The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Loki shook his head. "everyone says it! everyone! Jotun are monsters! everyone says so!" Loki sniffled. "that's why they always hated me... because they knew i was a monster. i was born a monster and they hated me and that's why they sewed my lips shut and why they blamed me for the Wall and why they told me it was my fault that Baldur died when Hod threw the mistletoe even though i wasn't even there!" he tensed at the hug. only Frigga had ever held him so gently. not even Sygyn. he turned into Thor's embrace, clutching at his brother as he weeped himself empty. part of him started to heal, knowing that Thor at least, didn't think him a monster.

"you know. i'm not sure if Farian and Loki being together is a good idea at all. can you imagine what the tower would look like after they where done? they might star an ice age!" Steve warned, looking very amused. "i love you too Farian." Tony promised with a smile, glancing back at Loki one last time, relaxing as he realized Thor was holding his brother. "i think it's going to be okay."
Thor sighed softly as he looked at the other, not sure what to say, or how to help this, because he had indeed simply stood aside and let them treat his brother so. Which was one of his biggest regrets. “Well, you have people here who do not hate you, or think you are a monster. You have a good home now here, loki.”Thor muttered gently rubbing the other’s back, simply holding onto him and letting him cry.

“...You know. That would be a problem. Change of plan. Farian no sleeping with Loki. I don’t like ice that much.”James snickered a little. “I think they will be.”Farian agreed smiling quietly holding onto tony’s hand, glad that they’d indeed been right about thor, and that he had indeed accepted his brother.
Loki trembled in Thor's arms, starting to calm down now that he'd sobbed himself out. "they don't know me." Loki whispered. "don't know the truth. they'll hate me too, someday. everyone ends up hating me." Loki mumbled, half asleep in Thor's lap. just like when they'd been little, before the hatred of others had torn at Loki and he'd had a nightmare. Loki had never gone to Odin or Frigga after a bad dream, he'd always gone to Thor. "please don't hate me, brother." Loki pleaded. "don't hate me."

"i don't like the Ice much either." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "besides i think Tony would kill Loki if he slept with Farian." he pointed out. "i'm just glad Jane is here." Bruce admitted with a grin. "finally, someone smart who won't talk herself to sleep." "Hey!" Tony complained. "i don't talk my self to sleep!" "you do. every time we talk science you chatter away until you fall asleep." "i'll show you sleep! take, this!" Tony demanded, shooting Bruce in the forehead with one of those suction cup darts. "....oh. it's on now you little shrimp!" James at least was used to this. every once and a while Tony got a little too manic and instigated a dart war. there where nerf guns hidden all over the tower. Steve had actually found quite a few of them.
“I don’t hate you.And I know you. They wont hate you either.”Thor muttered stroking his back, sighing quietly as he held him, settling back to simply hold the man.

“hmmm, thats true. Farian’s off limits to everyone now.”James snickered a little before grinning. “Me to. Jane will be good to have around.”The man said smirking, laughing as the dart war started, this was utterly amusing and quite normal.

Two months later James smirked as he watched tony, shaking his head a little as he watched tony pace. “You’re being insane. Just because its your wedding day, doesn’t mean you’re allowed freaking out this much. I mean, you know she’s staying with you. Its not like you have to worry about her leaving.”James said amused as he leaned back in his chair, finding it amusing that tony was this stressed, which was all the more amusing as steve was reporting farian was just as much of a mess as she got ready for the wedding to.
he shook his head. "everyone hates me in the end." he mumbled, drifting off to sleep. he'd been so worried about how Thor would react, that he had barely slept in the last week. he was too exhausted to stay awake.

Tony shook his head. "what if she changes her mind!? what if she decides i'm not worth it!? what if she doesn't want me anymore!?" he demanded. "what if she realizes i'm a dick incapable of actual human affection and takes the twins and leaves!?" he demanded, running his hands violently through his hair. "what if she decides getting married is too much?!" he asked, looking upset and terrified. "what if i can't say yes!? what if i freeze up!?" he asked, looking mortified. "what if we get attacked!?" "Tony. if you don't calm down, i will force this calming draft down your throat." Loki warned, walking through the wall. he'd already had to feed Farian one. after the breakdown, Loki had become stronger and more self assured than ever. he was working on an entire line of 'potions' that could be used on humans without danger. the calming draft would force a person to become calm. he had about three dozen different potions on the market already, though only for the people living in Tony's territory because the U.S government couldn't test the potions to make sure they where safe. "i don't need no filthy Potion!" "it is not a Potion damn you! do i look like Harry Potter?!"
“I’m fairly certain the third time she was nearly killed, would have been when she changed her mind if she was going to. And you aren’t a dick....well, you are, but you’re also capable of great emotion. And stop being a idiot.”James rolled his eyes before snickering. “That’s when you just have Jarvis say yes for you. And if we get attacked, me and cap will totally take care of it. Stop.”James said smiling a little as loki walked in. “Do it anyways. He’s freaking out. He’s going to burn something down, which I hear Farian came very close to doing to.”James said smirking a little before looking at loki, raising a eyebrow. “Well, no. But you do sorta look like snape. And you are a potions master.”
he shook his head. "no, no i'm sure she's thinking that staying with me will only get her killed permanently. i am a dick! i'm not capable of doing anything but hurting people! you know it's true! look at me!" he complained. "get away from me Loki! hey! what the hell! get off!" Tony protested as Loki pinned Tony down and forced the Draft down Tony's throat. "gguuuuuuh. it's disgusting!" he wailed. "Shut up! i look nothing like that ugly bastard! i am beautiful! and i'm not a potions master i am a Sorcerie! it's the highest class of sorcerer achievable!" Loki complained. "i'm going to get Thor to beat you up!" he complained. Odin had protested Loki's 'placement' on earth but in the end Thor had won that argument, claiming it was Odin's own fault Loki went mad. when Thor proved it was Odin's fault, the old King retired and let Thor be king. Thor spent most of his time on earth with Jane and the Avengers though. he was even here for the wedding. "hey..." Tony stated suddenly, looking up at them. "hey! you can get off me now." Tony complained, looking much more calm. Loki just grinned. "i like you here." he admitted with a smirk. "Farian never lets me fondle you." Loki admitted with a snicker.
“Urgh, you’re being a idiot.”James said sighing softly shaking his head at this. Snickering as tony was forced to take the draft, he smirked at loki. “You are beautiful. Maybe more a draco malfoy then severus snape.”James mused snickreing at loki’s threat.”Thor wont beat me up....awesome. You’re clam. And no he can’t. You look good on bottom Tony.”James smirked before nudging loki.”But you better let him up,”he said glancing at his watch.”Farian’ll kill us all if we’re late for the ceremony.”
Tony huffed and sulked. "i'm not nearly conceited enough to be Draco Malfoy." Loki scoffed. "and i'm certainly no 'daddy's boy'." he scoffed. "if i'm anything, i'm Tom Riddle." he scoffed. "you know. before he went insane." Loki stated with a grin. "powerful, intelligent, handsome. yes. that sounds more like me." Loki stated smugly. "i do not! i don't bottom!" Tony complained, even if they all knew it was a lie. he bottomed to James just last week, when he had another panic attack and had to be forced to calm down. that was why Loki started making extra calming drafts. "fine. fine." Loki grumbled, sliding off of Tony and walking back through the wall. "fuck! i can't be late!" Tony complained, setting himself to rights before racing out into the hall and into the Grand Ballroom where the wedding was being held. Tony had it built specially in the tower just for the wedding. especially with how many people where attending. most of the X-men where showing up, invited by Tony. the Fantastic Four where there of course. Thor and the Warriors Three and Sif. Sif having gotten to know Farian very well. Sue was even out of the hospital for this day. a lot of the more trusted Shield agents had shown up too to celebrate the evening. most of Tony's 'inner circle' had been invited as well. the people he trusted most in his little realm. not to mention the fifty guards posted around the room who where being paid triple overtime. they where all anxious to see, and the proceedings where being recorded so that later that night, all the people in Tony's territory could watch the wedding and parts of the reception.
“Hmm.That’s true. You would be tom riddle.”James agreed snickering before looking down at tony, smirking a little.”Yes you do. To me.”He smirked amused as he stole a kiss before helping the other up. “Come on then.”James smirked amused as the other got hismelf straightened up, amused as they headed for the hall. Settling himself into the best man spot, he smirked as he looked around the crowd, before nudging tony as the wedding march started, smiling quietly at the sight of farian. The woman looked beautiful and utterly relaxed as she walked, escorted by Phil, before slipping away and slipping her hands into tony’s as she smiled at him. “Hello.”She said sounding nervous as she stood in front of the crowd, smiling quietly as they started. Knowing that this was the perfect day, listening to the priest speak, tears filling her eyes as she realized this was indeed happening.
Loki smirked. "and someday, i will rule the world." Loki purred playfully, giggling as he vanished, Tony rolling his eyes. "he's such a little kid." he complained with a chuckle. in all honesty, if Loki had bee human, he'd only have been fourteen or so. so yes, he was kind of like a little kid. "....god.. Fari, you look... amazing." Tony whispered once she was there, eying her up like he was a starving man and she was his last meal. "god... we're really getting married." he whispered, breathless with awe, looking at her with wide eyes, as if in shock. but he looked so delightfully happy that it was clear he was just amazed that this was actually happening. he was actually going to have a happily ever after. with the woman he loved more than anything in the world. "I do." he told her when the priest asked him for an answer. "always and forever."
“So do you.”She said quietly, flushing at the praise, leaning in for a kiss. Ignoring the protests from the priest, looking equally delighted to be getting married. “I do. Always.”She muttered looking so utterly pleased to be getting married as she slid the ring onto tony’s finger, leaning in for a kiss. Before leaning back, slipping a arm around him as the priest annouced. “And I pronounce you man and wife. My I present to you, for the first time, Duke and Duchess Tony Stark.”He said grinning at the shouted praise and response from the people as both duke and duchess headed for the door.
Tony smiled at her. "not nearly as amazing as you. the very world can't compare." he admitted, chuckling as he kissed her back. hey! it was his wedding, he'd do what he wanted. "well, Duchess Farian Stark." he purred at her, scooping her into his arms. "i need to walk you across the Threshold right? and we should christen each room in the tower." he decided. "we'll start in Steve's room...." "YOU STAY OUT OF MY ROOM STARK!" Steve ordered, making Loki laugh. most of the guests laugh actually. "Tony! your getting ahead of yourself! you have to have the Reception first!" Bruce complained, laughing as he led Tony back inside where all the chairs where being moved and tables where being set up so that there was a massive space in the middle for a dance and so the many servers could provide the meal that would be happening in an hour. until then they where supposed to be opening presents and dancing.
“You’re doing things out of order. Can’t skip out for sex yet.”She said before smirking. “Definitely starting with steve’s room.” “Hey!Only I’m allowed having sex in steve’s room.”James huffed snickering a little before directing them back to the reception room, amused as they settled in to open gifts and dance, holding out a hand towards steve. “Dance with me?”He asked smiling as farian and tony settled in to talk to guests and open gifts.
Tony huffed, pouting at her. "that's not nice." he complained. "i want sex. we should have... twenty more babies!" he decided, beaming at her before leading her in the first dance before taking her to open presents, grinning happily at the millions of presents. most of them from the various kids in his territory. he made a scrapbook of all the pictures they sent. there was also a lot of gift cards, cards, stuffed animals and baby supplies for the twins. Tony's favorite was a set of baby jumpers that had arrows pointing to the arms and legs with a smaller print in the middle that said 'come on daddy, you can do it!'. it cracked him up.
“We’ll definitely have more.”She girnned laughing happily to simply be with him.

Nearly 16 years later Farian smirked as she wrapped a arm around Tony’s waist, leaning against her husband the duchess looked amused. “I don’t know what’s worse, that our kids are dating their ‘cousins’ or it took this long for steve and james to get married.”She smirked amused as she straightened Tony’s tie as they got ready for james and steve’s wedding, amused as she considered what the twins had just told them. Well...not told them. That the duke and duchess had walked in on. Their 17 year old twins making out with steve and james adopted 17 year old twin boys. Definitely had been a surprise to find out hours before the wedding.

James ran his fingers through his hair, smiling slightly as he walked into the room, looking nervous at his best friend, leaning in to nuzzle tony a little, ignoring Farian as the woman left to go make sure things were ready. “You sure this is okay?He’s not going to leave or anything?Or decide this was a horrible mistake?”James muttered, much to farian’s amusement, the super soldier was freaking out nearly as much as tony had before his wedding.
Tony smiled as he looked at Farian. "hey. i'm not complaining. i'd rather they date someone i know and love. can't beat the little shits up now can i?" he asked with a grin. "besides i'm not surprised at all." he admitted. "they had a lot of personal issues to work through before they felt safe committing to each other for life." he admitted. "i was more surprised that James actually let Steve talk him into adopting. do you think that they know?" he asked with a smirk. "Adam and Alan are going to get 'the talk' again, no doubt." he admitted with a snigger. "hey, is Loki here yet?" Loki had ended up settling down with Darcy. he liked her 'spunk'. and she liked that he could turn into anything. Loki tended to travel all the nine realms in search of advanced magic. he was so good with spells, potions and magic that many times people from the other realms would come and ask him for advice so he was usually very busy. needless to say he was very happy with his life.

Tony smiled a little as he wrapped his arms around James. no matter how much time passed, he and Jame still felt the need to touch each other. they didn't fuck as much as they'd used to, but they still got together often enough that Steve made jokes about marrying Tony and James too. not that James actually cared, he just liked to pick on them. "hey. he loves you more than anything. of course he's going to be there." he promised with a smile. "it's no mistake. your getting married and your gonna like it... oh. did you know that Adam and Alan where french kissing Miyuki and Satsuki?" he asked, mostly to distract James.
“Well that’s true. And no, you can’t beat them up.”She said snickering a little before tilting her head as she considered that before nodding. “Very true. And I think them adopting was a step that led to this. It’s good for them both.”Farian said smiling before shaking her head. “Probably not. We would have heard James talking about it by now.”She pointed out before shaking her head. “Not yet. I think Thor and Jane were arriving with them...”she said before looking up at the sound of thunder.”And there they are. I’ll go see them.”She said heading off to make sure everyone was settled in well.

James smiled quietly, nuzzling his face against the other, even if they didn’t sleep together like they used to, he was still touch starved and needy when he was nervous, nuzzling him. Shivering a little as he leaned into him, nodding.”he does doesn’t he?Always.”he muttered before startling, raising his head to look at the other. “Really? They were?Does steve know?”He said looking startled,definitely distracted.
Tony chuckled a little and adopted a fake pout. "but i want to! you know, i'm pretty sure Adam has X-ray vision, what if he's taking liberties?" Adam didn't have X-ray vision but Tony was sure the twin boys where supernatural in some manner. they just hadn't shown it yet! "that's true." he admitted with a snicker before grinning as he heard the clap of thunder and Loki's annoyed voice demanding Thor WARN PEOPLE before doing that!

Tony smirked a little. "should i suck you off before your wedding? go up to the alter stinking of sex and me?" he asked with an impish grin as he nuzzled James back. he always adored any touch he could get, he was still as snuggly as ever. "no i don't think Steve knows yet. i only found out because Farian walked in on them." he admitted with a grin. "we should play a prank on them." he decided impishly.
“...I’m sure he’s not. If he had x-ray vision, we would have heard him complaining about having a room on the other side of steve and james by now, considering how those two go at it, the twins would have complained if they’d accidently seen that.”He pointed out before snickering at loki’s complaining.

“...You should.Definitely.”James said already pushing the other towards his knees, not above needing to relax and teasing his husband a bit. “...We should play a prank on them. After you suck my cock. You have five minutes before we have to go, tony.”He ordered looking amused.
Tony sniggered and nodded. "good point." he agreed with a laugh before smirking at James, undoing the others pants already, licking his lips as he pulled the other into his mouth with a happy little hum. he knew Steve wouldn't mind, in fact it had been Steve's suggestion. "mmmph. stop talking then and let me suck you off." Tony suggested with an impish grin before swallowing the other down again, hands fondling the others balls simply because he liked to play with James balls. once the other came he swallowed it down, tucked the other away, wiped his mouth and grinned. "feeling better?"
James smiled as he fucked the other's mouth, going utterly relaxed as he focused on him. it was amazing really, just how quickly tony could make him forget some things. snickering as he came, he shuddered, leaning back as he looked down at the other. "Definitely feeling better."he muttered pulling the other up for a kiss before nudging him towards the door."Come on.time time go."
"good." he stated happily. "i'm gonna tell Steve you made me suck you off and you'll get in trooooubllleeee." he warned, laughing as he skipped off. not that Steve ever actually got mad, even if he pretended to from time to time to spice up their sex life. "you stink of sex." Loki complained, looking amused at James. "oh well, so long as the minister doesn't find out i suppose." he teased with a chuckle watching as Steve walked in and headed over to James. "you slut." Steve teased. "can't you go for more than two hours without sex? i'm going to strap a chastity belt on you one of these days." he teased, pulling the other into a deep kiss. "but i think you'd like that too much."
“Hmmm, that will make for a interesting, kinky honeymoon. Go ahead.”James snickered as tony skipped off, not even bothering to pretend to be upset at being tattled on. “Hm, well shut up then. The minister wont find out.”He said looking amused before blushing as he looked up at steve, “I can’t. I was to nervous, and he looks so good on his knees!And you’re usually okay-”James stuttered to a stop as he was kissed, still to nervous to take the teasing lightly, pulling away after a moment, nodding a little. “probably would.”he muttered blushing a little, nudging him. “Come on cap. Time to get married.”he said sounding so utterly pleased as they headed for the alter.
Tony snickered a little as he left and Loki laughed at James quip. "well. maybe i want the minister to know?" he asked with a grin. "i am a mischief maker after all." he admitted. Steve chuckled at James protests. "he does look good on his knees. and at least he shuts up then eh?" he asked with a smile. "it's okay. i'm not mad. it was my idea in the first place. i knew you where probably in there freaking out worse than Tony was when he got married." he admitted with a smile. "good. then i'm going to make you so sore you can't walk in the morning. i think i'll start with the horse crop and then use the cock ring." he teased, voice so soft the minister couldn't hear him, but James could. "then maybe i'll take my paintbrush to you. you like that a lot i think." he teased, a playful little smirk on his lips. "of course. i could just bring Tony in and tie you up and make you watch while he pleasures himself. you really liked the show last time i got him to do that." he admitted with a chuckle. "I Do." he informed the minister.
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