The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve sighed as he was kissed, a soft content filled one. "oh..." Steve muttered, blinking at her. "sorry." he muttered before narrowing his eyes at Tony who sulked at her. "you tattle Tale!" he complained, sulking. "just for that, i'm not giving you new toys." he huffed before yelping as Steve poked him with a fork before turning to his meal, Tony sulking even more. "Cap doesn't get toy's either!" he grumbled, pouting at Farian. "your friends are mean." he complained watching as Cap slowly came back up as he ate until he was back to normal. just in time too because he was all ready to go visit Clint as soon as Jarvis informed them that Phil and Bruce was allowing visitors now.
“What?I should get new toys. You promised!”Farian pointed smiling a little, leaning over to kiss him lightly. “cap gets toys.”James said smirking a little at tony’s reaction to getting poked wiht a fork. “You’re the one teasing them.”Farian teased smiking as she finished eating before heading down to see clint, looking worried as she walked in, looking scared for him.”Clint?How are you?”She said looking the archer over.
Tony snorted. "of course YOU get toys, you're not being mean to me." he assured Farian, patting her hand. "Cap doesn't get toys! he poked me! and i wasn't picking on them i was laughing! that's not the same thing!" he protested. "besides, Natasha was laughing too! and so was James! how come they didn't get poked!?" he demanded before following them to Clint, looking a bit more hesitant to go in now that he was awake. "sore." Clint admitted with a smile. "they where shit at torture." he admitted with a snicker. "all they did was punch me, i mean come on. Shield does more than that during their first day of torture resistance lessons." he scoffed, shaking his head. "Tony. thanks for finding me." Clint chirped, making Tony grimace. "it shouldn't have been necessary." he grumbled, avoiding looking at Clint, ashamed that he had let Clint get hurt. "i'm fine. really. admittedly if they'd gotten me to Holland i would probably not be as well off as i am now." h admitted. "i heard some of the little twits asking for a torture specialist to attend to me once they got me there. those lot weren't the smartest of the bunch." he admitted, wincing as he tried to sit up. "how are you feeling Farian? any better?"
“Cause james is special, and natasha scares everyone. So you get poked.”Tony teased smirking a little as he leaned over to kiss the other, sighing softly as they got to the hospital wing. “Well, we figured. Seeing as you weren’t worse off.”fArian said looking worried about her friend, smiling quietly at his words. “I’ll see how they had. Might be good to know who the mercs were bringing in.”She said already knowing jarvis was looking for rthe information, before gently resting a hand on tony’s arm. “He’s safe now, don’t be so hard on yourself.”She muttered before smiling at clint. “I’m feeling better. Still weak and easily tired, but I’m not bursting into flames all the time anymore."
Tony blinked and then. "okay that's true." he agreed. "Natasha IS scary." he agreed. "i had nightmares when she was here you know. i actually released her before they paid the ransom because she scared me... she threatened my man parts!" he grumbled, shooting her some very intimidated looks. "Jarvis is already on that." Tony promised. "i was hoping you might run word though your contacts? see what they can find out?" Tony asked hopefully. "Jarvis can do a lot of things, bur tracking word of mouth isn't one of them." he admitted. "i'm glad." Clint admitted with a grin. "thanks for saving her life Tony." "it was pure selfishness. you shouldn't thank me." Tony stated, fidgeting. a classic diversion. Tony clearly didn't like being honestly thanked for things. "how was your soup?" "great! Pumpkin Soup is my favorite." he admitted with a grin. "Phil makes the best soup, but Dandy's was a very close second!" Tony laughed. "i'll make sure he knows you like his cooking then." he agreed with a smile. "oh! i almost forgot. if you ever feel like your about to burst into flames, we have a room for that." he admitted. "i kept bursting into fire when i was first infected too, so i had it built. you can practice in there with Fire or Ice powers anytime you need to." he promised.
“...Of course you’d let someone go if they threatened your man parts.”Farian said snickering a little before nodding, “I am. Jarvis is good, but I’ll see what my contacts can find out.”Farian said biting her lip to keep from laughing at how smug natasha looked at having frightened tony. “Well, we’re still glad you did.”Natasha said smiling slightly. “Really?”Farian looked startled at the idea, before smirking a little looking up at the man. “We’ll have to go see what I can do. Might need help practicing.”She said smirking a little.
he huffed. "of course i let her go! i didn't trust her not to escape." he admitted with a shake of his head. "good. thanks." he admitted to her with a smile at her, ignoring Natasha. "yes really." Tony agreed with a smile. "i should have told you earlier but i was... er, not thinking straight." he admitted with a shrug. "i'll show you once we've made sure Clint isn't lying about how he's feeling." "Hey!" Clint complained. "i'm not lying! i'm fine! i have three broken ribs,a broken collarbone and a broken arm, that's it!" "Broken leg." Phil reminded the other, startling Clint. "oh. is it?" he asked, looking down at his leg, rather surprised to see it was indeed wrapped in a plaster cast. "oh! it is." Phil snorted a little. "i see your pain medication is kicking in." "nah. i just wasn't paying attention i guess." he admitted before smirking. "i'll be up and dancing again before you know it. i need to play with the Target Hall Tony made." "it's not done yet. James keeps changing the floor plans." he huffed, annoyed.
Farian smiled a little shrugging. “It’s okay. I mean, we’ve been fairly busy since this happened.”Farian said smiling, wanting tony to know she wasn’t angry about it. Before nodding.”Sounds good. And don’t look so outraged!I’ve seen you brush off a bullet wound as a simple scrape.”Farian said as she looked clint over, looking at phil to make sure that that was indeed all, before laughing.”Definitely pain medication.”She said smirking a little. “Well, I keep thinking of better things to add to it. Stop being annoyed.It’ll be done soon”James said rolling his eyes a little as he leaned against steve, simply cuddling because he could.
he nodded. "i guess." "it WAS a scrape! i didn't even need Stitches!" he protested, sulking in his bed as Phil chuckled. "that's not the time she's talking about. "your my lover! stop taking their side!" he ordered, sulking as Phil sniggered, Tony chuckling. poor Clint, getting picked on. "it won't be done soon because you justt added another dozen and a million things!" Tony grumbled. "your worse than i am! and that's saying something!" he stated with a superior little sniff.
“See!You’re hurt so much you can’t even remember which time your talking about.”Farian teased smiling a little. “Give it up Clint, you know they’re right.”natasha teased. “Well, that’s what you get for inviting even more people to live with you. Had to make sure the range was good for all of us.”James said rolling his eyes a little. Farian snickered a little, pressing a kiss to tony’s cheek, nudging him. “Come on, lets go see about that room.”
Clint huffed and tried to cross his arms but forgot it was broken and winced instead. "they are not right! they're just picking on me because i can't get up and beat them up." he grumbled, making Steve snicker. "oh... go have sex with Steve." Tony ordered, pouting. "and record it, i wanna watch." Steve went bright red at that and spluttered. "okay." Tony agreed as he followed Farian, Clint chuckling. "is it just me, or does she have Tony wrapped around her fingers?"
“Yea, that’s definitely it. I’m not sure you scare me enough to be worried about being beaten up, barton.”James teased smirking a little, glancing at steve as he blushed. “Hm, I like this idea. Video taping you...hmmmm...”The brunette purred smirking as he looked at him before laughing at clint’s words.”Oh no, she has him wrapped around her fingers. Its fairly amusing really.”

Farian smirked as she stepped into the room, sighing softly as she looked at him, drawing tony into a kiss, grinning against his mouth as her body heated, having every intention of seeing how much control she had, having not had sex since she’d been hurt since they burned things down around them, she was eager to try and gain control.
Clint huffed. "well no. i don't think i could beat you up... but i could take the others!" he complained before staring as Steve went even more red. "we are NOT!" Steve hissed at James. "it's NOT happening!" but it probably would because Steve couldn't help himself. "oh good. i was worried i was seeing things." Clint admitted with a smirk.

Tony smiled as they stepped into a huge square room with no windows and only one door made of some sort of dark gray metal. he moaned as the door swung shut and she pulled him into a kiss, eagerly kissing her back, shuddering as he felt her growing hot against him. it felt pretty damn good really.
“I would pay to see you try and beat Cap up.”James teased smirking a little, “Watching him work out is very hot.”James aid snickering before looking at steve, smirking a little.”Yes it is. You can never say no to me you know. Just think of how hot you thought that video of me and tony was. This would be like that.”he smirked a lttle before laughing. “Definitely not seeing things. She’s got him wrapped around her fingers.”

Farian smiled against his lips kissing him before pulling away, looking around the room, swallowing hard as she looked at him,biting her lip. “I want to play. I mean, I know I said I wanted to try and be in charge, but I want to submit first. If I get a feel of how that is, maybe I’ll understand you even more.”She said blushing a little, hands resting on his chest, nervous about bringing it up, not sure how to ask for the kinky sex she wanted to try.
"i've taken cap before." Clint huffed and Steve smirked. "you think you've taken me before." Steve corrected. "where you aware that on that day i had three broken ribs and a fractured wrist and was so hopped up on pain drugs that i thought you where a kangaroo?" Clint gaped at him and Phil started laughing. "i can too say no to you! look! i'm doing it now! No!" then he paused and thought about how hot it really had been, watching James and Tony. "....once! and you have to turn it off if i tell you to!" "so much for saying no." "piss off Barton."

Tony groaned as she pulled away and blinked at her, looking confused. "play? oh! you want to... are you sure?" he asked, looking worried. "i thought you where going to read the books first." he admitted as he ran his hands over her back. "well we can try something safe and simple if you like?" he offered. "a bit of a bondage. maybe tie your hands up. some light spanking?" he offered, rubbing her ass with his roaming hands. "you'll need a safe word, do you know what that is?"
“....”James stared before nearly doubling over with laughter as he realized steve had been drugged and broken. So very amused at the idea before smirking at steve. “You’d make a very cute kangaroo.”he teased before tilting his head. “it never lasts.”James pointed out, smirking a little a before nodding. “Once. And of course I’ll turn it off.”He said because while he might push steve’s boundaries, he would never push him if he truly was upset at it.

“Yea...I am. And I was going to. but...I trust you. And I want to read them, but I want you now.”She muttered shivering, squirming a little under his hands, moaning quietly at the idea of being bound, eyes wide as she looked up at him. “Ohhh, I like that idea.”She said shivering, before nodding.”A word to end the game. And...hmm...Kryptonite.”She said blushing, because like superman and kryptonite, tony was her weakness.
Clint was now in a full on sulk as Phil chuckled. "well that explains why he started throwing punches at me." Clint grumbled. "thought it a bit odd but i was more focused on the fact that i took down Captain freaking America." he admitted with a shrug. "good." Steve sniffed. "we should let Clint rest. i want those books you promised." he ordered as he tangled his hand into the others and headed off while Clint complained to Phil about the state of his bedding and the fact that he was horny and wanted sex.

he nodded. "okay." he murmured as he stroked her body, grinning a little. "you like that huh? alright then. during playtime you will refer to me as Sir, My Lord, or Master. give them each a try during the game and see if you have a preference. if they feel odd or if they don't feel right, tell me and i will give you other options." he ordered. "you will answer every order i give with a Yes, and then my title." he stated, looking amused even as he watched her expressions intently. "you will do as i say when i say it without question or you will receive a punishment. do you understand?"
James snickered, amused at clint’s words. “well, when you’re feeling better, we’ll see about a rematch. Maybe you’ll do good even if he’s not high.”James snickered a little before nodding. “We should.”he said saying goodbye to the other two, holding onto steve’s hand as they walked, heading for tony’s rooms to get the books, amused as he heard clint complaining. “here.”He said handing over the few books, fidgetting a little nervously as he collapsed back onto tony’s couch, knowing the man wouldn’t be up here any time soon, so he had every intent of making good use of the billionaire’s furniture.

“Yes I did.”She said shivering at the idea, eyes blown as she considered what she was hearing, biting her lip a little before nodding, listening to the orders, even if she looked nervous, it wasn’t rejection, simply having never done this before, so she was rightfully nervous. Shivering at the command in his voice she swallowed thickly, “Yes, master.”She muttered her voice soft and breathy with lust.
Clint huffed and Steve smirked. they all knew Clint was no match to him. he settled onto Tony's bed, not bothering to care that it was Tony's bed and picked up the first book and began to read. that same furrow in-between his eyebrows as he'd always had when he was really focused and fascinated in something. clearly Steve wouldn't stop reading until he had either read the entire book or Tony kicked them out. which meant Steve was more than just 'interested'.

he smirked at her when she didn't run away, hiding his own nerves. she hadn't run away yet... hadn't fled. it was going to be okay. he nearly jumped her when she called him Master in that tone of voice. truthfully the Title was more for her than it was for him. he didn't really care what he was called, but some Subs really got off on calling their masters just that. personally, Tony just loved the way they sounded when they said it. "Good Girl. now. if at any time you don't like something, or just feel odd about it and want to stop and talk about it, you say red. if you need me to stop so you can decide how you feel about something, you say Yellow. if you really like it and want more, you will tell me Green, or ask for more coupled with my title. this is known as the Stoplight. we will always use the Stoplight for anything new." he explained. "this gives you a level of control over both of us, and allow you to have more confidence while playing. do you understand?"
James smiled as he settled next to the other man, resting his head on his stomach as steve read, simply content to be with him,though he quickly grew bored, and set out to see how long it’d take steve to get distracted as he drew absent designs on his stomach, knowing he’d get yelled at for trying to distact him when steve wanted to read, but he was enjoying having steve back to much to not push his luck.

Farian shuddered as she was called a good girl, smiling almost shyly as she looked up at him, before nodding. “Yes, master.”She swallowed hard looking nervous but also excited at the idea of playing, catching her lip between her teeth as she looked up at him.”...<aster?What are we going to do first?”She said to eager and excited to wait and see, wanting to know,.
Steve smile as he was laid upon. he had always loved being used as a pillow, even when he was too tiny to really support the others weight. "Bucky." Steve complained once Bucky started getting bored. "we're not having more sex until i read this books so it would be in your best interest to stop that right now before i tie you up in here, strip you naked and make you wait for Tony to finish with Farian." he warned sternly, hiding his face so Jame's couldn't see his amusement.

Tony smirked at her again as he stroked her head affectionately. "good girl. now. you will notice that the floor here is very soft." it felt like walking on a waterbed actually, or a rubber ball. "so you woll strip naked and kneel in front of me." he explained. "much of BDSM is spent trying to make the Pet, or the Sub depending on your preferences in BDSM, uncomfortable. i am going to walk around you while you are naked and simply examine you at my leisure." he admitted. "it will probably be uncomfortable but i will warn you before i touch you. don't want you getting any frights. burns heal in a matter of hours but they still hurt." he admitted with a chuckle. "so? Get to it. Strip and kneel."
James whined at the warning nuzzling his face against the other's chest whining a little."but stevie your being should take a break,have sex then go back to your book."he bargained even if he did stop drawing on the other.

Farian nodded a little rocking on her toes a little 5o just test the floor raising a eyebrow."did you set this room up just to have sex master?"she muttered sounding amused swallowing thickly as he explained before starting to shivering as she knelt at his feet. Trying not to be to nervous even as she turned her head to keep a eye on him as he wasn't that she didn't trust him,it was just the new element to this that made her nervous enough to need to watch him
Steve snorted a little. "you know. if your so bored, you could play some music or something." he suggested. "or play a video game, i know you like those and this IS Tony's room." he pointed out. "let me read so we can have better Kink next time." he ordered. "i'm curious about this Wax Play thing." he admitted. "and Bondage seams to really get me going so i want to be well informed on that as well." he admitted. "this book doesn't have much on Sub-Space yet though."

he snorted. "actually no. the floor is soft because when i was first learning how to control myself... other people too, we kept passing out. and falling on a metal floor hurts like hell." he admitted before smirking as she did as ordered. "good. your doing well." he assured her. "you can follow me with your eyes for now. i'll stay in your sight until you calm down." he promised, studying her as he walked around her, doing as promised and staying to her front. "now i'll go behind, do not turn your head." he ordered once she had settled a little, stepping out of her sight and examining her from behind. she had the most adorable little heart shaped ass honestly. "your doing very well." he assured her. "i'm going to touch you now." he warned before sliding his hands over her shoulders, sliding his thumbs along her muscles, giving her a gentle massage. "how are you feeling? be honest."
"But tony'll know. He'll tease me about playing his games."James whined a little even as he sat up and turned on the tv,settling in to play assassin's creed pausing to glance at the other man."....oh're going to drive me insane."he shuddered at the idea of tying the other up and pouring wax over that pretty skin."there should be some towards the end probably."

"...ah. that makes sense."Farian said smiling a little, relaxing a little at the praise. Still nervous but still relaxing a little. Farian swallowed hard indeed following him with her eyes and relaxing even more as he stayed in sight and that everything was okay. Swallowing thickly she nodded,not turning as he stepped out of sight."yes master."she muttered tensing a little,skin warming under his fingers but not burning hot as he touched her."nervous. Tense...but excited to. Waiting to see what's next is hard ma..tony."she muttered breaking a little needing to remind herself the it was tony behind her,that she trusted tony."...I'm not liking not being able to see you...but that's not cause I don't trust you."she reassured."it's cause I just don't like people behind me."
he snorted. "he has them in here for a reason. play them." he ordered, pleased when the other did as ordered. "Assasin's creed? any good?" Steve asked, looking amused. "besides, i'm supposed to drive you crazy." he pointed out as he settled back with book in hand and resumed reading.

He smiled as she warmed under his hands, she was doing a lot better than he had. he had completely and totally freaked out at this stage when James had tried it. being so helpless had not been one of Tony's more favored things but he'd started loving it once he'd calmed down about it. "Very good. Honesty is important." he admitted, slipping around in front of her again. "Honesty means that you do indeed trust me, and you trust me not to take offense." he admitted. "it also means that i can trust you to tell me when you really don't like something." he admitted. "it means that i know you will use the Stoplight or the safeword." he admitted. "now, i'm going to do a bit of light bondage first." he explained, pulling what looked like a silver chain from his pocket. "i made this for James." he admitted with a smirk. "his Super Soldier strength and metal arm can't snap it." he admitted. "hands together, behind your back." he ordered gently, tying her wrists, though he didn't stand behind her to do it, standing to her side instead so she could see what he was doing.
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