The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony nodded. "yes exactly. not that it would be a bad thing but James is very oddly possessive of certain things." he admitted with a chuckle as he nuzzled her happily. "i love you." he admitted softly. "besides, it's never too late to back out if you decide your truly unhappy." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "your surprised that there's something wrong with us?" he asked, looking amused. "i'm not surprised at all." he admitted with a chuckle. "come on! i need to go tell everyone!" he admitted happily as he bounced around. "wait. your hurt, you stay and enjoy and i'll go tell people!" he decided. "wait. i can't leave you here alone..." he paused, frowning as he thought before shrugging. "i'll tell people later."
“I love you to.”She smiled softly, closing her eyes, leaning her cheek against his head. “Well, that’s true, but I have no desire to back out of this. You know that, tony.”She muttered stroking his hair gently before laughing, shaking her head. “No, I guess not. Not overly surprised really.”She snickered a little, tilting her head as she watched him bounce around. “I’m not that hurt. You could carry me, and we’ll go sit down if you really have to go tell everyone.”She teased, tugging him back closer to her simply needing him with her.
Tony smiled at her. "i know, but i like to make sure you know that you have the option. just in case." he admitted with a nod. "i could carry you!" he agreed, scooping her up into his arms and skipping down the hall, telling everyone they passed that he was going to have a wife. he was positively giddy!
“I know. It’s adorable, really.”She said smiling quietly, as she rested her head against his shoulder, laughing as he carried her around. This was truly amusing, really. Smiling tiredly as they walked into steve’s room, she smiled at the two super soldiers. “we’re getting married.”She grinned, amused that tony’d been so excited to tell everyone. “...Really?Good.”James smiled a little shifting to sit up, looking at tony, amused and happy for his friend.
he nodded. "we are! she likes her ring! don't you think it's a lovely ring? i think it's a lovely ring, not as lovely as herself of course but still very lovely." Tony was way over hyper he was so excited. "we should tell Steve!" he gasped, bouncing out the door, accidentally leaving Farian behind, since he'd set her. he bounced back in, kissed James romantically and then picked up Farian, kissed her too and bounced right back out, ignoring the laughter his hyperness had probably created. by the hour he had finished telling EVERYONE, even Fury, and kissing most of them, even Fury, though he did decide not to kiss Natasha for fear she might gut him. now he was laying on the couch, drowsing off his hyper crash.
“It is a very lovely ring.”James agreed looking bemused as he watched the other go. By the time they got to the couch, farian was utterly sleepy, and tired as she snuggled into him, resting her head on his chest as she slept mostly.”Tony, you okay?”She muttered stroking a hand over his hip, simply enjoying being with him, not wanting to move, even if she knew there was things to do, planning to be done, she was just to content to be with him for the moment.
Tony nodded. "it's the most wonderful ring ever!" he admitted with a nod. "he mumbled sleepily at her and Bruce chuckled as he walked in. "he's just having an energy crash. take a nap you both need it." he ordered. "Jarvis is putting together the 'movie'. it's great." Bruce admitted with a snicker. "i'll get you when he's done so you can add or change things." he promised. Tony nodded, tightened his arms around his girl and sighed. "this... has been the best. day ever... aside form James getting shot i mean."
Farian smiled a little as she realized everything was okay, looking amused as she looked up at bruce.”Thanks.”She muttered even as she shifted, snuggling in, starting to fall asleep. “Aside from that, it was.”She muttered snuggling him as she fell asleep.

Days later James glared at the man i nfront of him, slowly testing his arm, looking fairly annoyed as he gingerly worked the muscles in his shoulder.”Tony, I swear to god, if you’re down here with me cause you’re avoiding Farian or something, I’m going to smacccck”he said, the word coming out hissed between clenched teeth as steve rotated his arm. While the muscles and bone had healed, and healed well, the problem with the rapid healing of the serum was that it healed the tendons and muscle to fast, it tightened them all up, so if the muscles weren’t straightened out and worked well, it would really fuck up his shoulder. “you.”He growled.
Tony grinned as he watched James stretching and working the muscles. "of course i'm not." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "she totally didn't chase me off because i was being too fussy again." this was a lie of course, she chased him out because he kept sampling James cake that she and Steve where tag teaming to make. Steve could bake a cake no problem, but he couldn't make it look nice and he didn't know how to make frosting let alone how to make frosting flowers. "okay, ow." Tony stated, watching James work, wrinkling his nose. "did you break something in there?" he asked looking a bit worried. "maybe your trying to do this too soon?"
“”She totally chased you off. I told you that your girl wouldn’t let you fuss over her for the whole pregnancy.”James snickered a little looking amused as he smirked at the other. “I broke the bones, and pulled apart most of the muscles tony. If I don’t work it out soon, it’s going to be useless as the muscles tighten up to much.”James sighed softly, rolling his shoulder working the muslces. “It’s amazing to heal this fast, but when it’s actual muscle rebuilding, it builds to fast, the new muscle is tighter then the old, less stretchy, so it spasms and knots. Don’t look so worried, if you really are, call up ask bruce or steve.”
he snorted. "i wasn't fussing! she's just oversensitive!" he complained, sulking. "it's totally not fair." he grumbled, pouting before he nodded. he knew James was being honest, he'd never lied about anything as serious as that and even if he had, he'd never suggest calling Bruce or Steve if he wasn't doing what he was supposed to be, or worse, doing what he wasn't. "anyway once your done i want your help with something." he admitted, his watch beeping to let him know that Steve and Farian was ready for James anytime. "i want to run an update on the toaster, i want it to talk in your voice so Steve freaks out." he was actually planning that too. later though.
“Hm, I’m sure that’s what she’d say if I asked her.”James snickered a little looking amused before smiling as he knew tony realized that he was being truthful. James would never risk cripping himself. Raising a eyebrow as he lowered his arm, he tilted his head, “Seriously?Don’t you have better things to do then to freak out my boyfriend?”He asked easing off his bench, smiling a little as he headed for the door. He might protest, but he did find the idea of pranking steve amusing.
he shrugged. "i'm sure she would." he agreed even if he knew she'd smack him for calling her emotional. "no, not really. besides i can't play pranks on my girlfriend she beats me up if i do!" he complained, sulking before grinning at him as he bounced tot he elevator and back out into the kitchen where there was a huge pile of... very badly wrapped presents next to a smaller pile of well wrapped presents, next to a massive cake in James favorite flavor. hanging above it was a huge banner that said 'Best Guy Ever' that looked hand painted. clearly Clint and Loki had gone to town on the finger paints. Loki was fascinated with such things. Loki rarely interacted with anyone but Tony or Bruce, but he was getting friendlier with the others at least. "Surprise!" Tony declared, beaming at James.
“Well, Steve’s going to beat you up for this prank to you know.”He pointed out,gingerly rubbing his arm to make sure the muscles stayed loose before pausing, staring as he looked at the gifts, looking utterly confused and bemused at the sight. “...Did you let Tony cook?”He said walking closer, smirking as he looked around, looking utterly amused to see it, grinning at tony, and kissing him lightly. “I told you you didn’t have to do anything.”He muttered wrapping a arm around his waist, leaning against him a little. “I know.But we wanted to.”Farian smiled a little as she got up slowly, pregnant enough she was starting to show well.
he smirked. "i know! that's half the fun!" he admitted with a giggle. "yes. yes they did. the cake is all my work." "he didn't cook." Clint promised with a chuckle. "we wouldn't let him, though Farian almost cut his hands off when he wouldn't stay out of the batter and frosting." Steve admitted with a grin as he watched Tony and James kissing. "you know. it feels wrong somehow that they kiss and their lovers don't get jealous." Clint admitted as he popped a cherry tomato into his mouth. "you deserve it buddy, you saved Farian's life, you saved mine too." Tony admitted with a smile. "just remind me to never let Aliens near finger paints ever again." Loki, standing in the corner, smiled innocently. Tony grinned as he watched her stand up and bounded over to kiss and snuggle her belly. "Look Baby, we're having a party, i bet your going to be dancing all kinds of jigs in there in a little while."
“....”James stared in supicion at tony before grinning, pleased. “Thank god. I was going to be disappointed if it was a cake I couldn’t eat.”He snickered before making a face at tony, “Ha!I knew you were lying about her kicking you out cause you were fussing.”he snickered looking at clint amused, “You’re just jealous. I mean. I know I’m amazing, but you can’t have me clint, I’m sorry.”he said snickering a little. “Hm, I’d be jealous if I actually worried about them running off together.”Farian snickered a little as he watched them. “I’ll do that. Though the sign looks good.”James said smirking a little as he glanced at loki, smiling slightly as tony snuggled his fiancee. “Hmmm, don’t say that. You’ll get her all excited and she’ll be dancing around.”Farian whined a little nuzzling the other.
Tony sulked. "that was the idea." "Tony stop trying to steal James cake! you can have A piece. a small one you hyper little fidget!" Steve growled, making Tony whine. "please. your too skinny." Clint scoffed, looking amused. "i like my men with a bit of oomph." "Phil has Oopmh?" "he does, yes." " have Oomph?" "i do. yes." Phil admitted, looking amused. "of course the sign looks good." Loki stated with a smirk. "i made it. Clint helped. a minor contribution." "Hey!... i made the salad! that was a contribution!" Clint complained. Steve had gone all out to make James favorite meal. granted, the salad was a new addition, but Phil had insisted for 'proper nutrition'. "Dinners on! take a seat!" Steve ordered, setting the things down, Jaimie giggling as she sat down next to her daddy and Loki setting up the twins in a Bassinet so they could nap while Loki and Thor where eating. the adults had various wines and champagnes and the two little girls had sparkling apple cider that, according to Jaimie, made their noses tickle.
“You’re a fidget now?”Farian raised a eyebrow at the namecalling, looking amused as she watched tony whine. It amused her to see one of the most powerful men in the world, acting like a child. “I have plenty of oomph. Ask the captain.”James sulked looking at steve, nudging him a little, looking amused though at phil’s words. “Just a minor contribution?Well, that explains why it looks so well.”James teased looking amused as he settled in to eat the steaks, fries and milkshakes, and even nibbled on the salad, simply because phil said it was proper. Grinning as he watched the others, he looked amused as he ate, finally leaning back with a quiet sigh, rubbing a hand over his shoulder as he glanced at the others. “Thanks you guys.”He said, for once, the man was utterly relaxed and content in sight of other people, the quiet easy way he was holding himself, was usually only in evidence when he was alone with tony or steve, but...well, he trusted them, even hurt, he was utterly relaxed.
"apparently." Tony mused, his head tilted. "not a very insulting name, but original." he admitted with a grin. "he does have Oomph." Steve agreed as he chuckled at Clints sulking as Loki beamed happily. he was already planning on a way to make more of those paints and paint everyone in their sleep. he was very careful not to use magic, fearful of someone still looking for him. Tony nitpicked at his food, though he did eat all of the Milkshake. "you deserve it James." Tony admitted with a grin, licking whipped cream off of Farian's nose, Steve chuckling as he leaned over to James. "i have my own present for you, later." he promised softly, grinning. "you'll love it." he promised with a grin. "in the meantime, how about you have a go at those presents?" he suggested. "be careful with the badly wrapped ones, who knows what Tony got you." he warned, grinning as he kissed James and then wandered off to get the present ready. James was going to be in for a hell of a surprise when he walked in and saw Steve daintily sitting on the bed wearing a lacy red dress and makeup and making it look rather good.
“Hm, I do deserve it, even if you didn’t have to.”James said rolling his eyes as he watched tony like the whipped cream off. “Tony!”Farian giggled making a face at him as he licked her nose, smiling at the two super soldier. “Hm, I’m sure I will.”James smirked a little as he looked over at steve, smirking a little as he stole a kiss before smirking,”Tony always gets the best stuff....though it might explode.”James smirked looking amused as he watched teh other wander off, looking curious as he started digging into the presents. “....tony, it amuses me that everyone but Farian bought weapons and practical things.”James teased looking at the small pile of gifts farian had gotten, the woman had gotten him some new clothes, some cream to help with his shoulder, a new bag...simple things, but priceless because it meant she’d been paying attention to him, knew he’d needed them. “Well, I knew you wanted them.Goodnight james.”Farian smiled as they said goodnight, smirking as she watched the super soldier disappear for the bedroom, looking at tony as they headed upstairs. “You know what steve got?”

James paused, staring in the doorway, swallowing thickly as he studied the other, “...I thought my best boy was waiting for me, not my girl.It’s been a long time, princess.”He purred as he crossed the room, cupping the other’s cheek in his hand, looking him over.
they grinned at him. "we didn't have to, of course not. but we wanted to. to show how much we appreciate you." Tony admitted with a smile. "i'm sure it will explode." Steve agreed with a chuckle. Steve hadn't gotten James any physical gifts, not wrapped ones anyway. he would give the other a different gift. "well, you like weapons, and most of the people here don't know you on a personal level s they go with what you know." Tony admitted with a grin. he had gotten James a little of everything. a full new wardrobe, since his old was getting worn. new knife sets since he had lost a few during the last scuffle, ad a new full suit for battle situations that was not unlike Steve's. "i do. i helped him find it." Tony admitted with a smirk. "but he made me swear not to tell. poor guy, so shy."

Steve shivered as he was called princess and he smiled at James. "it has been a long time. i thought about letting Loki put me under a spell to make me look small again, but he said he couldn't physically transform me, it would just effect the eyes, not the touch." he admitted as he leaned into the touch, acting shy and demure just like a dame. which was helped by the fact that he was rather embarrassed. he knew how much James loved this though, and he would do anything for his guy.
Farian sulked making a face at her fiancee as they headed upstairs, looking amused as she started getting ready for bed."so something to be embarrassed about....that narrows it down alot considering there's not alot that bothers them."she said looking thoughtful and amused as she leaned up for a kiss."and what about you? Happy and content now that you showed james you appreciated the saving me thing?"she teased a little.

James made a face at that stepping forward,sliding a hand through the other's hair,just feeling the soft strands tangling around his fingers. Shuddering a little."no...that would have been to weird..."he agreed because while he sometimes had problems with the body his boyfriend was currently in, didn't see why steve still wanted, needed him, James loved his hulking boyfriend as he was and nothing could change that,no spell or anything. Lowering his head to kiss him slowly he studied the other for a long moment."you sure you're okay with doing this?"he muttered
Tony chuckled a little. "there's actually a lot that embarrasses Steve." Tony admitted. "while he has an amazing body now, he didn't before and a lot of his self confidence issues stems from the fact that he still sees himself as a scrawny little no one." he admitted. "besides, James not embarrassed in the least." he admitted with a grin. "there's very, very little that does embarrass him." he admitted. "i am, yes. even if it wasn't just the saving you that i was appreciating him for." he admitted with a chuckle as he gave her a kiss.

he smiled at James. "i miss it sometimes. being small and helpless." he admitted as he leaning into the hands in his hair. "i guess it might have been odd." he agreed with a smile. "i'm fine... just don't tell anyone okay?" he asked, blushing prettily. "are you going to defile me Bucky?" Steve asked, batting his eyelashes at the other. "are you gonna make me your girl?"
“...that’s true.”Farian said thoughtfully, thinking about it before sighing softly. “Good thing he has james, who doesn’t care what he looks like, as long as steve’s his.”She smiled a little before snickering a little at the idea of what could actually embarrass james. “I know it wasn’t.”She smiled kissing him again, sighing softly as she rubbed a hand over her stomach. “I feel huge tony.”She muttered leaning into him a little.

James smiled a little looking at the other. “I know. I miss it to sometimes, but I like knowing I don’t have to worry about a asthma attack killing you or anything.”He muttered before nodding, kissing him again. “I wont. Ever.”He promised, nuzzling him a little before smirking as he backed up a step.”I am.And you’ve always been my girl.”He smiledm tugging him to his feet. “Come on. Dance with me.Jarvis?Music please.”He smiled as the soft romantic music started, leaning into the other as he danced.
he nodded. "i know. Steve has some serious issues going on. i wouldn't have noticed at all if Bruce hadn't cornered me and told me to stop calling him Tinkerbell." he admitted. "my ability to judge people's emotions are very poor." he admitted. "which is why Bruce is so handy to have around. he tells me when things are going too far." he admitted. "you look beautiful." Tony admitted with a smile. "you can't tell, but i can. motherhood suits you very well." he admitted, stroking her cheek. "you practically glow." he admitted with a smile.

Steve nodded. "this is true. but then again, even if i was tiny again through spells, i wouldn't have Asthma." he pointed out. "Loki was looking into it. it could be fun to turn me into an actual woman for you." he admitted with a grin before smiling as he kissed the other back. "i love you Bucky." he admitted with a smile and chuckled as he was called 'his girl'. honestly, as much as Steve hated it, he also loved it. "i can't dace." he protested, laughing a little as he joined the other, letting him lead as he tried his best not to trod on James feet.
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