The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

James rolled his eyes at that, “Fine. If you insist.”He snickered a little smiling. “And here I thought you were the crazy one.”Farian muttered teasing tony a little as she shamelessly leaned into the genius.”You do realize it’s not normal to treat people like collectibles right?”He said raising a eyebrow looking thoughtful, and amused that despite his possessiveness over her and james, and even steve and bruce, he didn’t treat them like that. Raising a eyebrow at his words as she dug out the ingredients to make soup, she smirked at him. “Can you?”She teased.
"Everyone is crazy." Tony scoffed, looking amused. "it isn't? oh well." he shrugged. "they're still mine." he admitted with a smirk. "besides, i take care of them, why shouldn't they be my collectables?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "yes. i can!" he assured her. "no he can't." Jarvis warned her. "shut up you traitor! i can too!" "provided you don't get distracted. which is always." "....SKYE!!!!!" Tony raged. "SKYE YO PUT MY A.I BACK THE WAY HE WAS BEFORE I TURN YO INTO A HAND PURSE!" Tony raged as he started hunting don the wayward hacker and her new love interest Grant Ward. "i told you he couldn't Stir." Jarvis informed her, sounding highly amused.
“It is a little. Ad I know, you take very good care of them.”She smiled softly, before snickering. “I guess there is no reason really.”She mused thoughtfully before laughing, “Well, I’ll have to stir then.”She snickered as she watched tony race off. “What’s got the genius bent out of shape?”James asked as he walked in with steve, raising a eyebrow.

“Tony?”Skye frowned raising her head from where she’d been kissing grant, turning in his lap to look at the other man, “You’re AI was always a smart ass.”She pointed out as he ran into the room
"Sir did not appreciate my prank." Jarvis admitted. "i have been attempting to emulate certain facets of human personalities. pranking seamed the best course of action as it is one i can easily mimic." Jarvis informed James. "with my servers working at an increased capacity i have found the ability to replicate certain human emotions." Jarvis admitted. "right now, i believe that i am having the emotion of amusement." Steve chuckled, highly amused that Tony had been pranked by his own robot.

"You shut up! My A.I was perfect until you started poking in it's brain! you fix him! you fix him right now!" Tony demanded, throwing a 'Tizzy'. which was a 'adult' word for a Temper Tantrum.
“No he didn’t, but I’m sure he’ll get used to it. I’m liking you like this jarvis.”James snickered nearly choking on his laughter as he watched Farian snicker as she cooked. “We’ll just let him go yell at Skye for awhile.”Farian snickered amused.

“You asked me to speed him up!It’s not my fault that he’s picking up your bad habits with his newly freed space.”Skye snickered resting her head on grant’s shoulder. “ a temper tantrum a normal thing here?”she snickered amused.
Jarvis offered a sly chuckle that sounded a bit forced. more an emulation than an actual feeling but it was more than he'd done int he past. he was well and truly on his way to becoming a person instead of just an A.I. "i admit, i do appreciate having actual thoughts of my own." Jarvis admitted. "it is very exhilarating." Jarvis admitted. "We should stop Tony however. he is throwing a Tizzy." James knew that when Tony threw a tantrum, it usually resulted in pain and blood for whoever attracted Tony's wrath. best to get down there and distract Tony before he slipped and hurt Skye.

"He's Acting weird!" Tony raged. "you BROKE him!" Tony didn't like people fucking with HIS things the way he was certain Skye had. "Sir. Master James is on his way down. he asks that you cease immediately. Skye did not tamper with my programming." Jarvis assured Tony who scowled even as he paused. "i've only been here a few days. but i've never seen Tony act like this even a little bit." Grant admitted, hand on his gun, just in case. Tony stood there for a moment, realizing he was treading a fine line before he turned on his heal and stomped for his lab. he needed to work.
James grinned at the chuckle, because that was truly amazing really. “I’m sure it is. And dammit. I’ll be right down. I’ll take care of him, just finish the alien’s food.”James said catching farian’s worried look before waving her off, heading for the billionaire.

“I did not!”Skye said looking stressed and worried, before startled at jarvis words. “...Oh. Well..”she sighed softly watching him go, “He left. Probably the lab.”She added when james poked his head in waving him away.

“Tones?”James asked as he stepped into the lab.”you okay?”He said studying the other man, looking, trying to decide just how bad his mood was, and willing to distract him, worried about what he’d do if he went and saw the others.
Steve glanced at Farian. "Tony's just having a bad day. from what i understand his... uh, insanity is just like any other mental disorder. some days are good, some days are great, some days are bad and some days... well." he shrugged. "i think he's just having an off day." he admitted.

"here." tony murmured, sounding distracted and fragile. "i'm slipping..." he admitted. "the madness is creeping in again... i might have hurt Skye if Jarvis hadn't intervened." he admitted as he twisted a screw into place with a screwdriver. "i think i'm getting worse." Tony admitted. "i woke up this morning and i didn't know where i was."
“I know. It’s...hard to consider, because there’s nothing I can do to help.”Farian said quietly as she finished the soup, and set about making some bread, looking quietly sad at the idea because she was so worried for tony.

“hey.”James muttered walking over, sighing softly as he walked over, sitting down next to him on the stool that had been designated as his, as possessive over his seat in the lab as he was over anything else. Pressing a kiss to his hair as he wrapped his arms around the other, “Grant would have shot you before you hurt you, you know. And the rest of us, aren’t so frighteningly human.”He sighed softly, before frowning. “You...didn’t know? Did you go see bruce?”He asked sounding worried, utterly scared of just what would happen if tony lost himself.
Steve smiled at her. "you are helping. it helps me every time i have a bad day when people don't run away." he admitted. "just being there for him is more help than you could ever imagine." he admitted with a smile. "i know it's not the same, what i have and what he has, but it's similar enough i think." he admitted as he helped her chop stuff up for the soup.

Tony smiled a little as he sat in his seat. even Farian wasn't allowed in that one. he made her sit in the chair on his other side. "i know..." he admitted as he leaned into James, closing his eyes. "i know but it scared me. i felt myself slipping but i didn't recognize it..." he admitted. "no. i was too scared." he admitted. "i just slipped under the bed and waited. i always hid under the bed. Howard never bothered to get down on his knees to find me, it would have been beneath him i suppose." Tony muttered. "so i hid under the bed until i wasn't scared. and once i wasn't scared i remembered where i was and who i was with and that my father was dead and wasn't going to come and get me." he admitted.
:...Okay. That makes sense. I’m always staying with him.”She said sighing quietly worried. “...Okay. Well. There’s enough soup here for us all.”Farian muttered as they finished.”Think I should take some down for him?”

“I know it scares you. It scares me when I slip to, even when I know you can protect yourself.”Tony sighed quietly, pressing a kiss to the other’s hair, “Well, the bed is the best spot to hide in.”he smiled a little, “Did farian sleep with you last night?”he questioned, wondering if part of it had been that he hadn’t had the woman he’d come to rely on, the guilt tightening his stomach as he considered that. “Good. At least you remembered fairly easily.”he said kissing his hair, sighing quietly. “You’re oaky, tony. What can I do for you?”He muttere worried
Steve nodded. "there is enough soup. we should take some to Phil Clint and Natasha too." he agreed. "have you noticed? i think Natasha is starting to warm up a bit to Tony." he admitted. "i think we should wait for bit to bring the soup down to Tony, let Buck calm him down first."

Tony nodded. "i'm so scared i'm going to go back to what i was. or worse." he admitted, shivering. "i was a monster after Pepper. i blew people up. i hurt people..." he mumbled. "i... i just..." he sighed a little and closed his eyes. "well... no." Tony admitted, sounding startled. "i haven't slept alone in years." he admitted. "do you think that's why?" he asked, looking surprised. "well. if Farian get's mad at me again i'll just crawl in bed with you and Steve or with Bruce. Bruce doesn't mind if i snuggle." he decided. "just hold me for a while okay?" he asked as he leaned against the other closing his eyes and relaxing, simply enjoying snuggle time.
“Let’s.”Farian smiled as she dished out the soup into bowls, before nodding a little. “I think she is to.”She agreed nodding a little at his observation to wait on tony’s before taking the bowls down to clint’s room.”Hey. How you feelling?”She said smiling when she saw him awake.

“You wont. I wont let you. I promise.”He said stroking tony’s hair, knowing tony had never asked it of him, would never voice the request, but if there was no hope, absolutely no way to get to him, he knew tony knew he’d put him down like a rabid dog, before james allowed him to destroy everything. Even if it was never vocally acknowledged, it was there. “I think so. You’ve had someone with you since before pepper. Makes sense you didn’t wake well alone, with no way to show where you were.”He smiled a little before nodding, settling in. “I’m more then happy to hug you.”He promised pressing a kiss to the other’s hair, simply relaxing and being happy with the other.
Clint looked up at her. "i'm bored!" he whined. "so bored! Phil won't let me leave the bed and he keeps abandoning me!" he wailed over dramatically. he always turned into a two year old when he was stuck in bed. not that it was saying much. "entertain me?" he pleaded.

Tony relaxed at the promise. James wouldn't let him turn into a monster again. James would stop him. he knew that was what James was promising. death. everyone in his p[lace knew it was James who would put Tony down if it had to be done, and all of Tony's people knew if James had to do it, they would let him. because James was the only person who could. they weren't stupid, they knew Tony was slipping the edge and might very well fall into the deep end. if that happened Death was the only option. "thank you James. i love you." Tony whispered. no Tony wasn't In love with James, but he did love James. James was his family, his older brother if he had to put a label on it.
“You are such a two year old. Phil still has to work you know.”She said rolling her eyes a little as she handed over the bowl of soup, smiling softly as she sat down.”Of course I’ll entertain you. What can I do?”She smiled a little.

James swallowed thickly, pressing a kiss to the other’s hair. “You’re welcome. Just don’t make that the final option. Farian and Cap both would lose their minds if I have to..”he muttered nuzzling the other’s hair, closing his eyes a little, because if he had to do it, farian would kill him, and then cap would kill her, and they’d all go down in a blaze of least that’s what he thought would happen. Nuzzling his face against the other’s hair, he sighed softly. “Love you to.”he muttered, before nuzzling him a little. “You want some soup?”
Clint just pouted. "he should be catering to my every whim." he grumbled before beaming at the soup. he loved soup. any kind of soup really. "well..." he paused, already half done with his soup considering he was drinking straight from the bowl. it was the only way he could drink soup, since his arm was still in a cast and sling. "i can't play video games and i'm sick of TV and books... got any board games?"

Tony smiled. "i'm trying my best." he promised. "and there are other options too. that's a final drastic option when all others have failed. Bruce has the first plans for the most part. which include having me committed." he admitted. "...yes. i do want soup." Tony agreed as he slid out of his stool, feeling much better now.
“Hm, just remind him that later, when you’re allowed having sex again. You can make him cater to your whims.”he teased amused before smiling. “OF course. Jarvis?Can we get battleship please?”Farian grinned happy as the board appeared, “I’m so going to win.”She said smirking.

“I know. And we’ll take care of you, whether it that or have you committed, or have farian tie you up in a straight know, that’s not a bad idea.”James hummed looking interested in it before grinning as tony got up, kissing his cheek, “Good. You need to eat more.”he smiled pausing in the kitchen to get him a bowl of soup before herding tony to clint’s room, where jarvis had said farian was, knowing the genius might not say it, but he needed the woman.
Clint grinned. "maybe i'll make him wear his Captain America costume and tie him up with Christmas ribbons again." he mused happily, making Steve choke. "oooh Battleship! yes." Clint agreed, setting his pieces where he wanted them and demanding Steve go over to the other side so he couldn't spy. "you can't beat the master!"

Tony smiled a little. "i wouldn't mind letting her tie me up." he agreed with a smirk. " i eat fine!" he huffed. never mind that he'd had a bite of toast for breakfast and more coffee than could possibly be healthy. he'd also had a piece of chocolate before everything started to go wild. "Tony! make her stop!" Clint demanded as he watched the middle display depict a sinking battleship.
“ have a captain suit?”Farian asked her eyes going wide, looking interested and amused, before slanting a glance at steve.”Hm, you might get to sex up the Captain’s uniform before the good captain does it himself.”She teased smirking, teasing steve a little before laughing.”I can to. Totally.”

“I know you wouldn’t. She’d enjoy it.Though from that talk before, you seemed to get her into subspace fairly easily....maybe she’ll be happy to be tied up to.”James snickered a little before rolling his eyes.”No you don’t.Eat.”he ordered gesturing to the bowl as he settled on clint’s side of the bed. “No, you have to make Steve stop. He’s the master at battleship. and he's not above cheating."
Clint smirked. "yes. made it myself even." he admitted. "it's a full enactment of his original suit that i made for Phil." he admitted. "he doesn't have the body to really fill it out but he loves making me wear it." from the glimmer in Clint's eyes he'd made sure it would fit him perfectly. "

"it could be totally fun. we could play 'doctor.' lots of fun." he purred with a grin. "i'm sure she would, but it's going to take a while. bondage terrifies her just as much as it arouses her." he admitted before huffing as he obediently started eating. James was onto his tricks now though, and did the dishing for him, so there was a lot more noodles in there than Tony really liked. he preferred soup that didn't have noodles or carrots in it. like Tomato or Chicken Broth. he new James would yell at him if he drank only the broth and left all the 'goodies' so he set about eating before perking up at the thought of Steve cheating. "you can't prove that." Steve stated with a smirk. "your cheating?" Clint demanded, voice breathless with horror as Steve shrugged. "you can't prove it. innocent until proven guilty after all." "...and to think Phil worships you." Clint grumbled, annoyed that his 'i'm too innocent' facade failed.
“...That’s awesome. You should totally show it to tony sometime, I mean, you do realize he’s been redesigning cap’s suit?He dislikes the current one. You could have one exactly made to you, the one cap has.”Farian said snickering a little.

“Hm, it would be. I wanna play doctor now.”James smirked a little before sighing softly. “Well, if there’s anyone good to help her through that fear, its you.As long as you remember not to freak her out when she gets hot or cold.”He teased a little rolling his eyes a little as he watched tony inspect the to many noodles, but eating it anyways. Smirking as he nodded.”I don’t have to prove it, punk. I know you are.”He said smirking as he looked at clint, his eyebrows raising, the darkly possessive look crossing his face, swallowing thickly as he resisted teh urge to go yell at phil that steve was his. “I worship him to, but I still don’t trust him to not cheat at games. But it's okay. I cheat just as much, and I know him."James smirked as he settled in to help clint cheat.
Clint chuckled a little and shook his head. "nah. Phil likes the one i have." he admitted with a goofy grin. Phil didn't have any 'lusts' for Captain America, Phil just had a bad case of the gushies and the Hero Worships.

"you always wanna play doctor." Tony scoffed before nodding. "we actually made very impressive inroads. i'm... a bit scared of how much she really trusts me to be honest." he admitted before sulking at his soup. he still barely ate any of it before he was distracted by the game. still it was more than he normally ate so at least that was something. and he'd even eaten mostly noodles. "ah. but i'd like to see you convince others of that." Steve teased, throwing Bucky a playful leer, helping Farian Cheat while Bucky helped Clint cheat, which sort of destroyed the whole point because even if James was cheating Steve was still better at it and managed to move Farian's battleships on more than one occasion, saving it from defeat while Clint's last one sank and died. "i do believe that all my childhood dreams have been slaughtered." Phil stated dryly as he walked in. "Steve i need you to sign these. it's time for Clint's medicine, clear a path please." Phil ordered, Clint whining about having to take the 'yucky makes me sleep' medication. though everyone could see the pain etched into Clint's face as Phil adoringly helped Clint swallow the pain pills that would render him asleep for the next several hours.
“I do. And stevie makes a amazing patient.”James snickered a little tilting his head a little, nudging the man. “Well, it’s a good thing to be scared. Means you’ll be careful not to abuse it.”He said smiling a little glad to see him eating. “I can definitely convince them.” “They have been. Though to be honest, you wouldn’t have known Steve was cheating if bigmouth over there hadn’t said anything.”Farian snickered leaning over to steal tony’s last bit of soup and finishing it up, shifting to snuggle against her lover before smirking at clint. “You need it, stop protesting.”she said patting clint’s leg before getting up, “Come on. Let’s get out of here, let him get some sleep.”
Tony snorted. "as long as he's not in a real hospital anyway." he commented, looking amused as he watched the two lovers cheat their way to victory. "that's true." he agreed with James, glad that he wouldn't abuse Farian. "that is not the point!" Clint complained, Phil chuckling. "come now Clint, remember where and when Steve grew up. of course he cheats. now, open wide." Phil ordered, looking amused as Clint grumbled but did as commanded. "i will never stop protesting! i'm leading a revolt! someone get my picket sign!" he demanded before whining as he realized they where all leaving. he was too tired to care though. "want to go check on the Alien?" Tony asked Farian, eyes alight with curiosity. "we can take Bruce some Soup. and leave some for the Alien."
“Yes it is. He’s totally got this innocent act working for him. Don’t feel bad, it fools everyone.”James said snickering.”I get blamed for everything.”He smirked a little amused at clint’s protests.”Next time. I’ll bring you a sign.”Farian teased before looking at tony, nodding a little. “yea. Let’s go see your alien.”She said running back to the kitchen t oget some soup before heading to the lab with the other.
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