The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony gasped as he felt the hand in his hair and he relaxed a little. part of him wondered if Farian was watching this somewhere? as Steve? would they see him at his weakest? did he care? no. not now. James was there. the Soldier was there. blissful, silent, punishing, perfect pain was coming. he obeyed and looked at James, blinking at him, eyes watering from the sharp sting of pain in his scalp. "Hurt me." Tony whispered, using that soft, broken tone he only ever used with James and Bruce, and only when he needed to submit. needed to be punished. needed to bleed and bruise and release all the rage and guilt inside of him. he opened his mouth to the other, kissing him back and moaning softly as he relaxed a little more against the other. willing to submit more than he normally was. it had been some time since he had needed to submit. not to say he hadn't, but it was different when he was broken up inside, just like this. "James. Sir. please."
James smirked as he looked down n at the other, a ghost of a smile touching his lips."you like the idea that they're watching somewhere don't you? That they might get off on watching us."James muttered as he set to work,and not stopping until both of them were exhausted, broken apart and put together again. Panting as he curled up in the bed absently pressing a kiss to tony's hair as the man laid against him, absently stroking his welter back."you okay?"he muttered asking like he always did if he'd gone to far.

Farian looked pale and shaken, Jarvis having let both her and steve watch the videowhen the ai had realized that both parties had enjoyed the idea of them watching. Though turned on she was also worried. Because she didn't know if she could be what tony needed....or if steve could bear seeing the changes hydra had wrought in the other super soldier. Like james,she worried about his reaction,not knowing him well enough to even guess. Because for the whole time she'd known him,seeing him with James was the only time she'd ever seen him show interest in actual dating
Tony gasped at the accusation, not that it wasn't true. he was rather hoping they would see, that they would watch. Farian would see him at his worst... and at his best and if she could handle it, then maybe... maybe he could actually have a chance at a solid, true relationship. he just whimpered and tried to nod, not that he could wit the hand tangled in his hair so tightly. Tony cried, as he always did when he was broken up inside, but he always felt so much better after James was done with him. "yeah." Tony breathed, too exhausted, too blissed out, too far into subspace to really give a more in depth answer. he felt wonderful really. James always stopped before it was too much. "You 'Kay?" he asked sluggishly.

Steve was watching, cool and calm. he had always known that part of James existed. he'd never seen it though and as much as he was rather horrified he was... fascinated. it was interesting watching what he had watched, seeing James so expertly take Tony completely apart, make him cry, make him give up and give in, and then build him back up until Tony was... more relaxed than Steve had ever seen him. ever. and he had seen Tony a lot in old video feeds and recordings. even when Tony had appeared completely calm and relaxed, even in PJ's and a with a whiskey in hand had the man ever looked so relaxed. and James too... even back before the war James had always been a stiff, tense sort. now he was... loose. limber. calm. "interesting." Steve admitted. "i didn't know Sex could be like that." he admitted, glancing at Farian. "you okay?"
James smirked tiredly at the standard answer even as he relaxed in the knowledge that he hadn't gone to far. That tony was okay. Totally utterly relaxed and calm with himself,unlike usual when he was tense and stiff in a effort to not freak out the people around him, a conscious effort to try and fit in with the people near him. A habit developed in childhood, because even a child could understand that craving to thedo what he wanted to do to his lovers wasn't quite right and he'd always been in utter control to not freak out. It'd only been tony,who'd understood and needed him like that that had given james the freedom to do it....that and hydra breaking him to the point that a simple fetishes had turned into a outright craving and need.

Farian smiled as she realized just how calm steve was being and something in her settling to with the knowledge. As if his acceptance made it easier for her to not freak out even if she wanted to. Not because she aw something wrong with it,but because she wasn't sure she could be what tony needed."yea I'm doing oky. That was actually really hot....Im just worried...what if...he doesn't want me because...I can't be that?I mean I like rough play...but Im submissive most of the time I cant..."she trailed off unable to explain
Tony smiled a little, too tired to actually grin like a goofy loon. "mmm." Tony just hummed, perfectly content. "we should check on the others. Clint was hurt bad 'n Farian 'n Phil where upset." Tony murmured, coming up out of Subspace enough now to be worried about the people he adored most. not that he actually got up, he was too limp and lazy to actually do anything, but he thought about it. and Jarvis took the hint and informed him that Clint was resting well and hadn't woken yet and that Phil was currently with Clint and Natasha watching Bruce set the bones and stitch the cuts and such. Jarvis even reported that there was no internal injuries, as they had wanted Clint broken, but not dead.

"of course he wants you." Steve pointed out. "does Tony strike you as the kind of person who want's to always be submissive? i highly doubt it. i have no doubt he needs that, but i doubt it happens often." he admitted. "and if you can't do it, i'm sure you won't mind if he goes to James to get it." he admitted with a smile. "right? Tony is complicated, but i think he's more terrified of you finding out he's into... that." he indicated the television screen. "than he is worried that you might not be able to dominate him."
“We should.”James muttered nuzzling his face into the other’s hair, to tired and content to really get moving just yet. Smiling a little as they were informed phil and the others were doing okay. That was good to know, “Farian and Steve?”He muttered starting to come back to himself to. “They are currently enjoying the video of what you two have been up to, and seem quite accepting. And wanting to see you when you are up for it.”Jarvis said sounding vaguely smug at having informed the other two to watch the video, and even more so that they were accepting it so well.

Farian bit her lip before making a face. “No, he really doesn’t. He likes being in charge.”She said blushing ever so slightly at the idea of tony taking her apart just as well as james just did to him. Shaking her head a little she smiled. “No, I wouldn’t mind him going to james if he needed to, sine it’s something I couldn’t do and he needed.”She said before shuddering a little, swallowing hard. “It was fairly sexy really, seeing that.”She said before relaxing as she realized that yes, tony would be more worried about her finding out, rather then what she could do.
Tony rose up out of subspace so fast that it soured. they watched. they where watching, Farian would be disgusted. she would hate him, she would leave him. he pulled in a sucking gasp and struggled to sit up. he had to talk to her. he had to stop her. he had to keep her! he couldn't let her leave! not until he explained, or promised never to do it again. he didn't realize that he was breathing too fast and yet not getting enough air. he had to.. he had to... he had to... darkness was swooping in, he couldn't breath, panic was all he knew, he couldn't breath... he had to...

"exactly. i think this is Tony and James way of... handling themselves?" he mused, trying to find the right words. "Phil said Tony was unnaturally still, i think this is what happens when Tony is enraged enough to slaughter someone." he admitted. "and James too." he admitted. "and i wouldn't mind him coming to James either, so it's not like it will cause fights... actually it's... fascinating seeing them together, watching them interact... i love watching them together." he admitted, sounding a bit sheepish before frowning. "uh... what's happening?" he asked, looking worried as Tony appeared to be having what looked like a massive panic attack.
James paled, shaken as he considered just what the others were seeing, shaking a little, his own mood souring quickly before he was pulled back, so fast that he felt off balance as he responded to tony’s mood, watching him panic for a moment before reaching out and grabbing his hair, pulling him into a hard kiss before tightening his hold, having every intention of breaking the other apart again if he needed to .”Tony!Tony calm down. Now.”He ordered holding onto his own slippery control barely, trying hard to not panic himself even if he was starting to. So,so worried about what steve was thinking.

“Exactly. Handling themselves in a way that needs done.”Farian said before nodding, “He froze, simply became still....His way of coping, like repeating facts and things about himself in a way to become James Barnes again and not the Soldier.”Farian said looking thoughtful before smiling a little. “As long as we’re all able to talk and not let things become weird or make us uncomfortable, this is just something that they need, that wont cause problems.”farian agreed before grinning nodding, even as she looked a little sheepish. “It really is. They’re....different together. In a way they are not around other people.”Farian said before tensing frowning, “...Tony’s having a panic attack I think.”She said looking scared for him as she moved to get up, shaken and worried as she moved to get out of bed to go to the others.
"maybe? Phil said it looked pretty unnatural actually." Steve admitted with a grimace and a shake of his head. "it sounds like it was pretty creepy." he admitted before grinning. "exactly. they need each other, in a big way. we couldn't make them give each other up. not after that. i wouldn't even try to." he admitted before turning to look at her. "they..." he paused. "it's like they compliment each other, or mirror each other." he frowned unable to explain it before he followed her, helping her stay steady as they headed for the room.

Tony yelped as he was yanked by the hair, he rarely yelped. he blinked stupidly at James, trembling wildly in the others arms as he struggled to obey, struggled to be a good boy and calm down. why was he panicking? James was right there, nothing was wrong, it was okay. Farian could leave if she wanted to... "s..Sorry. i'm okay." he gasped. he wasn't okay, not at all, but he knew James needed him to be, he could see the flickering in the man's eyes. he yelped again as the door swung open and Farian and Steve walked in, both of them looking incredibly worried. "James. let Tony go, Farian will help him." Steve promised, gently urging the man to let Tony's hair go. "you don't have the mindset to help right now. come on, let me help you." Tony urged, stroking the others face. "it's okay. it's okay Jamie. it's okay Bucky. My Jimmie." Steve only called James Jimmie when he was really worried or upset. it as a name that only Steve was allowed to use, he hoped it would snap the others attention onto him.
“It was really. Like it was a habit, trained in to make sure he didn’t burn the world around him.”Farian said sighing softly before nodding. “No, I wouldn’t have tried even before this, but now its obvious they can’t function as well if we’d force them apart. It’s,’re right. Mirrored parts, both needed to be complete.”She said rather then be upset she couldn’t be all that tony needed, or think that steve would be upset he couldn’t be what james needed, she knew they both were just happy that the other two could be there for each other.

James flinched loosening his hand as tony yelped, panic tightening his features, reacting as if he’d truly hurt tony rather then simply startling him. “N-no your not.”James panted quietly, panic edging into the words, focusing on tony’s face, holding onto his slippery control before wincing as the door opened, cringing away even as he focused on tony’s face, not responding right away before nodding a little, forcing his hand open, “Kay...”He muttered before startling, his head coming up in startlement at the name,”Stevie?”he muttered focusing on him.

“Tony?What do you need me to do?”Farian said locking her knees as she moved to stand near him, hovering and needing to know how to help him even if her body was wanting her to sit down and rest, overwhelmed by everything that had happened today.
he nodded. "we'll just have to tell them so then. they've probably been worrying themselves sick over it. stupid boys." he grumbled with a smile. "and you know, i can see Dr. Banner instilling that habit to keep Tony from doing stupid things he'd later regret." he admitted. "you know. i think it might be weird that we're not upset about this. but i can't bring myself to be because i know we give things that they can't get from ech other... like... like a puzzle!" he decided. "they touch each other, fit together like pieces of a puzzle, but we connect to them as well." he mused with a smile.

"yes. it's me." Steve promised, stroking the others hair and iving him a gentle kiss. "it's okay Jamie. it's okay." he promised. "i'm here and i'm never leaving." he promised. "and i certainly am not going to make you stop fucking Tony. that was just hot." he teased gently, smiling at him. "it's okay. we're okay." he promised softly as he held the other. "we're all going to be okay." he promised.

Tony blinked dumbly at her, reaching out with trembling arms as he pulled her close, hiding his face in her stomach he simply sat there and begged her not to leave him and that he was sorry he was a freak. no doubt this was his past abuse coming up, had Pepper thought him a freak for needing such things? Howard probably had just for Tony being Gay. how many people had told Tony he was sick, or disgusting for wanting such things? too many if he was promising her to never do it again if only she wouldn't abandon him.
“Stupid boys, but it does explain some of the looks we get sometimes.”She pointed out, having noticed that james was avoiding sex, more then one thing making the man hesitate in having sexy fun times even when it was obvious he wanted to. “...It probably is, but who cares, as long as we’re okay with it?”Farian shrugged a little before smiling slightly.”Exactly. And like puzzle pieces, they click into place somewhere we can’t. So it works, we all simply fit together.”She said smiling quietly, happy for them.

James tilted his head into the other’s hand, sighing quietly as he was kissed, going utterly relaxed under the other’s lips trembling as steve kept talking, dark eyes wide and panicked, flushing a little at the praise. “It is fairly hot.”he muttered though he was calmer, there was quiet panic in his eyes still before shifting, getting up and pulling the blond with him, pausing to watch farian and tony for a moment, deciding if he was needed or not before deciding they were okay, simply leading the blond for his bedroom, for the first time allowing someone into his sanctuary, even tony hadn’t ever been in his bedroom, respecting the assassins need to have a place that was solely his own. Pausing to look around the room as he walked in, he fidgeted nervously as he stepped aside to let steve in. While it wasn’t a huge room, at least compared to the nearly floor big bedroom tony had, or bruce, it wasn’t totally small, simply a reflection of a man who’d grown up in a time where rooms were even smaller then this. So this somewhat smallish space, was utterly luxurious for the man. The fishtank at the end of the bed was yet just another reflection that he was working on himself, a simple way of relaxing, simply watching the fish. Looking anxiously around the room to make sure it was clean and nothing to embarassing he turned to look at steve, looking him over before moving, wrapping his hands in the other’s shirt, pulling him close as he pinned him to the glass,kissing him hard and desperate.

Farian smiled softly as he reached for her, simply standing at the edge of the bed, arms resting around his shoulders as she gently stroked his hair, making quiet hushing sounds even as she realized he wasn’t hearing her really, simply sliding her fingers through his hair even as her temper heated her skin. Warm as she realized exactly just what kind of abuse howard and pepper had put him through, hating to see the strongest man she knew, falling apart simply at the idea of her leaving him. Biting her lip as she considered on how to tell him she was okay with this, or could do it, even if she wasn’t nearly as practiced as james was at it, she could take care of him, and prove she was okay. Wrapping her fingers in his hair, tugging his head back gently as she lowered her head to give him a hard and dominating kiss before raising her head, looking him over, pain in her eyes as she considered him. “I’m not going anywhere Anthony.”
"i know. it's funny now that i really think about it. i think they where off fucking and then where feeling guilty about it." he admitted with a snigger. "that's true. it's not like we care about other people anyway." he admitted. "i just hope Natasha shuts her mouth now." he admitted. "you have no close i came to actually hitting a woman." he admitted with a huff.

"very hot." he agreed with a smile before blinking as he was tugged to his feet, following because he figured he needed to follow. "oh wow. it's gorgeous." he admitted before tensing a little at the fish tank. he gasped as he was pinned to it, a high keening terrified wail leaving his lips as that cold, cold, cold, WATER, tank touched him. "stop! not the Tank! not the water! not the Ice!" Steve pleaded, panicking as he struggled against the other, slipping free and bouncing over to the bed instead. "s..sorry! Gimme a sec... the water..." he whispered, trembling under the force of the crushing memories of water slamming into him, hardening around him until he was trapped, trapped, immobile but still aware as sharks swam by and fish pecked at his surface. fortunately he had always been a hardy fellow and the panic soon dissipated and he smiled, ashamed of himself, at James. "sorry... panic attack. i'm okay."

Tony was slowly starting to relax as she stroked his hair and murmured to him. he couldn't really understand what she was saying but she wasn't beating on him, yelling or trying to leave so he was starting to realize he was being stupid and that everything was going to be okay. he gasped as she tangled her fingers in his hair, staring up at her in stunned shock. "...your supposed to pull harder." he finally admitted, fully relaxed now, looking a little amused. "sorry... it was just a panic attack. i have them. i'm okay now... sorry." he murmured as he nuzzled her belly before jerking. "your still hurt! why are you standing up!? lay down!" he ordered, fussing over her now as he urged her into the bed and looked her over, glad to see she didn't look hurt, just a bit tired.
James jumped back, looking like he’d been burned as he watched the other, eyes wide and panicked as he tensed, backsliding fully into the winter soldier, tense and reaching for the weapons he kept near the bed, the gun cradled in his hand as he looked around for whatever had freaked steve out, even as the man moved to the bed, he kept twisting looking around for whatever had freaked steve out. “....”He stared around, tense despite steve’s reassurance that he was okay, to close to having his own panic attack to be handling steve’s well. Backing away slowly from the other, not seeing what had freaked him out, but knowing he’d caused it. “S-sorry. I-I’ll go.”he said stuttering in his panic as he backed towards the door, even in his panic, trusting steve to be alone in his room.

Farian sighed softly as she pressed a kiss to the other’s hair, gently petting him as she looked down at him, laughing softly at his words, tightening her hand a little. “Well, you’re going to have to teach me. I’ve never done this before.”She said smiling,blushing, before groaning as she was nuzzled. “I have them to. It’s okay. Even if you were having it over something stupid.”She teased, just to make him feel better, and know that she was totally okay with this, before yelping as he jerked away, smiling softly as he got her into bed, “Well, if you two weren’t being silly boys, I wouldn’t have had to get out of bed, or watch Cap worry so much.”She teased a little leaning up for a kiss."I'm fine, tony."
Steve panted as he forced himself to calm down even faster as he realized James was having his own episode. "hey. easy. don't leave." Steve ordered gently as he took the others hand and led him to the bed. "i'm sorry. i didn't think to warn you before. water... it..." he shuddered violently. "i have flashbacks of the accident that left me frozen." he admitted. "ice or cold things touching me, or water that's deeper than my ankle makes me panic." he admitted. "the Fish tank.... it was cold, and there was so much water..." he muttered, shuddering violently. "it's okay so long as i'm not too close to it." he promised. "i'm okay now. i was always a tough bastard. i'm okay, i promise." he murmured, kissing the other gently. "are you okay?"

he smiled before moaning as she tightened her hand. "you don't have to, if you don't want to. i don't always need it." he promised her. "in fact, i really rarely need it." he admitted, blinking at her. "i know you don't like me going to James but... he usually takes care of me when i get like that, and.. and he needs me when he starts slipping too much..." he was babbling now, trying to explain why he didn't want to stop with James. "i'm sorry." he muttered, grimacing a little. "remind me to dismantle Jarvis. Skye did something and now the bastard thinks he can do things without asking my permission first." he grumbled, shaking his head. "your not fine." he grumbled as he gently kissed her. "...thanks.... for... for not leaving..."
James paused as he backed towards the door, frowning as steve took his hand, eyes flicking towards the fish tank, looking pale and shaken. “We can move rooms...”he said looking anxious and not wanting to upset the other, “...there’s other rooms.”he muttered, sounding sad though, that he wouldn’t be able to share this space with steve, this space that was the only thing he’d had of his own in so long, a place that was solely his. Kissing the other back he shuddered softly. “You are a tough bastard.”he muttered snickering a little, still looking shaken and off nodding tightly.”Yea, I’m okay.”he said softly, oh yea, he was such a liar. Steve’s panic attack having simply made his own worse.

“Well, it does interest me, I just have no experience.”She smiled a little, before frowning, balling up a hand and punching him lightly in the shoulder. “Did I ever say I didn’t like you going to james?No I didn’t. It was actually fairly hot really. And me and Cap have already had this discussion. We weren’t going to force you apart before. This just....made us aware of just how much you two need each other.”She smiled a little wincing as he babbled, gently cupping his face in her hand, kissing him gently. “Don’t apologize. I’m just sorry you freaked out.”She said softly before sighing a little. “Well, you two did say you wouldn’t mind watching us...he did take that as permission.”She sighed before smiling a little, “I’m okay. I promise.”She said glad that extremis wasn’t reacting, that she hadn’t started burning up simply by touching him, “You’re welcome....besides, if extremis hadn’t made me leave, your sex fetishes weren’t going to.”She teased lightly.
Steve shook his head. "i like this room." he admitted with a smile. "it's your room. i just can't be pressed up against the glass." he promised. "okay? i do like fish." he admitted with a smile. "i am a tough bastard." he agreed with a grin and a chuckle. "your not okay. come on." he ordered, laying the other down and holding him, kissing the others neck and shoulders as he ran his fingers through the others hair. "just lay here for a bit and calm down, okay?" he asked with a small smile as he snuggled and cuddled and necked the other.

he smiled at her. "i could give you a few lessons." he agreed. "if you really want to i mean." he admitted offering her a sheepish smile, blinking as she punched him. it didn't even hurt. that was weird. "i... what?" he asked, looking confused. "but it's... huh?" he asked, confused. "...oh..." he muttered, looking confused. "but..." he frowned, completely baffled. "i don't... you... really don't mind?" he asked, looking puzzled. "...i was spaced out of my head! he knows better than to listen to me when i'm like that!" he protested, sulking a little before smiling at her a little. "i guess that's true..." he admitted as he examined her, his head tilted. "so you... liked that huh? watching me and James?" he asked with a smile.
James nodded a little looking around, “Yea. It’s mine....and okay. Not against the glass. Easy enough. There’s other walls to fuck you against.”James muttered teasing because teasing had always been his reflex way of hiding just how bad he was really doing. Letting the other make him lay down he sighed softly as he leaned into him, snuggling against him, absently running his hands over the other’s body, simply enjoying touching him, unsure if everything was okay. Needing to know they were okay. “’re okay and tony?”He asked quietly.

“I would like to. Not all the time, I mean, I like you being in charge, but it’d be nice sometimes.”She said blushing at the admittance, smiling a little as he blinked. Her heart hurting as she realized that he’d never been punched playfully. “Don’t look so confused.”She teased as he realized just how baffled he was before shaking her head.”No, I don’t mind. I was aware getting involved with you would be a adventure, and knew you were already involved with james.”Farian smiled a little snickering quietly at the other’s protests, flushing brightly at the question, looking down, embarassed as she considered just how warm things had gotten as she watched. “Yea, it was good.”She muttered smiling a little. “Cap liked it to by the way. So if James freaks out on you later, when he's asked to dominate his boyfriend, that's why."She said well aware james wouldn't be able to handle the idea of turning that side loose on steve well.
he nodded, smiling. "i do like this room. it's so... you." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yes. lots of walls." he agreed with a chuckle as he shook his head, letting the other pretend he wasn't as upset as he was. "of course i am. i knew the second i saw you that you and Tony needed each other." he admitted. "i could never ask you to give up Tony." he promised with a smile. "you need him and he needs you." he admitted. "that's enough for me. besides, i love watching you two together." he admitted. "or wasn't the fact that most of my drawings where of you and Tony a clue enough?" he asked with a grin.

he chuckled. "i'm not normally submissive you know." he admitted. "and if you want to give it a try i'd be more than happy to let you." he promised with a smile. "but i am confused. besides you think i'm cute when i look confused." he pointed out before he smiled rather sheepishly before he grinned happily. "of course Cap liked it." he scoffed with a grin and a shake of his head. "honestly you think he didn't know that James was into this kind of stuff when he was still a scrawny shit?" he asked with a grin. "besides i think Steve knows more than anyone how to handle James." he admitted.
“It is...this was the first decision I made when tony freed me....he simply told me to choose what I wanted...”he said swallowing thickly as he remembered those hard days, the panic that had gripped him at having so many choices on what he wanted. “...Oh.”He said relaxing, looking startled and confused at the other’s desire to let him and tony be together, feeling utterly at a loss. “well....I just thought you were thinking we were good looking together...I hadn’t...I mean...I didn’t think you’d be okay with...that.”He muttered more then anything else, meaning just how very sadistic he’d been when he’d given in.

“I know.Which is good, since I normally am.”She said before nodding.”I’d like to.”She said blushing a little at the idea before smirking, “You are very adorable. And confused because I’m okay with this?Well, I’m fairly okay with alot of things you know.”She said sad for him, hating that he’d been so hurt that her simple acceptance of him, of them, was something he just couldn’t understand. “I’m fairly certain he did. I mean, he did say something along those lines, but I doubt James knows that. I mean, he does, but Steve said he’d never seen him so relaxed. If he was that in control all the time when they were younger, it’s going to freak james out.”She pointed out before nodding, stealing a kiss, trying not to worry about her friends.”Steve does know the best."
he grinned. "amazing." he admitted with a smile. "i imagine that had to have been really hard for you." he admitted, watching the other before he chuckled. "you and Tony facinate me." he admitted. "i like watching you interact, and how could i not be okay with it when i saw how calm you where?" he asked. "Tony soothes a part of you that i've never known needed soothing and i could never make you suffer like that. that's not how love works. you need Tony, and i like watching you two together. so of course i'm okay with it. and before you worry, me and Farian have already talked about it. "she's fine with it too." he promised with a smile. "and as for the...uh, pain?" he asked. "that's not the word i want but it's the only way i can think to describe it. i've never seen Sex like that before." he admitted. "it was, really hot actually." he admitted as he looked at the other. "i don't know if i could like it myself, but i'm... curious." he admitted.

he smiled at her. "i like you the way you are. you don't have to change just to make me happy." he promised her before he shrugged. "people are never this accepting." he pointed out, blinking at her. "normally i'd be suspicious but... i guess i trust you too much." he admitted as he smiled. "there, see? of course Steve's fine." he stated with a chuckle as he nodded. "Steve knows to go slowly with James." he promised with a smile as he pulled her down for a gentle kiss. "we should go check on the Agents. i think Bruce has finished patching Clint up." he admitted with a chuckle. "come on. we'll go see how he's doing. i think James needs more time to calm down."
“It was.”James muttered before flushing a little, looking amused at the idea he fascinated the other. “...It’s...calming. Like I don’t have to pretend to not want something I do.”he said looking worried as he considered who else was involved, before wincing, smiling a little as steve anticipated what he’d worried about. “good....Tony needs her to.”He muttered relaxing, leaning his head back to look at him, looking utterly startled as he realized that steve had watched him at his worst, and not only not run screaming away, but also found it interesting enough to want to try. Biting his lip a little he slid his fingers through the other’s hair, drawing him close for a iss. “Well...we could try....start out slow. I mean....nothing horrible, but we could try.”He said blushing at the idea, absently stroking the blond’s hair, calming slowly realizing he wasn’t going to be abandoned, and wanted the other man. Had always wanted steve, in any way the man would let him have him, but the idea of...doing some of the things he’d been daydreaming about since he’d been to young to really know what sex was like, well...that was like the best present ever.

“I’m not. But I’m still curious.”She said before kissing him again. “well, you’ve been talking to the wrong people. I’m sure both James and Bruce were very accepting.”She pointed out before blushing a little as she realized what the other trusted her, smiling softly. “I can’t guarantee I wont freak out later or do something weird, but like with extremis, we just have to take it a day at a time.”She smiled softly, before nodding. “I know he does.”She muttered kissing him back before nodding, moving to get up. “We better.”She said worried about clint herself. Trying hard to not worry about james and steve, when there was nothing she could do for them, but she could go see to clint and phil. Leaning against the genius a little as she let him help her upstairs.
he smiled a little. "you never have to pretend." he promised. "i might not enjoy it myself of course, but it's something you enjoy and more than that, something you seem to honestly need and that means i would be one evil bastard to say you can't do it anymore. even if i don't like it myself, i certainly liked watching it." he admitted with a smile. "and i know that Tony needs her... he's been abandoned so much he has bad abandonment issues." he admitted before he grinned as he watched James realize exactly what was happening. "i'd like to experiment a little." he admitted. "i always did like it when you hauled me over your knee and spanked me." he admitted with a snigger. "i know it was punishment for getting into fights but it turned me on more than anything." he admitted with a chuckle. "so we could start with something like that." he offered with a grin. "since i already know i like it." he admitted as he kissed the other again, grinning.

he nodded, amused. "yes, i can see it." he admitted. "Bruce can't have sex but he can do the same for me that James does." he admitted. "he'll smack me around if i need him to, he doesn't get anything out of it though. poor guy." Tony just couldn't see how anyone could be happy without any sort of sex, not even masturbation! but Bruce WAS happy, very happy even. "it's okay if you freak out." he promised. "but there are safety measures in place when you play with kink and pain like me and James do." he admitted. "a series of safety words." he admitted. "if i need him to stop i tell him Red. if i need him to completely release me and stop everything i say Hammer." he admitted with a smile. "it's not like we just go in and start beating on each other." he admitted with a chuckle before he gently helped her up and headed up to Clint, who was clean, bandaged and looked more like he was sleeping now instead of dead. "come on in." Phil offered, clamping a hand on Natasha, nails digging into her thigh to warn her against saying a word. he'd given her a very strong talking to when she'd tried to tell him to take Clint and Farian and make them go back to Shield.
“...”James stared at the other man, something tight and long hidden behind hte mask of civility relaxing as he leanedback into the bed, offering a almost shy smile as he looked up at him. “...It relaxes me. I don’t....I don’t have to hide. It’s simply being me, I’ve always....been inclined towards it. Just...never really thought it was okay....hydra just took it and used it to get what they wanted.”He sighed softly, well at least tony was right there. Hydra had simply took his natural inclination to being a sadist, and upped it to being a utter craving. “He does. Which made me worry about me and you...I mean...I wasn’t sure how it was going to work.”James admitted sounding relieved that he wouldn’t have to make a choice. “...I enjoyed that to.”he said looking up at the other, dark eyes blown wide as he kissed the other, smirking.”Well, you did get into more fights since I last paddled your ass....I should punish you for doing stuff without me.”James said biting his lip, absently sliding his fingers through his hair. “Choose a safeword, Stevie.”he muttered stealing a kiss.”A word that if you say it, everything stops.”He said sighing quietly, kissing him slowly again.

Farian smiled, relaxing at his promise, realizing they’d be okay. “Well, when we try, you can explain to me more, and we’ll see what we have.”She said blushing a little at the idea of exprimenting before smiling, glad to know that they simply didn’t just go at it. Looking amused and happy as she followed him upstairs. “Hey.How is he?”Farian asked. “...”Natasha looked annoyed as the man clamped a hand over her thigh, before looking at the other two. “Well. Broken bones and a few stitches, but its mostly superficial things, and not life threatening injuries.”
he smiled at the other. "i know." he admitted. "i did watch you, you know. and i've known since we where six that you liked to hurt people. after all, you beat up the kids who where picking on me." he admitted with a smile. "and you have always been that way. you just have a more appropriate outlet now." he teased with a smile. "and Hydra are sadistic assholes who took you from yourself and made you an emotionless robot. they cheated." he stated simply. "well you don't have to worry about me and you again." he promised with a smile as he kissed the other gently before grinning. "i jump out of airplanes without parachutes too." he admitted with a grin before blinking. "safe word?" he asked, confused before he blinked. "i can't just say Stop?" he asked, puzzled before shrugging. "assign me one. i don't really understand." he admitted. "i'll use it if i need you to stop." he promised. "i'll look it up or ask Tony the specifics later." he admitted. "so what happens now?" he asked, sounding eager as he wriggled in place.

he smiled a little and nodded. "of course, i have books you can read on it as well." he assured her. "technical books even." he admitted with a chuckle as he watched her blush. that was super cute. "thank god." Tony breathed as he realized Clint wasn't in any real danger. "they drugged him, which is why he hasn't woken up yet. Bruce thinks Clint will sleep for another couple of hours." he admitted, looking up at Tony. "thanks for rescuing him." "it was my fault he was kidnapped. i should have..." "it wasn't." Phil stated simply. "they have been targeting Clint for over three months. they just took him now because they hoped that you and i would fight rather than look for Clint." "three months?" "yes. they've actually attempted to kidnap Clint a total of six times. they just succeeded now because he lowered his guard because he felt safer in your territory." "well, they won't be getting in through the sewers again. my men are setting up robots and border guards in the sewers now and i have Camera's being installed as we speak. oh, here." he handed Phil a card, the same one that Farian had. letting Phil come and go as he pleased. "you should take Clint home once he's stable, he's going to need peace and comfort once he wakes up." "it will be up to him whether he wants to leave or not. like i said, he's comfortable here."
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