The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Clint nodded when the other stopped. he didn't want James to do things when he was that far down. he knew if Tony was in his right mind he'd be upset that they had let James do such a thing. "good. i need it." Phil admitted. "i'll call Fury, i've always been overly loyal to him. i'll tell him some crack shit story about Tony loosing his head and killing Clint and Natasha. he'll believe me." Phil admitted. "i might not get taken right to Farian, but i'll have a closer idea of where she is at least. he won't want to be too far away from her." Phil admitted, looking at Clint and Natasha. "your going to have to beat me up." "why?" "i'll have to have fought my way loose. Fury won't believe me if i show up without injury. i can break my own ribs if i have to, but human self preservation instinct usually kicks in before i can actually damage myself." he admitted. "we can do it." Clint promised. "if i can't find her, ask Loki if he will use Magic to try and find her."
“we’ll get it as soon as we get back. And jarvis will be able to track it to, so not only will you be able to follow it, we’ll be nearby to.”James said looking pleased with having a plan of what they were going to be doing. “We’ll take care of that. You’ll look like you’ve been fighting james.....also. I think Steve should go with you. Tell him Steve’s finally come to his senses, seen james at his worst....I don’t like the idea of you going alone.”Natasha said looking worried for the man. “We’ll have loki keep a eye out anyways. Having a sorcerer aware of what’s happening, can’t be a bad thing.”James said sighing quietly as they got back to the tower.
Phil nodded before shaking his head. "no. Steve can't come. Steve, no offense but even if Tony was insane, you would stay with James." Phil admitted. "your too heartsick for him to leave him, we all know he would die before leaving James." "he's right, Fury would never believe it if i went with. Natasha on the other hand..." Steve pointed out, looking at Natasha. "if we beat her up too a bit, we could claim you tried to leave and James killed Clint and then tried to kill you as well. might even claim i'm dead. if James went to kill me, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't stop him." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "everyone knows that Natasha would follow Phil though, especially if we claim Clint is dead. she still doesn't like Tony much." Steve admitted, flashing Natasha a smile. "your the most likely to 'defect' as it where. especially as you've been trying to make Farian leave since she got here. Fury will simply see you as abandoning us to our stubborn fates." even she had to admit, it's what she would have done if what they where talking about had actually happened.
“...Damn. I dislike you going alone though.”James scowled a little, because while he didn’t want steve leaving, he didn’t like the idea of phil going alone though. Before startling, glancing at natasha before tensing, something tightening, breaking a little at the idea of killing steve, retreating from the conversation as he tried to deal with that thought. Letting the other’s talk. “I don’t, but he is a good man. I’d rather have him in charge then anyone else.”Natasha said smiling slightly before nodding, “I’ll go. If things had gone down like we’re making it up, I would have left. The best lies are the ones that are truth.”He said smiling slightly.
Phil nodded and Steve wrapped his arms around James murmuring reassurances in the others ear. "Tony is a good man." Steve agreed. "maybe if you knew the full truth you wouldn't hate him so much." Steve wondered. he knew it was rather, wrong, but he'd asked Jarvis on his first day there why Tony was the way he was. what he had found out, had made him sick, literally. it wasn't just Pepper and Obediah after all. "okay, Phil and Natasha will get beat on." Steve agreed. "James can't be the one to do it. he's not handling this very well, i don't want to push him anymore than he's already been pushed." "Steve and Clint will have to do it." Phil agreed. "once we're clear of the city we'll call Fury and if we're lucky, Loki will be able to track us somehow, or find Farian on his own. if he does locate Farian, Natasha and i will play distraction while you extract her and the baby."
“Maybe. But that’s going to be something for another day. For now, let’s get Farian out.”Natasha said sighing quietly as she watched James, worry showing on her face before nodding. “Don’t worry about it Clint and Phil can take care of things. Go take care of him.”Natasha said watching the two super soldiers before looking at clint, “Let’s go. I don’t want to waste any time, the longer we wait, the more farian’s going to be in danger.”Natasha said knowing that whatever fury was planning for the woman, there was something going to go down badly. Smirking a little as she nodded goodbye, heading for the gym to take care of the beating. “Steve?”James muttered quietly, turning his head into the other’s shoulder.
Phil nodded. "Farian is what we have to focus on right now. Tony is stable for the most part. he isn't blowing anything up at any rate." he admitted. "Bruce and James are handling him very well and he's staying as sane as he possibly can for Miyuki." Phil admitted. "we won't have to worry about him too much i don't think." Phil admitted before following Natasha. they could beat on each other as well as letting Clint beat on them. "we should get some of James blood and splatter it on us." Phil admitted, voice husked with pain once they where done. "it'll look even more realistic. we should have Clint and Steve's blood on us as well if they died right next to us." "i'll get the blood from Bruce. he has blood samples from all of us." they all had donated blood for emergencies, if they needed blood, Bruce could just get their own blood and put it back in them. "James?" Steve replied, looking up at the other. "you okay?" he asked, watching Clint head for Bruce's lab and come out with three blood bags.
James smirked a little watching the other’s beat on each other, “And don’t flick it. If you poke a hole in the bags and squeeze, it’ll look more like blood splatter from getting beaten up instead of something staged.”James said smiling a little, showing that even if he generally was hurting people, the man was equally good at staging scenes to. Natasha nodded taking the bag, glancing at james slightly worried before settling in to get the blood everywhere, and soon enough they really did look like they’d been standing near murder. “Yea....I’m okay...I,,,,I just don’t like the idea of killing you...even for pretend.”James muttered swallowing thickly.
Clint and Phil both nodded. "thank you, hes that will work better." he agreed, grimacing as he was doused and splattered in blood. "that's so gross." Phil admitted with a sigh, letting them get his back as well. "fuck i hurt." Phil admitted, cradling his broken ribs with the arm that wasn't broken. he had three broken fingers and a hairline crack in his arm and he had so many bruises it looked more like he'd been run over. "we'll stop at the Safe house closest to us and get 'medical aid' before calling Fury. he'll see us go in so we can't get bandaged before that. oh! hold on." Phil muttered, borrowing a knife and carving himself up a bit before tearing up his shirt and making makeshift bandages. "there. that's more like it." he muttered. "we're heading out. Bruce already put the tracking chips in us and they shouldn't trigger anything." "wait." Loki ordered, stepping into the room with two bowls of water. "i need a hair each and a fresh drop of blood from your middle fingers, just a pinprick." Loki admitted. "these are Scrying bowls. they will connect to you and show where you are at all times. anyone will be able to watch, and listen to your conversations. if the tracking Chips are discovered, claim Tony did it without your knowledge." Loki ordered once they had given up their hair and blood to the silvery blue water in the bowls, which cleared just like a television screen and showed each of them from an overhead, slightly to the left view so they could see everything, even the faces of Phil and Natasha. "i will start searching for Farian myself. if i find her, i will send you a messenger." Loki admitted. "be careful. and good luck." the Scrying bowls had cost very little magic, but the active search for Farian would light him up like a beacon saying 'Here i am! come and get me!'. but Farian was well worth it, even if Thor did come to kill or imprison or punish him.
“You look like you hurt. Just think about how satisfying it’ll be to bash Fury’s face in after this, when you’re thinking about how much you hurt.”James said wincing as he watched the two cradling broken bones and injuries. Natasha looked startled before raising a eyebrow and nodding as she poked her fingers and cut off hair. “Thank you loki.”She said knowing the man was going through a lot of effort to see that they had help before looking interested as the scrying bowls changed. “That’s really cool.”she muttered before nodding. “Thanks.”She said as they left this was going to be bad, so bad as they searched.

It took a few days for fury to track them to the house, frowning as he walked inside, he looked over the sight of his agents, shaking his head. “What happened?”He demanded anger tightening his features, ready to fight and kill tony if this is what happened now that the man was surely losing his mind.
Phil smirked viciously. "oh. it'll be very satisfying. however, i think the person who should get first dibs is Tony himself. Fury did make Tony think his fiance and baby where dead after all." Phil admitted, grinning at James. "don't worry about it. Farian is one of ours. we'd take fifty times this to see her home safely." "I like Farian." was Loki's only response to the Thanks.

Phil and Natasha skipped from safe house to Safe house, as they would have done if Tony really had lost his mind. "Sir!" Phil gasped, looking at him, amazed. "where have you been!? i've been trying to call you for three damn days! ouch..." Phil grimaced as he clutched his arm a bit. "Farian died, and one of her babies did too. Tony lost his mind, tried to kill himself i guess. James went off the deep end and killed Steve and Clint... he damn near killed us too." Phil admitted. "i can't be sure but i don't think Tony's going to live for much longer. Bruce is covering up the whole thing i think because we haven't heard a damn word about it." Phil admitted. "i'm glad to see your safe. i was worried that maybe you'd been in the Territory and got killed too." Phil admitted, looking upset and worried, tears springing into his eyes. "James killed Clint, Sir... he killed..." god Phil was good.
Fury winced as the other looked at him, “I’m sorry, Phil. I was out of town and totally out of touch taking care of a few things.”Namely, farian and the child, “And only returned this morning. I came as soon as the agents said you’d been trying to get ahold of me.” “Tony’s losing control. If he doesn’t kill himself, he’s going to get himself killed for what he does.James to.”Natasha said with wide, shocky looking eyes. “Steve’s dead?” “When he tried to control Tony, james lost himself, turned on us all.”Natasha said looked wide eyed before swallowing, crying herself. “I am sorry, phil. So sorry...I know what clint meant to you.”Fury said softly, shaking his head. “You two need to get out of here. I have a few houses that no one, and I mean no one, except me knows about. You need to come, recover. And then we’ll plan what comes next.”
Phil shook his head. "never mind. your here now, that's what matters." he mumbled. "yeah. Steve's dead too. i kept waiting for him to get back up. i mean, it's Steve! he's a super soldier! he isn't supposed to be able to die. but he didn't. he didn't get up he just laid there. right next to Clint, just laid there." Phil whispered, closing his eyes, trying to control himself. "what comes next? isn't it obvious?!" Phil demanded, voice angry now. "we have to kill Tony and James. probably Bruce too before they murder the innocents they have trapped in that god forsaken territory!" Phil snapped before wincing and holding his ribs. "i'm sorry... i shouldn't yell at you... it's not your fault... we'll have to recover the baby too if we can. Tony named them you know. Miyuki and Satsuki." Phil admitted, shaking his head, following Fury out, sharing a look with Natasha. this was going to be the hard part.
“It is obvious, but even the obvious still needs planned.”Fury said watching phil, refusing to be ruffled at being yelled at. Because he understood, tony stark was a man that managed to get anyone angry with him. “It’s fine, Phil. Considering what you’ve been through, I am not surprised you’re yelling.” “Snow...he named them for snow...”Natasha muttered as she looked at phil as they followed fury out into the jet, knowing whatever came next, was going to be hard. Even if they didn’t go straight to farian, she suspected that whatever plans were coming, were going to be hard on them all. "Where are we going sir?"She asked as she buckled into the jet as they flew. "Ireland."Fury said simply as he flew
Phil sighed and nodded. "your right. i doubt we'll be able to get back into his territory easily." he admitted, simply sounding tired now. "it's no excuse. yelling won't solve anything. especially when you weren't even involved." he mumbled as he strapped in tenderly. "Ireland?" he asked, looking surprised. "why Ireland?" he shook his head. "never mind, i just answered my own question, no one would think to look there." he admitted, having to admit. that was pretty clever of fury. "how many houses do you have?" he asked, curious. "is this because of all the Hydra agents that... Jarvis found in Shield?" he asked, worried. it was a problem, one that he and Fury had been working on with desperation before the one eyed bastard had left to kidnap Farian and Satsuki. "don't suppose you have any painkillers?" Phil asked hopefully.
“No one looks in ireland.”Fury said sounding amused before smiling. “I have about 4. And it is. There was alot, I felt safer having places no one knew about, if I needed them.” Natasha sighed quietly as she closed her eyes, also not saying the obvious thing about ireland. It was cold. Wintery cold almost all year around. Made sense to hide farian there. Hopefully she was near. “There’s some in the medical bag under your seat.”Fury said sounding vaguely pained and angry at how much pain his agents were in as they neared the mansion house in ireland. While it looked like a simple getaway house, it wasn’t, locked down and bristling with tech, it really was the perfect place to hide farian and a baby.
Phil nodded. "all in different continents of course." he teased sluggishly. "blasted Hydra. at least Tony was useful. shame we have to kill him. he could have been really useful to Shield OUCH!" he yelped as the plane shuddered a bit. "fuck... jarred my ribs." he gasped, closing his eyes to fight back the nausea that was threatening. he managed to pull the bag out with his foot and got it open with his undamaged arm and pulled out two painkillers. they where special in that it would dull the pain, but not make them sleepy. one of the scientists had worked it out only a few months ago. some girl named Simmons. "a mansion? i thought we where trying to be low key." Phil admitted, looking amused as he helped Natasha take some painkillers of her own. "lets get inside. have any doctors handy? i need help with my ribs ad Natasha has a bad break in her arm that needs to be put in place." Phil admitted. "thank god we didn't break our legs, though i have a sprained ankle." he admitted as he limped down the ramp. "fuck... it's cold!" he protested, rushing to the front door.
“Of course. And he could have been useful...Sorry.”Fury winced as they both cursed at the pain. “Thanks.”Natasha muttered as she took the painkillers, studying the house in bemusement, not really understanding the house. “We are. Besides, like ireland, who would look for us in a mansion?”Fury pointed out as he nodded. “I do. The woman who takes care of the house is also a doctor. She’s not great, but she’ll be able to help.”Fury said as they headed inside. “Fucking cold. Worse then normal.”Natasha whined shivering as they got inside. “Sorry. It seems Ireland’s suffering a worse winter then normal. ITs warmer inside.”Fury said as they got into the house, not even mentioning it was farian’s presence in the country, that was leaving things ice cold, even if she really wasn’t aware anymore, the metahuman was lashing out, being hostile to those around her in a effort to save both herself and child.
Phil nodded. "shame we can't just wipe him, Bruce and James clean of their memories and stuff. like Hydra originally did to James." Phil muttered, trying to trick Fury into giving something away. this is what Phil was best at. "that's true. good point." Phil agreed with a chuckle, wincing at that. "ugh. laughing hurts." he grumbled before nodding. he rushed inside, trembling from the chill and his injuries. he needed medical attention, and soon. he had giving himself a bit of an infection from one of the knife wounds. he knew that would only make Fury trust him more. no one goes through that much effort for anything. Fury was underestimating their love for Farian and their knowledge. "oh." Phil pulled his phone out of his pocket as it buzzed, flipping it open and grimacing. "shit. Dr. Cross is dead." he informed them. "looks like he was tortured a bit. his nose was chopped off and it looks like he was skinned alive." Phil admitted, handing his phone to Fury so he could see. "Dr. Cross is the man who delivered Miyuki. i guess James blames him for Farian and Satsuki's deaths." no need to admit he was the one who'd killed Dr. Cross. he'd have to give Clint a good reward for covering up the death and make it look like the man had been tortured for information.
Fury nodded a little. “The knowledge of what Hydra did, is in the records. The doctors were Shield originally. If it wasn’t so dispicable, we could clean tehir memories.”Ah, so that’s what he planned for Farian. Wiping a memory ,creating a assassin none of them would consider killing. “Careful.”Natasha muttered looking him over as the housekeeper/doctor rushed into teh room to start looking them over, silently allowing her to be checked as phil got news of cross’ death. “I thought it was a accident?Why kill the doctor?”Fury frowned as he considered that.
Phil nodded. "it might be despicable sir. but when a genius like Tony and a man like James can't even control themselves, isn't it our duty to protect them from themselves? they could very well be the best and brightest minds on the entire planet. if we had a chance to... fix them, shouldn't we take that chance? Tony, insane as he is, has created some amazing medical equipment that's saved hundreds of our Shield Agents lives. if we could control him to any extent, we wouldn't have to destroy the chances for more life saving equipment. i think we should look into what they did to James and see if we can't replicate it in a more humane method." he suggested before smiling at Natasha, letting the doctor look him over. "dunno. clearly someone thought it wasn't an accident. i have to admit, her death was suspicious." Phil admitted. "i was going to look into it myself but the video had gone missing. for all we know Dr. Cross might have killed her to achieve some Vendetta or something. or maybe he was threatened or forced by Hydra. it wouldn't be the first time they tried to kill Tony or Farian. OUCH!" he glared at the woman who was setting his ribs and checking his infected cuts.
“You might be on the right on that thought, Phil.”The man said sighing quietly beforen odding. “We will try, before we kill them. If we can get to them safely.”The man said sighing a little. “Really?Interesting. I shall put some agents into looking into it while you heal. If there is anything to know, we’ll find it.”Fury promised sighing quietly, “Now. I’ll leave you two to get some rest, and some sleep.”
Phil nodded. "i think we can get them easily enough." Phil admitted. "we just have to wait for Bruce to calm James down. unless Bruce has lost his head too then i'm not sure if we'll even be able to get into the territory." he admitted with a sigh. "goodnight Nick." Phil sighed. "thanks for coming to get us." he muttered with a smile. looking at Fury with the adoration he always did before heading off with Natasha to find a bed, nearly flinching when something appeared on his shoulder. it looked like a little man made out of liquid ink. "This is Loki." the little man informed them. "Farian is in the building. waiting further instructions." "get ready to storm the location but be aware of dangers. we might also be moved." Phil whispered back, lips barely moving. good thing Phil was known for mumbling to himself. "i will be joining you shortly. be prepared for my appearance." the little man warned before dissolving into nothing once more.
“I’ll keep a eye on the city then, and see how things are going.”Fury smiled nodding goodnight.”You’re welcome.and goodnight.”

Natasha jumped slightly looking startled at the little man, biting her lip to keep from awwwing over it. It was sorta cute....yea. Definitely time to stop with the pain killers. “We’ll be ready.”Natasha said sighing quietly as she handed over another dose of painkillers, downing her own. “Here. Take some. It’ll help with the fighting and all.”She muttered knowing that whatever came next, it wasn’t going to be pretty. Settling in to bed to wait and see what happened next.
Phil gave her an amused look. "i don't think Loki is going to show up as himself." he admitted. "he'll probably show up as something interesting. a cat maybe?" he wondered, smiling a little. "thanks." he took his own pills and flashed her a signal that warned her they where probably being watched. noticing a tiny camera. "oooh it feels good to lay down." he groaned, carefully propping his food up on a pillow and sagging into the bedding. "go to sleep Nat. Fury will let us know what to expect in the morning." he assured her, though the truth could be read there. 'Loki probably won't get here till morning to scope out the situation and report back to James. Phil and Natasha could do little until Farian was specifically located. they where more of a hindrance than anything else now.

in the morning, phil nearly had a heart attack when a deep 'whooo' of an owl sounded outside his window. sitting in a large coniferous tree. it turned it's head and looked at him with bright Orange eyes and Winked at him. it was a Long Eared Owl, and from the way it was acting, it looked as if this was the form Loki had taken. "hey Nat, you awake? do you have a camera? there's a long eared Owl right outside the window, i want a picture."
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