The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve blinked at James and then. "you mean you didn't notice?" he asked, reaching down and lifting his pants leg, revealing a slender chain and a set of Dog Tags. Bucky's. "i always keep them on me, but people tend to go for the throat so i wear them around my ankle instead." he admitted while he straightened. "they where they only thing i had left of you." he admitted. "they came off when i tried to grab you and i refused to let the army take them." he admitted before chuckling at James threat. they all knew James would never taze Tony. "that's true. she was pretty mad about Extremis though." he admitted, watching the men leave with a grin. he was so glad that James and Steve had each other again. "they're so adorable it's gross." tony admitted with a grin as he kissed her temple and settled in to just hold her while she relaxed. he knew better than to rush a Sub-Space. especially after her's had soured once already.
“Notice what?”James frowned looking confused before loking down startled, eyes widening. “Oh. I...oh.”He said blushing ever so slightly, at a loss for words as he considered that. That steve had always had him somewhere on him. “Well, if she’s mad, just have angry sex. It’s a win win.”James snickered a little as they left. “They are.”Farian muttered snuggling closer.

It was nearly a hour later when Farian came up, frowning ever so slightly as she nuzzled her face against tony’s shoulder, sitting up slowly, frowning ever so slightly.”Tony?What happened?”She said now that she was up and aware, she was still feeling off, confused on what had happened.
Steve smiled at the other, a little shyly. "i couldn't let you go." Steve admitted softly as he let James lead him away as Tony snickered. "win win indeed." he scoffed before smiling at her. he had no doubt she had no idea what he said.

"shh... it's okay." he murmured, stroking her hair. "you where in Sub-Space." he explained. "your memories might be a little hazy but when you came your powers started up the chain i was using on you broke and cut into you a bit. of course, me being me, i panicked and so you panicked... Bruce fixed you up and i think i managed to level your subspace back out. i'm so sorry i should have anticipated all of that and stuff, but i didn't and..." he sighed and shook his head. "i'm so sorry."
“Oh.”Farian frowned looking thoughtful, before nodding a little. “I can’t....I was just happy. No real memory of it...simply happy and content with you. I knew I was safe.”She smiled a little before wincing as she realized what had happened, “Oh. They’re healed indeed.”She said inspecting her wrists before shifting to look at him, gently touching his face, gently stroking his hair.”I’m okay. Are you?”She said worried about him to.
he nodded. "a lot of people report the same when they are in subspace." he admitted with a smile. "many akin it to floating or hovering, or sinking into something soft and warm." he admitted. "i wasn't expecting you to slip into it so easily though." he admitted before smiling as she reported she was fully healed. "i'm.... upset." he admitted with a sigh. "Bruce says i have to be honest about my feelings." he admitted when she looked surprised. "i'm upset that i got you hurt again and i'm upset that i soured your subspace. though i don't know if you can remember that." he admitted. "it takes practice to be aware during a subspace." he admitted as he ran a hand through his hair. "you weren't prepared and i feel like i took advantage of you..." he admitted, watching her. "i'm sorry."
“Yes. That was what it felt like.”She said smiling a little before tilting her head. “Maybe cause I prefer being submissive, and I trust you, made it easier.”She shrugged before frowning at him, shifting to curl up agianst him, wrapping her arms around him, as she rested her head against his shoulder. “Yes, please. Being honest with each other is the only way this is going to work, Tony.”She muttered sighing quietly, before nodding. “I remember cap and james in here...and being upset...”She sighed softly, before closing her eyes.”I know. I’m sorry to.”She muttered moving to kiss his forehead, before leaning back. “You said you had books?”She said, seeing it as the only way to be better prepared.
he smiled and nodded. "that could be. James thinks women are more in tune with their emotions too, making it easier for you to handle stuff like this. i had panic attacks the first time i went down." he admitted with a shake of his head before smiling as he hugged her back, simply holding her. "i know. but being honest is hard for me... honesty has always been used against me, you know?" he asked, biting his lip. "i trust you not to use the truth to hurt me but it's still hard..." he admitted before he nodded. "yes. they where here. Steve had questions about the book he read." he admitted as he picked it up and handed it to her. "this is a general overview of pretty much everything." he admitted when she kissed him, glad she wasn't mad or upset.
“Hm, maybe.”Farian smiled a little relaxing as she was hugged back, pressing a kiss to his neck.”I know. You have no idea how proud I am for you being this honest with me. With trying...I know we’ll both screw up, it happens. But we’re still trying.”She muttered nuzzling him a little before taking the book, smiling as she looked at it. “Good. I’ll read this then.”She smiled stretching, shifting to get comfortable setting in to read.”You don’t have to stay here you know. You can go.”She said worried about him just staying simply because he was worried about her and being bored.
he smiled a little, shivering as she kissed his neck. "we're trying." he agreed. "we'll succeed." he decided, nt about to admit how much her praise had made him feel better. "okay, you read." he agreed with a smile before shaking his head. "i'd rather stay, if that's okay? you're still hovering at the top edge of subspace and it can be dangerous to leave someone alone when they're in subspace." he admitted as he gently nudged her more firmly onto the bed and then joined her, tablet in hand. "there, now you can read and i can work. this way i can answer questions too."
“We will.”Farian said smiling at him widely, before nodding a little.”Okay. I just didn’t want you to be bored.”She said smiling at him, shifting to snuggle into him as he nudged her onto the bed, sighing quietly as she relaxed, settling in to read.”Good. This is fun...I’ve never had this....someone to lay around with, and read, and work on separate things but still together...”
he chuckled. "i am never bored. i once entertained myself with a piece of string and a half a button for three hours." he admitted. "Pepper was not amused." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "though, that might be because i was in the middle of this horridly boring meeting with people who thought they deserved to own part of my company." he admitted. "well, it is very comforting isn't it?" Tony asked with a smile. "i hadn't experienced it before either until James." he admitted as he tapped on his Tablet, working silently so she could read. not that he was actually working. he was more playing bubble pop. but that was besides the point.
“....That’s epic. Really.”She giggled a little looking amused as she nuzzled him a little, before nodding. “It is.”She agreed snuggling as she settled into reading. Only coming up to ask questions or express interest in a certain kink or fetish, soon enough all the way back to normal as she fell asleep cuddling him.

Later James smirked as he settled in on the couch, looking amused as he watched farian pace the balcony. “Tony. Come here. Watch this.’He ordered when he saw the billionaire walking in, smirking a little. “Your girl’s out there being all hot and stuff, talking to her contacts. You know, its a good thing I’m gay, otherwise I might find this mercernary thing she’s got going on, very very hot.”He teased.
he smiled a little as he worked and answered any question she had, using his saved websites to give her more information if it was too much to explain. he rather found teaching her a bit fun. it took him a while to realize she had fallen asleep before deciding a nap would be a good idea and slipped to sleep as well.

Tony looked up as James called him, having only just woken up. he had woken when she'd left of course and had gone back to sleep once he'd made sure she was fine. "that is hot." Tony agreed with a grin as he sipped at his mango and peach juice. "you know. i think i should record this." he admitted. "would be great masturbation material if she ever denies me sex." he admitted with a grin.
“Hm, you could. Totally. I have a record of watching steve work out, definitely good masterbation material.”he agreed before smirking a little, “Though if yo ureally want to make things interesting, you could go sex her up out there, in all view of the city, while she’s talking to her contacts. Imagine, screwing her while she’s talking business...”James smirked, simply because he liked teasing tony, and because he was curious to see just how much of a addict to her touch the man was, wondering if he'd really sex her up on the balcony
Tony smirked. "can i have some video of Steve working out? or better yet, masturbating? me and Farian could watch while we screw like rabbits." he decided before blinking as he stared at Farian. "you, are a fucking Genius." Tony breathed before scampering for the balcony, grinning eagerly as he slid up behind her, making sure to approach from the side since she didn't like people behind her, sliding his hands up her shirt and stroking her smooth flat stomach and kissing her neck, scraping his teeth along sweet flesh, eyes glittering mischievously.
“No.Well, you can have the work out tape. But him masterbating, on film or live, is just for me.”James said growing posessively before laughing as tony scampered off, before heading off to find steve, having every intention of interrupting tonys’ sex life now, if only because it made him smile at how cute he got when he was sexually frustrated.

Farian offered a small smile as she saw him approaching even as she kept taking on the cell. “-yea, well that’s not a option. I’m e-enojoying where I am right now. No p-plans to return anytime soon.”She stuttered a littel as she talked, feeling him touching her, teeth scraping her skin, shuddering a little shooting him a look as if to ask, what in the world?
Tony pouted at him. "so possessive... i'll let you have a video of me masturbating if you let me have a video of you sucking Steve's cock?" he bartered before scampering off to annoy Farian.

he smirked when she stuttered and slid his hands further up, sliding under her bra and cupping her breasts as he sucked on her neck, fingers gently squeezing the mounds before flicking the pads of his fingers against her nipples, grinning as he pressed his aching length against her ass, letting her feel how turned on he really was. he was a horny bastard and he loved the view he had of her against the city backdrop.
James made a face before snickering. “I think not. Though if you ask steve, I might.”he said not about to share that vision, but maybe it’d be okay. Smirking when he found steve he held up the bowl of popcorn he had made. “You coming?There’s a show you’re going to want to see happening.”James smirked, he was such a dick. really.

Farian shuddered a little, swallowing hard as she squirmed, closering her eyes for a moment even as she kept talking. “Yea, no. I don’t care. I’m very happy here with Stark....There’s not enough money in the world to make me return, simply because shield wants me. I have a life here.”She shuddered hips rocking back into his, shivering, so very turned on by other the city being right there, and the fact that she was doing business and he was teasing her.
Tony huffed and pouted but decided to ask Steve anyway. "a show? what are you up to?" Steve asked, looking amused as he followed James. hey, Steve was always up for anything that involved humiliation and when James got that glimmer in his eyes. Steve wasn't about to miss whatever blackmail material James had induced.

Tony smirked as he nibbled on that luscious neck, feeling warm inside when she said that she'd made a life with him. he wouldn't let her down, not for anything. he smirked as he let one hand slide back down, gently scraping his nails on her flesh, letting her feel them but not actually cutting her with them. they would get into scratching later, for now his hand was sliding into her pants, and into her underwear, tangling in her hair down there and giving a sharp tug just hard enough to make it sting for a few seconds, his lips settling against her ear. "i'm going to fuck you in front of the world." he whispered. "so everyone knows your mine." he teased, speaking lowly enough that the phone wouldn't catch it.
"Hm I convinced tony that having sex in public was a good idea."James grinned as the other followed dhim,amused that even years later he could get steve to follow him simply by asking. Smirking as he poked his head into the living room,making sure tony wasn't there before moving over and settling on the couch with a smirk as he watched the two on the balcony.

Farian gave a soft whine as he nibbled on her shuddering as she tried to pay attention hips pressing back tightly into his as she felt the sharp tug,shuddering as she reached out and braced her hands on the railing,thank god for Bluetooth and hands free talking. Shuddering at his words she looked at him raising a eyebrow."are you done? Neither me or the good captain are leaving here. Deal with it, cooperate if you want,but we're staying."she said raising a hand towards the bluetooth device to turn it off before pausing,raising her eyebrows as if to ask if he dared to have sex while she was on the phone.
Steve laughed brightly. "oh that is AWESOME...." he paused. "actually that sounds really hot..." he admitted. "we should do that sometime." he admitted as he grinned and followed James,munching on a handful of the popcorn as he watched Tony work Farian up, wondering if it would be weird if he pulled himself out and started stroking?

he smirked as she whined, biting a little more firmly now as he ran his hands along her body, panting as he pressed his cock against her more firmly. he smirked as she braced herself and started biting and sucking his way down her shoulders, peppering both shoulders and neck with love bites and hickies as he slowly unbuttoned her pants and slid them down, eyes glittering wickedly. he'd have sex anywhere really. whether there where other people around or not. "bend over." he whispered in her ear, urging her into an angle so she could support herself but he could still play with her easily, sliding her underwear down and stroking her firm globes with one hand as his other slipped two fingers inside her tight wetness. stroking the smooth flesh with a wicked grin even as he unzipped his own pants, pulled his cock out and found a condom in his pocket, sliding it on and nudging the blunt head against her clit, waiting for her permission to actually enter.
“”It is awesome. Total blackmail.”James snickered before nodding. “We should.”he agreeed smirking as he watched, glancing over at steve as he ate his popcorn.”100 bucks says I can get you off to the idea of having sex with a girl while you watch this.”he said smirking a little.

Farian swallowed hard.”No. I’m sorry, D-director, I wont. I can’t.”She said shivering as he pressed against her, feeling his lips stroking over her skin, nodding a little as she bent over, moaning softly as he played with her, rocking back into his hand, turning her head to look at him. To distract, and utterly turned on to realize they had a audience. “Yes-”She said nodding as she realized he was waiting for permission, squirming a little. “Yes sir. I don’t care.”Farian said, and it was obvious she was going back and forth between talking to tony and to fury at the same time.
Steve snickered a little as he followed the other before blinking at him, looking a little startled. "do you even have a hundred bucks?" he asked turning his attention back to the show. he wasn't about to accept that bet when he knew James would win. granted he'd go limp if he ever actually had to try and stick his dick in a girl but the thought of James whispering filthy things in his ear while he watched this was already turning him on hard.

Tony smirked even more as he realized who she was talking to, biting his lip so he wouldn't start laughing. he nodded and slowly sank inside of her when she told him yes, shivering at how warm she was inside, cock throbbing as he pressed his front to her back and wrapped his arms around her breasts again, nibbling on her neck some more as he started to thrust, just as unaware of his audience as she was. not that he would have cared if he did know they where there.
“Hm, tony does. So therefore I do.”James snickered before smirking at the other, shifting to lean closer to steve, moving them both around so they were laying down on the couch, steve laying between his legs as he cradled the big blond, gently stroking his hair, nuzzling him a little.”Just think, you could go push her to her knees, make her suck your cock for everyone and god to see, like there wasn’t a care in the world...”James smirked as he cupped the other in his hand,stroking him slowly, having every intention to torture him.

Farian shuddered, swallowing thickly as he pushed into her, shivering as her body heated, responding to just how warm the other was, shivering as he thrust into her. “Yes!”She gasped, forgetting for a moment that she was on the phone, dropping her head back to his shoulder, shivering as she rocked her hips into his. “N-no, sorry Director. I meant yes I’m staying. Sorry. This is over.”She said hanging up as she moaned, hands tight on the railing as she whimpered, starting to come undone, nearly collapsing as she came.
he rolled his eyes. "that's cheating. i don't have a hundred bucks." of course he did. he had a very full bank account because after every mission he was paid and it went into a bank account that Steve didn't realize he had. mostly because they had told him about it when he was still very disoriented. "oh... my... god." he gasped, tipping his head back as he arched into the touches. "your as sadistic as ever." he groaned, trying to thrust his hips to make Bucky go faster or harder. "Buck.. Bucky... use the other one." he moaned, eyes fluttering. Steve had always had a thing for metal even when he was still puny and small he had loved the cold unforgiving metal against his skin, inside of him, or holding him down.

Tony had to bite back a moan as he slid inside of her, panting softly as he worked his hips carefully in and out of her. she was so tight. so warm, so wet. so perfect. he grinned as he stroked her nipples, working his hips faster as he panted in her ear, murmuring filthy things. he couldn't help but laugh as she hung up, tipping her head so he could kiss her passionately. "i can't believe i'm fucking you when you where talking on the phone with FURY." he admitted with another laugh. "god i am so turned on right now! you're too addictive." he moaned. "i don't think i can ever go without touching you." he moaned, kissing her again.
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