The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Hm, you probably do. But I’ll loan it to you.”Tony snickered a little smirking a little snickering as he listened to steve, closing his eyes as the other rested his head against his shoulder, turning his head to nuzzle his nose against the other’s hair, smirking a little. “Hmmm, you should know that. I like torturing you, just think of watching her bend over just like that for you, knowing that you have her so turned on, she’s forgetting that anyone in the city could watch you two...”James smirked as he shifted, flicking the button on steve’s jeans open, using his metal fingers to draw him out, gently stroking him. “Hmmm, but that’s not what you really want is it?You want me to claim your ass out there, bend you over the railing for everyone to let them know that I’ve always owned you.”He muttered stroking him.

Farian moaned shuddering as he tilted her head back, kissing him back as she wrapped her arms around his neck, shivering as it made her back arch, changing the angle as she rocked her hips back into him, “Well, I had to find out exactly what he wanted. Be prepared and-and all.”She stuttered as she moaned, shiveringm eyes wide and blown “He’s going to be pissed...”She shuddered moaning as she came at the idea of him not being able to not touch her, fire licking over both her skin. While she was in control most of the time, orgasm shattered her control, coming as she clung to him.
he rolled his eyes. "that is not how Bet's work Buck." he protested before moaning as he was nuzzled. "god. you always where an asshole." he moaned, trembling a little as he was teased. "fuck. yes. god. James..." he moaned, panting as h wriggled on the other. "yes. yes. fuck. yes. i want that. i want that. press me up against those cold metal bars. right in front of everyone. Bucky. Bucky... Buck!" he moaned, arching as he came, shamefully quick but too worked up to care.

he groaned back, chuckling a little as he sucked on her neck some more, wanting the world to know she was taken, and that meant that he needed to make sure that people could see a claiming mark no matter what angle they where watching her from. "Let him be pissed. i don't!" he moaned as he shuddered his own orgasm, feeling the flames crawling along him. it was easy to ignore them, his own where protecting him and curling around his, as if their very powers where embracing. "fuck... that was epic." Tony breathed as he kissed her again, chuckling. "i can't believe you let me do that." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head.
“Hm, but you love me.”James snickered smirking as the other wriggled against him, moaning softly as he rocked his hips against the other’s ass.”We’ll do that. I’ll fuck you over the railing.Everywhere.”James moaned softly as he came, shivering as he slumped back onto the couch with a pleased, sated sigh.

Farian whimpered a little as he bit her, whining quietly simply enjoying it, not realizing he was being possesive, simply that it felt amazing. “It was.”She panted softly shivering as she stared at where her arms rested over his, smiling softly at the sight of blue tinged flames curling through red, as if her own coldness had wrapped in the flames, embracing his. It was a amazing feelign really. Shuddering as she kissed him back, before frowning a little, humming softly.”Do what?make love to me?You can do that anytime.”She muttered, well. That explained why it’d happened. Tony had the singular ability to make her forget everything but him, even where she was.
Steve panted. "i do. i do love you. i love you. god, Bucky." he moaned. "fuck me everywhere. god..." he moaned, smiling as he felt the other cum. "Tony's going to kill us if we make a mess on his couch." no matter that he'd cum all over the arm of the couch and it was probably going to stain.

Tony snorted a little as he smiled at her. "Jesus Farian i just fucked you on my balcony while you where on the phone with Fury. i expected at least a little embarrassment. there's no way your as much of a slut as i am." he pointed out with a chuckle as he gently helped her to her feet and into her clothes again before stripping off his condom and tossing it out of the balcony, uncaring where, what, or who it might hit. "...oh dear Jesus your going to kill me." Tony admitted, having turned around and spotted Steve and James, both smirking at him and looking sweaty and flushed.
James laughed, “I’m going to.”He promised before laughing, smirking as he watched the other two.”Hey, I’m not the one that got cum all over the couch.”he pointed out kissing steve’s head, snickering as tony spotted them.

“Hm?I know yo-”She stopped pausing, staring up at him, and then he could see the knowledge really hit her. She really had forgotten she was on his balcony, getting fucked for all the city to see. He always managed to make her forget things. “Oh. My. God.”She stared flushing brightly as she dressed avoiding looking at him or out at the city before frowning in the middle of pulling her hair back, looking up at tony in utter confusion. “For what?Fucking me on the balcony?I might.”She said sounding annoyed at being so addicted to him, that he made her forget everything.
Steve snorted. "still your fault." he complained with a chuckle, feeling entirely too lazy to get up and clean it the way he knew he should. "Tony spotted us." he muttered looking highly amused.

Tony snickered a little even as he winced away from her as if worried she was going to start slapping at him. "hey. calm down no one can see us." he promised. "we're up too high and there are blurring functions." he admitted. "we can see out crystal clear but anyone trying to look in when i set the privacy settings only see something like clouds or fog." he admitted before shaking his head. "no. well, that too but... uh... i think we just starred in our first live action porno." he admitted sheepishly.
“Hm, no its not. You’re the one who found his girlfriend so hot you had to get off right here and now. I’m going to tell him that to.”He said snickering, amused before nodding, “So he did. He looks entirely sheepish. It’s a good look on him.”

“Oh.Oh.Okay.”Farian paused staring at him, wondering if he was telling the truth, but she trusted him. "I'm not going to hurt you."She muttered wincing herself as he winced away from her, hurt that he did it, even if she understood.. Smiling a little as she fixed her hair, while she was annoyed, she wasn’t least not until she realized what he was talking about.”What?”She sputtered looking utterly confused before turning to see what he was looking at, eyes wide and angry, flame licking over her skin as she walked into the penthouse. “What do you two think you’re doing?” “Enjoying the public sex. It was quite a good porno.”James smiled lazily refusing to get angry or defensive. Watching this, was just to amusing
Steve flushed hard. "oh James, don't! he'll chop my nuts off or something." he whined, sulking before he chuckled a little. "i think he's realizing you set him up too." he admitted.

"i'll take you out tomorrow and show you if you'd like? just o you can be sure?" he offered. "i know. but women like to slap." Tony admitted with an impish grin. "Natasha, Pepper, Maria, Thirteen, Peggy Carter. they all slap when i irritate them too much and being that your a woman..." he shrugged. "uh. yeah. i think James set me up." Tony admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "...i am making you pay for this Barton." Tony warned as Steve chuckled. "James made me ogle your girl." Steve lied, making Tony puff up like an angry cat. "oh you are both paying!" Tony grumbled. "now she's mad at me! she's so mad she didn't even slap at me!"
:Oh....We can’t have that. I like your nuts to much,”james teased before nodding. “Definitely realizing it. He should know better then to listen to me.”James muttered.

Farian studied him before nodding, “That would be good.”She said before smirking at him, leaning forward and carefully dropping the temprature of her hand to icy cold as she touched his cheek, smirking as frost touched his hair. “Hm, if you annoy me to much, I have much more interesting ways to punish you.”She said though the bright laughter showing in her eyes said she was just teasing about that, despite being angry that the two super soldiers had watched. “What?I did not!Stop getting me in trouble!”James demanded yelping as he looked at steve sulking “What?She didn’t?”James paled as he watched the woman head for tonys’ bedroom, realizing his idea of a harmless prank had really pissed off the woman. Dammit, this wasn’t good.
Steve snorted a little and shook his head. "you are going to be in so much trouble." he muttered.

he nodded. "i'll even show you how it works if you like? it was a failed attempt at a cloaking device." he admitted before sighing, leaning into the icy chill like a kitten begging for more. "hmmm feels wonderful." he murmured, smiling at her. "you have more control than you did when you first came here. have you been practicing, or is it Extremis?" he asked curiously. "if you want to punish me, you can." Tony promised, smiling though there was absolute sincerity in his eyes as he watched her. "she didn't... i think i better go down to my lab..." he admitted as he headed away, already tapping on his phone to Farian that he was headed down to the lab and that he was teaching James a lesson by making it seam as if she was three times more pissed than she actually was. if he was lucky, she'd play along with it.
“I would like that indeed.”Farian said smiling a little before laughing quietly as he leaned into her hand, “Hm, you like anything I do.”She teased a little before biting her lip. “Mostly extremis. Though I’ve practiced some after I got extremis....being hot and cold, is giving me more control.”She said before shaking her head. “No. Just...privacy would be nice next time. I mean...they’re friends.”She muttered blushing brightly. “....Tony...I’m sorry...”James said eyes wide and pained, looking anxious, edging into a panic attack of his own as he shook steve’s shoulder. Oh yea, he was definitely going to be punished. “What do I do?”

Farian smirked as she read the text, before typign back that she could do that, before heading off to find phil, having every intention of playing the angry lover to the hilt if tony really wanted james to learn a lesson."phil?"She said smiling as she poked her head into clint's room.
he smiled at her. "well. no. i don't like it when you... hmm when you.... well i'm sure i'll think of something." he admitted with a smile before he chuckled a little as he shook his head. "well. honestly it's more my fault than anything. he mentioned fucking you out on the balcony and i thought it was such a good idea i just had to try! i never expected you to say it was okay!" he admitted, blushing a little. "they are friends, but they're also very much perverts." he admitted. "honestly they're worse than i am." he huffed with a smile at her before watching her leave. Steve just sighed and gripped Bucky's shoulders, giving him a shake of his own. "First, you are going to cal down." he ordered. "then you are going to wait until morning for THEM to calm down. then, you are going to apologize. and i'll do the same." he explained. "easy as that."

Phil looked up when she walked in and offered her a smile and held a finger up. "Yes Director." Phil stated into his earpiece. "i understand Director but i assure you, Farian has in fact, not been drugged. yes i do know why she was acting strangely. no im afraid not, she was one hundred percent honest when she said she would not be returning. no sir we can't do that, she never signed a contract nor has she been pre-paid. yes sir i understand but i am currently unable to leave. no sir, Clint was tortured. no not by Tony Stark. Stark was the one who found and rescued Clint actually. he's not well enough to be moved. i am well aware of Natasha's feelings, i am also well aware that she is letting her emotions get in the way of her mission. yes sir, she cannot be trusted to make honest opinions. of course sir, i'll keep you updated. sleep well Sir." Phil stated before turning off his ear piece and snickered. "you had sex while on the phone with Director Fury?"
“I’m sure you will.”Farian snickered a little looking amused. “...Well, I wasn’t really thinking about it!you make me forget everything but you.”She muttered blushing herself before making a face.”I’m going to have to remember that. They’re horrible.”She rolled her eyes. James frowned at steve as he was shaken, swallowing thickly. “...Okay. Tony’s mad at me isn’t he?”he said sounding anxious and worried as he struggled to focus on steve.

Farian smirked a little as she listened to Phil settling into a chair to wait, smiling a little. This was highly amusing that the director had been upset enough to call phil right away. “...Uh....maybe?Yes?”Farian flushed brightly, ducking her head. “I didn’t mean to!Tony started things while I was on the phone!I didn’t mean to have sex.”She whined a little huffing. “It’s all james’ fault. And he’s corrupted the good captain. Perverts.”She scowled, acting angry, but it was easy to see it was a act. “Tony’s going to teach james a lesson. If you see them, let them know I’m very unhappy with them both for watching live action porn.”She sulked, indeed at that, she did sound angry. not as angry as she was acting, but she was indeed angry at them seeing her like that.
he smiled sheepishly. "well to be honest i wasn't thinking much either, my dick seamed to be doing all the thinking for me." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "this aught to teach them a good lesson at least." he admitted. Steve shook his head. "no, Tony's not mad at you." he promised. "he's just upset because Farian is mad." he admitted. "we'll apologize and bribe her with Chocolate. i have to order Natasha's bribes anyway, come on." he ordered with a grin. "we'll go out super early, get chocolate gifts and bring them back and give them to her and apologize a lot."

Phil snorted a little. "Tony is such a bad influence on you." he grumbled, shaking his head before lifting an eyebrow at her. "James Fault?" he asked, looking amused. "and how, pray tell, is you fucking in public James fault?" he asked, looking amused before shaking his head. "your not nearly as mad as your pretending to be." he scoffed, shaking his head. "but i will tell them that you are furious." he agreed. "now... how exactly do i tell my boss that i don't want to leave Stark Tower?" he asked her.
“Definitely should teach them a lesson.”She snickered a little. James swallowed thickly as he looked at steve, biting his lip before nodding. “Oh....well...we’ll make sure farian forgives him. It wasn’t his fault either.”She muttered looking upset beore nodding. “Okay. We’ll get chocolate and other presents. It’ll be good.”he said looking glad that steve had a plan to make her happy.

“Hm, he is. I really didn’t mean to.”Farian muttered blushing a little before smiling. “Because Barnes convinced Tony it was a good idea, adn you know tony. He has no shame, or idea that its not a good idea.”She snickered a little before smirkign. “I’m definitely as angry as I sound. James and steve had no right to lay around and jack off to me and tony having sex on the balcony. It was disturbing!”She whined a little before tilting her head. “You could just do what I did, say you’re not leaving, though I suggest not having sex at the same time. It was very difficult having that conversation while having sex.”she said wisely
Phil chuckled a little. "Tony was never taught it was wrong to have sex in public places. he probably didn't even realize that it was 'inappropriate' and only registered that you might be a bit embarrassed about it." Phil admitted. "he is a lot, lot more stable than he was three years ago." he admitted. "at this time i'm going to suggest to fury that he leaves things be." he admitted before he jerked and stared at her, wide eyed. "did they really?!" he asked, astonished. "yikes... granted, in James defense, he doesn't know it's not right either and Steve just has no shame. he walks naked through the halls of Shield Headquarters after his shower." he admitted. "it's not that he doesn't have any boundaries, it's just that he never had the upbringing we did. he used to bathe in a communal bath house his neighborhood shared and being in the Army meant nudity was common. no doubt masturbating while watching other people was fairly common during his war days, even if no one ever talked about it." he admitted. "he'll probably buy you fancy chocolate and beg forgiveness in the morning. besides i can't have sex, Clint's still hurt."
“Yea, we had that conversation after. I mean, I don’t might public places, as long as no one can watch. It’s just...a little weird.”Farian shrugged a little before smiling softly, “So they tell me. Between me and james, I think we’re oing okay helping him.”She said before nodding. “Yea....sat on the couch and simply watched. It was weird.”She said blushing brightly. “...Seriously? know, between james’ upbringing with that, and his own boundaries being stripped away by hydra, they both probably didn’t understand I’d find this weird....okay...gotta keep remembering that none of them really had a normal upbringing....which is weird to think about. My parents were hydra, not exactly normal, but more normal than these three.”She snickered a little before smiling. “We’ll see. It’ll be amusing either way.”She smiled a little before tilting her head."I know. How's he doing?"She said worried about her friend.
he nodded. "it is weird, but they don't really know any better." he admitted as he started on his paperwork. "i think Tony is in a good place right now. and it would be impossible to unseat him without killing him. his people would revolt." Phil admitted. "they are entirely too loyal to him and only to him." he admitted. "Fury will come to understand this." he admitted. "i have to agree, that is really weird. i'll have to remember not to have sex where those three can walk in on me." he admitted before smiling at her. "i think out of everyone i was the only one who had a normal childhood. until i was ten anyway." he admitted. "watching your parents get eaten by an out of control mutant lizard is not the best thing for a child t see." he admitted. "they where dentists." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "he's bitching constantly about being stuck in bed." Phil admitted. "i have gagged him and tied him down." the way his eyes where glittering you couldn't tell if he was joking or not.
"He is in a good place. And he's in control....his people will never accept anyone else you're right. You saw how they acted when flint was kidnapped. He inspires instant obedience. No one else will manage that, even if he is dead."she sighed shuddering at the idea of tony dying on her before nodding "definitely remember that. Though truthfully,you know Clint would get off on having a audience."she teased before making a face."eww...I still can't believe you had a live action godzilla thing going on...that's just weird."she teased a little before nodding."that's horrible that's the most normal thing really."she made a facesmiling slightly. Staring at phil for a long moment trying to decide if he was serious or not."I thought you said he wasn't well enough for sex....its not fair tying him up and gagging him if your not following through."she teased
Phil nodded. "he's a natural leader." Phil admitted. "not because he's good at it, but because he honestly cares about the people he leads. he doesn't lie to them, he takes care of them, they love him as a man might love an elder brother or a father." Phil admitted as he signed something. "that ability is exceptionally rare and Tony does it naturally. granted it might be over possessive, obsessive need to control, contain and eep what he sees as 'his', but even then it takes a lot, a very lot of effort to memories six hundred plus names and faces as well as their families." he admitted. "if Tony where to die, they would destroy any person, people, or organizations that caused it." he admitted. "he probably would." Phil huffed. "yes, well... it was rather traumatic actually. the only reason why i survived was because Fury came in seconds later and shot the beast in the head while it was swallowing my parents." well that actually explained a lot about Phil's obsessions. "oh. well i suppose your right. you can go let him go if you want, he's in the bedroom." and he was indeed in the bedroom, though he wasn't tied up and gagged, he was just sleeping but Phil knew she wanted to check on him herself anyway.
“Exactly. They love him. And he loves them.”Farian smiled a little before flushing a little as she realized that she was going to be one of the things that tony was possessive of. That he’d always take care of her.”We have to make sure fury understands that, otherwise this is going to get bad, quickly.”she muttered before wincing, resting a hand on his arm, reassuring him, and comforting him, hating to have brought up his childhood before laughing. “okay.”Farian said looking worried for a moment wondering if clint was indeed tied up before returning in a few minutes, making a face at him as she smacked his arm. “That was just mean. I’m going to punish you along with steve and james.”She teased.
Phil nodded. "i've sent a mass Email to Fury detailing everything Clint, myself and Steve have compiled on Tony's emotional state using a lot of Dr. Banners research and medical records." he paused. "are you aware that Tony is a bit more machine than he aught to be? he apparently did open brain surgery on himself when he was still mad." so, even Phil didn't realize that Pepper had tried to kill Tony. "it's alright." Phil promised, smiling at her. "i have had a long time to come to terms with what happened." he admitted grinning as he watched her leave. "you can't punish me i'm too adorable." Phil stated simply before stuffing his paperwork into a folder. "Done! god i hate paperwork." he admitted with a sigh. "wanna watch a movie?" he offered her.
Farian stared at him for a long moment before nodding. “I know. We had a...issue...when having sex. Apprently being part machine didn’t lend well to having a lover who could go ice cold on him.”She snickered a little, distracting him fromthinking about tony being mostly machine, phil was one of the few people she’d told before coming to the tower just what she was capable of, and his acceptance of her ablities had grounded her in a way no one else ever had. “You are adorable.”she snickered smiling as he finished the paperwork, nodding a little. “Yea, let’s. Tony’s working, and the other two are off doing perverted things, a movie sounds amazing.”she grinned sounding amused as they settled into watching a movie
Phil chuckled a little and shook his head. "and that was more than i ever wanted to know of your sex life." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i imagine he must have fixed that problem by now, eh?" he asked with a smile. "how have your powers been? no pains correct?" he asked. he had done his best to help her exert a level of awareness. while she had firm control over her powers when they met, he had helped her learn to do more than just turn it off and on. "Extremis seams to be settling down very well too." he admitted with a smile. "i'm glad." he admitted. "when i heard you'd been shot.. i admit i thought i was going to swallow my own heart." he admitted before smiling as he flicked the TV on and let her pick the movie.
“I know, but considering clint keeps telling me things about yours, it’s only fair you get to hear about mine.”She teased before nodding. “He did.And no pains....its just...weird. Tony runs hot because of extermis, and so do I now...some. Flame and ice, are just weird for me....and extremis has settled. It’s just...I’m still learning to control both.”She sighed softly before kissing his cheek.”Thank for caring.”She muttered settling in with him to watch teh movie, because he was adopted father/older brother all rolled into one.

In the morning james frowned anxiously as he walked into the kitchen, looking at tony as the genius made his coffee, “farian still mad?”He asked, holding the huge-and it was indeed huge, having gotten the biggest box available....well...two boxes...and hoped that the chocolate would bring forgiveness. “Where is she anyways?”he said anxiously as he realized she hadn’t followed tony in for breakfast yet.
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