The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

"It is. Not oy the story,it let's me be ViOlentangy without really worrying about hurting someone."James smirked amused and happy as they settled in together to do different activities but together. This to,was like when they were younger,simply peaceful together.

"I don't lie to you...even when we first got here...well except for the thing about the cold...but besides that..."she sighed quietly frowning a little as she considered trying to figure out if there was anything else, but far enough relaxed and down,that she was feeling fuzzy.raising a eyebrow as she saw the bonds she smiled a little."you randomly just always carry things to tie people up with?"she teased nervous but relaxed she didn't like being helpless,and being tied up with something that could hold up to a super soldier's strength would definitely leave her helpless. Putting her wrists together she turned her head a little to look at him as he tied her up trembling a little feeling utterly vulnerable but not demanding to be let go,simply neevous.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "makes sense. i played Call of Duty with Clint back at Shield headquarters." he admitted. "i got pretty good at it actually." he admitted as he shook his head. "never did manage to beat Clint. we'll play a round later hows that sound?" he offered with a smile as he returned to his reading. feeling quite content.

Tony chuckled. "you didn't lie about your powers. you simply omitted them until you trusted me more. we're in a new relationship, we both have secretes... me more than you i think." he admitted. "as we grow closer together those secretes won't be secretes anymore." he admitted. "i have to keep it on me. if James slips into the Soldier and gets violent i need a way to restrain him without hurting him." he admitted. "i carry it with me at all times." he admitted. "he made me promise." he admitted with a chuckle. "there. test the bonds." he instructed as he stepped back in front of her, stroking her face and her hair. "just relax. this part is frightening." he admitted. "it's hard for someone like us to be so helpless. but once you relax and start to really feel what your feeling, it will start feeling a lot less like helplessness and a lot more like freedom. just take long, calm breaths. i won't move on until i'm certain your alright." he promised. "and if you start to feel honestly afraid, or you really don't like it, tell me." he ordered, stroking her hair in the hopes it would help her settle.
"I like it. We'll do that."James said grinning at the idea of having a showdown with them,amused with the thought of beating Clint at the game.

"Good. That's good."she muttered relaxing at the idea of them growing closer as time past. Enjoying it truly."..ah.that makes sense. I hadn't considered that."Farian muttered swallowing thickly as the chain settled into place whining softly as she tested them turning her head into his palm a little calm but distressed she didn't like it. Not being able to fight back it was hard but not...totally unpleasant. It'd just take time to get used to. Whimpering softly as she nuzzled his hand taking comfort in the touch as she relaxed slowly closing her eyes."'s weird....I don't like it to think about but it's not horrible either..."she whined sounding distressed at not being able to explain.
he grinned at her. "not many people realize how many secretes that they have going into a new relationship. sometimes it's as little as a bad habit or as big as an ex wife." he admitted with a shrug before letting her feel the rope. "it's uncomfortable." Tony offered, smiling at her. "but your also still unnerved and upset. just take a few moments, feel yourself breathing." he suggested. "let yourself feel the chain, feel the soft floor and the air pressing against your skin." he murmured softly. "feel the arousal building inside of you, feel the warmth of the power inside of you." he stroked her hair. "let the calm come up, let your fear step back. just feel."
”Yes...uncomfortable...”Farian muttered turning her head into his hand, nuzzling him a little, shivering as she closed her eyes, simply feeling, letting him talk her through it, moaning softly as the words managed to turn her own more, skin heating up as she let herself go, simply falling into subspace, looking utterly relaxed as she raised her eyes, blinking wide blue eyes at him, looking utterly okay.”I’m okay...”She muttered quietly.
he smiled and stroked her face as she nuzzled him. "very good. such a good girl." he breathed, watching her. "what your feeling now, is called Subspace. it is basically an endorphin high. i know you won't be able to honestly tell me anything at this point, and i know you won't know to use the Stoplight in this situation so i will skip on the pain and just go to pleasure. we don't want you under the influence when trying something new." he admitted as he ran his hands along her body, kissing her neck and then each breast before catching her mouth in his as he gently urged her to her back. she was laying on her hands, further rendering her helpless, but he wasn't too concerned now that she'd given in and he wouldn't be resting his weight on her so he didn't bother with making her more comfortable. he was more interested in showing her just how intense subspace really could be. starting with his mouth buried inside of her crotch. he started with slow, gentle licks before using his vast skill to bring her to orgasm.
“Good.You’re good to.”She mutted sighing softly, frowning in confusion, trying to figure out what he was talking, blinking slowly. He was talking to much for her to really be getting it, to new to the whole subspace, to really be understanding. Whining softy as she was laid down, she whined louder as she realized just how helpless she was, ebfore letting him urge her into a orgasm, gasping as it crashed over her, flame curling over her arms even as ice followed, her control on her abilities shattering at the pleasure, crying out in pain as the extreme heat followed by cold shattered the metal bonds and laying on her hands dug the pieces into her arms.
Tony grinned as he heard her tell him he was good. "i know. just relax and enjoy." he suggested before settling in to drive her crazy. "fuck! Fuck!" he gasped, grabbing er and rolling her onto her belly before she did more damage to herself. "lay still." he ordered as he carefully, carefully helped her sit up and get mostly dressed before rushing her to Bruce who just sighed and started picking the peices of metal out of her wrists. "calm down Tony, she's barely hurt." Bruce ordered. "she has a fre cuts but they aren't all that deep, most of them aren't even bleeding anymore."
Farian yelped, shivering as she was rolled over.”Okay master.”She said, still under, even following his anxious hands and getting dressed, looking shaken and out of sorts, being pulled out of subspace so quickly messing with her. “I’m okay.”Farian muttered watching bruce gently pull the metal out, looking utterly out of sorts. “Tony?Farian?Jarvis said something happened.”James said as he walked in, looking worried, dark hair sticking up every which way in a way that said he’d been laying down, though not for the reason tony would probably think. Playing video games laying down instead of sex hair.
"sorry. sorry." he muttered softly when she yelped, hating that he had gotten her hurt, again. "shhh. it's okay." he murmured, realizing he was upsetting her before looking up at James. "uh..." he blinked at the man before shaking his head. "i panicked is all." he admitted. "she heated up and then froze the chain i had her tied up with when she orgasmed and i saw the blood and wigged out." he admitted. "she's in a bit of a soured Subspace at the moment as well." he admitted as he stroked her hair, murmuring soothing things to her. "sorry if we interrupted your sexy times." he mumbled, automatically assuming that Tony had been having sex.
Farian whined softly looking utterly lost and confused as she leaned against him as bruce bandaged up her hands. “Oh. Damn.”James winced calming, sighing softly as he looked at the two, smiling a little. “You might have to look into getting leather cuffs instead, not as easily burned or broken with cold.”She said watching the two, keeping his voice soft and quiet to keep from messing up farian even more. “Hm, you didn’t. Steve’s to busy reading to want to have sexy fun times.”he said sulking a little
Tony grimaced and nodded. "no Leather won't work, it'll melt all over her. i'll think of something." he promised as he stroked Farian's hair, trying to keep her calm. "...he's reading?" Tony asked, looking baffled. "reading what? even he can't prefer that classic crap over sex!" he muttered. "i think Bruce has been working on an all natural aphrodisiac." he admitted. "ask him if you can borrow it." he teased with a grin as he watched Farian. "do you think she'll be mad at me?" he asked, biting his lip. "i feel like such a shit... she wasn't supposed to be hurt at all. i'd only tied her up to see if she could like it, because she wanted to see, you know?" he asked, biting his lip again. "she was curious so i figured it would be okay for her to experience some of it and now this happens... she'll never want to talk to me again after this..." he muttered, unhappy hat he had hurt her when she was in subspace of all things.
“You are good at thinking of things. You’ll find something that’ll hold up to ice and fire.”James said looking thoughtful, smiling slightly as farian nuzzled against tony, even if she wasn’t talking, the woman was starting to calm down a little. “He’s reading your kink books. Told me I can’t have sex until he’s finished it.”He said sulking a little before sighing softly as farian shifted to cuddle against tony, curling her whole body into his, snuggling unashamed as she tried to calm. “I think she’ll be upset and worried you wont want to try. And I know you did, you wouldn’t have tried without her permission. Tony...”he sighed quietly.”You’ll just have to talk her through it. I mean, it went sour on her, when you both weren’t expecting it. She’ll be upset and scared at how she’s feeling right now, you remember the first time subspace soured on you?Just remember that, and help her through it.”
Tony nodded. "i already have plans." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling softly at Farian. "oh..." he snickered. "so... he's reading about sex. so he can have sex. but is currently refusing sex?" he asked, looking highly, highly amused before he held her when she snuggled into him, kissing the top of her head. "i'm willing to try anything she wants to try." he admitted softly. "i know... it's just... i feel kind of like i took advantage of her now. she didn't know what she was getting into..." he muttered as he snuggled her. "i do remember. it sucked. i passed out and got sick." he admitted. "she's handling it a lot better... everything a lot better than i did." he admitted as he held her. "i should have made her read the books first..."
“Yes. Yes he is. Don’t look so amused. I tried to convince him to let me give a hands on lesson, but he wasn’t interested until after he’s finished the book.”He grumbled sulking a little before nodding. “I know you do. But you didn’t. I mean, no more then she wanted you to. She knew going in that it could be bad for her, at least I assume so, so don’t feel to badly, you’ll just make her feel worse.”James muttered before laughing. “Well, she’s more stable then you, genius. And female. Seriously thinking being female gives her a leg up in handling things....and she doesn’t have your...problems with things. So, she’s a good balance to you really.”James said smiling a little before sighing, ruffling tony’s hair. “Well, maybe. But you didn’t, so make her read them now, after she comes up, and steve’s done with them. And refuse to try again untilk she does. Just so you both feel more comfortable.”
he chuckled a little. "i'm sorry but that's freaking hilarious." he admitted with a grin. "but you know, Steve's not like us. this probably scares him and he's always found books to be the answers to everything." he pointed out. that was mostly true. Steve had always sought out books for answers. well, the kinds of answers that Books could solve anyway. "...your right, of course. you always are." he grumbled, shaking his head. "what... really? why's being a girl give her a leg up?" he asked, looking puzzled. Tony had never thought women where weaker or more likely to submit to men. then again all the women he'd known had been frightening power houses really. "she is more stable." he agreed. "thanks James." Tony murmured, leaning into the hand in his hair. he blinked when Steve walked in. "this book is really amazing. it answered every single question i had! hows Farian?" Steve asked, glancing her over. "Jarvis said that she had a soured subspace... what's that mean and can i help in any way?"
James made a face sulking before nodding. “I know. He’s always sought out books, but it doesn’t help with my aching dick at wanting him be all cute and studious.”James snickered before nodding.”Good. Just remember that. That I’m always right.”he teased before nodding. “Dunno, but being female tends to give them a leg up on emotional things.”James shrugged,”Welcome.”He said smiling a little as tony leaned into his hand, smirking a little as steve walked in, wincing a little as farian whined, turning her face into tony’s ribs pressing closer to him even as her skin warmed. “It means that she was in subspace, but was pulled out of it to quickly without giving her a chance to settle. And I think the best we can do is leave her with tony....she seems to not want to go anywhere...”James muttered. “Tony...okay?”Farian muttered against his skin, squirming a little, well, at least she was starting to come up all the way again.
Tony chuckled a little and shook his head. "at least he's reading up on it now instead of having panic attacks and total freakouts like i did." he pointed out. "besides he'll be done soon, he can read twice as fast as most people you know." he admitted. "huh. you know, you might be right." he admitted as he stroked her hair. "they are better with emotions." he had learned at a very young age to never call a woman emotional. Peggy Carter had all but tore him apart when he'd told her women where 'emotional creatures', mimicking his father. then she'd turned her ire onto Howard and Tony had been very careful of how he talked to a woman ever since. "shh, Farian." Tony soothed before smiling at Steve. "a soured Sub-space is different each time and for each person but mine typically feels like a bad anxiety or a panic attack." he admitted. "Farian's will be different from mine though, and she'll likely be a bit timid for a while after she comes out of it, just be gentle around her." he suggested as he stroked her hair before smiling down at her again. "i'm just fine Farian Love." he promised. "i just got overly emotional." Steve had to bite back a snicker at that. "you just rest and relax and we'll talk about it when your feeling better, okay?"
“Very true. I’d rather him read then have to talk another person through panic attacks.”James said snickering a little before nodding. “I’m always right. And they generally are.”james smiled watching them, before looking up at steve. “Earlier?Tony’s panic attack came because he was under and was jerked out of it. Mine, I backslide into winter so fully I have to be sedated before I hurt someone.”James said smiling a little, before nodding, keeping his voice soft and quiet, not wanting to scare farian. “We’ll be careful with her then.”he smiled a little. “...oh...”She frowned a little pressing her face against his side, sighing quietly as she tried to relax, “...cap’s here...”She muttered blinking slowly, trying to focus enough to look at the people with her.
he chuckled a little. "James back then you didn't even know how." he reminded him. "it was Bruce that did that. you just had your own panic attacks." he teased with a smile. "oh..." Steve muttered, pulling a little notebook out of his pocket and wrote that down. "that's why i always carry a chain with me, so if James backslides too far i can detain him long enough for Bruce to get there." Tony admitted. "he's actually almost killed me a few times." Tony admitted, looking amused. "it was really rather thrilling." Steve just snorted before smiling as Farian spoke. "Steve is here, yes. he had questions about the book he was reading." Tony was only half lying really. "do you want them to leave?" Tony asked, well aware that some people couldn't stand to have other people around during a bad head-space.
“Well, that’s how I dealt with your panic attacks. Having my own.”James said snickering a little before nodding. “I’ll get you one of those chains to. You’re more then strong enough to hold me if needed, but I’d feel better if you had the chain.”He said glancing at steve, then tony, knowing the billionaire would make sure that steve had one. “Only you would find near death experiences thrilling.”James said rolling his eyes a little. “ They can stay. They’re being nice.”Farian muttered having only asked to make sure they weren’t upsetting tony, shifting to get comfortable. “...she’s fairly adorable like this.”James said snickering a little.
Tony chuckled and shook his head. "yeah sure." Steve agreed. "does he have enough?" "i mass produce them." Tony admitted. "they mostly go to large factory's to replace heavy cable wire." he admitted. "so i have plenty." he promised with a chuckle. "i find everything thrilling." Tony stated with a grin. "besides, i wouldn't have let you kill me. i am capable of dropping you, you know." he stated, working his hand as if he was holding a remote and pressing a button. Tony always carried a very high powered Tazer, one that could drop even Hulk for a good few minutes. "alright then." Tony agreed with a chuckle as he shifted her so they would both be more comfortable. "she is." Tony agreed with a chuckle. "i think her Subspace has evened out actually." he admitted as he studied her. "she doesn't look upset anymore."
“Yea.”James said relieved that the two were more then willing to indulge his need to make sure they were safe, in giving them the wire, he knew the could be safe. “I know, but I still feel bad about you getting hurt and me tazed.”James made a face shuddering a little. Smirkign a little as farian whined at being moved before settling in. “I think she’s still under.”James said watching her, before nodding.”But you’re right. She’s not in a bad place anymore, simply utterly relaxed.”The man said smiling a little at the sight of farian, who had so many trust issues, so utterly relaxed and trusting with them to be able to like this with them in the room.
Steve nodded. "i'll carry it around my neck." he decided. "like a necklace. no one would ever suspect." he admitted with a smile. "hey, i thought it was pretty funny watching you twitch on the floor." he admitted with a grin. "she's still under, yes." Tony admitted with a smile as he gently kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. "i only hope she's not mad at me. at least she wasn't hurt badly this time... just a few scratches..."
“...Hmmm. I like the idea of you wearing something that belongs to me.”James said swallowing hard as he considered that, because while it was something he needed to make himself feel safe, it was still a claim on steve. Frowning at the man he sulked, “It was not funny. I’ll taze you next time.”James sulked at tony smiling a little. “I doubt she’s mad. I mean, if she didn’t freak out over extremis, this isn’t so bad. Just be careful when you bring her up...and make her read the books.”james smiled a little laughing quietly as farian nuzzled into tony’s hand as he stroked her hair. “Come on cap, we better go. Let them be alone.”He said smilign slightly.
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