The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Okay then. Let’s go.”James swallowed thickly as he gently got the other moving, smiling slightly at the sight of steve holding the baby as they settled into the jet. Looking utterly strained as he got the man settled into the jet. Moving to steve’s side, he sighed quietly as he snuggled into steve, and pulled tony into him. Feeling utterly shattered as he watched the world go under them.

When they arrived James frowned a little as he watched tony and miyuki cuddle in front of the cabin, knowing they had to be getting to the funeral outside, but for the moment, he was content to just watch the two. Glancing at bruce as the man walked coser to him, he sighed quietly, biting his lip. “....AM I the only one who finds this all...a little weird?I mean...farian.”James muttered for the first time voicing what he’d een thinking about on and off since the doctor had told them. While he knew better then to say anything to tony, he trusted bruce, trusted steve, who hadn’t ventured further then a few feet from james side for days, afraid that james would fall apart, to not tell him,
Tony nodded again and followed James out. heart hurting because he knew he was hurting James. it had to be done though, there was nothing else for it. he couldn't let James die, he just couldn't. someday he knew Miyuki would hate him anyway so he was content to dote on her all he wanted. he let James snuggle him, unable to bring himself to resist that wonderful comfort. Tony was holding Miyuki again once they landed and carried her inside quickly before her tiny body felt the chill. "yes. it's odd. while pregnancy complications are common, the person affected is usually pre-disposed or already sick in some manner. Farian was completely healthy in every way. not to say it couldn't happen but... something seams.. off." he admitted, frowning. "i know." Steve agreed softly. "it's... maybe we're just being paranoid but it feels... wrong somehow." Steve admitted. "from what i understand Farian had been awake and talking, coherent and fine and all of a sudden she hadn't been." Steve shook his head. "we could simply be over-thinking this. i don't know. but we'll have Jarvis look into it, okay?" Jarvis had been forced to stay home because he could not step more than a mile away form a Stark database. he could leap from California to New York mentally, but the body could not follow unless someone else took it for him. unfortunately this tiny cabin did not have a database. he had to miss the funeral. there was already a plot dug out near the lake with a headstone in place. Farian would forever rest in her most favorite place.
James nodded a little before sighing softly as he realized that maybe he wasn’t the only paranoid one here. “Good. At least I’ not the only one being paranoid....and just because we’re paranoid...doesn’t mean people aren’t after us. I mean, it is tony. And people have been trying to fuck him up since he took over. This is...wrong. And you’re right. She was fine, and even if she had been predisposed to it, Extremis should have helped and taken care of things.”James muttered before nodding. “I already asked him to. He’s looking into it while we’re gone, hopefully tony wont think to wonder what I asked jarvis to do while we’re gone.”he muttered before moving towards tony, smiling down at the small girl as the babe smiled at him.”You ready?”he muttered, pressing a kiss to tony’s forehead, “The priest is here.”he muttered, because while tony wasn’t overly religous, farian had been, so they were giving her a real funeral. Looking towards steve because him and steve were the pall bearers, carrying farian to her final spot, even if it battered his heart to pieces, it was the least he could do for the woman.
both Steve and Bruce nodded. "we'll rendezvous with Phil, Nat and Clint later and see what they think." Steve agreed. "people have been trying to kill Tony for a long time, maybe they just chose a different target. we might consider talking to that doctor again. see what he really has to say when we have the best leaning on him. just in case." he muttered before shaking his head. "i don't think Tony's in any state to notice anything." he admitted softly, letting James go and rouse Tony. he just stood up, not seaming to recognize James at all and bundled Miyuki up a little more and headed out to the funeral. he made no sound, no noise, no indication that he was even aware there where other people there. he just held Miyuki and then stood up to place a kiss to Farian and Satsuki's cheeks, watching the Coffin close and lowered into the ground. he went back into the Cabin once it was over and curled up on a bed with his baby girl and wept silently.
“It wouldn’t be the first time they tried to use farian to get to tony.”James muttered before nodding, thinking it over. “Just in case.”He agreed already thinking about dealing with the doctor. Something dark and quiet in his voice, having wanted to deal with the doctor since they’d been told, the soldier was definitely enjoying the idea of interrogating the doctor. “No, he really isn’t.”He sighed softly as he got tony. Watching this was brutal and heart breaking as they buried them. Quietly tossing the dirt back into the hole before retreating inside after tony. Crawling into the bed with tony, he gently stroked tony’s hair, pressing a kiss to his head. “....Did you want to stay here for awhile tones?”He asked quietly, wondering if father and daughter would do better with returning home where there was so many memories, or staying away for a few days, in a place farian loved. He was so confused and hurting, because he hated not having any idea how to help the other.
Steve nodded. "exactly. she's been hurt three times in the past just for being around Tony." he muttered. "this could easily have been more of a murder. but why leave him with a single child?" "maybe they didn't intend to kill the babies at all?" Bruce mused. "hurting babies is a hard task for anyone, they might have accidentally killed the baby when they where murdering Farian. if that is what happened." Bruce admitted. "he'll be okay, i'm sure. he just needs a lot of love and support." he promised, letting James go and snuggle Tony who didn't seam to acknowledge the other man at all. then, finally. "just a few days." Tony agreed, voice weary and tired. Miyuki started to fuss so Tony got up and heated a bottle of milk formula and settled in to feed his only child.
"Unless they were specifically told to kill the children,most will leave them alone. It might have simply been a accident."James sighed tiredly because he knew this was going to be hard on them all.

Days latee james frowned as he stared at the computer sreen,chewing on his lip before looking over at steve and jarvis."this makes no sense. If everything was fine, the. Video wouldn't be missing."James looked like he was sliding into the headspace of the soldier taking a shuddering breath."I want to talk to the doctor but I'm not sure how to bring him here without drawing tony's attention. Any ideas?"he said glancing at the other two.
Tony had not recovered at all int he time he'd spent in Alaska. the only person he truly interacted with was Miyuki, who he only set down when she was sleeping, which was when he slept as well. anytime she closed her eyes, he followed suit, though he was too scared to sleep with her on the same bed, in case he rolled onto her, or she rolled off. he did, however, keep her in a cradle right next to the bed, so he could still sleep holding her tiny hand or on her tiny belly, as if needing to be sure she was there at all times. he was taking a nap now, and they all knew he wouldn't wake up until Miyuki did, and she was very vocal about it so they weren't worried. "that's easy enough, we don't take him to the Tower." Steve stated calmly. "Clint has a few Apartments as Safe Houses in New York. we'll take the good doctor to one of those. Jarvis won't squeal on us. he's as pissed off as we are about all this, so he'll help us anyway he can. your right, if it was above par, the video would be there."
James frowned a little, disliking the idea of gong out, hating to leave tony alone, but knowing they had to. “We’ll take Clint with us, not only because it’s his house, but he’s good at interrogations.”High praise there, considering it was the winter soldier giving it. “Grab Clint. I’ll meet you down in the garage. We have to go before tony gets up, otherwise he’ll wonder where we’re going.”James said already heading for his room to gather a few things.
Bruce nodded. "and i'll stay here and watch Tony. i don't like leaving him alone and i'm not very good at interrogations. they make me... itchy." they made him Hulk Out, that's what they did. "you might consider taking Nat with you too. no ones better than her." he admitted, heading off to tell Clint and Natasha before heading into the kitchen to make a meal for Tony when he got up. it was a struggle to get Tony to eat anything at all now so they had to work twice as hard to keep him from starving to death. Clint, Phil and Natasha where waiting for James and Steve once James and Steve had grabbed everything they needed. "so. how are we going to grab him?" "i have his home address." Phil explained simply. "we'll grab him there. Jarvis says he's still at home."
James nodded, looking amused at them all as he settled his jacket more snug against his body, the leather jacket hiding the weapons and knives, looking like the punk teenager he’d once been, instead of the utter cold blooded assassin he was. He had every intention of screwing with the doctor’s head. “Natasha, you and Clint watch the backdoor. Phil, steve, stay in the car. I’m going in the front door. Jarvis said he was the only one at home, so we’ll go from there”james said as he drove towards the mansion across town, for once, the quiet fidgeting showing that he was feeling antsy and irritated. When he pulled into the driveway, he glanced at the others, taking his time getting to the front door, waiting till clint and natasha were in place before knocking on the door, and knowing they’d been right about something being wrong as the doctor took one look at his face, before starting to bolt for the back of the house. “Hey, hey, hey no leaving. I have questions for you.”James growled as he grabbed the man, carelessly bashing his head against the wall to daze him, smirking at the girlish scream as he dragged him for the car.
they all nodded, agreeing. this was James thing, he was the best at snatch and grabs. Phil and Steve where ready with bondage tape, a cloth gag and a blindfold, with a black cloth bag to go over his head as well, ensuring he could neither scream, nor see where they where going. once James had the good doctor in the car Steve and Phil quickly had him tied down, silenced, blindfolded and stuffed under the backseats of the car. not very comfortable, but hey, they didn't want to play nice with a man who may have murdered Farian and a little baby. Clint was driving so that they didn't have to give directions, and soon they where stopped at, not an apartment, but at a tiny little shack that appeared to be a storage 'room' for the people who worked in the city. "this is it." "...this?" "yes. clever disguise huh? no one would ever think to look here. it's actually rather cozy inside. well. for us." Clint admitted, watching Phil and Steve drag the Doctor out of the car and into the tiny little 'hut' that was indeed very comfortable inside. "downstairs." Clint stated. "there's a special room down there." it was a classic dark, damp, bloodstained torture room. it would make the Doctor very uneasy. well that was the plan anyway.
James raised a eyebrow as they got to the ‘shack’ looking amused as he watched them drag the doctor in.”You know, I’ve lived in places like this before.”he snickered a little before following them downstairs, smirking to himself as the others settled into place, before sliding into the seat across from the doctor and pulling off the blindfold with a sharp snap, smirking. “Well, Mr. Cross, we had some questions for you, and I would like to be truthful with you, I really really want to hurt you. So I recommend lying to us, just so I can do that.”James smirked grinning as the man paled rapidly, he knew this was going to be utterly amazing, and something dark and dangerous coming to the surface. The same part of him that was the soldier, had been twisted into truly enjoying his work, and in that smile he gave the other man, you knew it wasn’t a lie, he was going to utterly enjoy this with a rare sense of pleasure since he rarely got to indulge. “I didn’t do anything!”
"i like being here." Clint admitted with a smile. "you guys can come over anytime you like." he offered. "if you need a place to be alone for a while. just don't have sex in here, this is me and Phil's love pad." Steve had to snicker at that and shook his head. they where silent as James worked until Phil stepped up when the other protested. "Dr. Cross. i distinctly remember you being arrested several years ago." Phil stated, dropping a file down in front of th man. "interestingly enough, even though i was the one who arrested you, i cannot find a single record of it in any of your files, electronic or otherwise." he admitted. "now. if you didn't do anything wrong, why would i have to be here now, demanding to know why the video of Farian Frosts failed pregnancy is missing? for that matter, why would her death be so suspicious in the first place?"
“Awesome. Having a place to go is good.”James muttered because despite disliking leaving the tower, he liked having places to go if he needed to. “Fine, no sex here.”James muttered rolling his eyes a little before grinning as the doctor protested, reaching under his jacket to draw out the small knife, smirking as the doctor’s eyes widened. “I don’t know why the video is missing. I’m not in charge of it. And she died!I tried to stop it.” “....You know, he’s not sounding quite convincing. Tell me, what happened.”James said as he reached out, pressing the blade into the doctor’s arm as natasha held him still, sliding the blade down his arm, and in that moment the doctor paled to the point of nearly passing out as he realized that the man intended to skin him alive.

“She died!IT wasn’t anything more then that!”The doctor protested, and despite his fear of what was happening, it was obvious whatever had happened, scared him more.
Clint grinned at James. he had a lot of respect for the man. the term 'man crush' was one that was used often, by Phil when he wanted to piss Clint off. "i think you do know." Phil admitted, staring at the doctor. "i think you just don't want to tell us. but i can't imagine why you would risk the wrath of my friend here just to deny it." he admitted before watching the other. "hmm. interesting." he muttered, watching the doctor. "James. let me try something. go talk t Steve for a moment." he ordered, gently ushering James out of the room, Steve gathering the man close and whispering to James about all the naughty things they where going to do. things that involved ropes, a whip, and a ring gag.

"now. Dr. Cross. you and i are going to speak bluntly. whatever you did. you didn't do it alone. in fact, i'd imagine you didn't even want to do it judging by the guilt and shame i can see in your voice and eyes." he admitted, leaning forward. "are you aware, that my friend, Tony Stark, can and will give you a full new identity? he's an understanding fellow. if you where forced to kill Farian, he'll understand." he wouldn't, but Phil didn't bother letting the man know that. "we can get you a new name, move you to somewhere. Australia, or maybe the Galapagos?" he offered. "somewhere warm, tropical, out of the way. whoever made you do this? it will be them that feels the force of Tony's rage. we don't ever even have to mention your involvement. we'll just say you where a witness and where threatened to stay silent. might even twist the story to say you spoke up, even though you where afraid. Tony likes self sacrificing men." Phil admitted, smiling at the doctor. "you don't have to b afraid. just tell us what happened."
James raised his eyebrows, turning to look at phil before nodding. “I’m always okay with talking to steve for a moment.”he said looking amused as he shivered, leaning into steve as the other talked, “Hmmm, you’re enjoying watching this aren’t you?”James muttered turning his head a little to gently bite steve before turning to look at the doctor, eyes widening slightly.

“No!I didn’t do anything.”The doctor said, sounding so anxious, eyes wide as he watched the other man, before starting to tremble. “Nicholas fury!”the man cried out, starting to cry as he broke, hope in that look as he considered that yes, tony stark would let him go.
Steve chuckled. "it turns me on watching you fuck with people. i don't like what it does to you but god it's hot as hell." he admitted, pulling the other into a deep kiss before gasping as he realized what the doctor had just said. "oh hell..." he muttered. stunned. "damn. Phil's really good. ten bucks the man was just too scared to tell Fury no." betting because he didn't want to face the feeling of deep betrayal. he had thought Fury was the good guy. had thought that Fury was a friend. apparently not.

"...Fury?" Phil gasped, his eyes darkening with rage before leaning forward. "calm don now Dr. Cross. we can keep you safe from the likes of Fury. but we need to know, exactly what has happened. everything. every single detail of what he asked you to do. i know this is hard, but we need to know so we can make sure he suffers for what he did." he had no real intention of letting Dr. Cross go, unless Fury had threatened Cross's own baby girls or something. a man would do many horrendous things to protect those he loved, and Tony might even forgive the bastard if that was the case.
“Hm, I don’t like what it does either, but I do enjoy it to.”James muttered kissing him back before staring, looking shocked. Despite his dislike for the shield director, he hadn’t considered that the man could be responsible. “hm, probably. But this is still going to be bad.”He muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s mouth, trying to distract him, knowing how the other was feeling.

The doctor whimpered, starting to cry as he slumped in the chair, whimpering quietly as the doctor started to explain how he’d simply been made to dose the woman, and deliver the twins wasn’t until the middle of the explaination that james interrupted, realizing what it meant. “....Farian’s still alive. You heard him. He switched for a life model decoy.”James said eyes wide and startled.
he chuckled a little. "well. you can let out some of that aggravation on me." he promised, kissing the other before wincing as he realized that this was all going to go to hell. ", Fury took Farian and Satsuna alive. why? do you know? and what did he do to make you obey? what did he threaten you with?" Phil demanded. "do you know where they are?" "i'll get Jarvis on tracking what we can of Shield." Steve promised, pulling out his Tablet and talking to Jarvis. Jarvis immediately started searching every last Shield File, Camera, speaker, and microphone for any hint of Farian and the baby.
“Hm, I’m always willing to work out aggravation on you.”He growled. Wincing a little as he watched. The doctor nodded, silent tears streaming down his face. “I don’t know. But he transported them overseas, he knew they couldn’t stay here.”He said before flinching, his shoulders hunched, knowing this was unacceptable, that he couldn’t say why he’d done it. “...No I don’t know where exactly they are.” “...Why did you do it?”James growled moving away from steve, wrapping a hand in the doctor’s hair and raising the knife, blade slicing through his nose before the doctor had a chance to register james was inrepairably disfiguring him. “Why?” “He doesn’t deserve the child!The girl! He killed my wife, why should he get happiness!This was supposed to be my life, not his!”
he grinned and nodded before scowling at the scene. "James! that is enough!" Phil stated, his voice as calm and detached as ever. "what do you mean he killed your wife? Tony Stark, as far as i ever knew, has never condoned action against women or children." Phil stated. "are you sure your not just blaming him for something someone else might have done?" Phil demanded before shaking his head. "never mind. you have outlived your usefulness." he admitted, pulling out his gun and popping the doctor right in the chest. "come. we'll go back to the tower." Phil ordered. "tell Jarvis to expand his search." "he's working as far as he can but even Jarvis has limits Phil." Steve warned. "do we tell Tony?" Clint asked, worried. "no. he'll only get angry and upset. we'll tell him once we find her."
James turned his head, eyes cold and distant, staring at phil. Not responding more then simply watching him. “It’s his fault she’s gone. Him and his stupid seductions and seducing other people’s wives and-oh...”The doctor stopped staring down as he bled out. “....It’ll be awhile before we know. But it’s europe, there’s a limited amount of places Fury could have hidden her without detection.”Natasha frowned before nodding. “Let’s go then.”She said eyeing james as the man silently started taking care of the body.
Phil shook his head. "honestly, blaming Tony for being a man whore." Phil scoffed. "if the woman hadn't wanted him, she would have said no. Tony probably never even realized your whore of a wife was married." Phil informed the man before leaving with Clint, letting James handle things. "James! just leave the body there. i'll take care of it tonight. no need for Tony to see." he promised his hero. "there's no guarantee he took her to Europe. he might very well have taken her to the orient or to the Bermuda for all we know. he's not connected to Hydra, Shields reach is much longer than Hydra's is." Phil admitted, lips tight with rage. "and to think. i loved him like he was my father." he hissed, outraged that someone he had loved so much, could do something like this. "...actually... i have an idea." Phil admitted. "doesn't Tony have an untraceable tracker?" he asked, planning the best way to get to Fury, and thus, to Farian.
James stopped, pausing, tilting his head, before nodding. “Okay.”He said smiling slightly at the other man as he walked out with the others, far enough down that while he was totally in control, and utterly being cold and scary, he was more willing to follow orders then he normally was, to well trained to follow handlers orders to not listen to clint. “...fuck. I hadn’t considered that.”Natasha flinched as she realized that phil was right, that without hydra’s limited resources, fury really could go anywhere. “I know. We all loved him.”She said softly, her own voice tight with her own rage as they headed back towards the tower. “...Yes. He does. If we can get close enough to him to get it on him.”James said as he settled into his seat, sighing quietly.
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