The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

he snorted. "that little shit." he complained affectionately. "if he told you about the Christmas ribbons, HE was the one tied up!" he grumbled, looking amused before nodding. "adjustment will be needed." he admitted to her. "but whatever is happening, Extremis seams to be bonding to you, instead of trying to alter you." he admitted. "this is a good place to learn how to control and even advance your powers. Tony could certainly lend a hand." he admitted before he smiled. "i care about everyone. even Tony." he promised with a smile. "your my family now." he admitted.

Steve had gone all out on Farian's gift getting her two Ultimate Chocolate Towers along with two boxes of the same Petite Fours he had promised Natasha. so there was a lot of chocolate. Steve set aside the three boxes for Natasha and turned to blink at Tony. "she's pretty upset." Tony admitted, staring at the boxes. "are those for her?" "yup." "...does she like Chocolate?" "everyone loves Chocolate." "oh she's down with Phil. she fell asleep in his room last night after watching a movie marathon." Tony admitted with a shrug. "she'll be up soon... i think. i mean, even Mercenaries have to eat right? should i make her something?" "NO!" Steve ordered firmly.
“..I doubt that. He tells it differently. Says you look nice tied up.”She teased before nodding, “It is. Its amazing really.”She muttered glad indeed that extremis was bonding, nodding. “You’re family to.”She muttered smiling quietly.

James winced as he sat the boxes down, anxiously fidgetting before nodding. “She’s a girl. She’ll like chocolate.” “You do know she’s allergic right?”Natasha said smirking slightly as she walked into the room, nearly choking on her laughter when james nearly fainted with the knowledge. “What?Really?” “yea.” “Fuck!Steve!”James whined anxiously, sounding like a upset puppy before looking at tony. “No!You’re never allowed cooking.”he ordered. “...why are we letting tony cook?”Farian frowned as she stepped into the room, raising a eyebrow.” that mine?”She asked looking vaguely amused.
he huffed. "he tells it wrong." he grumbled.

Tony nodded. "i'm sure. i'm sure she will... wait. what!?" he demanded, staring at Natasha. "she is!? i didn't know that! Jarvis! update Farian's medical records!" "of course Sir." "i'm sorry! i didn't know!" Seve protested, flushing as he realized he was probably going to have to give all that junk to Natasha and go out and buy Farian something else. "we're not! Tony don't you dare take another step towards that stove!" Steve growled, making Tony whine as Steve turned back to Farian. "i'm sorry! we wanted to buy you something nice and apologize for upsetting you last night but we didn't know you where allergic to chocolate! we'll buy you something else! i swear!"
Natasha nodded, “She is.”She said biting her lip to keep from laughing at all three of the men who were indeed panicking or upset. It really was amusing. “Good. Tony’s not allowed cookign.”Farian said staring at the two, biting her lip, wanting to pretend to be upset, but watching Captain America and the Winter Soldier look so pathetically upset, and even whining like a upset puppy as james crowded close to her, nearly nuzzling her in his effort to make her feel better, just set off a round of giggles and breathless laughter, which indeed set Natasha off, and soon enough both women were on the floor and giggling as they leaned against each other, helpless with laughter. “...I...I’m allergic, but-I can eat it. It just gives me a headache.”Farian said in breathless little spurts already reaching for a box to investigate what she’d gotten. “...she’s laughing....”James said looking utterly confused as he watched them
"i can too cook! just watch me!" "Tony. don't make me tie you up this early in the morning." Steve growled. Tony quickly moved away from the stove. "...she is laughing." Steve agreed, looking up at James. "i do believe she was never all that angry with us." he grumbled, sulking as he watched her examine her goodies. "I was teaching you a lesson." Tony stated with a shrug. "you do not watch people fuck and masturbate." " couldn't just TELL us!?" "no." Tony stated. "for one thing James wouldn't have learned his lesson and for another you wouldn't have realized that it really was very naughty of you." "Your the one that was fucking her right out in the middle of public areas!" "yes, well. i've been told very firmly that it was wrong and not to do it again." Tony admitted with a shrug. "she was pretty pissed at me last night too you know, it's not like i got out of this unscathed either." which wasn't fully the truth but close enough.
“No you can’t. And I would totally go for tying him up.”Farian smirked a little before giggling all the harder as they watched her. “No, I don’t think so.”James frowned looking confused. “Why not?You were in public, and you wanted to watch steve masterbate. I thought it was a fair trade.”James said sounding utterly confused. “It was wrong to not make me aware and give me the option to go to private areas without a audience.”Farian said sobering as she nibbled on her chocolate, nearly moaning in pleasure. “And he had to sleep alone. That was his punishment.”Farian hummed a little looking amused. “...I don’t like any of you anymore.”James huffed whining a little as he slumped into the chair at the table, sighing quietly.
Steve blinked a little his head tilted. "you where in public." he pointed out and Tony blinked a little. "well yes." he admitted. "but i didn't get to watch Steve masturbate at all." he pointed out. "and i think Farian was raised to be a bit more... censured. so it probably bothered her a lot more than it did us." Tony admitted, Steve nodding. "it would make sense." Steve admitted. "i mean, she seams to find nudity rather embarrassing. it was the way she was raised?" "it must be." Tony agreed. not realizing it was they who where the oddballs. "we'll have to keep that in mind. wait a second... you want to watch me masturbate? why?" Steve demanded, startled and Tony stared at him as if he was stupid. "okay... right, that was a dumb question." Steve agreed sheepishly. "well at least she likes the chocolate."
“We were, but I uh...forgot that. You should have at least told me.”Farian huffed annoyed with all the men, but understanding she had to be understanding. That they hadn’t understood she’d be upset with it. “Oh. Well. No more watching. And no, you didn’t.”James smirked a little before nodding. “It must.” “You do realize I’m sitting right here right?I’m listening to you.”Farian snickered a little listening to them talk. “Yes. We must keep in mind the sensiblities and all...I don’t want to mess things up.”James said whining quietly, simply wanting tony to be happy, which meant not messing up tony’s relationship before smirking at steve. “I do like the chocolate.”Farian said before smirking, looking amused. “ weird as I find this. And this is not a invitation to watch later, I totally have a awesome idea.”
Steve blinked at her. "how did you forget... oooh..." "i'm sorry, i didn't realize you'd forgotten!" Tony admitted. "alright, no more watching... unless they both agree before hand." Steve agreed. "well, yes you are right there, i just assumed you where still mad at us and didn't want to contribute to the conversation." Steve admitted looking amused. "she is a bit sensitive." Steve agreed with a nod. "but then, Tony is sensitive too, maybe that's why thy get along so well?" Steve mused, his head tilted. "awesome idea?" Tony asked, looking curious. "does it involved nudity and chocolate? because i'm totally down for that." Tony admitted nodding eagerly.
“Tony makes me forget things. And he interrupted a phone call. Sorta forgot I was outside.”farian said blushing brightly, ducking her head a little. “Just a bit. We’ll have to remember that.”James said before snickering, smirking at tony. “Oh, yea. He’s a bit sensitive. Probably why they do really.”He mused. “Yes, yes it does.”farian smirked as she popped a treat into her mouth, leaning over to kiss tony. “I think since they watched us. We should get to watch them. And they had popcorn. We’ll have chocolate. After all, you did ask to watch him masterbate.” “I never agreed to let him watch!”James protested halfheartedly, just because he could. “...stop protesting. You like a audience.”Farian said rolling her eyes a litle
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "that's okay, James makes my head all fuzzy and floaty too." he admitted with a smile before watching her carefully, Tony humming happily as he kissed her back, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth and stealing the chocolate with a smirk. "oh..." Tony breathed, his eyes glittering. "oh you are brilliant." "well... it's only fair." Steve admitted, glancing at James. "it's only Tony and Farian." he admitted. "and you know Tony would never try to take me away and even if Farian was inclined to she's entirely the wrong gender." he admitted. "it could be fun." he admitted.
Farian flushed brightly as she realized what steve was saying. “Yea...that’s how he makes me feel.”She saidsmiling a little groaning as tony stole her chocolate, pouting a little before smiling. “I am brilliant.” “...It is.”James fidgeted, because despite being a utter exhibitionist and usually having no issues with privacy, it was his stevie, and he didn’t like the idea of sharing. Twitching a little as they stared at him. Suddenly understanding why farian had been so upset at this idea. Nodding jerkily after a moment he nodded. “It could be.Where you want us?” “...You don’t have to do this you know.”Farian said studying the man. “No, it’ll be fun.”James said swallowing thickly, looking at tony. “Where do you want your show?”
Steve smiled a little and nodded. "okay, that? that was gross." Steve complained, wrinkling his nose before examining James. "...give us a moment." Steve ordered, forcing James up and out the door so they could talk. "James. i need you to be honest." Steve admitted. "don't tell them yes just because you think you should or because you have to. if you don't want them to watch us, then say so." he ordered. "it's okay. they won't be mad." he promised, setting his hand on the others face. "you should never do anything you don't want to. you should never do anything that makes you feel bad or upset." he admitted softly. "if you don't want them to see me, then tell them so." he suggested with a smile. "okay?"
“But given a blowjob or kissing isn’t?Sharing a candy is the least of the gross things that go around her at any given time....not that blowjobs are gross.”Farian said thoughtfully, looking amused looking worried as she watched james take james out of the room. “Hey!I’m okay.”James whined as he was dragged out, looking up at the other man fidgeting and anxious as he stared at the floor, turning his head into the other’s touch, sighing quietly. “....I don’t like the idea. Even knowing tony’s seen me naked....or has no desire to take you away....or farian’s even the wrong sex for either of us...I don’t...”James muttered whining like a upset puppy, looking utterly at a loss to explain why this was bothering him so much except that it was.
Steve shrugged. "hey, i just think it's gross." he admitted simply. "besides there's nothing better than sucking cock." he admitted before shaking his head and leading James out. "your not okay." Steve murmured. "you don't want to share me. and that's okay." Steve promised softly. "you've been without me so long that it's understandable." he assured the other. "you wait here okay? i'll go tell them." he promised, heading back into the living room. "i'm sorry but we can't, James is really upset with the idea of 'sharing' me." Steve admitted. "i don't think he really understands why he hates the idea so much but i have a few ideas. we're really sorry we spied on you Farian. we honestly didn't realize how... awful it might be." he admitted, looking troubled. "it's not until now really that i realize how much it might have hurt you, watching James struggle like that..." he sighed. "maybe in a few weeks he might be okay with it but... i wouldn't hold my breath and i can't risk his sanity. i can't risk our relationship... i'm sorry."
"There really isnt."Farian smirked smiling at her lover before watching the two super soldier's leave worriedly."really? It's okay?"james muttered looking upset at the idea of disappointing any of them watching steve walk back inside, taking a shaky breath as he settled to wait."are you okay?"Farian demanded as soon as he walked in before nodding offering a small smile."I was just teasing. It'd be hot but not necessary cap. Don't worry about it."she said looking worried for him, "just take of your boy okay? I was upset but not truly angry. Don't worry about it."she promised before getting up and hugging him."I don't want anything that's going to cause harm. Just forget about it."she promised.
Steve smiled. "it's just fine." he promised, kissing the other. "we're okay." he promised her. "oh..." Steve blinked at her. he hadn't realized she'd been joking. "okay." Steve sighed, relieved as he stood up, smiling at her. "thanks Farian. we won't get in your personal space like that ever again, i swear." he promised as he hugged her back before heading back to James, Tony looking troubled. "i hope James will be okay..." Tony muttered. "he gets weird about some things. he once almost killed me because i took his bagel." he admitted, turning to look at her and opened his mouth to talk when Jarvis spoke up. "Sir. there is an Anomaly within the Mesosphere above the Manhattan Skyline." Jarvis intoned suddenly and Tony looked startled. "what? a what now? where's the Mesosphere?" "the same place the Aurora is. but there shouldn't be any activity in this part of the world. come on." Bruce ordered, Steve looking at James and taking his hand and leading him to follow the others out onto the Balcony. they could see it, a swirling rainbow of colors, brighter than the Aurora, sharper, faster. they swirled in place and in the middle a huge hole was opening up. "...fuck. more aliens." Tony grumbled. "if it's that Thunder guy..." he paused when the hole suddenly closed with a BANG like a crack of thunder they where too close to, leaving only a single dot that was falling to the earth in increasing speeds. the dot turned into a limp body the closer it got and Tony cursed and shook his head. "we can't catch it... whoever it is... they look dead already." Tony muttered, sounding anxious as he watched the body slam into the side of the OsCorp building and out the other side to slam into the street. the body hadn't been splattered like Tony had expected, but it wasn't moving either. "This is Tony, set up a quarantine, no one near that body until i get there... what do you MEAN it's still alive?! fuck! get it as stable as you can until the EMS gets there. Bruce!" "on it." Bruce agreed already racing out the door with a jacket in one hand and his medical bag in the other.
“Good. Thank you.”Farian smiled at the promise, pleased that they wouldn’t do it again before looking at tony, nodding a little. “I’m sure he will be. He’s got steve, he’ll help him.”She said looking worried before frowning, looking stared at tony, trying to figure otu what they were talking about before walkign out onto the balcony. “What the hell?”Farian paled watching it. “Damn.”James growled tense and anxious, even if there was nothing to do, he wanted to stop that fall, and to keep it from upsetting anyone, even if he knew that it wouldn’t help. “Wait up!Tony you’re not going without guards.”James growled already reaching for the weapons he kept in every room, settling them into place as he raced after tony and bruce, knowing better then to think that because he sent bruce, that tony wouldn’t go investigate himself. Snarling in worried anger as man followed the others down towards oscorp, and the alien.
Steve smiled and nodded and went back to James while Tony nodded to Farian. she was right, Steve would protect James and make him feel better. "well at least it went through the Oscorp building." Tony mused. "if you don't like Osborn, why do you let him stay here?" "because, i like his toys." Tony admitted simply. "i am going." Tony stated simply as he headed for the door, picking up his iron man suitcase, just in case. Steve was following James, his Shield in hand already and Tony knew Farian and probably Natasha wouldn't be far behind. Tony was actually nice enough to wait for everyone to gather before heading outside, giving Bruce a head-start. by the time they got there Bruce had the man, for it was a man, a pale, handsome, perfect looking man stripped of his shirt and was doing chest compressions to keep the heart going. Tony watched silently as Bruce worked to save the human looking Alien's life, the man gasping for breath every few chest compressions. as if it was only the fact that Bruce was working so hard was keeping the man alive and breathing. then the man choked, coughed, sputtered, vomited a rather disgusting slurry of blue blood and mucus and his breathing evened, Bruce sighing. "he'll be alright now i think." Bruce admitted. "he's healing at an exceptionally accelerated rate. he'll have a few broken bones for a couple of days, but aside from that he seams to be in good health now." Bruce admitted as he checked pulse, pupil dilatation and other things while the Alien was unconscious.
“You and your toys.”Farian rolled her eyes, amused that tony had such a simple reason for keeping norman osborn around before nodding. Soon enough both her and natasha joined the men, dressed and ready for anything, looking at bruce and the alien in bemusement as the two women watched. “....That’s disgusting.’james curled a lip at the blue blood, taking a careful step closer to tony and steve, looking torn between the two needs to protect both of them, swallowing hard. “We should move him back to the tower, if he’s stable enough to do so. Having him otu here in the public isnt a good idea.”Farian said biting her lip a little
"i like my toys. and i like that i can take Osborn's toys anytime i please." he admitted simply. "it's part of his contract." he admitted with a smirk before watching while Bruce did his best to revive the Alien. "he was suffocating with that stuff in his lungs, would you rather he have drowned or coughed it up?" Bruce demanded imperiously. "someone get a stretcher." Bruce commanded, agreeing with Farian. soon the man was tucked onto the Stretcher which was wheeled into the Ambulance and they where all taken to the Tower. the Alien never even twitched. he looked dead, save for the fact that he was breathing, long, impossibly long slow breaths. once they moved him onto the bed though, he woke, blinking stupidly at the ceiling. "where?" he croaked, voice harsh with pain and disuse. "You are in Stark Tower." Bruce explained. "lay still now, you have a couple dozen broken bones." the alien nodded. "R..Realm?" "earth. uh... Midgard." Bruce corrected, the alien nodding and closing his eyes, slipping back to sleep. "well, he's stable, and he appears to be nonviolent." Bruce muttered. "let him sleep, i'll watch him." Bruce decided, already looking quite eager to do a few tests on the Alien blood and DNA. he was at least smart enough to wait for permission first.
“Cough it up, but it still doesn’t stop it from being disgusting.”James snapped back sounding just as annoyed as bruce, helping the workers get the alien onto the stretcher. “...this is creepy. I mean, if I didn’t know he was breathing, I’d wonder if he was.”Farian muttered as she watched them get the alien settled onto the bed, moving closer, looking protective even if she knew bruce was more then capable of taking care of himself, watching the alien drop back to sleep. “...anything we can do?”Farian said looking at bruce, for a moment at a loss on how to help the alien, glancing at tony, feeling annoyed that she couldn’t be better help, annoyed because she was his lover, his other half, so she wanted to share his burdens, but at moments like this, despite her job as a mercenary, she was aware of just how woefully inexperienced she was sometimes.
Bruce shrugged. "it'll have to be cleaned up well, who knows what the DNA in that blood might do to a person." "i'll call Hazmat." Tony promised. "it is kind of creepy. he must have a big set of lungs to have such long breaths." Steve agreed. "no. he just needs to rest." Bruce admitted. "might consider making him some food, soup probably." Bruce admitted. Tony hadn't said anything yet, he was just studying the alien curiously, as if trying to decide if he wanted to buy that new toy on the shelf or not. he was clearly contemplating 'keeping' the Alien if it was possible. trying to justify that somehow. it was Tony after all and oddities amused him. fascinated him and nothing was more odd than an Alien. "we'll let him sleep." Tony decided. "let us know when he wakes up again and see if you can find out who he is and why he's here. we don't want to start a war or something after all."
“I’ll get one of the guards to get it cleaned, and send it over to you. I mean, you might as well examine it since it’s there.”James said already moving away to talk to one of the guards abiyit ut, :Hnm naybe.”Farian muttered thoughtfully as she watched tony, absently wrapping a arm around tony’s waist, playing with the edge of his shirt, simply needing to touch him. “Sounds like a plan. Come on, I’ll make us all food.”Farian smiled as she tugged teh genius out of the room.
Bruce smirked. "don't bother. i have a full body of the stuff. hopefully he'll say yes, or turn out to be dangerous so i can experiment all i want." Bruce murmured, looking eagerly anticipant. and people thought Tony was the crazy one. he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and grinned a little as he led her away. "it would be exciting if i could add an Alien to my collection wouldn't it? i mean, i have Meta humans, mutants, geniuses, and even cyborgs, robots, Hydra, Shield and normal people, but i don't have an Alien." there he went talking about people as if they where toy figurines or something again. at least he never talked about Farian like that, or James either, though he was extremely possessive of them. "can i help make the soup? i can stir!" he promised, looking eager to be helpful.
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