The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“No you didn’t. Eat.”She ordered sliding a plate of toast and eggs in front of him, sighing softly as she squirmed closer, nudging his arm out so she could snuggle into his arms, needy and resting her head on his chest. “I’m okay.”She muttered before shaking her head. “What?No. It’s not about that.”She bit her lip, “It’s uh...well...I had my checkup for extremis this morning...”She fidgeted, looking like she wanted to move away, but to needy to actually do it as she stared down at whatever he was working on. “....I’m pregnant.”She muttered, sounding so very anxious.

“That makes sense. I’ll make bruce take a look at her.”James said, pleased at being able to come up with something that he could do to help before laughing softly. “Tony always thinks everything is his fault.”he pointed out, looking nervous at the subject change. “...He did?”he swallowed hard, looking worried. “And can I stay with tony to?He’s more breakable then you are, I dislike leaving him without someone.”James said, disregarding the fact that farian would be glued to tony’s side to.
he grimaced at the food but obediently started nibbling on the toast with one arm since she was snuggling against the other. "if your sure." he muttered, looking worried before relaxing when she promised it wasn't about the kinky sex. he stiffened against her and sucked in a large breath and felt panic grip him tight. "..J..Jarvis... Bruce..." Tony demanded. feeling the panic attack setting in, even as he tightened his arms around her, desperate to make her stay so he could tell her how petrified he was, as well as how utterly and completely delighted he was.

"we'll do that." Steve agreed with a nod. "Tony is an idiot." he teased with a smile and a shake of his head before nodding. "i'm not leaving Tony's side while Fury is here." Steve stated simply. "Fury's a bit more pissed off at me than he is at Tony right now though, so if a fight does break out, Farian will be working with Tony and you and Bruce will be helping me detain the three Shield Agents." he explained, looking over at James. "as soon as you take down Maria or the third Agent, then you'll return to Tony and provide further cover for him and Farian."
“I am.”She promised snuggling simply because she liked snuggling him, wincing as he tensed, looking worried and upset as she listened to his tone, “Tony?”She asked, sounding anxious and worried about this reaction, tensing, her anxiety about it making the temperature in the room drop some, just enough to mist their breath as they breathed. Looking up at bruce anxiously as the man walked in.”Bruce?”She said looking at him with wide eyes, having utterly no idea how to handle this, since tony wasn’t offering her any clues.

“He really is. It’s fairly adorable really.”James snickered before tilting his head nodding. “Good.”He said relaxing as he realized steve and tony weren’t going to be apart this whole time. Because while he could go for not being glued to tony’s side for the length of the visit, it would make him anxious to not have them at least in the same room. “I can do that. The agents can be well handled.”James agreed swallowing hard as he considered that, before frowning at jarvis’ words. “Tony’s panicking?”He said even though he was already heading for the lab, pulling steve with him, despite tony having not asked for him, he needed to know what was going on.
Tony was struggling to pull in a breath, panic clutching at his throat and lungs, making it impossible to breath. "D..Don't leave." Tony pleaded, trying to gulp in air and gasping, a full deep breath as a hand tangled in his hair and yanked back, pain flaring deep and soothing across his Scalp as Bruce took control. "Breathe. Tony. in... good, now let it out. better, keep going. in... and out.... in... and out... good boy." Bruce stated gently, watching Tony as he started to calm down and breathe properly.

"it is kind of cute." Steve agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yes. very well handled. i have no doubt that the third agent is going to be some asshole anyway." he admitted. "Fury would normally take me or Phil but we're traitors so he can't." he admitted with a grin before blinking as he followed James down to find Tony, who was clinging to Farian while Bruce talked him down. "what's going on?" Steve asked, worried. "Tony are you okay?"
Farian nodded, going still in his arms, “I wasn’t going anywhere, sweetheart.”She promised looking utterly relieved as bruce arrived, needing the man to show her how to take care of tony. “You’re okay...”She muttered gently stroking her fingers over his neck, just needing to touch him.

“...well, I take care of assholes very well. Its easy to deal with them.”James smirked a little because he knew this was going to be bad before staring at the sight of farian and tony. “Guys?”He said swallowing thickly. “We’re okay. Aren’t we?”Farian muttered gently stroking tony’s back, swallowing hard. “I’m pregnant.”She said softly, wanting to tell them exactly what was going on.
Tony nodded, ignoring how that made his head hurt even more, glad that she wasn't leaving. "good." Bruce told her with a smile. "Tony has a lot of panic attacks, he gets like this over some of the stupidest stuff. usually it's because he's having a bad day and is more in the past than he is in the here and now. if he ever calls you Maria or Peggy, get me right away." he warned. "he's been doing very well lately. i think you're stabilizing him rather well to be honest." he admitted. "if he panic's like this again just take him by the hair, hard, it forces him to focus on the pain instead of the panic, talk him through breathing, he hyperventilates or worse, stops breathing completely. once he's calm lessen your grip, tell him he's okay and that no one's mad and stroke him just like your doing now. it reassures him that your not upset." Bruce explained to her as Tony took another deep breath, starting to calm down even more, floating in a sort of subspace. he was aware of what was happening now, he just didn't care enough to react to it.

Steve chuckled and nodded. "exactly." he admitted with a grin. "m okay." Tony slurred. "P...Pre..." Steve stuttered, stunned. both Bruce and James knew what that meant to Tony. a baby of hi own was something Tony feared more than anything else. he was terrified he would turn out to be just as bad, or worse, than his own father. petrified that he would hurt something so helpless, ruin it's life, it's health, it's sanity. yet, it was also Tony's greatest hope, to have a child, a happy healthy baby he could love unconditionally for all of his life. raise it to be happy, teach it how to be brave and strong and good and right. pass on a legacy that wasn't pain and misery.
Farian nodded a little, tilting her head as she listened to bruce.”kay. I can do that.”She said smiling quietly, blushing. “So James told me. I think he’s done so well.”She muttered before nodding. “hair pulling, and talking to him. OKay, I got it.’She said smiling softly, “I’m not upset tony, I promise. We’re both okay.”She muttered, promising quietly, glancing up at the two super soldiers.

“”Yea, you’re okay.”Farian reassured. “pregnant?”James sputtered eyes wide, before grinning, even if he was worried about how the two would be, it was still something he knew tony would be good at. “That’s awaesome tony. You’ll be so good.”He promised grinning quietly.
Bruce nodded. "i know. and if i can't get to him in time you need to be able to handle him." he admitted before smiling a little. "he has been doing very well, but in mental illnesses there is always backsliding. Tony will never be one hundred percent okay, but we're managing him very well. it helps that he wants to be managed and helped." he admitted, watching Tony relax even more at the promise that Farian wasn't made at him for freaking out. "...pregnant. like, with a baby?" Steve asked, sounding almost as terrified as Tony had. "will i? of course i will." Tony murmured, starting to come back up, blinking at them. "i'm a Stark. Stark's atre the best at everything. i can handle a baby. sure. of course i can!" but he sounded more like he was trying to convince himself, rather than others.
“I can take care of him. That’s all I ever want to do.”Farian said smiling quietly, before nodding. “I know there is. But we’re doing okay. And he does want helped, I’m so proud of him for it.”She muttered smiling quietly as tony relaxed into her even more, nodding slightly at steve’s question.”Yes, with a baby....Steve. Sit down.You sound worse then he does.”Farian ordered looking worried for him as james fussed over steve and making him sit down. “You can. And it’s not like you’re going to be alone you know. It’s going to be me and you, and the others. We’ll be okay.”She said stroking tony’s back, gently nudging him. “Come on. Let’s go take a nap till Fury gets here.”She muttered, wondering how this was going to go. Having a feeling that when he came all teh way up, and really registered that she was pregnant, he was going to be even more possessive then normal.
Bruce smiled. "you're actually very good at handling him." he admitted. "when i first met Tony, he was a lot worse. he didn't' want help either. he just wanted the pain to stop." he admitted. "for some reason he thought blowing up anyone who made him mad was a good way to make the pain stop." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "and then James came and Tony found a reason to live again. after all, James was even worse than Tony was." he admitted. "now he has You, and that's saying something." Bruce admitted with a smile. "it's a baby! Farian there's going to be a baby!" Steve gasped, gaping at her. "a baby!" Steve was utterly terrified. what if they asked him to babysit?! what if the baby didn't like him? what if James wanted a baby now!? "nap." Tony agreed, letting her lead him away. just in time too because Jarvis was telling Bruce that Loki was awake and in pain again. there was nothing to do but try to make Loki as comfortable as possible, but Bruce hated leaving the poor alien alone when he was in agony.

(you have to play Fury okay?^^)
(yea I know. XD)

Farian blushed at that, smiling a little.”I try. I just want him to be okay.As okay as he can be.”She muttered laughing softly at that. “Hm, blowing shit up sometimes helps, not in the long run, but it helps.”She snickered a little. So very glad tony had found a reason to live again. “It is. We’re taking care of each other.”She said smiling before staring at steve. “Yes, there is.”She said looking worried. “...You like kids. What’s wrong with you?”James muttered looking worried about him as farian left with tony.

Within the hour though, after not nearly enough rest, Jarvis was announcing that Fury was on his way up, along with maria and the other agent. “Tony...time to get up.”She muttered nuzzling her face against his shoulder, sighing softly as she moved to get up. She really didn’t want to , she knew that fury was mad at them all, but she could do thisl
Bruce smiled. "he's doing very well. i don't know if he can get any better than this." he admitted. "a baby! god i can't be trusted around something so tiny and fragile!" Steve protested to Bucky. "i'll break the poor wee thing! or... or ruin it! i'll ruin the baby Bucky!" Tony snorted as he heard that. "and here i thought i was panicking." he mumbled. he woke rather grouchy and fussed over her, making sure she was wearing socks so her feet wouldn't get cold and making sure she wasn't dizzy or morning sick. "are you sure you want to be down there with us? we have Phil, and Steve, and Bruce and James. they can keep me safe if your not feeling well." he didn't want Fury anywhere near her really. but he knew better than to actually say that. Steve was already showing Fury, Maria and Sitwell of all people, into the waiting room.
“You’ll do fine. If farian’s trusting tony and me around her kid, I doubt you can be worse then that.”James said rolling hsi eyes at the other’s panic, only not panicking himself because he was worrying about the others. “I’m fine.”She said looking amused as she let him put on the fuzzy socks, wrapping up in one of his sweaters and a pair of her jeans, layering a few clothes on, having figured out pregnant, she had a little less control of being hot and cold then normal, so she gave herself the option of warming up or cooling off. “And yes. At least for a bit. I need...I need to know he’s not going to outright kill you upon meeting.”She said twitching a little, “I know I’m being riddiculous but I need to.”She said as she headed downstairs with him.

“This is very impressive.”Fury said looking around them as steve showed them into the waiting room, reluctantly impressed by the tower. “It is. Even more when you get to see the rest.”Natasha said smiling slightly a she walked in, closely followed by farian and tony. Farian wincing a little as she saw the director scowl, stepping closer to tony.
"Your not. your pregnant! who knows what's going to happen! i've heard all kinds of stories about mood swings and hormonal imbalances and cravings!" he stated, eyes wide. "you aren't going to suddenly develop a taste for peanut butter on sardines are you?" he asked, looking a bit concerned. "well... okay." he agreed, looking worried. "i'm sure he's not going to kill me though and if he tries i have Iron Man, and Jarvis too. he's developed a hell of an arsenal." he admitted. "and that's not counting Bruce, Steve and James." he admitted. "i'm not sure if Phil and Natasha would help though." he admitted. "but they wouldn't attack me at least." he mused as he let her walk as she pleased.

"of course it's impressive, it's Tony." Steve snorted. "don't read the magazines." Steve warned Sitwell who had sat down in a cushy chair and picked up a magazine. "...this is Smut." "i know." Steve groaned. "he has them laying everywhere." "...why?" "to distract people of course!" Tony stated as he skipped into the room. "welcome! welcome! come in! i have Coffee brewing and Tea for Mr. Sitwell coming up." Tony promised. "make yourselves comfortable!" Tony offered as he hopped into his favorite chair, Maria could already feel her eye twitching and Phil sighed, an exasperated one. "so. i know we're not exactly besties, what with you sending assassins after me, naughty." Tony complained. "but i'd much rather aid Shield than aid Hydra." Tony admitted. "so. the question is. what do you want from me and what can i get from you to make this worthwhile endeavor? please bear in mind that even if we don't ever reach a conclusion where i work with Shield, i will never work with Hydra." he assured Fury.
"...well those things are normal for pregnant right at this moment I dont. It's actually making a little sick to my stomach."she said making a face at his food choices before si ghost ing."I know he wont. And I know they woulsnt...I just...need to see him and make sure you're okay...I think the pregnancy protective Ness is kicking in."she smiled a little.

Fury raised a eyebrow at the warning to not look at the magazines a reluctant smile touching his lips as he realized why. He had to admit it was a good distraction. Fury sat raising a eyebrow as he studied his people who seemed to be siding with tony before sighing quietly. Well. Tony agreeing not to work with hydra was a step forward.""I would like to request stark tech for our communications and such. And that you keep them away from hydra. And I will stop trying to kill you."
He huffed. "if you say so. still terrifying if you ask me." he muttered as he gently patted her feet before helping her into her shoes. "alright. i'm certainly not going to tell you that you can't." he admitted. "i know my pregnancy protectiveness has." he admitted with a nod. he flopped down in the chair and then stared at Fury, baffled. "what? that's it? you want communications?" he demanded, confused. "that's IT?! you don't want mass murdering bombs or giant robots or spy bots?...damn. and here i was thinking you where Evil." he admitted before pressing something behind his ear. "Sorrel? i need my briefcase. the one with the contracts in it. yes. and bring the blue box sitting next to it. the one with the earphones." Tony ordered before turning his attention back to Fury. "anything else?" he asked, his head tilted, clearly he had not been expecting Fury to be so reasonable.
"Well. I'll let you hustle me out if you think I'm going to be in danger. And I mean real danger tony, not simply a excuse to get me out of the room."Farian warned though she smiled a little. Looking as supicious of fury being reasonable as the rest of them."I would ask for weapons but I'm sure that would be turned down. So I'll settle for something that'll help me keep my people alive."Fury said a slight smirk tilting his lips as he watched them. Glancing at the woman bringing in the briefcase and box before sighing."and turn over the war criminal the winter soldier." "No."Farian growled already seeing where this was going. If he couldn't punish them all for choosing this,he'd punish the one that would hurt them all the most.
Tony pouted at her. "but.. but... what if he verbally attacks you, can i make you leave then?" he asked, looking hopeful. "no i probably wouldn't share my weapons." Tony admitted. "i'm actually in the process of destroying most of them, i don't need the temptation if i start sliding under again." he admitted. "i can however provide you with variety of tools. stealth suits, invisible barrier shields, GPS Tracking Modules. surveillance equipment, things like that." he admitted before he went stone faced. "the 'war Criminal' James Buchanan Barnes was not in his right mind when he was made to murder and kill. much like your government will not punish people who could not control themselves, i will not allow you to punish James. the Soviet union literally took away everything. his mind, his personality, his memories, even his god given free will. he was not much more than a puppet when he first came to me and i spent well over three months getting to answer to something other than 'boy or Soldier.' you cannot have James. particularly when it is only because of James that your favorite Agent, Clint Barton, is even still alive. even more so James is the only reason why i myself am not still a raving lunatic hell bent on destroying the world." Tony admitted, staring at Fury. "would you go against your own Laws, Fury? would you punish a man for being so tortured he couldn't even recite the ABC's?" he demanded, his black eyes burning into Fury's lone orb. daring Fury to say the wrong thing.
"No you cant. I can handle verbal attacks tony."Farian sighed softly shaking her head a little."good. We could use that tech."Fury said reasonably before raising a eyebrow at tony'tony's rant looking them all over. Having only really said it to get a gauge on just how tightly knit this family was now. And disappointed when he saw the results. This was not going to be pleasant,but he could at least get this peace treaty hammered out."no I would not. He is left in your care then."Fury said looking them over. "Well. Since that's settled. Can we move on to further negotiations?"james fidget ed wanting to get things moving. The less time it took to hammer out then less time fury would be here.
he sulked at her. "but i can't let him abuse you!" he complained. "i just can't!" he protested. "fine." he grumbled when she gave him that look. sulking because she wouldn't let him have his way. "Thank you Sorrel, please stay." Tony ordered when the woman moved to leave. "i need you to write a new contract once we have all of this hammered out." Tony admitted. "in return for all of this, including some of the newest medical technology and whatever else i feel like throwing in there, you have to allow me to run comprehensive background checks on every single member of Shield. due to certain..." here his lip twitched in amusement. "slips, i have found my way into the complete Hydra Database. it's mostly crap but i have an entire list of Hydra agents. i can't do anything myself, since none of them are in my territory but i would like to have all of the Hydra Agents removed from Shield so that they can't steal, use, or convert any of my technology." he admitted simply. "Hydra is massive, and i'm sure you have a few bugs in your system." Tony admitted. "once i've run the background checks, i will email you the complete list of what i've found." he admitted. "i won't bother sending you lists of people who don't need to be arrested of course, tat would just be a waste of time." Tony admitted. "in the meantime, Senator Ward and Senator Stern are both high level Hydra agents. i would suggest you take them in and question them. see if you can't add a few names to the lists." Tony suggested.
Fury tilted his head not liking the idea of tony in their systems,and while they'd known about it he hadn't been able to figure out how to keep him out either."if you give me the names,I'll see that the are removed."Fury agreed before his features grew thunderous."I had heard you'd taken in ward'ward's younger brother. I assume the information that his brother is hydra is good?"fury huffed a little before nodding."I'll see what other names I can add to the liat."
"don't worry i won't steal your goodies. my toys are better than yours anyway." Tony scoffed. "it might take me a day or two to scan everyone, but it shouldn't take longer than that... Jarvis start that would you?" "already in progress Sir." Jarvis intoned, not that Tony was surprised, Jarvis had started that once Fury had given his consent. "Yes. Grant Ward. his Brother basically sold him to Hydra. his Handler is one of your higher ups, i'll give you his name with the rest of the list." he promised. "he was later sold to contacts within Shield and he's been doing a tango for three monsters ever since. granted, i don't think he realizes the people he answers to in Shield are actually Shield." Tony admitted. "and yes, it was Grant who gave me Stern's information." he admitted. "i'd like to say it surprises me, but it doesn't really." Tony admitted. "this is my number. use it to call me anytime you need something. i won't answer it but JArvis will take the call and write down anything i need to know." he promised. "you should receive your first shipment tomorrow morning once you sign the Contract." he took it from the woman who had just finished writing it and looked it over. it was a basic 'i'll give you toys and help you if you don't invade my country' sort of thing.
Fury glanced up as the ai spoke looking curious about the machine and wondering if it was possible to get a version of him before focusing on tony again."good. And I would request that grant stay here,as the others have expressed concern over his saftey." "Oh you mean like me telling you pulling grant out of here would probably get him killed?"Farian said raising a eyebrow. "Yes that.and I'll deal with stern. Like you said,I wish it was a surprise but it's not."Fury said before taking his number."I'll do that."he said signing the treaty and we'll aware that his former agents were watching him with varying degrees of disbelief
"Sorry. Jarvis was actually an accident i haven't been able to replicate." a lie, Tony hadn't tried to replicate. he probably could, if he wanted to, but he'd have to have an entirely new server to do it. easier just to let Jarvis handle everything. "Grant is definitely staying here." Tony agreed. "he's in too much danger, both Hydra and Shield would delight in torturing him for any and all information he may or may not have on the other side. let alone what he has on me." he admitted. "hey... when you deal with Stern... can you video record it when you tell him that it was my fault he was caught?" Tony asked, looking eager, childishly so. "oh! also, here." he handed Fury an envelope. "just some fun information you might want to have." he admitted, smiling innocently. inside was a huge compilation of most of the Hydra Bases in Switzerland. "have a good day." he called, waving at them as they left before he narrowed his eyes. "old one eye is up to something." he muttered. "no matter. he gave me permission to dig as deep as i want into Shield. i'll have all their juicy little secretes soon."
"Damn. Running the carrier would be easier if there was a ai there."Fury muttered mostly to himself."good. I think there's some people that would freak if you let grant go."James said just imagining skye's reaction if they told her that."...if I must,I will see that a video of stern is sent to you."Fury agreed. "Such a child."Farian muttered rolling her eyes at his demand."...thank you mr. Staek."Fury said as he looked over the bases list as he left looking thoughtful."definitely up to somethjng."Farian muttered disliking not knowing what was going on even if they knew there was something
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