The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony shrugged. "i could throw in some algorithms and update the serves and run a few connections if you like. i'd have to be there in person if you wanted to actually update the hardware but i'll see what i can do for the software." Tony promised. "might lend you a hand at least." he admitted. "Skye would gut me." Tony agreed. "or worse, cut off my cock. nope. not gonna take that risk, Grants staying with Skye." he admitted with a nod. "i still don't like her." he admitted before smirking as he watched Fury leave. "oh yes. but in the meantime he's very useful." he admitted. "i'll take care of him later if i have to, he's not the only one with assassins. i wonder if he knows that Sitwell is Hydra?" he mused, examining the cellphone in his hand with the information and texting it to Fury and waning him that his men where going to be detaining Sitwell and arresting him on the spot, but that he could take Sitwell home with him. and indeed Tony could hear his people swarming over an enraged Sitwell, handcuffing and gagging him before leaving him there with Fury and Maria. "that was fun! lets have doughnuts and icecream!"
"No. For the moment the software update should be enough. I'll let you know if we need you there."Fury said smiling slightly. "Yea definitely not worth the risk. Those two stick together."Farian smiled a little. "We'll deal with him if we have to. But you taught me to never kill a still useful tool."James smiled a little at that. "No he probably doesnt.otherwise I doubt he'd brought him."Farian said smiling T the sounds of sit well getting arrested even as her stomach growled it's agreement with tony's plan."ice cream it is."
Tony nodded. "i'll see what i can do." he promised with a grin. "besides, i don't leave. i'd have sent my peons to do it." he admitted. peons being Skye probably. "he is very useful. particularly since he'll be nice and busy handling Hydra." he admitted before grinning as he led the way for Ice-cream and Doughnuts, making sure to provide some for the sick. Clint and Loki probably wouldn't like it if they had an ice-cream and doughnut party without sharing with them.
Farian smiled a little leaning in to kiss his cheek."good. You don't get to go anywhere without me."she smiled pleased to know he was staying sagely on the island.

A few months later Farian smiled sleepily at the genius getting ready making a face."I don't know why I'm being included in this TV interview award ceremony fiasco. You know it's going to be a mess."she pointed out.because despite 2 months of working together she knew fury was moving things behind the scene, making the ground unstable to walk on. And while there had been fewer panic attacks then she suspected taking care of everyone'everyone's mental health concerning the baby and just in general had taken to much of her time to devote time to figuring out what fury was doing.
Tony huffed. "i don't even know why i'm going. the only reason i am is because it's in my territory." he admitted before smiling at her as he knelt down and kissed her belly. he did this every day without fail, promising the baby inside that he would be the best father ever. "besides, you made me promise i wouldn't ever go anywhere without you." he pointed out with a grin as he stood up and kissed her. "i love you." he admitted with a smile. over the last two months he had gotten more and more stable, and emotive as well. he looked up as Steve knocked on the door. "Guys. we're going to be late if you don't hurry up." Steve and James where of course going with as body guards. as if James would let Tony go somewhere without one. even if it was in Tony's own territory.
“I know it is, but it still doesn’t make me happy. It just seems weird.”She grumbled, sulking a little, flushing slightly as the man pressed a kiss to her stomach, smiling as she stroked his hair. Because it had become something to look forward to, him acting like this. “Love you to.”She smiled pleased as she kissed him back, sulking a little as she glanced at steve. “Well, maybe that’s the point. Be slow enough, we can skip the whole thing.”She said sulking even though she moved to the edge of the bed to put on her shoes, the soft floating dress not only hiding her pregnancy, but leaving her able to move quickly and without worry if she had to. Sighing quietly as she walked out with him, wrapping a arm around his waist as they headed for the car. “You have your weapons?”James asked, fussing over them both as they settled into the car. “Yea. Stop worrying.”Farian said sighing as she leaned back into the seat as they drove, fidgeting and nervous.
he nodded. "something is certainly up." he agreed. "but i have thirty of my men stationed as guards to keep the peace." he admitted. "Jarvis? remind me to send them a Thank you Card okay?" "yes sir. and if i may Sir, you would look much more handsome in the Brioni." "ah! good call, thank you Jarvis." Tony chirped as he moved to get changed. "you look beautiful, did you know?" Tony asked her with a smile once he was changed, kissing her deeply before heading out with James. "i have everything i need." Tony promised with a smirk that said he was doing something he shouldn't be. or worse, had already done it. he settled into the back as well, letting James and Steve drive, holding her hand and tracing her knuckles.
“Good.And I’ll make sure they get a thank you gift to.REmind me Jarvis.”Farian said smiling a little, because in the two months she’d been here, she’d settled even more into place at tony’s side, most of his people having accepted her as his consort, sometimes easier to talk to about things rather then the king who ruled over everything, but when they did, tehy never worried that she’d just ignore it. She always made sure tony heard about problems or worries. Flushing at tony’s praise she smiled kissing him back. “Thank you. You look good yourself.”She said smiling a little as they settled into teh car, resting her head on his shoulder.”What did you do tony?”James asked as he glanced at the rearview mirror at the two as he drove, biting his lip to keep from cursing at the slow traffic as they headed to the other side of town.
Tony beamed at her. he couldn't have asked for a better woman at his side. his people adored her and she never sent one away. well she had sent one away but his request had been stupid. honestly, turning all the fountains into liquor depositors. not a chance, children drank out of those! "i don't look nearly as good as you." he admitted with a smile as he kissed her again. "Steve looks really cute. look how uncomfortable he is in his little suit and tie." "shut up Stark!" Steve ordered, tugging on his tie again, he hated wearing these blasted things. "nothing! why does everyone always assume i've done something?!" Tony demanded, sulking. "okay, i did something. it's totally awesome but i can't tell you because you'll get mad at me."
“Yes you do. You always look amazing, even covered in motor oil and grease.”Farian teased smiling a little before laughing at steve’s discomfort. “He is fairly cute.” “Hm, just think captain, later, I’ll be stripping you out of that.”James smirked reaching out and twirling a piece of blond hair around his finger as he drove. “Tony...”He said warning as he pulled into the valet parking, moving around to check out the crowd before opening tony’s door, smiling as he helped the two out. “What did you do?”He growled, wanting to know before they went inside.
Tony smirked a little. "and even a rose could not compare, to the elegance and beauty before me." he purred, kissing her knuckles before snickering as Steve stopped tugging on his tie. "...fine, but it's going to be the first thing you do. and you have to let me top this go around." he ordered. "i didn't do a thing! stop yelling at me! you'll make me cry!" he complained, sulking at James. "you don't want to make me cry in front of all my people do you?"
“You kind.”Farian muttered flushing even brighter as tony kissed her knuckles. “Definitely going to be the first thing. And we’ll discuss topping.”James said smirking a little before laughing at tony’s reaction. “Hm, no I guess not. Making you cry would be a bad thing right at the moment. Maybe later.”James said rolling his eyes as he escorted them inside towards the ballroom the award ceremony was taking place in, fidgeting and nervous because he knew despite the location and that they were their people, this was goign to be a problem somehow.
"no discussion. it's my turn and i deserve it for wearing this crappy shit." Steve complained, scowling. considering Steve hadn't topped once since they'd gotten together he was long overdue for a try. he didn't top all that often anyway. "that's right, making me cry would suck." he agreed with a grin as he offered her his arm and led her to the ballroom stuffed with people. he looked calm and composed and happy, but knowing him as well as she did, Farian could see the tense in his eyes. he was just as wary as she was about all of this. "what am i winning again?" he asked as he pulled her into a romantic dance, uncaring that people had started to notice he was there.
“Fine.You can.”James said twitching a little at the idea, because there was something so utterly vulnerable to letting the other top, and yet he was willing to try. He couldn’t promise he wouldn’t freak out, but he’d try, for steve. Farian smiled quietly as she walked inside with tony, looking just as calm and collected as he was, but there was a quiet strain to her features. “It’s a peace prize for managing to work with everyone, and keep anyone from declaring war on you and such....seriously. I think it’s just a excuse to have a party here, and bring in people to do something nefarious.”farian muttered as they danced, smiling as she looked around them, smirking a little as she watched steve and james join them on the dancefloor, knowing the two super soldiers were feeling just as defensive and worried about this party as her and tony was.
Steve beamed, looking quite pleased with himself before he pulled the other into a heated kiss that made Tony whistle at them, Tony never could resist an opportunity to tease. "a what now? seriously? i don't deserve one of those." he scoffed. "i blew people up! this is stupid i wanna go home now." he grumbled as he dipped her, giving her a smile. "although, seeing you in that dress makes anything worth it." he admitted. "i'm sure someone in here is up to something, but they won't be able to hurt me." he promised her. "Loki and i have been working on something and i'm using it today." he admitted. "and before you freak out, no i did not test it on myself. i tested it on a few thousand mice and when they all showed no negative side effects i tested it on thirteen willing test subjects from the hospital and when they all survived without side effects then i tried it on myself." he promised her with a grin. "oh! hi Ariel! how are the kids?" Tony asked one of the people he recognized who worked for him. the woman beamed at him, chattered for a moment and then resumed dancing with her husband. "that's Ariel, she's in charge of scheduling for the guard rotations." Tony explained. "that's Bob, he runs the monitor division." wow Tony hadn't been kidding, he really did know the names and faces of almost everyone who worked for him.
Farian laughed amused as james and steve danced, amused that the two could bring a crowd to a standstill to watch two beautiful people dance together. “I know you don’t. You’re definitely not the peaceful one in this relationship, which is why I know someone’s doing something.”She said laughing quietly as she was dipped, flushing at his praise. “Well, the same goes for you in that suit. I like you in it.”She said smoothing her hands over his chest before frowning at him, opening her mouth indeed to freak out before stopping, staring at him as he explained. “...Fine. As long as it’s safe.”She said eyeing him warily, before sighing softly, grinning at the woman. “Hello.”She smiled, amused as they chattered, looking amused as they danced. “You really do know everyone.”She said gently stroking his hair, leaning into him. Looking around, she sighed tilting her head. “Fury’s here. And so is the president...think your awards about to be presented...”She muttered
Tony chuckled a little. "everyone's staring at them." he admitted with a grin. "it's hilarious how many of them are swooning." he admitted with a snicker. he didn't seam to realize what a huge step he had made in his little 'country'. there was no homophobia in 'tonyland' as he called it. though his people just stuck to New York. in all honesty he may have actually deserved the prize. there was very little bigotry in his territory, and what bigotry there was, was never voiced or acted on. Crime was exceptionally low. not because of harsh punishments, but because of the people patrolling the streets at all times. yes they had no real privacy, but people who where sick, fell down or got hurt got help immediately thanks to those cameras. gay couples could walk the streets as they pleased and children where not abused. what had once been the most crime filled city in the world, was now one of the most peaceful. shame he had blown people up to keep it. "of course i do. these are my people." Tony admitted with a smile. "the... advancement within my brain functions allows me to store information on over sixty thousand people without effort." he admitted. "more if i where to delete some of the other information i have stored in there." he admitted. " was thinking of adding a secondary information databank but i'd rather not do brain surgery without extreme cause." he admitted. "the first time was a special case, considering i needed brain surgery anyway." he admitted, showing he was, in fact, more concerned about his health than he used to be. "i think whatever shit is gonna go down, is about to go down." he admitted. "you going up with me? you should go up with me." his eyes where glittering again, showing he was still up to something.
“Hm, they do make a very beautiful couple really.”Farian smiled a little, sounding so happy for them. Because even if tony wasn’t really realize it, she knew just how peaceful and utterly amazing the fact that this city of all places was this safe.”...That’s amazing. Really.”She smiled at him, leaning in to kiss him lightly, closing her eyes as she realized just how careful he was being these days.”Thanks for taking my worry for your health into consideration.”She muttered knowing that was part of it. That he was trying to not stress her, and be good for her, which meant taking care of himself. “Hm, yes.And I am.So is James.”She muttered looking bemused as she wondered what he was up to, already seeing the dark haired super soldier crossing the room to go up on the stage with them.

James, thanks to way to sensitive ears, was already moving before anyone else was, barreling into farian even as he felt the bullets tearing through his shoulder and hit the softer body he was holding, twisting, dropping both him and farian to the ground softer then he normally would have, taking in the fact that the woman was pregnant, so he didn’t put her down quite as hard as he normally would have, even if he kept his body over hers, glancing up after a moment, knowing steve would have gotten to tony, hating that his orders had been to protect farian at all costs, letting steve take care of tony. Looking around the room at the panic he growled. “Tony?”
he nodded, grinning. "i'm glad they where able to find each other again." he admitted. "of course i take your worry into account." he admitted with a smile. "your my world." he admitted softly before nodding. pleased that she was going up with him. "Steve probably is as well." he admitted as he smiled, watching Steve following James. he blinked, startled when James tackled his pregnant lover and gasped as he saw the blood. blood all over Farian. he jerked his hand out of his pocket, something small and metal dropping out of it to hit the ground with a sharp pinging sound, bouncing before rolling away into the crowds of feet racing this way and that. Tony was already moving, thick ooze seeping out of his skin, gray metal that twisted and writhed, shoving people out of the way like giant tentacles as he went for the person who had shot Farian, reaching for that neck to strangle the life out of them. he didn't get the chance, Steve had him pinned down now, screaming at Tony to calm down, even as the men Tony had posted swarmed, making everyone sit down, searching every last guest, even the president, for weapons. Tony had started keening, crying out for Farian, begging her not to leave him. the sound heart wrenching. one last kick from a frightened guest and the thing Tony had dropped came to a rolling stop in front of the president and Fury. a Ring.
James’ eyes widened as he saw what tony had done to himself, pressing closer to the woman under him, protecting her as things got under control, looking utterly amazing. “Someday, tony, we’re going to have to talk about about what you do to yourself without telling anyone.”James grumbled as the man moved over towards them, “Tony. She’s okay.”James said gingerly easing to his knees and it was obvious it was true, while the two shots had taken him through the meat of his shoulder, the shattered bone of his collar bone sticking out awkwardly, it was obvious that the most of the blood on farian came from james, instead of the sluggishly bleeding nick on her cheek, that despite everything, was the worst injury. Granted, had he been a moment slower, it would have killed the woman, but as it was, the person who could take the most punishment, was the one who’d been hurt.

“Tony?I’m okay. Help james.”Farian said, even though she didn’t move from laying on the floor, afraid of causing some damage to herself or the child she carried, frowning a little as she saw fury picking up something.”Tony...fury’s looking at something...”She muttered sounding worried, trying to focus enough to see what it was. “Steve?”James called as he got up slowly, wondering if the other needed help dealing with things.
Tony snarled as he struggled against Steve, sobbing as he struggled to get to the bastard who had hurt Farian, never mind that his own people had the bastard pinned to the ground and handcuffed and where protecting him from Tony. they wouldn't let Tony be the monster everyone wanted him to be. he only seamed to snap out of it when he heard Farians voice and he stopped struggling and turned, trying to get to Farian now instead, cradling her and promising her everything was going to be okay as Steve moved over to James and started pressing down to stem the bleeding. "forget about Fury." Tony whispered, stroking her hair and pressing gently against anyplace she was bleeding, even using his new metal limbs if he had to. "Tony's fine James, don't move." Steve ordered. "you're bleeding bad." he admitted. "you saved Farian's life though, Tony's going to be all over you once he realizes. he'll be showering you in gifts and gushing." he teased, looking up when EMS appeared. "here, James. go with them, i think one of the bullets is still lodged in your shoulder." he warned. "i need to speak with Fury." he admitted, narrowing his eyes at the one eyed man.
Farian sighed softly as tony moved over to her, shifting to sit up slowly, looking her over, closing her eyes as she rested her head against his shoulder.”I’m okay tony. Just a cut and bruised from james pushing me around.”She promised, feeling a little stiff, really she was more hurt by hitting the ground as hard as she had, then the bullet that had nearly ended things. “The blood’s his, not mine.”She promised. “But how’s farian?I need to check...”James muttered even though he was blinking sluggishly despite his protests, he wasn’t trying to get away, not focusing well because of blood loss. Glancing down at his shoulder he scowled a little, “Looks like. One anyways. Think the other went through.”He muttered frowning a little as he let the EMT move him towards the ambulance, focusing on steve. “No. I’m going with you.”he grumbled even as fury moved over. “Captain?”Fury raised a eyebrow as the man moved towards him.
Tony offered her a shaky smile and continued to stroke her hair. "i'm sorry. i never expected they would go after you. i was stupid. we shouldn't have come. i'm so sorry i got you hurt." Tony whispered, voice shaking. "Farian is fine. she's not even hurt. just a scratch and some Bruises, Bruce will take care of her personally." he promised. "your too hurt to wait. you need to let the EMS take care of you." he ordered. "stay here." Steve ordered before turning to Fury, rage etched into his face as he gripped the man's shirt and hauled the commander off his feet, snarling in the bastards face. "If i find out you had anything to do with this Director. i'll kill you." he hissed before dropping the man, scowling at the thing in his hands. "what is that?" he asked, confused. why did Fury have a ring?
Farian sighed softly, closing her eyes as she leaned into him, looking shaky herself. “I hadn’t considered it either. But we are a team these days, we’ll just have to be careful now.”She muttered curling up into him, so very glad that he wasn’t shoving her away or refusing to have a weakness, because she now realized that’s what it was. She, and the child she carried, her a vulnerable part of tony’s armour, a way to hurt him. “Good. Bruce’ll be good.”James muttered blinking slowly as he nodded, simply letting the EMT bandage him up and stop the bleeding, knowing he’d have to get to the tower’s medical lab soon, but for now, the first aid and his own serum was keeping him from bleeding out. Fury glared right back, stumbling a little as he was picked up. “I have nothing to do with this.”He snarled, stumbling as he was dropped, before holding it up. “Stark dropped it.”
he nodded. "we'll be more careful." he agreed softly. "much more careful." he mumbled as he kissed her temple. he knew he was going to have to watch her very carefully. he couldn't risk someone else targeting her. couldn't chance someone else getting too close and succeeding where this one failed. "that's right. just stay." Steve ordered James again. "you better not have." Steve snarled before frowning as he plucked the ring from Fury's fingers, his eyes widening before he looked up at Fury, stunned. "oh boy. this could be bad." Steve admitted with a sigh, turning to the hassled president. "i'm sorry about this Sir." Steve admitted. "but i'm going to have to ask if you knew anything about the attack that jut took place against Tony and Farian." he admitted, studying the president of the united states intently. he wasn't as good as Natasha, but he doubted the president could lie well enough to fool him when he's been taking lessons from Natasha.
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