The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony chuckled. "Farian. i walk down the street and call people by their names." he pointed out. "i even called old lady Grishna last month when she fell and broke her hip." he pointed out. "i don't think they can get any more endeared to me." he admitted with a smile. "i won't stop fussing! i mean, i'm not fussing!" he protested. "it's not fine!" he complained, glaring at his hair. "it IS Tony-Land! it's my territory i can call it what i want! it's Tony Land!" he huffed. and while that was true, he'd never actually gone about renaming his area. "your the sap." he teased, kissing her before tensing at the crack of lightning. "...Jarvis! Code Red Lock down!" Tony ordered, already calling for his Armor, the silver liquid seeping out of his pores and wrapping around him as he strode forward, Steve already there. "Halt! you are trespassing on Sovereign lands! state your business here!" Steve demanded, Shield in one hand, high powered Tazer in the other. James was the one with the really big guns, along with the other combatants of the tower.
Farian frowned at him, blushing ever so slightly as she realized that she’d been trying to help, when he obviously didn’t need it. Hating that she hadn’t remembered that, couldn’t remember more. “Well, then they can be endeared to me and the twins.”She huffed a little before snickering at his protesting. “You are fussing. And it’s fine.”she promised before snickering as she kissed him back. Tensing as she moved the twins into their cribs, settling herself in front of them, ;etting tony protect them both, tense and waiting as james joined steve and tony, guns and knives posed and ready to use. “I am Thor Odinson, of Asgard.I have come to retrieve my brother.”
Tony smiled at her and kissed her. "it's a good idea." he admitted. "and your right, they can get to know you now too." he agreed, smiling. "besides, the twins are adorable! who wouldn't love them?" he asked with a grin before huffing. "i am a megalomaniac evil villain who has stolen my lands from America. i don't fuss." he huffed before narrowing his eyes at the God. "Loki the Scorcerie is officially a citizen of the unaffiliated land of New York. he is a people of Grand Duke Tony's personal Sorcerer and a member of the Grand Dukes Cabinet. should you attempt to take the Scorcerie you would be declaring war on the people of New York." Jarvis declared formally. "Your people cast him into the Abyss, my people have saved him. he is ours now and you can't have him." Tony declared firmly, chin up, eyes narrowed. "he's been terrified of you coming here ever since he first found his way here and i won't let you hurt him."
“They are adorable. They take after you. And I’m sure there’s someone out there.”Farian snickered a little amused before going serious. James tensed swallowing thickly, worried preparing to take down the serious looking god, wondering what would happen. “...We did not cast him out. He fell.”Thor frowned despite his father’s anger over everything, and having searched the 9 realms on Odin’s behalf, he hadn’t been searching for loki to punish, mostly, he was searching for his brother, to see if he could return him to the brother he remembered, the generally sharp tongued, but not evil loki. “I would like to see him if he is available.”
"Fury doesn't count. he's dead. everyone else loves the twins." he stated with a smile. "Fell, cast out. it's all the same when you people hate him for being born in the first place." Tony spat, eyes narrowed. "he's not available." Bruce stated calmly as he walked in. "Tony it's okay. i don't think this one is here to cause trouble. you remember that super smart girl you wanted for your collection? Jane Foster? the one who sends you those awesome calculations from time to time?" Tony perked up at the mention of Jane. he adored Jane. she was one of the few people who could fuss over Tony without Tony getting fussy or snappish. "she's vouching for Thor." he explained. "as she was the last person in contact with Thor, i thought i'd get her opinion." "invite her over! she has to meet my twins and my Duchess!" "i already did. she's too busy to come until next week." Bruce stated calmly. "in any case." he turned to Thor. "Loki was hurt very badly saving the life of Tony's Mate." Bruce explained. "he's sort of frozen over. i can only imagine it must be normal?" "...are we sure he's safe?" Steve demanded, frowning. Tony had already accepted Thor's presence, simply because Jane said it was okay, Steve was a lot more hesitant.
“I do not hate my brother!”Thor....well...thundered, the slight rumble to his voice echoed in the storm before looking at bruce, frowning a little. “Lady jane?She is well?”The asgardian perked up at the mention of his lady. “You want to have antoher woman come visit?”Farian frowned looking vaguely jealous, even with tony so fussy and worried about her, she also knew just how smart he was, and was jealous of his want to meet the other smart woman. Thor frowned at the information that loki had been hurt, looking upset. “It is. Jotun freeze to heal, as ice is their normal state of being. He will heal well.”Thor said upset he’d been hurt, but pleased that the man was healing. “No, we’re not sure.”James frowned looking even more hesitant. “...I shall return in a week. If it would make you more comfortable, to have both my brother and lady jane here.”Thor offered after a moment, seeing the captain’s hesitance.
Tony snorted. "well clearly your brother thinks otherwise." Tony spat before nodding. "Jane is well. she's super excited over some new figures." he admitted before smiling at Farian. "Jane Foster is kind of like my adopted big sister." he admitted. "she's the only woman i know who can actually make me feel stupid." Tony admitted. "you'll love her!" he promised Farian. "well. at least it's normal. i would have hated to have to try and de-thaw him." Bruce admitted calmly. "i think that would be best." Steve admitted, Tony whining. "but i wanted to cut him open and see if his organs where different then ours!" Tony protested, Bruce nodding, both of them looking Thor over, as if trying to decide the best way to overpower them so they could do a few exploratory surgeries. now Steve looked more worried about Thor's health than he was about everyone else. "yeah... your going to want to leave now." Steve warned Thor. "come back in a week with Jane." hopefully Loki would be well by then.
“Good. She is quite smart.It is amusing when she’s so excited over things.”Thor smiled a little at the thought of his girl, before watching them all. “...I’m sure I will.”Farian said relaxing a little as she realized there was utterly no romantic feelings there. “.....Yes. I think I will be leaving.”The thunder god said looking a little nervous before disappearing in a rush of thunder and light, which made the twins squeal in utter delight at the show. “...You two behave. I am sure that the godling would not apperciate being cut up, and being struck by lightening is bound to fuck you up tony. You’re more computer then huamn you know.”James pointed out looking at tony, shaking his head a little.
Tony nodded. "she doesn't get excited! she gets rabid!" Tony complained. "she nearly hit me over the head with a typewriter one night because i was bothering her when she was making some grand breakthrough! she's worse than i am!... well.... no, maybe not." Jane, after all had never wanted to cut Thor open and find out what his insides looked like. "but... but... alien!" Tony protested, sulking that the Thunder god had fled, probably to Jane who was actually more on vacation than she was busy. "How did you know that?! who told you that!? whoever it was lied!" Tony informed James, never mind it was true. at least he'd stopped experimenting on himself. "well... we should get back to that video. no doubt people are freaking out since we cut off when Thunderbolt appeared. how are you feeling? okay still? do you want me to tuck you in for a nap?" he asked, fussing over Farian again.
“What is a typewriter, and why should one not want to be hit with it?”Thor said looking interested, before laughing. “Lady Jane is quite passionaite indeed about things.”Thor agreed amused at tony’s interest. “Don’t care. Don’t go cutting open aliens Tony.”Farian said rolling her eyes. “I’m not a idiot, Idiot. I’ve been up close and personal with your body, and I’m part machine myself. Its sort of obvious. Though I am glad you haven’t added anything recently.”James said smirking at the other, glad that the other had indeed stopped experimenting on himself, for the first time scolding tony for exprimenting on himself. Having not done it before because he’d been very aware of just how tony would react to it. “No doubt. We should reassure them,”Farian said looking worried before nodding. “I’m fine. Tired from getting overly excited over thor’s appearance, and a little cold, but I’m okay. Well enough to help you reassure our people anyways.”Farian said looking worried. Willing to set aside her own bone tiredness to help, and reassure everyone that everything was fine.
Tony snorted. "it's a big, heavy object full of keys for printing words. it's about yeah wide, about this tall, it's full of sharp objects, and it could break even your thick skull if thrown at the right angle." Tony admitted, looking amused. "ask Jane to show you." he ordered before pouting at Farian. "...what if i get their permission first?" he asked. "yes... well... it was all necessary!" he stated with a sniff before fussing over Farian. "your tired. we'll take a nap first." he ordered. "Jarvis will inform them all that we're fine and will be on the news later this evening." he decided, making James and Steve pick up the twins as he picked up Farian and carried her to bed, making her rest. much to Bruce's surprise, Loki had thawed before nightfall and looked perfectly fine now. he did need someone to explain why he would want a 'metal' and no matter how many times they told him it was a medal, he was convinced he was about to get a chunk of slag or a piece of steal or something.
“Huh. Interesting...I shall have to ask her.”Thor said nodding to himself, looking pleased at having something else to learn about. “I doubht you’ll get permission for it.”Farian said rolling her eyes a little, yawning as she rested her head against his chest, before nodding. “Okay.”She said tired enough to not argue.

“Loki?Thanl you.”She smiled looking up at the man as he settled on the couch next to her, looking worried for him. “How are you feeling?”She asked looking him over, trying to see if he was still hurt at all.
Loki offered her a smile. "i'm tired, but healed." he admitted as he settled himself gracefully onto the couch. "i should have turned into a snake. or a bear. those can't be stomped on." he admitted, rubbing his shoulder. "i'm glad your alright." he admitted, smiling at her. "how are you feeling? from what i understand humans aren't supposed to be frozen like that." he admitted, looking worried about her. he also looked anxious, eyes flicking around, as if waiting for someone to appear. he knew Thor had been there.
“Good.”She smiled before nodding. “No they can’t. Now you know, though I hope there’s no next time, at least you know not to turn into a beetle.”He smiled slightly before nodding.”I’m fine. I’m recovering well. They’re not, but I’m healing. I’m just having some side effects of being cold, nightmares, you know, normal things for such a nightmarish time.”she said before studying him. “he’s not here anymore. He said he’d be back, when you were awake. He simply wanted to talk. Your brother seemed quite reasonable really.”Farian said worried for him, realizing what he was looking for.
he nodded. "i'm sure there won't be. but Shapeshifting is one of my most powerful magics. that and illusions, turning into other things is very satisfying." he admitted with a smile. "i'll probably turn into small poisonous things again to protect you." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head before smiling, glad that she was feeling better. "i'm glad." he admitted before scowling. "Thor is never reasonable." he muttered, lips lifting in a sneer. "ever. if he's acting reasonable then he wants something. most likely me. wonder if he'll call me a monster too now that he knows the truth of my lineage?" he wondered, voice sour with anger and shame. looked like Loki was projecting. he hated himself, so he assumed Thor would hate him too. which wasn't helped by all the 'Jotun are bloodthirsty monsters' he'd heard growing up. "shall i get you something before that maniac comes in?" Loki oft called Bruce a maniac, mostly because the Doctor was always fussing to make sure Loki wasn't in pain and was resting enough. the first month that Loki had been bedridden after his fall to midgard had been long, boring and full of Bruce. needless to say Loki didn't care for Dr. Bruce much. he didn't mind smart Bruce, or angry Bruce or any of the other aspects Bruce had, but he hated Dr. Bruce and he wasn't fond of Hulk either for some reason.
"Well as long as you find it satisying."Farian snickered smiling pleased that she had such good friends. Before frowning at him."he was quite reasonable. I mean only a reasonable person wouldn't freak out on tony or bruce for wanting to do experimental tests on him."she reasoned before frowning at him concerned at his reaction."he didn't seem to hate you loki. He was concerned."she said before rolling her eyes at the name calling."some of tony's chocolate would be amazing. He wouldn't share with me. Said the liquor flavored cherries wouldn't be good for me."she sulked.
he chuckled. "i do, it's a lot of fun to fly through the air on my own wings, or turn into a deer and run through grassland. i've been working through some calculations to let a select number of humans do limited shape-shifting, but my minor scale replica's keep... well, i haven't figured out the problem yet." Loki admitted before blinking. "they haven't tried to do experimental tests on me." he pointed out, looking confused. of course, they liked Loki and wanted to keep him around so that was probably why. plus he let them have skin, saliva and blood samples anytime the wanted so that was also probably why. "Thor has never cared about me, why start now?" Loki asked. "he certainly didn't give a damn when they sewed my lips shut." he scoffed, standing up to get the chocolate. "has the Maniac told you that you can't have them?" "she can have liquor, just not too much, and YOU, should be resting." Bruce chastised, sighing as Loki fled. "he's worse than Tony!"
“That would be cool. Tony’d enjoy being able to change sometimes.”Farian said looking amused before snickering. “Well, that’s cause you’re nice about letting them test your blood and stuff. Tony just straight up demanded to be allowed using thor for his own research.”She rolled her eyes before sighing. “I don’t know. But he seemed to be caring.”She said before shaking her head. “No, only TONY told me I couldn’t have some. Very annoying.”farian whined before smiling as she nibbled on the chocolate, shaking her head as loki fled. “Is that even possible?To be worse then tony?”
he nodded. "exactly. and i bet you would enjoy it as well." he admitted with a smile. "imagine, being able to turn into a bird with just a twist of the ring? i just have to get the ring to stop melting everything i use it on that's all. maybe a necklace would work better." he mused. "Tony's a bit of an odd one. still, it must have been hilarious to see." he admitted, happily enjoying the thought of of Thor cowering under a maniacal Tony. "he's probably being overly fussy and possessive again." Bruce admitted. "just don't drink so much alcohol you get drunk, there could be problems then. nothing too serious bu as you can't fully remember how to control your powers, it's best to avoid drinking." Bruce admitted. "yes, apparently. Tony at least has the decency to pretend he'd not avoiding me when i'm in Doctor Mode." he admitted. "Loki blatantly flaunts the knowledge that i can't catch him." he admitted with a huff.
“I would. That would be amazing.”Farian said looking a little wide eyed at the idea before laughing. “Yes, that would be good. Melting the subject isn’t a good state to be in.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Definitely hilarious, if weird.”she agreed before sighing, looking at bruce. “Probably, but it’s still annoying.”She said before nodding. “I wasn’t planning on it. I just wanted to have some chocolate.”She pouted before snickering at the idea of tony pretending to not avoid anyone. Smiling slightly before frowning. “Where’s tony anyways?”
Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "granted, i could force you into a different shape. i've done it before. i turned some guy into a flower once, conceited little bastard. and i turned a woman into a swan every night so she could find her true love. but it's typically very bad for a person." he admitted. "very few humans can handle a transformation like that. it screws with them physically, mentally and emotionally and that's the part i'm struggling to overcome." he admitted. "well. if you want Chocolate why didn't you say so? i'll be right back. Natasha always has Chocolate on hand." he paused and gave her a funny look. "aren't you allergic to Chocolate?" he shrugged. "he's in the lab." he admitted. "he's all wigged out again about you getting kidnapped and he's trying to test a nano bot system for constant tracking. so if you or any of us go missing again he can always find us or something like that."
“Ah. Well, let’s not harm any of us. I do hope you figure it out though. It’d be cool.”Farian smiled a little at the idea before frowning, tilting her head. “....Am I?”She said rubbing a hand over her face. “It’s a good thing you told me. I mean...I don’t know anything about myself.”She sighed sounding upset before sighing as she got up, checking on the sleeping twins before looking at bruce. “Let’s go see him. I want to make sure he’s okay.”She said looking worried that tony was working if he was upset and worried.
Loki smiled. "it's a challenge. it's been a long time since i could find something that really held my interest." he admitted. "oh. i suppose not. you don't get hives or anything, you told me eating too much gives you headaches." he admitted. "alright. to be honest he'll get upset if i go in there though, you and James are the only people allowed in his lab when he's upset like this, but don't be alarmed if he doesn't notice you right away." he warned. "he gets pretty focused. just don't touch him until he notices you or he'll freak out." Bruce warned with a smile. "throw something at his head or yell his name a couple of times, that usually works." he admitted, leading her down to Tony's lab, where the man was muttering and mumbling over a microscope and some holographic screens.
“”okay, that’s fine. I’ll be okay by myself.”Farian smiled a little looking worried about tony before nodding. “Okay, no touching. Throwing things. I’ll do that.”She said smiling before stepping inside, raising a eyebrow as she saw her fiancee working, moving to sit on a stool near him, smiling as she watched him work. Simply finding it fascinating. “Tony. Tony, sweetheart.”She said after a moment.
Tony was so absorbed in his work that he, as Bruce had anticipated, didn't even notice she was there. had Bruce tried to enter, or Steve, he probably would have noticed immediately and raised a fit. but Farian was someone he trusted completely so he had taken a split second note of her and then forgot about her immediately. he paused as she called him and looked up at her, blinking. "Farian? shouldn't you be resting?" he asked, looking worried. "you should be resting! what are you doing down here? it's not safe!" panic etched his face. "the twin are alone!" "I am watching them Sir." Jarvis promised, making Tony relax, closing his eyes. "sorry. of course they're not alone, you'd never do that. i'm being stupid..."
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