The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

once they got down there they would see Bruce was talking to said Alien, who was sitting up now with the help of a dozen or so fluffy pillows. "Tony! i as just about to go get you. this is Loki, of Asgard." Bruce explained. "he woke up only a few seconds ago. he seams to be lucid too." "i am Lucid, i assure you." Loki stated with a small smirk. "whether i am sane or not, is a topic of great debate." he admitted, blinking as Tony offered him a bowl of hot soup. "...what is it?" "Soup. you eat it." Tony informed the man who looked a bit skeptical. "yes. well. as this one said. i am Loki of Asgard. would you mind telling me which realm i am in? i know you told me, but i cannot remember for the pain i was in." Loki admitted.
“Loki....Trickster god of the norse?This doesn’t bode well.”Farian said with a quiet snicker before smiling at the alien, tilting her head. He seemed amazingly tolernate for being somewhere he didn’t know, and seemed to be content to just wait and see what they wanted. “It’s okay, everyone’s sanity is in question here....and you are on Earth. Midgard.”
Loki's grin sharpened. "ah, you have heard of me. delightful." he purred, pleased to still have a standing with the humans. "...Midgard?" Loki asked, looking a little startled. "well. better than some other places i could have gone." he mused before taking a small dainty sip of the soup, his magic having already tested it for anything that wasn't supposed to be in it. "how did you come to be here anyway and do you want to stay? provided you aren't here for world conquest or something." "no. nothing like that, i have found ruling kingdoms to be... not to my taste." Loki admitted with a wrinkle of his nose. "to be blunt, i fell off the rainbow bridge after loosing a duel with Thor, Prince of Asgard after basically tricking both him and Odin into handing their throne over to me." Loki admitted. "it was dull, pointless and i really have no idea what i was thinking." he grumbled. "this Soup stuff is fairly good." he admitted as he took another dainty sip.
“Well, not alot, but I did study history.”Farian said looking curious about the ‘god’, before smiling as she watched him sip the soup. “So after gaining a throne, its to boring, and you’re willing to just give it up...that’s actually...fairly....reasonable.”farian said looking thoughtful at the idea, before nodding. “Thank you. Glad you liked it.”
Loki shook his head. "i did not 'give it up'. i rather went mad and my brother had to very nearly kill me to reclaim it." he admitted. "it was boring however and i no longer desire it. Thor can have it for all the good it will do him." Loki grumbled as he tasted a carrot and then a noodle. "however because of my actions i fear i am rather... homeless at present. the Asgardians will certainly refute me, and i can't imagine my blood born peoples accepting me after i murdered their king." he admitted. "who would i speak to about gaining some sort of living permit within Midgard?" "depends on where you want to live. around here, that person would be me." Tony admitted, eyes gleaming with maniacal delight at keeping the Alien. Loki would be his most prized possession. granted Loki couldn't compare to James or Steve, let alone Farian, but he would still be his most prized collectable.
“...I’m sorry. Despite your actions causing it, it sounds like you didn’t have a pleasant time of it.”Farian said resting a hand on the man’s arm, trying to be comfortable before tilting her head, silently snickering as she realized tony was about to get his dream come true.”Probably you’re best bet at the moment would to be to stay here in the city, as elsewhere they might take offense to a alien godling among them. Here, you’re just interesting.”Farian said reasonably, while tony looked manical in the need to keep loki, farian was going to be reasonable and factual, letting the man decide for himself what to do.
Loki shrugged. "i have never had a 'pleasant time of it' in Asgard." he admitted simply as he savored his earth soup. "i dare say i simply went mad for a time and tried to prove myself above those who troubled and tormented me for so long." he admitted. "it failed of course." he admitted before nodding. "i would appreciate it if you would allow me to stay." Loki admitted, examining Tony curiously. "of course you can stay! i'll get your papers and permits and the like once your feeling better. you'll have a room here of course." Tony decided with a nod. "we can give you your own floor." he decided. Tony always had favorites that gained special treatment. people like Tandy the cook, who rarely actually cooked now that people who could where around. Phil too. Loki was his most special acquisition yet. he would be Tony's favorite for some time. "i would like that, thank you. you are a mage?" he asked Tony. "You do not read the same to me as the others in this building do. none of you actually. are you sorcerers within this realm?" "...uh. of a sort?" Bruce mused. "we are genetically different from them to be sure. i'll explain once your not about to fall asleep." "i am not tired in the least." yet Loki had closed his eyes and was relaxing into the pillows, already falling asleep.
“Ah. I am sorry then, that you have had such a life.”Farian said, sympathy in that look before smirking at tony a little. “Don’t worry, he very likes the idea of you staying.” Farian smiled a little, amused because tony was indeed treating loki like a prized possession, but at least the man would be well taken care of. “Get some sleep. We’ll show you what kind of ‘mages’ we are when you’re awake again.”Farian said smiling a little as she watched him fall asleep, before looking at tony. “You okay?”She muttered, knowing that they’d checked on everyone, she was fussing over him
Loki shrugged. "that is what happens when you are a monster raised in civilized society." he admitted simply. "not that i knew i was a monster at the time." he admitted while studying Tony who looked a bit confused by that statement. "well. so long as he's happy i suppose." Loki mused before settling in for another nap, Bruce following them out. "his nerve endings are damaged." Bruce explained to Steve and James, since Tony was 'busy'. " from what little i understand, his passing through what he called 'the Abyss' burned pathways through his magical system as well as his nervous system. it looks almost as if the two are identical, though one is deeper in the body than the other. it almost looks like he has two nervous systems." Bruce admitted, showing Tony a scan he'd taken of the Alien, the two nervous systems darkened for easy viewing. "he's going to be in a lot of pain once those nerve endings come back online." Bruce admitted. "worse yet, i don't think he'll be able to use pain killers." he admitted.
Farian tilted her head nodding as she watched tony fuss over loki, looking amused though. “He’s healing the nerve damage then?”James said frowning, and while he wasn’t the medical genius, or tech genius the other two were, the man was as fascinated wtih the alien as the other two were. Looking amused as he watched tony look over the scans he sighed quietly this was going to be bad. “...I might be able to help with that. It wont do alot, but cold helps, numbs things. I might be able to drop his body temparature without being a damage, make it a little less painful.”Farian said frowning slightly as she considered it.
"yes. he's healing at an extreme rate. faster than even i do." Bruce admitted. "which will tell you just how badly hurt he really was." Tony grimaced at the idea of the poor man being so hurt. "i don't think the cold will affect him at all." Bruce admitted. "his blood is Blue for a reason. there's a special kind of naturally made antifreeze in there that then spreads through another system which is a series of tube like structures that carry and pool the blood into the layers of fat underneath the skin. even if you dropped to -200 degrees i don't think you would affect him at all." Bruce admitted. "his physical structure is just remarkable! his brain in particular! i took a few scans and even when he's asleep his brain shows almost twice as much activity as a human doing a challenging mental task!" Bruce admitted, clearly excited.
“Damn.”Farian said cringing at the idea of someone being that hurt, grinding her teeth. Even knowing he’d done some bad things, didn’t mean she wanted to see him this hurt. “...That’s fairly interesting.”Farian said indeed looking interested in teh idea that someone could stand up to that kind of cold before snickering as she realized just how excited bruce was. “I’m glad you have a new project.”She smiled patting his arm, because some might call her ice cold, but she did care for her friends, and she cared for tony, which meant she wanted to take care of his friends to, even if bruce still freaked her out some.
Bruce nodded. "from what i understand most, if not all of the damage occurred when he was floating in 'the Abyss' and when he hit the ground." he admitted. "whatever fight he had with Thor, it was a minor one. i doubt Thor so much as bruised Loki." he admitted. "we won't know for sure what really happened until Loki opens up a bit more. i don't think he was as bad as he was indicating." Tony admitted. "i think he just feels too guilty about what happened to give an accurate report." Tony glanced at James and then Bruce to see if they agreed with him. all three men knew how much a person could skew a story if they felt guilty, or was blaming someone else for what happened. Bruce did offer her a beaming smile when she congratulated him. "this is so exciting! Astrophysics at it's finest! you know i am certain that the portal he popped out of was a reversed miniature black hole?"
“I agree. He seemed more to be taking the blame for more then he’d done.”James nodded agreeing, sighing softly as he looked around. “What?Really?that’s fairly cool.”Farian said looking interested in teh idea, tilting her head a little snickering. Knowing bruce was going to pepper the alien with as many questions as tony did. Startling a little as her phone went off, she frowned before looking at it, waving a hand at the other’s before walking out of the room to get some privacy. “..Your girlfriend’s weird. HAve I ever told you that, tony?”James said watching her go thoughtfully.
Bruce and Steve both nodded their agreement. they'd probably get a more accurate report from Thor, the god of Thunder. shame he wasn't there. "yes, i know she's weird. it's probably Fury again." "yeah he's not too happy with us." Steve admitted. "he's probably noticed the odd activity and wants the Alien for himself." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. Fury was incredibly predictable. "So, do you think any Asgardians are going to come to claim the God?" Bruce asked, examining the sleeping Loki.
James snickered a little, “Maybe you should just have sex on the phone again. I’m sure it’d be enough to make him stop calling.”The assassin said snickering a little amused before nodding a little. “I think after they clean up the mess Loki left behind him, they’ll search to see if he’s still alive. Which given how many worlds there’s supposed to be, will take time.”
Steve snorted and Tony smirked. "i think she'll get mad at me again if i do that." Tony admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "there's no way to be sure of that though. after all, it's been well over a yer since Thor landed on earth the last time, who knows if they're still looking for Loki. if they ever where at all." Bruce admitted. "and even if they are looking, are they looking to punish Loki? if they do want to punish the god, i know you won't let them take Loki." Steve stated simply, examining Tony. "we're going to have to take a bit more care than you might think." "bag. once he has a citizenship here, they can't take Loki anyway or they will have to face our realm." Tony stated. "once Loki has citizenship here, they have no rights to him at all."
James tilted his head, snickering a little.”Well, probably.”He snorted a little before frowning, thinking of that. “I don’t know. We’ll just have to be careful, and prepared if something happens.”James frowned a little glancing up as Farian walked back in. “What’s up?” “Fury updating us on what he wants, and to pass along the info that something is going on in hydra. Seems they’re moving their agents around europe.”Farian said frowning thoughtfully."Seems everyone wants your godling."
"we're always prepared. i built high powered weapons that use kinetic energy and a few other power sources that, under theory, should disable a god." Tony admitted. "but those are a last resort i'm sure they can be reasoned with. Loki is very polite." Tony admitted with a smile. "hmm.. Jarvis? give Fury an invitation to visit and provide him with a visitors pass." Tony ordered. "i might as well choose a side." Tony decided. "besides, no one can have My Godling." he stated firmly. "Hydra will die at the border." he admitted simply. "i have over eight hundred people eager and willing in this city to fight for our freedom and i'll be right out there in the front lines with them, defending my country. i won't let anyone. not Gods, not Hydra, not Shield, not even Hell or Heaven will deny my people their freedom."
“That’s good to know. And makes me curious to test tehm out on loki, just because he’s here.”James said with a slightly sadistic smirk before nodding. “He is very polite. Probably reasonable to.”he smiled slightly. “You might as well. Though you do realize, this is going to cause problems somewhere.”Farian muttered looking startled that he was indeed choosing side, even if it was just his own, absently taking his hand as she leaned in to kiss his cheek.”You know. I think I like this side of you. Possessive, demanding, in charge...”she smirked closing her eyes. Trying not to be scared for him, but it was a black hole of fear knotting her stomach, knowign something bad was comign
Tony snickered. "if he agreed, i don't see why not. then again we could just test them out on Steve?" he offered with a grin. "no." Steve supplied simply. "well. he's a god of chaos.... probably not all that reasonable." Bruce admitted with a small grin. "of course, but i'm me. i live to cause problems. besides, at least this way i won't have to worry about Fury assigning more assassins to me." he admitted. maybe so anyway. "i'm always possessive, demanding, and in charge." Tony pointed out, looking amused as he ducked his head and gave her a kiss. "now. how about you and i go have some fun with ropes?" Tony asked her with a grin.
“No we can’t.”James said angrily, at the same moment steve did, looking relieved at the idea of not testing things on his boyfriend. “Well, we deal with unreasonable people all the time, a god of chaos can’t be that much worse.”Farian pointed out with a smile, before nodding. “yea, hopefully he wont.”She agreed. “Hmmm, I think I could enjoy that.”She said blushing ever so slightly as she kissed him back. James smirked, whistling ever so slightly before looking at steve.”I want to try ropes to.”he voiced stealing a kiss, simply because he was unable to not try and compete with tony at times.
"that's true." Tony agreed with a smile. "and unreasonable people are an epidemic really. did you know it spreads?" Tony asked with a grin. "good! do you want to tie me up or should i tie you up?" he asked her with a grin as he led her away, sticking his tongue out at James before grinning as Steve perked up. "i liked being handcuffed." he agreed, kissing the other back and leading James to their own bedroom. this was going to be fun!
“Hm, it does. It’s totally unreasonable that it spreads so much.”She giggled a little, flushing brightly as she walked with him.”I want to tie you up.”She said grinning a little. “Good. Cause I like seeing you handcuffed.”James smirked.

It was a few days later though that found Farian pretty much getting underfoot for all of them, fussing over everyone. Even loki, when the man was awake between bouts of sleeping to deal with the pain. “Tony?Did you eat today?”She said slipping into the seat next to him, smiling softly as she brushed her fingers through his hair, sighing quietly. “Tony...?”She muttered biting her lip, nervous but knowing she needed to tell him.

“...Farian’s being weird. I don’t like this.”James sulked as he laid back in bed, absently stroking steve’s back as the man drew, simply relaxed enough for once to simply be with him instead of fussing and worrying over something.
Tony huffed. "of course i ate." but he didn't look at her when he said it so she knew that was a lie. it was a good thing that James and Bruce where always making Tony eat something, at least every few hours or the genius would have been skin and bones. "Farian? are you alright?" Tony asked, looking worried. "if this is about the BDSM i told you, you don't have to." he promised her, showing that as well as he had hid it, he was worried about her.

"she is being weird. i think she's sick." Steve admitted as he sketched. "i caught her in the bathroom yesterday puking. she might be having trouble adjusting to Extremis, or might be having too much stress or something. it'll be okay." he promised James. "Tony's been acting weird too, i think he thinks it's his fault that Farian is acting weird..." he admitted, amused that everyone was so fucked up they thought it was their own fault for the weirdest stuff. "Fury will be here soon, he finally accepted my invitation. we had to compromise though so i want you and Bruce at my side at all times. Fury's bringing Maria Hill and another Agent as body guards."
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