The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“can we go?James needs out of here. And I want to be home.”Farian muttered smiling softly as he kissed her temple, simply leaning against him. “It could be.Get them out of here, I can take care of the rest.”Fury said simply watching the crowd. “What?How dare you think I had something to do about this?”The president asked looking outraged at the question, but even with Natasha across the room dealing with the panic, and only steve there to read him, it was obvious that the man was lying. And it made sense, of course the president wanted his city back.
Tony nodded. "of course, Bruce is going to need to look you over. just in case. are you okay? do you hurt anywhere?" Tony asked, frantic. "Fury. i don't want you to breath a word of this." Steve warned before narrowing his eyes at the President. "your a bad liar Mr. President." he hissed as he grabbed the man by the arms and bent him over the table, handcuffing him. "your under arrest for the attempted assassination of the Grand Duke." Tony rarely used the title and he didn't like being called a King or a prince, so his official title was the Grand Duke of New York. because he was an unaffiliated, it meant that the President had attempted to take out the leader of an allied country, considering Tony was allied with England, he was on a first name basis with the Queen and sent her a birthday and Christmas present every year, it meant the president had very nearly caused a war between the US and England. which could have dissolved into WWIII. not the smartest of decisions.
“No, I’m fine. Just help me up.”Farian said smiling softly, leaning against him a little to get up, turning her head to watch the other’s. “I wont.And go with Stark, I will see that my men are out of the area, and that the president is taken to Stark’s prison. He’s down a bodyguard, he’s going to need you and ms. Rommanov.”Fury muttered glancing towards teh woman walking towards them. “Let’s go.”Natasha said slipping easily into spot next to tony and farian, putting her body between them and the rest of the crowd, wanting to get them all out of her soon, as she could see the EMT’s wheeling james out, and she knew none of them would be comfortable with him out of sight until they were back at the tower.
Tony shook his head. "your not standing up." he warned, gently picking her up, holding her closely. refusing to let go. simply carrying her out to the car and settling her inside, being overly careful with her. ignoring his bodyguards completely. "your going to need to come with us. the U.S. Government is not going to be happy that we've arrested their leader." Steve admitted. "they'll be less likely to take action if they know Shield is on hand speaking for the presidents basic human rights. not that the traitorous bastard deserves any. did you know that Tony is on a first name basis with the Queen of England?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Fury. "this idiot just about started a war." he admitted, shaking the president. "come on asshole, let's go." Steve ordered, forcing the man up and to the door. "we'll see what we can do with you once people realized you actively tried to kill someone. wonder how long it'll take for your entire country to turn on you?" Steve wondered.
“Okay, okay just carry me then.”farian sulked a little at being carried out, but not protesting to much as she was taking comfort in being held. “...That’s true.”Fury winced a little nodding a little as he looked at the president, “I’ll see to it that the goverment knows what happened here. And I didn’t. Is he really?”Fury said looking startled at the idea of tony knowing the queen as they got to the cars. “T-they wont.”The president stuttered looking utterly disturbed at this turn of events as they got into the cars to leave.

“...Tony?”James frowned looking up when Tony stepped into his room, grey eyes glazed and pained, despite his serum healing him, he was still recovering slowly, definitely didn’t heal as fast as steve, and they’d indeed had to cut out the bullet, and reset his collar bone, the man looked utterly miserable in bed.”How is everyone?”He said looking up at him. Growling in vague annoyance at having someone in his room, yet being as hurt as he was, he understood why they’d put him in his own private room, isntead of down stairs in the med lab, at least here he felt a little safer, even if he wasn’t liking the whole people coming and going thing.
Tony nodded. "that's right. i'll carry you." Tony agreed, kissing her forehead. "..i'm sorry." Steve stated suddenly, glancing at Fury. "i shouldn't have grabbed you like that... even you have to admit i was right to suspect you though." he teased, well aware that Fury would do anything to protect his people. even if it meant murder. "yes he is. it's not something he really broadcasts ut i saw him talking to her through one of those video screens. she was demanding to know if he'd started eating more and if she could get a recipe his chef made 'the last time she visited'.... of course, i didn't know who she was until a few days ago." Steve admitted. "King George the VI was the last king i knew. and before that it was King Edward VIII. i actually remember when Queen Elizabeth was born. i was six." he admitted, sounding briefly awed. "i actually met her once. we went to England for a publicity stint and i was introduced to King George and got to shake his hand and everything. it was kind of awesome." he admitted before snorting at the president. "you just tried to murder Iron Man, who saved your country from a miniature alien invasion not a year ago. he's a hero in the eyes of your people, and then when you couldn't kill him, you tried to murder his pregnant girlfriend. yeah, you're people aren't going to hate you. sure." he stated, sarcasm lacing each word. "even the president is subject to the law."

Tony smiled at James, having left Farian with Bruce. "hey James, how are you feeling?" he asked, gently stroking the man's cheek. "you saved her life." he whispered. "i wish i could think of a way to really thank you for that." he admitted, smiling at him. "your the only person who was hurt." he admitted. "Farian's a bit bused but Bruce said that those are minor." he promised. "Seve will be up soon. he's brow beating the president. he's the one that tried to kill me. or maybe he was going after Farian, i dunno. i imagine Natasha will find out." he was ignoring the growling, this wasn't the first time James had been hurt.
“Hm?”Fury looked starlted at the apology before nodding. “You were right. I would resort to killing either of them, if Phil hadn’t told me of just how stable this city is with them. Both of them actually, despite everything that I can see wrong with this, this is a good thing.”Fury sighed softly before laughing. “I’m sure that was a shock to see. A queen you knew as a young woman. That’s pretty awesome really.”Fury said smiling a little, looking equally as disgusted with the president as steve was.

“I’m hurt, my shoulder feels like someone tried to rip it apart, and my fingers feel weird. I don’t like this.”James growled sighing quietly as he leaned into the other’s hand, sighing quietly. “I know. I knew she’d be okay.”He muttered pleased he’d indeed kept the woman safe, before sighing quietly. “I just want you to be happy, tony. I don’t need anything else.”he muttered before laughing quietly. “Steve’s going to be awhile. He enjoys betting on people who do wrong...and I’m sure we’ll know everything the president does when natasha gets ahold of him.”He smiled a little
Steve nodded. "this territory is Tony's for a reason." Steve admitted. "he took this territory and no one protested, no one fought him and no one tried to stop him. it's the U.S. Governments own fault for not trying to keep what they wanted." he stated firmly. "besides, Tony's done a lot of good here, damn if he doesn't know every single one of his peoples names and faces." he admitted with a shake of his head. "yeah. amazingly enough i think she recognized me when i peeked in to check on him. even if i didn't recognize her." he admitted before smirking at the president. "you know, after this i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't put Tony in charge instead of you. at least with him, you know he's unstable." he admitted. "and they certainly don't have to worry about Tony killing innocent civilians the way you just tried to."

Tony nodded. "Bruce couldn't get that new painkiller to work?" he asked sympathetically. painkillers didn't work on him either. "it'll only last a few days at most." Tony promised. "it's going to be okay." he promised, kissing the other gently. "your always right." he reminded the other with a smile. "i think he's more mentally torturing the president." he admitted. "i heard him comment on me taking the president's job. ugh, as if." he admitted with a smile. "do you want me to move you to Steve's room or do you want to stay here?"
“”No he couldn’t. It dulled the pain some, but I still process the drug to fast to have it help alot.”James said sighing softly, shifting before kissing him back. “Just remember that. Repeat after her, ‘james is always right’”he muttered tiredly before snickering. “That’s my boy. He’s always good at mental stuff.”He muttered before shaking his head. “Nah. I’m okay here. You probably should go look after your girl anyways.”He muttered smiling a little.
Tony nodded. "we'll keep working on it." he promised smiling at him. "repeat after you." he murmured cheekily, chuckling a little. "he is good at it, the president was actually turning purple he was so pissed off." he admitted with a smile. "are you sure? i know how possessive of this room you are. Bruce will be in and out to keep checking on you." he admitted. "and i know you don't mind Steve being in here but you don't like it so much when it's me or Bruce." and Tony could understand that very much. he had his own places, mostly in his lab, where no one else was allowed to go. he'd broken Loki's arm when the Alien had wandered in looking for Tony to explain something. luckily the alien hadn't been bothered by it in the least. "my girl kicked me out because i was fussing too much." Tony sulked.
“...seriously?I totally want to watch that video. Of him torturing the president.”He snickered at the idea before frowning, biting his lip a little as he considered that. Sitting up slowly, swallowing thickly as the pain spiked through his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go over to steve’s room. You’re right. I don’t want people in here.”He growled possessively, his need to not have anyone in his space outweighing his need to be comfortable in his own bed. Leaning against tony heavily as he let the genius help him walk, even if it was his shoulder that was killing him, the pain made the world wobble a little. “Well, you do fuss over her something fierce. You should go join steve in the torture.”He snickered a little as he slumped into steve’s bed with a quiet sigh
Tony chuckled. "Jarvis is recording everything of course. we plan to stitch a few of the more dramatic scenes together and broadcast it over the entire country." he admitted. "i thought so." Tony admitted with a smile as Tony helped him to his feet and supported his weight by letting him lean completely on him. thanks to his mechanical 'updates' he could manage the weight for a while. it wasn't anything like Steve or James could do, but he had enough of an advantage to walk James down the hall and into the elevator to go down to Steve's room easily enough. "i'm not good at torture, besides i'll smash the bastards face in." he pointed out, with a very sharp grin. "here. lay down." he instructed, helping the other into Steve's bed, pausing. "hey! i knew it!" he declared, smirking at James. "Cap smells like America and freedom!"
“Hm, I like it. Ask Natasha and Farian’s opinion on that. If you play it right, you could broadcast it worldwide, and gain sympathy everywhere. They’ve spent enough time in europe to give a good take on how to do that.”James said smiling a little, proud of tony. For not only not freaking out on farian for being pregnant, for trying to be better, he was so proud that tony had recognized that farian had contacts, had resources of her own that could help his city, and endeavored to not only have her as his girlfriend, but was pretty much setting her up to be his grand duchess, with as much power as him, equals, instead of inferior like he’d seen in so many royal marriages. “...remind me to yell at you for expriementing on yourself when I feel better okay?”He muttered when tony easily held his weight, before nodding as he slid into the bed. “I’m working on it.”He muttered shifting around to get comfortable, before raising a eyebrow. “America and freedom huh? I dare you to tell him that.”He snickered wincing at how much that hurt.Urgh.
he nodded. "i was planning on it." he admitted before blinking. "worldwide? i hadn't thought of that, i know the Queen of England is going to be pretty pissed." he admitted. "Elizabeth and i go a ways back." he admitted with a grin. "François Hollande isn't going to be too happy either." Tony admitted. being the president of a company that spanned the globe meant you had a lot of connections. "i'm sure that Farian has a bunch of connections too, some of the 'lower scale' people who really get things done." he admitted as he looked at the other, snorting. "i did not experiment on myself. first i had rats, then i had human test subjects and then i did myself only when it was clear there would be no unsavory side effects." he stated simply. "besides it could save my life someday." he pointed out. "oh i'll tell him." Tony leered playfully. "you rest, i'll go check on Steve." he promised, giving James another kiss before heading off to check on Steve.
“Yes, worldwide. You have friends in high places, and farian’s are in low places. You’ll be able to hit the world as a whole if you both get to your connections about it.”James said smiling a little, because he was so proud of tony for doing this, instead of going on a rampage to get revenge for farian nearly being hurt again. “...Fine. As long as you were careful about it.”James huffed eyeing the other for a long moment, deciding he was telling the truth about not exprimenting on himself before nodding, kissing him back sleepily, settling back to sleep. “Go on. I’ll be okay here.”He muttered watching the other go before he fell asleep, trusting the rest of his team, steve, farian, and the others to keep tony and each other safe until he was back on his feet.
he nodded, looking amused. "kinda like Aladdin, only in reverse." he admitted. "Prince and a Pauper of sorts... though, i don't think she's ever been poor." he admitted with a chuckle. "i was very careful about it." he promised the other. "i even told Farian about it and she wasn't mad at me so you can't be mad either." he ordered with a smile. "okay." he murmured, kissing the other one last time before leaving James to rest, ignoring the glare he got from Bruce as he came down the stairs to check on James. Bruce didn't like it when his patients moved without his permission.

"Farian! wanna go watch Steve beat up the president and plot how to get his confessions broadcast to every single TV set in the world?" he asked, eyes glittering playfully.
“...No, I doubt ever poor, but the rest fits. Though if you tell her she’s a street rat, she’ll beat your head in.”James snickered tiredly, sighing quietly nodding, realizing that tony was right. If he hadn’t gotten yelled at by farian, he wouldn’t yell either. Yawning as he snuggled in to sleep.

“Seriously?You’re going to let me out of bed?”Farian said raising her eyebrows as she leaned back in the bed, setting the book she was reading aside before grinning as she got up. “Of course I’m willing to plot things with you. Always.”She smiled.
Tony shrugged. "Bruce didn't say you needed bed rest right? so long as he says all clear i believe him." he admitted, smiling at her. "still if you get dizzy or tired you have to tell me right away. and you have to sit down when we watch. i don't want you to exhaust yourself. and you have to have something to drink. fluids are important." he ordered. "there's food and drinks there int he room already though so you just help yourself to whatever you want." he admitted. as promised, Tandy had laid out an assortment of treats and drinks for the people watching Steve and Natasha and Fury lean on the president and make him talk. it was kind of amusing to watch Steve compare the president to Tony. how good Tony was and how piss poor the president was in comparison. that seamed to get to the leader of the United States more than anything else.
“No he didn’t. I just find it amusing that after all your fussing, you’re letting me out of bed.”Farian teased, amused as she nodded. “I’ll tell you whenever I feel badly or weird, but I’m fine.”She promised even if she grabbed a water bottle to go with her as they headed down. Looking vaguely amused at the sight in front of her. It was disturbing a little, to watch captain america reducing the leader of the free world to tears. “I think we need to put some of his answers with steve’s questions, cut it through video of how your city is, and how things are here. Show just how different the cities in the US are different from here.”She mused resting her head on his shoulder as she nibbled on the food
he shrugged. "i can fuss and still let you up." he admitted. "and you better be 'fine'." he grumbled. "or i'll be very unhappy with you." he complained playfully, offering her a smile. "i really am glad your okay... we should do something really nice for James." he decided. "we should throw him a party when he's better, with cake, and presents!" he decided before snorting as he watched the man break. "and this was the man who i was supposed to bow to? i think not." he beamed at her. "oh you have the best ideas!" he stated happily. "i'll have Jarvis start on that right away!" he promised with a nod as he chewed on a cookie.
“I am fine. I promise. I might screw out with my own health, but I wouldn’t risk our child.”She promised smiling slightly as she looked at him, before tilting her head. “I know. Though maybe not a party, he probably wouldn’t enjoy that, But I’ll have to get something.”She agreed before wincing as she watched the president, smiling softly. “Hm, glad you enjoy the idea. And we’ll use film of us together, Jarvis?Some from the party tonight if you have it, the dancing part. Might as well show you starting a family and all.”She smiled a little as she nibbled on her own cookie.
he smiled at her. "i'm still fussing." he warned her with a chuckle. "not one of MY parties." he scoffed. "i was thinking of one of those parties where they just pile all the presents on a table, eat a dinner and cake together and then leave so that James could open his presents in peace, you know, like on TV." he admitted. "he'd like that, right?" he wondered. "oooh yes. show the world i'm not actually evil." he agreed with a nod. "i like that idea! and maybe with Fury's agreement we could announce that i'm working with Shield. you would never believe how much Hydra had infested Shield. they where even on the board and the committee and the council! Fury, from what i understand, actually threw a fit! i'd call it a temper tantrum but i'd fear for my life, even if he isn't supposed to be able to hear me." he smiled at her. "speaking of Family..." he muttered. "i was going to.. do it tonight at the party but..." he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring that Steve had returned to him, offering it to her. "would you Marry me? be my Duchess?"
“Ah!yes. He would like that. Just buy him alot of stuff, leave it on a table, and leave him and steve in peace for the evening, with no commitments or anything. I like it.”Farian smiled a little before smiling, “I thought you would. And I’m sure fury would agree to it. You both could use the boost in good publicity, with hydra being so infested there....and I’m sure you would.But if you did, Fury would find out.”She snickered at the idea before raising a eyebrow at his words, startling as he stared at the ring, blushing brightly, tears misting her eyes.”Are you serious?Really? I want to?”She stuttered before nodding. “I will.”
Tony chuckled a little and nodded. "he and Steve could have some alone time after." he agreed. "i think he'd probably make Steve open his presents for him even." he admitted with a grin. "i'm not sure. Fury is one odd guy." he admitted, watching said Fury hassle the president. "Fury knows everything." he agreed with a nod. "yes. of course i'm serious! i want to! are you sure!?" he asked, looking honestly shocked, like he'd expected her to tell him she wasn't ready for that kind of commitment. he beamed at her once he realized she honestly meant it and kissed her eagerly, slipping it onto her finger. to him, it looked utterly perfect.
"And him and steve need all the alone time they can get. Otherwise we're liable to walk in on them in public places again."Farian snickered before nodding."he's lazy enough. I have no doubt he'd make steve open his presents."good. And yes of course I'm sure. It's a little late to be backing out you know."she said smiling at him looking down at her ring as he slipped it on.kissing him back before leaning away."is there something wrong with us that we got engaged while watching our friends torture someone?"she said with a slight snicker
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