The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

James blushed a little as he realized that steve had always been aware he enjoyed hurting people, and not simply making sure steve was left alone. While that had been part of it, he’d also enjoyed making sure they were hurting enough to know to leave steve alone. “...They are. And they’re going to pay for it. Between you and tony, I’m not sure who’s goign to be more dangerous to hydra, and shield for that matter.”James smiled a little before relaxing utterly, while he would worry and fuss over things later, or find some knew thing to obsess over, for the moment, the knowledge that steve had accepted him like this, was making him feel utterly comfortable. “yea. And no, you can’t.because begging, and asking to stop can be part of the game. It needs to be a word that wouldn’t normally be part of sex in any way.”James said before nodding, “Okay. Let’s see. Stark. Stark can be your safeword for now.”he said before nodding, “Ask tony, and he has books to. Read.”He smiled smirking as he watched the other wriggle, moving to get up, wrapping a hand in the other’s hair, using it as a handle to push him to his knees. “Your going to take care of this first,”he said waving a hand towards his groin where he was hard and aching. “Then I’m going to take my time, taking you apart, captain.”He smirked.

“...techinical books?Really?”She said looking interested and amused though. “Good.”Farian said going relaxed as she leaned into tony as she realized that her friend was going to be okay. Smiling softly. “No, its not. Hydra has their own reasons for wanting Clint.”Farian said looking between phil and clint, sighing quietly. “...I don’t think he’s going to want to leave.”She added. “What?Why?”Natasha said though she didn’t scowl like she wanted, simply looking curious. “because, phil’s right. He felt comforatble here enough to let his guard down.” “But he was taken from here.” “And the problem’s been corrected. It’s still safer and more relaxing then shield’s base, or any of his safe houses.”Farian pointed out.
Steve chuckled a little. "have you been worried about this for all our lives?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i'm sorry. i should have brought it up when we where kids." he admitted. "oh, Hydra is going to pay big time, and any of the fuckers posing as Shield are going to suffer twice as much." he promised. "you don't have to worry about whose more dangerous because me and Tony are teaming up for this one." he admitted with a smirk before he blinked, eyes going a little glassy eyed at the idea of begging the other to stop and James just keeping right on going. okay, yeah he could see how that could be hot. "okay." he agreed with a nod before wrinkling his nose at his assigned Safe-word. he could see how yelling Stark would put an end to the playtime though, so he didn't protest. "i'll be sure to read them." he promised before gasping and groaning as he felt that hand in his hair. he shuddered at the order, he'd always loved when the other bossed him around. he went where James ordered and didn't bother teasing, he just swallowed the cock because he was eager to get into the new stuff.

"yes." he admitted with a smile. "i didn't know much abut BDSM and Sadomasochism when i first met James, so i did a shit ton of research. we scared each other stupid more often than not when we fist started getting involved in this, but we needed it." he admitted. "and we love it too." he admitted with a smile before he looked startled at Darian, just as shocked as Natasha that Clint would want to stay. "the thing is, Clint was only taken at the border." Phil pointed out. "because even once they where inside Tony's control over his city is iron firm. they would never have dared take Clint if he had been in the city proper." Phil pointed out, Tony frowning. "i don't know. they aren't very smart. they might have tried." "they would have failed, how many people do you have on the streets?" "six hundred and twenty two." Tony admitted. " know the exact numbers off the top of your head?" "i know all their names too." he admitted, looking very proud of himself. "and most of their families as well. those that have them."
“....Some. And not just with you. I mean, I figured you knew wouldn’t have been accepted. Not then.”James said frowning a little before smirking. “Hm, they are. You two are going to be utterly hell on wheels together.”James snickered a little, smirking a little as steve’s eyes glazed. “Good. I’ll get them for you when we’re done.”James smirked groaning as the other swallowed his cock, closing his eyes, and for once forcing hismelf to use steve’s mouth as he always wanted, instead of his usual careful way. Trusting steve to stop him, if he really needed him to. Cupping the other’s jaw in his hand as he held his head still and rocked his hips, careful not to choke him but using the blond’s mouth as much as he wanted, fucking it like he would any other hole, groaning as he came before stepping away, splattering come over the other’s face. “Hm, you look good like that.”He smirked as he ruffled blond hair, before shoving him lightly, “Hands and knees on the bed, Steve.Now.”he growled as he moved away to find his handcuffs, waiting long enough for the other to get on the bed before handcuffing his hands behind his back, before pushing him face down into the bed, keeping him on his knees, steve just looked like the perfect present for him. “Hmmm, I like you like this.”he said stroking a hand over the other’s ass, smacking him on the rounded globes lightly, just to make sure he had his attention.

“What?He likes you. Despite having been kidnapped by you before, even before me and steve came here, he liked you.”Farian said shrugging a little. “Your control the city, and you have loyal people here. They might have tried it, but it wouldn’t have worked.”Farian added to phil’s observation. “Why?”Natasha said staring at tony at his admittance to knowing everyone, looking supicious at the idea. “Because, they’re loyal. They lay everything on the line for him, why wouldn’t he care enough to know them?”Farian said answering, having gotten a sense for tony’s reasoning, tilting her head a little to see if tony would disagree with her reasoning, wondering if she knew him as well as she thought
he nodded. "true. but then, we were barely accepted as it was." he admitted. "we where gay after all." he admitted. "oh me and Tony have many, many plans." he admitted with a smirk before he nodded, agreeing to James plan. he sucked on the cock more eagerly when James started to use his mouth with abandon, sucking harder and moving his head lower so the other was thrusting into his throat as well, tight and warm. he whined as the other pulled away, opening his mouth to catch what he could of the other. he loved the taste of James cock and was always annoyed when the other didn't let him swallow. he shuddered at the order, wondering why everything felt a little hazy? he knelt on the bed just as ordered, yipping in surprise when he found his wrists handcuffed. he'd never been tied up before. he knew he could snap them easily enough, but the fact that he felt restrained. his cock throbbed and he blinked. "i like me like this too." he admitted. "my head feels fuzzy." he admitted, sounding more puzzled than frightened before yipping in surprise at the smack, startled by it before he relaxed and nodded. waiting for more.

Tony blinked at her. "he does?" he asked, looking honestly surprised before he grinned. "sweet. i got brownie points for those toys i gave him." he mused, pleased that Clint had liked the new Bow and Arrows and guns he had supplied the Archer with. he'd given Natasha toys too, though he didn't wonder if she was taking his first kidnapping of her a lot more personally than most people did. "uh. because they're mine?" Tony asked, scoffing at Natasha. "they are mine, that means it is my job to know them, my job to make sure they are safe, healthy, happy and content. it's my job to make sure they have everything they need and most of what they want. i can't do that if i don't know them." he pointed out. "they are mine." he stated simply. "that means that it is my job to at the very least, identify them by sight. it would be cruel of me to do anything less." he stated with a sniff. which was basically what Farian said. just a bit more possessive. " would have done what you did for Clint, for any of your men. wouldn't you?" "they are mine." Tony stated firmly. "i would have done worse." he scowled as he watched Clint sleep. "i should have done worse, but i knew he would be upset if innocent people where hurt because of something he thinks is his fault." he held a hand up before Natasha could protest. "no, it's not his fault. never. but he won't see it that way if innocents had been hurt."
"I know...and I didn't want to give people another reason to hate us."well...hate steve. People had learned quickly to leave james alone simply because he wasn't shy about beating up people who got on his bad side.james smirked as steve whined perfectly aware that he hated not getting to swallowed. Whole his memory was spotty on alot of things,he remebe red sex,he remembered steve. As vague as it could be,those moments when he felt utterly like he belonged to the other were crystal clear. Groaning softly as he realized just how much steve was enjoying it he shuddered his cocktail already coming back at the sight of his captain so hard and wanting,needy for him. Groaning as he realized he'd actually managed to drop the other into subspace, smacking him ever so lightly on the assignment again,despite knowing he was enjoying it taking him time because he didn't want to hurt or upset the other. Needing to Take his time for his own peace of mind."that's called subspace...not sure how to explain it...but you can read about it in the books..."he muttered stroking the other's back leaning in to press a kiss to his shoulder."beg captain."

"Exactly. He likes the toys."Farian snickered a little amused as she shook her head watching the two for a long moment."..."Natasha stared at the man not sure what to think of what she was hearing but knowing that it should change how she thought of him,but she didn't like him.didn't want to be nice."he would have been upset at the innocent being made the right call tony."Farian muttered nudging him wanting away from Natasha judging gaze but not about to say that outloud
he smiled a little and shook his head. "i suppose that's true enough." he admitted. "at least the Commandos didn't care." he admitted with a smile. "and Peggy thought we where adorable." he admitted with a chuckle. he swallowed what he'd managed to catch and offered James a sulk but said nothing. this was James game and he really didn't want to ruin it. he moaned as he tugged on the handcuffs, mostly just to feel them a little more firmly before he shuddered and wiggled at the second smack. "Subspace?" Steve breathed. "it's calm. i like it." he murmered before whining at the order to beg. he was terrible at begging. "please. James. please." that was new. it was usually like pulling teeth to get Steve to beg. he hadn't even protested. "please." he moaned as he panted, not able to think of anything else to say. please was begging right?

"i'm glad. the stuff Shield had him using was a travesty." Tony admitted with a shake of his head. "his poor Bow had a crack in it when he first came in! appalling." he grumbled. "besides, he's a good sort. people like him are hard to find in this day and age." Tony admitted. "i'll have Dandy made some pumpkin soup." Tony decided. "it's Clint's favorite." he admitted. no one knew how he knew that when even Phil looked a little surprised. "his favorite food is Lamb Chops." "i know. but his favorite soup is Pumpkin and Bruce said he'll only be allowed soup for a while. something about the drugs making him have an upset stomach and a lack of proper food making it worse. i don't understand human bodies like that so i really don't fully understand." he admitted with a shrug.
James smiled a little watching steve as he was quietly sulking for once,not listening to the other complain about james being mean to him. Knowing that once steve figured out the game,it'd be harder to get him to be quiet about some things."that's exactly what it is.but we'll talk about it later. When you're not a begging mess."James smirked looking him over Groaning as he listened to the other beg. It was such a rarity to hear, that it was a new sound to hear.utterly enthralling to hear. Leaning over he pulled the bottle of lube out of his dresser drawer,while he didn't invite anyone here,he still kept it on hand just to have. Pouring it into his hand he smirked a little as he slid his fingers into the other,curling his fingers,effortlessly curling his fingers to find his prostate."you are amazing,stevie. So good"he muttered before pulling his fingers out and thrusting into the other slowly,careful. Definitely more careful then he usually was,so scared of hurting the other super soldier."you okay?"he muttered leaning over to press a kiss to his shoulder.

"I know.he'd been bitch in about it right before he came,and was glad to have something new despite being kidnapped to get it."Natasha sighed softly shaking her head a little."what?it is?"Farian said looking startled at tony knowing these things, amazed that he knew these things. It was amazing the things tony managed to find out,wondering if Jarvis had something to do with that."I'm admitting you don't know something."Farian teased her lover
he blinked at the other and nodded. "okay." he mumbled, not bothering to protest that he wasn't a mess yet. "oh. god. yes. please. deeper. harder." Steve moaned, trying to rock into the fingers, panting as his fingers flexed and clenched, his ass following their motions. clench, relax, clench, relax. it was about all Steve could do. "a..aaah! Yes. Yes. James. i'll be good. anything you want." he moaned, eager to please the other if it meant he got more pleasure. "please. James Please. more.. need it. please. been so long, too long. oh GOD please!" he gasped, trembling under the other. desperate for more. "yes. okay. more. please." Steve moaned, opening easily for the other, no matter how long it had been Steve had learned how to relax so he could take the other no matter what. sure it still hurt sometimes, but it didn't cause any tearing this way, and as wet as they both where, there wasn't any pain now at all. only deep, deep pleasure.

Tony chuckled. "you know that old Bow was the only thing he ever had from his father right?" Phil asked, looking amused. "that's why he was bitching, because some asshole Shield agent sat on it." he admitted before staring at Tony. "how do you know that?" "i asked him." Tony stated simply. "i offered them both a menu and they where allowed to select what they wanted from it." he admitted. "Clint had a cold during his stay here and when he didn't want Lamb-chops he wanted Pumpkin soup. that and sudafed." he admitted, looking amused. "i don't need to know about human bodies, that's what Bruce is for." he admitted with a grin.
James smirked as he watched the other rocking into his hand, shivering a little as he did. This was utterly amazing to watch him, “You’re everything I want.”He muttered smiling softly as he pushed into him, resting his head against the other’s shoulder, taking his time, not wanting to hurt him. “Oh gods, stevie...”He muttered breaking the game, to lost in how utterly amazing it felt to be in him once again to stay in control, shivering as he rolled his hips, fucking the other slowly, not because he wanted to tease the other, but because he didn’t want it to end. Whining quietly as he reached under the other, a hand fisting his cock even as his mouth found the other’s neck, biting down gently, possessively, claiming him even as he fucked him.

“...I think I did know that.”Natasha said blushing slightly as she realized there was things about clint that she didn’t know. “True.”Farian smiled leaning in to kiss his cheek, sighing quietly. Worried about clint, and having no idea how to make things better, or make natasha like tony better even if the assassin was staring at tony in utter bemusement, as if she just couldn’t understand him.
Steve moaned as he rocked into the hand, panting as James spoke. he opened his mouth to say something sappy back but couldn't seam to get his vocal cords to cooperate. so he just moaned even louder, and again when James finally slid inside of him. going slow, so slow, too slow. it felt so good and so frustrating and so wonderful and too much and too little. he felt all kinds of things and was shocked to realize he had tears trailing down his cheeks. why was he crying? this was amazing? he was confused, but couldn't bring himself to think of anything when the other was rocking into him so wonderfully. it was like he was flying apart and only James hand on his cock was keeping him from shattering. he was cumming before he even realized he had come close. the orgasm was a shock that he could only mewl and writhe his way through before collapsing feeling drained and wonderful.

Tony nodded. "i'm sure you did. you make Pumpkin soup for him every time he's sick." he pointed out to Natasha. "Phil's taken up the habit." he admitted, looking faintly amused before he stepped forward and set his hand on Clint's knee, the one Tony knew wasn't hurt. "you get well soon Clint. i'm leaving those Hydra fuckers for you." he promised. "i know you wouldn't want them to go to jail before you could return the favor." he admitted with a smile before he turned on his heal and left. not wanting to deal with the emotions anymore.
James shuddered, swallowing hard as he felt the other going relaxed and quiet under him, it was a good thing that he was used to making tony cry when he fell apart, otherwise he might have been utterly worried about steve crying. Suddering as the other tightened around his cock, he moaned as he came, slumping down on top of the man, shivering as he closed his eyes. “ okay?”He muttered before pulling out, laying down next to him, holding him ever so gently as he stroked the ohter’s hair, undoing the handcuffs and letting steve relax.

Farian smiled a little watching them, “I’ll be back sweetheart.”She muttered moving closer, pressing clint’s forehead, looking over the sleeping archer before following tony out, slipping a hand into his.”You okay?”she muttered looking him over.
Steve sighed as he felt the other cum. what a wonderful feeling that was. usually they used condoms. mostly because it was easier to fuck and then hide the evidence. when James asked if he was okay he sighed, managed a mumble. he cleared his throat hoping that might help and could only manage another mumble. he huffed, annoyed that he couldn't focus and simply closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into James. he was probably going to panic about this later, it was... weird. but for now he was much too happy to have any kind of negative feelings.

Tony glanced at her and then nodded before shaking his head. "i'm... furious." he hissed, his eyes taking on that mad gleam again. "these people slipped into my city. hurt a man who is mine...." he snarled before forcing himself to calm down. "i cannot loose control." he muttered, more to himself than anything else. "i must stay in control." and with that he turned and walked away, as if he'd forgotten Farian was there. he headed for his lab, but surprisingly, left the door open for Farian if she where following and settled onto a bench and began to tinker. the more he worked on some overly complicated, something, the more he started to relax. which meant that he could control himself if he needed to.
James shuddered, smiling softly as he looked down at the man, looking amused as he was snuggled into. Knowing there was a freakout probably coming when steve came up again, but for the moment, he was content to simply enjoy it. Sitting up for a moment he got a washcloth and cleaned them both up, before laying down ag ian. Simply settling in with him and falling into a light doze, absently stroking the other’s back as he relaxed, knowing not to rush steve coming out of subspace, simply letting it happen naturally.

“I know. Me to.”She said watching him before frowning, worried as she realized he was still a little unstable, biting her lip as she followed after him, settling on the bench next ot him as she watched him tinker. Biting her lip a little as she reached up, gently stroking his hair back from his face as he worked, careful not to get in the way, just needing to touch him to calm herself.
Steve murmured as James got up, sounding highly displeased that the other as leaving, and murmured again, even more displeased that the other was cleaning him up instead of snuggling. he mumbled, content when James finally stopped fussing and just floated happily on his subspace, even if he didn't know what that was. "...James?" Steve finally asked, sounding rather shaken and timid. "what was that?" he asked softly, not panicked, just a bit frightened of what had happened. which was a hell of a lot better than what Tony had done. he cried and panicked and screamed about falling into subspace the first time. it had frightened tony so badly it had taken him a week to gather the nerve to do it again. yes, Steve's reaction was much more calm even if he was afraid of what had happened.

Tony worked diligently, not ignoring her really but not acknowledging her either until she touched him, tensing violently he looked up at her, blinking a little. tense as if waiting for her to start yelling at him before looking puzzled when she didn't before finally returning to his work. no doubt certain individuals had not liked that Tony would pay more attention to a 'toy' than to them and had anticipated her reaction being the same. when it hadn't been he'd looked so puzzled it would have been funny, if it hadn't been more heartbreaking than anything else.
James smiled softly as the other murmured, pressing a kiss to the man’s hair as he laid back in the bed, simply relaxing with him.”Hm?”James said quietly, gently and quiet as to not freak the other out. “What’s called subspace. It’s a headframe where you go when you bottom sometimes and simply relax.”James said quietly, gently stroking the other’s back as he waited to see how he was, simply relaxing even if he was worried about what he was going to do.

Farian winced, quietly upset at how puzzled he looked. That was simply heartbreaking to see just how surprised he’d been. Settling in next to him, she smiled softly as she watched him work, simply being with him, after awhile sighing softly, leaning into him as she rested her head on his shoulder, starting to fall asleep.
Steve swallowed thickly. "i was... i couldn't think, or react..." he whispered. "it was..." he paused and then. "i was so helpless...." he sounded more, surprised than anything else. "i was. it was..." then he really thought hard about it. "i was free..." he muttered, sounding surprised. "free of everything. the only thing that mattered was pleasure and you, i didn't... worry, about anything it was..." he sighed, relaxed completely and smiled. "it was perfect." he murmured, finally letting himself accept it. Steve had always been very aware of himself so it was no surprise he'd accepted this rather easily. he snuggled tighter into the other and sighed, letting himself fall asleep.

Tony tensed when she leaned against him again but settled down as she just laid there and dozed, tinkering with his whatever it was. it was a while before he gently nudged her awake. "hey. Farian. Clint is awake." he murmured, sounding much more calm now. much more relaxed. on the table was a finished... something. "come on Love, wake up now." he urged, sounding amused. "your drooling on my shoulder." which was a lie of course but he was going for shock factor.
“No, you were relaxed, but you had more control then you think. Like that, I tend to be even more protective of the person I’m, or tony so far, but I’m utterly protective and nervous over it, so you have all the control.”he muttered stroking the other’s hair, grinning. “Exactly....I don’t....know how to explain. Tony has books. You can get those from him.”he muttered smiling, glad he wasn’t freaking out, yawning as he fell asleep. Later nudging the man a little, as he pressed a kiss to the other’s hair. Feeling utterly pleased and utterly possessive at finding the other in his bed, in the room that was totally james’. Feeling like a caveman that had just dragged his mate home, he gently tugged on the other’s hair.”Stevie. Clint’s awake.”he muttered, a little worried about how steve was doing now that he’d had time to really think about subspace and all.

Farian whined, snuggling closer, not wanting to get up, before whining, frowning. “I am not!”She protested sleepily as she bolted up, raising a hand to her mouth to see if she was drooling, giving him a sleepy glare as she huffed.”Dick.”She whined playfully as she headed for the door, though she sounded annoyed, it was obvious she weas teasing him simply because she felt safe enough to do so.
he shook his head but didn't argue. he had felt helpless, weak. it had been like when he was thin and too scrawny and James had to protect him all the time. it had felt, nice really. "i'll read the books." he agreed sluggishly before blinking as he woke up, groaning as he tried to burrow deeper into the blankets before he realized what James said. "Clint's awake? thank god." he breathed as he slowly sat up. "i still feel all fuzzy headed." he admitted, blinking stupidly. "need to talk to Tony." he mumbled. "...and i want breakfast." he mumbled as he got up and shuffled for the door, seeking out his Coffee so he could be awake for Clint.

he snickered at her. "you totally where." he teased. "yes. i do have a lovely dick." he agreed. "how nice of you to notice." he teased with a smile before his face fell into a contemplative expression and he stared at her. "thank you." he murmured suddenly. "for... not minding i mean... i don't mean to ignore you, i really don't but sometimes i have to... or i'll go mad again and the last thing i want is to blow someone up just because...." he sighed. he could never get the words to come out right.
James smield a little as steve burrowed deeper into the bed, pressing a kiss to the other’s head before nodding. “Careful. You’re probably still a little under.Talk to tony after you do clint.”The man said, looking worried about the man, fussing over him before grinning, “Food and coffee, and we’ll take food down to the others.”He said knowing phil and natasha probably could use some food, making some eggs and bacon as steve made coffee. “Make alot. Tony’ll want coffee when he emerges from wherever he’s hidden himself.”

“I was not!And you ARE a dick, not you have a lovely one.”She said flushing a little before pausing, staring at him for a long moment, before smiling sweetly, leaning in to kiss him lightly. “Tony, I knew going into this, that I’d be ignored in favor of projects and work sometimes. You’re a genius, and a tech wizard, not to mention a little manic and insane, makes sense you’d ignore you girlfriend in favor of work sometimes.”She shrugged smiling at how utterly awkward he was seeming. “Don’t worry, if I get really bored, I’ll go bother james and steve to get a spar or something.”She said, so utterly accepting that it was painful to know he had never had that before.
Steve frowned. "under? i'm not under anything." he mumbled, too tired and still too into subspace to really realize what was going on. "Coffee." he agreed, shuffling a little faster to the kitchen. "Coffee." he ordered again as he poked at the Coffee Pot, scowling as he tried to figure out how to make it work. Tony's machine was weird. he missed his boiler. back in his day, there where no 'fancy' things. you just ground up the Coffee beans, threw it into a coffee pot, set it on the stove or over a fire, let it boil and then strained it into a cup. finally he whined, smacked the pot and turned to glare at James until he moved to make the Coffee. "Coffee." Steve growled at him Steve was acting almost... spoiled really. the glories of subspace. Steve had never acted spoiled in his entire life, not even as children. hell they could count on one hand the number of temper tantrums Steve had as a child.

"he smirked. "of course i have a lovely dick. if i didn't, you wouldn't want it!" he pointed out, looking very smug before blushing at the sweet kiss. "uh..." he blinked at her. "...oh...." he stared at her for a long moment, as if wondering if she wasn't a little insane herself before shrugging it off. "okay then..." he decided, giving her an almost suspicious look now as he headed up for the Kitchen where Steve and James where. "...James? is something wrong with Steve?" Tony asked, giving the man an odd look when he heard teve actually growl at James. "did you two have a fight or something?"
“Yes, that’s the coffee machine.”James said smirking, biting his lip to keep from laughing at how utterly spoiled and cute steve was being. He’d never seen him like this, their time before to fraught with both stress, war, and drama to have lended it to being in subspace. Not that james would have understood then what it was. Now, he was simply enjoying seeing steve like this, knowing it wouldn’t last. “Hold on, hold on, cap, I got it.”James said stealing a kiss before hustling the other to sit at the table before starting to make his coffee, smiling when the other two came in. “Nope. And we don’t fight. At least without yelling. If we were fighting, you’d know it.”James snickered a litle. “Then what is it?”Farian asked looking worried about her friend. “Subspace. He’s not come out of it all the way yet.”
Steve grumbled at James Joke and growled the demand for Coffee again before letting the other sit him down, Tony biting his lip to keep from laughing as he realized what was going on. "oh that's adorable." Tony admitted with a snicker as he settled into his seat for Coffee as well. he knew James would get him a nice big cup. "i have to!" Steve protested. "everyone knows i've come out!" he paused, blinking. "well. no. maybe not everyone. i should do that. admit to being gay. i should do it for Ellen. Ellen is awesome." he admitted before blinking as he realized there was Coffee in his hands and took a long grateful swallow as Tony chugged on his own cup. "ah. i love Coffee." Tony crooned as he cradled his cup. "so. how is Clint? emotionally i mean?" Tony asked, worried. "i know he's a strong guy but he was tortured... do i need to hire a psychiatrist or something? i totally will if i have to, since i think Clint is terrified of Bruce."
“It is isn’t it?”James smirked a little as he got the two coffee, smiling slightly as he made sure tony just had his normal cup of coffee instead of trying to change it for a bigger cup. “Well, no they don’t.You should do it on Ellen.”James agreed, teasing his lover lightly, finding this adorably cuddly cute steve all the more endearing then he already found him. “I know. I mean, look at that cup. It could double as a bucket.”Farian teased amused as she sipped her own coffee, amused at his reaction to having the coffee, before frowning a little. “Probably should. I’ll look into finding someone.”Farian said. James tilted his head, “we haven’t gone to see him yet, we just woke up.”James said looking worried about clint.
"he really is kind of adorable like this." Tony mused as he watched Steve cling to his coffee rather possessively. he was staring to wake up a little more, which wasn't really helping the subspace much, wasn't making a dent in it at all apparently because Steve was snuggling as close to James as he could without vacating his chair. "double as? it IS a Bucket." Steve commented simply before he blinked as he realized there was food in front of him. "where'd that come form?" "Natasha." Tony supplied, making Steve blink. "Natasha! when did you get here!>: he demanded, surprised to see the woman, Tony starting to snicker and trying to hide it, hid his face in his arms atop the table. "that's true. we should talk to him first, i don't know that he'd be too happy with us if we got him a psychologist without talking to him first." Tony agreed. "we'll go down once he's done eating his pumpkin soup." Tony promised.
“He is. Very.I’ve never seen him like this, its odd and adorable.”James muttered smiling softly as he brushed a kiss over blond hair as the man snuggled against him. “I was here first, you two came in after me.”Natasha said smirking a little as she ate, smirking wider as she watched tony hide his laughter. “Cap, tony’s laughing at you.”She said smirking, having every intention of getting tony in trouble, just to see just how adorable steve would be in dealing with it. “Probably not. We’ll ask.”Farian agreed thinking it over before smiling softly, kissing his cheek as she ate.
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