The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Probably not....he’d make a adorable cat really”Natasha nodded amused before nodding, realizing they were being watched as she carefully laid down to, nodding. “Goodnight.”She said yawning as she crashed out, knowing that they were nothing that they could do, and hating it.

“Whaa?”Natasha startled, looking around at the sound, blinking sleepily as she looked around before realizing what it was, gingerly rubbing a hand over her bruised face she nodded getting up and searching for her jacket and handing him her phone. Though it wasn’t getting any service, it still had a camera.”There you go.”
Phil grinned as he took her phone and snapped a few pictures. "don't tell Fury." he ordered. "he already thinks i'm a huge geek." he admitted, wincing as he limped to the window and examined the Owl before it flew away, leaving a piece of curled up paper behind that looked like bark. said paper unfolded, turning into a beetle that started marching it's way inside. Phil watched curiously as it slipped through the glass as if it didn't exist and rolled back up into a leaf that Phil picked up and stuffed into his pocket to read later. he felt it turn into normal paper in his pocket. "let's go find breakfast." Phil decided. "i'm starving. we haven't eaten in days."
“You are a geek.But I promise not to tell Fury. Or anyone else.”She muttered knowing he’d know she meant clint. Cause clint teased him mercilessly for being a geek. Eyes widening as she watched the paper, then beetle, then teh leaf. It was amazing really. Nodding she smiled, “Let’s. Food sounds amazing.”She said stomach growling as they headed downstairs, discreetly looking around the place as they did, searching for the woman or child, knowing that no matter how good he was, fury had to had left some evidence of their presence.
he smiled at her and nodded before following her. "it does sound amazing." he agreed, looking around for a kitchen. "this place is massive!" he finally complained, having to sit down when his ankle started to throb. "we haven't seen hide nor tail of either Fury or a Kitchen." he complained, sulking as he rubbed his ankle. "Fury must be busy with something." meaning Fury was with Farian and the baby. Phil could only hope the baby was alright. Fury was many things, but good with babies wasn't one of them. he could only hope Farian was allowed to care for the baby properly. he also hoped she and Tony didn't get into a fight over the names of the babies. "okay. let's keep looking." Phil decided. "a kitchen should be on the first level right? but we've been everywhere on the first level... sometimes back in the older days the kitchens where kept underneath the proper house, maybe we aught to look in the lower levels?"
“It is massive. Bigger then a safe house should be really.”Natasha huffed a little before nodding. “We haven’t. Which is weird. I mean, there has to be a kitchen.”Natasha said trying not to be worried about where anything was, or the fact that they hadn’t found any sign of farian or the baby yet. “Lower levels it is then....look for a door. If it is down on lower levels, I doubt its going to be a obvious location.”Natasha frowned finding the house weird and disliking it, despite how big and beautiful it was.
Phil nodded. "yeah, it's too big. i never did like big houses." he admitted as he limped his way along. it took a half an hour before they finally found stairs going down and he tilted his head. "it's as black as pitch down there... no electricity at all." it was also cold as fuck, indicating Farian at least was down there. they couldn't tip their hand so soon though. "i doubt Fury would have a kitchen down there." what he said was 'we can't o down there without backup in our condition'. "let's see what we can find on this level, we haven't explored everything yet, right?" he asked, looking around, startled to see a bug, a big black beetle sliding under the door. "ugh! bugs!" he grumbled, shaking his head.

the bug was Loki, tumbling down the stairs easily and landing at the bottom only to turn into a mouse and started scampering about, sniffing for Farian. he had to find her. had to find her. had to find her. once he did, he could call the others and they would rain hell down upon this house. once they where distracting Fury by attacking the house, Loki could take Farian and the baby and transport them directly to the tower. it would cost a lot of magic, it would hurt a lot, drain him to exhaustion for days, but he had to save Farian.
“Cold to.I think we’ve been spoiled Phil. We’ve been in warm places for to long.”Natasha said smiling slightly before nodding, “Definitely not down there.”she said, hating that they couldn’t. Hating that they couldn’t go after the woman, but knowing phil was right, they were in no condition to go down there. “Stupid bugs.”Natasha made a face before grinning a little as she opened the next door. “Here we go. Kitchen.”

What Loki found downstairs was a nightmare. It was set up like a nursery, the small child sleeping peacefully in the crib. The room looking utterly normal. Which indeed, made the cyrogenetic tube all the more startling to see. The glass frosted over and hard to see, but there was no doubt that the woman laying inside, was farian.
he nodded. "i agree. we'll have to do some cold weather training, hey used to it again." he agreed with a sigh and a shake of his head. "why is it always in the last place we look?" Phil wondered, limping in to make breakfast. he worked quickly and soon had enough breakfast for three, Fury's set into a microwave to keep warm. he wondered where the one eyed bastard was, pulling out the piece of paper he examined it before handing it to Natasha. Loki was telling them not to crush any bugs and to be wary of any angry Thunder Gods that may or may not be coming to arrest him. he told them that once he had Farian's precise location he would leave to tell the others, who would come and attack the house. he also told them he would be using the same tracking spell on Farian and Satsuki to constantly monitor their location and health so if Phil and Nat where moved and Farian wasn't, they'd know it. he hummed, examining the letter again and then shrugged and burned it.

Loki sniffed at the air and washed his face very mouse like before scurrying into a corner and turning invisible. he plucked a tiny hair from Satsuki and drew three drops of blood painlessly, storing both in glass tubes. getting to Farian was a bit trickier but in the end he just slid his hand through the glass and did it that way, squeezing out the blood when it was half frozen was even trickier but he finally had what he needed. that done, he shrunk back into a mouse, while a second him vanished with the items so he could set up two more scrying bowls and tell James and Bruce that he had their exact location. the first Loki would stay behind and keep watch.
“Urgh.That’s a unpleasant thought, but we should.”Natasha made a face before grinning. “Because otherwise it’d be to easy.” “What would be unpleasant?”Fury asked as he walked in. “Cold weather training.”Natasha said distracting the director as phil hid the note he was reading, trying not to react to the news that things were about to get interesting quickly.

James sighed softly as he listened to Loki, swallowing thickly before shuddering. “....We have to tell tony. Even if...even if we don’t want to.”James muttered looking over at bruce before nodding, bracing himself because he knew this was going to be bad, but he also knew that he couldn’t not tell the other man. “Tony?There’s something I need to tell you.”James said as he walked into the man’s bedroom, smiling quietly, sadly at the sight of father and daughter laying together reading.
he nodded. "very unpleasant. but necessary." he admitted, smiling at Fury. "i made you food, it's in the microwave." he offered, indicating the thing. "you know, it took us hours to find the kitchen! you couldn't have left us a map or something?" he asked, pouting at Fury. he was always much less 'i have the rules stuffed up my ass' when he and Fury where alone. he loved Fury, he still loved Fury, he probably always would. it hurt very much that Fury would betray him like this, but Phil would enjoy the small time he had left with the man who had become his father.

Loki nodded. "i agree, Tony will want to help and if we just show up with her in tow it might break him. his mind is fragile." Loki admitted, examining the four scrying bowls. "i will stay here and watch them, just in case." he promised. Bruce nodded and followed James out, Steve staying with Loki. Tony wouldn't appreciate a crowd. Tony had not recovered much, though he was at least acknowledging people again. "hmm?" Tony asked, closing his book. it was The Hobbit, a childhood favorite. "James? is something the matter?"
“Thanks.”Fury smiled as he got the food, settling down at the table to eat with the two. “Sorry. I hadn’t considered that you’d go wandering about before I got back from town. Sorry.”Fury said looking amused though at phil’s reaction to be made to wander around.

James smiled a little, it was hard to see tony like this, but it was so good to see him at least responding to people again. Moving over, he sat down on the edge of the bed, smiling quietly as the baby wrapped her fingers around one of his. “It’s...there’s something you need to know. We...we thought there was something weird about Farian’s delivery...and...we discovered she didn’t die. Tony, she’s still alive.”
Phil huffed. "i'm an Agent sir. i'm up, in the morning, every morning, without fail." he sniffed, pretending to be superior before he smiled at Fury. "grocery shopping?" he asked, his head tilted. "oh! did you know there's an owl hanging about? looks like he's setting up a nest here. at least, i think it's a male, hard to tell with Owls." he admitted, finishing the last of his breakfast and limping to the sink to wash the dishes.

Tony frowned a little as he studied James before he went pale, and then furious. he gently picked up Miyuki and settled her into James arms before he strode, stiff legged into his attached mini lab where he started to scream and rage and smash and destroy. he was completely furious and in the past this would have led to murder, massacre, and explosions of large cities. he had controlled himself, making sure that Miyuki was safe before he went insane. he spent a good half an hour venting his fury before moving back to the room, panting and pale and bleeding from a scratch on his temple but otherwise much calmer. "where is she? who took her? where is that fucking Doctor!? i'll rip his guts out!"
Fury rolled his eyes at the superior sniff, loking amused before shaking his head. “Checking the news. We don’t get good cell or internet reception here, had to go into town to see if there was any news about what was going on in new york, but it’s still a dead zone for news at the moment.”The man said before shaking his head, looking amused. “You are such a geek, Agent.”

James winced watching him go, smiling quietly as he cooed at the baby, settling in to simply spend time with his goddaughter as tony raged, before looking at him worriedly when he came back in. Looking him over, making sure the cut wasn’t to bad, glad to see he was calm before sighing. “Ireland. Fury. And the doctor’s already dead and buried, we tortured and took care of business to find out what had happened. Natasha and Phil are currently awaiting our arrival, and loki is watching over farian until we can get there.”
Phil chuckled a little before he nodded. "i noticed that. my Phone doesn't work now." he admitted. "i suppose being a 'dead zone' keeps... certain applications, from Spying on you?" A.K.A. Jarvis. "i have no doubt that James and Bruce have fully locked down New York to keep people from finding out Tony's gone insane. not that many people would blame him, loosing his fiance like that. not to mention the baby. i just hope the one that survived is going to be okay." he admitted, looking worried.

Miyuki was such a happy baby, he cooed and giggled back at James, gripping his nose and blowing spit bubbles like the happy baby it was. the only time Miyuki cried was when she was scared, hungry or had a messy diaper. "...we are going to get her back." he snarled, cradling the baby again and rocking her gently. "JARVIS! your watching Miyuki!" Tony ordered, gently handing the A.I. Robot the baby, Jarvis cradling Miyuki gently. JArvis was the only person Tony let Miyuki stay with for any length of time without him, mostly because he knew the A.I. could not betray him. he knew James wouldn't, not willingly, and Bruce would die before hurting or giving up Miyuki, but accidents happened and Jarvis was packing some pretty impressive heat. "get suited up." Tony ordered, Steve was already in his suit, Clint and the others waiting for Tony and James. "i do not know how to transport Farian safely. the tube she is sitting in has frozen her." Loki warned. "just bring the whole Cyro Tube if you can. Jarvis will make sure she's safe." Tony promised, pulling on his Helmet.
“Yes. That was the intent behind putting it in a deadzone.”Fury nodded before sighing. “I’m sure the child is okay. If nothing else, the child is a connection to Farian. He’ll protect the baby.”Fury said, sounding like a caring individual, and you’d almost fall for it, if you didn’t know what he’d done.

“I know. That’s why we’re telling you. You get to come and get her to.”James smiled a little watching tony, sighing softly as he watched his friend starting to be himself again. This was something that he had hoped would happen, when they got farian back. Nodding as he rushed to get suited up, he appeared back in the room with the others within moments, dressed in the winter soldier gear and ready to go. “And make sure she stays cold, if she starts waking up without being eased into it, she’s going to panic and make things worse.”James said as they settled into the plane, settling in to fly and so ready to get both mother and child back.
he nodded. "i'm sure your right, i just can't help but worry. James is anything but stable, Bruce is a psychopath, or is it sociopath? i forget... Tony's lost his mind and everyone else is dead, who is going to protect the baby if they all go off the deep end?" he asked, scowling at the Tabletop. "i can only hope resetting his mind might make him stable. i'm sure we can get him without too much trouble. he's not exactly the most cautious of people." he admitted.

Tony nodded. "thank you." he stated, eyes burning. "i'll be smacking you later for not telling me about the doctor." he didn't care that they'd kept Farians dead or a live status, but he knew James had tortured and James wasn't allowed to do that without someone there to contain and control him. Loki nodded. "Cold is what i do." he promised. "i can keep her cold while Jarvis does what need be done." he promised. "it will be a long flight." he warned. i will tell Phil and Natasha that we are coming." Loki promised before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Grant fidgeted in the plane, he had a bad feeling that something was going to go very wrong.
“We will. We’ll make sure the baby’s fine. We’re going to protect her.”Fury sighed getting up as he finished eating.”Now. I have some work to be doing.I’ll see you two later.”he said walking out. Natasha watching him go, having a feeling things were about to go very, very wrong.

“Welcome. And it’s not my fault!Steve was with me. And everyone else.”James whined a little at being scolded for torturing, looking pleased at loki’s promise. “Good.”James said settling in for the flight.

And indeed, things had indeed gotten complicated by the time they arrived, as fury had started to wake farian. Having every intention of sending the woman after Tony, to destroy the man before phil had a chance to enact the plan of getting him out and using hydra’s technique of brainwashing. Fury himself, not wanting to do it, because he suspected that no matter what, tony stark would always be to unstable to trust.
Phil nodded, smiling at Fury. "thanks Sir." he stated, pretending to be reassured. once Fury was gone though he shared a look with Natasha and shook his head. this was bad. bad bad bad. Fury had gone downstairs. "we need to get Loki." he whispered, limping his way up to their room, where the Long eared owl was waiting with another letter. one that explained that Tony and the others where on their way. it choked and then appeared as a human. "Fury's dead." The Loki Clone informed them. looking in deep, deep pain. "he mangled my real form quite a bit but he's dead. let me heal you before you run off or before i loose consciousness." he had only had just enough time to heal the broken bones and the sprain before he vanished as Loki lost consciousness.

downstairs Loki the mouse watched intently as Fury worked. he slid closer, watching intently. he could take no more. swiftly he turned into a spider, one you wouldn't normally find in Ireland. a Funnel Web Spider. their Toxin was so potent that a bad bite could result in death in a matter of fifteen minutes. adding Magic to that bite made it five minutes. he scurried up the back of Fury, who would take no notice, and delivered an agonizing bite. the fangs of the Funnel Spider where so large it was impossible not to feel. Loki delivered three more agonizing bites to Fury before the hand crushed him as he was yanked off and hurled against the wall. he couldn't hold his shape anymore and reverted back to human...ish, form, most of his bones cracked from being crushed. Fury was already dying. he was twitching, foaming at the mouth, bleeding internally and asphyxiating. Loki knew he wasn't going to be able to do anything now that he was mangled, but his Clone could, and was currently healing Phil and Natasha, using everything he had left.
Natasha nodded limping after him, looking anxious before her eyes widened at the owl’s news. Looking startled. “Thank you.”she said as she was healed before looking at phil. “We have to get to loki.”She said scared for the jotun as she ran towards where she assumed the sorcerer was.

Fury smirked to himself as he worked, not noticing the spider, before howling in pain as the spider bit him, hurling the spider away, eyes widening in utter confusion as he died, watching loki become loki. “Loki!Loki.”Natasha rushed into the room, moving over to the man, looking him over, starting to gently move the bones back into place, taking care of him before looking at phil.”I’ll take care of him. Go meet tony and the others. We’re going to need them soon. He started waking her up.”she said looking at the tube and wincing as the baby started screaming bloody murder at all the noise and fuss, not understanding what was happening.
Loki didn't even twitch when she rushed over to him. he was too hurt to wake up. matter of fact he was turning blue as he entered a sort of Torpor to further speed up his healing abilities. "he nodded and checked to make sure Fury was really dead before racing up the stairs, waving the Jet down. "Fury's dead!" he called. "Loki's hurt! bad! and Fury was waking Farian up, i think he was using Hydra Tech on her, same thing they did to James." he admitted, holding the screaming Satsuki. Tony had her in his arms so fast you'd have thought she'd always been there. gently soothing the baby and kissing er face and bawling all over her. Steve and James where already moving inside to handle Fury's dead body and see what they could do for Loki. not much, Natasha had already set his bones, Loki would have to heal on his own. Steve gently lifted the broken godling into his arms, ignoring the frostbite gathering on his limbs leaving James free to get Farian.
James winced as they rushed down the ramp, swallowing thickly. “Take care of satsuki. We’ll get the other’s.”James muttered to tony, gently making him sit down and be with his daughter before rushing inside. Watching natasha and steve get loki out to the plane, knowing the godling would be okay, he turned to deal with the broken woman. Swallowing thickly as he set about waking her up, he cursed silently as he realized that this was going to be hard. On all of them. Leaving long enough to get a blanket and some clothes, he dressed her and wrapped Farian up, shivering a little at how cold she still was, gently rubbing her arms, warming her up slowly before carrying her upstairs, the small bundle of a woman looking so utterly small in his arms, so cold still that it looked like she was dead. Stepping into the plane he looked at tony as he settled her onto the medical table, glad they were in a stark jet, at least they had some space to work, looking at tony.”Tony?”He said softyl
Tony nodded, cradling the tiny baby. "shh. shh Daddy's here. it's okay my little one. i know. i know. don't be scared. it's okay now." he promised softly, taking her into the warmth of the jet and simply cradling her until James and the others returned. he grimaced at the sight of Loki. "will he be alright?" "i don't know." Bruce admitted. "i think so, he's not that much worse off then when he first arrived. i think he'll be alright... i think." he admitted, carefully strapping Loki in. "he saved Farian, i think." Phil admitted. "Fury was bitten by something, looks almost like a spider bite. it's certainly too small to be a snake bite." Phil admitted, helping Bruce strap the godling in. "...James?" Tony asked, rushing over to the other. "how is she? is she okay? what can i do to help? i shouldn't touch her, right?" he asked, biting his lip, staring at her anxiously. "she's so cold... she's not... not...?" he couldn't ask if she was dead.
James smiled slightly as tony rushed off, gently taking satsuki from tony and giving her to clint as natasha set about getting the plane in the air. knowing they needed to get home soon. Pausing to look at tony he tried to figure out how to answer before looking down at farian. "She's been put into suspension. I'm thinking he did what hydra did to me, took he rmemories, and froze her to make sure it'd stick. And probably not. She's cold enough to freeze your fingers to her."James said before shaking his head. "She's not dead, I promise. There's a pulse, just sluggish. She's warming up.But it's going to have to be slow."James muttered before moving over to the medical cabinet to get some gloves, handing them to tony."Here. Put them on. We're going to have to gently massage her arms, and legs, if we warm them up, the blood'll start moving better again."
Tony hissed when James took Satsuki, pausing as if he wasn't sure he wanted to keep her or let Clitn and Nat bond, since they where godparents too. finally he let them have the babe while he worked with Farian, gently rubbing her body to try and help her recover better. "she won't remember me?" Tony asked, sounding broken and afraid of that thought. "she'll get the memories back though, right? like you got yours back?" he asked, looking afraid. what if Farian never remembered? what if she hated him? left him? he could let her leave if it meant she'd be happy but what if she took the babies? he couldn't let her take the babies. he couldn't let her leave, not when he'd thought her dead... he didn't even realize that he was crying.
James paused looking up from where he was rubbing her leg, moving around to wrap his arms around Tony, pressing a kiss to his head.”She wont. I don’t think so. But you’ve had practice helping people remember. And she’s had even less time to forget, Tony. She’s not been under for decades. Just a few weeks. We’ll get her back tony.”James muttered against the other’s hair, nudging him a little. “Tony....she’s waking up.”He muttered when he saw frost coated eyelashes starting to blink.
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