The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Jarvis nodded. "i had hoped t take a walk later with someone accompanying me, then when the body fails as my connection is cut off, they can return it." Jarvis admitted. "my brain is still encased in this building after all, i am merely accessing this body through a wireless connection not unlike a cellphone or a computer." he admitted. "so if the body fails i won't really be all that affected." Jarvis admitted. "birds don't have emotions like that." Loki stated simply. "besides, this bird would suit Tony ill. it does not go fast enough." Loki admitted with a grin. "and you should go and lay food coloring down in all the vents." he stated simply. "they'll come out very colorful and it won't wash off."
“Ah. We’ll do that.”Farian grinned at that before smirking at loki, amused at his observation on the peacock before grinning. “Oh. I like it. Let’s do that.”She grinned before heading for the door, knowing that they’d have enough time to get the food coloring down before the others came out. Looking very serious when she saw her genius later, she smirked a little. “You look well, Tony.”She said looking oh so serious, and not trying to laugh in his face at the utter riddculousness of her billionaire genius covered head to foot in food coloring.
Loki looked quite smug. he had done most of the 'hard lifting' by summoning about a thousand cockroaches, strapped leaking food coloring to their backs and sent them as they pleased into the vents before dismissing them back to the streets once more. it had only taken a few drops of magic, he knew no one could track that little bit of magic. "is this a human ritual i am unaware of?" Loki asked, looking as calm and curious as he always did. "...Sir? are you alright?" Jarvis asked from his new body. "Agent Barton what ARE you doing!?" Jarvis demanded when Clint peered down the A.I's pants. "HAH! he's a male! OUCH!" Jarvis had smacked him outside the head.
Farian smirked a little. “It is. This is how we celebrate having child in earth.”She looked amused before snickering, “Leave jarvis alone!”She ordered with a laugh.

Months later Farian smiled softly as she eased to the edge of the bed, looking over at tony as the man watched her. “Don’t hover. Just cause I’m nearly a month overdue, doesn’t mean anything.”Farian said rolling her eyes as she leaned back to kiss him softly. “Happy birthday.”She said gently stroking his hair out of his face.
Tony huffed and muttered and grumbled and did exactly what she told him not to. "don't care about my birthday!" he growled, gently rubbing her belly. "are you sure it's okay? why won't you tell me what the doctor said? he said something was wrong and you don't want me to know, that's what it is isn't it?!" he demanded, as he did every morning. he was fretting himself nearly sick. his eating habits had only gotten worse, especially when the news came out with a big 'is Tony Stark Anorexic?' angle. Bruce had shot that one down in flames though no one had ever given a response as to why Tony didn't eat much. all Bruce said was that he knew the reason and that was it. between the stress of that and his Fiance being overdue by nearly a month they where lucky Tony hadn't just murdered the entire united states and made himself the total and complete ruler. especially as he still had their president in his custody and was refusing to hand him over.
Farian sighed softly as she watched him, “Well, I care that it’s your birthday.”She said smiling a little as she gently ran her fingers through his hair. “I’m fine. We’re fine.”She promised. “And nothing’s wrong. I only don’t tell you because you said you didn’t want to know what we were having yet, and you’ll worry more if you did know. Stop worrying.”she ordered biting her lip because she hated seeing him like this, and even when she tried to reassure him, tried to make him feel better, he still fretted. Getting up slowly, she held out a hand. “Come on, birthday boy. James said he was making breakfast for us this morning, and cap was making apple pie.”
he huffed. "i don't. i just want the baby to be born." he muttered as he rubbed her belly again, leaning into the hand in his hair, it always calmed him when she did that. "okay." he agreed, kissing her belly. "i love you." Tony admitted, smiling at her before smirking. "you know, there's a joke about Captain America making Pie." he admitted with a snicker. "you know, it would be pretty awesome if the baby came today. i'd never forget the birthday!" he admitted happily while hovering around her whil she walked to the kitchens. Clint was explaining to James why the toaster was not the same thing as a toaster oven, or trying to, he was failing with both James and Steve.
“It’ll be soon. It has to be.Hopefully.”Farian whined a little smiling as he leaned into her hand, glad as he calmed softly, shivering as he kissed her stoamch.”Love you to’She said before laughing. “Oh, there is?What is it?I wanna hear.”She said smiling before laughing at his words. “No, you never would.”She said snickering a little as she moved into the kitchen, easing down into a chair as she smiled listening to the others. “...tony. Explain this. I don’t understand the toaster and toaster over.”James demanded looking at the two, before smirking. “Baby’s coming today.”He said self assuredly as he looked her over, pleased at his prediction.
he snorted. "Captain America is baking Apple Pie, Farian. i'm sure you can see the joke there." he teased with a grin. "a Toaster Oven has a toaster in the top and a mini oven on the bottom. a toaster is just a toaster." Tony stated easily. " can you tell!? i've been saying that for a month now and nothings happened!" he set his mouth to her belly. "come out Baby i want to hold you! and name you! and... and... and... buy you socks!"
“...okay. I was trying to be nice and not make the obvious joke about him and apple pie.”Farian snickered a little amused. “....That’s stupid.”James decided wisely before smirking, “I can tell. It’s going to be today.” “Why? And socks?Why socks?”Farian said looking amused as she giggled as tony’s lips touched her stomach, rubbing a hand over the curve of her stomach, feeling the slight twang there. Not realizing she was starting to go into labor, simply feeling achy, and wanting to celebrate tony’s birthday.
he blinked at her. "what's the fun in being nice?" he asked, his head tilted. "it is stupid." "it's innovation. with a toaster oven you can have a toaster and a place to melt cheese or make a few Pizza Rolls without having to set the timer on the oven." Tony stated with a huff before smiling at her Belly. "i am going to be the best daddy ever. you wait and see." he promised the belly. "so. i can have my p[resents and skip everything else right?" Tony demanded, sighing as they all shook their heads. "damn. and here i was hoping i could just snuggle Farian all day." "You cuddle Farian all day, every day. you need to bond with the rest of your family too Tony." Steve ordered as he put down some glaze soaked cinnamon rolls. they had all noticed Tony tended to eat more if there was sugar involved. "Fine. fine." Tony grumbled, sitting up when Bruce set a cinnamon roll onto his plate. Tony nibbled on his dripping roll, using a fork surprisingly enough. messy as he usually was you would have thought he didn't mind a little bit of stickiness.
"Well its good to be nice. People do things for you if you do."he said snickering a little."you are going to be the best daddy ever."Farian agreed smiling quietly as she gently stroked the other's hair before snickering."no."she said smiling."see. You have to spend time with me to. I'm feeling neglected."James said pouting as he leaned back in his chair, wrapping a arm around tony's shoulder.
he shrugged, "Steve likes me, he'll do things for me because we trade favors." he admitted with a grin before beaming at her when she agreed that he was going to be a good daddy. Tony looked startled when James hugged him from behind and grinned at him. "okay. okay. your godfather you know." he pointed out. "and Natasha is Going to be Godmother." he admitted with a nod. he and Farian had already talked about it. this way Steve and Clint would also be a part of the child's life. he smiled as he leaned back into James, simply enjoying the cuddling. soon, his family would grow, and he could show the world his new little Duke or Duchess.
"Ei think you're mistaking steve for james,and sexual favors don't count."Farian teased before starting to laugh at the look on james' face."what?I am?really?"james looked at the two wide eyed. "Yes. Of course. There's no one better."Farian smiled tilting her head when she saw tears misting his eyes opening her mouth to say something before wincing,then feeling water soaking her pants wincing as she realized what it was. Nudging tony a little."come on.time to go to the hospital."
he snickered a little and shook his head. "of course sexual favors count!" he stated with a grin. "yes. of course you are. your my best friend." Tony assured James with a smile. "i thought about asking Bruce, but you know how he is around kids." while Bruce was great with them, he was also terrified f them. terrified that he would hulk out and harm them. he would never agree to take care of a child. "huh? but you don't have a doctors appointment today." Tony complained, confused as he studied her before going completely pale. "wait... now? seriously? oh my god!" he was on his feet in an instant and was running to grab the hospital bags just as he'd practiced again and again until it was done without thought. drilling himself so he would be ready with an obsessive passion. just as he'd been teaching himself how to hold a baby, change it's diaper, feed it, burp it and swaddle it. he'd even taken classes and his men and women would often bring their own babies over for lessons. the first time one of them had puked on Tony, the entire tower had been in hysterics. it had been funny as hell the look on Tony's face as he held a giggling baby away from him, vomit sliding down one of his favorite suits. soon they where in the car and off to the hospital where the Doctor was already waiting for them, having been called by Jarvis.
“Yea, I know how he is. And you’re the best.”James grinned a little as he looked at steve, smiling at the blond. Because his boyfriend was constantly reassuring him that he was going to be okay with a kid. “No I don’t.And yes, now.Go.”Farian said snickering a little as she watched him bolt, it had been so amusing watching him prepare this much, that it was amazing watching him get her all to the hospital.

By the time they got there though, the woman was panting a pale, looking shaken. And despite the constant reassurances of the man holding onto her hand, she was extremely worried about what was going on. Working on her breathing, whimpering as the doctor looked up at tony, the man’s features serious. “Mr. Stark, I must ask you to leave now.”The man said serious, swallowing hard as he worked frantically to calm the rapid heartbeat of both mother and child, hearing the alarms starting to go off, seeing farian starting to slip away from them.
"What? leave!? Why what's wrong!?" Tony demanded setting his feet in. "i'm not leaving!" he growled, taking her hand. "i won't leave!" he growled, his eyes narrowed. "Farian. don't worry. i won't leave you... hey, what are you doing!? get off of me! get off!" Tony demanded, struggling against the two nurses who where dragging him out. Tony struggled against them, but showed he was still a good man hen he didn't try to hit them. probably why they had used the two female nurses instead of the male who was in there monitoring the woman's heartbeat. Tony was practically dragged into the waiting room, unable to comprehend what was happening. why had they made him leave? why where those alarms going off, why was he so damn scared?
“Tony?Tony’s what’s wrong?”James demanded crossing the waiting room, anxiety tightening his features as he crouched down in front of the man, watching him collapse into the chair, hands fisted against his legs, trying so very hard to keep it together, knowing tony needed him to keep it together, but the fear and anger over whatever upset tony, making him want to backslide into the soldier. “Tony?”He demanded, his voice high and tight with fear, before looking up at the doctor as the man stepped into the room, looking shaken. “Mr. Stark?”The doctor said quietly, before looking at steve and the other’s, before refocusing on tony. “I am sorry, Mr. Stark. Both your wife and one of the twins have....passed due to complications with the birth.”
Tony shook his head. "they told me i had to leave..." he whispered. "i don't know what's wrong. they just told me to leave..." he whispered, staring down at James, looking confused and lost. he looked up when the Doctor came in and he felt his throat close. Farian? dead? she was dead? the twins? twins? it had been twins? cheeky minx. dead? "C...c....Com..pli... cations?" Tony managed to force out, recognizing he was having a major, massive panic attack. "Dead. they're dead? i lost them? i killed them?" he asked, automatically blaming himself. after all, who else could be blamed? his fault, he had loved her. and everything he loved died. without fail. who would be next? Bruce? James? he couldn't allow that. couldn't let them die. he would push the away, it was for their own good. Tony wouldn't kill anyone else.
The doctor nodded slightly, “Yes. Your fiancee’s health and safety was compromised from it, and we could not get her heart restarted. But one of your daughters live, mr. Stark. If you would like to see her, the nurses should be done cleaning her up.”The doctor said oftly. “Tony?Tony stay with me. now.And you didn’t kill them. You didn’t.”James said looking at steve in utter panic, having no idea how to help, how to do this as he wrapped a hand in tony’s hair, using it as a handle to make the other look at him. “Tony, look at me.”He demanded.
Tony didn't seam to be hearing the doctor at all and it was Bruce who went to speak to the doctor, at length, about what happened while Steve went to claim the baby with Natasha and Clint. being God Parents they would care for the baby until Tony wasn't going insane. Tony gasped at the sharp yank in his hair and his eyes focused on James, tears welling up. "James... she's dead. they're all dead.what kind of monster am i? how could i have not noticed? i should have brought her in weeks ago. it's all my fault. i didn't even notice she was sick..."
James growled quietly, struggling to stay focused himself, the only reason he was, was that it was tony. “You are not a monster tony. And noticed what? That she was having twins? You didn’t want to know, and she wanted it to be a surprise. She didn’t want to worry you more then you already were. It’s not your fault, it was just a accident, a problem. It’s not your fault.”James said studying him, swallowing hard. “Now, steve’s coming out with your daughter. Do you want to see her now?Can you do that?”
Tony's lip quivered, struggling to hold it together. "she was sick. she was hiding it from me, that's why she wouldn't tell me what the doctors told her." he stammered. "i should have noticed." he mumbled before blinking. "Daughter? but... they died." he complained, confused as a baby was settled into his arms, staring at the precious little girl. "...Baby?" he asked, stroking the cheek, looking delighted when it opened it's eyes and started crying, very unhappy that it was not inside of mommy's tummy. "Miyuki." Tony decided. "Silent Snow. in memory of your mother. Miyuki Frost Stark..." he mumbled, cradling the tiny baby that had Farian's face. Steve watched silently, wrapping his arms around James, holding him, trying his best to help the once winter soldier. this was hard for all of them. "where is the body?" Bruce asked the doctor. "we will be holding a private funeral for Farian and the other baby." Bruce admitted softly.
“Tony, she wasn’t sick. She was just having twins. She wanted to surprise you. I promise, that’s it. This. This was a tragic accident.”James said studying the other man, trying to get through to him before smiling quietly, sadly. “One of the twins lived tony. You have a daughter, you have a piece of Farian.”He muttered wincing as the baby started crying, swallowing thickly because it was so painful to see this, to see father and daughter mourning the loss of the woman who should be there. Leaning back into steve, he swallowed thickly, struggling to keep it together. “The nurses are cleaning them both up now. I will see to it that the bodies are moved to stark tower in prepartion for a funeral.”The doctor muttered, watching the small family.

Which was how, two days later, James was a growling mess as he tried to get both father and daughter ready for the funeral, having not slept since Farian died, the man was on his last strands of sanity, barely holding it together as he gently straightened tony’s tie. “You readY?”He muttered, looking like his usually dashing beautiful self in the dark suit and with his hair tied back, but unlike normal, there were dark shadows under his eyes, looking battered and broken by the events that had led them to this moment. Hating that despite everything, he hadn’t been able to spare tony this, hadn’t been able to protect farian. And the whole city mourned with them, even the weather seemed to mourn, the day unseasonably cold and frosty for late march.
Tony shook his head, simply letting himself sink deeper into depression. he had killed Farian. he was sure of it. "my little Miyuki." he murmured. and truly, it was only because of his daughter that he had not killed himself two days later. he signed the Death certificate for the second baby girl as Setsuna. 'Quiet Snow', because she would sleep in the snow touched heavens with her mother. Tony was pretty sure Farian wouldn't much like the names, but they seamed to suit the little babies and she wasn't there to complain. Tony looked at James with eyes that where rather dead and after a long pause nodded. "i'm ready." he whispered. they where going to bury Farian in Alaska. her favorite place in the world. she had told Tony about Skilak Lake. one of the coldest, clearest lakes in Alaka. the water was so smooth you could see your reflection, and it's bottom was only rocks. no mud, no muck, no sand or plants to mar the gorgeous water. it would take around seven hours to get there. shorter if they used the newer jet, which could go faster. he had people coming in to build a memorial for Farian and Setsuka in the lobby. a gorgeous fountain and the donations into it would be given to orphanages to help other little boys and girls who had lost their mothers and fathers.
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