The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Ah. Well, mine’s a little off to, but between me and bruce, we’ll make sure you don’t upset anyone to badly.”Farian said smiling at him, before making a face as she squirmed away, laying down onto the bed with a sigh, “I do not.”She said rolling her eyes a little looking amused though.

“Hmmm, that’s true....ohhh. I could have both your male and female virginity. I could totally go for that.”James snickered a little nuzzling him before something tight in his chest utterly relaxing. Even if he knew, had always known steve loved him, the man still liked hearing it. “I know. But I can.”he said smiling softly as he tried not to flinch to much as the other stepped on his feet occasionally, resting his hands on the other’s hips as he stopped dancing, holding him close, burying his face against the other’s neck, gently mouthing his skin, simply holding onto him as he slid a hand up under the skirt. “You want me, princess?”He muttered
Tony grinned at her. "you can't see yourself the way i see you, so of course you don't believe me, i've never seen anything so wonderful and beautiful in my life." he admitted, rubbing her belly. "there's a little us in there. a perfect little boy or girl that we can love completely." he whispered, sounding awestruck and amazed. "just imagine. a little us. a perfect little us." he admitted with a smile. "it's going to be so amazing."

Steve flushed brightly. "i hadn't thought of that. i heard it really hurts for a girl." not that it had been painless for a guy. "well, it's not like i don't like pain." he admitted with a chuckle as he danced with the other, grimacing every time he stepped on the others toes. "sorry. sorry. sorry. i'm crap at this sorry..." but he was having fun anyway, he blinked as they stopped and moaned, arching and relaxing into the other at the mouthing on his neck. "yes. James. i want you." he moaned, spreading his legs. "i'm soaking for you Jamie."
“You can’t see you. You are the most beautiful and wonderful thing.”She said reaching up,gently stroking her fingers through his hair, smiling quietly as she nodded. “It is. And you’re going to be amazing, tony. I know you’re worried. I know you’re scared. But we’ll be okay together.”She promised.

“Hm, it does. But its not so bad.If it happens, we’ll see.”James smiled a little smirking a little. “You are, and so apologizing. It’s okay.”He said looking amused and quietly pleased as the other danced with him, nuzzling him softly, biting down gently onto the other’s neck, hands groping his ass. “Good. I want you to be soaking.”He growled lifting the other easily, well, he had to work for it more then when he could manhandle the other, but he could do it. Leaning him back against the wall he smirked as he eased between his legs, pinning him there,”You are so good to me.Letting me treat you like this.”He purred rocking his hips into the other’s.
Tony flushed a little. "i'm broken. but it's okay because i know you love me, and that's all that matters. and i'm not scared. nervous, sure but not scared, because i know if ii ever do anything wrong, ever, You'll stop me. and if you won't then Steve, James, Phil, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Skye, Grant or Jarvis will. Jarvis is making a physical body you know." he admitted with a smile. "i was working on it originally but he's too picky so i just made him do it."

he smiled a little. "Loki's not sure it can work on humans but he found the idea intriguing so he's going to work on it." he admitted with a chuckle. "i think he's been getting bored." he admitted before wincing as he stepped on the others foot again. "sorry." he mumbled, smiling at the other. "i'm heavy as hell. you'll be lucky if i don't break your toes." he admitted with a chuckle. "Bucky!" he gasped, arching into the teeth. he loved it when the other used teeth, rocking his hips, pressing into those hands for a silent plead for more. he gasped as the other lifted him up, startled that the other could. not many where capable of it. he gasped again as he found himself pinned to the wall, James holding him in place effortlessly, as if he really was a helpless dame. the blush spread down his cock, nut his cock only got harder. "James! god. James! please." Steve moaned, thrusting against the other, shivering because it felt so damn good. he had forgotten how turned on wearing the lady clothes got him.
“I do. I love you.”she said smiling at him, watching him before tilting her head. Looking thoughtful before laughing quietly as she relaxed, realizing he really was telling the truth. “I would stop you. And I love that you trust us all enough, to know we would if something was wrong.”She smiled at him before snickering. “I didn’t know that. But good, he deserves a body. And I don’t think he’s the picky one in your two’s relationship.”She teased.

“He probably is. I’m sure he’ll find something to do.”James said snickering a little before smiling. “You are heavy, and it wouldn’t be the first time you broke my toes.”He snickered growling possessively as the other arched into him, holding him closer as steve arched into him. Smirking at the look of startlement on the other’s face, he tilted his head. “You know, I’m almost glad I lost the arm. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do this.”james smirked a little as he held the other growling as he pushed the skirt up the other’s legs, reaching between them to undo his pants. “please what??”He smirked as his fingers trailed up the other’s legs, eyes widening as he stroked his fingers over the already stretched and lubed hole, looking at the other. “You really are all wet for me aren’t you?”He purred.
he beamed at her and nodded. "i know. i love you too." he admitted happily. "of course i trust you." he admitted. "i have to. i love you after all, you can't love someone if you don't trust them. besides, Bruce pulled me away from that edge and James saved my sanity, if i can trust anyone it's you three." he admitted with a smile. "and you would be stunned at how picky he is. i've finished four bodies and he hated them all. one because there wasn't any genitalia... i think i've been a worse role-model than i thought. another because the hair and face where wrong. the third because the body shape wasn't right and he still didn't like the face or hair." he huffed. "easier to make Jarvis do it."

Steve nodded, chuckling a little. "hey! i dropped that Turkey on your foot by Accident!" he protested, pouting before moaning as he was held closer. "i like the arm." he admitted. "it sucks that you have to have it, but it's damn sexy." he admitted breathlessly. "i'm sure you could do it without enough practice." he admitted with a chuckle, moaning when the other lifted the dress, revealing nothing underneath. "please! James. please! i want you to love me!" he moaned, thrusting his hips. "make love to me. make me feel it for days!" he mewled as he felt those fingers over his pre-prepared hole. "please! please. Bucky, please. fuck me. fuck me. fuck me. make me your bitch, yer dame, yer gal!"
“Hm, we’re the three musketeers then. Saving sanity, soul, and mind.”She teased her lover, smiling slightly as she snuggled him before laughing. “That’s amazing. You really are a bad influence if your AI was worried about genitalia.”She teased biting him gently, “You are amazing.”She muttered smiling softly, simply glad to be with him.

“Hm, I know. You are such a tech person.”James snickered amused that the other man was so fascinated with the arm, swallowing hard as he saw just how naked the other was under the dress. Swallowing hard as he watched him, “You’ll definitely be feeling this for days.”he growled as he shifted his hold, hands holding onto the other’s hips tightly, pressing him back into the wall before sliding into him, fucking him harder and fast, giving into the need to utterly claim the other.
he smiled a little. "am i D'artagnan then?" he asked with a grin. "All for one, and one for all, eh?" he asked with a chuckle as he kissed and rubbed her belly. "i know. my A.I is going to be a monster. ten bucks says he makes himself utterly gorgeous. he won't let me look." Tony grumbled. "your more amazing." he murmured with a smile.

Steve shook his head. "it's the metal. it's cold, and strong. impersonal and humiliating and unforgiving." he moaned, shuddering against the other. "it holds me down, invades me without mercy." he moaned, shuddering again. "yes! James! fuck me hard! god, Bucky, please!" he moaned, cock twitching desperately. wanting attention. he mewled loudly, tossing his head back as James slid home, filled him up and fucked him hard, babbling 'yes, more, harder, love you!' he couldn't last, he knew he didn't have to because James would keep on fucking even if Steve was limp, so long as Steve kept babbling for more.
“Yes!Cause then I get to be a queen, since D’artagnan was in love with his queen. I like it.”Farian grinned smirking a little. “And it is all for one, and one for all. I mean, if something happened to any of us, I think the other’s would start world war 3.”She pointed out before grinning. “Can’t take that bet. You know he’s going to. And it serves you right. You need to be shown you’re not the most beautiful person in the world.”she teased.

James growled as he fucked the other, smirking as he realized just how much he was going to drive the other insane. Growling as he proceeded to spend the next few hours fucking his ‘girl’ over every surface he could find. Slumping into the bed when they were done he smiled quietly, panting as he stroked the other’s back.”You okay?”he muttered sleepily.
Tony chuckled a little and shook his head. "i don't think i watched the same movie as you." he admitted with a smile. "and you know, you could be right, we have some very volatile people in our tower." he admitted with a smile. "we should get more level headed people." he admitted with a grin before rolling his eyes. "please. the most beautiful person in the world is Thor, don't you read People?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her.

Steve came so often he was sure his balls where going to ache for a month. it was so worth it. he was limp as a rag doll by the time James stopped and had a very sated grin on his lips. "i think you broke my man pussy but i'm fine." he teased, being vulgar just to startle Bucky. "that was awesome.... don't tell anyone but i get so damn horny when i wear those damn dresses." he admitted. "i dunno if it's cus it's humiliating or because of how you react to it but damn." he admitted. "make sure you thank Tony by the way, i made him promise to never utter a word and he helped me order this little number without anyone ever knowing my name." he admitted. "or any name for that matter. i still don't know how the hell he managed that."
“We should. Level headed people are a must.”She snickered a little, amused as she rolled her eyes. “Thor is not the most beautiful person. You are.”She teased kissing him gently as she yawned, settling in to sleep.

“...”James raised his head, staring at the other in startlement, not used to the vulgar captain, stealing a kiss before grinning. “I wont tell anyone. But you do, you totally do.”he grinned amused as he shifted to snuggle, “hmmm, that was fun.”He muttered sleepily, grinning. “I’ll have to come up with a good thank you present for him then.”James agreed snickering, yawning as he settled in to sleep.

“...You do realize, that hiding in my bedroom, from your very pregnant, very annoyed fiancee, is not the reasonable adult thing to do right?”James said smirking at the brunette laying across the end of his bed, amused that they’d been kicked out of the living room by steve and farian as the two planned the wedding of the year, both genius and assassin retreating into james’ usually off limits room simply to get out of the wedding planning that was driving both them insane, and making their artisitc partners fairly insane to live with.
Tony groaned and shook his head, which was hanging upside down, as where his arms. laying on his back with both shoulders and knees hanging off the bed. "she's a terror! i don't even know there's a difference between shade of purple, or pink! or that purple and pink don't go together!" he lifted his head just enough to look at the other. "did you know that!? she wants me to wear a color coded tux! what does that even mean!? and why are there so many different kinds of hors d'oeuvres?" he demanded, waving his arms about. "and worse, why is Jarvis hiding his body from me!? i think he's plotting something James and i KNOW Farian is helping him! i'm going to be pranked! i just know it! and your lover isn't helping at ALL! they are up to things and we should have a gloriously epic spy mission to find out what it is!" yup, Tony was bored.
James raised a eyebrow as he looked down at the billionaire, it so amused him that the man acted like such a child, and it was so good to see. “You’re a terror. I mean, how could you NOT know that there were shades of purple or pink?steve did.”James grinned, snickering a little to himself, after a moment you realized he was laughing. :And I’m certain a color coded tux matches something pink or purple....though, you could totally just do everything in iron man colors. Those match.”The assassin said wisely watching him before laughing again. “Farian always helps Jarvis plot things, are you really surprised?”He asked before grinning as he tossed his book aside. “We so totally should. And we should get Barton to, since he was kicked out of helping to, since Phil’s helping the insane people.”He said wisely, smirking, glancing at the vent. “And yes, it’s okay to come down, Barton.”
"Steve is a freak!" Tony complained. "and a feminine little flower child! and... and... an artist!" he complained, waving his arms. "and i'm not the terror! HE is! they gang up on me James! you have to take MY side!" he complained before freezing and staring at James in utter and total horror. "she wants me to wear a pink and purple tux!?" he demanded, horror etched into every word. "you should tell her that! tell her to do Iron Man colors!" he ordered. "she listens to you!" he stated before nodding. "i know! she's a terrible influence on my A.I.! her and that damn hacker!" he'd never forgiven Skye for getting into Jarvis' brain. "Crap. how long did you know i was here?" Clint asked, sounding amused. "come on up, i'll show you the way to the planning room." Clint offered.

up in the 'planning room' Phil was shaking his head. "you can't use pink. Tony would look terrible in it and he'll throw a fit." he pointed out, looking amused. "and honestly, you hate Pink and you know it." he teased Farian, Steve chuckling as he showed her about a hundred million different colors of purple using his masters kit of colored pencils. every single shade of purple available. from a purple so pale it was nearly white, to a purple so pale it was almost black. Steve had a huge collection of colored pencils, thanks to Tony. many of them where actually custom made. especially since each set had fifty shades of a single color. fifty shades of green, black, yellow, red, blue, purple etc. Steve had so many colored pencils he actually made a special suitcase for them, like a giant toolbox that unfolded and held all of the pencils so he could take what he wanted. "Mrs. Frost. would you mind terribly if i offered my assistance?" Jarvis asked, not from the speakers, but from the Doorway. Jarvis had completed his body.
“A feminine little flower child?I so dare you to call him that to his face!”JAmes grinned laughing at that before grinning. “I am on your side, if you haven’t noticed, I was kicked out to.”He pointed out before grinning. “I don’t know. Maybe?They were talking about what suit to wear and all.”James said before nodding, “I’ll tell her....well. I’ll tell steve. And he’ll tell her.”He decided before snickering at Clint. “Since you showed up. I know my room Clint, you can’t seriously think I would have left a man sized vent there without being aware of when someone was in it would you?”He teased before grinning as he got up, nudging tony as he pulled open the vent screen. “Up, genius. Let’s go see.”he said boosting tony up into the vents before following.

“I know he will. But it would just go with his blush.”Farian said with all seriousness, before snickering, “I know I know, but watching him look so horrified when I suggested a pink tux was just great.”Farian giggled a little smiling as she looked over the colors with steve, so amused that tony had spent so much time and effort to get every color the genius could think of to get. “Hm?”Farian said sounding a little spaced before looking up, looking utterly startled at the sight of the AI, grinning. “Jarvis!You look amazing.”She smiled happily before nodding, waving him in. “Come in, come in. You’re more then welcome.”
"i will call him that!" he paused. "i won't call him that, it'll upset him." Tony grumbled. "i think." he muttered before huffing. "you where kicked out because you kept getting bored and tried to seduce Steve every four minutes, i was at least trying to be helpful." he whined. "okay, you tell Steve." he agreed. "good point. in my defense, i never actually enter your room. i just like watching the fish." Clint admitted. "plus i know no one will go in there to look for me so when i want to really be alone i just hang out in here." he admitted. "i'll stop if you want me to." he offered, looking a bit worried before laughing as he helped the very bad at physical labor unless it involved technology, Tony into the vent and led the way to spy on Farian.

"it would go well with the blush." Steve agreed with a chuckle, glancing at Loki who was playing with the colored pencils on a pile of papers. he wasn't very good at drawing people, his geometrical designs where amazing though. you'd think he'd used a ruler, though it was obvious he hadn't. at least he wasn't getting in the way, even if he thought human weddings where boring and dull. Jarvis offered her a smile. "Thank you Ms. Frost. i worked very hard on it. i do not have biological functions as of yet, but soon i intend to have a full array of taste and touch sensors implanted." he admitted. "once i have discovered how in any case." he admitted, stepping in and examining the mess. "you certainly are busy." he admitted, puling up a few 'screens' and started to organize everything on the table into the Cyber world for easier access.
“Hm, that’s true. It would probably upset him.”James frowned a little before pouting. “Well, it was boring! They shouldn’t have been surprised.”he pouted a little before smiling slightly, shrugging. “Nah, it’s okay. Watch the fish. Just don’t come in without telling me.”James said having only mentioned it because he wanted clint’s help spying on the others, not because clint’s spying bothered him. Snickering as he watched tony climb, he shook his head a little. “So horrible, tony.”he teased a little, amused as they got to the room, smirking a little watched.

“It would.”Farian snickered a little, amused before looking at loki, looking amused as she just realized just how amazing his paintings were. Smiling quietly because he thought they were as dull as tony and james were, amazed he hadn’t abanonded them yet really. “That’s awesome, J. Congrats.”She grinned at the AI amazed and a ittle wide eyed as she considered that before nodding, smiling happily as she let him help them get things organized. “Any thoughts on colors, Jarvis?”
he nodded. "he has issues with being teased about being a man. Bruce said so and Bruce is always right." he admitted. "if your sure?" Clint asked, looking a bit worried yet. "i never go into the personal spaces and i don't usually stay if your in there but i like gathering blackmail on Tony and he was acting ridiculous." Clint admitted, looking amused. "i'm not horrible! i just have other skill sets!" he complained as he climbed into the vent. "Jesus Tony, don't you ever eat? you weigh less than a feather." Clint complained, giving Tony a worried look. he'd noticed how little Tony ate, everyone did, but since he ate so often he hadn't thought anything of it. now he was. he ignored it now and settled in to spy.

Loki hummed as he sketched, pretty much completely ignoring them. he was only there because he didn't like to be alone. "thank you." Jarvis stated happily. though he hadn't figure out how to smile yet he did manage to make his lips twitch a little. "i do believe a blue and purple combination would suit you well. or perhaps a red and a white?" Jarvis asked. "Tony does look good in red, though he insists on making it that loud and obnoxious shade. though, Ms. Frost is a bit pale for white. she looks better in Winter Colors, or Fall. perhaps a light blue and dark auburn?"
“Ah, yes bruce is always right.”He looked amused before nodding. “I am. Just don’t come into the room, the vents not the room, so I don’t mind you being here.”James shrugged a little, “And since I’ve always known you’ve been there, its okay.”He promised knowing the other was worried before snickering. “He is being fairly ridculous, having a pregnant fiancee makes him insane.”James snickered as they climbed, “He does, just not alot. We’ve been trying to get him to eat more, but apparently even Farian eating enough to feed a small army, isn’t enough to make him eat more.”James scolded lightly rolling his eyes as he smirked, watching the others.

“Hm.”Farian looked thoughtful at that, tilting her head a little before nodding. “It is a loud and obnoxious shade. And paired with gold to....hmmm, I would do iron man colors, but I’m to pale for it to look good. I think I will go with dark auburn for it.”She said smiling a little, “At least then that’ll be a color I know tony likes.”She said smiling a little at the thought of her soon to be husband.
Tony nodded, looking happy. "always." he agreed before grinning as Clint stared at him and then sulked. "stupid ultimate spy." he grumbled before nodding. "i suppose it would make anyone insane. i'm terrified of what might happen if Natasha where to ever get up the duff." he admitted. "...did you really just say that?" "i did. yes." "hey! i am sitting right here! i eat just fine!" Tony growled, annoyed. he always got overly defensive of his own eating habits. "whose that Blonde chick? friend of Farian's? awful flat chested." Clint mused.

Jarvis nodded. "very obnoxious, but then, he rarely listens to what i have to say." Jarvis admitted with a chuckle. "at least now i can physically make him obey me if i need to." Jarvis admitted with a smile. "a dark red would look wonderful on you, and we know Tony looks very nice in red shades." Jarvis agreed. "you are aware they are in the vents, spying?" Jarvis asked, looking amused because he knew the three men couldn't hear them.
“...up the duff....oh man. I’m telling her that.That’s a cute little phrase there.”James said snickering a little at that, amused before smirking at the other spy. “You are sitting right there, and no you don’t.”James said rolling his eyes because he refused to let tony think he ate fine. “I dunno. She’s pretty though.”

“He doesn’t. It’s so amusing watching you two have a conversation really. Though you’re right, now you can make him leave work if I can’t get him to go to bed or something.”Farian giggled a little at the idea of jarvis manhandling the other before nodding wisely, as if she wasn’t simply agreeing with jarvis’ question. “I know. They’re adorable. Sulking cause they can’t join in.”She snickered a little leaning over to let steve, wondering if they should play a trick on the guys simply because they’re there.
Clint shrugged. "she's heard me use it before." he admitted. "she smacks me when i say it." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's awesome." " have issues. don't you?" Tony asked, lifting an eyebrow as Clint smirked and nodded. "i eat fine!" Tony snarled before scowling at the blonde. "i don't like strangers in my tower... Jarvis? who is that woman in there with Farian and the others?... Jarvis?" Tony blinked at his watch and jumped when the answer came through. "That would be me, Sir. i am afraid i have not yet figured out how to work this body and the Speaker systems at the same time." Jarvis admitted through Tony's watch. Tony was just gaping.

Jarvis nodded. "he has not yet realized that i, being who and what i am, am always right." he admitted, looking amused. "oh... hold on a second..." he muttered, getting one of those 'i'm focusing looks. "That would be me, Sir. i am afraid i have not yet figured out how to work this body and the Speaker systems at the same time." He admitted aloud, glancing at them sheepishly. "i apologize. i cannot seam to access the speakers with only my mind at this time. i will have to fix that." he admitted. "i think i can fix it on my own." Jarvis admitted. "they are adorable. we should prank them." Steve agreed with a grin. "how though i wonder?" Steve mused as he watched Loki sketch a large geometric pattern. "...Loki? what exactly is that?" "a Runic Circle pattern." Loki stated simply. "it is not unlike an Alchemy circle." Loki admitted. "only much more complex. with over fifty thousand separate Runes, each meaning it's own thing, you can pack hundreds of thousands of them into a single Runic Circle. the more complex the circle the more complex the magic. not to say that you can't achieve some very massive power with a single Rune. in fact, some of the most devastating magics are made from a very few runes." "like the difference between using a piece of Dynamite or a hammer and chisel." "precisely." Loki agreed with a smile. "i was trying to find a way to help a human shapeshift. Tony in particular would delight in being a bird i think." Loki admitted. "it is proving to be delightfully impossible."
"He does have issues. But having seen who he's dating,I assume there are benefits of putting up with him."James snickered before startling at the question,staring at jarvis"he made himself a girl?"james said looking amazed and wondering if they were being pranked

Farian smiled a little at that as she watched jarvis talking to tony looking amused. "It's okay. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough."she smiled already imagining how tony had to be reacting to finally being allowed to see jarvis' body."hmmm...we could start planning how you're going to ask james to marry you and let him overhear. It'd be amusing."Farian said smirking knowing that all three men in the vent would freak if they heard that. Tilting her head as she listened to loki's explanation she smirked."tony would indeed make a good bird. A peacock maybe."she said with a happy little giggle.
Clint chuckled. "i give amazing foot and back rubs." Clint stated simply, making Tony chuckle. "no. look he hasn't got any boobs!" Clint whispered. "i think he's a trap!" he gasped, looking delighted. "or a herm!" he snickered a little at the idea. "My A.I is not a Herm!..."

"Jarvis smiled and nodded. "i am certain with a little tweaking i will have full control over both aspects of my being." he agreed. "though i am unsure my range of control." he admitted. "i do not know what would happen if i where to leave the building as of yet." he admitted. "no i don't want to fuck with James like that." Steve admitted. "but we could be pretending to plan something for them. a stag party maybe? or pretend to be planning a prank on them?" Loki nodded before pausing, confused. "i do not know that species." Loki admitted, reaching for the Tablet Tony had made specially for him. Jarvis did almost everything on it, so there where already peacocks up on the screen. "...colorful."
James snickered a little looking at the two, shifting to look at the others. “They look like they’re plotting something.”He said frowning a little.

“Well, let’s not find out yet. We’ll see how far the control goes a little at a time.”Farian smiled a little at the idea before tilting her head, nodding at steve. “That’s true. No fucking with James....Hmmm. Tony would totally go for a stag party.”She snickered before smirking at loki.”And very prideful. Very tony.”She grinned so amused at the idea.
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