The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony leaned into the brief comfort and nodded. "your right. it will be okay. you got all your memories back, she will too." he decided, looking up at him with wide eyes, begging James to make it all okay before turning to focus on Farian, stroking her hair. "Farian? Love? are you okay? can you respond?" Tony asked, shaken and scared but determined to help her, no matter what it took. "what can you remember?" he asked, stroking her hand gently while Phil helped Clint with the wailing Satsuki, who didn't seam to want to calm down.
“I’m always right. And it’ll be okay. It will be.”He muttered pressing a kiss to tony’s forehead moving away to try and help calm the crying baby wincing as the temprature started to drop in response to her child’s distress. “Tony!Reassure her!She’s going to freeze us.”James demanded looking over worriedly. Farian frowned looking up at tony in utter confusion, shaking her head a little, so memoriless, she couldn’t even remember how to talk.
Tony smiled and relaxed before turning his attention to Farian. "shh. Farian, it's okay. your safe now." he promised, gently stroking her face, ignoring the way his hands frosted over. frostbite would heal. "your alright now, i have you, i won't ever let you go." he promised, kissing her forehead. "i love you." he promised. "we'll get you home and into some warm, clean, dry clothes and i'll tell you everything, but you have to calm down okay?" he asked, smiling at her. "i even have embarrassing pictures of you that you can't get mad at me for taking." he teased, smiling at her, tears gathering in his eyes even if he refused to shed them. "you just hang tight, we'll be home soon okay?"
Farian frowned looking up at the other, looking confused but relaxing a little under his hands, realizing he wasn’t hurting her. And within moments the airplane was warmer, nodding quietly at his words she bit her lip, craning her neck to try and see the child. “Hey, she’s okay. See?Simply upset. You two are okay.”James promised as he realized what she wanted, moving over so she could see satsuki.
Tony smiled at her as it warmed up and Satsuki calmed, startling Clint. "oh! the babe is reacting to her! or maybe to the chill?" Clint wondered, letting Tony have her back so Tony could hold her where Farian could see. "i don't know if you named them at all, but i signed the birth certificates. this one is Satsuki." he explained. "i'm sure we can change the name if you really hate it, but i thought it was so perfect... named after you. Snow, you know?" he asked, smiling sheepishly. "the other little girl is back home. Miyuki." he explained, simply chattering to Farian about how well behaved the babies where and how they would get her back to her old self in no time, memories and all.
“Both I think. A mother and child share a bond, it stands to reason that this set of mother and child are even more intune with each other considering their talent.”James mused smiling a little, it amused him to listen to tony ramble. Farian frowned softly, biting her lip a little, shivering a little now that she was starting to warm enough to feel the cold. “Snow....okay.”Farian smiled frowning, trying to find the words. She could almost, almost understand what she wanted to say. “Hold on guys, we’re home.”Natasha called out as she landed them gently onto the roof of the tower, and was within moments helping bruce get loki inside.
he nodded. "it would make sense." Tony agreed. "i wonder if it works both ways? it would be kind of awesome if Farian could always tell when the babies are upset." he admitted, noticing her shivering he gently wrapped a blanket around her and gently tucked her hair out of her face before beaming at her. "really? you really think the names are okay?" he asked, sounding anxious. "i was sure you would have hated them, but i was too depressed to really give it much mind you know?" he asked, looking up as they landed, handing Satsuki to Clint once more and gently picking Farian up. "don't worry. i won't drop you." he promised her softly, carefully heading out the door, Loki in Steve's arms, just as cold, and getting colder, than Farian. both where carefully settled into beds. Loki's room promptly froze over completely and Steve almost couldn't get back out. Farian was settled into her and Tony's bed where Jarvis and Clint where waiting with the twins. "are you comfortable? do you need more blankets?" Tony asked Farian.
“Probably. You saw her. She woke up when Satsuki was upset. More so then her being upset, I think it was satsuki that set her off.”James muttered looking thoughtful. Farian nodded biting her lip a little, trying to find the words, even as she stopped shivering. “Yes. Okay.”She muttered smiling, resting her head against tony’s chest as she was carried inside. Looking overwhelmed as she was settled into the bed, she looked aroudn her before focusing on tony, making a distressed sound as she tried to see the twins, needing to see them both closer. “Okay.Not cold.”She said.

"He resting?"James said looking worried when steve stepped out of the room, wondering what they could do for loki, but knowing they didn't have anything at the moment they could do.
he nodded. "that could come in handy. we'd never have to worry about not knowing when our babies needed attention." he admitted before pouting. "i wish that i could do that." he admitted before smiling at Farian as he cradled her gently. "hold on Love, we have to get you settled and then the twins can come close. you can't hold them yet because your powers are out of your control right now." he explained. "you'll give them frostbite." he admitted, gently helping Farian sit up so she was cushioned by a lot of pillows. "there." Tony stated, happy with the arrangement before he gently settled the twins on her lap, they where cushioned by the blankets and wouldn't be affected by the cold. "this one is Satsuki. and this one Miyuki." he explained happily. "aren't they gorgeous? you did such good work." he admitted, beaming at her. "they're the most perfect babies ever." he admitted with a grin.

"i'm not sure 'Resting' is the term i'd used. he froze the entire room!" Steve admitted, sounding quite shaken. ice still bothered him a lot. "i don't think he did this when he first arrived..." "he didn't have any of his magic when he first arrived, it had been used up." Bruce explained. "i'm going to check on Loki first and then Farian." he explained. "Loki has expressed Worry about the amount of Magic he has been using, we should prepare for another Alien encounter." he warned before slipping inside the 'ice chamber' and examining Loki. "good. yes he's in a healing Coma. the ice is helping his healing abilities work faster it seams. all we can do is let him rest."
Farian laughed quietly at his pouting. It seemed even if she didn't know him,tony still amused her. Whining quietly at being denied even for just a few moments she sighed softly as she settled back into the pillows, relaxing and smiling happily as the babe's were laid in her lap, smiling at his words tilting her head a little."you did well to."she smiled at him looking vaguely frustrated at not knowing him,but at least she wasn't freaking out.

"Well I'm not sure what other kind of word to use."James smiled slightly shifting,wrapping his arms around steve, knowing the ice still freaked him out. Nodding at bruce words."you deal with them. Me steve Natasha Clint and Phil can take care of preparing for a alien invasion. Just take care of tony and farian."
Tony smiled at her. happy that she was happy before scoffing. "please. as if i did anything." he stated. "i gave you like, a third of the base materials and then you spent ten months building them." he teased, smiling as he took little Satsuki's hand, smiling as tiny fingers curled around his. "i know you can't remember anything." he admitted, gently stroking Farian's face. "but as soon as your feeling better, i'll show you pictures and stuff. and Natasha will tell you stories about before you came here. and Clint too. and Steve. they're your Friends." he explained. "you have a lot of them now. a whole tower full." he admitted with a smile.

Steve nodded, snuggling into James for comfort. "don't worry. i don't think Farian is hurt physically." he admitted. "Fury, i believe, wanted to use her to kill Tony." "sick bastard!" Steve spat, angry that Farian had ben hurt, Loki had been hurt, Tony had been hurt because of Fury. "come on James, lets go see what kind of Toys Tony has to take down aliens."
Farian laughed quietly, blushing at the other’s words, gently touching Miyuki’s hand, watching the babe curl her fingers around hers, a quiet wonder in her face as she watched the babies, leaning her head into his hand, sighing quietly as she looekd up at him. “....I want to remember. I can...tell there’s stuff missing. I just....can’t.”she whimpered quietly.

“Good. That’s least tony wont have to worry about that. He has enough other things to worry about.”James muttered resting his head against the other’s head, swallowing hard. “He was. But he was also right. Farian would have been the one assassin tony wouldn’t have harmed.”he pointed out, before grinning. “Let’s go then. I’m sure he has some amazing toys.”James grinned as they headed for the lab.
Tony smiled at her. "hey. it's okay. the memories will come back. you just need to be a bit more patient, that's all." he admitted softly, stroking her hair. "don't try so hard that you'll hurt yourself." he warned gently, kissing her knuckles. "i'll help in every way that i can. i swear it." he promised. "for now. you need to rest. it was a very taxing ordeal on your body. just rest, okay? i won't leave you alone. i promise. you need to rest though." Tony admitted, looking worried, looking up when Bruce walked in. "this is Bruce. he's our doctor with anger management issues." "...i don't have anger management issues." Bruce assured her. "i'm going to give you a quick exam to make sure your not hurt and i'm going to give Satsuki a look over as well." he admitted. "Loki's fine Tony. he's healing well." Bruce promised.

"Steve nodded. "i know." he admitted with a sigh. "at least Tony held together well. i mean, he didn't even blow anyone up." he admitted with a smile. "i'm not sure. he might have hesitated if you'd gone after him." he admitted with a grin. "he loves you and Bruce almost as much as he does Farian." he admitted, following James down to the 'finished weapons, come and test them out' room. where Tony stored all his finished weapons safe for James handling for when James wanted to play with new toys.
“I’ll try.”Farian sighed softly, relaxing quietly as she closed her eyes, simply relaxing, nodding a little. “I’ll rest. You need rest to. You don’t look well.”She said studying him worriedly, tensing, shifting the babies in her lap, holding them closer before looking at tony as he reassured her he was okay, before nodding a little. “Okay.”She said shifting the babies into tony’s arms so the doctor could look over the babies.

“He did. And maybe. For a moment.”James said smiling slightly blushing a little at the idea of tony loving him that much before grinning as they started to work on the weapons before snickering a little. “he didn’t hold it well. You haven’t seen his anger room yet, he tore the thing apart.”James snickered grinning at just how many weapons tony had made him. This was amazing really.
Tony smiled at her and nodded. "i'll rest in a bit. once i know your all healthy." he promised. "it's okay. Bruce is my friend. he won't hurt you." he promised Farian. Bruce carefully examined each baby, nodding. "good. they're both growing well and are as healthy as a horse." he promised. "now for you Mrs. Frost." he stated calmly, checking her pulse, her tongue, her eyes, looking for frostbite, hints of joint deterioration. "she's stiff from the chill, but that will heal within a few days." Bruce explained calmly. "all she needs is a lot of rest and maybe a hot bath once she wakes up." Bruce promised. "fetch me immediately if something odd starts happening. muscle twitches or rapid breathing. things like that. she might have nightmares." he warned. "her memories will be pushing to be free and she might dream about what happened." he admitted. "she could have Anxiety attacks as well but you know how to handle those." he admitted before turning his attention back to Farian. "i want you to inform Tony if you feel even the slightest bit odd. if you start to hurt or ache, if you get any bloody noses or if you feel your heart skipping at all tell him immediately so he can get me."

he chuckled a little. "he'd at least wait until the last minute." he assured the other. "he'd only kill you if there was no other choice." he admitted with a grin. "i'd just get a bullet in the head." he admitted with a snigger before pausing. "he has a Rage Room? i thought that was Bruce's thing?" he asked, looking a little startled before he grinned at the rows of fifty some odd weapons. all of tested only in the general sense. they had never been handled by human hands yet. save for Tony's and he didn't count because he hadn't fired them himself. "wow."
“OKay.”Farian frowned a little looking worried as he examined the babies, relaxing as he said they were fine. Looking nervous as bruce examined her she looked pleased relaxing. “Thank you.”She said frowning as she listened, biting her lip worried but trusting tony to take care of her. Even memoriless, her senses told him she could trust him. “I will tell him if anything happens.”She promised smiling a little, yawning.

“No you wouldn’t. You know it’d upset him greatly to kill you.”James pointed out though he wasn’t sure if itd be cause tony liked him that much, or because losing steve would break james. “He does. And it is a bruce thing, but tony has one to....and I have one for that matter. It just has shit in it we can destroy without really harming anything.”he shrugged before laughing at steve’s reaction, amused that they both found the new toys to play with.
Tony smiled a little as he stroked Farian's hand, hoping to keep her calm. "your welcome." Bruce stated calmly. "now, the both of you need to sleep. yes Tony i am talking to you." Bruce ordered sternly, making Tony sulk a little even as he gentle settled the twins into their cradles and settled into the bed with Farian, sighing a little. "i'm so glad to have you back." Tony whispered. "i thought you where dead." he admitted, blinking tears out of his eyes. "i'll never let you go again. i swear it."

"nah. it would only upset him because it would upset you." Steve stated with a chuckle. "huh. maybe i might have to try a rage room someday if it really helps that much." he mused with a smile, picking up a gun and taking aim at a target. "then again, this is about as satisfying as rage release can get!" he admitted, laughing as he pulled the trigger, watching a flame so hot it was white, spit out of the end of the gun, making Steve yelp and then laugh again, delighted. "wow!"
“Told you you needed rest.”Farian said smiling softly at tony, watching him settle the twins into their cradles, shifting to snuggle into tony, even as she laid on her side to watch the twins, needing to be able to see them. Before turning to look up at him, raising a hand to gently touch his face, “I’m not going anywhere....I don’t know you...but...I know I don’t want to go anywhere.”Farian muttered gently wiping the tears away as she yawned.

“It does help. Though considering the damage we can do with these weapons, it’s a fairly good rage release.”James snickered laughing in utter delight as steve yelped, amused as he watched the fire, “Definitely adding that thing to my normal weapons. I like it.”James grinned amused. Glad that steve’ brush with the ice was forgotten in the face of wanting to try new toys.
Tony huffed. "do not. i'm only resting so you'll rest." he admitted, fighting back his own yawn. "of course you know me." Tony stated with a smile. "you might not remember me, but your body knows me. your emotions know me. your soul knows me." he admitted. "how else would you be so comfortable with me in bed with you?" he asked, smiling at her. "go to sleep. the babies will be fine for another three hours. then they'll want their dinner." he admitted. "might as well sleep while we can. Miyuki is a screamer." he admitted with a chuckle.

and indeed Miyuki woke them all with her demanding screams for food. Tony sat up, shuffled into the kitchen, grabbed a pre made Formula, wormed it up with his fingers and plopped the bottle into the wailing Miyuki's mouth, cradling her and Satsuki expertly, feeding them both at the same time on autopilot. which was kind of adorable really.
“Uh-huh.whatever you say.”she snickered a little before sighing quietly, nodding. “Very true. I know you.”She muttered snuggling into him, starting to fall asleep, completely trusting.

Farian bolted away at the sound of the scream, eyes wide and panicked as she looked around her, responding to miyuki’s distress, nearly falling out of the bed as she tried to get to the baby to help her, before pausing, staring at tony in panicked, sleepy confusion before swallowing thickly, calming her racing heart slowly. “ she okay?”she said rubbing a hand over her face, slumping down onto the bed.
Tony blinked a little at Farian, too sleepy to respond with the speed he normally did. "she's fine. like i said, she's a screamer." he admitted sluggishly. "she just wanted dinner. she'll scream again in an hour after she poops." he admitted, handing her Satsuki since the 'good twin' had already gotten bored with her bottle. "there you noisy little thing. all better now?" Tony asked, throwing a burp rag over his shoulder and burping her. "hey, no puke this time, your getting better. back into the cradle." he mumbled, settling her carefully into place before burping Satsuki and repeating the procedure. groaning as he rubbed his face. "are you hungry? i'll go pester Steve to make us food if you like?" he offered, looking highly sleepy.
Farian looked anxious before relaxing, nodding a little. “Good. Okay. SCreaming in a hour, I can deal with that.”She said relaxing, taking tony’s sleepiness as a sign that everything really was okay. Snuggling the baby she smiled quietly as tony took care of miyuki, settling back into the bed before letting tony have satsuki again, before nodding. “No, just lay down tony. You need more sleep.”She said tugging him down next to her, gently stroking his hair, looking worried about him,
he nodded, too tired to really understand what was going on other than that his babies needed food and Farian was talking. "s coffee." he protested when she pulled him back into bed, not that he didn't go right back to sleep. too tired. he hadn't really slept more than an hour at a time since Farian 'died'. he was too tired to do anything but sleep, run on autopilot and sleep some more. he was so tired he slept through Muyuki and Satsuki wailing for diaper changes. it was Jarvis who slipped into the room, whispered reassurances to Farian and settled the twins in for a diaper change right there in the room so Farian could watch his every move. Jarvis was really the best butler ever because when morning finally broke he brought Farian breakfast without disturbing the sleeping Tony and entertained her with stories about the pranks she'd played on Tony. and when Tony finally woke around noon Jarvis handed over the cool Coffee that Tony gulped down like his life depended on it. "Morning." "it is afternoon Sir." "whatever."
Farian indeed had settled in well with jarvis, finding his presence a reassurance as tony slept. Looking amused as tony woke the woman slid her fingers through his hair tugging gently."feeling better?"she said swallowing hard as she studied him. Worried about the other and just how worn around the edges he looked.
he smiled at her when she tugged on his hair. "hmm i love it when you do that." he admitted softly. "feeling a lot better actually." he admitted. "i wasn't sleeping well before. Miyuki, as you saw, is a screamer." he admitted. "i was up every hour to feed her or change her." he admitted, rubbing his eyes. "Sir was quite devastated when you went missing and was afraid to leave Miyuki for any period of time, no matter how much he trusted them. it is a common occurrence with new parents to begin with." Jarvis admitted. "now that you and Satsuki have been found, he will sleep better." Jarvis assured her. "Sir. please eat some breakfast." Jarvis ordered, pressing a chocolate filled croissant into Tony's hand, Tony grumbled but obediently devoured it before finishing off the entire pot of Coffee before heading into the bathroom to get ready for the day. he came back out and beamed at her. "welcome home. how are you feeling?" he asked, looking worried as he examined her. "well your colors certainly a lot better." he admitted looking pleased. "have you eaten?" yes, Jarvis had fed her. "Feeling okay to get up? i can show you around?" he offered her, smiling. "explain what happened and all that. i think i have some pictures-" three albums worth. "-i can show you too if you like."
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