or used his pass to go home, he does have a boyfriend. Might not even know I’m hurt, come to think about it.”Farian frowned at that, wondering if it was true. It would explain the archer’s absence from her side, if he’d gone home to see phil for a few days and just hadn’t returned yet. “...Well. I hadn’t thought you’d understand that.”She said sounding pleased that he had understood she wouldn’t apperciate being trapped, even if she wanted to be here. “You’re blushing. I feel like this isn’t a common experience.”She teased hesitating for a moment before reaching out to run her fingers through his hair.
Steve smirked. "i imagine so." he teased with a chuckle before focusing on the others cock fully. he hummed as he was called sweetling again, he had no idea why but it made him feel so warm inside when he was called that. it was like he was small and weak but loved anyway all over again. he groaned eagerly as the other got a little more rough, suckling harder, moving faster as he felt the other loosing control. he swallowed every drop and then grinned at him as he rested his head on the others thigh. "i love it when you call me sweetling." he admitted with a smile as he let the other rest. "here. look how sexy you are." he teased with a snigger as he passed over the sketchpad. not to concerned about his own erection. ignoring it made the orgasm later all the better.

he nodded. "well that's true, he could be." Tony agreed, making a note to set Jarvis into finding the Archer. "well, no he knows your hurt. he and Natasha where arguing about it that night." he admitted. "i get the feeling they where fighting about whether or not to make you leave by force." he admitted. "i think Grant was all for letting you leave if you wanted to but not forcing anything." he admitted. "after that i didn't see him again... Jarvis find out where he is would you?" "Yes Sir." Jarvis intoned. Tony smiled at her. "i know what it's like to be caged." he admitted. "i've been caged all my life. i could never do that to you." he promised her before blushing harder. "it's... you know... not that common." he admitted before smiling as he leaned into the touch. "i'm sorry." he murmured. "i was just... i'm selfish." he admitted. "i'm a selfish bastard and i couldn't stand to see you die." he admitted. "i hope you can forgive me for it someday." he admitted as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles.
James panted softly closing his eyes as he smiled at the other’s words, absently stroking steve’s hair as he rested against his thigh. “You’re always my sweetling. And pipsqueak.”James muttered softly, nearly sadly as he rested his head against the chair, utterly relaxed despite the heavy thoughts that had battered him nearly to pieces for days, for the last two hours as he let the other draw him. Stirring as he was teased he raised his head, grinning at the drawing, “Hm, I am one sexy beast.”He snickered a little before wrapping a hand in the other’s hair, drawing him in for a messy kiss before leaning back again studying the other, dark eyes thoughtful and quiet as he watched him, because unlike tony, orgasms didn’t leave him utterly relaxed and boneless. While he was utterly relaxed, his mind was still racing, to much time on ice to simply waste time he was awake not thinking. It was a bad habit, not able to shut off his brain most of the time. “You’re the sexy one in this relationship.”She said quietly stroking the other’s hair, looking him over.

“..Oh. well...Then I don’t know.”Farian said looking worried clint frowning a little before looking relieved as hse realized Jarvis-and therefore Skye-would be looking for clint. Tilting her head at tony’s words she smiled a little. “Oh. I hadn’t considered that.”She muttered hating the idea of him being caged, before smiling a little. “I know. It’s quite endearing really.”She snickered a little smiling as he leaned into her hand, swallowing thickly. “I know...and I wasn’t...okay, I was angry about it...but mostly because I’m scared, Tony. Not cause I’m regretting being alive.”Farian muttered shuddering as his lips brushed over her skin
Steve smiled a little as he looked up at the other before pouting. "i am not a pipsqueak." he grumbled even if he was smiling up at the other. "you've always been a sexy beast." he agreed with a smile before leaning into the kiss, eagerly accepting any attention James wanted to give to him before he settled into place, straddling the other. "i'm not sexy James." he scoffed. "i'm pretty, maybe." he admitted. "i've always been a pretty boy, feminine really." he admitted as he smiled at the other. "you've always been sexy, masculine, strong." he admitted, stroking the others muscles. "no matter what i was doing or what i'd done to myself you where always there to patch me up or take care of me." he admitted. "especially after me Ma died." he admitted as he looked up at the other. "i know things have been rough, have been hard. i know i don't make things easy and i know somethings been troubling you but i'll never abandon you, i'll never leave you just like you didn't leave me even when i was at my worst."

he shrugged, leaving it to the AI and his new 'girlfriend' to the finding of the Archer. "well, not many people do." he admitted. "honestly i don't really realize it myself most days." he admitted. "that i've caged myself." he admitted. "it's a beautiful cage, one of my own making, but still a cage." and before that, Howard had kept him caged, Obediah had kept him caged. Pepper had kept him caged. "it's totally not endearing." he scoffed. "it's horrible. and feminine." Tony grumbled even if he did offer her a smile before grimacing as she admitted to having been angry. "i know. i'm scared too." he admitted. "but we'll figure it out, right? Together." he offered. "i don't ever regret saving your life." he admitted. "and i never will. i know it's probably too soon for me to say stuff like this, but i wasn't raised in the most stable of environments so i don't really care... i care about you, a lot. Love, Like... i don't know. i don't really have any idea of what Love really is to be honest, but i know if i feel anything for you, i would probably be love."
“Are to.”James smiled a little looking amused as he kissed the other back slowly, groaning as the other straddled him, hands resting on the other’s hips, wincing a little. “move. Floor.”he demanded shifting to lay on the floor and pulling the other with him, not wanting to be in the uncomfortable chair anymore. Smiling softly as he looked up at the other, “You always were pretty. Though dressing you up like a girl, definitely wouldn’t be as easy to pull off these days.”He teased a little smiling a little. “Well, no one else was going to do it. Someone had to look after you, otherwise I was going to end up attending your funeral cause you picked the wrong fight.”James muttered shuddering at the idea, closing his eyes as he rested his head back on the floor, simply letting the other’s words wash off him,before cracking a eye to look at the man straddling him, simply watching him before he enjoyed it, and wanted so badly to believe he wouldn’t be abandoned. Maybe he could talk about this?After all, steve had brought it up really....”....You don’t need me anymore, Stevie. Not really.”He muttered closing his eyes again, bracing himself for whatever came next. “You’re not mine anymore. I mean...the world needs you. You’re cap. You can look after yourself now. Like you said, you’re not a pipsqueak.”He muttered quietly, being more reasonable about it then he had been in those first months after he’d seen steve as Cap, more resigned to it, then willing to fight against it.

“It is a cage. But you’re not alone here, Tony. I’ll stay with you. I can’t...promise forever, because if I freak out, I’ll probably leave, but...I’ll stay with you.”She promised looking worried about his reaction despite him giving her a pass, before smiling a litle at his grumbling. “It’s even cuter with you denying it.”she teased a little, smiling a little. “Yea. We’re together. We’ll just be scared together.”She smiled a little before looking startled, her mouth falling open as he talked. “ know. I thought Cap was bullshitting me when he said you were. But...oh...I hadn’t thought you really were in love with me.”Farian said sounding utterly shocked, “L-love you to.”She stuttered a little to shocked to be totally together.
he rolled his eyes. "are not." he grumbled before chuckling as he was moved onto the floor, shaking his head as he let Bucky put him wherever he wanted. "not that hard." he admitted. "there are stores that specialize in making ladies clothes." he admitted, blushing brightly. "you didn't 'have' to of course you know." he admitted. "you could have been like hte rest of the world and just left me be." he admitted. "not many people where interested in helping the poor cripple kid you know. sure i wasn't exactly cripple but you know that's how people thought of me." he admitted before he blinked, startled. "i don't need you?" he asked, looking at James like he was stupid. "Bucky. you're really an idiot you know that? you think that just because i have big arms and a bad attitude that i don't need you? physically? sure maybe i don't need you to stop me from getting into fistfights because a good knock'll lay me out, but i still need you." he admitted. "i need you to remind me that i can't save everyone. i need you to remind me that i can stop and enjoy life once and a while. i need you to hold me at night when i'm too scared of nightmares to sleep and i need you to tell me how beautiful i am when i'm so disgusted with myself for letting Howard make me into what i am. a thing." he admitted. "i need you, Bucky, because you have, and always will be my best man." he admitted with a smile. "my best friend. my brother, my lover, anything you want to be for me. you're the only man i'll ever need and the only i'll ever want." he promised. "who else will cover my ass when i go into battle?" he asked with a smile. "i love you Bucky. i'll always need you."

he smiled at her and nodded. "i know." he admitted. "Bruce and James where a godsend you know." he admitted. "i was... slipping away." he admitted. "when Bruce came to me i was shooting people just for looking at me the wrong way." that was an over-exaggeration of course. he hadn't shot anyone but people who deserved it. "i'll take any time you'll give me." he promised with a smile at her. "i deny nothing. this is my realm, therefore anything i say is truth." he sniffed with a grin before smiling at her as she promised they could be scared together. "yeah well... James was pretty surprised too." he admitted with a chuckle. "he also warmed me against telling you that i was unworthy of Love. can't imagine why." he admitted with an impish grin. "it's okay. i know you don't really love me back, not really. you don't have to say it." he promised her. "because i know, someday, you'll be able to tell me that, and it'll be true." he admitted as he gave her a gentle kiss. "now you get some more rest. i have to find out where your Archer is." he admitted as he stood up, smiling at her. "thank you. for giving me a second chance."
“....Really?”James said sounding interested and amused now. “No I really couldn’t. You’ve always been under my skin, stevie. Can’t leave you only.”Steve muttered smiling slightly, before wincing at the surprise he heard, squirming a little. knowing the other was going to react badly to whatever he said. always had been when james had issues about stuff....they never really had had a chance to figure out how to work out fights as a couple, so some things could just get ugly between them as they tried to figure things out..”You don’t....I mean, you’re okay. You can have anyone. Why would you want me these days?”James muttered sighing softly, listening to the other. Relaxing slightly, because while it would take more then a simple talk to get it through his head, to keep it through and make him believe, it helped for now. To hear it. “...You’re not a thing. You’re my pipsqueak, steve. I just...I’m sorry I wasn’t being good about this when you first became the Captain.”James muttered going more relaxed, sighing quietly as he realized that yes, steve needed him. It’d take more then this, but for the moment, he believed. “ you to.Always.”he muttered sitting up slowly, warapping his arms around the other and pressing close, holding onto him like he was the last solid thing in the world.

“...They were a godsend. For all of us then.”She said softly holding onto his hand, smiling quietly, glad tony had had someone, two someone’s to look after him. “...You’re...what?”she growled at it, “You never get to say that again. You are worthy of having someone to take care of you. Of having people. Of having me love you.”she said sounding upset with the idea, before frowning, annoyed even though she knew why he didn’t believe her. But it was okay, she could wait for him to believe she loved him. Kissing him back softly, nodding. “get some rest to, tony.”She said looking worried about him, before nodding. “You’re welcome. I want this to work, tony.”She promised squeezing his hand before letting him go.
Steve smiled at him. "i'm glad you never left me alone." he admitted before blinking at the other. "i'm not okay though." Steve admitted. "i traded physical health for mental trauma." he admitted. "i sold my soul to a devil for this body James, i just hadn't realized it until it was too late." he admitted. "i want you, because you are the only person who looks through this body and can still see the scared little boy who can't even run away from school yard bullies three years younger than him." he admitted. "you've been there for me at my worst and been there for me at my best, why would i ever want someone who will only see me as what Howard made me into?" he asked softly. "i am a Thing, James. i'm no more human anymore than Jarvis, or that god, Thor is. Howard made me into a freak and then he experimented on me like one." he admitted. "but you don't care." he admitted. "and that makes me feel like it was almost worth it." he admitted with a smile as he stroked the others face. "i forgave you for that a long time ago you know." he admitted as he wrapped his arms around the other, simply holding him, desperate for a handle on himself, and James was always that handle.

he nodded. "they where. when James was given to me, suddenly everything snapped into focus and everything inside of me was suddenly fine tuned into putting him back together. the more i put him together, the more i came back together myself." he admitted with a smile before he winced at her growl. "i can't help it. people have been saying it for so long that... it's hard not to believe." he admitted with a shrug of his shoulder. "i'm beginning to see that 'they' are wrong. James has been... chipping, guess, at thoughts like that." he admitted with a smile. "i'm pretty fucked up you know." he admitted. "there's going to be days where i try to push you away because i really do think, and believe stupid things like that." he admitted. "they don't come as often as they used to though." he admitted with a smile. "i got plenty of rest when Bruce drugged me." he stated with a huff. "i really wish he wouldn't do that." he grumbled before he smiled at her. "we'll make it work. i'm sure i'll fuck up... a lot. but i'll do everything i can to make it work." he promised, kissing her gently before heading out to see what was going on with the Archer.
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