The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

James sighed softly, holding onto the other, despite still being naked and being sat on, he really wasn’t aware of it, simply curling his body itno steve’s, holding onto him as he clung to his best friend. “You’re still my pipsqueak...even if there’s days I just can’t see it anymore, when I'm so scared that you aren't there anymore...that I don't know who you are anymore...that’s what scared me...that you weren’t you anymore. That you wouldn’t need me when you’re like this...”Jame sswallowed hard, growling softly.”You’re mine, I don’t care what you are, or what howard did. You are human, and mine.”he muttered relaxing a little as he nuzzled the other’s hand, sighing quietly. Even if steve had said he was the only one who'd always seen him as steve,there'd been hours, he'll days, when he couldnt. Where he could only see the changes and fear he'd lost his best friend. And hoping steve could read between the lines and see that it wasn't that James no longer saw him, but that it was his own fear blinding him from the truth that he'd always known. That steve was still steve....not that he was aware that was what he was trying to say, but his meaning was there, if steve looked for it“....really?”He muttered looking up startled as he held the other, realizing that tony had been right, steve really had forgiven him for it a long time ago.

“And it’s still like that. Even if he’s not with you as much, and he has steve. James still needs you.”She muttered smiling quietly. Before sighing, “I know. Still doesn’t make it true though. Me and james, we know better then to let ‘them’ win.”Farian muttered watching the other before nodding.”And I’m sure there’s days I’ll be the same, when I can’t function, and hate you for doing this, and do stupid things because of it.,...but we’ll be together.”She said softly squeezing his hand before laughing quietly. “Well, you weren’t going to relax otherwise. You needed to.”She said smiling softly before nodding.”me to. I’ll do what I can.”She said smiling quietly watching him go.”We’ll be okay tony.”She muttered as she followed asleep
Steve huffed. "'m not a pipsqueak." he grumbled, rolling his eyes as he kissed the others neck, mostly because it was there and he wanted to. "i'll always be here." he promised. "some days, i don't know who i am either." he admitted softly. "some days the only thing i know of for sure, is you." he admitted as he held the other. "i am yours." he agreed. "forever and always, till the end of the line." he promised. "yes. really." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "besides, it's not like i didn't have my own issues at the time." he pointed out. "i started at least half of those fights, probably more." he admitted with a smile at the other. "i love you Buck." he promised. "and i will always need you. especially when i start having flashbacks and nightmares." he admitted.

he smiled a little. "i know." he admitted. "he's not ready to strike out on his own yet. he's my best friend, he's not going to stop wanting me around just because some super beefcake is around." he didn't sound entirely sure of that though. "yeah. well, 'they' don't matter much anymore anyway." he admitted with a smile. "we'll be okay." he agreed before heading out to look for the Archer, a bit more annoyed when Jarvis reported that he hadn't left the city, but that they couldn't find him either. every camera in Tony's domain was looking, but they where finding nothing. that was troubling. was Clint hiding? if he was, why? this was starting to bother Tony now so he went to Natasha. "Hey! have you seen Clint? the Birdbrain? he's vanished. he hasn't crossed the border but i can't find him in the city or in the building." Natasha wouldn't know, all Clint had told her that day was that he was going to get Phil's opinion and had left and hadn't come back yet.
"Are to."James muttered squirming a little resting a hand on the other's hips not able to stop his hips from gringing up against the other even as steve mouthed his neck. Being naked simply made him want to have sex."...that's a scary prospect if I'm the sure thing in this relationship...shouldn't trust me...I'm not great anymore stevie."he muttered closing his eyes resting his head against the other's chest simply holding him close."definitely more then half those fights. And picking a fight with nazis damn near killed me when you came after me. Loyal stupid idiot."he teased smiling a little before pressing a kiss to the other's shoulder.""we'll face nightmares together then..."he muttered for the moment relaxed and content.

"He wont. He likes you tony. Even if he's not staying around as much as he was,he's trying to figure out how to be with Steve again.give him time to get his head straightened out."she smiled a little. Natasha raised her eyebrows as she looked up from the book she was reading, tilting her head."no. He said he was going to ask agent coulsons advice and that he'd be home soon."she said not about to out the two'sides relationship if tony didn't already know about it.
Steve groaned as the other ground his hips, shivering as he felt his hard cock twitch at the slight attention. "you've always been the sure thing in my life." he admitted with a smile. "and your fine." he promised. "we just have to find stability again. i'm sure we'll fight again, we're too vocal not to have massive raging fights." he admitted with a smile. "we're not the same as we where. we have to keep that in mind." he admitted as he gently kissed the other before smirking. "what can i say, i was always good at picking fights. leaping in with both feet." he admitted with a smile. "besides you punished me for that remember?" he teased before he nodded. "together." he agreed as he snugged the other.

"i know." he assured her. "i'm sure they're going to have one of those impressive fights sooner or later." he admitted with a grin. "that'll be one for the record books." he admitted before hunting down Natasha. "see, that's the thing. he never passed the boarder. he hasn't left the city." Tony admitted, looking troubled now. "with all the Hydra activity in the last few weeks i'm worried he might have found himself in trouble." he admitted. "i'm going to call Coulson. hopefully Clint just found a way to slip past the boarder." he mused as he started punching in numbers as he walked away. Phil hadn't seen Clint either. not good. nope, not good at all.
James smirked a little as he realized steve had responded to him, sighing softly, closing his eyes. “...I’m not fine, but I’m trying to.”James muttered sighing softly, before laughing. “Hm, but I have better uses for your mouth then yelling at me.”He teased leaning back to look up at him, nodding slightly. “Yes. We do.”he muttered as he kissed the other back before nodding, “Yea, I did. And you enjoyed it.”He teased a little before laying back on the floor, hands resting on the other’s chest.”It’d be such a shame to waste such a position if you’re going to stay sitting on me.”he teased, hands absently running over the other’s thighs.

“What?”Natasha looked startled frowning. “Call, and I’ll see if I can find any sign of him either.”Natasha frowned starting to search. “Tony?Any sign of him?”Farian asked worriedly as she moved to get up, having every intention of searching herself. “Jarvis, will you please tell Cap and James we need them?Emergency, and not simply us being stupid and interrupting their sex.”She said knowing the two needed to talk, but also knowing they would want to know what was going on.
he smiled a little. "okay, not 'fine' but certainly a lot better." he pointed out. "we're both fucked up, but we can make it work." he pointed out. "i always enjoy it when you punish me." he purred as he leaned down to kiss the other before groaning as Jarvis spoke up. "fuck. someone had better be dead, dying, or missing." he grumbled as he kissed the other again and then stood up to let the other get dressed.

"no. stay in bed, your not well enough to get up yet." he ordered. "here, this is Jarvis's video feed, he's currently scanning every single face in the city. anyone who doesn't belong will pop up here and you'll have to send that on to Skye." he informed her, which Jarvis could do himself but if Farian recognized someone that could be more helpful than anything, not to mention it would give her something to do. Jarvis already had five faces and names waiting to be sent off to Skye. "we'll find him, i have Agent Coulson coming in as well." he admitted. "Jarvis? any heat signatures in the building?" "no Sir, none where there are no cameras. he is not in the building Sir."
“I feel like we should be fucking, if we’re going to keep talking about being fucked up somehow.”james snickered a little before smirking. “You do. It makes it fun punishing you.”he said before whining a little as he was forced to get up. “If they’re not, someone’s going to be dying.”he growled annoyed as he jerked on his clothes before heading down to the med lab.

“I can get up. Clint’s missing. I can.”Farian growled sounding annoyed before startling a little as she was handed the tablet, making a face. Knowing tony was giving her something to do, so she’d rest but also needing to do it. Frowning as she settled in to look it over, frowning a little. “I recognize two. They’re mercs who usually work in the sandbox.”She frowned a little wondering what the two men who preferred the middle east, were doing so far away from their comfort zone. “Tony, what’s happening?”James asked as he walked in, looking coldly put together, having started trasitioning from james to the winter soldier, but not enough to worry about yet, simply enough so that he could deal with whatever he knew was wrong, because despite his bitching, he’d known right away tony wouldn’t have interrupted them for less then a emergency.
he snorted. "you just want to see if i'm still as tight as i used to be." he teased before sighing as he shook his head and followed the other.

"Clint won't be happy if you hurt yourself trying to find him." Tony reminded her. "and you can't do much if your collapsed in a hallway. stay in bed, we'll work faster if we're not worried about having to take care of you too." he informed her, knowing that it probably wasn't the nicest thing to say, even if it was true. "the Sandbox?" he asked, looking confused. "the Sandbox is a place where we keep some of our more volatile 8O3's. objects of unknown origin. things we don't want to be discovered, things that need to be contained get sent there." Steve explained as he walked in. "had Bruce ever fallen into Shields control, he'd be there. it's where the Abomination is currently being held." Steve admitted. "he was removed from Major Talbot's control after the first day." he admitted. "Clint is missing and two of the Mercenaries from the Sandbox are here. Jay? i want a video feed on them at all times. let's see if we can't track them. i dunno if they have anything to do with Clint missing or not, but i don't like people being in my city without my permission." he admitted. "and this is a bit much for a coincidence." Tony admitted as he plucked another Tablet from one of his pockets and started watching the two men, who where together and appeared to be arguing. "keep camera's focused on them Jarvis but keep looking for anyone else who isn't supposed to be here." he ordered, fully aware of his AI's capabilities. this was cakewalk for Jarvis.
Farian twitched looking annoyed, but didn’t protest, which meant she was indeed feeling bad enough still that she wasn’t moving quickly. “Hm. It’s where al the things hydra wants are kept.”Farian said frowning a little, watching the video. “Just a bit. I vote we screw with them. Let James walk by them. If they turn and watch him, they’re hydra and know who he is, if not, well they might be shield.”Farian frowned. “Of course sir.”Jarvis said as he worked. Looking for anything that was different or odd, and bringing it to tony’s attention if and when he did.
Tony nodded and looked up at James. "you up for it?" he asked the other, well aware that James, when he was in his right mind, loved fucking with the Hydra bastards. but Tony liked to ask, just in case James wasn't feeling well enough to play pranks on people he was supposed to obey. "you know what? screw it. James, Grant, Bruce, go bring em in, i don't have the patience. take Natasha with you." he ordered. "put the scare in them but don't hurt them i don't want you going Soldier on their asses." Tony warned, giving James the stink eye. one that told James he knew exactly who had tortured McKenzie. "Sir. i have the last known video recording of Agent Barton." Jarvis intoned suddenly, Skye having been looking through the past recordings while Jarvis searched all the live feeds. "bring it up." he ordered, crossing his arms as he watched the TV which had turned on to reveal Clint heading for the Border, biting into an apple when he was jumped by six guys. he was taken down fast, but not before he'd shattered three kneecaps and killed two of his attackers. even then he only went down because he'd been shot with a dart. "those two." Tony commented, indicating the two that James was heading out to grab. "we'll have answers sooner than expected then."
“always. Stevie was putting me asleep drawing me.Could use the wake up call.”James snickered a little before looking startled as he looked at the other men and scary woman waiting for them.”I wouldn’t waste the time going Soldier on them.”James said resisting the urge to squirm under the look he was getting, not about to act guilty even if he was. Farian winced, paling as she watched the video, wincing a little. “Damn. I=I’ll call Phil.He should know.”Farian said looking worried even as James, Grant and Bruce, along with Natasha went to get the mercenaries. “Phil?Are you nearly here?”Farian said sounding upset as she talked to phil, scared for clint, and despite warming, she was still in control as she waited to see what would happen next.
Steve just rolled his eyes but didn't say anything as he headed out with James to fetch the two Sandbox boys. Bruce and Grant waiting for them all dressed up in their 'warrior best'. black Kevlar and guns with SI's insignia on it. and here Steve hadn't thought Bruce could look any more terrifying. "i'm sure." Tony scoffed as he turned his attention back to Farian. "yes. i'll be there in ten minutes. Stark's given me permission to land right on top of his Tower. what's happening?" Phil asked. "are you okay? i heard you where shot." Phil was trying hard not to think about his missing Agent. "ah, look. there they are. picking up our boys." said boys put up a token resistance, but it was a rather feeble one really and James and Steve soon had them tied up with black cloth bags over their heads and where frog marching them down the street. "...that was really sad. you'd think they'd have at least tried. Hydra, or Shield, they need to train their agents better or something. at least breaking them shouldn't be too hard." Tony mused, shaking his head. "Sir, Agent Coulson has arrived." "thanks Jay, lead him down here. he can help us break the kiddies."
“Good. We could use you here.”Farian said smiling a little, before wincing.”I’m...okay. Getting better. I was, but I’m healing. I can explain more when you get here. It sorta needs a visual aid to explain just how bad things had gone.”Farian said willing to distract him before looking at Tony, snickering as she shook her head.”That’s truly sad. Really. James is going to be pissed that he didn’t get a real fight. And you can’t let him do it this time, he messed himself up taking care of McKinze.”Farian said looking worried, looking happy when Phil got there, sitting up, “phil!Come here.”She demanded leaning forward to hug him, holding on tight.”We’ll find him. Tony’s got everyone looking for him. And natasha’ going to be doing the interrogations with the prisoners. You know how terrifying that can be.”
Phil sighed. "of course." he agreed. "it is sad." he muttered. "i'm hoping they're Hydra. then if they're that pitiful we'll at least have an advantage." he mused before watching Phil, eyes darkening when Phil hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Tony's not having one of his people doing the questioning?" Phil asked, startled as he glanced at Tony who shook his head. "Natasha is more emotionally invested. James would make the little shits bleed too much and Bruce..." here he smirked. "well. he's good at many things but he get's too interested in their mental states to actually carry on with the torture. Natasha is the best." Phil looked rather uneasy at hearing that actually. "so you think you can find him?" "i know i can." Tony admitted as he watched the men drag Clint into a sewer main. "there..." Tony murmured. "the sewers. nasty things... didn't think to put Camera's there. that's how they got in. filthy rats. who knows how many vermin are sneaking into MY city." Tony hissed, that dark dangerous madness in his eyes that frightened even Phil as he gently took her hand. "Jarvis! i want a man on every single opening into the Sewers! have them watch for anyone coming in or out, including the city servicemen! two man teams. anyone in those sewers is to be brought to the tower and held in the Detainment cells." he ordered, intending on catching every single rat in his city. all across the camera feeds, men where already starting to settle into position, two man teams. so that no opening would be unguarded if a man had to remove someone. Tony was nothing if not well organized. "James is back." Tony stated simply. "do you want to be there when the men are questioned?" he asked Farian and... Phil. Phil just nodded, not about to speak and draw Tony's attention.
"True. That would be good. To know hydra ducks that much."Farian said sighing quietly as she turned her head into phil's cheek looking up at tony,blushing a little."don't look so upset. He's dating someone."Farian said simply not about to tell tony it was Clint unless he already knew or phil said it was okay."no. Not only would james be to bloody the man has his own reasons for keeping him away from touring people."Farian said having guessed the reason tony didn't want james doing it. Because he would backside into the soldier. Farian looked worried as she watched tony freak out over the break in reaching out and gently resting a hand on his arm."tony. Clint needs you to not lose control."she muttered before nodding."I would."not only because she wanted to hear but if left on his own she didn't trust james to not get involved in the interrogation.
Tony nodded. "i'm not really surprised though, most of Hydra is Shield dropouts." he admitted before huffing. "i'm not upset." he grumbled. "i know he's dating some cellist." he admitted, Phil's lip twitching, amused. "James backslides. he's not unlike a drug addict. he craves blood, craves torture. they made him a sadist and it's very hard for him to be going cold turkey the way he is." he admitted. "he's not happy about it but he'll do as i say because he's still hardwired to obey. we're still working on that. telling me No." he admitted. "he almost succeeded the other day." he admitted, sounding very pleased with James progress. "i am in control." Tony promised. "i'm insane, and i'm furious as hell, but i won't risk Clint's life in a temper tantrum." he promised. "i'll probably loose control later, but James and Bruce know how to handle me when that happens." he promised, making Phil raise an eyebrow, surprised as Tony carefully helped her to her feet and supported her as they walked to the interrogation room. letting her sit down in the 'gallery' where they would watch Natasha do her work with Steve lounging behind her and Grant on her other side. James was in the gallery with Tony, he didn't trust James not to get involved. the two men took quite a bit to break them down, but eventually under the force of Natasha and the two big men just sitting there staring at them.

Tony just about lost it. they had taken Clint specifically for use as blackmail against both Phil and Tony. Hydra wanted to make demands, but they had to break Clint first to teach Tony a lesson. turns out the two men had been working Clint over for a good three days and he hadn't even cracked. Tony was impressed, but pissed. the two men admitted there was six of them and Tony raised his phone. "alright boys. time to move in. do not hurt. i repeat, do not hurt anyone you find down there. contain them, remove them and report them into my detainment cells. if they fight back, do not kill! i repeat, do not kill, taze them, pepper spray them, or use the narcotics but i don't want a single innocent harmed." Tony demanded. on the video screens, the two man teams slid into the sewers effortlessly and soon they had thirty people being escorted out of the sewers without a fight. all of them city workers who where supposed to be down there. they didn't so much have a scratch on them and Phil had to admit, he was kind of impressed. all of Tony's people did exactly as ordered. Phil couldn't say that of his Shield crews. not even Hydra could boast that. Tony's men did exactly as ordered, and even when four men where pulled out by force, they where mostly unhurt. one was twitching, having been tazed, two where asleep and the fourth was trying to wipe his streaming eyes. but there was no Clint.
“That’s true.”She said looking thoughtful before choking on her giggle. Because well, that was amusing, since it had started as a joke about clint’s bow being his version of a cello. “Not to mention, I think he was probably a little bit of a sadist even before hydra.”Farian said looking sad that the man was going through so much before snickering at just how pleased tony sounded. “Hm, I bet he figures out how to say no to Steve, before he says no to you.”He teased before relaxing, realizing that tony was indeed in control even as her skin warmed slightly at the touch as he helped her up, and because her emotions were overwhelming her. Settling next to him she looked over at phil, resting a hand on his arm, looking worried about him as they watched natasha work. James twitched a little with each minute that past, he really did want to get involved.

Farian looked pale and shaken as she realized just why her friend had been taken, and so unbelieviable proud of him for managing to hold out until now. Shifting she reached for tony’s hand, needing the anchor as she listened to him give the orders, swallowing hard as she realized what had happened. No clint. “Let me talk to them Tony.”James said watching them, they were hydra. Better then shield and the rumors going around, they were well aware what the winter soldier had done.
"He was if James memories can be trusted. He never had a chance to let that part of him out until he was made into a hydra agent." Tony admitted before he snortee. "Steve is not in a position of power over James. James eoesn't see Steve as a boss or a handler. Honestly I think James is typically the boss, the dom in their relashionship." Tony admitted. "No James. You are not getting involved. Maybe if you hadn't tricked the good captain into letting you handle McKenzie, your too volitile to be trusted in there right now. I want you stable and in control when we go to collect Clint. Besides, Clint is Phil's agent. It's Phil's turn to break them. If Phil can't get the information then I might let you let loose on them." Tony conceded. "But you won't draw blood and you sure as hell are going to stay in control or I'll drop you." Tony had carried out that promise before. H could, and would drop James if the man lost control.
“...that’s just a amusing thought really, considering Cap is bigger then him.Its amusing thinking about james being in charge.”farian snickered a little because if anything in the relationship showed as the two super soldiers interacted, james was more likely okay with simply following steve’s lead. Though he’d offer advice and resist if he really didn’t want to. “....It’s not my fault he’s a innocent brat, and easily tricked into thinking I know what I’m doing.”James sulked at being scolded yet again for the trick, looking unhappy but not protesting more which meant he knew just how volitile he was, and he wanted to be in control to go after clint. Settling back to watch phil deal with the men as they waited to see what would be said. “It’s okay. Phil’ll break them, then you can deal with whoever still has him. You’ll get to go save clint.”Farian smiled looking worried and anxious, so very worried about her friend.
"Who is truly in charge tends to change depending on the situation I think." Tony admitted with a smile. "In the day to day things James tends to take the lead but during tough decision making, battles or high emotional events Steve tends to take charge. Though I'm not sure how much that is 'natural' amd how much is James just being too broken right now to handle that kind of stuff." Tony admitted with a shrug. "You knew better James Barnes! Don't you lay the blame on Steve when he didn't know you where even damaged." Tony chastized before turning his attention to the men that his people had just braught in. They broke quickly. Clint was being held in a hut a mile outside of Tony's borders. They had hoped it would keep them safe from backlash. They had been planning to move Clint and themselves to Europe to further protect themselves from Tony's wrath. Hadn't worked as planned of course.
“probably a little of both. I mean, he didn’t fight to be in charge of the commandos.”Farian looked thoughtful at the idea, because she was worried about them both, so she was giving it some thought. James frowned but didn’t protest getting chastized over it, sighing quietly as he watched the men before getting up. “Stay here with Farian. Bruce is staying behind to. Steve, me, and phil will be able to move faster without you.”James ordered quietly, cause while he was willing to follow tony’s directions and orders, but not on this. Despite tony having the suit, him and steve would move quicker and less chance of anyone figuring out they were coming beforehand if it was just them. And phil, because he’d guessed that the agent wouldn’t be willing to leave rescuing clint to them. Knocking on the glass he stuck his head into the room, smirking at the broken men before looking at the other two. “Ready to go?Jarvis found the hut outside, so all we have to do is get going.”
Tony shrugged. "that's because they made Steve the captain." he pointed out. "that and James has always been better at whipping people into shape and making other people follow orders, than deciding on those orders himself." he admitted. "it's kind of like he's the enforcer while Steve is the Judge." he mused, pondering that. "that's how it looks anyway. we could be wrong too of course, they are entirely unstable, not to mention how much they love to prank people. even under the influence of Hydra, as the Soldier James was a bit of a mischievous one." Tony admitted with a smile before nodding at James. "suit up James. i don't want you getting shot." Tony ordered calmly. not in the least bit bothered at being told to stay behind. "i can't." Phil admitted, lifting his shirt to show off a huge mass of bruises. "three broken ribs and a cracked." he admitted. "i'll slow you down. go get my boy." he ordered Steve who offered Phil a salute before following James, leaving Phil to follow Tony, who was turning on camera's built into Jame's face mask so that they could see what he saw.

it took them an hour to get to the border by car, small though Tony's territory was, it was still a very impressive piece of New York. the hut was abandoned and decaying but there where three people waiting inside who immediately started shooting at the Super Duo. Steve covered James while James did the killing. Phil made a strangled, very upset sound as they finally found Clint in the basement. he was hanging from the wrists in metal chains that cut into his skin. he was bruised so badly you couldn't tell if there was any part of him that wasn't black and blue. he'd been burned and stabbed and cut. he hung limp because his legs had given out at some point, the left appeared to be broken. he looked unconscious, and it also looked like they had smashed his face in a couple of times. all in all he looked like he'd been tortured for four days. whether he was unconscious or just sleeping it was impossible to tell until Steve carefully eased him out of the chains and Clint didn't twitch. unconscious then. just to be sure, Steve carefully took a pulse and then nodded at James. "let's get him home." he ordered, carefully, carefully picking Clint up, who tensed and gritted his teeth, refusing to make a sound even in sleep. up in the tower, Phil was practically catatonic with rage, and Tony wasn't much better. Phil though, was pacing, Tony was just standing there, eyes dark, he looked almost like a statue save for a silent mumble or a twitch here and there. he would remain that way until Bruce or James came to get him. something Bruce had basically trained into Tony to keep him from hurting himself or others in episodes of madness.
“You know, that is how it looks.....though I really wouldn’t put it past them to be playing us all for fools.”Farian snickered at the idea, well aware of just how how the two super soldiers enjoyed playing pranks. “I don’t get shot. Besides, I have someone scarier then you to answr it if I get hurt.”Tony rolled his eyes a little even as he started pulling on the body armor, wincing a little as he saw phil’s ribs.”We’ll get him.”James promised as he followed.

And indeed when they arrived, it was a scene that made James’ inner sadist extremely happy as he unleashed his own anger over clint’s state, and his simple frustration at having not been allowed to get involved before, simply turning on the men who held clint with a viciousness you just had to wonder about his state of mind. Pausing when they reached clint he nodded a little as he braced clint, holding him even as he helped steve get him down, raising a hand to the comm he was wearing. “We have him. We’re coming home.”He said sounding icily cold, still to much the soldier to be worried about anything, simply following steve’s lead since he was the commanding officer at the moment as they started for home.

Meanwhile Farian was burning up, curled up as she fought to not burn everything in her rage of what clint had gone through. By the time James and Steve got back and got clint settled into bed and bruce looking him over and starting to heal the man, farian was moments away from burning something down, having isolated herself into tony’s lab with dum-e, trusting the robot to put the fire out if she started one.It had taken awhile for her to get there on her own, and she was so worried for tony, but she needed to be somewhere she couldn’t hurt anyone. “Tony?”James growled as he stepped into the room with the other.
He grinned and nodded. "very true." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "you've been shot before. and nothing, and no one is scarier than me." Tony stated with a sniff before scowling at Phil's ribs. "have you been to see a doctor yet?" "....yes." "go see Bruce." Tony demanded, making Phil sigh. not that he didn't do as he was told, it wasn't like he had been ignoring them for weeks, only a day, he'd had more important things to worry about, then he got word that Clint had vanished. of course, that wouldn't make Clint any less pissed at him if he didn't get medical attention. Tony knew that Farian was pissed, angry and upset but he couldn't do anything to help her. if he touched her, they'd burst into flames. actually... that was a good idea. he'd work on that. later, right now it was everything he could do not to go find his most favorite weapon and start exploding Europe and the other places Hydra was hiding. he twitched a little as James walked in but didn't react otherwise. too lost in his madness and desire to blow things up, see people burn, hear them scream and cry. e uttered a low, dangerous snarl as he imagined ripping apart Hydra in the bloodiest way possible for touching something that he considered his.
James looked the genius over,dark eyes still frosted over and cold. Trusting himself,and tony to take his time emerging from the darkness that was the winter soldier. Tony had seen him worse. Here, James was still safe, was aware enough to not be a risk to tony's safety but enough to be able to be able to do them both some good. They both needed the outlet. Crossing the room he wrapped a hand in the other's hair and pulling his head back.looking him over he growled softly."tony.look at me."he demanded eyes searching the other's face pulling his head back and keeping him pinned against him. Having every intent of hurting the other a little,enough to please them both and get the rage out. "Tony. Whatever am I going to do with you?"he snarled quietly lowering his head for a kiss. Because no matter how much he trusted steve,needed to trust him, he was scared to death to show him this side more then steve was already aware of, utterly afraid that if steve knew just how much of a sadist he was, he'd walk away despite his promise to not do so.
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