The Change of Heart(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Farian whimpered as he stroked her hair, flinching away from just how warm the man was. Blinking slowly she looked up at him with tired, pained eyes. “What’s wrong with me?It hurts tony...”She muttered looking so anxious and scared. Skin glowing ever so slightly orange, extremis responding to just how very upset and scared she was. But it wasn’t killing her, at least not yet. Her own meta human abilities and extremis still trying to figure out how to co-exist, if it was possible.

“Come on.We’re going to give them privacy.”James muttered pulling bruce and steve out into the hall, where they could still watch over the two, but not hear what they were talking about, not wanting to hear the emotional gutting that he was fairly certain was goign to happen. Scared of what tony would do if she freaked like james thought she would.
Tony smiled at her as he gently let her go. "sorry." he whispered. "i know it hurts. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. there wasn't anything else... i couldn't let you die. i'm sorry." he whispered, frantic because he knew she was in pain and it was all his fault. "i'm so sorry." he whispered. "the bullets where laced with a poison that we didn't have an antidote for so i did the only thing i could think of to keep you alive." he admitted, looking very upset. "i gave you the Stabilized form of Extremis. it's just settling into your body and it's trying to find a compromise with your meta-human abilities." he didn't mention that it might kill her anyway, even if Bruce said the signs in her blood where promising.
Farian frowned at him, eyes wide as she sorted out what he was talking about. “What?Tony, how could you?This wasn’t...”She panted shuddering as the heat turned up, then went cold as her own abilities settled the heat. It wouldn’t kill her, but it was tearing her apart to try and find a equilibrium, “What do I do now?”She demanded raising a hand to touch her stomach, expecting to find wounds and pain, eyes wide as she looked down, staring at the softly pink skin, healed and starting to settle. The fact that she was awake was a good sign, meant she was functioning well enough to live, she just needed to find a middle ground, and despite it having it saved her life, she was unbelievably angry and scared at having the choice forced on her.
he winced and cringed when she 'yelled' at him. "i know. i'm sorry. it was the only way we could save you. i'm sorry. i can fix it. i think. i'm sure! i'm sorry. i just couldn't bare to see you die. i'm so sorry." he whispered, hating himself for upsetting her. "you can leave. if you want. when your better. i won't stop you." he promised, babbling because he was upset and scared and worried. babbling that he wouldn't stop her if she wanted to beat him up and babbled that he was sure she would be okay once Extremis settled and even if it didn't he was a genius and he could fix it. outside Steve watched, looking almost frantic because he knew Farian was upset and hurt and Clint and Natasha where whispering behind him, he couldn't hear a word they where saying, not that he cared.
Farian swallowed hard, curling up a little, watching him rabble before nodding a little. “I...I don’t know tony...but this changes things. It has to.”She said softly slumping back into the bed, closing her eyes. Exhausted from the few minutes up.

“...She’s not going to be able to go.”James said from where he was watching, looking at steve, knowing the assassins were already planning on how to get her out of here, and hide her well enough tony couldn’t find her again.”You and me, we both know if she does, whatever hold he has on his sanity is going to snap.”he muttered watching tony, keeping his voice low enough for the others not to hear. The other’s might not be willing to make her a captive to keep her here, but he was. If it meant making sure tony didn’t fall apart. “’ll kill him.”he muttered wincing a little as he watched farian pass out again, knowing whatever was coming over the next few days, was going to be brutal on all of them.
Tony cringed as she admitted that this would change things. "i know. i'm sorry. just rest. you'll be better soon." he promised, stammering even as tears came to his eyes as she went to sleep.

"i know." Steve admitted. "she won't leave. she really likes him. she's just upset." he admitted. "he scares me, to be honest. if she had died in there an hour ago, he would have..." Tony really would have unleashed his rage onto the entire world and then probably taken his own life. "it'll be okay. we'll make it okay..." he whispered before turning to Clint and Natasha. "shut up. both of you. you won't do a damn thing." he ordered, Clint wincing as he realized Cap knew what they where talking about. "Cap..." "no. Farian will make her own decision and i won't have you influencing her. Tony needs her, if she leaves. it needs to be on her shoulders and hers alone."
"It'll change things,she's right. They're both physically unstable enough to not change."James said sounding worried as he worried."he would have burned the burned the world to rid himself of the grief...she knows that. She can't go."James said because if she did go,it would destroy tony. Natasha raised her eyebrows."Steve you can't be serious. She needs to get out of here.this was a bad idea." "If I have to bury you to make sure she gets the choice,don't doubt that I will. I won't let you destroy them both thinking it's for the best."James said glaring at the two before stepping into the room."tony? You need to get some sleep."
he nodded. "i know. but they could change for the better." he pointed out. "not all change is all bad." he admitted as he watched them intently. "she knows that, James but if she leaves... if she honestly chooses to leave i won't be able to bring myself to make her stay." he admitted closing his eyes before turning on the two Agents. "she needs to make that decision for herself! you might not realize this but Tony just saved her life! yes he did it using an untested medical... uh, thing, but she'd be DEAD right now if he hadn't! she will make her OWN decision about this!" he hissed. "more is riding on this than just her emotional frailty and i won't have you fucking up here because you think you're doing good! remember what they say about good intentions!" he warned. "she'll hate you if you force her to leave when she didn't want to." he warned before turning to look in the room again. "this is a mess. but would you rather Tony be making the world burn because she died?" he demanded, watching Tony try to shrug James off, trying to push him away so he could be there when she woke up again. he only left because Bruce drugged him to sleep and James carried him out.
"...that's okay. I can."James said settling into digging his heels in about making Farian stay right where she was even if he suspected he wouldn't have to. At least he hoped he wouldnt. Wincing a little at the look Natasha was giving him he sighed knowing they weren't going to win this argument."...its your decision then cap."Natasha sighed softly tabling the argument for now.

Two days later found Farian finally able to stay awake long enough to have some semblance of a real conversation. Though she was still scared and angry,it was a good sign she hadn't bolted for the borders as soon as bruce had said she was stable. At least,more then she'd been.while she was still jumping between cold and warm,it wasn't as drastic and the only time it truly got dangerous was when tony was touching her, her body seeing the once treasured armth as a threat and responding by going even colder. But for the moment James had dragged tony out of the room bodily to give the working partners a chance to talk,and to get tony cleaned up.having refused to shower for the last two days until he was sure she wasn't dying on him,tony was still wearing the clothes he'd been wearing at theit night out,and he was starting to smell."cap...what am I supposed to do?"Farian said looking up at her partner,trusting him not to sugarcoat things.

Meanwhile James sighed softly as he poured some shampoo into hid hand gently massaging it into his hair."you're a mess,genius."James aid sounding grouchy and pissy himself,the last two days having been easy on no one,but James was reacting the worst besides tony.
Steve was sketching in her room as he looked up at her once she spoke. "well first you have to decide why your really angry. honestly is it because he saved your life or is it because he didn't ask first? you know if i'd had the chance i would have done the same thing." he admitted, looking at her. "i'd rather have you hate me and be alive, then be dead." he admitted. "Tony..." he paused and then. "i've never seen anyone react like this. in the short time he's known you, i honestly think he's fallen in love with you. i know your hurt, and scared, and angry but can you really bring yourself to hate him, knowing that he would have died himself if it meant saving you?" he asked. "could you take it out on me knowing i was seconds away from giving you my blood in the hopes that my Serum could save you? that Bruce would probably have done the same if he'd thought his blood could have stayed in your body without killing you?"

Tony was just sitting in the chair that James had made him sit in, since he refused to stand. ignoring the other for a moment as he tried to think things through."how am i supposed to react knowing i might have ruined any chance at happiness she might ever have had?" he asked softly. "i know you think i'm being stupid but i really... i think i love her." he whispered. "i think i'm IN love with her." he admitted softly as he sighed. "i'm sorry i worried you..."
Farian sighed softly as she stared down at her hands, biting her lip. Thinking over his words before frowning, looking startled at his admittance. “What?He’s not.I mean, he likes me but...”He frowned looking confused and utterly having no idea what to think about tony being that reliant on her. Swallowing thickly, “...No. I don’t...hate him. I’m scared of what this is doing me, Steve.”She said quietly before looking up at him again, looking thoughtful.”...You know, of any of your serums....James would have probably been the safest to use. I didn’t change him as much...”She said focusing on the science thing, instead of how utterly frightened and scared she was of this. Of having to deal with her body being her enemy for once.

James huffed a little as he washed the other’s hair, rolling his eyes a little. “Tony, you didn’t. She’s scared. Of course she’s lashing out. But she didn’t bolt, even after bruce told her she could get up if she wanted.She’s staying. Let steve talk to her, Steve always knows how to deal with things.”James said his own faith having been shaken through the whoel thing, having no idea how to deal with this. “...I don’t think you’re being stupid. Stupid in love with her, yes, but not stupid.”James teased a little before sighing. “It’s okay. I worry about you alot.”
he smiled at her a little. "you have to remember, Tony's not quite like us." he reminded her. "he hasn't ever been shown a lot of love. he's always just been a tool to the people around him. Howard more than anyone. he doesn't understand Love, not really so is it any surprise he fell in Love with you quickly? he doesn't have any 'i shouldn't fall in love this fast' bullshit filters." he admitted with a smile. "he loves you. maybe not as deeply as a person normally would but that sort of thing takes time." he admitted. "besides, you think we all aren't scared? he's more scared than anyone." he admitted as he set a hand on hers, holding it gently. "Bruce has been taking every precaution." he admitted softly. "doing everything he can to make sure it's going to settle. it's no more than having to learn how to control your powers the first time." he assured her. "he thinks that the reason your going through so much is because Extremis is trying to adapt itself into what your powers already are." well that was one theory anyway. "we'll all be here for you, we won't let you face this alone." he promised.

"you don't know that Extremis was untested. Stable but untested. who knows what might have happened." he admitted. "she could have just exploded. or melted. or.." here his lips twitched. "or turned into a Man!... you don't think she will?" he asked James, looking amused now as he realized he was being stupid. "Steve is pretty impressive." he agreed with a shake of his head before he smiled a little. "i don't know if i should really trust myself though. how do i even know what Love is? i mean, i know i feel something very strongly for you and Bruce, and that what i feel for her is stronger still, but what right do i have to claim i love her?" he wondered, shaking his head. "she's probably going to leave anyway, it's stupid to wonder about this shit."
“...I know. I keep reminding myself that, and Grant was down here earlier to remind me, it’s just...hard. I just don’t know how to talk to him, or how to treat him. I don’t want to hurt him, Steve, and I’m scared I will, if he’s in love.”Farian bit her lip looking amused that despite his thoughts and experiences, this was one area where tony was utterly naive. Startling a little as he took her hand, wincing a little.”I know you are...I just figured you were scared OF me, instead of FOR me.”She muttered shoulders slouching a little, not about to admit to the conversation she’d had with natasha. The woman seriously scared her sometimes. “...But because extremis is all heat, and I’m good with cold, it’s having trouble. Makes sense.”She muttered before staring down at the blankets, shoulders slouching a little. “Natasha isn’t.”She muttered because while they’d all settled in around her, natasha had shown every moment of disapproval she could, trying to force the woman into a answer, which was leaving the estill recovering woman utterly lost and torn apart. Knowing she was going to get natasha into trouble with steve, but she was tired of defending her decision to stay here for now, against the other.

“She could have. And if she turns into a man, you might have the best of both worlds you know. You got to have her as a woman, and then a man. You’d totally enjoy it.”James said rolling his eyes because the man was being utterly ridiculous before sighing. “No one knows what love is really. It’s different for everyone. For me, I always knew steve was it. Granted, I love you to, but Steve....”He trailed off thinking about the other. Loving the captain so much that it scared him, which was why he’d been backing away from the relationship the last two days, seeing tony and farian like this had shaken the man enough that James was backing away from the progress he’d made. “You have every right. I mean, Pepper was a fucking bitch, and she had no right to tell you you were unlovable and didn’t deserve it. You like farian, it’s not about rights or not, you just want her.”James sighed softly biting his lip a little, knowing he was fucking up this conversation. Huffing a little. “You should talk to steve. He’s better with the emotions and talks like this."He grumbled
he nodded. "i know. it's going to be hard, Tony's an extreme ass and he's certainly not going to make it any easier." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "the thing is, Love hurts." he admitted. "when i fell in love with Buck... with James, i spent more time crying than i did anything else. we had roaring fights, we beat the shit out of each other more than we did anything else." he admitted. "you'll hurt each other, but your both smart enough to know that a fight won't ruin your relationship." he admitted with a smile. "well. to be honest i was always a little scared of you." he teased with a smile and a shake of his head. "Natasha is a cunt." Steve stated simply "she wants to think the worst of Tony because in her neat little black and white world Tony is the bad guy, which means he's evil and up to no good. but people don't work that way." he admitted simply. "yes, Tony does horrible, despicable things, but he's also done a lot of good. you don't get people this loyal to him, hundreds of people willing to die for him if he's evil." he pointed out. "i'll make sure she's not allowed back in here if she's going to be such a bitch." he promised with a smile. "you have to be the one to make the decision, not Natasha and she'll either shut the hell up or i'll pound her."

Tony smirked. "especially if she switches Genders. that would be a kick-ass Superpower wouldn't it? gender swapping? awesome." he grinned a little at the idea before ducking his head into the water to rinse off before staring at the other. "really?" he asked, sounding rather hopeful. "i mean. i don't KNOW that Farian is the one for me but... i really really want her to be..." he admitted before smiling at James. "i always knew you would love Steve more than me, don't sweat it." he ordered calmly before shaking his head. "James, out of every single person i have talked to, interacted with or fucked you are literally the only person who told me i was deserving of Love." he admitted softly. "i trust you more than i've ever trusted anyone but how can i take your word against thousands?" he wondered before he snorted. "i am NOT talking to Steve." he scoffed. "he'll tell me Farian hates me just on principle."
“No, he wont make things easier. If anything, having to fight for it will be a reminder that it’s worth the fight.”She muttered sighing quietly, rubbing a hand over her chest, heart hurting as she considered just how badly things were going to get probably. “We’l try not to let it anyways.”She said looking nervous still, because despite the talking, she was just so scared of this, and what it would do to them as people, as they tried to figure things out. “Well, you don’t count. You’re gay, women scare you just on principle.”She teased a little before dropping her head a little, relaxing. “Thank you. Clint’s fine...grant and skye to...Everyone else expressed a opinion, but are leaving it up to me. Only Natasha’s been overly insistent over it.”Farian said smiling softly, because while she knew her friends were worried about her, clint and steve were willing to let her decide. “I...I want to stay. At least....for now. I don’t know where this is going to go. But...I want to try.”She muttered.

“It would be fairly awesome, might have to date your girlfriend myself if that really was her talent.”James snickered a little before nodding. “Even when he was a skinny little punk I knew he was what I wanted for the rest of my life. I mean, I’m not saying it was easy, or good all the time, you should have heard us those first few years, fighting all the time...not to mention after he became cap...”James trailed off a little lost in the memory, and utterly ashamed of how he’d reacted to finding his best friend suddenly the good captain, it had been horrible, and even if he had given the appearance of accepting and supporting, behind closed doors, it hadn’t been pretty. Not that steve had showed any signs of holding that against him, but he still felt the shame tightening his stomach these days if he thought to hard about it. “....Because I’m Captain America’s boyfriend, and thus unable to lie, and I say you deserve it....and I dare you to tell Farian you’re not deserving of love, or her. She’ll kill you in your sleep or something.”James snickered a little before laughing, shaking his head. “No he wouldn’t, because if he did, it’d upset Farian and he wont do that.”
he grinned at her and nodded. "precisely. i know that James was twice as worth it after all that fighting." he admitted. "he wasn't very happy with me when he found out that i enlisted and took part of a highly experimental procedure." he admitted. "even less when he found out i crossed enemy lines, by myself and took on a full base of enemies without backup. boy could he scream." he admitted with a grin. "that is so not true." he complained, rolling his eyes. "only women who can kill me with their bare hands scare me." he scoffed. "...why is it that all the women i know can kill me with their bare hands?" he asked, blinking at her. "i need better lady friends i think." he admitted. "Natasha is an overbearing sort f person." he admitted with a shrug. "she wanted us to just kill Tony and be done with it. because we didn't, her world is off kilter. she gives you any more problems and you tell me. i have seniority on this mission and i'll be damned if i don't make her know it." he admitted, his eyes hard and angry because Natasha was upsetting Farian before he grinned at her. "i'm glad." he admitted. "i don't think James would have let us go without a fight." he admitted with a grin. "besides, it's worth it to make the attempt even if it doesn't work out. better to know, then spend the rest of your life wondering 'what if'." he admitted.

"he snorted. "no. she's mine. get your own gender changing lover." he ordered with a grin. "i bet we could totally make Captain America change genders." he admitted with a nod before cocking his head. "you didn't like him becoming Captain America?" he asked curiously. "where you worried he'd suddenly want to start topping or something?" he asked. "you know Cap don't hold grudges, you don't have to be so timid and shy around him." he pointed out, looking curious before he flushed a little, looking rather mortified of the idea of actually telling Farian he didn't deserve her. "uh. no thanks. i'll take your word for it." he muttered before shrugging. "thanks James..." he muttered as he offered the other a nice little lip to lip kiss. "i'm going to go check on Farian. maybe take her some soup or something."
“I’m sure he wasn’t.finding his boyfriend doing insane things, would probably make any person nervous.”Farian snickered a little at steve’s words before smiling.”...cause you only know agents and mercenaries. Tends to make us dangerous.”She snickered a little before nodding.”She is overbearing.”She muttered relaxing as she realized he’d side with her against the other woman. At least she’d have someone in her corner if it came to a fight.”I’ll let you know if she does.”She promised before nodding.”It’d rather say I tried and failed, rather then simply given up.”

“we totally could, but we’re not going to, I like steve male.”He snickered a little before shaking his head.”No. I really didn’t. I spent months yelling about it. It was bad, and we nearly killed each other a few times around it, but I got used to it.”He said before biting his lip, swallowing thickly. “....Don’t remember why. Just that it happened.”He said mostly lying because he didn’t want to look to hard at what had nearly destroyed his love life. “.,....I know he doesn’t. It’’s fine.”He said not about to admit he was just as shy and nervous around steve, because he had no idea how to do this. Smirking a little before nodding.”WElcome.”He groaned kissing him back light;y,”Don’t make the soup yourself. Just go visit, and see if she wants anything first.”He said smirking a little.
he shrugged. "honestly, i was more than a little selfish." he admitted. "i never once wondered what Bucky would think. i was a rotten little asshole back then." he admitted. "but he forgave me eventually." he admitted with a small smile. "this is true." he admitted. "honestly though, i think Skye could probably kill me too if she tried hard enough. she'd like, hack a robot to do it or something. she really is weird you know that?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. "good. you do that." he ordered before smiling. "that's right. we're strong kids. we never just give in." he agreed with a smirk.

Tony snickered. "your not even a little bit curious about how Steve would look as a woman?" he asked with a grin. "well. being how big you both are, i imagine a fist fight could easily turn deadly." he agreed, his head tilted curiously. "you got used to it." he repeated. "but you never really liked it." he mused. "you do remember, you just don't want to think about it, but that's okay. i'm sure Steve's forgiven you." he promised. "he wouldn't be trying with you again if he hadn't forgiven you." he pointed out with a smile. "but i could totally make her soup!" he protested as he skipped out. "i can use a microwave you know! we have the canned stuff." he admitted as he headed to do just that. thankfully, Tony in fact, could operate a microwave without ruining whatever was inside, so she soon had a bowl of soup perfectly piping hot.
“I’m sure he’d say the same about himself. You two are way hard on yourselves.”Farian sighed softly, having seen just how james reacted to the other when he first walked in. A look of longing, like he would be wanted to be there, but wasn’t sure he’d be accepted before walking on in, the cocky self assured mask once again firmly in place. “...Oh gods. Don’t say that. That’s creepy and with as much tech that’s here, I don’t want to consider it.”she made a face before smirking. “We don’t. And I wont let anyone make the choice about tony until I do....even if touching him is hard these days. I totally start burning up, and not in a good way. We set the bedsheets on fire the last time we did.”She smiled a little.

“.....Don’t have to. I’ve dressed him up as a girl ebfore. It’s not nearly as much fun these days when he’s the captain.”James made a face shrugging a little, because while steve had had problems with himself when he was a pipsqueak, and life had been harder when he was always sick and james had been the only one to be able to work, but he’d enjoyed having him small at times. Ducking his head to avoid tony’s eyes as the other studied him he nodded. “Yea, a few of those fights nearly did. Thank god the other commandos learned quickly to keep us apart after fights, otherwise we had a tendency to be explosive towards each other.”James muttered tensing a little at tony’s repeating his words, shying away from actually talking about this now. He didn’t want to, not when he simply wanted to enjoy his stevie. Even if he knew they’d have to eventually deal with it, and finally tell steve what he’d managed to avoid truly telling him for years-the problem he really had with steve being the captain. But for now, he could leave it alone and simply enjoy being with him,knowing he’d probably be abandoned when he told steve, so he was just going to enjoy it for now. Smirking at tony’s words he snickered. “I’m so very proud of you. Don’t forget to put it in a bowl and not nuke it in the metal can.”he teased grinning as he headed down for the hospital room, knowing tony would be down soon enough.

“Hey you two.How you feeling?”James said smiling a little as he looked the smiling woman over, something tihgt in his chest easing, at least she wasn’t angry. Maybe tony would have a okay day after all when he got down with the soup. “Not bad. Tired, but not burning up at the moment.”Farian smiled before it widened even more when tony walked in.”Hey Tony.”She said smiling softly, almost shyly.
he smiled a little. "yeah i imagine so. but trying to talk to Bucky before he's ready to talk is just like poking a dragon while it's sleeping. he'll rip my face off and then feel even worse about it." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's better to let him start this conversation." Steve admitted with a smile. "i know! it's creepy and i can't stop thinking about it!" he complained. "good. because no one but you can decide what's best for you. sure you might make a bad decision here or there but they are YOUR decisions to make." he admitted with a smile before he grimaced. "i know. Tony totally wigged out. James had to drag him out of here remember because he was convinced he'd killed you." and Tony hadn't touched her since, terrified of hurting her.

Tony's eyes glittered. "Seriously?! oh that's awesome! i bet he just loved that!" he hadn't talked to Bucky for a week after that. too insecure about his own masculinity to be totally okay with dressing as a girl even if he let Bucky talk him into it a lot. like a, a lot a lot. the more he did it the more he'd liked it. "so the Commandos didn't mind that you guys where gay?" he asked looking startled. "huh. Howard always told me that the Commandos would hate me for fucking other men." he admitted. "at the time they where all dead though so i guess that's why i believed him. i really aught to know better by now." he admitted. "shut up Barnes!" Tony ordered. "i know better than to put metal in the microwave!" he complained as he skipped off.

"Morning Bucky!" Steve chirped with a grin as he watched the other. "we're doing good." he admitted as he went back to sketching now that the heavy emotional stuff was over. "morning! i braught soup! i made it myself! straight from the can." Tony admitted as he fidgeted, not sure how to give her the bowl without touching her, Steve chuckling as he got the tray with the legs on it so she could eat her soup without spending a ton of energy holding the bowl.
“Some dragons aren’t worth poking, not when he’s already working through stuff.”Farian said tilting her head a little, knowing there was things james wanted to talk about, and needed to, but it was hard to work around to actually talking about it for the man. Definitely better then forcing james to confront things before he was ready. “I know. It was horrible...though he had killed me there for a few minutes till I cooled off.”Farian shuddered at the memory, but it was a testiment to both her and tony’s dedication that despite that, they were still trying to work on it.

“Hm, not really. He pissed and whined about it the whole time.”James smiled softly, fondly. Because while it had led to some utterly awkward times for the two super soldiers, the two still had had alot of fun doing was just the aftermath that left them scrambling to figure out how to work. “No, they simply....made sure we had a room to ourselves when it was available, or if not, made sure to never walk into our tent without warning us that they were. Otherwise they were liable to see something they didn’t want to....and you really should know better.”James agreed snickering at tony’s protests of knowing how to use a mircowave.

“Good.”James smiled shifting to sit down on the spare bed next to farian’s, leaning to look over steve’s shoulder and see what he was sketching, biting his lip to keep from laughing at how utterly pleased tony sounded at making soup. “Really?Is it safe?”Farian teased, eyes bright with laughter as she shifted to sit up, smiling as steve got the tray, and starting to eat. “It’s from a can, and he reassured me he can use the mircowave, so it’s safe.”James said smirking at tony, tilting his head a little as he watched the man fidget. Worried about him, and more then a little messed up himself at the moment from the talk over memories. this was just going to be a bad day.
he nodded. "exactly." he agreed. "he'll tell me what's on his mind eventually. in the meantime ill do my best to make him see that whatever wrong, i won't leave him for it." he admitted with a smile. "yeah well, me too." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i was certain we where going to have to bury you." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "but your body is calming down." he admitted with a smile. "Bruce is working his hardest to make sure nothing bad happens. i don't think he's slept since you... er. 'got sick'..." he admitted with a smile.

Tony laughed a little. "i'd dress up as a girl." he offered with a grin. "think Farian would like that? i bet she'd think it funny. i should do that." he mused with a grin. "that's hilarious." he admitted with a grin. "i suppose they got an eyeful more than once huh?" he asked with a grin.

Steve grinned at James and tilted his pad so James could see. it was a picture of James and Tony, snuggled up on the couch asleep. it was super cute. "of course it's safe! i told you, everything i do is amazing!" Tony complained, pouting at her. not about to admit that it had been Jarvis who had set the time on the microwave. "are you feeling okay?" Tony asked, staring at her, eyes worried and a little bit frightened. worried that she would hate him, or at least be mad at him.
“Best thing you can do. He needs to know he wont be alone.”Farian smiled a little as she considered just how screwed up the years had left james, knowing he’d get around to talking as soon as he could. “...It is. As bad as it is, it’s calming slowly.”She smiled pleased before wincing. Huffing a little. “You’re going ot have to tell him to get some sleep. I know it’s important, definitely don’t want anything to happen, but he doesn’t need to be working exhausted.”She said looking worried.

“You’d look good as a girl.”James snickered before nodding.”She’d probably laugh, then complain you look better in a dress then her.”He teased before nodding. “Definitely more then once. Apparently my lack of a sense of shame leads to being seen naked alot by people. Who knew?”James snickered.

James smiled snickering a little.”You are such a dork. And here I thought it’d be a sexy picture of me.”James muttered teasing the other a little. “Just making sure. Not doubting your amazingness, just didn’t want the amazingness making me sick.”She teased a little as she ate, before smiling. “I’m tired. And warm for once. It’s,...weird. But I’m doing okay Tony.”she said softly, because while she wasn’t sure about this, or how it was going to work, she wanted to try. Still wanted him, no matter how difficult this was.
he chuckled and nodded. "i know." he admitted with a smile. "even if he hated me, i'd never leave him." he admitted. "because he'll stop hating me eventually." he admitted with a grin. "besides, Bruce is, unfortunately, like me. he only needs a few hours of sleep a night, if any. he's fine for now." he promised. "if he doesn't get sleep tonight i'm sure James will interfere." he admitted with a smile.

"i would look good as a girl!" he admitted with a grin. "and i don't think that i could ever look as good in a dress as she does." he admitted with a goofy grin before he laughed. "well, we do get caught fucking each other by Bruce almost every other day." he pointed out with a grin.

"oh. you mean like this one?" Steve asked, flipping the pad to reveal a naked picture of himself, working himself open just for James. "oops. not that one. this one." he flipped the page again revealing a picture of James, tastefully nude, laying on a couch and smirking. "my magazines only makes those who are unworthy ill!" Tony sniffed before nearly sagging he was so relieved that she wasn't mad at him. "i'm glad." he whispered as Bruce swept into the room, looking perfectly awake and perky. "good morning!" Bruce chirped as he moved over to Farian to check her vitals as he did every morning.
“...That’s not my fault!You’re always blaming me for your lack of shame in fucking in public places. This is not my fault.”James sulked.

James stared, his eyes going wide, mouth dry as he looked at the pictures. “Wait. Go back to the first one. I want to see more like that one. I lost the ones I had originally.”James frowned a little, a wisp of sadness to the words, not so much because he’d lost what amounted to a porn collection worth of drawings during the war, but because he’d lost all his photographs and pictures of steve from before and after, had lost any touchstone to who he’d once was, except for whatever tony had found, and steve’s own presence here now. Tony had offered to get him the pictures from the museum, but he hadn’t quite brought himself to agree to it, and he wasn’t sure way. Snickering quietly as he listened to the other couple, he was glad that farian was relaxed and calm, glad tony wasn’t upset.”Show me more.”He demanded looking interested.

“Ah, good thing I’m worthy then.Makes me want to reward you.”Farian said looking amused as she watched him as she ate, before looking up at bruce, smiling slightly. “Morning.”She said tilting her head a little, “I’m feeling better today.”Seh said smiling at the scientist.
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