The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Good.You look better.”She muttered before nodding, wincing a little. “Well, we’ll both be getting up now.”she sighed before looking up at jarvis, tilting her head a little, before nodding. “Good. We all need to sleep better.”She said staring at tony before smiling pleased as he started to eat, blushing a little as he beamed at her.”Thanks. It’s good to be home.”She smiled even if she didn’t remember it, this place felt like home. “I feel better, and jarvis made sure I did....and yes. For a bit.”She said moving to get up before grinning. “I would love to see pictures.”
he smiled at her a little "well. being that i'm no longer terrified she's going to stop breathing in the middle of the night or vanish, i'm sure i'll sleep a bit better. even when she wasn't screaming i was up pretty often just to check on her." he admitted. "just make sure to take it easy. if you feel tired or dizzy at all tell me and we'll sit down okay?" he ordered, fussing over her before picking up the babies and placing them in a rolling bassinet since they where awake and happy. he led her to the living room and informed the others they could come in one at a time. Bruce was first to give Farian another look over, nodding, pleased. "her lungs have completely cleared and any musculature damage has been healed. she'll feel weak and tired for a while just like James did, but other than that she should be just fine." Bruce admitted. "i'm going to go check on Loki now. he's completely frozen." he admitted. "i'd swear he was dead, but his heart is still beating and he's leaking a ton of some sort of radiation i've never come across before. i can only assume that's his magic." he admitted, heading off and letting Farian meet with the others. they let Natasha go first, since Natasha and Farian and Clint had been the closest to each other.
“I will. And we’ll sit down in the living room and visit with the other’s. It wont be to hard.”she promised smiling at him as she grinned a little at the sight of the babies giggling happily and looking around them as they were moved in. Looking up at bruce she smiled, “I feel tired, but not horrible.”She smiled pleased that she wasn’t hurt or in trouble, looking interested in the idea of his magic leaking everywhere.”That’s fairly cool really. Even if it sucks he’s hurt.”She mused before looking up interested as natasha walked in, smiling slightly. “Hello.” “Hey Farian. I’m Natasha.”The woman smiled moving over, looking them both over before smiling at the twins. “You two look better now. How are you feeling?” “Tired, sore. But not to bad.”
he smiled at her and nodded. "that's true, and you won't have to take any stairs either so that's okay." "good. you'll probably need to take a few naps for a few days but that is to be expected. if you feel tired make sure you sleep. you heal a lot faster when your sleeping so make sure you get enough." Bruce ordered with a smile. "it is interesting. even if it's a bit worrying. Loki's been worried about someone finding him, though i don't know why." Tony admitted. "i know he caused some trouble where he was from but we don't know much more." he admitted, handing her a cup of cocoa that Jarvis had brought in. "here. hold Miyuki." he ordered Natasha , snuggling Miyuki before handing her to Farian. "i'm going to go grab their pacifiers." he stated once he realized they weren't in the bassinet like they where supposed to be. leaving the girls to girl chatter.
“I will. I’ll make tony nap with me to, he needs sleep to.”She said smiling a little before nodding, wincing a little. “It is worrying, but like you said. I heal when I sleep, he is to.”She sighed before frowning, looking worried at that. “To bad he’s not awake so we could ask about it. It’d be good to know what kind of greeting to give if someone did indeed show up.”Farian said grinning as natasha snuggled the baby before settling in with her own twin, smiling as they chatted, and by the time tony returned, natasha was ready to go. Gently handing the twin back she kissed farian’s cheek then tony’s. “I’ll send clint in. He’s been fretting himself into a state with wondering how you are.”Natasha said smiling as she left.
Tony huffed. "i need no naps." he grumbled, even if he would take one just to make Farian happy. "yes, but he saved your life so i'm sure that whatever comes we can keep them from taking Loki away." he admitted with a smile. "i certainly won't let them take him without a fight. he's mine now." he stated, sounding oddly possessive. he still got that way from time to time, though he was getting better Tony was clinging to Loki a lot. like the man was his child rather than an alien they'd just taken in. he got just as bad over Miyuki at times, snarling at anyone who even got too close or looked at her. it would probably be the same with both twins and Farian after the upset he'd had. "sorry." Tony gasped as he rushed back in. "somehow the pacifier ended up in the Oven." he looked completely baffled. "i have no idea how they got there and it took me a while to figure out where they went." he admitted, blinking, startled as Natasha kissed his cheek. "hey i think she's warming up to me!" he admitted happily before blinking as Clint walked in, rushed over to Farian and hugged her, nearly sobbing all over her and mumbling about how glad he was that she was okay. "this is Clint. you basically adopted him as your brother." Tony explained. "he's dating Phil, you you kind of adopted as your father figure. you'll meet him next i imagine." he admitted, Clint already explaining that they'd met her whens he was still gaining control of her powers and that she'd actually frozen his boots to the floor once.
“You do to.”Farian insisted smiling a little before nodding. “he’s ours. And he did save .me. I’ll protect him.”The woman said sounding just as protective as tony did. Looking amused as he rushed back in. “Probably james. Or you. I mean, you do try cooking on occassion. This is just a reminder to not cook tony.”Natasha teased. “I think she is a little.”Farian smiled looking bemused before laughing softly, looking utterly confused as the man hugged her, hugging clint back, gently rubbing his back. “he’s very clingy.”She said smiling a little as she held onto the other man, snuggling into him, grinning widely, settling in to simply listen to clint telling her about herself. “Thank you clint.”She smiled quietly, so glad to hear more, shivering a little every once in awhile, feeling icy as more memories tried to pull to the surface, fury's mindwipe trying to reset itself, leaving her cold.
Tony looked a bit startled at her before beaming so brightly it was almost blinding. "i knew you would be the perfect Duchess." he admitted with a smile. "well it wasn't me, i haven't tried cooking since before you vanished." he admitted. "it had to have been James. or Clint. they're always playing jokes like that." he admitted, settling the nookies into the twins mouths. "only a little. you Phil and Natasha are all the family he has. he had one other but he betrayed us all when... well i'll explain that later." Tony admitted with a sigh. "it's an emotional conversation and i'd rather not cry in front of people who will later tease me." Clint just smirked. as soon as Tony noticed Farian was shivering he carefully wrapped her up in her favorite rabbit lined blanket. "do you want me to go get your slippers?"
“I’m not sure what your talking about.”She said frowning a little, not understanding why she would be a duchess. Before smiling a little. “You can’t cook?”She said tilting her head a little. “Okay. And no emotional talks now.”She said snickering a little nudging clint making him move so she could get more comfortable, snuggling into him as she was wrapped up in the blanket, smiling a little. “Thanks. And please.”She said looking up at tony startling a little as james poked his head into the room. “Is it safe to come in?I didn’t get to spend enough time with my newly found goddaughter.”
Tony smiled. "i'm the Duke of Tony Land." he explained simply, Clint rolling his eyes. "Tony owns most of New York. he claimed the land, paid for it and won the hearts of the people that live here and he rules with an iron hand and a fluffy heart. he didn't like hte sound of King or Prince so he's named himself the Duke of New York." "Tony land." Tony grumbled, scuttling off to get the slippers. "should be safe." Clint admitted. "Tony's run off to get Farian's slippers. this is James. Tony's best friend, Body Guard, attack dog and Etc. he's the one whose gone through what your experiencing right now. a number of times." Clint admitted. "hey! hey! i said one at a time!" Tony protested as he came in with two fluffy slippers and a mug of hot cocoa. "oh. never mind you never listen to me anyway." he complained, sulking as he handed her a new cup of Cocoa and slipped the slippers onto her feet. "better?" he asked, fretting over her. "here. hold your goddaughter, if your going to be in here your going to be useful." he ordered James, settling Satsuki into his arms and making Clint hold Miyuki.
“Tony land?”Farian said looking at the man wide eyed, looking absolutely fascinated with the idea before grinning at her fiancee.”You do have a fluffy heart.”She teased a little rolling her eyes at his protest for ‘tony land’. “Hello.” “Hey Fari.”James grinned as he walked in, smirking a little at tony’s protest. “I don’t count as one, as I’m not here to see Farian. I’m here to see Satsuki.”James grinned amused as farian put on the slippers and sipped her hot cocoa.”Thanks.”Farian smiled as she sipped her cocoa, smirking a little as james snuggled the baby, before looking at tony, biting her lip. “Your people, know I died?Should we tell them that we’re all okay?I’m sure some worried about you.”She said looking worried about him, about his city.
"Yes! Tony land!" he stated proudly before muttering about women who clearly knew nothing. he was a tough guy, cruel and mean and that was that!" Clint just mumbled back that Tony lived in a state of perpetual denial and that Farian should ignore him. "well... fine then you see Satsuki." he ordered with a sniff. "my people do know, yes." Tony admitted. "i will be addressing them later this evening." he admitted. "i wanted to make certain you where fully healthy first. you where more of a priority." he admitted with a smile. "besides there was nothing about me to worry about." "aside from the fact that he refused to interact with any of us." Clint admitted. "honestly? he was inconsolable. we even had a little funeral for you up in Alaska. because you'd told Tony once it was your favorite place... we should probably find out if the body we buried was actually someone else..." Bruce had done that already. it was made from real human tissue, but it had not been anyone, simply grown for the purpose of faking someones death.
“Hm, I can’t ignore him. He’s to adorable.”Farian said wisely, smirking a little before snickering at tony’s order. It was quite amusing since james seemed to being just that, simply ignoring them all in face of cuddling the baby. “Ah. Good. I should be a priority. But I want to go with you to the talk. Reassure them that we’re all okay.”she said. She really would be a good duchess. While she would take care of her family first, would worry, the people mattered to her to. “I’m sorry tony.”She muttered worried about him, because he’d lost it so badly. “He really was bad. But we made sure he was taking care of.”James promised before nodding. “Bruce already looked into it. Grown in a lab, not a human.”
"well. yes he is rather cute." Clint agreed looking amused. "not as cute as Phil, but cute enough i suppose." he teased with a smile. "oh. we won't be leaving the tower." Tony admitted. "i'll just give the announcement during the news. i already have a slot." he admitted. "we'll be in here and speak into a camera." he admitted with a smile. "this way you don't have to go anywhere if your tired." he admitted before shaking his head. "it isn't your fault, it was never your fault. you where the victim in all of this. never blame yourself." Tony ordered gently, kissing her knuckles. "good." Tony sighed, relieved. "we'll leave them there then. better to let the poor things have their own resting place." he admitted before smiling as Clint finally decided it was Phil's turn, Phil giving her a hug and then checking to make sure she was really alright.
“oh, I’m sure he’s cuter. If I coudl remember who Phil is. I’m sure Tony’s more fluffy and adorable.”Farian snickered a little, looking a little relieved at not not having to go out of the tower. “Good. That’ll be perfect.”She smiled pleased, before frowning at him, tilting her head a little. “...okay.”she said not sure if she believed him about it not being her fault, but willing to go with it. Farian smiled pleased as she looked up at phil, hugging him back before grinning. “Definitely not cuter then Tony. Tell that to clint.”he smiled kissing phil’s cheek before nodding. “I’m fine. I promise.”She said smiling. “I’m tired, but okay.”
Clint sniggered. "i'm sure you'd be wrong. Phil is totally cuter that Tony." "he is not! wait. i am not cute!" Tony protested, sulking. "stop corrupting Farian!" he ordered, making Clint snicker, Tony smiling at her. "of course i'm not as cute as Tony." Phil stated primly. "clearly you need more rest." he stated with a sly half smile. "good. i'm glad." Phil admitted, relieved. "what have you been told so far about your situation? knowing Tony he's heming and hawing over it foolishly believing you will blame him and summarily, be angry with him." Phil admitted since Tony was out of hearing range speaking to Jarvis about something.
Farian nodded as she stifled a yawn, shivering a little even though she was mostly warm. Biting her lip as she looked at the other, shaking her head a little. “I know I was cold, and hurt. And that I was here as his fiancee, and all. But not....he didn’t tell me anything. I think you’re right, he was worried about what I would do.”Farian sighed softly, looking worried, nervous about actually knowing what happened.
Phil nodded a little. "Tony has been heavily abused by nearly every single person he's loved." Phil explained gently. "it makes his... views on the world extremely skewed." he admitted softly. "he's been betrayed just as often by those same people and it makes trust for him, very hard. he knows, in his head that you won't be mad at him, but he's terrified anyway because everyone has always blamed him." he admitted. "it was always his fault, no matter the true cause of whatever might have happened." he admitted. "just be patient and don't get upset if he flinches okay?" Phil asked with a smile. "now, as for what happened...." Phil paused as Tony turned and joined them, looking a bit hesitant now as he realized Phil was going to tell her. and tell her Phil did. Phil explained about everything, the mission to come and kill or detain Tony, how she fell in love with him, how Steve turned out to Adore him, how they had fought tooth and nail to protect each other. about Farian's bout with Extremis and about how she'd gone into the hospital to give birth, and how they all had been told she'd died and about Tony basically shutting down. he told her how James, Steve and Bruce had suspicions on her and Satsuki's 'death' and how they'd gotten the information from the doctor and how Phil and Natasha had gone in to find her and how Loki had saved her life by killing Fury, getting hurt in the process. Tony was silent and pale the entire time, staring at his hands. wary of her rage he was sure was coming.
“Oh. I see.”Farian frowned looking upset at tony being hurt like that, growling ever so softly, fire curling around her fingers, wanting to lash out at the people who had hurt the man so badly. “I’ll be whatever he needs. I wont bkame him or be upset.”she muttered looking upset at tony being hurt like that. Eyes wide and looking utterly amazed at the story. It seemed like a fairy tale listening to him before looking up at tony, reaching out for him, resting her hands on his arms, tugging on his hands, “Tony?Come here. Please.”She muttered tears in her voice as she shifted, snuggling into him. “I am so sorry, so so sorry for leaving you.”She said starting to cry softly as she clung to the other so very upset, but not in the way he thought she'd be
Phil nodded and gently set a hand on hers. "easy, calm, control." he urged with a gentle practice. "we don't want you burning down the Tower or turning it into an ice rink." he warned with a smile. "i know you wont. but you needed to understand." he admitted. "you would have been upset if he'd flinched or cringed away from you without knowing." he pointed out. just as expected, Tony flinched when she reached out to him, even if he didn't do anything to protect himself. then he just looked confused and startled when she wrapped her arms around him and began to cry before flying into action. "no! Fari! don't cry. please don't cry. i can't stand it when you cry." Tony pleaded, gently wiping her tears with a soft handkerchief. "it's not your fault! you can't be blamed! you where in labor, how can you defend yourself when your bringing life into the world!? they drugged you and hurt you and that is NOT YOUR FAULT!" he promised her firmly before cradling her, rocking her and gently humming an off key tune. apparently he couldn't sing either.
Farian nodded slowly focusing as she forced the fire away laughing softly as the twins whined at the absence of the pretty fire."true. I would have."she sighed quietly. Whining quietly as tony fussed she sniffed a little nuzzling her face against his hand as he wiped the tears away."...well I guess that's true. I wasn't in any condition to defend any of us."she sniffed the tears slowing,so upset that it had happened but trying to remember tony was right it wasn't their fault. It was fury's.
Phil smiled a little and nodded. "i know you well, even if you don't know yourself." he admitted with a smile, gently kissing her forehead. "that's right. besides i think they drugged you." Tony admitted. "which made it even harder for you to realize you where even in danger." he admitted. "here... are you still cold?" Tony asked, frantic to make it all better, to stop the tears, fussing over her and offering her anything he could think of to make it better until Phil sat Tony down and told Tony that it was good that Farian was crying and that people who underwent trauma often cried, sometimes for no reason, and had panic attacks. after all, didn't James cry and have panic attacks sometimes still? after that Tony had calmed down a lot and simply held her, gently wiping her tears away with his thumb.
“Probably.”Farian sighed softly, settling in to simply rest, before smiling a little as the man overreacted. “No, I’m okay.”She promised grinning as he held her, simply being with him, glad to be there.

Later that evening Farian smiled a little as she looked at tony, biting her lip a little. “You know, I like the idea of the tv interview, but I think we should let the people call in to, in case they want to congradulate you or something. I mean, your people love you tony, I’m sure with everything going on, they’d want to reassure themselves even more that everything is okay.”She said settling back into the chair with the twins, mother and children cuddling as tony got ready for his tv interview.
Tony looked over at her, head tilted curiously. "let people call?" he asked, looking started. "like on those radio talk shows?" he asked, blinking a little. "i suppose we could do that." he admitted. "Jarvis? set that up for me would you?" "Of course Sir." Jarvis promised with a smile. Tony had made sure the twins where ready before making sure Farian was feeling alright and ready. now he was tying his necktie and sulking at his hair, he couldn't make it lay flat, the stupid stuff. oh how he hated his hair some days. most days. "are you sure your feeling alright?" he asked, fussing over her because it was what he did best. he was fussing over everyone to be honest, though Farian got it the most with the twins, he tended to fuss on James and Bruce a lot as well. they where going to be recording right there in that very room so at least Farian wouldn't have to go anywhere.

"They are ready for you Sir." Jarvis informed Tony ho sighed and moved over to farian. "okay Jarvis. we're ready too." Tony admitted before smiling at the holographic screen that appeared, showing him the place he was talking to. this would also be where the people talking to him would appear. "Greetings to you, Gentle-people of Tony-Land! shut up Jarvis, it's Tony Land." Jarvis just sighed and shook his head. "As many of you know. a few weeks ago, my future Duchess was presumed dead during childbirth. as you can see from her sitting here, this was wrong." Tony admitted. "instead, in a despicable act of treachery, a Dr. Cross and Director Fury stole her and one of my precious twins away, making me think they where dead. thanks to the actions of Dr. Banner, High Inquisitor James Barnes, Captain Rogers and Clint Barton it was discovered that she had been kidnapped. also, Acting Director Phil Coulson, Agent Natasha Romonoff, and Loki the Sorcerei risked their lives to infiltrate the location where they where holding my Duchess captive. thanks to the actions of those named, Farian and the Twins are reunited, safe and healthy." Tony explained, smiling softly at his family. "as such, they will all be given a medal, Our Territories medal of Honor and Bravery. i would take this time to introduce you to the new Royal Family. Farian, your soon to be Duchess, and our twins, Miyuki and Satsuki. my precious heirs." Tony stated, looking down at them with open adoration.
Farian grinned nodding, “Yea. Your people know you. They know you rule over them. If you give them a chance to know you not just as a ruler, but as a friend, by letting them talk to you like that, you’ll endear yourself even more.”Farian shrugged a little smiling a little before nodding. “I’m fine. Stop fussing.”She ordered, looking amused though as tony fussed over them all. “Leave your hair alone. It’s fine.”She ordered amused that his hair was still sticking up every which way.

“It’s not tony-land, tony.”Farian said rolling her eyes looking amused though wincing a little as she heard the shortened version of the horror story. It was still to painful to think about. “You are such a sap, Tony.”She teased a little at the soft look they were getting, laughing at the sound of james’ startled laughter as he realized he was getting a medal, before frowning as she heard the crack of lightening, even if it was a clear bright day moments before, glancing towards the windows at the sudden storm coming in, eyes widening at the sight of the blond man striding towards the balcony doors. "Tony..."She muttered.
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